HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/24/20000
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-8
Tuesday, October 24, 2000
9:30 a.m.
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Human Services Board convened Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at
9:31 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Commissioners Roger FroenJming, Chair;
Dennis Mosher, Vice-Chair; Malcolm Lee, and Virginia Partmann present. Commissioner Syd
Nelson wa,s present at 9:40 a.m.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Mosher, second by Partmann, to approve the Human Services Board agenda of
.October 24, 2000 as mailed. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to approve the · Human Services Board minutes of
October 10, 2000 as mailed. Motion carried.
Retirement Plaque Presentation
Chair, Roger Froemming, presented a plaque to Eugene Elshaug for his 28 plus years of service
with Otter Tail County as a Chemical Dependency Counselor. Co-workers expressed their sincere
gratefulness for having worked with Gene and thanked him for his service in helping clients.
Human Services Agency Goals & Objectives Update
Human Service's-Director, John Dinsmore, presented the Human Services Agency Goals &
Objectives quarterly update (July 1, 2000 lb September 30, 2000). Discussion followed in two
specific areas; 1) out-of-home placement and, 2) energy assistance. Human Services Supervisor,
Brad Vold, presented information regarding out-of-home placement. He noted that the number of
days children are iD out-of-home placement is reducing. Foster care is not permanent according to
the state and the philosophy now is to provide permanence in the lives of children. Discussion
continued regarding funding. Administrative Assistant, Peggy Meissner, reviewed· the Energy
Assistance Program. Requests for energy assistance applications have increased by
approximately 40% this year. She explained the 90-day income guidelines to qualify for energy
assistance and the back-up assistance matrix, in case heating funds are exhausted. Discussion
followed regarding turn around time for applications, posting EAP phone number in senior centers,
and crisis situations.
Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG)
Chuck Kitzman, Court Services Director, informed the board that Otter Tail County has the
opportunity to receive a grant of $11,176 under the federal JAIBG program. The grant requires a
cash, match and specific ways the money can be spent. Discussion followed. Motion by
Partmann, second by Lee, to recommend that Otter Tail County's JAIB grant funds be transferred
to the .West _Central Regional Juvenile Center (WCRJC) because they currently have a transition
program for juvenile offenders that is used by Otter Tail County. Motion carried.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
October 24, 2000
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Dog Bite Hearings
At 10:15 a.m., County Attorney, David Hauser stated that two dog bite hearings will be held
pursuant to the Otter Tail County Animal Ordinance. After being duly sworn in by the County
Attorney, Public Health Nurse Phyllis Knutson, gave testimony regarding two dog bite incidents on
June 9, 1998 and March 2, 2000 involving a dog named Timber owned by Kathy Toso. After being
duly sworn in by the County Attorney, Kathy Toso presented a picture of Timber and proof of shot
records for the dog. She stated that she didn't know anything about the first dog bite and did not
deny that the second bite occurred. Mr. Hauser asked what has been done to keep this from
happening again? Ms. Toso responded that the dog is kept in the house and when outside is kept
on a coil chain and on a chain when walking the dog. After being duly sworn in by the County
Attorney, Mr. Cole (father of the girl bitten on March 2, 2000) stated that Herbert Putnam was a
previous owner of the dog and got rid of the dog because he thought the dog was violent.
He stated that his daughter was bitten three times in the leg, then the dog got into the car, and
Ms. Toso drove off. Ms. Knutson stated that Ms. Toso has agreed to keep the dog in the house
with her and when the dog is outside, the dog will be on the cable chain. She felt that this action
would protect the public and would be equal treatment relative to similar action in other dog bite
cases. Discussion continued. Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, to order that the dog named
Timber owned by Kathy Toso be kept in her house or on a cable leash if outside in her yard for the
safety of the public. If anyone sees the dog or the dog is running at-large, the dog would be picked
up, a hearing of fact would occur and if found that the dog was at-large, it would be euthanized.
Motion carried. The County Attorney will send a written finding of order to Ms. Toso by certified
After being duly sworn in for the second dog bite hearing, Ms. Knutson presented a picture
(identified as Exhibit 1) showing a bite to the face of a 2 year old girl on August 30, 2000. The dog,
Dillon, is owned by Chris and Roxanne Larson and the bite took place at 117 N. Broadway in
Fergus Falls. Ms. Knutson stated that this was the first bite but caused substantial bodily injury.
After being duly sworn in, Chris Larson showed a picture of his dog, a 3 year old West Highland
Terrier, along with information about the breed. Mr. Larson stated that the bite did occur, the 2
year old girl is doing fine now, and he is taking care of all medical bills. Mr. Larson submitted steps
he will take to ensure that the dog does not bite again. The steps include that the dog be handled
by adults, on a leash when outside, not alone when around strangers, and moved to another
residence when other children are at his home. Motion by Partmann, second by Mosher, to
approve the steps submitted by Mr. Larson to ensure the safety of the public. Motion carried. The
County Attorney will send a written order of findings to Mr. Larson by certified mail.
Family Resource Center
Family Resource Center Director, Mary Jane Westra, has 8 children, 5 of which are adopted. She
is passionate about permanency for children and worried about children put into foster care and
moved several times. Even the best foster family is detrimental to children because it is temporary.
Ms. Westra's Family Resource Center has obtained a not-for-profit status in July of 2000 and has
received licensure to place children in the State of Minnesota. The focus is to prevent foster care
drift. The Center will operate under concurrent planning services which is a program to train and
recruit foster families to support social service plan to return home to family and respect family
origin with the child. Concurrent planning families add a dimension whereby, if a child cannot
return home, that family would agree to adopt the child from the beginning. On December 1, 2000
from 8:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. the Family Resource Center will be presenting the "Journey Home", a
bus tour depicting a child's life in the Foster Care System. The Permanent Family Resource
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
October 24, 2000
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Center is funded by private and grant resources at this time. The goal is to receive funding from
state and county resources.
TANF PHN Home Visiting Program
Motion by Partmann, second by Nelson, to accept the proposed Temporary Aid for Needy Families
(TANF) Public Health Nurse Home Visiting program as presented by the Public Health Director and
to authorize the Public Health Director to submit the plan to the Department of Human Services.
Motion carried.
Class Position Descriptions
Motion by Partmann, second by Lee, to authorize the Public Health Director and the Coordinator's
Office to submit to DMG information for a class position description for Public Health Nurse and
Registered Nurse. Motion carried.
Bills & Claims
Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to approve the Human Services bills and claims as presented.
Motion carried.
At 11 :30 a.m., Chairman Froemming declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Human
Services Board adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2000.
roemmIng, Human Services Board Chair .
Larry Kroh~Cler
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at
11 :35 a.m. at the Otter Tail County Courthouse with Virginia Partmann, Chair; Roger Froemming,
Vice-Chair; Syd Nelson, Malcolm Lee, and Dennis Mosher present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Froemming, second by Lee, to approve the County Board agenda of October 24, 2000
with the following additions: Mark Morris -Capital Improvement Committee Meeting at 11 :35 a.m.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Nelson, second by Mosher, to approve the County Board minutes of October 17, 2000
as presented. Motion carried.
Planning Commission Recommendations
Conditional Use Permit -John Moe:
Motion by Mosher, second by Froemming, to approve a Conditional Use Permit to install water and
sediment control basins on cropland as presented. The property is described as S1/2 of SW1/4 Ex
Trs (52.74 Ac) and N1/2 SW1/4 Ex Tr N1/2 SW1/4 (79.84 Ac), Section 10 of Sverdrup Township;
Unnamed Lake (56-452), NE. Motion carried.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
October 24, 2000
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Conditional Use Permit-Setran Family Tst: Q
Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to approve a Conditional Use Permit to install water and
sediment control basins on cropland as presented. The property is described as W1/2 NW1/4 Ex
Cemetery & Ex 18.11 Ac Tr, Section 20 of St. Olaf Township; Unnamed Lake (56-405), NE.
Motion carried.
Conditional Use Permit -Larry & Patty Urbach:
Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, to approve a Conditional Use Permit to add an open
porch to the southside of the granary and use the granary and porch for an antique business with
conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is described as Pt S1/2
SW1/4 Com SW Cor, Section 21 of Hobart Township; Rose Lake (56-360), RD. Motion carried.
Conditional Use Permit -Chris & Kris Roley:
Motion by Mosher, second by Lee, to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a driveway from road
approach to get to home with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The
property is described as Pt. SE1/4 Beg. NE Cor of SE1/4, Section 33 of Eagle lake Township;
Unnamed Lake (56-1083), NE: Motion carried.
Bois De Sioux Watershed District
Chair Partmann appointed Commissioner Mosher to serve on the Bois De Sioux Watershed
District Committee.
Recess & Reconvene · • .
At 12:00 p.m., Chair Partmann recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners for lunch break. The meeting was reconvened at 1: 11 p.m. with all five seated
commissioners present.
Payment Approval
Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to approve payment to the following vendors:
GR Graphics $4,576.31
Office Depot $445.43
Sterling Solutions, Inc. $500.00
Total $5,521.74
Motion carried.
Proposed Credit Card Policy
Accountant, Mitzi Pederson, presented a draft credit card policy and corresponding procedures for
the county. She recommended Wells Fargo's Express ONE MasterCard with charging limits for
individuals authorized to use the credit cards. There is a discount period until October 31, 2000
whereby the $10 annual fee per card will be waived. Lengthy discussion followed. Motion by Lee,
second by Froemming, to approve the credit card draft policy as presented contingent upon the
approval of the County Attorney and a review of the policy in one year. Motion carried.
Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Grant Agreement
Motion by Mosher, second by Nelson, to authorize the Chair's signature to execute the
Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Grant Agreement between the State of Minnesota and.Otter Tail Q
County Sheriffs Department which provides $6,585 to the county for snowmobile regulation
enforcement. Motion carried.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
October 24, 2000
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Perham Resource Recovery Facility
· Solid Waste Director, Mike Hanan, reported that he attended the Perham City Council meeting last
Tuesday and discussed the Resource Recovery Facility contract as it existed at the time. Other
Solid Waste Joint Powers counties met in Long Prairie and discussed the contract. He provided a
handout dated October 24, 2000 to review four contract issues and the understanding of these
issues to date.
1) Percentage of Risk:
a) Uncontrollable Circumstances: Under situations classified as uncontrollable circumstances
in the agreement, the City of Perham would retain 8% of the total risk. All other entities
would divide the remaining 92% of all risk by the county's pro rata share.
b) City Default: Chair Partmann questioned how we control the waste stream that comes into
Otter Tail County since the City of Perham will own and operate the facility. Her specific
concern was mercury in the waste stream. Ron Barmore of the Barlow Group, noted that as
the operator, they have a strict permit limit that is a standard that must be met as far as
testing is concerned. The Barlow Group guarantees meeting the permit limits, one of those
limits. includes mercury. The facility is designed to meet the new standards. If the facility
fails, the operator must do whatever it takes to meet those regulations. · If future regulations
cause the facility to fail testing; that is an uncontrollable circumstance. Mr. Barmore invited
commissioners to visit the Pope/Douglas incinerator that is testing excellent for future
emission control regulations. Commissioner Mosher questioned whether the citizens of the
City of Perham need to vote on this issue, as the City will incur a substantial debt.
Discussion continued. Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, to approve the following
County Alternative Contract language:
"In an event of default by the City in which the City Council takes an action .to
discontinue the combusting of Acceptable Waste at the Facility at any time
during the Term of this Agreement and for whatever reason other than an
Uncontrollable Circumstance or continuous incurable operations and testing of
the Facility that exceed established state or federal environmental health or
safety regulations, the City shall relieve the County and Counties of all liability
including Debt Service Payment (other than any accrued payment obligations)
in an instrument of release satisfactory to the County and Counties.
Chair Partmann called for a roll call vote:
· District 3 Commissioner -Mosher
District 1 Commissioner Nelson
District 4 Commissioner Froemming
District 2 Commissioner Lee
District 5 Commissioner Partmann
Motion passed 3-2.
· Nay
0 2) Limit to Damages: Lengthy discussion took place regarding limit to damages. The City of
Perham and the Barlow Group are limited to $100,000 in damages. The County Attorney
stated that the County should have a limit to damages as well. Bob Louiseau, Perham City
Administrator, provided a memo and handout showing the tax consequences faced by the City
of Perham residences if the project was terminated. He noted that the project is very important
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
October 24, 2000
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and the City Council honestly feels that this is the best technology available at this time and Q
that burying garbage is not the right thing to do. Because it appears that the most likely
damage that could occur would be if the facility did not accept and process the County's waste,
Mr. Hanan recommended that language be included in the contract to allow the County to
compel the City to remove the operator if they failed in their duty to dispose of 36,000 tons per
year. Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, to approve the "Limit to Damages" language
as it currently exists with additional language that the County of Otter Tail can compel the City
of Perham to remove the operator after 2 years if the operator fails to process 36,000 tons of
waste per year. Motion carried with Partmann opposed.
3) Waste Delivery -Payment:
The current proposed contract language does establish a $49 per ton tipping fee to be paid for
each ton of waste delivered to the facility rather than a flat fee per month regardless of how
many tons are delivered. The new language does utilize the Operating Reserve Fund to
smooth out monthly fluctuations in revenue from tipping fees.
4) Merchant Capacity: The current contract language.provides that if "spot market" waste remains
unused, the counties shall pay for such capacity out of the Operating Reserve Fund. The City
of Perham would like to contract at 92% of the 36,000 tons for the first year. Mr. Hanan does
not recommend taking the risk for the "spot market" waste. He would be happy to assist in
finding the extra garbage, but feels the City of Perham as owners of the incinerator need to
take that risk and not pass that on to the counties. Motion by Nelson, second by Froemming, to
accept Mr. ,Hanan's recommendation not to accept the liability of the "spot market" waste.
Motion carried.
Motion by Lee, second by Mosher, to accept a reclassification for Office Support Supervisor in the
Assessor's office from a DMG compensation grade 13 to grade 14 as recommended. Motion
CSAH No. 4 Right-of,Way Settlement
Commissioners accepted the County Attorney's report that the CSAH No. 4 right-of-way purchase
of a tract owned by Judith Corona, John Armstrong, and Mary Armstrong was settled at $2,700.
At 3:35 p.m., Chair Partmann declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of
Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 with a reminder that the
County Board does not meet October 31"\ 2000.
Dated: ':1) ~ ""{ ;,tm-rl