HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/13/2001, 11""""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 0 0 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Tuesday, March 13, 2001 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Roger Froemming, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Bob Block present. Vice~Chair Dennis Mosher was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Block, second by Nelson, to approve the Human Services Board agenda of March 13, 2001 with the following addition: 10:50 a.m. -Assessor, Bob Moe -Tax Court Settlement Information Motion carried. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lee, second by Block, to approve the Human Services Board minutes of February 27, 2001 as mailed. Motion carried. West Central Regional Juvenile Center Motion by Nelson, second by Block, to appoint Commissioner Syd Nelson and Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, to the WCR Juvenile Center Advisory Board for a two year term effective January 1, 2001. Motion carried. Juvenile Placement Funds Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2001 -12 Commissioner Nelson offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Jesse Ventura, Governor of the State of Minnesota has submitted a proposed operating budget to the Minnesota Legislature for the Fiscal Year 2002-2003, and WHEREAS, the Governor's budget proposes to reduce the Juvenile Residential Grants (Juvenile Placement Funds) paid to Minnesota counties in FY 2002 by 3.717 million dollars. These funds would be used to offset estimated losses to the state general fund because of the operating costs incurred by Minnesota Corrections Facility -Red Wing, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County utilizes its share of the Juvenile Residential Grant to offset the costs of out of home placements for juvenile delinquent offenders placed in any Minnesota based residential treatment facility, and WHEREAS, the reduction in Juvenile Residential Grant Funds will cause Otter Tail County to utilize County tax dollars to make up for the loss in funding, creating further budget problems for Otter Tail County. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 13, 2001 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Human Service Board 0 opposes Governor Ventura's proposal to rer1 uce Juvenile Residential Grant Funds paid to Minnesota Counties for Fiscal Year 2002. Commissioner Block seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, was unanimously carried. Adopted this 13th day of March, 2001. Dated: ::1Y\ OM! (2,., ~ 7 d: 0-0 ( . ' Attest: £tµ~ ~ Larry Kro n, Cerk OTTER TAIL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD By:_J_IJ5t.~~~~---- R' ger F emming, Human Services Board Chair Human Services 2001 Annual Board Work Plan Human Services Year 2000 Annual Draft Report Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, presented the Human Services 2001 Annual Work Plan. ' The Plan included legislative proposals relative ito human services issues, a master list of CY 2001 Human Services contracts, Family Managed Respite Care Report, Delivery of Regional Treatment Center Services in Northwestern Minnesota (~ concept paper outlining a change from campus based services to shared community bas~d services), and a report regarding a Public Tf ransportation meeting.d He ~lso presented the Year 2000 Annual Report in draft form which Q. ocuses on programs an services. Family Services Collaborative Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, preselited the universal home visiting plan that will be funded through the Family Services Collabor~tive. The project was approved by the Family Services CEO group and Executive Committee last week and recommended for implementation. It is targeted for birth to 6-year-old children and focuses on prevention activities as opposed to intervening with families already having trouble. The Public Health department will receive approximately $138,458 for the home visiting ptoject. Mr. Dinsmore introduced discussion regardin1 development of a reserve fund for the Family Services Collaborative. Interest earned annually on $657,000 will go into a reserve fund and 5% of the money earned for administrative services will be put into the fund. Additionally, the twenty- seven participating members will be asked to pay a membership fee of $250 this year (2001) and $350 next year. Otter Tail County has five Jntities participating. Lengthy discussion followed regarding participants' ability to pay this resel1 e fund fee and the basis or formula for the dollar amount requested. Bills & Claims Motion by Block, second by Nelson, to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Motion carried. Tax Court Settlement 0 Assessor, Bob Moe, briefed the Board regarding a tax settlement between the County of Otter Tail and Jennie O Foods Inc. Q 0 Adjournment OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 13, 2001 Page 3 At 11 :06 a.m., a motion was offered by Lee, seconded by Nelson, and carried to declare the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 2001. Dated: JY\ CY-f',P,, ';)_ 7, ?,ooJ I Attest: ~ ~ Larry ~Cler OTTER TAIL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD oemming, Human Services Board Chair Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 11:13 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Roger Froemming, Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Bob Block present. Vice-Chair Dennis Mosher was absent. Approval of Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Nelson, to approve the County Board agenda of March 13, 2001, as presented. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nelson, second by Block, to approve the County Board minutes of March 6, 2001, as mailed. Motion carried. Prometheus MC Zoo Run Bill Marts reported that the annual Prometheus Zoo Motorcycle Run is scheduled for June 22 - 24th. The activities planned are the same as previous years and the motorcycle run will be around the lakes area this year. Otter Tail County Lieutenant, Mike Boen, reported that the organizers have done a good job with security in the past and county officers would stop through on their regular duty to check on the event. Motion by Lee, second by Block, to waive the license requirement of the Exhibitions and Shows Ordinance for this event on the condition that all other requirements of the ordinance are met. Motion carried. Facilities Long Range Planning Discussion Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma, requested general County Board direction regarding long term and short term questions/concerns relative to County facilities. Some issues center around the County's relationship to outside agencies and how the relationship is defined in terms of what the County provides and what the agencies are required to provide or pay for relative to rent, use of equipment and staff expertise, and/or furnishings. Some sharing relationships have existed for a long time. Mr. Dinsmore noted that there are several RTC community based staff that need a location and if they were able to locate in the basement of the 505 Court Street building, this could provide some co-location of services. Mr. Sytsma expressed a need to locate an existing outside agency in that location and felt that possibly the issue could be resolved on a long term basis at the Regional Treatment Center; however, the County Board may need to develop a policy or guidelines to determine how these agencies will compensate the County for space, etc. Lengthy discussion continued regarding parking, security, and similar issues at the New York Mills building. By general consensus, the County Board agreed that the Physical Plant Manager would proceed with installing regular doors at the 121 Washington Avenue building and a moratorium will be OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 13, 2001 Page4 placed on any additional County facility space ; eing utilized by outside agencies. A committee of O County Coordinator, Larry Krohn; Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma; Commissioners Block and Nelson; and Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, will research facility issues and return to the County Board with a facilities policy recomniendation. Reclaslifications Motion by Lee, second by Block, to approve t~e reclassifications of GIS Address and Data Base Coordinator positions to a salary grade 21. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, to approJe the Receptionist/Clerk position in the Veterans Service office at a salary grade 7 as reco~mended by DMG/Maximus and to authorize the appropriate county officials to proceed with the hiring process. Motion carried. Performance Evkluation Summaries Motion by Lee, second by Nelson, to approve I the positive performance evaluation summaries of Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, and Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar, as presented. Additionally, the motion included placing the p~rformance summaries in the respective personnel file. Motion carried. . l lnvestme t Committee Chair Roger Froemming appointed Commissibner Dennis Mosher, Commissioner Malcolm Lee, Treasurer Steve Andrews, and Auditor War1 ne Stein, to an Otter Tail County Investment Comm~. Q Adjournment At 12:37 p.m., a motion was offered by Block Jnd seconded by Lee, to declare the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjburned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 20, 2001. Motion carried. · 1 Dated: '::1Yl Q~ 'J-:0 2<$a ( ortER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I By I (,)?, <,L ;l~ I ~ oge roemming,County8ord Chair Attest: ~ Larry Kro n, · erk CB/kd 0