HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/01/2015~ onERTIIIH •••• ,, •• 11111110,1 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN September 1, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Chairman John Lindquist, Vice-Chair Lee Rogness, and Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Wayne Johnson and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Lindquist called for approval of the September 1, 2015 agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of September 1, 2015 with the following additions: Discussion Regarding Pending Sale of Solid Waste Hauler's Business 11 :45 a.m. -Discussion of Requirements for Engineer's Drawing Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. August 25, 2015 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes with clarifications as presented 2. Warrants/Bills for September 1, 2015 (Exhibit A) 3. Approval of a Corrective Quit Claim Deed for Mikel B. Olson for Parcel, 60-000-27-0231-006 4. Approval of LG240B Application to Conduct Excluded Bingo for an Event on 10/19/15 (Perham Rotary Club) Phelps Mill Festival Report Phelps Mill Country Board Member, Dave Iverson presented their 2014-2015 Financial Report. Expenses for the Phelps Mill Festival event slightly exceeded income for the year. Mr. Iverson reported that Saturday, July 11, 2015 was very successful with higher attendance than last year. However, due to inclement weather and tornado type activity, Sunday, July 12'h was very low in attendance. He discussed the successful entertainment provided by Six Appeal and indicated that their Board is working on adding more entertainment activities. Discussion continued regarding the park, removing and replanting trees, and the need for a contingency plan in case the event needs to be temporarily moved to the upper parking lot. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Habitat Easement USFWS Representatives appeared before the Board and requested certification of a wildlife habitat protection easement consisting of about 155 acres. Documentation was previously submitted regarding the perpetual easement. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve certification for the USFWS to secure the following habitat easement: Stefano, William, et al: T. 137 N., R. 43 W., 5th P.M. Section 17, S½SE¼, to be determined by a survey Section 20, N½NE¼, to be determined by a survey OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Page2 Phelps Mill Park Public Works Director, Rick West reported that an old softball field fence with a backstop at the Phelps Mill Park was damaged during a recent storm. Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to remove the damaged back stop at the Phelps Mill Park for safety reasons. Highway Projects Discussion took place regarding the 10 year Transportation Plan project list and corresponding budget/funding. Mr. West reported that he is continuing to work with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to release the funding for the LMKP/DLD Outlet Project. Recess & Reconvene At 10:33 a.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:40 a.m. Recorder's Copy Rates Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the following rate increases as recommended by the County Recorder: Recorder Copy Rates -from $0.25 to $0.50 per printed page Recorder Document Copy Fee -from $2.00 to $5.00 Discussion Regarding County Feedlot Officer SWCD Managers, Brad Mergens and Darren Newville introduced a discussion regarding the possibility of Otter Tail County operating a County Feedlot program. Sterns County SWCD Administrator, Dennis Fuchs provided information and documents about the Stearns County Agricultural Management Resource program. Information included the SWCD 2014 Annual Report, map of Stearns County feedlots, and Animal Waste Management Program documents. The Stearns County SWCD partners with various agencies to operate the program with the mission of assisting farmers to bring their feedlots into compliance with State rules, assist with soil nutrient plans, apply for applicable permits, and improve water quality in the area. Discussion took place regarding resources needed to operate the program successfully. Government Data Practices Policy Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to adopt the Otter Tail County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Guidelines and Procedures as submitted by the Human Resource Director. Conduit Bond Request for Affordable Housing Economic Development Director, Nick Leonard reported that Schuett Companies, Inc. owns and manages three apartment complexes in Otter Tail County. Schuett Companies requests that Otter Tail County issue tax-exempt revenue bonds to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of the properties. Ehlers & Associates, the County's bond consultant has reviewed the proposed plan. The bonds do not constitute indebtedness of the County nor a charge against the general credit or taxing power of the County. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve the Schuett conduit bond request for affordable housing preservation and approve a 1 % fee for the County's administrative work with the financing of the project facilitated through the Otter Tail County Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA). The Economic Development Director and Auditor-Treasurer will work together to develop policies regarding financing fees for various economic development tools, e.g. tax increment financing, conduit debt, and economic tax abatements that could be considered by the Board for adoption. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Page 3 Final Plat-Tamarac Lake View Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of George E. and Marcelian D. Desautel titled Tamarac Lake View consisting of two lots located in Section 22 of Scambler Township; Tamarac Lake (56-931 ). Professional Drawing Commissioner Johnson discussed a request to waive the professional drawing requirement under the Shoreland Management Ordinance for Larry Kohler. In this case, a professional drawing was completed about five years ago and the properties have not changed. It was agreed that Land & Resource Director, Bill Kalar can accept the previous professional drawing under his administrative authority. The property is located in Sections 2 and 11 of Dunn Township -parcel nos. 17000110144001 and 17000020022000. AIS Task Force The Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force met August 24, 2015. Mr. Kalar submitted the corresponding minutes and invited County Board members to a presentation by Dr. Peter Sorenson at 1 :00 p.m. on September 14, 2015 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize commissioners to attend this presentation. Recess & Reconvene At 11 :50 a.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for an Internal Services Committee (ISC) meeting and lunch break. The meeting was reconvened at 12:54 p.m. Detention Facility Architect Project No. 414100 Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve Change Order No. 01, in the amount of $194.25, payable to Vercon, Inc. of Menahga, MN for the Detention Facility Nurse office relocation and lunch room remodel project. Emergency Management Performance Grant Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the 2015 EMPG (federal grant) through the MN Department of Public Safety, in the amount of $35,803.00 with a match requirement. The Grant Agreement No. is A-EMPG-2015-OTTERCO-00058. The grant is used to purchase Code Red, public education and awareness campaigns, safety training and outreach to City partners. Property near Pelican Rapids Chet Nettestad expressed concerns regarding a property that has been collecting garbage and various junk items. Lengthy discussion took place regarding the location which is outside of the Pelican Rapids city limits. The situation will be forwarded to the Solid Waste and Public Health Directors for further research. County Drainage Systems Ditch #38: Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve the Highway Department to work in County Ditch #38 and replace 2-30" centerline culverts on County Highway 56 with one larger pipe providing the same volume capacity as recommended by the Assistant Highway Engineer. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Page4 Ditch #48: Ditch Inspector, Kevin Fellbaum submitted a proposed invoice for additional time spent in Ditch #48 because Richard Grefe performed work in the ditch without approval. This created a citizen complaint and numerous phone calls to various county and state agencies resulting in hours of follow-up. Mr. Fellbaum has also received another complaint in this area in Ditch #48 from property owners who reported that cleaning has been done in the ditch on their property without their permission. Lengthy discussion took place regarding the situation. The County Attorney will research the issue further and report back to the County Board. 9/11 NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE AND REMEMBRANCE Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2015 -62 Commissioner Froemming offered the following resolution: WHEREAS on September 11, 2001, the American people endured with courage and heroism the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil in the nation's history; and WHEREAS in response to this tragedy, Americans across the country came together in a remarkable spirit of patriotism and unity and carried out countless acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion; and WHEREAS community organizations and family members of 9/11 victims began observing the anniversary of September 11th as a charitable service day to honor the memory of those who were lost and those who united in response to the tragedy, including first-responders and volunteers; and WHEREAS the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, approved by Congress and enacted into law on April 21, 2009, directed September 11 to be observed and recognized as an annual "National Day of Service and Remembrance". WHEREAS participating in service and remembrance activities on September 11 is a positive and respectful way to remember the lives of those lost, pay tribute to those who rose in service, and honor those who continue to serve our country today, including veterans, soldiers, military families, and first responders; and WHEREAS September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance activities are being organized by a wide range of nonprofits, faith-based and community groups, public agencies, educational institutions, private businesses, and other organizations across the nation; and WHEREAS on September 11, 2014, and on the days leading up to and following this day, citizens of Otter Tail County have an opportunity to participate in activities that honor 9/11 victims and heroes by joining together in service projects to meet community needs. NOW, THEREFORE, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners proclaim September 11th a Day of Service and Remembrance in Otter Tail County, and call upon th~ people of Otter Tail County to honor the lives and memories of those lost through participation in community service and remembrance ceremonies on this day and throughout the year. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion and upon a unanimous vote, the resolution was adopted. Closed to the Public OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Page 5 At 1 :45 p.m., a motion was offered by Rogness, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried to declare the Board of Commissioners meeting closed to the public to discuss potential litigation/reconciliation over the 60 bed C.A.R.E. facility lease with the State of Minnesota. The closed session is authorized under Attorney-Client privilege, M.S. §13D.05, Subd. 3(b). Present were all five seated Commissioners; County Attorney; County Administrator; County Auditor-Treasurer and Board Secretary. At 2:23 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting open to the public. Memorandum of Understanding Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between Otter Tail County Department of Solid Waste and the purchaser of Ken Saurer Garbage. A license will be issued during the time Otter Tail County has issued a moratorium subject to the terms of the Memorandum. Amendment to Plan for Child Protection Funding Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute Attachment D -Vulnerable Children and Adult Plan Amendment for Child Protection Funding as recommended by the Human Services Director. Adjournment At 2:27 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at the GSC in Fergus Falls, MN. Dated: -~"' .... (~6+-/~1~£---,,-----OTTER T IL C By: -=~'---'-"---'--------,--___;:'-"------ CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVE ON 09/01/2015 vendor Name 3 D SPECL-\I. TIES INC BATTLE L.\KE BOY SCOUTS TROOP 307 BCA CJTE BECKLUND OIi. CO BELL STATE BAill"K & TRUST BEST VVESTERN FERGUS FALLS BEYER BODY SHOP INC BIGWOOD EVENT CENTER B~i\NDONCOMMUNIC~TIONSINC CADEM L.\W GROUP Pl.LC CENTRAL STATES \-\'IRE PRODUCTS INC CI SPORT CODE 4 SER\11CES LLC COMMISSIO:t,;"ER OF ~.\NSPORTA TION COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP DIGITAL ALLY INC DM ENTERPRISES EVERGREEN L'\.ND SERv1CES EVIDENT INC FERGUS FAI.l.S/cm· OF GLEASON/FRANCES GRA•'IITE ELECTRONICS GREENE/JULIE H..\!'iSON/KATHR.YN D HERM.AN/CRYSTAL HOLO/S . .\!'IDY HOOTS SPORTS Il'l"DEPENDENT /THE I!';"NOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS J J KELLER & ASSOCL.\ TES INC J.P. COOKE CO JONES .i\ND MAGNUS KAMPA/CH.;\IU.ES KEEPRS INC KEI.l.Y SER\llCES INC KIMBALL MIDVVEST KlNETIC LEASING INC L & 0 ACRES TRANSPORT INC L.\KE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP L.u:ES AREA PEST CONTROL LLC L.\R.R.Y-S SUPERMARKET L~WSON PRODUCTS INC .'-\.mount 492.75 206.40 75.00 1.916.10 35.50 91.62 270.00 491.46 80.02 7,385.93 5,430.50 85.50 2,872.23 3,787.69 205.38 410.00 1,200.00 17,262.75 151.25 5,724.00 16.00 2,123.00 141.25 94.50 136.50 615.80 2.65 307.B0 141.38 1,069.75 25.85 9,809.31 404.72 225.00 3,801.32 155.58 784.00 15,903.36 1,213.17 80.00 13.77 174.74 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Attachment A, Page 2 vendor NamP M-R SIGN COMPAfiY INC. MAHNOMEN CO SHEIUFF MAR.CO INC MCIT MHSRC RANGE MINNESOTA NAffi'E Li\NDSCAPES ML TR.EE SER.VICE MN DEPT OF L.a\BOR AND INDUSTRY MN STATE AUDITOR MORR.IS/ JASON MSTA TE COMMUNITY & TECHN"ICAI. COl NEW YORK. P-m.LS/cm· OF NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC OTTER Lill. CO SHERIFF'S POSSE OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER. OTTER.TAIL BAKERY OTTER.TAIL TRUCKING INC PEDER.SON TRIPP POST 357 PEMBER.TON SORLIE RUFER KERSHNER. Pl PER.HAM AREA EMS PETE'S A,'1'.0CO PETE'S BODY SHOP & TO\'v"ING PHillIPE L~ W OFFICE PRAIRIE L\KES MUNICIPAL SOLID WAST! R.DO TRUST #80-6130 ROSENTIUI./JACK SAND CR.EEK GR01JP LID/THE SER.VICE FOOD SUPER VALU SHER.WIN Wll.llAMS SHOEMAKER/BR.ENDA SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC SOL;\ND/ETHAN SONSAI.LA L~W FIR..'1'. SOUTHTO\VN OF PELICAN RAPIDS INC STAPLES ADVANTAGE STR.i\ND HARDWARE & RADIO SH..4.CK STR.EJCHER.S SUPER SEPTIC & EXCAVATION SV.,lSHER./DAWN TACTICAL SOLUTIONS THE MIDWEEK INC THOMSON REUTERS · "WEST A.mount 8. 794.11 119.36 21,610.47 69.00 938.00 300.00 10,590.00 320.00 300.00 69.99 90.00 112.50 357.08 2,339.04 112.39 11.50 11,513.82 200.00 5.330.65 670.00 52.75 442.50 2,761.49 6,818.40 65.80 292.85 1,510.00 51.16 72.34 10.00 102.50 39.33 80.00 10.83 16.23 6.99 476.97 198.00 141.22 978.00 110.88 891.39 Vendor Name TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE TNT REPAIR INC TORGERSON/GARY TRAFFIC SAFETY STORE U!li1FORMS UNllMITED INC VEOLL\ ENVIRONMEJ.rrAL SERvlCES VICTOR LUNDEEN COMP • .\!'ff \VIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOC \'\iINGS FLIGHT TRAINING Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 1, 2015 Attachment A, Page 3 Amount 1,133.68 433.16 154.95 732.77 141.98 12,683.30 576.35 8,489.00 30.00 188,766.26