HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/18/2014MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN November 18, 2014 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chairman; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chairman; John Lindquist, Lee Rogness, and Doug Huebsch present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Johnson called for approval of the November 18, 2014 agenda. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of November 18, 2014, with the following modifications: • Waters of the U.S. Federal Proposal • Ice Machine at Government Services Center • Attendance at the Regional Collaboration Symposium • Cancel Consideration of Registered Land Survey #16 Consent Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. November 4, 2014, Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for November 18, 2014 (Attachment A) 3. Human Services Bills & Claims 4. Tobacco License for Thumper Pond Resort LLC & Gordon Fix dba Larry's Foods 5. Liquor & Sunday Liquor License for Silver Moon Lounge & Steakhouse 6. Approval of Final Payment to Traffic Marking Service of Maple Lake, MN, for Safety Signing Improvements Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) Proposal Commissioners discussed issues relating to the Federal WOTUS proposal. They previously submitted a resolution in opposition of the current proposal. The National Association of Counties (NACO) has also been providing comment on the proposal for local governments stressing anticipated problems with confusion in the rules, permitting process issues and vague definitions. The extended comment period ended November 14, 2014. Commissioners requested further research on the issue with our local NACO representative. Cooperative Agreement for Welfare Fraud Investigation Services Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials signatures to execute a Cooperative Agreement for Welfare Fraud Investigation Services effective January 1, 2015. This agreement is the basis for federal reimbursement to the County for these investigative services. Recess & Reconvene At 9:42 a.m., Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 9:50 a.m. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Page 2 Labor Management Committee Report Charlie Kampa and Liz Bakken, LMC Co-Chairs presented background information on the topic of on-site daycare for employees. A variety of road blocks were discussed. The Co-Chairs suggested that a needs analysis be completed and further requested direction from the County Board. Commissioners indicated that a shortage of child daycare is a problem for all parents not just County employees. They requested that the LMC reach out to the Association of Minnesota Counties and/or others who can provide a model for community daycare. They suggested reaching out to private employers to develop a partnership with government assisting the organization for the benefit of our communities. The LMC will put together a tour of a community daycare facility in Thief River Falls and will provide progress reports. New York Mills County Building Single Point of Entry Terry Hoff, Facilities Operations Manager, presented a plan to create a single point of entry for the New York Mills County offices. Discussion followed. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to implement a single point of entry for customers on the west side of the NYM County building which provides elevator access with the east side entry for employees. The west entry will also provide handicap entry and parking for employees when applicable. Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to purchase an ACS 16 Dr Controller Electronic Card access system from Tyco SimplexGrinnell for the NYM building at a cost of $8,094.00 plus tax. The Budget or Capital Improvement Committee will determine which budget will be accessed for payment of this system. Employees' Committee Request The Employees' Committee submitted a letter to the County Board requesting an ice machine at the Government Services Center. They provided rationale for the request. Commissioners requested quotes to purchase ice machines at the GSC and Courthouse and suggested that the Wellness Committee discuss the possibility of contributing to the cost of operation of the machines. The Facilities Operations Manager will return to the Board with quotes. Regional Symposium Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioners to attend the Regional Collaboration Symposium conference at Lakes Country Service Cooperative on November 14, 2014. Recess & Reconvene At 10:31 a.m., Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:37 a.m. West Central Regional Juvenile Center Cooperative Agreement Chuck Kitzman, Probation Director, submitted documentation regarding a WCRJC Advisory Board meeting held October 16, 2014. He reviewed important topics of the meeting and requested approval of the Cooperative Agreement which includes Cass County, ND as a member county. Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials signatures to execute the Fourth Amended Cooperative Agreement for the Operation of the Clay County Secure Juvenile Detention and Treatment Facility. Snowmobile Grant Agreement Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the FY2015 Minnesota Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program Agreement between Otter Tail County and the MN DNR, subject to review of the County Attorney. This Maintenance and Grooming Grant Agreement totals $192,455.37 as follows: Henning Sno Cruisers -$17,940.11 Otter Trail Riders -$53,629.47 O.C.T.A. -$108,136.86 Prairie Snow Drifters -$12,748.93 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Page 3 Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit-Linden Park Resort & Campground/Sunrise Properties OT LLC: Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, reviewed the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny an expansion of Linden Park Resort and Campground because the resort currently exceeds the maximum density under the County's Shoreland Management Ordinance. Ron Grams, Applicant, addressed the Board and talked about the improvements that he has made to the resort, total acreage, wetland area that is not counted in the density figures, State density figures, and the economics for small resorts. Discussion followed regarding the Board's intent to review the SMO this winter for changes as it relates to resorts. Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to table the Conditional Use Permit request of Linden Park Resort.& Campground until June 2015. The Applicant waived the 60 day rule. The proposal is located in Hurch's First Addition to Linden Park Lots 6 & 7 Blk B & vac alley adj and pt of GL 1 & pt of GL 2, Section 26 of Girard Township; East Battle (56-138), RD. Planning Commission Reappointment Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to reappoint David Trites to the Otter Tail County Planning Commission representing District IV effective January 1, 2015 for a three year term. County Recorder Software Brian Armstrong, Land Services Director, submitted a handout with rationale to purchase windows based software for the Recorder's office from Fidlar Technologies. Mr. Armstrong reported that the software would be compatible with software currently used in the Assessor and Auditor's offices. He indicated that he would like the software ready January 1, 2015 so the new Recorder would learn om~ system and be a part of the process. Fidlar Technologies provides a credit card payment option so customers can purchase a document electronically. Various fee schedules are provided by the vendor. Commissioners indicated that they had received letters from various businesses concerned about increased fees they would be paying for access to this new service which could be significantly higher than the current fees to access the Landshark system. Tim Brand, IT Director, stated that the TriMin system currently used could be a windows based system. Dave Mckay from TriMin confirmed that the current system could be windows based and stated that thirty-five counties in Minnesota are using the system Otter Tail County is currently using. Mr. Armstrong will meet with the Land Services Committee along with the new Recorder for further discussion. After that meeting, Mr. Armstrong will put together a Committee of interested parties to discuss the fee schedule and implementation process. Recess & Reconvene At 11 :50 a.m , Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 11 :59 a.m. County Drainage Systems County Ditch #44: Kevin Fellbaum, Ditch Inspector, reported about the waters on Round Lake which are backing up into cabins. County Ditch #44 is the outlet for Round Lake; however, the ditch is not functioning properly and has not been maintained. Ditch #44 was established April 18, 1911, has $15.10 in the Maintenance Fund, and some portions were cleaned out by property owners in 1982. Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to schedule a public meeting on Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Otter Tail Operations Center in Ottertail City. The motion included authority for the Ditch Inspector to obtain estimates to clean out the ditch so this information is available for the public meeting. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Page4 County Ditch #41165: Mr. Fellbaum provided handouts regarding Ditch #41/65 running from Henry Lake to Windy Lake. This area needs to be cleaned; however, there is a property owner who wants to impound water on their property and is opposed to cleaning the ditch. Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to proceed with clean out of Ditch #41 /65 between Henry Lake and Windy Lake as required by statute to maintain ditches. The owners of the property opposed to drainage can petition to impound water and the statutory authority has been provided to them. NEGATIVE EIS DECLARATION FOR DITCH #70 Otter Tail County Resolution# 2014 • 53 Upon reviewing all applicable documents, a motion was offered by Commissioner Lindquist, seconded by Commissioner Froemming, on a 5 -0 vote, 5 voting for and O voting against, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopted the attached NEGATIVE EIS DECLARATION, FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER in the matter of the decision of the need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners (OTCB) acting as the Drainage Authority, local sponsor and RGU, for the public drainage system improvement to CD 70, including the relocation and capacity increase of the outlet at Sewell Lake and the corresponding drainage alignment between the lake and CD 52 to improve the drainage efficiency of CD 70, on the 18th day of November, 2014. Dated: -~''-<'/>-=z.~1:....,/_1~'<------ The Ditch Inspector reported that the Negative Declaration for an EIS on Ditch #70 (Attachment B of these minutes) will be sent to the State Environmental Quality Board (EQB) within 5 days. The EQB will post the findings on their website. If no appeal is received within 30 days, Houston Engineering will submit an application to the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for a permit. If a permit is received from the DNR to do work on the ditch, a public information meeting will be scheduled with the property owners. Adjournment At 12:27 p.m., Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned. The next County Board meeting is scheduled at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. Dated: uh.s/l'f I • OARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest <~~ Lrr;y Kron, Gerl< CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 11/18/2014 Vendor Name A· I LOCK & Kn" A'\ 'l~"DS UC ABC MAINTEN . .\NCE INC AKER.MA.N/R.ICH.~ ALPHA TRA.I:'1ING & TACTICS LLC AMAZON EN\1RO~:T.-U-L'-:C . ..\MERIPRIDE SER\1CES INC ANDERSON L.l..ND SUR.VD.TIC INC A,...,UERSON/JORD . .l..i-..: .-l..'<UERSON!RY . .l..i'> APEX ARM Of ~ffi's1'-.1:SOTA AUTO VALUE !'ERG-US !'.,U,1.S BACKMAN/1:El'...l.. Y BAU.ARD S.-',.;.'-,TTATION ISC BARRY CONSTR.l'.CTION r-;c BATTI..E !AKE ACTO PARTS BE'; HOLZER l.'NUJ,lITJ:D BENSON PSYCHOLOCIC . .\L SER\1CES PC BERGOUI5 T/RICHARD BE\"ER BODY SHOP INC BJEI..DE PLt,'"MBING UC BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL C0t,1''TY BOu"'"D TREE MEDIC.-U UC BR.-l..'<1:l/1.,;1'~ M.\CI..E.,l,c'l BR."''-'DON COMM1.,,'1CA TIONS INC BR.Al::-;' VL"IDING INC BRENN . .\N /KEVlN B\:T· MOR P.J..RTS & SER\·1CE UC CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPER.c"l.\RKET CDW GO\ 'ERNMENT INC CELLEBRITE US..\ INC CERTIFIED AUTO REP..\.IR CERTIFIED LABOR.UORIES CI\-1C PLUS CL.l,.Y CO AUDITOR TRE..\Sl.'.RER CLEA'-' PLUS INC C!..r'<'E/GORDON CO OP SER\.1CES r-,c CODE 4 SER\.1CES UC COLLEGE WAY AUTO INC COMMISSIO~iER OF TR.-\XSPOR TA TION Amount 306.20 21.740.97 160.00 23.52 114 .90 8.267 .20 359.75 3. 772 50 150,00 65.53 11.408. 78 200.00 851.13 46.94 2.040 00 33.589.72 11 78 52 50 2,500.00 249.12 325.00 565.00 42.68 203.96 417 50 1,167.44 40.25 225.60 3.172.28 23. 15 882.99 2.450.00 355 92 159.00 1557799 1450.88 183.16 497 .35 190.59 401.00 304.41 1,834 06 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 2 Vendor Name COMPUTER INFORM. ... TION Si 'STEMS COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROL"P CRAGL"N CORPOR.-\TION CUUlGA.c'> ClJlllGA."'1 OF WADENA D & T \il:l'fll.TR.ES LLC DAKOTA PR.INTER REPAIR LLC DA.N'S TOWING & REPAIR DEX E.-..ST DHS SOS ARC 4 ;-2 DICK'S STA.'.'DARD EJS FLOOR COVERING EVERTS LUMBER CO FAR.NAM'S GE"x1}1N'E PARTS INC FARNAM:'S GE'-1.clNE PARTS :C'1C F'EU.BA UM/l.:.EVIN FER.GUS FAllS DAILY JO'UR..'s . ...t FER.GUS F AllS U:-.."DflLL FER.CVS FAllS SCHOOL DLST 54-l FER.GUS POWER PUMP INC FER.GUS TIRE CENTER FOR.\fS & SYSTEMS OF MIN1'1:SOT A FOTH I!s1'RASTR.1JCTI1R.ES & ENVIROMlN FRAZEE FORUM INC fROi',71ER PRECISION INC GALLS LLC Gil..1./MAR.ION GM GOOF A 1liER.S E."\.i'E.R1,filiA TING INC GOODIN COMPA.'•;y GRAINGER INC CREA T A."!ER.lCA FtNANCL...t SVCS I-l...R. TiiUN/TRENT HAWES SEPTIC T A.'11C PUMPING HEALTHCARE E.'1\1RONMJ:NT . ...t SER.VICI HEDAHLS HEADOVARTERS HELPSYSTEMS HE!'.1'i1NG HARDWARE HERMES/ CONl, "IE HIGH PL...rNS TECHNOLOGY Hll.L TOP LUMBER I:'iC HOLl\.{/SHELDON Amount 64,000.00 2,515.16 224 .61 26.50 83.75 1,089 00 581 .40 68.70 31.03 750.00 137 .90 8,590.00 12.98 59.81 37.GG 20.00 11.984 S6 8.54 82.34 9.350.00 1,055.26 701 .01 11 .462.30 1.767 .00 685.60 1,167.97 295.04 694.00 316.55 109.40 437.49 387.61 199.95 75.00 190,50 10.25 319,33 167 .31 11.B 1 4 .785.00 10.38 401.44 \'endorName HOL'.{/TRISHA l!',l)EPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES INDEP~l)ENT/THE INNOVA ffi·"E OFFICE SOLlrrlONS !NPRO CORPORATION Il\TEGRA TELECOM JP COOKE CO J,U::E'S JOfil;s I.LC JA.\fi>SA/PAT Je;SEN/JAY JI: SPORTS JOH!;;SON/DEA.'1 JONES AND MAG!'<T5 KARGER/ JO!'l K.EEPRS INC KEUY SER\1CES INC L & 0 ACRES TRA.'1SPORT l!'iC L.JJ.:E REGION ELECTIUC CO OP L.JJCE REGION HEALTHCARE CORF L.IJJ,S AREA COOPER..l. me L.IJJ.S RADIO L.IJJ.WA Y ~!..l.RKIIT UC L~"IDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC L.l.RRY OTT NC TRUCK SER\1CE L.l.RSON/JOA;'.-Z,.r; L.l.RSON/L YNN L.l.RSON/PAUL l.E:'.'TZ/ JOLEEN UBERn· BUSINESS SYSTEMS FARGO UBERn· TIRE RECYC'l.ING I.LC LOC • .l. TORS & S1-'PPUES INC M· R SIGN COMPANY INC. M,l,NDERUD/WAI.l.ACE C M.\RCO INC lvt.l.RCO INC ST LOllS M.UU:: S.-l.:'\1) & GRA\'EL CO MATHISON CO MCIT MEl~Al.SON HYDRAll.lCS INC MEND CORRECTIO::-:AL CARE MERICKEL LUMBER MID\\"EST ~UCHINERY CO OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 3 Amount B0.00 58.45 180.00 132 .31 415.09 363.64 137.75 252.64 790.00 100.00 2.309 00 190.00 3. 119.50 15.99 99.99 2.727.60 (Ul0B 55 25.00 5,995.53 613.70 532.00 691 ,41 2.272 55 3.810.00 772.50 198.31 300.00 50.00 87.99 2.978.72 375.07 549.36 77.25 505.00 1,068.03 13.1~,9.74 115.00 3,019 00 1.394.86 8.626.64 2438 129.88 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 4 vendor Name MIDWEST TESTING L-IBOR.ATORY MINNESOT.-\ V.-\1.Ll:Y IRRIGATION MN DEPT OF CORRECTIO:s'S MN DEPT OF IABOR A!s'D INDUSTRY MN MOTOR COMPA.',Y MN POILllTION CO~'TROI. .-\GEN CY MYHRE/JIM NAPA CENTRAL MN :-m.soN' AUTO CEt,-rER NELSON/JA!~1CE F NELSON/VALER.IE NE\\'BORG,Jt:E\1N NEWM.-\N P.-\ll':Tll',G INC NORT!il.A."-"D BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC :,.JOVA FIRE PROTECTION :,.JYCKl.1:MOE/COR"'-St:E OJ.SO~, OIL CO INC OI. YMPIC SALES INC OSI ENVIRON'MENTAL L"lC OTTER ELECTRIC LLC OTTER TAIL CO TREA.SL'RER OTTE.RT.ill TRUCKING INC OVERL~"<"D MECH."'-''-'ICAI. SER\'ICES PACE .-\NALYTTC.-\L SERVICES INC PAI.MER/GEORGE PARKERS PR.-URlE/cm· OF PART.~ /KRIS TIE PAW PVBLlCATIONS I.LC BATI1..E L"'-KE R PEBBU LAKE .-\UTO REPA.IR PWCAN RAPIDS PRESS PEMBERTON SORLIE Rt;FER !.:ERSHNER Pi PEOPLEFACTS ILC PERHAM FOCL'S PERH."'-,\.1 omcE SUPPL y PERR.Di MOBll.E MIDIC.-\I. PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING PHll.I.lP£ !AW OFFICE PHILllPPI DR/JAY PHOENIX Sl'PPI.Y PIERCE JR/NORMA, PITNEY BOWES PORTMAN'N/RlCHA.RD Amoum 2.235, 75 1,481.30 24000 100.00 359.57 15.00 613.42 179.08 2,901.58 545.00 865.00 54,32 3,930.00 2,332 88 825.00 635.00 1,316.35 128.99 50.00 3.667.95 546.16 16,927 53 3,088.46 5,626.60 264.80 260.00 10.00 3,080.33 763.76 3,084 52 3,598 00 37.95 8,319.82 125,:,0 135.00 423.50 640.40 475,00 1,028.15 8.BO 51.99 835,00 Vendor Name P0R Th!ANN/\ 'JRGI}."I..:\. PO\VERPU..."-1 OIB PRECISE MRM LLC PR!SCHMA. '-"N/KAREN PROFESSIONAL PORTABLE X· R.:\.Y INC 0U!O.:'S NAPA AUTO P . .\RTS RDO TRUST ~00-6130 ROYAL TIRE INC RTVISION Il'iC SW.INC SA.'ID CR.ID:. GROUP LTD/THE SCHWAAB INC SCHWA.',~•'\1Cl,J SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION c--;'C SECURJ1T STATE BA."-'K SER\1CE FOOD SL'PER \'ALU SHEA/PAUL SHER\\ 1N \\1Lll:\..\iS SHOE.MA.KER/BRENDA SIGELl.Llc.'\ STEEL & RECYCLING INC SIMENGAARD/PAL1. S0l'TH MIU SER\-1CE ST A.DU!v!/DA \-ID STATE ll'-,'DL'STRLU PR0Dl'CTS STEINS INC STE\1:"S SA.'<TIATION INC STR..:lu','D HARDWARE & R.:\.DIO SHACR STREICHERS SW.~"l"STON EOUIPJ..ID,"T CORP TIBUlU.'. CORPORATION TELL/PATR!CU THIS WEEKS SHOPPING :-TEWS THORSOK/JOHN THRIFTY WHITI PHAru,t.:\.CY T!GGES/DE.'-.;"?-,IS TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE TIT.~"l MACHINERY T:,TT REPAIR INC TORCERSO>I/LETHE TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLFTIONS VSA U 'S POSTAL SERVICE l:-Hf0R.\15 L'Nl.IMITED INC OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 5 Amount 815.00 1.942.49 425 29 452.50 300.00 61 15 195 27 15 7. 54 1.968.75 1.22500 1.728.01 337.20 50.40 B.540 00 22 90 149.60 19.96 29.50 21 13 46.50 81.42 424.79 94.99 252.66 2.197 19 7,846.00 97.88 1.428 BG 5.900 00 151 .30 602,50 184.80 450.00 49.95 220.00 1.137.21 1,054 OB 1.662.12 343.20 94 22 20,000.00 130.44 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 6 Vendor Name UNTTID PARCEL SER\lCE UNIVERsm· OF Ml',' VERGAS HA.ROW ARE \lCTOR Ll.J!,;'Dl!EK COMPA.':i' VOSS LIGHTING Vl..:1.CA."J INC WADENA ASPHALT JNC WADENA PIONEER JOl'RNAL W.-U.l.WORK TRUCK CE.i';"'TER WASTI MANAGEML'-'T WELLER OIL CO \\IDSETH s:MJTH NOL m:c & ASSOC WORLD MEDICAL GO\'EIL'<'MENT SOLlm• XEROX CORPOR.\ TION ZIEGLER INC Pinal Total . ..\mount 16!:dG 170.00 1.99 318,74 587, 10 76,876,56 30,786,00 G6.90 1.923 54 22,496,49 267.12 16,594,50 58.47 176 11 1,121.62 592.827,08 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment B, Page 1 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Nl•:GATIVE EIS DECLARATION In the iVlattcr of the Decision of the Neccl for an F.nvir1111mcnh1I lmpnct Statement for the Oth.'"r Tnil County Ditch No. 70 Improvement, in Otter Tnil County, Minnesota. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDF:R The ahovc~mcnlioncd matter cume on for review bclbre the Otter Tail Co1111ty 1-ionrd of Commissioners on the 18th day of November, 20 \4. 'file Board, lrnving reviewed an Environmental Assessment \Vorksheet. Lhe commi:;:nts thcretu, the presentations of the County Fngi11ccr. Rick \Vest. and tl1c Const1 I ting Engineer, Jeff Lungan. und considt·rcd comments by th(; public. a11c.l being fully advised in tin! premises. makes the following 1:indings or Far.:t. Coru.:lusirn1s or Luw nnJ Order: FINDINGS OF FACT A. The Otlcr Tail County Board o/'Comrnissioners (OTCl3) acring ~s the Drainage Authority, as local sponsor. is proposing to relocate and incr..:ase the capm.:ity ol' lht: uullel at Sewell Lake ancl the corresponding drainage aligrnw.:nl between the Ink~ and CD 52 to improve the drainage efficiency of CD 70. 8. ;\ petition wns sent to the Otter Tail County Auditor. dated July 5.2014, representing a grm1p of individuals (26 signees) that are affected by the Otter Tail CD 70; seeking in1provement to the CD 70, spc·cifically tilt.: outlet at Sewell Lake nnd the section of drainage between Sewell Lake and CD 52. C. Thi;: OTCB ordererl the rrcraratinn ofan engineer's report to d1;:1r:rmine the be::;l 1nethod to irnprove the outlet at Sewell L.1ke a11d the section ol'the CD 70 syste1n between tl1c lake and CD 52. The l;,'ngim:,:r 's f'rc.:limi11w:r 5'urvey Rt.wort. nr{linoge Svsrem lm1n·ovemenl_for Ot1ei-Tail County /Jiu-Ii .Vo. 70 ,vas ccrli lied February 24. 20 14. D. The engineer's report identified the 1110st practicable action to mldress the existing drc1i11age issues of the CD 70 syslem \vou\d be nn improvement rather than repair to the Public l)rainage Sysli.:111. E /\s locnl sponsor. the OTCB initintccl environmental review, in accordnnce with Minnesota l{u !es 44 l 0. l 000 s11bp. 3. D, by 1h~ preparation of n discretionary Environrnental Assessment Worksht:ct (L:'./\ W) to determine irthe project lrnd the potential ror significant environmcntid cHCcts. Nove111bt·1 18, 2(1\,j Page I nf5 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment B, Page 2 F. The OTCB 1)1·cparecl tl1c EAW for the project in accortlancc with Mi1111esula Rules Chapter 4410. G, The-C/\ \J.1 and supporting 1ecl111 icnl 1rn11eria Is used i11 preparation or the EA \V arc incorporated by relere11ce into this Re,;ord or Decision on the Determination of Need for an Envirn11111cntal Impact Statement (US). H. Prior w notice ol'thc EAW, the OTCB held scvernl meetings with al'foclcd land owners and lm:.al agencies. and also formally provided opportunities tor public input. I. The L•:AW was filed with the E11vironrnc11tnl Quality Board (EQR) and a notice of'its availability was published in the 1::()13 Mu11i1or on September 29, 2014. A copy ol'the EA W was sent lo all persons on the EQB Distribution List and to those persons requesting n copy. Press releases announcing the nv.1ilability of the EA \V Wl.;r<.: sent to the local newspaper and Lhe County Wl!b site . .I. The 30-day EA W public review und comment began Scpte111ber 29, 2014 and ended October 29.2014 pursuant to Minnesota Rules part 4410.1600. K. Dming the 30~day public review and cn1111rn:nl period, the OTCB received three (3) ktters co11wi11ing writt.cn comments. Comments were received from the following pnrties: n. Sarah J. fleimers) Manager, Guvcrnmcntal Programs and Complianc.:c, Minnesota Historical Society. h, Peter Bue:ssdcr. Regiu11al Manager. Minnesota Department ofNalural Resources. c. Christopher E. Steffen. Public Co111111c11t. L. Written comments received and OTCB's responses arc compiled in Ap1>cndix A and incorporated by reference into this Record of Decision on the Detenninatit)n of Need l{H' an EIS. M. Comment wus received by the Minnesota Dcparllnc11t of Natural Resources (DNR) reco111111cndi11g additional information regarding regulatory requirements. N. Further comments addressed the lakeshorc of Sewell Lake. 0. DNR requested additional information regarding the downstream impacts to the receiving Pelican Creek (part ol'CD 52) and impacts to wetlands within the CD 70 drainage area. P. Comment was received from the DNR noting positive implications of the project and the resulting more stable water levels on the flsh production at Sewell Lake and requesting continued coo1·dination on outlet screen design and [3fv1P's used to prolcct pugnose shiner. Q. Minnesota Rules Part 4410.0200 Subpart 51, de line mitigation as fi.1llows: a. Avoiding i111pacls altogether by not undertaking a project or parts ora project: November 18, 20 14 P.ige2of5 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment B, Page 3 b. Minimizing impucts by limiting the degree of magnitude ofa project; c Rectifying impacls by repairing, rehabilitation or restoring the affected enviro11111c11L; d. Rt:ducing or eliniinntine, i111p<1cr~ over time hy preservation nnd maintenance operations d1.1ring tlii; life of the project; c-. Compensaring for impacts by rer,lrn.:ing or prnviding ~ub~lillltt: rcsourc.;c or c:nvironments; or r. Reducing or uvoiding impacts by irnp!e111c11rntion of pollution prevention 111casL1rcs. R. The RLdc:.; of the f\..-tinnesota Fnvironmentfll ()11ality Roard set forth the following stand,11·ds and criteri.1 (Minnesota RL1lt:s purl 4410.1700. subps. 6 nnd 7) to which the cffci..:::ts ofn project tire ro he compared to determine whelher it h~,s the polentin! JUr signiiicLmt enviro11111c11tul effects· a. Type, e;-.;.tent and rl.!vt.:rsibilily ur lhe environmt:11t~1I effects: h. C.\1111ulativc potcnl'ial effects or related or a11ti(..'.ipnted ruturt' projecb: c. Extent to 'l<Vhich the cnvironmcnwl ctlCcts arc subject to mitigation by ongoing rcgulntnry authority: w1d d The extent tn which e11viron111e11tal effect~ c.111 be unticipntc-d and controlkd as n rC['illlt of other cnvironm~ntal studic.'. undertaken by publi1,.; ugt:w.;i\,,'S ur the prc~cGI proposer. including uLht.:r E!Ss. S. Rascd on the.: inf'nnrn.ition contained within 1he EA \V and provided in writlcn co11111u.:11ts rec~ivcrl ancl in the rc~ponsi.:s to lhosc: comment::;. OTCIJ has identineJ no un~mitig,1Lt'd t·nvin.rnmt'llla! effects for 1hc Otter Tail County Diti..:li No. 70 lmprnvcmcnl'. November 18 . .'.lO 14 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment B, Page 4 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. The OTCB has fulfilled al! arplic.iblc proccd11ral requirement~ nflnw and rule regarding the determination ofne-ed for nn environmc11w! irnpacl statement i'Or the Otter Tail Cuu111y Ditclt No. 70 \111provcmc11t in Otter Tail County, iv\i1111eso1u. 2. Type, exlent um/ rel'ersihility oj"e,ni;ronmental c:f/'ects. Based on tile r-imlings of Fact, OTCB hns determined that all potential t:nviro11me11tfll ctlCcts resulting from tht: project will be minor in type, C.\(ent. or arc reversible. The determination of minor in type1 extent. and reversibility incorporates environmental commitment and lllitigntion as described herein in item R. 3. Cumulalive rmfential e.O"ecfa 1?lrelated or anticip(lfedjirture projec/8. Cumulative: c:fTccts nrc potential impacts placed within Lhc context of the impacts caused by other projects. Thusi..-: impacts may or may nnt result from the same or similar type or project. Based upon the ted111icnl nnalyscs cornp!c!cd and the information avnile1blc to tile OTCB, the Otter Tail County Ditch No. 70 l111provc111cn1 project is not expected 10 internet with other past, present oi· reasonably foreseeable pro_iecls to gt'nernte adverse cumulative impacts. E'x1ent lo which environmental eff"ecls an! suty·ec:t to milig£1Jion hy on•going public regulatu1:J1 aullwrity Installation of pipe in ruad right of way (St. O!af'Township approval) Physic(!! Impacts on \Vciler Rcsourct!s (MnDN R, Wc.:tland C011st.:rvatinn Acl1 US/\CE) Effects 011 Surfoce Water Use (MnDNR) Erosion and Seditnenlaliou (Ml'C/\) Water Quality (MPCAJ Impacts to P11g110,-;c shiner (l'vlnDNR) j Exlenl Jo which envinmmentol e__/jf;!c/s can be unlicipatr.:d am/ r.:ontro/led as o resu/ls 1~/ ruher enviro1mw1110I slur.lie.,· undertaken /Jy pubfr: ugem:ir:s ur t/u,.; prujc<..:t proposer. or other EJSs Environmental effects have been mldressed in the current C/\\Y. 'rhcrc arc no known relevant environmental st.udic~ conducted Olltsidc the .s~op~ or this project. No subsequent c11viro111rn~ntn! review is anticipntcd. 6. L3ased on consideratio11 of the standards anci critcrin and faclors spt:ci ficd id the IVI i1111csota E11viro11111e11tal Review Pmgrnm Rules {IVIN Rules l'a,·t 4410.1700. subpart 6 and 7) to determine whether a pn(iect has the potential for signi 11cam environmental effects, u11d on the rinding and Record in this matter, the OTCl3 determines that lite proposed Otter Tail County Ditch No. 70 Irnprovi..!1111..:nt docs not have the potcnlia! for signi fie ant environmental e l"fccts. November 18, 2014 ORDER OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes November 18, 2014 Attachment B, Page 5 Rascd on the nhovc Findings of Fm:t and Conclusions and the en lire record of thi!=i matter: The Otter Tuil County 13oard of'C:t1111111i.ssioncrs hereby makes a Negative Declaration 011 t!w ncL~d for nn Environmental lmpuct Slut1::rnenl. i\n EIS is not required for lhc Otter T<1il County Ditch No. 70 lmprovclllcnt in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. 1\11y Fi11dings that might properly be termed Cont:lusions and any Conclusions that 111igh1 properly be termed Findings arc hcrby adopted as su,;,;h. Oare this Ja°~lay of November, 2014 Novcnibi:r 18, :2014 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,_.,e - "'""' l ..,,,.. -- l "'""" • .. ,:,.,. ' Y'ltt-:R ' Yli~ -~ ' tMtAI~ I tb!tllll. ' ....... ~ V,C~ " ~':U'. ,, t~~ -i ' OTTER TAil COUNTY CD 7D EAW COMMENTS/RESN>NSES . i ux,n::-••--1 ---.. _ ~~11 tx:tnnl!IU.t.ll&l•..._1,..~-,.NM-wq--.•(W(itt~tu,.,~;,.,,Ul'M•'lf•~--~~J!l .. ,t.pf,i~1r hl'-'t~~,h~l\tlM~-~ll";~l't~•~..-.~tl#tf'Mf(ntlltM!il~ --IIE,t~ ~W'ffld1'$t+M,nnt~~-l'ftr.lN ThlUS11n.dnd_,.,..~~-~ Pf,fMU?~ct~I~ ~ r,;t~Jn .. ,s,uqrillt ra-.:ht~~,cr...tUW~ltt-b,.Jllll:Jl'.•C twn 'h~ff•~N'i&M'IVW~P!,..._INl'O'lta-ila•Jaaft't ltn=a:!t.11-h~"a.nn .... llu..,~11S'lft .... n\N..W,.._ Ul.uttt, .,_t•Whft!flh -·-Krnll'IIISS~ itllGJ1)~t•t•rrHl"1~P:i.:M-1'llfftbi~~~fh'lb.htl)Ulii:t;8t._~ht--,Alil~~ ~f)K".,~llt•(Hlft•t<1'111Plhftl,.a11JfrO)'W1.,v,n..,n.Z1 IN~O:ti,1' .... t'krl#ftMt ! -Jii+ftal,ih~rmu"Jllltltll•rc:1-tnm Al:l&'!fl'f~hlpr::JIP:'J_.taAe1~dh~ft;f'A01LMll•tr•~t:•~ ~-...,"«mthtl Ql)JnllbNl~tlt.lflinda:µm',wl::uNWt' tl-..UU.~i!tl'I;; ----"~" ff, ........ --\ ' ~t';.'""l'Y'v:rJ:#-,:£Al,Vlr)d.,~1j1tnlbhlp;,i:ma~hJl'tfldmdU~ltfllla!vmt53_...,.~~n!__, ttt~·~!.'tt:lti!#LW\a~MWM ... tvfleio~lfti---b-. 1p.::i I ~t:~ ..... fU!dffl:l bllo~l'lflDl-d~ :JJ ft.~ttmft~ahl ... 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