HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/09/2015MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN June 9, 2015 8:30 a.m. . Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:31 a.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Chairman John Lindquist, Vice-Chair Lee Rogness, and Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Wayne Johnson and Roger Froemming present Approval of Agenda Chairman Lindquist called for approval of the June 9, 2015, agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of June 9, 2015 as presented. Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. June 2, 2015 Board of Commissioners' Meeting minutes. 2. Warrants/Bills for June 9, 2015 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services Bills & Claims 4. Approve On-Sale Liquor License for Firehouse Bar and Grill for 7/01/15 - 6/30/16 Letter of Complaint Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve of a letter to be sent to complainant, Terri Aho, in response to her letter regarding concerns about medical and dental care at the Detention Facility. Highway Department Contract Approvals Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a contract between the County of Otter Tail and Tri-City Paving, Inc., of Little Falls, MN, for work and labor in the construction of CSAH 35, S.P. 056-635-033. This contract is contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a contract between the County of Otter Tail and Tri-City Paving, Inc., of Little Falls, MN, for work and labor in the construction of CSAH 65, S.P. 056-665-009. This contract is contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a contract between the County of Otter Tail and L&M Road Services, LLC, of Ulen, MN, for County Highway Right of Way Weed Control. This contract is contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney. Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail Public Works Director Rick West indicated that the grant application made to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Regional Trail Program is due on or about June 12, 2015. It was recognized I that the Board previously approved of a resolution regarding this grant application. I OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Page2 CENTRAL LAKES STATE TRAIL MAINTENANCE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2015-43 Commissioner Rogness offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 85.015, sub. 23 and 471.59 the State is empowered to engage such assistance as deemed necessary and the State is in need of routine maintenance services on the Central Lakes Trail in Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is agreeable to provide the routine maintenance services as described in the Maintenance Cooperative Agreement for an annual rate of $1,150.00 per mile, not to exceed $14,916.22 for State Fiscal Year 2015 and shall not exceed $20,125.00 per State Fiscal Years 2016 through 2019 or $95,416.22 for the 5 year period of this agreement. BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County will provide the maintenance services as per the Maintenance Cooperative Agreement expiring June 30, 2019, at the annual rate of $1,150.00 per mile on the Central Lakes Trail. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Board Chair and the County Board Clerk are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute and enter into an agreement with the MN Commissioner of Natural Resources prescribing the terms and conditions of same Maintenance Cooperative Agreement for the routine maintenance of the Central Lakes Trail expiring June 30, 2019. Commissioner Johnson seconded the resolution and, upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted this 9th day of June, 2015. Dated: C, -.,23-15 Attest / ~ ~ L\irryKrhn, Clerk OTTER T'(\L C?UN~ARD ~F COMMISSIONERS By %.iJwJ <Gw)bw.;r Jh Lindquist, Chair Bid Award -CSAH 34 Riprap After previously advertising for bids for CSAH 34 Riprap, bids were received until June 5, 2015, at the Otter Tail County Highway Department in Fergus Falls, MN. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to award the CSAH 34 Riprap project to the low bidder, Egge Construction, Inc., of Pelican Rapids, MN, at the bid amount of $40,200.00, as recommended by the Public Works Director. Attachments International, Pelican Rapids Jerry Henry, owner of Attachments International in Pelican Rapids, MN, discussed that he purchased two parcels with buildings in November 2014. At that time, he received information that taxes on the parcels and buildings totaled $14,118.66. Since that time, taxes, interest and fees have accrued and the total amount owed on today's date is $20,357.56 per Wayne Stein, County Auditor-Treasurer. Mr. Henry stated that he is in agreement to pay the taxes owed in the amount of $14,118.66. However, he is requesting relief for taxes, interest and fees that have accrued from the date of purchase. Mr. Stein provided that a petition has been filed in tax court for the tax assessment in 2015, and that notices of forfeiture have been filed on the property for delinquent taxes. It was determined appropriate to refer this matter to the Finance Committee to determine what, if any, relief can be granted regarding the taxes, interest and fees owed on this property. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Page 3 Moratorium on Solid Waste Haulers' Licenses Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a moratorium on Solid Waste Haulers' Licenses while the PLMSWA Water Designation Plan is awaiting approval by the MPCA, and that the moratorium may last up to one year from today's date. Recess & Reconvene .At'9:~0 a.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for committee meetings. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:20 a.m. Child Protection Specialist Position A bill was passed in which counties will receive funding to address child protection staffing and services. Otter Tail County is projected to receive $188,800 in July 2015, with additional performance funding of up to $47,200 in February 2016. Human Services Director Deb Sjostrom is requesting approval of two full- time child protection specialist positions to be added to the current staffing to bring case management assignments within recommended State guidelines and implement the recommendations of the Legislative Task Force on Child Protection. Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve two Child Protection Specialist positions as presented by the Human Services Director. Recess & Reconvene At 10:30 a.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:37 a.m. Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve the appointment of Beverly Prather to the Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council. Grant Agreement for Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve the Grant Agreement between the State of Minnesota -Commissioner of Corrections and the County of Otter Tail for the Remote Electronic Alcohol. Moqito~ing programming for July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2017, as presented by Chuck Kitzman, Probation Director'. . . . · .. , ' · Richard Hefte Memorial Service Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve usage of the Courthouse Lawn by the family of Richard Hefte following his memorial service on June 27, 2015. Tourism and Economic Development Director Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the Internal Services Committee recommendation of placing the Tourism and Economic Development Director position at a salary classification of C45 within the Classification and Compensation Structure. Conservation Committee Conservation Committee members including Les Bensch, Charles Piekarski, Peter Fjestad and Mike Haarstad held discussion with the Board about the feasibility of continuing the committee. Discussion included that the committee has been valuable in providing local involvement regarding the purchasing of private lands by public agencies such as U.S. Fish and Wildlife and the MN Department of Natural Resources. Their involvement helps develop open lines of communication between the County, the public and agencies involved. Discussion also included continuing the committee on an as-needed basis, creating a member summary of responsibilities and determining when and with whom meetings should be held. It was determined appropriate that the committee is to return to the Board with a list of five items that could potentially involve the committee or not, and the Board can further provide direction. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Page4 County Transportation Plan Review Brian Shorten, SRF Project Manager, and Amy Grothaus, PE, Braun lntertec, provided a County Transportation Plan Analysis & Findings. The presentation will also be provided at public meetings on the following dates: • June 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Pelican Rapids • June 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Fergus Falls • June 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Parkers Prairie • June 25, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Perham Alcohol License Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve an On-Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor license for Playtime Sports Bar and Ballroom, Inc., for 7/01/2015 -6/30/2016. Out-of-State Travel Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve out-of-state travel for the County Attorney Office's Chief Deputy and Administrative Supervisor through the National District Attorneys Association in Tampa, FL, for Office Administration Trainings for the dates of November 9-13, 2015. Recess for Work Session At 12:12 p.m., Chairman Lindquist recessed the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for a County Transportation Work/Luncheon Session. Adiournment At 1 :26 p.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until the next County Board meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 2015. Dated: _(,_-_.;23_-_1_5" ___ _ Attest: ___,_~ ..... ~"'-"--+--'-.J!...,..:L='-'"""'?~--Larry Kfihn~rk CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 6/9/2015 Vendor Name ADVANCED ENCRAVINC INC ADVANCED STRIPING A.'\'D SE..\LCOA TIN ALPHA TRAINING & TACTICS U.C ANDY PETTOW CONSTRUCTION AR.~T/JEFFREY AR.\i'IDSON/RIO..-Y D & BEVERLY A AUTOFIX AUTO VALUE FER.GUS PAll.S BAILEY/LOREN K BAR.GEN INCORPORAlED BEYER BODY SHOP INC BOB'S STANDARD BtJIK SER\-1CE BOYER/RODNEY BRANDONCOMMln'-11CATIONSINC BRAUN VENDING INC CDW COVERNMENT INC CITIZENS ADVOCATE CODE 4 SERVICES U.C COll.ECEWAY AUTO INC COOPERS TECHNOLOCY CROUP DAKOTA PRJN'IER REPAIR U.C DAKOTA WHOLESALE TIRE DA?-?S TOWING & REPAIR DEX EAST DICK'S STANDARD DUBER.OWSKI/IHOMAS S & ROBERT A LY ECKHARDT/JONATHAN' EMERGENCY C0~1CATION ~"En\rOR ER.COMETRICS FASTENAL COMPANY PER.GUS PAllS DAil.Y JOURNAL PER.GUS P AllS/CJTY OF PER.GUS POWER PUMP INC FIEDLER/MICHAEL FORlWENCLER. ELECTRIC INC FOTH INFRASTRUC'IURES & ENVIROMEN FRAZIER/BRENT C & R CONTROLS CABE/RICHARD B COVERNMENT FINANCE omCERS ASSO< CREA TAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS HANSON COMPA.1'..1ES Amount 3,239.00 2,135.00 5,525.00 16,463.83 170.96 2,178.00 160.46 492.56 564.49 14,080.00 85.00 93.20 720.00 13.85 46.50 1,511.88 30.00 46.75 958.30 3,836.87 350.20 549.64 224.00 42.35 68.95 2,385.00 144.99 2,500.00 388.60 103.95 3,140.15 2,675.64 450.00 129.99 40.00 27,092.48 265.00 71.50 587.49 595.00 312.06 33,197.00 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 2 Vendor Name HA.\\t'ES SEPTIC TM"J: PUMPING HENNING AUTO PAR.TS INC HlILTOP LUMBER INC HllESMA .. V & WOID P .A INDEPENDENT/TIU: INNOVAm'E omCE SOLUTIONS JAKE'S JOHNS llC JE,NSEN/M,\ TT K.l.D. I.EASING INC KADRMA.S LEE & JACKSON INC KEll.Y SERvlCES INC KLIMEK BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC KI.JMEK,/\lfll'l"ON P &E\1l!L'iN KOEP· IANOUE PROPER.TIES ll.C lAU RECION HEALlHCARE CORP IAUSRADIO I.AKESHIRTS IARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON/GREG J UBER.IT BUSD!'ESS SYSTEMS FAR.GO UBER IT TIRE RECYCLING UC IJNilBERG/JA.'\'ET LOCATORS & SUPPIJES INC M-R SICN COMPANY INC. MAR.COINC MI\RCO INC ST LOUIS MARK SA.'\'D & GRAVEL CO MA. TIHEW BE-.'DER & COMPA.'\Y INC MCJT MCll!I.LAN/lJM Mf:Rlo:El.. LUMBER METRO SALES INC ME\'ER/GEORCE MINNKOTA ENVIR.O Sl!Rv1CES INC MN BURE.\U OP CRIMINAL APPREHENSIO MN MOTOR COMPM"'Y NARDD.1 FIR.E EOl.J'IJ'ME?,i'T NEI IZKE/COI.IN NELSON AUTO Cf}.Tfl!R NEWMAN PAINTING INC NORDLUND/WILLIS l NORIAND/MARK A Amount 75.00 19.87 25.98 128.00 44.00 1,133.63 290.06 37.00 303.35 245.92 5,703.41 500.00 500.00 653.00 348.10 3,117.15 440.00 930.00 5,663.00 13.15 11,660.87 47.15 64.93 1.257.67 8,857.25 1,583.80 22,989.58 457.61 328.00 25,00 53.70 231.00 319.66 24.00 150.00 309.11 3,183.07 159.95 37.05 100.00 500.00 1,525.00 Vendor Name NYBERG SUR\i'EYJNG INC OFFICE OF MN.IT SER.\.lCES OLSON/BER.TON OTIER.TAil. BAKERY OTIERTAil. GLASS INC OTIER.TAil. TRUCKING INC OVERLAND MECHA.i'\'lCAL SER.\ilCES PARKERS PRAlRlE SCHOOLS ISD i4i PEOPLEPACTS UC PERHAM POCUS PETE'S AMOCO PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING PFEPF.t!R/CAR.Y P & RUIH B POWERPLA."ll OIB RDO TRUST #80-6130 RENTAl STORE/THE S.W.lNC SAFEllTE AtrrOCLASS SAFEllTE PUI.FILl.MENT INC SBLCPP SCHEER/STEVE SCHMIDT/STEVEN L & LAVERN T SCHROEDERJTIIOMAS JR & KIMBERLY M SCHWARTZ/ROBERT E SER.VICE FOOD SUPER VAlU SER.\.'ICEMASTER. CLEANING PROFESSION SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS UC SOIAND/E'IHAN STEINS INC STINAR STURDEVANT STOU POST 116 nus WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS THOENNES/DANlEI. E & CON?-i1E L THOEN1'1ES/HAROLD N THOMSON REUTERS • WEST TREE TRIMMERS TREE SER.VICE TRUNTA/LYMA.'1 A tn.JNE VICTOR UJNDml COMPA.W VIKlNC GARAGE DOOR COMPAi~'Y INC VOSS UGHTINC \\iAI.ETZKO/PATRICK WASS/DAVID F OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 3 Amount 865.00 1,700.00 347.15 23.00 2,484.97 8,915.46 188.60 500.00 25.30 90.00 445.60 852.03 655.00 376.80 923.60 400.00 705.00 230.13 616.50 6.72 56.50 9,584.00 2,614.00 317.32 113.46 1,853.50 580.00 74.40 102.18 200.00 180.18 2,350.00 8,010.00 2,386.33 2,167.50 100.00 575.81 138.68 125.73 833.20 250.70 592.92 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes June 9, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 4 Vendor Name WASTE MANACEMENT \\!'EST TOOL &: DESIGN INC WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOC \\IUSON/\VARREN R \\'TIT /DARIDi"E l'iDalTotat ) Amount 21,333.34 120.00 12,838.51 48B.02 700.00 290,737.80