HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/22/2016MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN March 22, 2016 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 22, 2016, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chairman; Doug Huebsch, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Rogness called for approval of the Board agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of March 22, 2016, as submitted with the following modifications: Closed Session Authorized under Attorney/Client Privilege Buffalo Red River Watershed District Meeting Report Red River Valley Board Appointment Surveillance Discussion Consent Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. March 8, 2016, Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for March 22, 2016 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services Bills & Claims 4. 2016 Tobacco License and On-Sale Seasonal (six month) Liquor License for Zorbaz on Pelican Lake Meeting Reports Minnesota Inter-County Association (MICA) & Transportation Conference: Commissioner Johnson submitted a written summary of the MICA meeting held March 9, 2016. He highlighted the following discussion_ items: • State Office of Management & Budget is collecting data about preventative programs, specifically targeting corrections and adult mental health, to measure outcomes and return on investment for the various programs; • the extent to which the Governor, House and Senate budgets are so far apart in proposed programs and projected revenue shortfalls for 2016-17 and beyond; • every child in foster care may be required to have an attorney paid for by taxpayers; • unions are demanding 5% additional wages under the 5% coalition which was designed for childcare providers near minimum wage even though some of the union wages are $40,000 to $90,000 per year; • there is no long term sustainable solution for federal highway funding; and • strategies to provide broadband throughout Otter Tail County. Child Protection Annual Report Human Services Supervisor, Tamra Jokela presented the FY 2015 Child Protection and Child Welfare Services report. She reported that a total of 437 child welfare reports were opened for assessment which is a 7.5% increase over FY 2014. She discussed various assessment and investigation processes, new guidelines and criteria, additional State oversight and Child Protection staffing. A State review of child protection cases is scheduled in June 2016. The County will be notified on areas of improvement after the review. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page2 CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION PROCLAMATION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2016 -16 WHEREAS, child abuse prevention is a community problem and finding solutions depends on involvement among people throughout the community; and WHEREAS, the effects of child abuse are felt by whole communities and need to be addressed by the entire community; and WHEREAS, effective child abuse prevention succeeds because of partnerships created between parents, practitioners, schools, faith communities, health care organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and WHEREAS, family-serving, youth-focused prevention programs offer positive alternatives for young people and encourage parents and youth to develop strong ties to their communities; and WHEREAS, all citizens need to be more aware of child abuse and neglect and its prevention within the community, and be involved in supporting parents to raise their children in a safe, nurturing society. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim April 2016 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Otter Tail County, and call upon all citizens, community agencies, religious organizations, medical facilities, and businesses to increase their participation in efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect, thereby strengthening the communities in which we live. Upon the motion of Commissioner Lindquist, seconded by Commissioner Froemming and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Adopted this 22nd day of March 2016 Dated: Ape',\ S, 2.¢16 Atleffi ~&,t! Larry Kro, Clerk OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By~ Annual Prometheus M.C. Zoo Run Representatives of the Prometheus Motorcycle Club requested approval for the 31 st Annual Zoo Run event scheduled June 23rd through June 26th of 2016. All proceeds from the motorcycle ride event are given to the Chahinkapa Park Zoo in Wahpeton, ND. Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to waive the Otter Tail County Shows and Exhibitions Ordinance for this charity event subject to organizers providing security, adequate portable facilities, insurance, and notification to law enforcement regarding the event which has been past practice. Surveillance Discussion Commissioner Lindquist shared a letter from Lieutenant Barry Fitzgibbons regarding a proposal to install cameras in the small cities throughout the County that do not have police departments. Commissioners requested that this item be placed on an upcoming Board Agenda for discussion. Red River Valley Development Association Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to appoint Don Bradow to the RRVD Association Board representing West Otter Tail County. This appointment replaces the appointment of Dan Roehl. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 3 Buffalo-Red River Watershed District Commissioner Johnson reported on a recent BRRWD meeting held at the Nordick farm. Discussion took place regarding the potential for the BRRWD to join the Red River Management Board. This would increase the BRRWD levy and may not bring back the same amount of benefits to the District. Concerns were raised about the District losing some decision making authority and most of the attendees were not in favor of moving forward at this time. Recess & Reconvene At 10:26 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:35 a.m. Continuation of Public Hearing for Ditch 5/36/68 Ditch Inspector, Kevin Fellbaum announced the continuation of the Ditch 5/36/68 Public Hearing from January 25, 2016 and presented the Amended Viewers' Report. Several properties were re-examined for the assigned benefits and the proposed changes resulted in a total Ditch value of $1,214,769.38. There was no one from the public present at this hearing. Chairman Rogness closed the Public Hearing at 10:41 a.m. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to accept the County Ditch 5/36/68 Amendment to Ditch Viewers Report dated March 8, 2016. Additionally, the motion directs the County Attorney to draft an Order for Ditch 5/36/68 redetermination of benefits (Owners report to be attached) along with consolidation language to equitably account for the distribution of the existing funds in each ditch. Ditch 48 Public Information Meeting Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to change the Ditch 48 Public Information meeting from May 16, 2016 to May 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Law Enforcement Operations Center in Ottertail City. Adoption of Environmental Health Ordinances Public Health Director, Diane Thorson reviewed the proposed changes to the Environmental Health Ordinances. The changes were a result of comments offered at the Public Hearing on March 8, 2016. Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to adopt the Environmental Health Ordinances effective April 11, 2016 identified as follows: • Food Protection Ordinance • Lodging Ordinance • Manufactured Home Park and Recreational Camping Area Ordinance • Public Swimming Pool and Spa Ordinance • Public Water Supply • Youth Camp Ordinance RESOLUTION OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD ESTABLISHING ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH SERVICES PROGRAM FEES Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2016 -17 WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board held a public meeting and considered oral and written presentations regarding Environmental Health Program Services fees enforceable within the jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board hereby determines that the fees adopted herein shall apply to all applicable license applications and/or renewals to be effective on April 11, 2016; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page4 WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board hereby determines that the fees described herein are appropriate for the sustainability and required operations of the Environmental Health Services Program; and WHEREAS, described fees apply to regulated services as defined in MN Statute 157.15 within the jurisdiction includes but .. not limited to food service operations and retail food establishments, beverage services, special event food stands, seasonal temporary food stands, seasonal permanent food stands, mobile food units, public swimming pools, public spas, special use pools, school food services and pools, recreational camping areas, special event camping areas, mobile home parks, lodging establishments, hotels/motels, resorts, youth camps, non-community water supplies, public on-site sewers, plan reviews, and applicable variance, late fees, and enforcement penalties; and WHEREAS, one (1) base fee shall be applied and charged per license certificate issued as described in MN Chapter 157.16 subd.1; and WHEREAS, if an approved establishment begins operation in the last quarter of a licensing year, the license fee due shall be prorated to one half of the annual license fee for that year; and WHEREAS, if there is a change of ownership of a currently licensed establishment in good standing within the licensing year, the license fee due shall be prorated to one half of the annual license fee for that year; and WHEREAS, the prorated rates described herein shall not be applicable to any outstanding or applied enforcement fees, administrative fees, plan review fees, or late fees assessed to the establishment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board, that the annual County Rate license fees for the following services be as stated: F ood an dB everaae Proaram Program Element Name of Fee ~nnual State Rates Annual County Rates FB-1 Base Fee $150 $150 FB-2 Limited Food Menu $60 $60 FB-3 Small Establishment $120 $120 FB-4 Medium Establishment $310 $310 FB-5 Large Establishment $540 $540 FB-6 Special Event -No Base $50 $50 FB-7 Small Menu B & B $120 $120 FB-8 Small Menu Boarding $120 $120 FB-9 Food Cart $60 $60 FB-10 Mobile Food Unit $60 $60 FB-11 Seasonal Permanent $60 $60 FB-12 Seasonal Temporary $60 $60 FB-13 Beer or Wine Table Service $60 $60 FB-14 [Alcohol Service from Bar $165 $165 FB-15 Late Fee up to 30 days $120 $120 FB-16 Late Fee > 30 days $360 $360 FB-17 Mobile Food Unit Late Fee $60 $60 FB-18 Individual Water or Sewer• $60 $60 FB-19 Late Fee for Food Cart, Seasonal Temp Stand, Seasonal Perm. Stand, or Soecial Event FB-20 Re-Inspection Fee $60 NIA OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 5 $60 $75 .. *only one ind1v1dual water or individual sewer fee is applied per licensed establishment Schools Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates SC-1 Base Fee $150 $150 SC-2 Limited Food Menu $60 $60 SC-3 Small Establishment $120 $120 SC-4 Medium Establishment $310 $310 SC-5 Large Establishment $540 $540 SC-6 Additional Inspection Fee $360 $360 SC-7 Late Fee up to 30 days $120 $120 SC-8 Late Fee > 30 days $360 $360 SC-9 Re-Inspection Fee NIA $75 Mobile Home Parks Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates MH-1 Base Fee $150 $150 MH-2 Year Round $4 per site $4 per site MH-3 Late Fee up to 30 days $120 $120 MH-4 Late Fee > 30 days $360 $360 MH-5 Individual Water or Sewer* $60 $60 MH-6 Re-Inspection Fee NIA $75 *only one individual water or individual sewer fee is applied per licensed establishment Recreational Camnnround Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates RC-1 Base Fee 24 or Less Sites $50 $50 RC-2 Base Fee 25-99 Sites $212 $212 RC-3 Base Fee >99 Sites $300 $300 RC-4 Seasonal (6 months or less) $4 per site $4 per site RC-5 Late Fee up to 30 days $120 $120 RC-6 Late Fee > 30 days $360 $360 RC-7 Special Event Camp Base Fee $150 $150 RC-8 Special Event Camp Site Fee $1 each site $1 each site RC-9 Individual Water or Sewer* $60 $60 RC-10 Late Fee Special Event $360 $360 RC-11 Re-Inspection Fee NIA $75 *only one individual water or individual sewer fee is applied per licensed establishment OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 6 Y th C OU amo Program Element Name of Fee YC-1 Up to 99 campers YC-2 100-99 campers YC-3 200 or more campers YC-4 Individual Water or Sewer* YC-5 Late Fee up to 30 days YC-6 Late Fee > 30 days YC-7 Re-Inspection Fee State Rates County Rates $325 $325 $550 $550 $750 $750 $60 $60 $120 $120 $360 $360 NIA $75 .. . . *only one md1v1dual water or md1v1dual sewer fee 1s applied per licensed establishment Lodaina (Max $10001 Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates LG-1 Lodging Base Fee $150 $150 LG-2 Number of Units x Rate $10/unit $10/unit LG-3 Individual Water or Sewer* $60 $60 LG-4 Late Fee up to 30 days $120 $120 LG-5 Late Fee > 30 days $360 $360 LG-6 Re-Inspection Fee N/A $75 .. *only one individual water or md1v1dual sewer fee 1s applied per licensed establishment s wimmina Pools and S >as Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates SP-1 Base Fee for standalone pools $150 $150 SP-2 Public Swimming Pools $325 $325 SP-3 Each Additional Pool $175 $175 SP-4 Spa Pool $175 $175 SP-5 Each Additional Spa $100 $100 SP-6 Late Fee up to 30 days $120 $120 SP-7 Late Fee > 30 days $360 $360 SP-8 Individual Water or Sewer* $60 $60 SP-9 Re-Inspection Fee N/A · $75 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board, that the County Rate plan review application fees for the following services be as stated: Pl R . P an ev1ew roaram -N C ew onstruct1on Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates PR-1 Limited Food Menu $275 $275 PR-2 Small Establishment $400 $400 PR-3 Medium Establishment $450 $450 PR-4 Large Establishment $500 $500 PR-5 Additional Food Service $150/service $150/service PR-6 Beer or Wine Table Service $150 $150 PR-7 Alcohol Service from Bar $250 $250 PR-8 Lodging < 25 Rooms $375 $375 PR-9 Lodging 25 to 99 Rooms $400 $400 PR-10 PR-11 PR-12 PR-13 . PR-14 PR-15 PR-16 Pl R . P an ev1ew roaram - Program Element RR-1 RR-2 RR-3 RR-4 RR-5 RR-6 RR-7 RR-8 RR-9 RR-10 RR-11 RR-12 RR-13 RR-14 RR-15 RR-16 Lodging 100 Rooms or More Lodging 1 to 4 Cabins Lodging 5 to 9 Cabins Lodging 10 Cabins or More MHP/RCA/SECA Plan · .. Less than 25 sites 25 to 99 sites 100 sites or more R d I emo e Name of Fee Limited Food Menu Small Establishment Medium Establishment Large Establishment Additional Food Service Beer or Wine Table Service Alcohol Service from Bar Lodging < 25 Rooms Lodging 25 to 99 Rooms Lodging 100 Rooms or More Lodging 1 to 4 Cabins Lodging 5 to 9 Cabins Lodging 10 Cabins or More MHP/RCA/SECA Plan Less than 25 sites 25 to 99 sites 100 sites or more $500 $350 $400 $450 $375 $400 $500 State Rates $250 $300 $350 $400 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 7 $500 $350 $400 ., $450 . $375 $400 $500 County Rates $250 $300 $350 $400 $150/service $150/service $150 $150 $250 $250 $250 $250 $300 $300 $450 $450 $250 $250 $350 $350 $400 $400 $250 $250 $300 $300 $450 $450 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board, that the County Rate variance application fee be as stated: Program Element Name of Fee State Rates County Rates VF-1 Program Areas as allowed N/A $150 NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that fees shall be submitted in full faith to the jurisdiction at the time of application submission; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board find and determine that all formal actions relative to the passage of this resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and its committees, if any, which resulted in formal action, were taken in meetings open to the public and in full compliance of all applicable legal requirements. Upon the motion of Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Froemming and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 8 Adopted this 22nd day of March 2016 Dated: Apr',\ S:1 2alL. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest ~ d,.£ LarryKro, Clerk ~~,d Leland R. Rogness.air Closed to the Public At 11: 13 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the Board of Commissioners meeting closed to the public to discuss attorney-client privileged matters involving potential litigation over a dispute with the. State Court Administration on the cost of a remodeling item provided by New Life Communications. The closed session is authorized under Attorney-Client privilege, M.S. §13D.05, Subd. 3(b). Present were all five seated Commissioners, Courity Attorney, County Administrator and Board Secretary. At 11 :24 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the closed session adjourned and the remainder of the Board meeting open to the public. Conservation Efforts Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the attendance of Commissioners at the local Pheasants Forever Banquet on April 9, 2016 at the Eagles in Fergus Falls, MN. Pheasants Forever plans to highlight Otter Tail County as a leader in the community for their conservation efforts. Chairman Rogness will accept the award on behalf of the County. Legislative Initiatives Discussion The Administrator and Commissioners discussed legislative priorities as follows: • • • • • • Broadband -AMC platform is not enough, more funding is needed and regulations may need to be changed. Transportation Funding Workforce Housing and Daycare Unemployment benefits extension issue on the iron range Voting Equipment Electronics Recycling Act Strategic Plan Community Services Director, John Dinsmore discussed the County's draft strategic plan with Commissioners. Commissioners indicated that Page 2, Item 3 needs to be expanded. A Broadband Plan similar to the County's Transportation Plan would identify needs, invested parties and a process to expand broadband and ultimately economic growth. The three main, identified goals in the plan will continue to be discussed. This item will be scheduled on the Board agenda in April 2016. Recess & Reconvene At 12:00 p.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a committee meeting and lunch break. The meeting was reconvened at 1 :15 p.m. Commissioner Froemming was absent for the remainder of the Board meeting. OTTER COUNTRY TRAIL ASSOCIATION (OCTA) GRANT-IN-AID FUNDING Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2016 -18 Commissioner Johnson offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has sponsored Grant-In-Aid Systems in the past; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 9 WHEREAS, acceptance of the Grant-In-Aid Systems proposed extensions are subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County shall continue to sponsor Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems as they exist for the Otter Country Trail Association (OCTA) Snowmobile Club for the 2016-2017 snowmobile season and proposed extensions of Grant-In-Aid Trails with the aforementioned condition. Commissioner Lindquist seconded the resolution and, upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted this 22nd day of March, 2016. Dated: __,_f+-'-lpl"'c--'i.Ll ....,5.... ..._, -"';;),.,c"'"'l'""b"---OTTER TAI NTY BOARD O MISSION~RS By:~~.,td!.~~~~~::_.;;:;L~~~!!=:::::_' - Leland R. Rogness, Chair Aquatic Invasive Species (AISl Task Force Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar submitted minutes from the AIS Task Force meeting held March 14, 2016 and the proposed AIS Task Force revenue and expense budget. Mr. Kalar reviewed a bill that would redefine AIS as a species that is not natural to a specific region. He briefed the Board on several proposed expenditures including the I-LID Program, watercraft inspectors and flex boat tags. They discussed a grant application that could provide a boat, dock and lift tracking app. Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve the AIS Task Force budget as submitted. Highway Materials Award Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to award the 2016 Highway Signing Materials, in the amount of $89,268.60, to the low bidder, M-R Sign Company, Inc. of Fergus Falls, MN. Leaf Mountain Township signs (Category No. 1 b) is contingent on their approval of the quotation. Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to award the 2016 Highway Sign Posts, in the amount of $22,543.60, to the low bidder, M-R Sign Company, Inc. of Fergus Falls, MN. Geotechnical Evaluation Agreements Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute Geotechnical Evaluation Agreements between the County of Otter Tail and Braun lntertec of Mpls, MN for the following highway projects: CSAH 1 Reconstruction (S.A.P. 056-601-054) CSAH 10 Resurfacing (SAP. 056-610-015) CSAH 11, 88 & Wilkin County 52 Resurfacing (S.A.P. 056-611-018, 056-688-006 & 084-652-006) CSAH 16 Resurfacing (SAP. 056-616-013) CSAH 24 Resurfacing (SAP. 056-624-017) CSAH 34 Reconstruction (S.A.P. 056-634-011) CSAH 84 Resurfacing (SAP. 056-684-002) CSAH 89 Resurfacing (SAP. 056-689-001) Wadena Asphalt Contract & Bonds Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a Contract between Otter Tail County and Wadena Asphalt for 2016 Hot Mix Bituminous material for highway projects. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Page 10 Rural Housing Symposium Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioners and appropriate staff members attendance at the 2016 Symposium on Small Towns June th through June 9th at the University of Minnesota, Morris campus. Adjournment At 2:10 p.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Dated: __,_A.,..p~ri~J ~O;~·-'.:,o'-'-.'--l,_4 __ AtteSt -L--'f-rry""'~..:;K_r-+n-,-~-:i· '""e""'~"";: 0 ='--- cs1kd OTTE IONERS OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 312212016 Vendor Name ACCUll-\.TE CONTROLS INC ADVAN.CID STORAGE AL'S REFRIGERATION All TR.\FFIC SOLUTIONS Al.PH..\ TRAINING & TACTICS l.LC . .\J.\£E.RIC . .\..""1 SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS . .\J.\{E.RIC . .\..""I Wll.D!NG & GAS INC . .\.\ITRJPRIDE S[R\•lCES INC ANDERSON L.\ND SURVEYING INC .-\PPllID CONCEPTS INC . .\RK & SP.-\RK. AUTOffi AUTO V.-\1.UE FERGUS FA.I.LS . .\.\NESS/JOE B:\IL\RD SA .. 1'/ITA TION INC BARNH.-\RD 4-H BATIU L.\KE AUTO PARTS BATI1E L.\KE. COOP BATn.E L-\1:I ST . .\..l\'DARD BCS GROUP ll.C BE.llf HOLZER UNllMITID BLUFFTON OIL CO!\lPANY BOB"S STA,\0DARD BIJ1..K SERVICE BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIi. COUNlT BRAUN VENDING INC CDW GO\'ER.!'l1-II..11IT INC CEl\'Til.\l. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CE.1','TR...\l. L.\J.:ES COLLEGE CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR cmux SYSTEMS INC CO OP SERVICES INC CO . .\TINGS UkUMITED CODE 4 SERHCES LLC COMP:\1'-llON . .\..1',1M • .\l. HOSPIT.-\1 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CUWGAN CUWG.·\N OF WADENA CULLIG . .\.."1 WATER crn,mmoi-,.'!NG D & T VE.1\1TlFRES l.LC D . .\.llf'S TOWING & REPAIR DEER CREEK OIi. & TIRE A.rnoum 1,696.38 1,500.00 185.00 2,840.00 424.12 6,017.66 250.00 920.63 5.485.00 11,580.00 50.84 68.20 2,222.22 71.98 552.34 250.00 61 93 37.20 72.90 3,900.00 33.00 36.49 102.00 6.75 821.50 3,280.44 150.00 800.00 756.90 7,823 56 79.38 550.00 17,102.43 131.04 38,819.74 350.72 32.75 40.75 10.00 1.089.00 185.90 15.00 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Exhibit A, Page 2 Vendor Name DENZ.EL'S RlGION WASTE l!NC DESIGN lliCTRONICS DICK.'5 ST:\l'-l"DARD E'<"\1ROTECH SIE1l\•1CES INC ERD!>HN/SCOTI ERGO METRICS EVERGREEN LJ,.J\JD SERVICI.S FAR.c',,1I:RS co OP on ASSN f:>,R.NAM'S GE~UINE PARTS IINC FARN_J,.},fS GENUINE P . .\RTS !NC FASHN.-U COMP.-\:N-Y FERGUS FAll.S DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FAll.S/CnY OF FEJl.GUS POWER PUMP INC FORUM COMMt~'IC . .\ TIONS PR:IN'IING FRAZ.H ElECTIUC INC FREIT . .\G/MICHAEL GAI.l...\GHER BS"ff:ITT 5El\'1CES INC GA.US ll.C GILSON COMPANY INC GIR.l SCOli1 TROOP 565 GRAINGER INC GRE.\T.J,."1ERJCA FINA .. NCUL SVCS GRES'rWOOD /BRITT _J,.l\"1· HARTHUN/TRENT HEAR.TL.\ND AUDIO INC H£.1-fNING H.-\RDW.-\RE HORGEN/ ]ilRY INDEPENDENT/THE INDIGITAI. JP. COOKE CO ~ SPORTS JOBSHO K.·\RllL\ Hli~'T & CHESHIRE PUP Kf.EPR.S INC Kill Y SER.\•1CES INC f..11\ffiAll. ;>.,fID\VEST KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT K.ROHN/L.\RRY L.U:.I REGION HE-U THC.-\RE CORP L-U:.E.S AREA COOPEil-UlVE L-\KE.S COUNTRY SHlHCE CO OP .'-UllOUnt 138.06 71.88 102. 73 16,596.86 183.50 15 7 .60 601.40 2,277.45 35,6.73 53.26 471.92 3,563.48 756.00 880.00 1,353.79 2,713.40 189.95 1.000.00 293.66 283.70 25,0.00 249.84 492.05 39.57 10.00 1.203.38 100.92 670.54 30.00 2.721.64 39.00 20.00 45.40 1,200.00 886.36 2,464.83 584.14 10.00 432.00 4.895.43 795.29 6,786,.00 Vendor Name LJJ.:IS RADrO La\RRY OTT INC TRUCJ.: SER\1CE L-\ WSON PRODUCTS INC UBERn· BUSINESS SYSTEMS FARGO LOCATORS & SUPPLIES [NC LlTIHER.t'i ISL-'\J',,'D CAMP M· R SIGN COl\rPA."-1.Y INC. l\HCPZA MARCO INC ST LotF!S MARCO TICHNOLOGIES UC MA TIIlSO!\' CO MC.~-\ MCIT MEIS/D.-lif. MEND CORRECTION."-1 C.l.RE MERICKEi.. LUMBER MHSRC RA.NG[ MIDSTAH.S EQlJIPMD•rr & SUPPLY MIDVVEST MACHINERY CO MIDWEST MACHINERY CO Ml TREE SER\r1CE MN .-\5SOCL-\TION OF TOWNSHIPS MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFEn· MN STA TI AUDITOR MURDOCK'S ACE H.-\RDW . .\RE N F FIEID ABSTR.-\CT CO UC NAPA CENTR..-\1 MN NAPA OF PERH.-\M NELSON AUTO CE.c'\ITIR NELSON .-\UTO ClliTIR NEW YORK ~m.LS DISPATCH NE'N YORK ~m.LS ELEME"'fTARY HH GR., NEWJ.l-\N P.-\.INTING INC NORTHL~.ND BUSI!'IESS SYSTEMS INC NORTHLt'\cD COMMUNITY & TICJ--!1'11CAI OFFICE OF M'.N.IT SER\1CES OLSEN" COMPA.NIES OLSON Oil CO INC ONE. C.ill LOC.-\ TORS LTD OTTER T.-\ll. CO AUDITOR OTHR TAD. CO PUBLIC HE."-1 TH OTTER T.-\ll. CO TREASURER OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Exhibit A, Page 3 Amount 840.00 2,120.00 253.78 150.85 1,069 .. 25 250.00 39.24 125.00 200.24 2.491.50 326.16 99.00 230.00 106-92 8,830.36 75.87 792.00 52,960.32 20.20 629.44 7.445 00 15.00 20000 7,119.59 28.00 750.00 199.87 17.67 34,740.61 1,79914 30.00 250.00 776.00 14,397.16 9,142.00 2.402.00 1,268.35 549.15 30.04 122.50 182.00 338.31 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Exhibit A, Page 4 Vendor Name OTTER IAil CO TREASURER OTTER TAil TELCOll..! OTTERTA.ll. TRUCKING IINC OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS L.\..l•iDSC . .\PE & P.'\RK REGION CO OP PARKERS P-RAIRIE/cm· or PEllC . .\..l\ RAPIDS PRI.55 PEM:BER.TON SOR.U£ RUFER f..I.RSHNER Pl PENROSE OIL COMP.-\..1\i·y PERH.\Jlf ,\RE.A EMS PERH.\111 FOCUS PERH.\111 HEAL TH PERH.\Jlf PRINTING & SUPPLY PER.H..\111/Cm• Of PETE'S A.\fOCO PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING Plffi.l.IPE L\W OFFICE PHOEN'JX SUPPLY PITNEY BO'W'ES POWERPL\N OIB PRA}(A!R DISTRIBUTION IINC PREMIUM \V.-HERS IINC PRO AG FAR .. i.fERS COOPERl.ffi1E PRO BUILD FERGUS fAll.S PRODUCIB'E .-\1.TDlNAThTS INC PRODUcmm· PLUS ACCO\)J\'1 PROTECTION SYSTL"IS INC OUICK'S NAPA AUTO PARTS 01..111.l. CORPOR.-\TION R.-ill-l"BOW CLE!\..llilNG CE.l\:1ER RDO TRUCK CB-ITIR CO REAL VISION somrARE l!NC RECYCLE TECHNOLOG!I.S INC RINKE NOON . .\!'{ ROYAL TIRE INC S.W.INC 5.-\u1lIR/~l.\ TIHEW SBLC Ff SCHOOL DIST 550-1..TNDERWOOD SCOTT HOFL.\.."1D CONSTRliCTION INC SERVICE FOOD 5,1JPER VALU SER\llCEMASTER ClEA,.'\'!NG PROFESSION Amount 53.00 398.25 6.05,2.15 3,957.50 335.88 260.00 211.05 1,254.25 1,002.16 335 .. 00 125. 10 50.00 19.74 856.88 251.00 217.00 556.14 1. 108.52 1,076.00 273.94 304.79 40.00 478.93 22.35 137 .43 13. 14 700.00 60.13 161.21 24.16 948.99 3,500.00 1,004.07 95.00 48.95 420.00 70.00 2'59.89 1,000.00 5,570.00 107.54 572.00 vendor Name Sil'tlll SER\!lCE SRGl\Th\/"OR.KS SIGNS & B..!J'-."NERS UC Sl!ME.:'1GA.AR.D/PAL1. SIMPLE\'.G-l!UNNTI.I. SMITH/GENE STBl\l-S INC STEVE'S S.,1.,"JITATION INC STil,\,\ffi H..\RD\',,'_.\RE & R._.\DIO SHACK SUPER SEPTIC & EXCAVATION SW • .\c'ISON/Km.BY THE MIDWEEK INC THES WEEKS SHOPPING N!WS THO~tSON l!tEUTIRS -WEST THR!Fn. V\iHITE PHARMACY TifYSSE'./ KRUPP lliVATOR CORPOR...\ n, TIRE.S PlliS TOT . .\1 CAR CARE ffiA .. ~ MACHINERY TO!l.fS BODY SHOP TOWMASTIR TRI-STATE DIVING niNG-SITH/CHRISTINE liJ\l"DERWOOD WOODWORKING lTJ\lTITD STA TFS POSTAGE 51El!t VICE US AUTOFOl!tCE VIRGAS H..\RDWARE \•1CTOl!t lUJ",'DEIN COl\fPA'IY V1NCO, WC VOSS UGHTTI-iG W . .\llWOl!tK TRUCK CE'lTER WAR..!\i"1NG LITES OF MINNIS.OTA WASTE l\t.\,\" . .\G[MENT 'L.\HOO! ZEE ME.DIC.-U SI:R.vlCE Zl!IGlER INC Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 22, 2016 Exhibit A, Page 5 .'-\mount 970.00 1,804 00 5-9.40 8,333.86 189.86 3.493.64 1.149.21 62.18 99.00 174.99 58, 20 116.40 241.53 42.94 899.29 665.58 11.120.00 425.05 1,30R22 319.60 182. 79 5,613.00 10,000.00 549.64 12 25 2,32.3.32 866.05 28.50 477.05 349.50 2,312..86 40.00 45.70 3,325.85 411i,38063