HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/20/2000' ·- • • • ·•. MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Otter Tail County Courthouse Commissioners' Room, Floor 1-B Thursday, January 20, 2000 1 :00 p.m. Call to Order Todd Smedstad called the Labor/Management Committee meeting to order at 1 :05 p.m. Attendance: Brooks Andersen, Al Anderson, Sharon Bjork, Jack Dawkins, Joanne Derby, Sandi Gundberg, Mike Hanan, David Hauser, Dave Jennen, Cheryl Jones, Chuck Kitzman, Larry Krohn, Malcolm Lee, Lane Magnusson, Mick McCormick, Lori Morrell, Kathy Ouren, Michele Petterson, Bud Pierce, Virginia Partmann, Vicki Schwanke, Todd Smedstad, Rick Sytsma, Doug Walvatne, and Gary Waskosky. Excused Absence: Leon Anderson, Steve Andrews, Pauline Fitch, Wendy Metcalf, Cheri Schultz, Dennis Soderstrom, and Rick West. Unexcused Absence: None. Review of Mission and/or Norms of Behavior Mike Hanan read the Norms of Behavior list. ' Review of Minutes Committee members approved as presented, the minutes of December 16, 1999 by consensus with the following change: Malcolm Lee should be changed from "unexcused absence" to "excused absence". Review of Agenda Committee members approved as presented, the agenda of January 20, 2000 by consensus. Subcommittee Report Flextime: Labor/Management Committee discussed the following items: • A committee member reported that out of thirteen county offices, only one department was ~ome type of flex hours. ··-----...., • If flextime benefits the employee, doesn't that benefit the county too? • Flextime versus scheduling. • Serving the public with longer hours. • Extra costs involved in having courthouse open extended hours. • Any changes need to be reviewed; not only for employees, but also for the public. • Group consensus reached to change "flextime" to "flex scheduling" . • Discussion on guidelines that would outline flex scheduling process. • Incorporating flex scheduling into the personnel policy with supervisory approval. • Creating a list of criteria for flex scheduling. How does it affect the public and/or employees? Does it lessen our availability or serve the public better? ' -... ,. Otter Tail county Labor/Management committee • • • JaMary 20, 2000 Page 2 • Since 1942 the courthouse has had the same hours . • Discussed gathering ideas, criteria, and come up with a framework on flex scheduling. • Will flex scheduling affect other departments? • How would the public be affected by flex scheduling? Discussion Items • On December 31, 2000, the Labor/Management two-year committee members' times will expire. • At the next Labor/Management Committee meeting, Lori Morrell will have a presentation on Evaluation Material. Information Sharing/Announcements • The County Board has formally adopted the vacation/donation leave program. • There will be a Third District Commissioner election next Tuesday, January 25, and then the new commissioner will take office on February 8. • A new judge will be sworn in on Tuesday, January 25, at 4:00 p.m. • Virginia Partmann is now the County Board Chair. • Discussion on truth and taxation meetings. • Discussed the process of when the two-year committee session is up. Next Meeting • Flex Scheduling -touch base with subcommittee. • Lori Morrell will give a presentation on Evaluation Material (approximately 1 hour). • New Committee members: replacement process, training involved, conflict resolution, etc. Adjournment At 2:54 p.m., Todd Smedstad declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Labor/Management Committee adjourned until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 17, 2000. srb Attachment • • • County Attorney's Office FLEXTIME IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY l staff person, who is located in an office where flex time is utilized, is allowed to work from 8:00 to 4:30. Court Administration No flex time at this time. Did have flex time for a period of time -the office was split into 2 groups, and could rotate flex hours weekly. Hours could be flexed Wed.-Fri., from 7:30 to 3:30 or 8:00 to 4:00, with breaks used for a½ hour noon break. Restructured flex schedule may be considered in the future -possibly splitting the office into 3 groups to avoid staff shortages at the end of the day. Assessor's Office No flex time. They have to have coverage through breaks and lunch hours. It works better to keep hours 8:00 to 5:00. Treasurer's Office No flex time. It hasn't been requested. Auditor's Office No flex time. Jail No flex time. They work on shifts. Recorder's Office By agreement ofthe employees, 2 work from 8:00 to 5:00, and 3 work from 8:00 to 4:30 with a½ hour lunch. It is a benefit to employees to be able to leave½ hour early. Social Services -Brad Vold I person works 8:00 to 4:30 with ½ hour lunch. If that person works past 4:30, she receives comp time (provided she took ½ hour for lunch). Social Services -Bev Schoon There are 3 flex options-staff can leave at 4:00, 4:30, or 5:00. Start time depends on the length of their lunch hour and when they begin. 3 people must be in the office until 5 :00 -staff has decided that the least senior people are the ones to stay. Social Services -Rae Lohse All employees have flex time -they take turns with eachother. Some work from 8:00 to 5:00, some 7:30 to 4:30 with a I hour lunch, and some 7:30 to 4:00 with a½ hour lunch . • • • Extension Office Office Managers work 8:00 to 5:00. Part time employees work 3 days a week, and are flexible to cover Office Managers' vacation, sick leave and dr. appointments. They may also work 8:00 to 4:30 or 8:30 to 5:00 with a½ hour lunch, if they wish. GIS Dept. Most employees are contracted-they come and go as contracted. County employees work from 8:00 to 5 :00. They adjust schedules to cover dr. appointments, etc. One person is scheduled to work at all times. AS400 computer is so busy during 8:00 to 5:00 hours, that it could be a benefit if some people could have flexible hours. Public Health Some people have flex time -it is based on the individual's situation. Surveys from Court Services, Land & Resource, Solid Waste All agree that flexibility is good, and that flex time will work in some positions. They agreed that each department should determine the appropriateness of flex time for their particular situations . 'OTTER TAIL COUNTY LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION LIST • Mall Name Department Phone E Brooks Andersen social services 305 E Al Anderson Attorney 211 E Leon Anderson social services 415 E Steve Andrews Treasurer 251 E Sharon Bjork social services 475 1/0 Jack Dawl<i ns Sheriff 314 E Pauline Fitch social services 304 E Sandi Gundberg social services 447 E Mike Hanan Solid waste 493 E David Hauser Attorney 200 1/0 Dave Jennen Sheriff 311 E Chuck Kitzman court services 220 E Larry Krohn county coordinator 265 1/0 Malcolm Lee county commission 265 E Lane Magnusson Public Health 739-2528 E Mick McCormick Sheriff 335 E Wendy Metcalf Recorder 246 • E Marl< Morris Sheriff 332 1/0 Kathy Ouren court Administration 275 E Michele Petterson Solid waste 736-2382 1/0 Bud Pierce Highway 736-6821 1/0 Virginia Partmann county commission 265 E Cheri Schultz Public Health 739-7115 1/0 Vicki Schwanke East Otter Tail Extension 385-3000 E Todd smedstad Highway 370 1/0 Dennis Soderstrom Highway 346-7205 E Rici< Sytsma Building Maintenance 205 E Doug Walvatne Assessor 235 E Gary was1<os1<y Sheriff 352 E Rici< west Highway 269 <Ex Officio Members> M&FAX Lori Morrell Bureau of Mediation M Joanne Derby Teamsters 320 M Merl King Teamsters 320 • M Cheryl Jones AFSCME • LABOR/MANACEMENT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE/SICN IN CHECK SHEET MEETINC DATE: January 20, 2000 Lane Magnusson ' I Al Anderson--~"!e?~~• .. -:l..lo,§,!!,b.!!,,L.._,,!_ ____ _ Mick McCormick Leon Anderson Excused Wendy Metcalf_....,&...,_., _C,_,".,l,(c,....,._S?L-"-e..,&_-=---- Steve Andrews __ ~<t~\C~C=u~S.-~-~---- Sharon Bjork :;;;..9 ~ /(_ Jack Dawl<ins_~~-"F---------- Joanne Derby_~--,-~-~-------- Kathy ouren,__:_----lt-h-b.t47--/~J~ ........ 0e:::::=~:__ Michele Petterson_0 __ · 7/? ______ _ Bud Pierce_,£5~·,...-,~-p~-------- • Pauline Fitch ~K~u..c;ccQ _ Sandi GUJ:ldber~cu_,~a_L,_u,q Virginia Portmal)n._~~1 -+---- 0 ______ _ u Cheri Schultz. ____ =Ex=c=u=se=d~---- Vicki Schwanl<e __ '--z)-=-=£_.,(0'-=------- Todd smedstad _____ [:~· _,,5~~----- Deaals SOde~~m~ E<e"'ed Rici< Sytsma.~~--;--&]...,_ _______ _ Doug WalvatneYJ 1t,)J~ Gary wasl<osl<y___,,_~---..,~,.,,=-<---------- Malcolm Lee _ _,~~-~-:'.,.,0s-:•.,,.... ___ · _____ _ Rici< west Excused ·-----~==-----•