HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/10/2015MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN March 10, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 1 0, 2015, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners John Lindquist, Chairman; Lee Rogness, Vice-Chair; Doug Huebsch, Wayne Johnson, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Lindquist called for approval of the March 10, 2015 agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of March 10, 2015 as modified: 11 :15 a.m. -Internal Services Committee Meeting Canceled Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows with a modification to the March 3, 2015 Board of Commissioners' minutes: 1. March 3, 2015 Board of Commissioners' Meeting minutes as modified 2. Warrants/Bills for March 10, 2015 (Exhibit A) 3. Approval for Probation Director to apply for Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM) Grant 4. Human Services Contracts 5. 2015 Adult Mental Health Grant Amendment 6. Human Services Bills & Claims 7. Approval of Final Payments to Mark Sand & Gravel: -S.A.P. 056-611-016 -$97,674.55 --S.P. 056-601-057 -$50,659.53 --S.A.P. 056-621-025 -$81,387.91 8. Approval of Final Payment to Traffic Marking Services: --S.P. 056-070-008 & S.P. 056-070-009 -$22,355.46 Red River Basin International Water Conference Peter Fjestad, Otter Tail County Buffalo-Red River Watershed District Board member, attended a recent RRB International Water Conference. He showed several maps and briefed the Board on the conference, water quality statistics, the proposed Red River Management Board budget, Oakport project and the proposed diversion project around Fargo. He spoke in favor of funding for the Environmental Impact Statement and dikes to protect Fargo; however, is not in favor of losing 60 sq. miles of excellent agricultural land which is part of the proposed Diversion project. Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to appoint Peter Fjestad to serve an additional term on the BRRWD effective September 1, 2015 for three years. MACSSA Legislative Update Deb Sjostrom, Interim Human Services Director, submitted the Minnesota Association of Social Services Administrator's (MACSSA) Legislative Update dated March 2, 2015. Ms. Sjostrom briefed the Board on bills moving through the legislature that impact Human Services, specifically, a supplemental budget proposal for child protection services, modification of the disability waiver rate system, and licensing requirements. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Page2 Community Addiction Recovery Enterprise Building Deb Sjostrom submitted an updated version of the talking points document (Exhibit B) that addresses the issues related to the Governor's C.A.R.E. proposal. The Governor's proposal could leave the building vacant with a $4.18 million taxpayer liability. Ms. Sjostrom briefed the Board on meetings that have been held with Representatives Nornes and Franson, and Senator lngebrigtsen. She will also be meeting with Senator Lourey, HHS Finance Committee Chair, to discuss the County's concerns. County Administrator Larry Krohn reported that this topic was discussed at a recent Minnesota Inter-County Association (MICA) meeting. Burial Policy Meeting Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to reimburse Commissioner Roger Froemming for attending the March 6, 2015 meeting regarding the Otter Tail County Burial Policy. Recess & Reconvene At 10:20 a.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:29 a.m. BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS AND REMOVALS 2015 AND BEYOND Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2015 -15 Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has determined that deficient bridges on the County State Aid Highways, County Highways, Township and City systems require replacement, rehabilitation or removal within the next several years as listed in the Bridge Replacement and Removal List approved by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on March 10, 2015, and WHEREAS, attached is that list of the proposed bridge replacements and removals (Exhibit C), and WHEREAS, sufficient local funds for the replacement, rehabilitation or removal of these bridges are not and will not be available, so that funding assistance from State Transportation Bonds or the Town Bridge Account, as applicable, is necessary for the County, Townships and Cities to proceed, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County intends to proceed with replacement, rehabilitation or removal of these bridges as soon as possible when State TransporJ:ation Bond or Town Bridge Account Funds are available. BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County commits that it will proceed with the design and contract documents for these bridges in order to permit construction to take place as funds become available, Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 10th day of March, 2015 OTTERT LCO OARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: ~~~-:!::::.......::....:~~~,.!.d.:~'.......2. ___ _ OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Page 3 Bid Award -2015 Seasonal Supplies After previously advertising, bids were opened at 1 :00 p.m. on March 4, 2015 for the 2015 Seasonal Highway Supplies. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to award the 2015 Seasonal Supplies as follows and recommended by the Public Works Director: SunnlvNendor Quantitv Bid Amount (per ton) Bid Amount Bituminous Material Flint Hills Resources, LP 100,000/gal. $2.50/gal. St. Paul, MN Hot Mix Bituminous (East) Central Specialties, Inc. 2,500/ton $57.40 $143,500.00 Alexandria, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 2,500/ton $61.25 $153,125.00 Feraus Falls, MN Wadena Asphalt, Inc. 2,500/ton $56.00 $140,000.00 Wadena, MN Hot Mix Bituminous (West) Central Specialties, Inc. 2,000~on $58.95 $117,900.00 Alexandria, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 2,000/ton $61.25 $122,500.00 Feraus Falls, MN Hot Mix Bituminous /North) Anderson Brothers Const. 2,000/ton $55.00 $110,000.00 Brainerd MN Central Specialties, Inc. 2,000/ton $58.95 $117,900.00 Alexandria, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 2,000/ton $61.25 $122,500.00 Fen:ius Falls, MN Winter Sand Alexandria Concrete 2,500/ton Battle Lake Location $7.60/ton Alexandria, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 2,500/ton Fergus Falls Location $10.25/ton FerQUS Falls, MN Alexandria Concrete 1,000/ton Henning Location $7.70/ton Alexandria. MN Alexandria Concrete 2,500/ton New York Mills Location $7.80/ton Alexandria, MN Ottertail Aggregate 1,000/ton Pelican Rapids Location $10.50/ton Ottertail, MN Ottertail Aggregate 2,000/ton Perham Location $8.50/ton Ottertail, MN Bid Award -2015 Highway Sign Posts and Materials After previously advertising, bids were opened on March 4, 2015 for the Highway Sign Posts and Signing Materials. Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to award the 2015 Sign Posts and Materials as follows and recommended by the Public Works Director: M-R Sign Company, Inc. Fergus Falls, MN M-R Sign Company, Inc. Fergus Falls, MN Sign Posts Signing Materials $43,761.00 $57,227.10 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Page4 2015 Construction Projects Rick West, Public Works Director, submitted proposed 2015 Construction projects and corresponding budget. He briefed the Board on each project. Mr. West indicated that the Master Highway Improvement Plan will include a ten year forecast of projects when completed. Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the 2015 Construction projects plan as submitted by the Public Works Director. Commissioner Johnson commended Mr. West on his leadership on road preservation for the future. Drainage Systems Ditch #39: Kevin Fellbaum, Ditch Inspector, recommended cleaning a portion of Ditch #39 starting at County Road 2 at the centerline culvert invert of 1046.57 and run along the Ditch for 5000 ft. until the township road 160th street culvert invert 1043.5, while holding a grade level of 0.056%. Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize Barry's Construction, Inc. to perform the work as described at an estimated cost of $3,300.00 with this expense to be paid from the Ditch #39 Fund. Ditch #63: Kevin Fellbaum submitted a map of Altner Lake and portions of Ditch #63. Lee Uhlig is concerned about an area on the map circled in yellow which has been flooding some of his land. He does not own this property; therefore, he cannot clean out this area. Mr. Fellbaum reported that the outlet of the ditch into Altner Lake has been cleaned and is now working and there are plans to open the outlet of the entire ditch system that flows into the river. Discussion continued. Commissioners requested that Mr. Fellbaum obtain an estimate of what the cost would be to clean out the area of concern on Ditch #63 to determine if it is possible to proceed with a repair. DWI Court Positions Chuck Kitzman, Probation Director, submitted requests to increase hours for two DWI Court positions. He reported that grant funding to increase the positions is available through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration through September 30, 2015. Increasing staff hours is the only way to expand this program. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to increase the DWI Court Probation Officer position from .6 FTE to 1.0 FTE and the DWI Court Surveillance Officer position from .5 FTE to .8 FTE from April 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015. The positions will be re-evaluated at the end of September based on continued grant funding. Minnesota Rural Counties Caucus Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize payment, in the amount of $2,100.00, payable to MRCC for the 2015 annual membership dues. 2015 Midwest Farm Energy Conference Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize commissioners' attendance at the 2015 Midwest Farm Energy Conference June 17, 2015 through June 19, 2015 sponsored by the University of Minnesota. Otter Tail County Bond Rating Administrator Larry Krohn reported that Moody's Investors Service has upgraded Otter Tail County's general obligation unlimited tax debt rating from Aa2 to Aa1. Adjournment OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Page 5 At 11 :44 a.m., Chairman Lindquist declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until the next County Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 24, 2015. Dated: O,J[L4 / Lois CB/kd OTTERTA OUN By: ....::,.~::....._=.:::_____l,l::::::::::::...t:..1a:.1,<-:...:::,,~=L---- Lindquist, OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 3/10/2015 vendor Name ABG MAINTENANCE INC ACCURATE CONTROLS INC AMES ENGINEERING APCO INTERNA TIONAI. INC ARK&SPARK A."<NESS/JOE BARNESVILLE RECORD REVIEW BATTLE L.\KE BOY SCOUTS TROOP 307 BER.TS TRUCK EO.UIPMENT OF MHD INC BLUFFTON OIL COMPANY BRANBY /STEVE BRANDNER/STEVE BRAUN VENDING INC BROGARD PLUMBING CO BUGBEE/\VADE Cl,RR.'S TREE SERVICE CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR. COLLEGE WAY AUTO INC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP DACOTAHPAPERCOMPANY DAKOTA PRJNTER REPAIR. LLC DAKOTA WHOLESALE TIRE ELLENSON/MAIU:. FRAZEE ELECTIUC INC FRESONKE/SHARl GALLAGHER BENEFIT SER.VICES INC GODFATHERS E.X'TER.MINATING INC GRAINGER INC H.~SON'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC H..:\\VES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT AL SER.VICI HEDAHI.S HEADQUARTERS HENNING Al.J,.O PARTS INC INNOVATIVE omcE SOLUTIONS INTEGRA TELECOM ]KSPORTS jTIV ASSOCU.TES Ll.C Kl.I>. LEASING INC KEEPRSINC KELLY SER'v1CES INC KIMBALL MID'\,\'EST KINETIC LEASING INC Amount 160.00 17,146.25 2,805.70 420.00 95.90 120.92 108.00 250.00 362.50 865.99 309.70 247.99 46.50 200.00 81.65 8,000.00 246.64 32.40 5,217.60 432.05 976.80 516.56 19.12 9,872.74 19.55 16,500.00 446.75 302.34 331.50 165.00 155.40 49.38 35.16 1,210.24 363.64 222.00 2,394.00 303.35 18.59 680.16 154.64 768.00 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 2 Vendor Name lAKE REGION HEALTHCARE CORP IAKES ARE.A PEST CONTROL UC IAKESRADIO LARRY OTT JNC TRUCK SER.VICE LJ\RUM/PAT LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LENfZ/JOLEEN LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. M.J\RCO JNC MARCO INC ST LOUIS MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT MINNESOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOCl.\TION MINNKOTA ENVIRO SER.\'lCES INC MN ASSOCIATION OF TO\l\'NSHIPS MN MOTOR COMPANY MN RURAL COUNTIES CAUCUS MORRISON cotmn· SHERIFF N F FIELD ABSTRACT CO UC NE.IGEL FIRE.J\RMS NEITZKE/ROGER A NELSON AtrrO CENTER. OTTER. ELECTRIC UC OTTER.TAIL M..\RJNE OTTER.TAIL TRUCKING INC OtrrDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & PARK & TRAILS COUNCIL OF MN-CENTR PEOPLEFACTS UC PIONEER. RIM & \VHEEI. CO PRECISE MRM LLC PRODUCTIVE ALTER.NATIVES INC RDO TRUST #80-6130 RMB ENVIRONMENTAL L.\BORATORIES D ROYAL TIRE INC RTI1SION INC SCHOOL DIST 544 SCHW ANKE/\'lCKI SERVICE FOOD SUPER VA.LU SEW PERFECT BRIDAL SIRCHIE FINGER PR.INT L;\BORATORIES SOTA SOtrrH MIU SERVICE Amount 21,127.94 80.00 140.00 2,655.00 55.20 421.40 50.00 19.96 117.72 10,127.68 341.61 204.00 180.00 73.85 15.00 260.62 2,100.00 50.00 6,975.00 490.00 1,103.55 28.39 219.49 896.44 10,506.42 4,202.50 750.00 25.30 166.86 1,161.80 210.36 159.21 1,350.00 101.41 37,000.00 190.00 109.25 94.83 15.00 688.07 1.025.00 73.91 vendor Name STAPLES ADVANTAGE STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STREICHER.S SVERDRUP NON STOP 4· H TAGUP THOMSON REUTERS • \\'EST TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR. CARE TITAN MACHINERY INC TORGERSON/GARY TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA TRIMlN SYSTEMS INC TRITECH FORENSICS UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE \1CTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VOSS LIGHTING WASTE MANAGEMENT WEST /RICHARD K XEROX CORPORATION Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Exhibit A, Page 3 Amount 117.73 2,901.82 586.30 3,820.80 250.00 65.90 1,835.76 655.94 2,737.53 5.37 94.22 14,000.00 122.75 568.33 38.34 147.15 193.80 3,281.48 610.22 183.20 210.434.12 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 10, 2015 Exhibit B, Page 1 . OTTE.R TAIL' COlJNTY' . . ,. '' ' .. r • The Goveruoi·'s· _; '/ ,:~. :· · • " .' · ~ · · <::omminiitv Addictioi1 Recover,/ . . ~.. . . ' . , , . . ' ' ' ' ' -' '> .. ' -FEBRUARY·2015. · ."' , Enterprise (C.A.R.E.) PROPOSAL ~ • ' ; "' " • ' ~ ' • • I • ' • Gonmor Dayton is proposing a Statewide C_.\,R.E. program restructwing that would: • Close the Fergus Falls C.A,R.E. Facility by June 30. 2016. reducing the oi:ffllll number of C.A.R.E. beds from 174 to approximately 70 in the state. • Increase the base rate to S475 per clienticlay, for state- certified Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment pro~-iders. meet certain staffing requirements, and serving individuals committed to the commissioner of hwww. seriices, presenting with complex issues and who may pose a risk to public safety. An increase from the cunent rate of SJ 74 per clientiday for ·'high intensity treatment.~ C.A.R.E Statfflide Proposal: • Carlton CARE: Reduce 24 to O beds by 04101/15 • BrainerdCARE:Reduce26to 16bedsby06/'30/l5 • St. Peter CARE: Reduce 2 7 to 16 beds by 06130115 • Willmar CARE: Reduce 36 to 16 beds by 06130115 • Anoka CARE: Reduce 29 to 20 beds by 06130116 • Fergus Falls CARE: Reduce 32 to O beds by 06130/16 Senice Concern~ and Feedback ~1;;:·~-t' :. . ~-S~!;· :;•,'1'.iit~ Ir;{t'i'i.!t • Concern with this development -current options for placement and treatment of committed clients are \'et')" narrow. • HWWID Service staff, County Attorneys and COUDty Sheriff Depm1lllellls concerned that proposal is not workable -closing so maoy State beds with tbe increase in need of indi\-iduals we 1er,:e. Clients served are significantly more ill. Many present a number of complicating filctors in their lives which make their treatment & transition back into tbe community more difficult. • Pro\id.er,; cite concerns that the proposed rate increase is inconsistent with rate refonn needs of other residential and outpatient sen.ices. • The 16-bed limit. due to federal rules regarding IMD's (Institutions for the Mentally Diseased) makes this proposal and policy one of "chasing money;· not serving client needs. Economic De,0elopment Cost~ ._4:: Conce111'S • In Fergus Falls. the CAREtIDDT proposal will create significant job loss if pri,'Dte sector providers are not able to replace this sel'\-ice. • DHS's Withdrawal Management proposal. to replace detox services. could also pi-oduce job loss if local pro,iders not able to pro,-ide this new service model. • Three buildings -CARE program, the former Catholic Charities Community Senices Unit (CSU) and Productive Altemati,-es Detox Facility-are or DlllY become ,·acant. • Existing buildings sen·ing multi-use needs and services must be allowed.. e.g .. combining IDDT services, Withdrawal Management Sen-ices. detoxification sen-ices. Crisis Stabilization Unit For mor, i11fo1malio11, coutart Lanr Ifrol111 Ort,,-Ia,1 Corlllh' .Umi11isrraror llrrolm@ro oit,,1m1 11111 m 118-998-8068 PROJNUM 11:28P BR 13:15PBR TOTAL 07:114P-T BR 99:118CU 08:213PBR 13:111PBR TOTAL STPRJNUM S.A.P. 056-628-013 S.A.P. 0~15-018 SAP. 056-599-059 SAP. 066-599-061 S.A.P.056-597-001 ----------------------- OTIER TAIL COUNlY BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REMOVAL UST 2015 and Beyond CSAH28 CSAH 15 10-Mar-15 COUNTY PROJECTS BRIDGE NO." PROJNAME 56508 7267 Bridge Replacement over Pelican River Bridge Replacement over Otter Tail River TOWNSHIP & CITY PROJECTS HWY Ni.it.r BRIDGE NO. Deer Creek Twp Eastern Twp Pelican Rapids Corliss Twp Carlisle Twp L0944 NA L5805 91798 91556 Bridge Removal over Leaf River Replace Culvert Eastern Township Bridge ReplaQement over Pelican River Bridge Replacement over Toad River Bridge Replaoement over Pellcan River SUFFRATE CURREST--YEAR· 66.9 49.7 $ $ $ 315,821 662,000 977,821 2015 2016 SUFF.RATE .. CURR EST YEAR 19.0 NA 71.0 87.0 65.8 $ $ s s s s 100,000 300,000 450.000 300,000 300.000 1,450,000 2015 Note ~ rtieiiciiedii1e·o1 the projects coniained in ihis Plan'are coningenion furii-ing avallabie;-permit iline iines, right .of way acqulsitk,,i and- changing highway/bridge conditions. Approved by Otter Tall County Board on 0 -I 0 Cll 0 Ill a. 0 -