HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/20/2000• • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, April 20, 2000 1:00 p.m. Call to Order Larry Krohn called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1: 10 p.m. Attendance: Al Anderson, Leon Anderson, Steve Andrews, Sharon Bjork, Jack Dawkins, Pauline Fitch, Sandi Gundberg, David Hauser, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn, Malcolm Lee, Mick McCormick, Wendy Metcalf, Lori Morrell, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Virginia Partmann, Vicki Schwanke, Todd Smedstad, and Dennis Soderstrom. Excused Absence: Brooks Andersen, Joanne Derby, Mike Hanan, Dave Jennen, Cheryl Jones, Lane Magnusson, Kathy Ouren, Cheri Schultz, Rick Sytsma, Doug Walvatne, Gary Waskosky, and Rick West. Unexcused Absence: None . Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Todd Smedstad read the Mission Statement and the Norms of Behavior list. Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of March 16, 2000 by consensus with the following change: B. Transition Committee, in the last sentence, change non-union positions to management positions. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of April 20, 2000 by consensus. Discussion Items A. Proposal to make David Hauser a permanent management committee member: The management group met last week and recommended that the county attorney become a permanent member of this committee. Approved by consensus to appoint David Hauser, County Attorney as a permanent member on the Labor/Management Committee. David presented the following as a list of the committee members whose terms are ending: Riel< West, Steve Andnaws, Rick Syts111a, Al AAde,Son, Vicki Schwanke and Cb11ck Kitzma~ Jhe list at oew terms begi □□i□g is as fellews· TiA"I B1a1,d, Rick E>enze!, Arny Kampa. Rlake M ll<.t. Jobosa□• 111/ade F•icksoo, and Rick Weryt New committee members-.will go through training in M,,.,4, June and officially start as of July 1, 2000. Discussion followed on non-union and manage~l:le~ members. • 7~~ - ,. Labor/Management Committee discussed the conflict resolution problem solving program classes. These sessions will be tentatively schedules for June 21 and 22, 2000 and will be for both new and current Labor/Management Committee members. Otter Tall county Labor/Management committee April 20, 2000 Page2 B. Further discussion on Steve Andrews becoming a three-year committee member: With the C addition of David Hauser becoming a permanent committee member, Steve Andrews will ..1 become an outgoing member. C. Presentation by Lori Morrell: Lori Morrell handed out evaluation material. Lori then reviewed the results of the evaluation with the Labor/Management Committee. Information Sharing/Announcements Todd Smedstad attended a two-week facilitator-training seminar. Larry Krohn reported that the Vacation/Donation program is performing very well. Next Meeting • Discussion on attendance record • New committee members • Labor will report with their members Adjournment At 3:00 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2000. srb Attachment C C • • • WORKSITE LMC EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE Bureau of Mediation Services Labor-Management Programs The parties are being asked to complete this survey following the conclusion of the initial LMC facilitation ( or as an annual evaluation). The purpose of the survey is for you to provide infonnation enabling us to improve our services and to provide your committee with feedback on its progress. Individual responses to these questions are very important to this process. Please be sure to answer all questions to the best of your understanding of the activities of this committee. I. Name of the LMC: OTTERTAIL COUNTY 2. Which party do you represent? Labor Union ---_ _,9 __ Management 3. How long have you been a member of the LMC? _4_0-lyr. _5_ 2-3yrs. 4. Why was an LMC established in this case? _6_natural outgrowth of improving relationship between the parties __ natural outgrowth of a successful interest based bargaining experience _3_charting a new path because of past difficulties between management and _3_too many grievances reflected a need for a change __ new union leadership created opportunity __ new management leadership created opportunity __ requirement of collective bargaining agreement other ____________________________ _ 5. What progress resulted from LMC meetings? _3_number of issues resolved is significant _!_number of issues resolved is moderate _5_number of issues resolved is slight __ no progress achieved 6. Please list some of the LMC's most significant accomplishments over the last period I. Vacation donation. Improving communication throughout the County. Communication -E-Mail. Becoming organized. Discuss of topics. Donated vacation policy. Greater communication -E-mail throughout County. Just meeting. Sick leave donation . 2. Vacation donation policy. Learning to communicate amongst ourselves. E-Mail. Vacation donation program for emergencies. Vacation donation program. Training issues supervisor/department head. 3. P.T.O. info. Sex harassment training. 4. Supervisors training. 7. What other benefits resulted from the LMC meetings? _8_communications improved _5_information sharing improved _6_understanding of issues improved _5_relationship of the parties improved 5 group problem solving skills improved _2_ability to separate personalities from issues improved _!_employee input into organizational goals has improved __ internal relationships in the party I rep'resent has improved __ number of grievance filings reduced . __ number of grievances going to arbitration reduced other ___________________________ _ 8. I believe the value of the committee is worth the time and effort I put into it. _2_strongly agree _3_agree _2_neither agree or disagree _2_disagree __ strongly disagree 9. Overall I believe the LMC has had a positive impact on this organization.· _2_strongly agree _4_agree _2_neither agree or disagree _!_disagree __ strongly disagree • C C LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE AfTENDANCE/SICN IN CHECK SHEET MEETINC DATE: April 20, 2000 • ·i,;. Sharon Bjork ~/ C DJ oY j( Jack Dawkins_'-..---'J.,.._ .... D"-------------- Joanne Derby __________ _ V Pauline Fitch ~ • Sandi Gundberg_.,_S"'-'-(;..c.._ ______ _ Mike Hanan f _~$ e__& ~DavidHauser i{/J~ DaveJennen td(C<A,<3 e.& '-Cheryl Jones t-----:;t::::--~~~-ft-;------ ;A Chuck Kitzmd\!.,.---=,.z:!.~~---4--..&(.~~~=--- Larry Krohn_J_~~r__l.4~~::__ __ _ ('\Malcolm Lee_--J,'4---------- ~ne Magnusson £'ic\.JS,ecP l,-M;d< McCo<mlc~ / ~ f'wendy Metcalf vY .ffiiA-1o/ ;5~%tvf Lori Morrell ~ f/).J h /J e lQ_ Kathyouren t)(~ VMichele Petterson~;lti~/'~--~--- Vsud Pierce CJ C<..dJ if~ q' Jt1 ,,/ -. . /l Virginia Portmann(:f1r ... ~~-h-v",;;?f) Cheri Schultz Ex Cu.Se& ½icki Schwanke. __ 'V..::....,~"-=r;J.,,,_ _____ _ v.: ,..-,---;/ -S_ Todd smedstad _ __._~ -'-~----~-- ,0 1 I L Dennis Soderstrom_._--~~Yl/hlXJ~~-=~~~~ Rick Sytsma CKJ Doug Walvatne ['-t...OJS.e__oSl Gary waskosky~£~j(_CuS~_er::fl_,__ ___ _ Rick West be,/ secfJ