HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/17/2000... • • MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, February 17, 2000 1:00 p.m. Call to Order Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :03 p.m. Attendance: Brooks Andersen, Al Anderson, Leon Anderson, Jack Dawkins, Pauline Fitch, Sandi Gundberg, Mike Hanan, David Hauser, Dave Jennen, Chuck Kitzman, Malcolm Lee, Lane Magnusson, Mick McCormick, Wendy Metcalf, Lori Morrell, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Virginia Partmann, Cheri Schultz, Vicki Schwanke, Todd Smedstad, Doug Walvatne, and Gary Waskosky. Excused Absence: Cheryl Jones, Larry Krohn, Kathy Ouren, Dennis Soderstrom, Rick Sytsma, and Rick West. Unexcused Absence: Steve Andrews, Sharon Bjork, and Joanne Derby. Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Todd Smedstad read the Norms of Behavior list. Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of January 20, 2000 by consensus with the following change: The first bullet under "Flextime" does not apply, because a number of offices are using flex hours. Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of February 17, 2000 by consensus. Subcommittee Report Flex Scheduling -The following items were discussed on flex scheduling: • Brooks Andersen and Vicki Schwanke presented a report on flex scheduling by their subcommittee member meeting which also included Sharon Bjork and Kathy Ouren. • This will be a working copy, we are expecting to make changes/revisions. • Should this be listed under policy or criteria? • Criteria that should be considered. • Entitlement vs. management authority. • Personnel Committee would make final recommendations. • OTC Work Schedule Guidelines. • Labor/Management Committee will review final draft at next month's meeting. • There are departments that will never use flexible work scheduling. • • General guidelines. • Supervisor and department heads consistency through departments. • Is this a Social Services or countywide issue? • Can this be applied consistently? otter Tall county Labor/Management Committee February 17, 2000 Page 2 • Insuring equity and fairness to all employees. ... .. ' • Provide a framework for pay administration. • Consensus by Labor/Management Committee for the subcommittee to updated draft at next month's meeting. review and present C Presentation on Evaluation Material by Lori Morrell One of the interesting ideas to come out of the Detroit Facilitators Network is a 22-question self- evaluation for problem-solving teams. The evaluation process was developed by John Aube of the Fisher Body Section of GM's Proving Grounds in Warren, Michigan, and Tom Sierens of UAW Local 160. These two facilitators use the evaluation with a problem-solving team after it has been meeting for several months. In many survey evaluations, the feedback is taken away to a central office, analyzed, and only later fed back to the group. In this process, that data never leaves the group, which administers scores, and analyzes the information, all in the same meeting. The information is, therefore, immediately used when fresh, and the group "ownership" of the data is high. The purpose is not to compare the team to other teams, but to get the group discussing its problem-solving styles and figuring out how to improve its own effectiveness. Because the group "rolls its own" improvements, the changes are longer lasting than they would be as suggestions from an outside expert. Teams can and should add questions they would like to include, and throw out inapplicable ones. The important outcomes to focus on are which questions the team rates highest (showing relative satisfaction with their performance on that item) and which ones draw the lowest scores (indicating a need for a change). Lori Morrell passed out the Team Development Survey to the group. C Discussion Items A. New Committee Members: replacement process, training involved. conflict resolution. etc. Todd Smedstad, Lane Magnusson, and David Hauser met to consider questions regarding transition of membership on the Labor Management Committee, documented by David Hauser. Question 1: When do terms expire? The committee believes that as it stands now, terms end in August, the anniversary date of the adoption of the by-laws. The first transition would occur in August, 2000. It is recommended new members be selected in June, be trained in July, and that they start in August. Question 2: Who is a two-year member and who is a three-year member? This had previously been determined. See the attached Distribution List in which the three-year members are indicated with a "three". Note that Larry Krohn, as Coordinator is a permanent member of the committee. Also, more labor than management persons were determined to be three-year members. It appears that an additional management person should be added to the list and provisions should be made for County Board members. Question 3: What is the provision for replacement of County Board members? The current County Board members are the Personnel Committee of the County Board. However, based on our by-laws, they should have two-year terms as everyone else. Should a different membership arrangement be made for County Board members? Should the County Board attempt to coordinate their Personnel Committee with Labor/Management Committee membership? It is also important to have continuity of County Board members on the Labor Management Committee. (This question was raised with the County Board at a County Board Q meeting.) , • • • Otter Tail County Labor Management Committee February 17, 2000 Page 3 Question 4: How do we replace members? The by-laws provide for selection of members by their respective groups. This appears to be clear for the groups represented by unions. In the non-union situation the groups are subdivided into groups and it probably is appropriate to have those groups select their replacement. It may be appropriate to review the breakdown for the non-union groups. These people should be notified of the identity of their representative. There does not appear to be any breakdown of who the management representatives represent. Is management a small enough group to select its members at large or should it be divided up into subgroups? Question 5: There is a conflict between the terms of officers and the terms of memberships. The by-laws require that officers have to have been a member of the organization for six-months beginning their terms in December. Terms on the Labor Management Committee are for two years starting in August. With this arrangement, nobody could ever serve out their term. The Subcommittee proposed a change in the by-laws to provide for four months of membership before becoming an officer. Another alternative would be to change the start terms for officers to August. Question 6: Should there be training for members? Yes, from BMS (Bureau of Mediation Services). The subcommittee also felt there should be "shadow" training for someone else from each group so that more people understand what is going on with the Labor management Committee and so that there is a pool of replacements, if necessary. The subcommittee did not believe it was necessary for all existing members to be retrained, but that we would learn more during the process of reevaluation . Consensus was made for the transition ending date be officially June 30, 2000 and the transition start date of July 1, 2000. Next Meeting • Flex Scheduling Subcommittee Guidelines on flex scheduling • Transition Committee Adjournment At 3:00 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 2000. srb Attachment • • • TEAM SELF-EVALUATION One of the interesting ideas to come out of the Detroit Facilitators Network is a 22-question self- evaluation for problem-solving teams. The evaluation process was developed by John Aube of the Fisher Body section of GM's Proving Grounds in Warren; Michigan, and Tom Sierens of UAW Local 160. These two facilitators use the evaluation with a problem-solving team after it has been meeting for several months. In many survey evaluations, the feedback is taken away to a central office and analyzed and only later fed back to the group. In this process, the data never leaves the group, which administers scores, and analyzes the information, all in the same meeting. The information is therefore immediately used when fresh, and the group "ownership" of the data is high. The purpose is not to compare the team to other teams, but to get the group discussing its problem-solving styles and figuring out how to improve its own effectiveness. Because the group "rolls its own" improvements, the changes are longer lasting than they would be as suggestions from an outside expert. Teams can and should add questions they would like to include, and throw out inapplicable ones. The important outcomes to focus on are which questions the team rates highest (showing relative satisfaction with their performance on that item) and which ones draw the lowest scores (indicating a need for a change) . • • • TEAM DEVELOPMENT Each item is followed by the numbers l through 5. Each participant should circle the number that most closely relates to how he/she feels about the item, according to this scale: l = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree When the team members have completed their self-evaluation forms, the forms should be collected and the results scored on a flip-chart sheet so that all team members can see the distribution of their responses. The numbers of the questions from l-22 (and for any others the team members may wish to add) should be listed down the left-hand margin, and five columns to the right, with a wide column at the far right side for totaling team responses. Each self-evaluation response is entered as a check mark in the appropriate box (from l to 5) next to the item to which the responses was made. Total number of points for each item divided by the number marking that response gives the average ranking given be each team member. l. 2. The team's basic overall objectives and goals are clear to me. In almost every situation I am sure about what responsibilities I have and what others in our group are supposed to be doing. That was determined (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) by all ofus when we established our group norms. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) 3. I have no trouble doing the group task that other people on the team require of me. 4. Everyone gets a chance to express him/herself and to influence the group during discussions. We don't just let a few people carry the ball for the team. 5. When we have a problem or situation to discuss, I usually understand (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) exactly what the issue is. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6. When a disagreement arises in the team, we get the disagreeing parties to talk through their points of view until each can see some logic in the other's ideas and then we try to come to an agreement that makes sense to everyone. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) 7. Everyone recognizes that the team could not work without the cooperation and contribution of everyone else. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) • • 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I really like my team and I like working with each individual. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) I often feel my energy has been well used. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) At our meetings we post and use an agenda in order to be more effective. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) During our meetings, we put important information on a flip-chart so everyone can see the same information. Also, each member feels free to go to the flip-chart to illustrate a point to the rest ofus. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) As a team member, I feel that our norms and ground rules are being observed. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) Our team leaders are effective at using facilitator skills to make sure everyone is involved and respected for his/her contributions. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) As a team member, I feel we know the purpose and mission of our meetings. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) • • • PROBLEM-SOLVING In this section, the team members evaluate how well they are doing in using problem-solving frameworks to analyze and solve problems. The scale used is: I = Many people are not involved and the team seems frequently off-target. 2 = Things could be a lot better, some people are not involved, and discussion frequently wanders. 3 = Most people are involved, with the team discussion working well some of the time. 4 = Everyone is generally involved, and the team discussion is usually on target. 5 = Everyone is very involved, with a high level of energy in group discussion. 15. We actively seek problems and opportunities, and really look at our workplace to find the right situations to work on. I 6. We get relevant information to analyze things, and separate fact from op1mon. 17. Proble_m analysis: we define our problems clearly and precisely, and deal with causes, not symptoms. I 8. New ideas: we encourage creativity through brainstorming, and keep evaluation and criticism separate from brainstorming. I 9. Analyzing solutions: we generate criteria and evaluate solutions according to how well they meet those criteria. 20. When we run into disagreements, we listen to the perspective of the dissenting members(s) and use the discussion to add new perspectives to our ideas, working toward a consensus. 21. Implementation planning is done systematically, including defining the situation and our targets, analyzing restraining forces, and planning action steps. This helps us make effective presentations to decision- (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (4) (5) (4) (5) (4) (5) (4) (5) (4) (5) makers. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) 22. We plan effectively to evaluate the success of our solutions after they are implemented, which helps us improve on our first solutions to the problems we deal with. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) • • • MINUTES OF THE TRANSITION SUBCOMMITTEE LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE JANUARY 26, 2000 Todd Smedstad, Lane Magnusson and David Hauser met to consider questions regarding transition of membership on the Labor Management Committee. Question #1: When do terms expire? The committee believes that as it stands now, terms end in August, the anniversary date of the adoption of the by-laws. The first transition would occur in August, 2000. It is recommended that new members be selected in June, be trained in July and that they start in August. Question #2: Who is a two-year member and who is a three-year member? This had previously been determined. See the attached Distribution List in which the three-year members are indicated with a three. Note that Larry Krohn as Coordinator is a permanent member of the committee. Also, more labor than management persons were determined to be three-year members. It appears that an additional management person should be added to the list and provisions should be made for County Board members . Question #3: What is the provision for replacement of County Board members? The current County Board members are the Personnel Committee of the County Board. However, based on our by-laws, they should have two-year terms as everyone else. Should a different membership arrangement be made for County Board members? Should the County Board attempt to coordinate their Personnel Committee with Labor Management Committee membership? It is also important to have continuity of County Board members on the Labor Management Committee. (This question was raised with the County Board at a County Board meeting.) Question #4: How do we replace members? The by-laws provide for selection of members by their respective groups. This appears to be clear for the groups represented by unions. In the non-union situation the groups are subdivided into groups and it probably is appropriate to have those groups select their replacement. It may be appropriate to review the breakdown for the non-union groups. These people should be notified of the identity of their representative. There does not appear to be any breakdown of who the management representatives represent. Is management a small enough group to select its members at large, or should it be divided up into subgroups? Question #5: There is a conflict between the terms of officers and the terms of memberships. C The by-laws require that officers have been a member of the organization for six months beginning their terms in December. Terms on the Labor Management Committee are for two years starting in August. With thi~ arrangement, nobody could ever serve out their term . ., l -. The Subcommittee proposed a change in the by-laws to provide for four months of membership before becoming an officer. Another alternative would be to change the start terms for officers to August. Question #7: Should there be training for members? Yes, from BMS. The Subcommittee also felt there should be "shadow" training for someone _ else from each group so that more people understand what is going on with the Labor Management C_ommittee and so that there is a pool of replacements, if necessary. The Subcommittee did not believe it was necessary for all existing members to be retrained, but that we would learn more during the process of re-evaluation. Respectfully submitted, David J. Hauser, Scribe C / ' • • -··OTTERTAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Name 3 Brooks Andersen N1 Al Anderson 3 Leon Anderson M Steve Andrews Sharon Bjork 3 Jack Dawkins L 3 Pauline Fitch L 3 Sandi Gundberg L "' '3 :, Mike Hanan David Hauser Dave Jennen Chuck Kitzman Larry Krohn Malcolm Lee Lane Magnusson Mick McCormick Wendy Metcalf Mafl( Mel'l'iS Kathy Ouren L fY\ 3 Michele Petterson L Bud Pierce Virginia Partmann 3 Cheri Schultz M Vicki Schwanke .3 -ro.dd smedstad ·~ L < Dennis Soderstrom L _, Rick Sytsma Doug Walvatne 3 Gary waskosky Rick west Lori Morrell Joanne Derby Merl King Cheryl Jones M DISTRIBUTION LIST Department social services Attorney Social services Treasurer social services Sheriff social services social services solid waste Attorney Sheriff court services county coordinator county commission Public Health Sheriff Recorder &l'leFi~f court Administration Solid Waste Highway County commission Public Health East otter Tail Extension f:!lghway;,; Highway Building Maintenance Assessor Sheriff Highway <Ex Officio Members> Bureau of Mediation Teamsters 320 Teamsters 320 AFSCME Phone 305 211 415 251 475 314 304 447 736-2382 200 311 220 265 265 739-2528 335 246 ~ 275 736-2382 736-6821 265 739-7115 385-3000 370 346-7205 205 235 314 269 • • • Labor/Management Attendance Sheet committee Name 07-98 08-98 09-98 10-98 11-98 12-98 01-99 02-99 03-99 04-99 05-99 06-99 07-99 08-99 09-99 10-99 11-99 12-99 01-00 Present Excused unexcused .. !Pl IEJ IUl Brooks Andersen p p p E p p u p p E p p p p p p p p 15 2 1 Al Anderson p p p p p E p p p p p E E p E p .P p 14 I 4 0 Leon Anderson E p p p p p p p E p p p u p p p E 13 3 1 Steve Andrews p p p E E p p E p p p E u u E E u E 8 7 .· 3 Sharon Bjork p E p p p p p p p p E p p p p E p p 15 3 0 Rolene Davis -p p u u u --2 0 . 3 . Jack Dawkins p p p p p p E E p p E E u p p 10 4 1 Joanne Derby .· -p p -p p -p p p E -p P. p 10 1 .. 0 . Pauline Fitch p p p p p p E p p p p p p p p p p E 16 2 0 Sandi Gundberg p p p p p p p p p E p p p p p p p p. 17 ·. 1 . 0 Mike Hanan p p p E p E p p p p p E E p E E E p 11 7 0 Kathy Harthun p E ---1 1 .. . 0 David Hauser p p p E p p p p p p p p p p E p p 15 2 0 Dave Jennen ------u p p p p p p 6 0 .. 1 . Cheryl Jones p p p p p E p -p -p -p E E p p 11 3 0 Merl King -p p ----E ---2 1 .· 0 Chuck Kitzman p p p E p p p E p p -E p p E E E u p 11 6 1 Larry Krohn p p p E p p p p p p p p E p E E p p 14 4 0 Malcolm Lee -p p p p p p p p E p p p p p E p 14 2 0 Lane Magnusson p p p p p p p E p p p p p E p 13 2 0 Mick McCormick ---p p E u E p p 4 2 1 Wendy Metcalf p p p E p p p E p p p p p p p p p . E 15 .. 3 0 Lori Morrell p p p p p p E p p E E -E p p 10 4 0 Mark Morris -p p p u E p p p -. . 6 1 1 . Kathy Ouren -p p E p p E p p E p E E E p p p p 11 6 0 Michele Petterson p E p p p p E E p p p p p p p p p .P 15 3 .· 0 Bud Pierce p p p p p p p p p p p E p p p p p p 17 1 0 Virginia Portmann p p p p p p p p p E E p p p E p p p .. 15 .. 3 0 Cheri Schultz ---E p E E p p u E 3 4 1 Vicki Schwanke p E p p p E p p p p p p E p p p p p 15 . · 3 . 0 Todd Smedstad p E p E p p p p p p E p E p p E p 12 5 0 Dennis Soderstrom p p p p p p p p p p E p • p p p p p .E 16 2 0 Rick Sytsma p E p E u u p p u p p p E p p p p p 12 3 3 Jeffrey Thompson p p p --3 0 0 Doug Walvatne p E p E E p p p p E E p E E p p p 10 7 0 Gary waskosky . p p p p p p E p E E E p E p E p p. . 11 . 6 0 Rick west p p E p E p p E p E E E E p E E 7 9 0 July 1998 Through January 2000 ----- ... OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION LIST • Mail Name Department Phone E Brooks Andersen social services 305 E Al Anderson Attorney 211 E Leon Anderson social services 415 E Steve Andrews Treasurer 251 E Sharon Bjork social services 475 1/0 Jack Dawkins Sheriff 314 E Pauline Fitch social services 304 E Sandi Gundberg social services 447 E Mike Hanan solid waste 493 E David Hauser Attorney 200 1/0 Dave Jennen Sheriff 311 E Chuck Kitzman court services 220 E Larry Krohn county coordinator 265 1/0 Malcolm Lee county commission 265 E Lane Magnusson Public Health 739·2528 E Mick McCormick Sheriff 335 E Wendy Metcalf Recorder 246 • E Mark Morris Sheriff 332 1/0 Kathy Ouren court Administration 275 E Michele Petterson Solid waste 736·2382 1/0 Bud Pierce Highway 736-6821 1/0 Virginia Partmann county commission 265 E Cheri Schultz Public Health 739-7115 1/0 Vicki Schwanke East Otter Tail Extension 385-3000 E Todd smedstad Highway 370 1/0 Dennis Soderstrom Highway 346-7205 E Rick Sytsma Building Maintenance 205 E Doug Walvatne Assessor 235 E Gary waskosky Sheriff 352 E Rick west Highway 269 !Ex Officio Members> M&FAX Lori Morrell Bureau of Mediation M Joanne Derby Teamsters 320 M Merl King Teamsters 320 M • Cheryl Jones AFSCME • • • LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SICN IN CHECK SHEET MEETINC DATE: February 17, 2000 Al Anderson J. · ~ Leon Anderson ____ l--_e_c_,, _A_v,._4_t 1_s_°"'--__ _ Steve Andrews l( VJ e Y.,C,v....,~e,c/} Sharon Bjork fL.ti;f, v " 0 ,f} ? ~ Jack Dawkins. __ .:...,~~_,,__ _______ _ Joanne Derbv U,4ig,~, A e«V Pauline Fitch, ~\~ ~ ) sandiGundberg~Jc.=M-~1=cll,,'-=-. -'~--==-<--"'-'"'-'/J,_""'"'~'--'-"'1-,-·_ Mike Hanan'-L'-'-"':±.L-:r"=>.------,--,"----- Larry Krohn ___ ~E=x~c:-=...cu.'7=~"-=c..._---- Malcolm Lee ___ ·'-~~' _______ _ Mick McCormick:~~~~~~~==~ ;~:'.'.'" uk~A~ rlr1 ( Lori Morrell ~ /22~ Kathy Ouren ty ClA.~ e...& Michele Petterson ~£ --- Todd smedstad_~):......<.../_5-----''------ Denn is Soderstrom_f.,._,,x..,c ... ,.,.W,.,5::;:,_o,.,,cR..e::... __ _ Rick svtsma _ ____rei',6.¥:gq~•,~•t!itl ______ _ Doug Walvatne~ /4/~ Garvwaskoskv.&d~ Rick west C. xc.:u_ S eJ