HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/16/2000•
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Thursday, November 16, 2000
1:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :18 p.m.
Attendance: Brooks Andersen, Leon Anderson, Sharon Bjork, Jack Dawkins, Rick Denzel, Wade Erickson,
Pauline Fitch, Dawn Godel, Sandi Gundberg, Terry Hoff, Blake Johnson, Cheryl Jones, Amy Kampa,
.Marion Kershner, Malcolm Lee, Mick McCormick, Wendy Metcalf, Michele Petterson, Todd Smedstad,
'Dennis Soderstrom, and Joe Thompson.
Excused Absences: Joanne Derby, David Hauser, Dave Jennen, Merle King, Larry Krohn, Lori Morrell, Syd
Nelson, Gary Waskosky, and Rick West.
Unexcused Absences: Tim Brand.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Dawn Godel read the Norms of Behavior list.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of October 25, 2000, by consensus with the
following change:
Change from:
Change to:
"If we continue another year through LCSC, there will be no increase."
"We are locked in with Lakes Country Coop and there will be an
increase of approximately 9.5 percent".
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of November 16, 2000, by consensus with the
following additions:
• Replacement for Cheri Schultz
• Labor/Management Officers
Discussion Items
A. Insurance/Benefits Subcommittee
Dawn Godel reported that the Insurance/Benefits Subcommittee met last Monday, November 6, 2000; at
which time the subcommittee completed creating a survey, which will be sent to all employees along
with their benefit statements.
B. Replacement for Cheri Schultz
The Labor/Management Committee tabled the above item for the next meeting.
C. Labor/Management Officers
Todd Smedstad read a memo that he received from Larry Krohn to the Labor/Management Committee
regarding Labor/Management Officers. Todd then referred to the Labor/Management Committee
Bylaws, Article II, Officers which states:
TERM: The Officers will serve a term of twelve ( 12) months. The twelve ( 12) month
term will expire December 31 st of each year.
Otter Tall County Labor/Management Committee
November 16, 2000
Page 2
SELECTION: To be a co-chair, the individual must have tieen a committee representative a (
minimum of six (6) months, except for the initial year. Officers will be chosen
by their respective parties (Labor and Management) each December. The
co-chair's term will begin in January.
DUTIES: The co-chairs will perform the following duties:
Conduct meetings
Finalize agenda (including content and time limits)
Clarify action points at each meeting
Todd then opened the topic of co-chairs for discussion; the following items were discussed:
• Election of officers should be done in December
• New co-chairs should start at different times
• New co-chairs should attend the Facilitators' Training Class handled which are coordinated
through Lori Morrell with the Bureau of Medication
• David Hauser to form a committee for the updating/amending of the bylaws
• Management co-chair term begin in January, labor co-chair term begin in. July
• Change co-chair term to two years
• Change co-chair term to 18 months
• Cheryl Jones to check with Lori Morrell on Facilitators' Training Classes schedule .
Consensus by Labor/Management Committee to table discussion until the next meeting.
D. Courthouse Hours
Group consensus to table above item until the Labor/Management Committee receives results of the
courthouse hours survey. Todd Smedstad will discuss this survey with Larry Krohn.
E. Security
The following items were discussed regarding personal security: (
• Human Services, 505 South Court Street has door locks with codes . -
• In the courthouse building, if the power goes out lights will come on via a generator
• Building Maintenance checking into card entry systems
• Regional Treatment Center buildings security issues
• Human Services, Washington Avenue Building -there have been reports of cars being
"key-scratched" in parking lot
• Certain areas within the courthouse building need more security
• Human Services, Washington Avenue -needs more security measures
• Training to recognize warning signs/symptoms of personal security
• Installing additional panic buttons
• Checking each office for building security
• Each department should have a personal security plan of action
• Security for Public Health employees on home visits
• Focus on the highest risk areas
• Security issues are different for each department
• Immediate and long term solutions
• · Human Services, New York Mills location has no security
Group consensus to carry discussion forward to the nex1 meeting.
Next Meeting
The discussion items for the December agenda include:
• Replacement for Cheri Schultz
• Labor/Management Officers
• Courthouse Hours
• Security
At 3:02 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared by consensus, the meeting of the Otter Tail· County
Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 21, 2000.
MEETINC DATE: Novei:n.ber 16, 2000
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