HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/10/2015,, ~ OffERTAH 0011fl·■IDIIID1'1 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN November 10, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Chairman John Lindquist, Vice-Chair Lee Rogness and Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Roger Froemming and Doug Huebsch present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Lindquist called for approval of the November 10, 2015, agenda. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of November 10, 2015, with the following additions: Ditch 41-65 -Culvert Replacement Request Ditch Viewer's Report for Ditch 70 Ditch 48 -Clean Out Ditch Request Commissioner Letter to White Earth Tribal Council Approval for the Tourism and Economic Development Director to make application for the Board of the Governor's Council on Tourism Consent Agenda: Human Services Bills and Tobacco License Application for Carr Enterprises, Inc. Consent Agenda Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. November 3, 2015, Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for November 10, 2015 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services Bills & Claims 4. Tobacco License for Carr Enterprises, Inc. PartnerSHIP 4 Health Tobacco Project Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, and Jason McCoy, PartnerSHIP 4 Health Tobacco Prevention Coordinator, presented amendments to the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act (MCIM). Mr. McCoy discussed statistics and concerns of tobacco use and exposure by children in the State of Minnesota. The Commissioners discussed possible modifications of language in the County's Tobacco Sales Ordinance to be in compliance with the State law. There was also discussion for an ordinance regulating the use of electronic delivery devices. The Commissioners requested that Ms. Thorson and Mr. McCoy return with the possible changes and additions as discussed for further consideration. A Public Hearing will be scheduled prior to the adoption of any modifications to the ordinance. MDH Delegation Agreement Update Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, provided that the proposed timeline for the MOH Delegation Agreement is to transfer the Food, Pool, and Lodging program by April 1, 2016. The Delegated Water Protection Program is scheduled to transition as of January 1, 2016. Closed to the Public At 10:08 a.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the Board of Commissioners' meeting closed to the public for purposes of providing labor negotiation updates regarding the Teamsters Human Services, Public Health and Facilities Operations unions (Social Workers, Support Specialists, Nurses & Facilities). Present were Attorney ,Mike Rengel, County Attorney David Hauser, all five seated Commissioners, County Administrator, and Nicole Hansen, Human Resources Director and acting Board Secretary. OTC Board of Commissioners' November 10, 2015 Page 2 Collective Bargaining Agreements . At 10:44 a.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting open to the public. Nicole Hansen, Human Resources Director, requested approval of the following four Collective Bargaining Agreements with Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union Local No. 320 effective from January 2, 2016, through December 31, 2018, are adopted: Facilities Maintenance Employees Human Services Support Specialists and Public Health Staff Human Services Professional Unit Public Health Professional Unit of Nurses Upon motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, the foregoing Collective Bargaining Agreements were approved for the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute as adopted on a roll call vote as follows: Board Members - Doug Huebsch WayneD.Johnson John Lindquist Roger Froemming Lee Rogness For X X X X X Against Ditch 41/65-Request for Culvert Replacement Absent Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to replace an access culvert across County Ditch 41/65 as presented by Kevin Fellbaum, Ditch Inspector. Ditch 48 -Request to Remove Blockage Kevin Fellbaum, Ditch Inspector, stated that there is blockage on County Ditch 48 and the owner, Ted Steenbock, is requesting that the blockage is removed. Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve that the County will remove blockage as requested from Ditch 48, which is to be paid as assessed through the Ditch Fund. Ditch 70 -Ditch Viewer's Report Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to adopt the Ditch 70 Ditch Viewer's Report. Highway Agreement for Resurfacing -S,P. 056-625-019 and S.P. 126-139-001 Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute an Agreement for Resurfacing Cascade Street (County State Aid Highway No. 25) and Channing Avenue (Municipal State Aid Street No. 139) between the County and the City of Fergus Falls. This agreement is contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Trail from Battle Lake to Ashby Rick West, Public Works Director, reported that he learned that City of Battle Lake has secured funds for a trail master plan that will run from Battle Lake to Ashby. The City of Battle Lake is requesting that this potential trail be included in the Master Trail Plan for Otter Tail County and would make a financial contribution for this purpose. Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to enter into an agreement with SRF Consulting to amend the County Master Trail Plan consultant agreement to include a trail corridor study from Battle Lake to Ashby. Recess & Reconvene At 11 :08 a.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 11 :14 a.m. Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit -Stanley & Charlene Winter OTC Board of Commissioners' November 10, 2015 Page 3 Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for topographical work as submitted in the revised drawing received on September 28, 2015, with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission at their November 4, 2015 meeting. The project is located in Pt GL 2 (5.32 ac), Section 27 of Otter Tail Township; Pickerel Lake (56-204), NE. Conditional Use Permit -DuWayne & Kay Witt Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for ice damage repair with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission at their November 4, 2015 meeting. The project is located in Pt G.L. 2 Tr Bet Lake & Rd N of & Adj to Lot 27 Okeson Beach 150' on Lake, Section 11 of Eagle Lake Township; Eagle Lake (56-253), GD. Conditional Use Permit -Floyd Moen Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for an after-the-fact request for a driveway turnaround and installing a retaining wall with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission at their November 4, 2015 meeting. The project is located at Pt of GL 5 (1 AC), Section 29 of Friberg Township; West Red River Lake (56-711 ), NE. Ordinance Revisions -Public Information Meeting Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to hold a Public Information Meeting on November 30, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. to further discuss the proposed changes to the Sanitation Code and the Shoreland Ordinance, as well as consider a Dock Ordinance. The Commissioners discussed possible ordinances changes and issues to be addressed based upon comments and questions that were discussed at the Public Information Hearing on November 2, 2015. Closed to the Public At 11 :51 a.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the Board of Commissioners' meeting closed to the public for attorney/client privilege to discuss the State Courthouse remodeling and the C.A.R.E. Facility. Present were County Attorney David Hauser, all five seated Commissioners, County Administrator, Terry Hoff, Facilities Manager, Wayne Stein, Auditor-Treasurer, and Nicole Hansen, Human Resources Director and acting Board Secretary. Lakes Country Service Cooperative -Ballots for Board of Directors At 12:24 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting open to the public. Larry Krohn, County Administrator, provided ballots to the Commissioners for purposes of voting for Lakes Country Service Cooperative Board Members. Recess & Reconvene At 12:30 p.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a lunch and committee meeting break. The meeting was reconvened at 1 :45 p.m. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR MULTIFAMILY HOUSING -REVENUE BONDS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2015....: 74· -! Upon motion by Huebsch and second by Johnson the following resolution was adopted on a roll call vote as follows: Board Members -For Against Absent Doug Huebsch X Wayne D. Johnson X John Lindquist X Roger Froemming X Lee Rogness X OTC Board of Commissioners' November 10, 2015 Page 4 WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Issuer") is a political subdivision duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, particularly Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, as amended (the "Act"), the Issuer is authorized to carry out the public purposes described therein and contemplated thereby in the financing of housing within its jurisdiction, by issuing revenue notes and bonds to defray, in whole or in part, the development costs of a low and moderate income rental housing development, and by entering into any agreements made in connection therewith and by pledging any such agreements as security for the payment of the principal of and interest on any such revenue notes and bonds; and WHEREAS, Schuett Otter Tail LP, a Minnesota limited partnership (the "Borrower"), has requested the Issuer to issue its multifamily housing revenue bonds (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing the acquisition, rehabilitation and equipping of two multifamily housing developments located in Otter Tail County (the · "County"), including a 1 OD-unit multifamily housing development known as "River Bend Apartments" located at 222 North Whitford Street, Fergus Falls and a 30-unit multifamily housing development known as "Kaleva Apartments" located at 205 Walker Avenue North, New York Mills (the "Projects"), and funding reserves and paying related costs; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 110 adopted October 15, 2015, the Issuer has given its preliminary approval to the issuance of the Bonds to finance the Projects; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has on this date conducted a public hearing on a program for the issuance of revenue obligations for such purpose (the "Program"), after due publication of notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in Otter Tail County, and submission to the West Central Initiative for review and comment; and WHEREAS, the Bonds and the interest on said Bonds shall be payable solely from the revenues pledged therefor and the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the Issuer or the County within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Issuer or the County or a charge against its or their general credit or assets and shall not constitute a charge, lien, or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the County or the Issuer other than the Issuer's interest in the Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OTTER TAIL HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY that the Program is hereby adopted. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 10th day of November 2015 Dated: Noi>e......)AAA, i':i, Zo IS OTTER TAIL COUNTY B By: -+~~~....:'...:'.~...J.C.~~e&U..~L--- ARD OF COMMISSIONERS Recess & Reconvene OTC Board of Commissioners' November 10, 2015 Page 5 At 1 :53 p.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 2:02 p.m. Government Services Center -County Vehicle Parking Lot The parking lot utilized for County vehicles is adjacent to the Government Services Center, but it is owned by the City of Fergus Falls. The City is recommending that a long-term agreement with the County is developed for continued County use of this parking lot. County Attorney David Hauser will draft a 99-year lease agreement to allow continued use of the parking lot for County vehicles. City of Battle Lake -TIF Public Hearing Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve support of the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan at a City of Battle Lake Public Hearing on December 8, 2015. Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve that a letter of support is drafted by Nick Leonard, Tourism and Economic Development Director. Commissioner Huebsch and Mr. Leonard plan to attend the Public Hearing. White Earth Tribal Council Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to send a letter to the White Earth Tribal Council reflecting Otter Tail County's interest in partnering with the White Earth Tribal Council on a "limited" comprehensive plan around the proposed Star Lake Resort and Casino site. Governor's Council on Tourism Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to support the application of Nick Leonard, Tourism and Economic Development Director, for the Governor's Council on Tourism Board. Adjournment At 2:28 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Dated: N o u LrNQ. M , :Z.':(. 2.o 15 OTTER TAIL CO TY Atte~ ~~ LarryKro, Crk_..... By:"'."""""'."~~~~~..l.C:~~~~~-- John CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 10, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 11/10/2015 Vendor Name A· 1 LOCK & KEY A '\•1.-\NDS llC AC\tE TOOLS ,\DV . .\NCED AUTO CARE A.\IDUCA.~ WEI.DING & GAS INC ARM OF MINNESOTA AUTO FIX AUTO VALUE FER.GUS FALLS B..U.1.AR.D SA1'.TIATION INC BECKER CO SHERIFF BOB'S STAND.~ BUI.K SER.V[CE. BRAD'S \1VEI.DING BRAUN VB-H)ING INC CARR'S L..\KE COUNTRY SUPERMARKET CDW GOVER,''iMENT INC CENTRAL SPECL>\I..TIES INC CERTIFIED AUTO REP • .uR CESIMAGING COMPUTER INFORM..\TION SYSTEMS COOPERS TECHNOWGY GROUP ClllllG..\N CliUIG..\N WATER. CONDITTONING CUMMINS !\'POWER ll.C D & T VB-,Th"RES ll.C DAKOTA PRINTER REP . .uR ll.C DA,'lfS TOV.'ING & REP . .uR DEPT OF HUMA .. r.J SER.v1CES S'\VIIT DESIGN EI.ECTRO!\'ICS DICK'S ST . .\ND.~ Dul.SKI/JOE.. ElliNSON CA.u"I.DNG CO FASTEN.>\I.. COMPA,'IT FER.GUS F.>\I..LS DAil.. Y JOURNAL FER.GUS F.>\I..LS/CITY OF FIRST LUlHER .. .\N CHlJ'RCH FR~EE FORUM INC G & R CONTROLS GODFAlHERS E\."TERMINATING INC GR..uNGER. INC GREATA.~CA FIN • .\NCl>\I.. SVCS HALVORSON AlTfO BODY HAWES SEPTIC T.-\NK PUMPING Amount 147.35 18,060.50 980.88 81.04 6.27 2.925.00 56.49 557.11 84.68 36.00 139.06 1 .190.00 465.00 68.66 415.05 64.822.65 841.12 165.95 17.719.00 79.00 26.50 10.00 1,170.00 1,089.00 328.70 38.95 331.35 12.99 68.95 531.46 5.848.00 13.60 4.80 237.38 14.260.74 160.88 884.75 562.75 684.10 237.63 5.000.00 80.00 OTC Board of Commissioners' November 10, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 2 Vendor Name Hll.LTOP Lu'MBER INC HOLO/SA.l'IDY HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC INNOVATIVE omcE soumoNS JNTEGRA TELECOM JNTER,',IA TIONAl RIGHT OF WAY ASSOCl J.P. STRUCTURES INC JAKE'S JOHNS LLC JKSPORTS KELLY SERVICES INC KOHL/FR.ED IA.KE REGION HFALTHC.ARE CORP L.\KES AREA COOPER.ATI\IE L-\RR.Y OTT INC TRUCK SER.vlCE I..INDBER.G/JA,.'\i'ET LOCATORS & SUPPUES INC MARCO INC MAR.CO INC ST LOulS MEND CORRECTIONAL CARI MERICKEL LmIBER. MINNESOTA MOTOR. COMPANY MOR.TE!\1-SON/Kl.JR.T A N F FIEID .,,BSTR.ACT CO LLC NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT !\'ELSON Al/TO CENTER NEWBORG/KEVIN NOR.THL"-,~ FIRE PR.OTECTION NOVA FIRE PROTECTION OK TIRE OF PERHAM INC OLYMPIC SALES INC OSI ENVIR.Ol\'MENTAL INC OTTER. T.o\Jl. TELCOM OTTER.TAIL TRUCKING INC PACE ANALYTIC.-U SERvlCES INC PARK REGION CO OP PBmER.TON SORLIE RUFER KER.SHNIR PJ PERHA,"\,f/cm· OF PmLLIPPI DR/JAY PHOENIX SUPPLY PO\\>EU'IA.1\i om PR.~ RESTORATIONS INC ou • .um· TOYOTA Amount 179.95 30.13 1,286.25 116.45 363.64 241.00 184.54 290.06 516.00 3,430.02 250.00 800.00 242.75 1,655.00 12.73 70.93 5.140.04 1,136.92 8.626.64 29.98 191.79 761.43 3.975.00 231.73 58.88 440.46 87.00 358.00 1.262.36 7,820.00 65.00 276.40 10,988.34 3,005.80 220.00 11,912.45 835.00 475.00 222.34 1,682.04 114.50 120.00 I ' ( • Vendor Name OllllL CORPORATION R & R READY MIX INC REGENTS OF THE UNIVER.sm· OF MN RINGD.i\ffi. Al>mUI.:\.NCE INC S.W.!NC SCHMITZ BODY PAINT AND REP.AJR. INC SCOTT HOFI.:\t-•T> CONSTRUCTION INC SERv1CE FOOD SUPER VAl.ll SERv1CRHSTER Cl.E..\J\l1NG PROFESSION SIMENGA. ~/PAUi. SMITH/GENE SOUTH Mill SER\llCE STEINS INC TinS \VEEK.S SHOPPING NE\'VS TINJUM APPRAISAL CO INC TIRES Pl.US TOTAi. C."1l C.,\RE mAN MACHINERY 1NT REPAIR INC TOR.GERSON/LITHE TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOl.lFTIONS USA TJtll,fiN SYSTEMS INC Ul.TIM:\TE AUTO REP.AJR.-AUTO SAFETY US AUTOFOR.CE VISUAi. GOV 501.UTIONS 11.C WASTE MANAGEMENT WEI.I.ER OIi. CO WIDSEIH SMmi NOi. TING & ASSOC XEROX CORPORATION Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' November 10, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 3 Amount 53.99 389.38 555.00 2.008.00 2,880.00 2,882.67 9.970.00 120.09 572.00 128.93 21.85 46.26 1,275.38 415.80 10,200.00 665.58 11,449.00 601.78 137.00 108.36 450.00 1 .014.99 549.64 315.17 983.41 121.80 1,852.00 400.78 260,298.75