HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/19/2016~ OfflRTAII DOIIT1'•■111U0fl MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN January 19, 2016 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chairman; Doug Huebsch, Vice-Chairman; Wayne Johnson, Roger Froemming, and John Lindquist present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Rogness called for approval of the January 19, 2016 agenda. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of January 19, 2016, as submitted. Consent Agenda Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. January 5, 2016, Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for January 19, 2016 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services Contract Renewals 4. Human Services Bills & Claims 5. Reappointment for 3 year term on Probation Committee: Chet Nettestad (2nd District) and Scott Bjerke (1 st District) 6. Issue County Credit Card, with 30 Day Limit of $1,000 to Nicholas Leonard, Economic Development Director 7. Authorize Appropriate County Signatures to Execute the Amended Audit Engagement Letter with State of MN 8. Approve 2016 Tobacco License Application for J.C.'s General Store USFWS Wildlife Habitat Protection Easements USFWS Representatives appeared before the Board and requested certification of five perpetual wildlife habitat easements. Documentation was previously submitted regarding the easements. Discussion took place regarding each easement and landowner's responsibility to continue to maintain the property. Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve certification for the USFWS to secure the following habitat easements: Mouser, Matthew J. (iraze): T. 132N .. R. 42 W .• 5 P.M. Section 16: The tract of land is located in Minnesota, Otter Tail County, approximately 5 miles southeast of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, being part of the land described in a Warranty Deed from Donald Monk and Shelby Monk, husband and wife to Matthew J. Mouser and Katrina L. Mouser, husband and wife, dated March 2, 2007 and recorded on March 6, 2007 as Document Number 1015314, in the records of Otter Tail County, described according to the public land surveys. Mouser, Matthew J. (hay): T. 132N .• R. 42 w .. 5th P.M. Section 16: The tract of land is located in Minnesota, Otter Tail County, approximately 5 miles southeast of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, being part of the land described in a Warranty Deed from Donald Monk and Shelby Monk, husband and wife to Matthew J. Mouser and Katrina L. Mouser, husband and wife, dated March 2, 2007 and recorded on March 6, 2007 as Document Number 1015314, in the records of Otter Tail County, described according to the public land surveys. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page2 Mouser, Matthew J. et al. (graze): T. 132N., R. 42 w., 5th P.M. Section 16: The tract of land is located in Minnesota, Otter Tail County, approximately 5 miles southeast of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, being part of the land describe.d in a Contract for Deed from Bruce M. Carlisle and Nan E. Carlisle, husband and wife to Matthew J. Mouser and Katrina L. Mouser, husband and wife, dated November 21, 2012 and recorded on December 7, 2012 as Document Number 1119933, all in the records of Otter Tail County, described according to the public land surveys. Mouser, Matthew J. et al. (hay): T. 132N., R. 42 W., 5th P.M. Section 16: The tract of land is located in Minnesota, Otter Tail County, approximately 5 miles southeast of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, being part of the land described in a Contract for Deed from Bruce M. Carlisle and Nan E. Carlisle, husband and wife to Matthew J. Mouser and Katrina L. Mouser, husband and wife, dated November 21, 2012 and recorded on December 7, 2012 as Document Number 1119933, all in the records of Otter Tail County, described according to the public land surveys. Swelstad, Jason A. T. 131N., R. 40 W., 5th P.M . . Section 36, parts of the N ½ to be determined by a survey. Said legal description is subject to a survey conducted by and at the expense of the U.S. fish and wildlife Service. 2016 Solid Waste Haulers' License Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following Solid Waste Haulers' License applications for Calendar Year 2016: Ballard Sanitation City of Fergus Falls Fuch Sanitation Lakes Area Sanitation Soberg Enterprises Waste Management, Inc. -Alexandria, MN Bob's Big Red Boxes Alex Rubbish & Recycling, Inc. G & T Sanitation Minn-Kota .Enviroservices Steve's Sanitation Waste Management, Inc. -Wahpeton, ND Recycling/Waste Sort Day City Dray Sanitation Denzel's Region Waste Jon & Son Disposal Ottertail Trucking Toutges Sanitation West Central Roll-Off Public Information Officer, Shannon Terry briefed the Board on a recent recycling/waste sort day. The objective was to gain baseline data. About 25% of the waste in the garbage could have been recycled. Much of the 25% that could have been recycled was paper and paperboard. There was also a large amount of composting waste in the garbage. Very little household hazardous waste was found, showing that the County's HHW program is working. With this information, Ms. Terry will begin initiatives to educate the public on reducing junk mail, recycling paper and paperboard and in the spring, educating the public on the benefits of composting. Discussion took place regarding the potential for commingling recyclables which would eliminate the need for curbside separation. The Board also discussed issues and expense related to landfill cleanup. PREMISE PERMIT-TURN IN POACHERS-OTTERTAIL CHAPTER Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2016 -05 Commissioner Johnson offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the responsibility for the regulation of lawful gambling and the issuance of licenses and permits for the conduct of lawful gambling lies with the Minnesota Gambling Control Board; and ,. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page 3 WHEREAS, Turn In Poachers -Ottertail Chapter, Detroit Lakes, MN, has made an application to the Gambling Control Board for the purpose of conducting lawful gambling at Playtime Sports Bar, located at 43974 390th St in Rush Lake Township of Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 349.213 provides that the Gambling Control Board may not issue an initial premise permit unless they receive a resolution from the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners approving the application for a permit; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is aware of no reason to oppose the conduct of lawful gambling by Turn in Poachers -Ottertail Chapter, Detroit Lakes, MN, at Playtime Sports Bar, located at 43974 390th St in Rush Lake Township of Otter Tail County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the conduct of lawful gambling bl Turn In Poachers -Ottertail Chapter, Detroit Lakes, MN, at Playtime Sports Bar, located at 43974 3901 St in Rush Lake Township of Otter Tail County, provided the applicant meets all the necessary criteria for the licenses and permits as required by the Gambling Control Board. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this application and approval shall be provided to the Township of Rush Lake by sending them a copy of this resolution. Commissioner Froemming seconded the motion, and upon being put to a vote, the resolution was adopted unanimously. Adopted this 19th day of January 2016 Dated: __ /_-_.1» __ --_l~l, __ _ Attest: J, ~ Lar~,Clrl< OTTER TAIL UNTY BOA F COMMISSIONERS By ~~-:-' ,~ d R. Rogne d of Commissioners Chair Site Inspection Services Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize the Auditor-Treasurer to secure the services of Tim Stoll for site inspection for the following two tax-forfeited properties which are scheduled for demolition: Registered Land Survey #16 Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to accept the amended surveyor's report for Registered Land Survey #16 consisting of two non-riparian tracts ,one 18.14 acres and one 5.52 acres located in Sections 31 and 32 of Corliss Township, Big Pine Lake (56-130) for purposes of registration of the property. Pomme de Terre River Protective Buffer Project Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to certify the following Pomme de Terre River Protective Buffer Project ISTS (Individual Sewage Treatment System) assessments per the terms as stated in the Note and Septic System Lien Notice for the following properties: Gareth G. and Linda K. Klimek-54-000-20-0138-001 -$10,800.00 -Ten Years -3% -09/18/2015 Interest Starts as of Monday, October 19, 2015 John D. Boltz-58-000-09-0067-000 -$10,425.00 -Ten Years -3% -11/17/2015 Interest Starts as of Friday, December 18, 2015 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page 4 Ditch Maintenance Assessments Auditor-Treasurer, Wayne Stein and Ditch Inspector, Kevin Fellbaum, presented their recommendations for Ditch Maintenance Assessments and reviewed the list with the Board. Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the following 2016 Ditch Maintenance Assessments as presented: Ditch Assessment Ditch Assessment JD 2 $8,000.00 CD4 $6,000.00 CD 5/36/68 $10,000.00 CD 11 $1,200.00 CD12 $2,000.00 CD 15/28 $20,000.00 CD16 $20,000.00 CD 18/37 . $10,000.00 CD21 $10,000.00 CD23 $20,000.00 CD25 $20,000.00 CD29 $5,000.00 CD 38 $20,000.00 CD 39 $4,000.00 CD 41/65 $15,000.00 CD43 4,500.00 CD44 $10,000.00 CD 52 $3,000.00 CD 53 $5,000.00 CD 56 $6,000.00 CD70 $15,000.00 Total $135,000.00 $79,700.00 Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the County Auditor- Treasurer to write-off interest charged, in the amount of $11.12, to the State of Minnesota for the maintenance assessments on the County Ditch 16 project. Consumption and Display Permit Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a Consumption and Display Permit to The Corner Store on Ottertail Lake LLC. • · LMPK and Devils' Lakes Outlet Project Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the following expenditures related to the Little McDonald Kerbs & Paul (LMPK) and Devils' Lakes Outlet Project. Tinjum Appraisals. Moore Engineering, Inc. Ohnstad Twichell, P.C. *MN DNR Total Letter Invoice Nos. 11870 and 11907 Invoice Nos. 139415 and 139880 Permit No. 2015-2682 Internal Services Technology Committee $16,000.00 $11,470.13 $ 3,970.50 $ 1,536.00 $32,976.63 Chairman Rogness and Commissioner Wayne Johnson will serve on the Internal Services Technology Committee effective January 1, 2016. Resurfacing Project-Center (Main) Street Rothsay Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute an Agreement between Otter Tail County and Wilkin County for Resurfacing Center Street Rothsay (Otter Tail CSAH Nos. 11 and 88 and Wilkin CSAH No. 52). The Project Nos. are S.A.P. 056-611-018, S.A.P. 056-688-006 and S.A.P. 084-652-006. lndigital Document Scanning OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page 5 Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a quotation from lndigital, in the amount of $10,115.00 for the Highway Department's Construction Plans scanning project. Battle Lake Garage Site Development Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute an Engineering Services Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and Interstate Engineering, Inc. to provide a drainage plan and legal description of the Battle Lake Garage property. CSAH 9 Resurfacing Project Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute Proposal QTB032499 between the County of Otter Tail and Braun lntertec for stabilized full-depth reclamation of mix design on the subgrade for CSAH 9 between TH 59 and TH34. Engineering Technician Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a new Engineering Technician position in the Highway Department as proposed and budgeted. Recess & Reconvene At 10:50 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:55 a.m. BRRWD Information Administrator Larry Krohn provided information regarding the Buffalo Red River Watershed District tax levy summary and proposed budget. Planning Commission Recommendations CIC BC Storage Condos/Brian Balerud: Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve a Common Interest Community (CIC) titled "BC Storage Condos" consisting of 1 non-residential lot with 26 storage units with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in Pt SW¼ NW¼ & NW¼ NW¼, Section 24 & Pt NE¼ NE¼, Section 23 of.Candor Township; Non-Shoreland Area. Conditional Use Permit -Scott Driscoll: Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a 4 dwelling cluster development consisting of a main house and 3 cabins with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in Pt GLs 6 & 7, Section 1 and Pt GL 1 & Pt of SE¼ of SE¼, Section 2 and all of a peninsula (WO 1126382), Tordenskjold Township; South Turtle Lake (56-377), RD. Preliminary Plat-"Kathvs Beach". Greg & Kathy Goodiiohn/Minnkota Partnership, LLP: Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled "Kathys Beach" consisting of 2 single family residential lots with the condition that there be one approach as presented in the revised drawing/plan dated 1/5/16, subject to appropriate easements between both parties/owners. A letter from the County Highway Department has been received approving the single approach as presented by the Land & Resource Director. The proposal is located on Lot 1 Blk 1 Ivy Acres and Pt of GL 1, Section 36 of Rush Lake Township; Rush Lake (56-141), GD & Buchanan Lake (56-209), GD. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page 6 Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force Minutes Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar provided the AIS Task Force minutes dated January 11, 2016. He briefed the Board on several items in the minutes and discussion followed. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to refer the AIS Task Force proposals to the Finance Committee. Recess & Reconvene At 11 :30 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for committee meetings and lunch break. The meeting was reconvened at 12:54 p.m. Full Time Correction Officers Positions Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve four new full time Correction Officers positions to meet the Department of Corrections standards while reducing use of part time staff and FTE overtime as recommended by the Sheriff. The increase is included in the 2016 County Budget. Public Hearing -Shoreland Management Ordinance (SMO), Sanitation Code & Dock Ordinance At 2:00 p.m., Chairman Rogness convened the Public Hearing to receive comments on proposed revisions to the Otter Tail County SMO and Sanitation Code and to consider a proposed Dock Ordinance. He welcomed the following persons from the public who were in attendance and signed the attendance sheet: Jean Bowman Teresa Mann Tom Hintgen Dan Schupp Beth Schupp Diane Matejka-Lund Carey C. Lund Mark R. Steuart Dennis & Janet Hanselman Elizabeth Garmer Jeff Stabnow Pat Prunty John Halvorson Lee Mindemann Rebecca Mindemann Kevin Kovar Ron Sugden Megan Johnson Vince Prososki Cheryl Prososki Brent E. Frazier Jack Rosenthal Mike & Linda Schultz Steve Egge Lucy Tabatt Jeremy Brockpahler Tracy Brockpahler Tyler Riley Jim Ebert Mike Donoho Matt Snork, MPCA The following County Officials were present: All 5 Seated Commissioners David Hauser, County Attorney Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director Nicholas Leonard, Tourism & Economic Development Director Larry Krohn, County Administrator Revisions to the Shore/and Management Ordinance: Correspondence regarding the proposed revisions received prior to the November 30, 2015 Public Information meeting have been posted on the County website. Since that time, fifteen additional letters have been received including comments from the MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Mr. Kalar provided a timeline that included all meetings where revisions to the SMO were discussed starting on October 14, 2014. The original SMO was effective October 15, 1971 with the current version dated August 1, 2013. Mr. Kalar submitted a SMO Discussion Outline and stated the Purpose of the SMO to Preserve, Protect, and Improve Water Quality in lakes and rivers. The three main considerations to meet this objective of the SMO are 1) Impervious Surface, 2) Setbacks, and 3) Onsite Sewage Treatment. Chairman Rogness opened the floor to comments. County Officials and the following individuals (Ron Sugdan, Lee Mindemann, Mike Donoho, Denny Hanson, Tere Mann & Jean Bowman) provided comments summarized below: • DNR Letter suggested consideration of increased minimum structure setbacks for PUDs based on shoreland class; e.g. 225' for Natural Environment Lakes, 150' for Recreational Development Lakes and115' for General Development Lakes .. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page 7 • If increased setbacks were incorporated into the SMO, how would changes on existing PUDs (resorts) be handled -grandfathered for purposes of the setback? • When replacing existing structure(s), the health code restrictions need to be considered and would that be an issue with increased setbacks? • Are existing PUD operations/development changes intended to be conditional? • Prefer the setback standard be the same for residential lots and PUDs • Increased setbacks for PUDs may be appropriate to facilitate more green space due to more density in PUDs vs residential lots. • Look at proposed State revisions that references resorts specifically because of their unique circumstances. • Increasing density around the lakeshore runs counter intuitive to the mission of protecting and enhancing the environment. • Increased density could be detrimental to Star Lake -does not make sense to allow/encourage additional development around the lakes. • Comment in agreement with the DNR letter. • Discussion regarding letters in favor of the proposed revisions and letters opposed. • The numbers of comments is a secondary consideration to the substance of the comments. • With respect to density, the statewide standards are used in other counties, so Otter Tail County will be similar. Vegetative strips, not mowing grass right up to the water, less impervious surface, good sewage systems, etc. affect water quality more than density based on numbers. • The SMO will be reviewed on an annual basis. If there are unintended consequences, the SMO can be revised. • The SWCD has started a Buffer Plan which is a step toward improved water quality. Mowed grass to the lakeshore is not an appropriate buffer. .. • Density is only one factor that is considered when a Conditional Use Application is being reviewed. There are fifteen other criteria. • Comment in support of the proposed SMO to bring Otter Tail County up to par with the rest of the counties in the State of Minnesota to bring in tourism. Revisions to the Sanitation Code: There was a brief discussion regarding the record keeping section of the Sanitation Code, 82.D. Licensed Service Providers will now be required to provide a monthly Professional Report, to the County, when a septic system has been serviced. New Proposed Dock and Riparian Use Ordinance: County Officials and the following individuals (Lee Mindemann, Elizabeth Garmer, Lucy Tabatt, Kevin Kovar & Ron Sugden) provided comments summarized below: • The following proposed language was clarified; 11.D. A dock, pier ei=" wharf. boatlift. moored boat or other structure must be setback a sufficient distance ten feet from an adjacent riparian zone to ensure that any attached or adjacent boat lift, moored boat, attached deck, T. or L, does not encroach on the use of the riparian zone of an adjacent property. • With severe angles of shoreline vs. lot lines, how far do you extrapolate the lot line into the lake? • Expressed opposition to the complete Dock Ordinance. Requested that Commissioners not approve the proposal. State is doing a good job regulating docks and an Ordinance should not be developed because of a specific situation. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Page 8 • If a dock can be 1 O' setback from a property line, then a boat or lift should be able to be 1 O' off the property line as well. • Appears that a property owner with smaller riparian area has more space to put out a dock than a property owner with a larger lot-Lot A and Lot B of the Dock Ordinance drawing. • Line of Navigation was discussed. DNR definition was explained • Splitting of the angle for dock placement on Lots C and D of the drawing was discussed. • Is the proposed Dock Ordinance only for disputes? • It is intended that all of a property owner's watercraft are placed in front of the owner's property and does not encroach on a neighbor. • The Ordinance could be enforced by Conservation Officers. • Comment that there may be a need for different dock configuration(s) due to a disability. Commissioners indicated that all written comments that have been received will be posted on the County website. Chairman Rogness closed the Public Hearing at 3:35 p.m. Minnesota Inter County Association (MICA) Membership Dues Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve payment to MICA, in the amount of $14,881.00, for the CY2016 membership dues. Adjournment At 3:50 p.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Dated: ___ I --~-_-_l___,lp'----- Attest ~ ~ Larryl(ro, cirk CB/kd ,,. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 1/19/2016 Vendor Name AMERlCA .. "f \VEI..DING & GAS INC AMERlPRIDE SER\'1CES INC ANDER.SON &/MICHAEL J A.R.,VI'SON ELECTRIC INC ASSOCUTION OF MN COUNTIES ASSOCL.\TION OF MN COUNTIES ATOM AlJTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS BATTERIES PLUS BATTLE LAKE AITTO PARTS BECKER CO SHERIFF BEN HOUER. UNLIMITED BER.GOlJlST /RlCHARD BEYER BODY SHOP INC BOB'S STANDARD BlJLK SERV1CE BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRATVOID/JONATHON BRAUN INTERTEC CORJlORATION BRAUN VENDING INC BRENNAN/KEVIN BUREAU OF CR.IM APPREHENSION BUY-MOR PAR.TS & SERVICE LI.C CASS CO SHERJFFS OFFICE-MN CDW GOVERNMENT INC CENTRAi. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS INC CERTIFIED AITTO REPAIR. CHAPTER II MSPS cmzms ADVOCATE CIITHER.ALI. TGWNSHIP CO OP SERVICES INC CODE 4 SERV1CES LI.C co:MPA,~ON A .. NlM.AJ.. HOSPITAi. COOP SER.V1CES INC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CUJ..IlGAN CUJ..IlGAN OF WADENA CUJ..IlGAN \VATER. CONDmOJ1/ING CUMMINS J\J-POWER. LI.C D & T VENTURES LI.C DAJ..OS/ROBERT C & REBECCA E DA1.'-fS TmVING & REPAIR. Amount 52.70 805.26 500.00 365.60 21,996.00 1,050.00 250.00 1,683.19 208.48 69.92 60.00 46.00 273.08 14,025.15 57.75 333.31 139.99 5,439.50 65.25 251.48 510.00 1,630.39 75.00 1,092.63 722.50 5,652.35 1,206.04 25.00 47.40 100.80 80.69 498.63 35.52 129.24 901.44 39.00 24.75 10.00 1,576.60 1,089.00 1,500.00 485.98 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes January 19, 2016 Attachment A, Page 2 Vendor Name DA TASPEC INC DENZEl.'S REGION WASTE INC DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES DETROIT LAKES OVERHEAD DOOR SERV. DEX FAST ELLINGSON PLUMBING HEATING AC Ell( EVER.TS LUMBER CO FARMERS CO OP OIL ASSN FAR.NA,"1'S GENUINE PARTS INC FASTENAL COMPANY FELLBAUM/KEVIN FER.GUS FALLS DAILY JOtJRNAL FER.GUSFALLS/cm·oF FERGUS F.~/CITY OF FER.GUS POWER PIJMP INC FER.GUS TIRE CENTER FIDL>\.R TECHNOLOGIES, INC FIELD/CRISTI FRANl::'S AUTO BODY SHOP OF PERH.~M G & R CONTROLS GALLS LLC GILL/MARION GODFATHERS E:\TERMINATING INC GOERDT/STEPHEN GOPHER STATE ONE CALL GR..\INGER INC GR..\NT CO SHERIFF GREAT A.\.IERICA FINANCPJ .. SVCS HABERER/M.>\.RK HA .. I\JSON'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC HAUGE/M.>\.RK HA\\''ES SEPTIC TA1.'IK PUMPING HEDAHI.S HEADQU.>\.RTERS HENNING AMBUU\ .. I\JCE HENNING AUTO PARTS INC HENNING HARD\\i.>\.RE HILLTOP LUMBER INC HOLM/SHELDON HOLO /SA .. I\JDY HONEY\'\''Ell HUCKEBY /ROBERT IBM CORPOR.~ TION Amount 1. 794.00 238.97 499.69 125.00 17.85 241.97 25.49 1 .031.82 26.68 376.72 45.00 1.873.56 503.20 7,472.91 880.00 678.80 14,086.82 8.54 1,273.37 2.679.35 63.91 320.60 116.00 169.95 15.15 439.06 36.00 83.39 153.21 494.49 169.99 80.00 63.28 350.00 41.76 396.75 97.70 424.82 115.58 1,961.24 589.95 1,009.33