HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/03/2001! () 0 0 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Tuesday, April 3, 2001 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, April 3, 2001 at 9:30 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Roger Froemming, Chair; Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair, Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Bob Block present. Approval of Agenda Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to approve the County Board agenda of April 3, 2001, with the following changes: Cancel: Father William Ovsak Homestead Appeal Cancel: Assessor, Bob Moe -Performance Evaluation Add: Mark Morris, Chief Deputy-Canine Program Add: Dave Stadum, Program Manager, HHW -Collection Contract Approvals Add: Kathy Domholt, Benefits Coordinator -Health Insurance Add: Lakes Improvement District Motion carried. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Block, to approve the County Board minutes of March 27, 2001, as mailed. Motion carried. Ditch No. 52 -St. Olaf Township Tiny Holm, Ag/Ditch Inspector, presented a request by Charles Schlotfeld and his brother. Mr. Schlotfeld bought the Lauritz and Ethel Bystol property and sold the building site. They would like to install a culvert in the ditch system, at their own cost, to get into the field. Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to approve the 48-inch culvert, into Ditch 52, with the expenses paid by the Schlotfelds. Motion carried. Update of Drainage on Jewett Lake Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, gave an update of the DuWayne Schafer property on Jewett Lake. Mr. Kalar had received a response to his letter dated March 7, 2001, addressed to Elizabeth Township. The Elizabeth Township Board was unable to confirm what they will be doing in regard to culverts under approaches on the Jewett Lake Road until after the snow cover has melted. The Township Board requested help from the Land & Resource office regarding this decision. Land & Resource Office Reorganization Mr. Kalar provided the Land & Resource Management Organizational Chart for 2000 and one for 2001, with the proposed changes. These changes included the promotion of the .current Office Tech I to an Office Tech II position and hiring a temporary Office Tech I. There will be an addition of an Ag Intern position using funding from the U.S. Fish and Wild Life grant. Motion by Mosher, second by Block, to approve the Land & Resource Management Organizational Chart effective April 1, 2001, with the above listed changes. Motion carried. OTC Board of Commissioners ' Minutes April 3, 2001 Page 2 Comprehensive Local Water Plan 0 Motion by Nelson, second by Block, to appoint Don Davenport, Vic Petterson, David Holt, Lenny Holmer, and Tim James to the Environmental Advisory Council effective immediately. Motion carried. Rick's Lazy Eighty Estates Clem Hendrickson of Anderson Land Surveying, was present to request the removal of a condition from a Planning Commission recommendation. The recommendation from the Planning Commission was to show a wetland across the road from lot 4 of Rick's Lazy Eighty Estates on Long Lake south of Underwood. Mr. Hendrickson stated he could not find a wetland, except for a wetland north of it. With this recommendation from the Planning Commission, Bill Kalar cannot present the Final Plat to the County Commissioners. Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to remove the wetland from the plat of Rick's Lazy Eighty Estates. Motion carried. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, to approve payment of bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Motion carried. 2001 Boating Enforcement Supplemental Agreement Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2001 -16 Commissioner Lee offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the State, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §84.085, Subd. 1 (b) is empowered to enter Q into contracts with local units of government; and WHEREAS, the State pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 86B has a responsibility for boating safety; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth for boating safety. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the State of Minnesota will provide supplementary funding to Otter Tail County, in the amount of $5,000, for CY 2001 to provide for additional boating safety patrol hours during high use periods. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sheriff and County Auditor are authorized to sign the Boat and Water Supplemental Agreement. Commissioner Mosher seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted this 3rd day of April, 2001. Dated:. _ ____.>f_·_,_f""0_·-"'0'-'-1 ____ _ OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest ~ ~ Larry Kron, erk By:~ i--u~ 0 RogFroem 7ng,County8oard Chair 0 0 0 Personnel Request OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes April 3, 2001 Page 3 Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to hire a temporary deputy in the Sheriffs Department for six months through the summer season, as requested by Chief Deputy Mark Morris. Motion carried. Per Diem Increase for Bailiffs Chief Deputy Morris requested a $5.00 per day increase for bailiffs, which was included in last year's budget. Chief Deputy Morris stated that bailiffs have not had an increase in pay for three or four years. Bailiffs currently work approximately five to eight hours per day, on a part-time basis, and are paid $55.00 on a daily rate by vouchers. Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, to increase the rate of pay for bailiffs to $60.00 per daY: Motion carried. Discussion followed regarding the pay on a daily rate instead of hourly rate. County Attorney, David Hauser, will check into this. Canine Program Chief Deputy Morris reported that Sheriff Nelson had discussed with the Budget Committee adding a Canine Program. The start up costs would be funded through donations. The process has started and Chief Deputy Morris requested board approval to add $5,500 to next year's budget to run the program. Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, to approve the Canine Program and add $5,500 to next year's budget. Motion carried. Approval for Renewal of Licenses Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, to approve the following application for license: Nancy K. Purdon Lakeway Golf Course, Inc. RR 1, Box 129 Dalton, MN 56324 Motion carried. Renewal of Consumption and Display Permit Approval of Final Payment-S.A.P. 56-657-05 Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, to approve final payment per estimate No. 5 in the amount of $4,532.26, payable to Mark Sand & Gravel Acquisition Co. for completion of Bit. Leveling & Wearing Course, Aggregate Shouldering & Topsoil. Motion carried. CSAH No. 24 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2001 -17 Commissioner Lee offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, it appears to the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail that the highway right of way required for County State Aid Highway No. 24 under Project No. S.P. 56-624-10 should be accurately described and located by a highway right of way plat. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail that the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Otter Tail is hereby designating the definite location otCounty State Aid Highway No. 24 in Sections 21 through 28 inclusive, Sections 33 and 34, all in Township 135 North, Range 44 West and Sections 19 through 21 inclusive, Sections 28 through 30 inclusive, all in Township 135 North, Range 43 West of the 5th OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes April 3, 2001 Page4 Principal Meridian as shown on the 8 pages of OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY 0 PLAT NO 9. Commissioner Block seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted this 3rd day of April, 2001. Dated: ___ L.f+=--£ ..... 0~....C-~I ___ _ Attest: {-V,~ ¢ Larry Kroh ; Cler OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By:_JI_R~::__$C!f.~:.::~::2::~7 ____ _ Ro Froemming, County Board Chair Household Hazardous Waste Collection Contract Approvals Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, to authorize the chair's signature to execute the following contracts: I Contract agreement between Otter Tail County and the City of Underwood for the operation of a Mobile Collection for Household HEizardous Waste collection on May 15, 2001 at the Underwood Fire Hall between the hours 11 f 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. And 0 Contract agreement between Otter Tail County and the City of Henning for the operation of a Mobile Collection for Household HazElrdous Waste collection on June 13, 2001 at the Otter Tail County Highway Garage betw~en the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Motion carried. Health nsurance Kathy Domholt, Benefits Coordinator, presented! a packet of information regarding health insurance to the Commissioners. The Health Insurance Committee had conducted a survey during the annual insurance enrollment at the end of th~ year. This committee worked with BlueCross BlueShield to provide options for County emplo~ees. These options include: • Mid-level Deductible Health Plans 1. The current $300 deductible plan, 2. Copay plan 3. Enhanced $300 deductible plan • High-level Deductible Health Plans 1. The current $750 deductible plan 2. Enhanced $750 deductible plan 3. $1,000 deductible plan The County currently offers a $100 deductible plan which would still be offered. Insurance meetings have been scheduled to explain these :options to employees. A survey will be conducted n to see which options are the most popular in each of the plans. A wellness survey is also being W conducted at each of these meetings. u 0 0 ,. Per Diems OTC Board of Commissioners'. Minutes April 3, 2001 Page 5 There was a lengthy discussion regarding per diems for appointed committee board members. Auditor, Wayne Stein, stated that in the December 26, 2000, County Board minutes the half-day per diems were eliminated and a full-day per diem at the rate of $45.00 was established for County Commissioners only. Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, to eliminate half-day per diems, and establish full-day per diems at the rate of $45.00 for all appointed committee board members effective April 1, 2001. Motion carried. Clarification in Per Diem Increase for Bailiffs Chief Deputy Mark Morris requested a clarification in the previous motion for per diems for bailiffs. Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, to approve the increase of $5 per day for bailiffs effective April 1, 2001. Motion carried. Pope County Commissioner Visit Everell Barsness, Pope County Commissioner, was present. He is visiting the County Boards in the district to introduce himself. He was elected this past November and has worked with the Pope County Highway Department. Mr. Barsness would like to be elected to the AMC Policy Committee in June. Department Head Evaluations There was a discussion on department head evaluations and whether they were necessary or if a different format could be used. Mr. Hauser stated that the Commissioners hire department heads and this is a good way to monitor their performance and go through their job description. Commissioner Mosher felt it would be difficult to evaluate one's self. Lake Improvement District The Lakes Improvement District was discussed at length. County Attorney, David Hauser, stated that the law authorizes an enlargement of a lake improvement district, and states provisions for establishing one. You can establish one with a resolution of the County Board and go through a hearing process, or by petition. There is no provision in the law to make the LID smaller. You can end a lake improvement district and start a new one using the same name and same provisions, suspending its financial aspects, but if doing this at the same action, should not effect the financial part. Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, to ask legislators, including Mark Olson; author of the bill, to amend the laws pertaining to the Lake Improvement Districts to include 'modifying' the district rather than to 'expand' a district. Motion carried. Adjournment At 11 :57 a.m., Chair Froemming asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion by Mosher, second by Block, to adjourn the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners until Tuesday, April 10, 2001. Motion carried. Dated:_~'-/_-~/~O~-_0~/ ___ _ OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: kr a Larry Kro n, Clerk aunty Board Chair CB/ab .. 0 0 Otter Tail County Warrants April 3, 2001 Page 1 4/04/2001 10:42:42 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE l WARRANTS APPROVED ON 4/03/2001 FOR PAYMENT 4/03/2001 VENDOR NAME AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION SCOTT ARNDT CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMKT CASEY'S GENERAL STORE #2161 COOPER'S TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATE TECHNOLOGIES DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY THE DAILY JOURNAL FALLS AUTOMOTIVE INC. FERGUS ELECTRIC FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY FERGUS FALLS FLOOR TO CEILING STORE GOODIN COMPANY CHARLES GRONEWALD INC ERVIN HAGEN HOBART SALES & SERVICE HOLIDAY INSIGHT KIMBERLY KARJALA KELLY SERVICES INC. LAGERQUIST CORPORATION LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE LARRY OTT INC. TRUCK SERVICE PAUL LARSON LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC. M.A.R.S. MARTIN'S PAINTING & MORE MCHRMA MCLEODUSA PUBLISHING CO MID-STATE SERVICES THE MIDWEEK MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATIO MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY MOORE MEDICAL CORP. MPH INDUSTRIES INC. GARY NELSON SYDNEY NELSON NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL TELCOM PAMIDA INC. PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PERHAM CO-OP CREAMERY .PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PETE'S AMOCO PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING THE PIERCE CO. AMOUNT 75.00 455.00 97.30 104.80 369.73 310.00 115.ll 144.00 362.77 1,763.20 733.25 1,489.30 511.20 538.60 1,378.00 8. 39 ll.26 2,400.16 4,919.46 8.00 484.25 393.52 250.00 88.82 900.00 430.00 72.78 150.00 348.00 65.00 83.90 24.95 294.83 51.50 15. 00 145.05 6,422.00 50.25 44.85 222.72 5,737.50 2,129.81 l. 86 366.85 134.19 77.18 117.00 lll.83 34.90 Otter Tail County Warrants April 3, 2001 Page 2 4/04/2001 10:42:42 OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR PANELSON RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SYSTEM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION I WARRANTS APPROVED ON 4/03/2001 FOR PAYMENT VENDOR NAME PITNEY BOWES INC. RETROFIT RECYCLING, INC SCHMITZ FORD SERVICE FOOD SUPERVALU SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS SOUTH MILL SERVICE SOUTHTOWN C-STORE STEIN'S INC, THE STOCK HOUSE TRI-STATE TIRE US OFFICE PRODUCTS VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. AMOUNT 141.87 283.59 100.93 97.16 83.05 481.42 670.54 404.39 705.13 524.40 109.20 52.79 1,210.79 60.14 3,740.25 IFD66 COUNTY 56 PAGE 2 4/03/2001 FINAL TOTAL ...... . $43,708.72 **** Q 0 0