HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/16/2000~ •··· _.._ .. -• • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, March 16, 2000 1:00 p.m. Call to Order Larry Krohn called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :03 p.m. Attendance: Brooks Andersen, Leon Anderson, Steve Andrews, Sharon Bjork, Jack Dawkins, Pauline Fitch, Sandi Gundberg, David Hauser, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn, Malcolm Lee, Lane Magnusson, Mick McCormick, Wendy Metcalf, Kathy Ouren, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Cheri Schultz, Vicki Schwanke, Dennis Soderstrom, Rick Sytsma, Doug Walvatne, Ga_ry Waskosky, and Rick West. Excused Absence: Al Anderson, Joanne Derby, Mike Hanan, Cheryl Jones, Lori Morrell, Virginia Partmann, and Todd Smedstad. Unexcused Absence: Dave Jennen Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior David Hauser read the Mission Statement and the Norms of Behavior. Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of February 17, 2000 by consensus. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of March 16, 2000 by consensus. Subcommittee Report A. Flex Scheduling -David Hauser presented the updated flexible work hours guidelines as listed below. This will be used as a guideline -final decisions to be made by the individual supervisors. The Otter Tail County Flexible Work Hours Guidelines will be presented to the County Board at their next meeting. OTTER TAIL COUNTY FLEXIBLE WORK HOURS GUIDELINES Employee work hours are structured so as to provide for the efficient, effective, and responsive provision of County government services. At the same time, these work hours must meet applicable state and federal regulations, ensure internal equity and consistency among employees, provide a framework for pay administration, and reflect the County's desire to provide a competitively structured work environment. When considering flexible work hours, the following criteria should be considered . a) Does the request diminish the service to the public? b) Does it have a negative effect on the other employees in the unit or department? c) Are the work hours covered? Otter Tail county Labor/Management committee March 16, 2000 Page 2 d) Does covering for an employee allow others in the department to get their own work C done? e) Does a request for flexible work hours disrupt the flow of work in the unit or department? f) Can the request be met under other programs such as the Family Medical Leave Act? B. Transition Committee Court Administration will change from being Otter Tail County employees to State of Minnesota employees effective July 1, 2000. The Labor/Management Committee discussed the selection of one additional three-year term committee member. Steve Andrew's name was chosen by group consensus. During the month of May, the Labor/Management Committee will be selecting new members to replace the two-year members whose terms expire on June 30, 2000 and the transition date for new members is July 1, 2000. Discussion took place on changing the committee member status of David Hauser to a permanent committee member. Management will discuss replacing the ~ Oliion··p~sit~o_r:1s at their department head meeting on Friday, March 17, 2000. l'Y\ OJ-1\(.1.~ Discussion Items Vacation Donation: Lane Magnusson mentioned that Public Health employees were not aware of the Vacation Donation Program. Ms. Magnusson made a request if the committee could possibly list this type of information in the newsletter that employees receive with their paychecks? Larry Krohn reported that the Vacation Donation Program is working well; the employees involved have the vacation donation and vacation time donated processes set up. Information Sharing/Announcements C A. Public Health Home Health Care: Larry Krohn reported that there have been several letters in · the local papers regarding home health aide layoffs. There is consideration being given as to discontinuing home health care services through the Otter Tail County Public Health. Home health care provides home health services for those who need it. From what Otter Tail County has learned, there are seven alternative home health care providers throughout the county. Over the last five years, the Public Health Department has lost one million dollars; in the last year the department has lost $200,000. Public Health Home Health Care reimbursements do not match their expenditures. Basically this loss of funds comes down to home health care services. Public Health's salaries and benefits are significantly higher than other health care providers. We are unable to raise taxes or levy limits to recoup funds. This loss is consuming the county fund balances. Right now, consideration is being given to possibly get out of the home health care service through the County Public Health Department. The County has been told that the private sector is more efficient. Public Health employees obviously don't want to lose their jobs, and patients are concerned about getting their needed care. The county is taking a hard look at layoffs, there could be approximately 30 Home Health Aides and a number of nursing positions affected. The contract states that there would be a layoff by classification. There are several openings right now in home health care, which may not need to be replaced. A lot of this depends on what the County Board decides. Nothing can compare with the magnitude of money lost through home health care; this is not a mandated service. The Public Health Department has been in health care since 1964. This is an issue the County Board will be addressing. Other counties have discontinued their Home Health Care Programs entirely, some are cutting back, and others are phasing out. C B. Court Administration Personnel: Larry Krohn announced to committee members that all Court Administration personnel will change from being Otter Tail County employees to State of Minnesota employees, effective July 1, 2000. They will remain in their present location. • • • otter Tail county Labor Management committee March 16, 2000 Page 3 C. Regional Treatment Center. Mr. Krohn stated that Otter Tail County has assumed ownership for property located at the regional treatment center with the only condition being that Otter Tail County must have location surveyed. We are taking on the first step by checking the structure and integrity of the building; the county is also looking at selecting an architect. This building has space in excess of 80,000 square feet, which is half the size of the new Fleet Farm building. The County will need to plan their space out well; funding is going to be tough in the beginning. Larry Krohn stated that he doesn't see the county being able to fund this any lime soon; considering the size of this building, consideration must also be made to update wiring, heating, etc. Next Meeting • Proposal to make David Hauser a permanent management committee member. • Further discussion on Steve Andrews becoming a three-year committee member. • Presentation by Lori Morrell. Adjournment At 2:50 p.m., Larry Krohn declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, 2000. srb Attachment ------------- .. ,_, •• OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION LIST • Mail Name De12artment Phone E Brooks Andersen social services 305 E Al Anderson Attorney 211 E Leon Anderson social services 415 E Steve Andrews Treasurer 251 E Sharon Bjork social services 475 1/0 Jack Dawkins Sheriff 314 E Pauline Fitch social services 304 E Sandi cundberg social Services 447 E Mike Hanan Solid waste 493 E David Hauser Attorney 200 1/0 Dave Jennen Sheriff 311 E Chuck Kitzman court services 220 E Larry Krohn county coordinator 265 1/0 Malcolm Lee county commission 265 E Lane Magnusson Public Health 739-2528 E Mick Mccormick Sheriff 335 E Wendy Metcalf Recorder 246 • E Kathy Ouren court Administration 275 E Michele Petterson Solid waste 736-2382 1/0 Bud Pierce Highway 736-6821 1/0 Virginia Partmann county commission 265 E Cheri Schultz Public Health 739-7115 1/0 Vicki Schwanke East Otter Tail Extension 385-3000 E Todd smedstad Highway 370 1/0 Dennis Soderstrom Highway 346-7205 E Rick Sytsma Building Maintenance 205 E Doug Walvatne Assessor 235 E Gary waskosky Sheriff 352 E Rick west Highway 269 (Ex Officio Members> M&FAX Lori Morrell Bureau of Mediation M Joanne Derby Teamsters 320 M Merl King Teamsters 320 M Cheryl Jones AFSCME • .... • • • OTTERTAIL COUNTY FLEXIBLE WORK HOURS GUIDELINES Employee work hours are structured so as to provide for the efficient, effective and responsive provision of County government services. At the same time, these work hours must meet applicable state and federal regulations, ensure internal equity and consistency among employees, provide a framework for pay administration and reflect the County's desire to provide a competitively structured work environment. When considering flexible work hours, the following criteria should be considered. a) Does the request diminish the service to the public? b) Does it have a negative effect on the other employees in the unit or department? c) Are the work hours covered? d) Does covering for an employee allow others in the department to get their own work done? e) Does a request for flexible work hours disrupt the flow of work in the unit or department? f) Can the request be met under other programs such as the Family Medical Leave Act? Adopted by County Board 3/21 /00 • ... ' LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SICN IN CHECK SHEET MEETINC DATE: March 16, 2000 Brool<s Andersen &u4- Al Anderson [Kc.use& Leon Anderson Wendy Metcalf---""jJ)fu'----1-'---'\..., ______ _ Steve Andrews Sharon Bjorl< Jacl< Daw Kins ~ Joanne Derby t.k' C,lASedJ ~ Michele Petterson,_~_.c..._L___.qt-_____ _ Bud Pierce (3 Czck V.~~ • Pauline Fitch ffct--: fu Virginia Partmann U CU..~ e__ d Cheri Schultz ,,{luw 4-luz§ Vicki Schwanl<e ·71 y ..,,,d • Sandi Gundberg Mil<e Hanan _ _,_t~X'.~C~-=Lt.~5~e~~=--------- David Hauser_~_._'--~---------- Dave Jennen Uoe.-\l C u.Se,.dl Larry Krohn _ ___.,<_c..--'t('-+-------- ✓;,llr7iY Malcolm Lee Y-P' --~--------- -~'----"-------- Todd smedstad _ _,fo::..oX..,.C""J .... 1$,,_e...=JJ:;__ ___ _ Doug walvatne-D_J _________ _ Gary wasl<osky _,,,-U(d Rici< west ~1-