HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/20/2000MINUTES OF THE
Otter Tail County Courthouse
Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B
Thursday, July 20, 2000
1 :00 p.m.
Call to Order
Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1: 12 p.m.
Attendance: Brooks Anderson, Blake Johnson, Leon Anderson, Sharon Bjork, Jack Dawkins, Rick
Denzel, Wade Erickson, Pauline Fitch, Malcolm Lee, Roger Froemming, Sandi Gundberg, David
Hauser, Dave Jennen, Amy Kampa, Mick McCormick, Syd Nelson, Michele Petterson, Todd
Smedstad, and Rick West.
Excused Absences: Dawn Godel, Terry Hoff, Dennis Soderstrom, Larry Krohn, and Wendy
Unexcused Absences: Tim Brand, Joanne Derby, Cheryl Jones, Marion Kershner, Lori Morrell,
Cheri Schultz, Joe Thompson, Gary Waskosky, and Merl King .
• , Co-chair Todd Smedstad asked for a show of hands to determine if a quorum was present. Over
-, ___/ one-half of the Management representatives and over one-half of the Management representatives
were present to have a quorum and the meeting convened.
Co-chair Todd Smedstad suggested that the sign-in sheet be separated between Labor
representatives and Management representatives to aid in determining if a quorum is present.
Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior
Blake Johnson read the Norms of Behavior list.
Pauline Fitch read the By-laws. Updated By-laws will be provided for the new representatives.
Review of Minutes
Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of May 18, 2000, by consensus with the
following changes: Jack Dawkins should have an excused absence, and Dawn Godel should be
added under Discussion Items under C)New Labor Committee Members. Jack Dawkins informed
the committee he is now available through email.
Review of Agenda
Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of July 20, 2000, by consensus with the
following change: Under Discussion Items the items should read 1 )Welcoming of New Members,
2)Review of By-laws and Norms of Behavior, and 3)Prioritize topics.
Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee
July 20, 2000
Page 2
Discussion Items
A. Welcoming of new members was dcine by Todd Smedstad. Todd gave a brief history of the
Labor/Management Committee which started approximately two years ago. Issues worked on
have been Communication and the Sick Leave Policy.
Labor/Management Committee discussed providing certificates to representatives who have
served their terms. Committee members approved of certificates by consensus. Certificates
will be signed by the County Board Chair and one of the Co-chairpersons.
B. Review of Bylaws and Norms of Behavior was completed. David Hauser briefly went through
the Mission Statement stating representatives will commit to a two-year term, meetings are held
once a month on the third Thursday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Labor/Management Committee
decisions are recommendations only. All recommendations will receive a response from the
County Board. Todd Smedstad also added that recommendations are approved by consensus
only and if one representative is against a recommendation it is not approved.
C. Prioritize topics was discussed at length. Old topics were mentioned and it was decided to start
a new list because the new representatives would have fresh ideas.
David Hauser informed the committee that the Personnel Policy is being updated. Personnel
Policy rules were sent to departments for review and comments should be back by August 1,
2000, as the Personnel Board meets on August 4, 2000. There were concerns as many of the
representatives did not know that the Personnel Policy was being reviewed. After discussing
the concerns, the Labor/Management committee approved by consensus to keep the deadline
of August 1, 2000, for comments on the Personnel Policy. After these changes the County
Board reviews the Personnel Policy.
After a short break, the prioritize list was again discussed. Old topics included:
vacation/donation, communication, department head meetings, flex guidelines, supervisor
training, storm day policy, meal reimbursement, use of county cars, skate boarders/roller
bladers on county property, having plug-ins available in winter months for employees that do
shift work, and employee parking on county property. The Labor/Management committee
started a new list which included:
1. Storm days
2. Use of county vehicles
3. Skate boarders/roller bladers on county property
4. Having plug-ins available during winter months for employees that work shift work
5. County employee parking
6. Security at county offices
7. Courthouse hours
8. Equal treatment between departments
9. Funeral leave (also notification of deaths of employees to staff and County Commissioners)
Representatives should take these ideas to the employees they represent and get feedback as
to other topics they would like to have discussed. The prioritize list will be worked on at the
next meeting.
Information Sharing/Announcements
There will be no August meeting because of the Trilogy scheduled for August 17, 2000. Next
meeting will be September 21, 2000 .
Sub-committees and supervisor training will be set up at a later time. Commissioner Lee informed
the committee that the Budget Committee stated that the levy limits have been lifted.
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Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee
July 20, 2000
Page 3
Pauline reminded the representatives of the County Employee picnic for the Fergus Falls area is
August 1, 2000, and for the New York Mills area is August 8· 2000. Pauline stated that the
Employees' Committee has also been working on personnel rules and the Christmas Party.
It was suggested that an updated list of County employees be emailed to everyone and also given
to the County Commissioners.
A list of representatives should be done of the Labor/Management committee and who they
Next Meeting
The discussion items for the September agenda include:
• List topics
• Prioritize topics
• Hot topics
At 2:45 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management
Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, September 21, 2000.
Communications -
Communications -
Scheduling -
Developing alternative
work schedules
Surveys of employees -
Various types, including
employee satisfaction,
Personal Time Off (PTO)
Comparable Worth
Fitness Programs
Reassignment of work
Safety -various areas
Use of hazardous
Public Relations
• Uniforms
Redesigning work areas
or equipment
Employee suggestion
Employee picnic
Diversity training
Employee exchange of
Employee access to TV • sets
Donated Leave Program
Job Evaluation
Job design
Internal and External
telephone directories
Indoor Air Quality
Parking Issues
Parking lot design
Promotional campaign
Employee recognition •
• Equipment purchasing
Equipment Use
Office/Wall decorating
Employee Training Needs
Employee resource
manual (Policies,
Procedures, Practices)
Restructuring the
committees of the
organization by moving
the various committees'
objectives to the LMC
Work efficiency strategies
(previously referred to as
time-motion studies) • Staff "Wall of Fame" and
Drug testing/education
Training: Supervisory,
leadership, time
Job reclassification -
Customer service -who
and how
Planning -job
Dress code
• Equipment evaluation
(before/after purchase)
Equipment replacement
Equipment preventive
maintenance schedule
Electronic work order
system ( computer email
"Can't do it" list for
custodial staff -e.g. no
starting of personal cars
in winter
Project specialist teams
e.g. waxing floors
Workplace behavior
• Mail Name Department Phone
/ E Brooks Andersen social services 305
E Leon Anderson social services 415
E Sharon Bjork social services 475
E Tim Brand MIS 287
E Jack Dawkins Sheriff 314
E Rick Denzel Solid waste/Recycling 736-4400
E Wade Erickson court services -NYM 385-3831
E Pauline Fitch social services 304
1/0 Roger Froemming county commission 264
E Dawn Godel Auditor's 241
E Sandi Gundberg social services 447
E David Hauser Attorney 200
E Terry Hoff Building Maintenance 770-0313
1/0 Dave Jennen Sheriff 311
E Blake Johnson court services
E Amy Kampa court services 220
E Marion Kershner Public Health 739-2528 • E Larry Krohn county coordinator 265
1/0 Malcolm Lee county commission 264 ,
E Mick McCormick Sheriff 337
E Wendy Metcalf Recorder 246
1/0 Syd Nelson county commission 264
E Michele Petterson Solid waste 492
E Cheri Schultz Public Health 739-7115
E Todd smedstad Highway 370
1/0 Dennis Soderstrom Highway 346-7205
1/0 Joe Thompson Highway 864-5607
E Gary waskosky Sheriff 352
E Rick west Highway 269
(Ex Officio Members>
M/FAX Lori Morrell Bureau of Mediation
M/FAX Joanne Derby Teamsters 320
M Merle King Teamsters 320
M Cheryl Jones AFSCME
MEETINC DATE: July 20, 2000
Brooks Andersen
Blake Johnson
Leon Anderson
Sharon Bjork
Tim Brand
Jack Dawkins
• Joanne Derby
Rick Denzel
Wade Erickson
Pauline Fitch
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Roger Froemming ~ --~~-------
Dawn Godel
Sandi Gundber
David Hauser
Terry Hoff
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Dave Jennen
Cheryl Jones
Amy Kampa
Marion Kershner
Larry Krohn
Mick McCormick
Wendy Metcalf
Lori Morrell
Syd Nelson
Michele Petterson
Cheri Schultz
Todd smedstad
Joe Thompson
Gary waskosky
Rick west
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