HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/28/2000!'; """""""''. !!!l!!!!!!!!!!!----~ •• _, .,,,. · MINUTES OF THE
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room -Floor 1-B
Tuesday, November 28, 2000
9:30 a.m.
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County · Human Services Board convened Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at
9:32 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Roger Froemming, Chair;
Virginia Partmann, Vice-Chair; Syd Nelson, Dennis Mosher, and Malcolm Lee present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Lee, second by Partmann, to approve the Human Services Board agenda of
November 28, 2000 as presented. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to approve the Human Services Board minutes of
November 14, 2000 as mailed. Motion carried.
Contract Renewal Agreement
Motion by Partmann, second by Nelson, to authorize the Court Services Director's signature to
execute a contract renewal with Getronics and Otter Tail County Court Services. Getronics
provides the Glink software used by Court Services. Motion carried.
Secured Detention Costs
Court Services Director, Chuck Kitzman, reported that secured detention costs for juveniles will be
over the. budget amount of $50,000. Mr. Kitzman reported that the number of juveniles in secured
detention is about the same as last year; however, the cost per day per juvenile has gone from
$115 to $120, and also several juveniles have been in secured detention more than once. Mr.
Kitzman stated the over-budget amount would be $9,162 for the calendar year.
LPHA Legislative Initiatives
Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, requested the support of the Otter Tail County Human
Services Board for Local Public Health Association Legislative Proposals as follows:
Legislative Issues Concepts to Support
Essential Public Health Services • Statewide information and reporting system
• Increase CHS subsidy
• Consolidate categorical grants
• Train all counties in Disease Prevention &
'' Control Common Activities :·· Ongoing inflation adjustments to the CHS •
subsidy and block grants
• Funding for training in cultural issues
The Public Health Workforce • Increase MA reimbursement rates
• Educational incentives for higher education
• Increase cultural competency
' • Statewide survey to plan future
High Risk Health Behaviors • Funding
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
November 28, 2000
Page 2
Long Term Care for the Elderly and Disabled
Healthy Children: Our Investment, Our Future
Health Disparities
Promoting Healthy Adolescents
Health System Reform
Continue PH roles
Adequate Funding PAS Waiver Programs
Rewrite PCA statute
Funding for resource development
Prescription drug coverages
Funding for preventive programs targeted to
the elderly
Non-competitive statewide funding
Adequate funding for WIC
Fund regional immunization registries
Improved data collection
Social support to lower the number of person
living in poverty
Funding to help with work with refugee and
immigrant populations to reduce infectious
Funding for adolescent health care issues
Improving health status
System changes to fund prevention
System changes to address workforce
Improve access to health insurance
Discussion followed regarding refugee and immigrant populations and health issues, and children
having to provide health care for their elderly parents. Motion by Partmann, second by Lee to
support the LPHA legislative proposals as listed above, and to inform local legislators of Otter Tail
County's support. Motion carried.
Minority Health Assessment Update
Ms. Thorson reported that the most common problem with minority health assessments is
language barriers. Clinics need access to interpreters which cost about $2 per minute for phone
interpreters. One of the recommendations will be to see if a procedure can be developed for a
procedure code to allow for billing of interpreter services.
Chemical Dependency Treatment
Human Services Director, John Dinsmore, provided several handouts regarding chemical
dependency treatment. In 1999, 28,486 Minnesotans entered treatment. Fifty-eight per cent of
this treatment was paid for by public funds. Two-thirds of the individuals that enter treatment have
been in treatment before. Seven of eight adolescents in treatment have had some involvement
with the criminal justice system. Average costs of publicly-funded treatments are $4,200 for
inpatient, $1,400 for outpatient, extended care $6,000, and for halfway homes $3,500. Ethnic and
racial minority patients have a higher abstinence rate if treated in a culturally specific program
rather than a general population program. Also, adolescents have a higher abstinence rate if r'I
treated in a program for adolescents rather than a program for all ages. The abstinence rate is ,...._,
much lower for adolescents (21%) compared to adults (59%). Some recommendations to improve
treatment outcomes included: a more integrated system of care to ensure the delivery of needed
services to chemical dependency patients; expand the network of programs for people of color,
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
~ N=m~r28,WOO
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adolescents, and women with specials needs; improve treatment for adolescents, and get families
() more involved.
FFRTC Chemical Dependency Contract
Human Services Supervisor, Brad Vold, reported that there have been several meetings with the
Regional Treatment Center, Lake Region Hospital, and Law Enforcement. One issue of concern is
what to do when there are other medical problems to deal with besides treatment. Discussion
involved social detox and medically monitored detox. Social detox costs are less than those of
medically monitored detox. A new program offered through the RTC is the Adolescent Partial
Hospitalization Day Treatment Program. Admission cost is $89.00, Day Treatment without Foster
Care is $240.00, and Day Treatment with Foster Care is $270.000. Mr. Vold stated that some
treatment rates have gone up, and some rates have gone down. Mr. Vold requested approval of
the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center Chemical Dependency Contract. Motion by
Partmann, second by Lee, to accept the FFRTC Chemical Dependency Contract, pending County
Attorney approval. Motion carried.
Lake Region Halfway Homes, Inc.
Purchase of Service and Host County Contract
Dean Gilbertson, Program Director/Licensed Alcohol/Drug Counselor from Lake Region Halfway
Homes, Inc., reported on the need to increase the per diem rate by $9.00 per day which will be
utilized· to offset the cost of living expenses, increase in staff coverage to meet Minnesota
Department of Human Services Rule #35 guidelines for 24-hour coverage, while also providing
therapeutic structure in meeting the needs of increasing adolescent population. Motion by
Partmann, second by Mosher, to approve the Purchase of Service and Host County Contract,
pending approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried.
Area Agency on Aging Transportation Contract
Jodi Wentland, Human Services Supervisor, requested approval of the Area Agency on Aging
Transportation Contract in the amount of $13,160 for January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001.
This contract provides for transportation for medical needs for the elderly. Motion by Lee, second
by Nelson, to approval the Area Agency on Aging Transportation Contract in the amount of
$13,160, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried.
Catholic Charities Contract
Catholic Charities is an intensive treatment, Rule 5 facility, that deals with adolescents with mental
health problems. Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to approve the Purchase of Service
Agreement for Mental Health Services between Otter Tail County Department of Social Services
and Catholic Charities -Intensive Treatment Unit, which allows for a 3% increase. Motion carried.
Funeral Home Policy Update
Guy Olson, Olson Funeral Home, spoke on behalf of area funeral homes. They are requesting a
$150 increase, which is an increase from 5% to 7.2%, for funeral allowance expenses. There was
an increase in funeral allowance expense last year, but before that, the last increase was in 1987.
Barb Dohrer, Financial Assistance Supervisor, reported that there have been 33 burials this year.
This topic will be revisited at the December 12, 2000 Human Services Board. Further research
needs to be done regarding the breakdown of the expenses.
Bills & Claims
·Motion by Nelson, second by Partmann, to approve the Human Services bills and claims as
presented. Motion carried.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
N~em~2~~00 ,
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Adjournment 0
At 10:55 a.m., Chairman Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human .,
Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 2000.
Dated: '"[1,,.e., o..._, 2 /21 olccn OTTER TAIL COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD
Atte~t: i~r ~ Larry Kro n, Clrk
roemming, Human Services Chair
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at
11 :00 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Virginia Partmann, Chair; Roger Froemming,
Vice-Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Dennis Mosher present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to approve the County Board agenda of November 28, 2000
with the following addition:
Bill Kalar -Final Plat
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes Q
Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, to approve the County Board minutes of November 21, · ·
2000 as mailed. Motion carried.
Establish Bid Opening Date for Vining Garage and
Bid Opening Date for Gravel Pit in Clitherall Township
Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, and unanimously carried, to authorize the sale of the
following described parcels of property, as recommended by Richard West, County Engineer, with
the bid opening scheduled for Tuesday, December 26, 2000:
Gravel Pit-
Beginning at a point 103.0 feet South of the Northwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter of
Section 5, Township 132 North, Range 40 West; thence due South 281 .0 feet; thence due
East 225.0 feet; thence due North 299.0 feet; thence South 88 degrees 13 minutes West 225.1
feet to point of beginning. The same containing 1.51 acres, more or less.
Vining Garage -
All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 132,
Range 39, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows:
Commencing at the North Quarter corner of said Section 12; thence on an assumed bearing of
South 0 degrees 03 minutes 04 seconds West along the east line of said Northwest Quarter, a
distance of 2,178.28 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway
No. 40, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 0 degrees
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
November 2B, 2000
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03 minutes 04 seconds West along said east line, a distance of 310.07 feet to the center of
Section 12; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds West along the south line of said
Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 858.40 feet to the intersection with
a line drawn parallel with and distant 300.00 feet southeasterly of, as measured at right angles
to the southeasterly line of Kimball Street as dedicated in the ORIGINAL TOWN OF VINING,
according to the recorded plat thereof; thence South 60 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West
parallel with said southeasterly line of Kimball Street, a distance of 187 .66 feet to the
northeasterly line of Lund Avenue as dedicated in said ORIGINAL TOWN OF VINING; thence
North 29 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West along said northeasterly line of Lund Avenue,
a distance of 300.00 feet to said southeasterly line of Kimball Street; thence North 60 degrees
30 minutes 00 seconds East along said southeasterly line of Kimball Street, a distance of
1,098.00 feet to the northeasterly line of said ORIGINAL TOWN OF VINING; thence South 29
degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East along the southeasterly extension of said northeasterly
line of ORIGINAL TOWN OF VINING, a distance of 300.00 feet; thence South 60 degrees 30
minutes 00 seconds West parallel with said southeasterly line of Kimball Street, a distance of
21.54 feet to said southwesterly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 40; thence
southeasterly along said southwesterly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway no 40,
on a non-tangential curve, concave to the northeast, having a radius of 2,914.96 feet, delta
angle of 2 degrees 40 minutes 42 seconds and a chord bearing of South 38 degrees 31
minutes 08 seconds East, for an arc distance of 136.27 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing 11.99 acres more or less.
Cancellation Request/Policy Release for the
County's Boiler and Machinery Coverage
Motion by Nelson, second by Lee, to authorize the Chair's signature on the cancellation
request/policy release for the County's Boiler and Machinery Coverage, which as of January 1,
2001 will be provided by the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust. Motion carried.
Final Plat -"Labrador Beach"
Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, to approve the subdivision on Labrador Beach on Franklin
Lake in Dunn Township as presented. The property is described as that part of Government Lot 7
and part of Government Lot 8 of section 27 and that part of Government Lot 2 and Government
Lot 3 of Section 34, all in township 137 North, Range 42 West in Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing on Livestock Limitation Amendment
to the Shoreland Management Ordinance
At 11 :07 a.m. Chair Partmann opened the public hearing Present for the hearing were all five
seated commissioners; County Attorney, David Hauser; Diane Thorson, Public Health Director;
and members of the public. Bill Kalar reviewed how the process began to amend the OTC
Shoreland Management Ordinance. The decision to amend the SMO was made in November of
1999, with the change process starting in February of 2000. There was more study throughout the
summer and a Public Hearing was held September 26, 2000, to review the proposed amendments.
On August 22, 2000, Public Health Director, Diane Thorson, reported to the Board that there was a
feedlot near Lake Lida where run-off was going directly into Lake Lida. This issue was overlooked
at the first hearing.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
November 28, 2000
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This hearing is regarding the following proposed amendment only:
IV. 4.
E. Livestock must be kept 50 ft from the OHWL of General Development (GD)
and Recreational Development (RD) lakes, except for a limited water access
designed as part of an approved Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD)
grazing plan.
Commissioner Mosher questioned if proper notice was given regarding this public hearing.
Commissioner Mosher stated he had been at a couple of meetings and very few people knew of
this hearing today. His concern was that the ag community needed better notification and that
making any decision done in haste would be a poor decision. Commissioner Mosher stated he
was in favor of clean water. County Attorney, David Hauser, stated that notice was given by
required statute which is publication.
At 11 :16 a.m., Chair Partmann opened the hearing for audience participation.
Reginald Hanson, President of Property Owners Association on Loon Lake, questioned if this
amendment was for lakes only or did it include rivers too? He felt it should include rivers. Chair
Partmann stated that the proposed amendment is 50 ft. from OHWL of General Development and
Recreational Development lakes.
Willard Bud Nelson, from the Dalton area in Commissioner Masher's district, and also a realtor,
reported that his family had been in the St Olaf and Tumuli townships since 1873 and always had
cattle and there was no damage to the environment. Mr. Nelson stated that since he was a realtor
he knew the property value of Otter County lakes. Mr. Nelson questioned if cattle graze by the
lake, then would the land be considered for agricultural purposes and be an exception to the Green
Acres law? Chair Partmann stated that this hearing was not about Green Acres and not about
feedlots, the hearing is about one proposed amendment only.
Charles Erickson, Vice-Chair of Farm Bureau, first addressed the PA system stating he could
hardly hear what was being said. He also felt this proposed ordinance was 'putting the cart before
the horse'. What are the state laws? Mr. Erickson stated that this hearing was very poorly
advertised. He stated that he had had cattle on a mile of lakeshore and it is not the cattle in Otter
Tail County that are doing the damage. He asked for time and common sense.
Commissioner Lee stated that the proposed ordinance came about as a suggestion from the
Coalition of Lakes Association. Gary Cruff, representing COLA, stated that he had received
numerous calls regarding cattle in the lakes. He had referred these calls to the commissioners as
they are the ones that make the final decision. He stated he still is getting these calls. He stated
that there are national and state laws on clean water.
Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, reported that they had received a complaint regarding a
feedlot near Lake Lida where run-off was going directly into the lake. Water tests were done and
fecal coliform was present When fecal coliform is present, e-coli could pose a public health threat.
Ms. Thorson stated she was in favor of the proposed amendment because of the threat of Q
contamination of e-coli which can cause a very severe infection leading to kidney failure.
Todd Johnson, Aurdal township, stated that he stays on top of things and he had not heard of this
hearing nor did he know of the changes being made to the Shoreland Management Ordinance.
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November 28, 2000
Page 7
Shelly Becklund, EOT Soil and Water Conservation District, stated that there would be funding
available to help with fencing. Ms. Becklund stated that one cow produces 1 O times the body
waste than that of a human.
Willard Bud Nelson proposed doing a site by site ruling. He stated that if we got rid of the grazing
land and put in a RV park -would that be more environmentally friendly?
Bert Olson, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that this issue has come up many times
and if this proposed amendment doesn't go through now it will keep coming up. He stated he was
thankful for the public hearing as they don't always hear both sides.
Brad Mergens, WOT Soil and Water Conservation District, talked about limited access to lakes and
prescribed grazing. He talked about non-erosive slopes which would limit the time cattle spend in
the water. These slopes have large rocks; therefore, cattle do not spend time in the water as the
rock is hard on their feet.
At 11:53 a.m., Chair Partmann closed the public hearing, and thanked the public for attending the
hearing. A final decision will be made at the next Board meeting on December 12, 2000.
Recess and Reconvene
At 11 :54 a.m., Chair Partmann recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners for lunch break. The meeting was reconvened at 1: 10 p.m. with all five seated
commissioners present.
Closed to the Public
At 1 :10 · p.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners closed to the public for the purpose of evaluating the performance of Highway
Engineer, Rick West, pursuant to M.S. §471.705 Subd. 1d(d). All five seated commissioners were
present for the evaluation. At 1 :40 p.m., upon conclusion of Mr. West's performance evaluation,
Chair Partmann declared the meeting opened to the public to consider the remaining agenda
CSAH No. 82
Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, to approve the request from Mark Sand and Gravel
Acquisition Company to reduce the retainage on the project from 2½% to 1 % as recommended by
the Highway engineer. Motion carried.
Facilities Plan Update
David Shultz and Amanda Torgerson of Shultz, Torgerson Architects, were present to give an
update of the Otter Tail County facility masterplan. Mr. Shultz and Ms. Torgerson have been
working with the building committee on preliminary plans for the Regional Treatment Center that
has been acquired by OTC. They have interviewed the department heads to obtain ideas of what
kind of space needs there are. Through this process they have developed a masterplan for the
RTC building and Courthouse. Under this masterplan OTC offices would be reduced from four
buildings to two buildings in Fergus Falls, plus the recycling center. Work could begin as early as
the summer or fall of 2001 and possibly be completed within four years. Estimated cost of the
project is $11,258,349. Additionally, the 505 South Court Street building and the bank property
would be sold, and leasing of the 121 Washington Avenue building would be terminated.
Construction sequencing is as follows:
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
November 28, 2000
Page 8
1. Remodeling of RTC site. Potential occupants of remodeled RTC site would include Q
Human Services, MIS, Public Health, Extension Offices, Red Cross, County
Coordinator's Office, Commissioners, Highway Engineering, and OTC Land Offices.
2. Remodeling of Law Enforcement, Highway Engineering, and reconstruction of sheriff
residence and old jail. Occupants would be Law Enforcement and the Police
3. Remodeling of the 2nd floor of the Courthouse. Occupants would be Court
Administration and County Attorney.
Remodeling of the 3rd floor of the Courthouse. Third floor would be for the court
rooms and judges. The cost of the remodeling of the third floor will be most
expensive as the plan is to restore the historic value of that area. Also, some of the
work will have to be done during off hours so as not to disrupt court.
Physical Plant Manager, Rick Sytsma, reported that increased security needs has become a big
issue. Mr. Sytsma stated that once the signed deed for the RTC is in hand, the STS crew will be
utilized for some demolition work at the RTC site. Motion by Lee, second by Froemming, to
endorse the concept of the OTC facility masterplan and to begin demolition work as soon as the
signed deed is acquired. Motion carried.
Telecommunications Consulting Services Agreement
Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to authorize the appropriate county officials' signatures to
eM~ecute a
_n aMgreement fbetwe
en the ~ounty of Ott
er Tail and PS
c Alliance lncorpor
atehd of 0
1nneapo 1s, innesota, or te ecommun1cat1on consu ting services on y, to convert new te ep one "iiiiiil
technology for the Courthouse, Law Enforcement Center, and existing offices where the County
has current presence. The cost of the telecommunications consulting services agreement is not to
exceed the amount of $25,000. Motion carried.
Correspondence Acknowledged
Chair Partmann acknowledged receipt of two letters from Manley Nichols of Henning township.
This issue will be referred to the Solid Waste Director and the County Attorney.
Joint Vehicle Purchase
Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to authorize Chief Deputy, Mark Morris and Highway Engineer,
Rick West, to proceed with vehicle purchases using the state contract as recommended, which
would come out of the year 2001 budget. Motion carried.
Western Area City-County Cooperative
Motion by Froemming, second by Mosher, to elect not to join the Western Area City-County
Cooperative because of the high membership cost. The cost of membership for Otter Tail County
is $5,000 annually. Motion carried.
At 2:44 p.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners adjourned until Tuesday, December 12, 2000.
0 Dated: ,Jku:P , p..._,, , IJ., oloCX"'I
Attest: ~~ ~ Larry Kr£ Clek
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
November 28, 2000
Page 9
ortmann, County Board Chair