HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/18/2014MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Ser:vices Center, Co_mmissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN February 18, 2014 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners ccmvened Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chairman; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chairman; John Lindquist, and Lee Rogness present. Commissioner Doug Huebsch was absent. Approval of Agenda Chairman Johnson called for approval of the February 18, 2014 agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of February 18, 2014 with the following modification: Cancellation of the Finance Committee Meetings Consent Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve the Consent Agenda items except Exhibit F (Investment Advisery Agreement) which was removed for clarification: A February 4, 2014 Board of Commissioners' Minutes B. Warran.ts/Bills for February 18, 2014 (Attachment A) C. Human Services Bills and Claims D. Consumption and Display Permit renewal for Bryan B. Stetz operating at Ye Olde Schoolhouse Bar and Grill for the period of April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015. E. Issued County credit card to Kristi L Wentworth, Public Health Nurse Supervisor Safe Communities Coalition Jane Patrick, Safe Communities Coalition Coordinator, and Rick West, County Public Works Director, shared highway traffic safety statistics in Otter Tail County. Ms. Patrick presented a document describing the JOYRIDE alternative transportation program which operates in the Battle Lake, Ottertail and Perham areas. JOYRIDE is currently funded by donations from local organizations and businesses along with a modest fee paid by the customers. Ms. Patrick requested, from Otter Tail County, a one-time $5,000.00 match to a grant received by the Office of Traffic Safety. This funding would be used to continue the JOYRIDE project. Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to support the concept of the JOYRIDE alternative transportation program. Further research is required before county funding i~ approved. Appraiser Promotion Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a promotion for Kevin J. Scheidecker, effective February 1, 2014, from Appraiser II to Appraiser Ill based on completion of Accredited Minnesota Assessor (AMA) certification/licensure. Sanitation Code Revisions Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Director, provided the Otter Tail County Sanitation Code final draft dated 03-11-2014 and reviewed several modifications. Mr. Kalar reported ·that the Sanitation Code Public Hearing is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. · OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 18, 2014 Page 2 AIS Task Force Mr. Kalar reported that the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force met recently to discuss prevention strategies for the upcoming boating season. On behalf of the Committee, Mr. Kalar indicated that $27,000 of the AIS Task Force budget is planned to fund watercraft inspections. There are educational sessions provided within school districts in Otter Tail County and the surrounding area. The remainder of the AIS Task Force budget is planned to continue these educational classes. A document was provided with information about I-LIDS, a camera designed for placement at boat launches. The Task Force is requesting an additional $18,000 to purchase two relocatable I-LIDS units. Discussion took place regarding the cameras and monitoring process. Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to deny a CY2014 budget increase from $50,000 to $68,000 for the AIS Task Force. Investment Advisery Agreement Wayne Stein, Finance Director, reported that Ehlers Investment Partners has requested an amended Investment Advisery Agreement based on SEC rules. Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute an amended Revised Investment Advisery Agreement. Request for Forgiveness of Accrued Penalty Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to regretfully deny a request from Paul Enger for forgiveness of accrued tax penalty and interest, in the amount of $652. 78, for parcel #R7100150001800 for tax payable years 201 O through 2013 based on County guidelines/policy. County Ditch System Maintenance Assessments Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize the following County Ditch System repair/maintenance assessments for payable year 2014: Drainaqe Svstem Pav 2014 Assessment Drainaoe Svstem Pav 2014 Assessment Judicial Ditch 2 $8,523.00 Countv Ditch #4 $6,003.00 Countv Ditch #5 7,500.00 Countv Ditch #11 3,000.00 County Ditch #12 2,000.00 Countv Ditch #16 20,000.00 Countv Ditch #21 10,000.00 Countv Ditch #29 5,000.00 Countv Ditch #37 15,000.00 Countv Ditch #38 20,000.00 County Ditch #39 3,500.00 Countv Ditch #41/65 15,000.00 Countv Ditch #43 4,500.00 Countv Ditch #52 5,000.00 Countv Ditch #53 5,000.00 Countv Ditch #56 5,000.00 County Ditch #70 15,000.00 Adjournment At 11 :05 p.m., Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned for committee meetings. The next County Board meeting is scheduled at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2014. Dated: ARD OF COMMISSIONERS CB/kd 1 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 2/18/2014 \·endor I\ame A· 1 WA'\':'ffS TOWING . .\..\BERG/JA .. 1'1CE ABG l,l-\ll','TL'iANCE INC .\D\" . .\..'iCED FIRE PROTECTION .-\1..·s REFRJGERA TION • .\..\fEM . .\..\fERJ Cll'<'N . .\..\!OR 4-H AT&T AUTO \'.-\LUE FERGUS FAUS BAU.ARD SANITATION INC BATTERJES PLUS B.\TILE L\KE AUTO PARTS BEN HOLZEll L'Nl..lMITED BEYER BODY SHOP INC BOB'S STAND.\RD BUU: SEllVICE BOBC.\T OF OTTEll TAIL COFNn· BRAUN \'L'iDING INC BL"Y· MOR PARTS & SEll\ lCE LLC CBC!l'<'N0\1S INC CDW GOVER."l'MENT INC CENTR..-\1.. CONCRETE CONSTRt:CTION CENTRAL STATES \\lRE PRODt:CTS INC CEllTIFJED L\BOR.\ TORIES CHARTER COMMCNICATIONS CIP CLEAN PLUS INC CO OP SER\1CES INC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROl1' COSSETTE/DA \1D CLlJ..IGAN OF WADENA D & T VENTI.lltES LLC DAKOTA PRINTER REPAIR LLC D.\N·s TO\\lNG & REPAIR DENNY'S WEI.DING DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC DICK'S ST . .\.."l'D.\RD EGGE CONSTRL'CTION INC ELECTION SYSTEMS & somr.\RE INC EVERTS LUMBEll CO F M FORll.IFT SALES & SEll\-1CE INC FAR.\IEllS CO OP OIL ASSN Amount 135 00 112 88 160.00 804.00 1.109.00 100.00 759.60 250.00 40.02 1,063.77 466.45 334.20 11 99 85.00 500.00 167.27 117.75 46.50 155.37 37.95 2.294.08 807.50 5.407.55 266.00 81.84 672231.00 181.30 79.39 64,065.35 9 00 520. 75 1,264.00 116.40 225 00 131.25 62.41 62.54 715.00 35,385.51 25.46 434.97 4,269.22 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 2 Vendor l\:ame F.-\R..'l . .>J>f'S GENUINE PARTS INC FAR.'1 • .>J>!'S GENUINE PARTS INC FEllBAUM/KEVIN FERGUS FALLS DAII..Y JOURNAL FERGUS FAJ..1..S/cm· OF FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER FORCE . .lJ>IERICA DISTRIBl:"11:NG LLC FOTH INFR.-\.STRUCTURES & EN\'IRO~!EK FRAZEE FORUM L\fC G.-\l.LS LLC GIBBS/ANN Gllll. SCOFT TROOP 5 65 GOOD YEAR TIRE & Rl'BBER CO GRAFF/MYRON GRAINGER INC GRIFFIN/PATRICK HARMS TOl\1NG & SER\'JCE ll"-WES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING HENNING Al.JTO PARTS INC HTh'NING ll-\RDWARE HII..LTOP LU?-IBER INC HOFF/MARL~ HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC Hl: l\'EiJ.-\.."HCE INDEPENDfu'<"'T EMERGENCY SER\·lCES INDEPENDEiff /THE INTEGRA TELECOM JAKE'S JOHNS UC JOBSHO JORGENSON/TiliR M KELLER/ .~>.N KELLY SER\1CES !NC KR UPJCH/ JEREJIIL-\S L-\KE REGION El.ECTRJC CO OP L-\KE REGION HEAL THC.~ CORP L.\.KES AREA COOPERATIVE L-\KES RADIO L-\RRY OTT INC Tlll'CK SERVICE L-\RRY'S SUPERMARKET L-\RD,1/ PAT L-\WSON PRODUCTS INC Amount 697 .97 4.69 219.10 2.855.86 229.52 3.520.00 1.384.24 1.04845 10.597 .50 242.25 .368.67 88.44 250.00 306.94 32.77 94.20 168.94 148.00 75.00 64.93 89.52 7.98 4,950 00 1,730.00 122.04 58.45 29.00 396.40 252.64 1.4 78.36 162.00 25.00 9.724 31 380.61 25.00 1.000 00 4,830.36 1.246.50 2.120.00 134.08 30.80 1,042.04 \·endor Kame LEADS ONLINE LLC UBERn· BUSINESS SYSTEMS FARGO LITTLE BE -W. TO WING LITTLE FALLS /.HCHINE INC LOCATORS & SllPPLlES INC M· R SIGN CO~!PANY INC. ~!ACOFEEN EOl:lFME'IT INC 1'L.\NNING MECH..>J'<lCAL INC :\L-\NTEK :\L.\RCO INC l-URCO INC ST LOllS MARIPOs.>,. Pl:llLlSHlNG MA TTH8r BENDER & COMPANY L'iC MEK.ALSON HYDRACUCS L'-C MEND CORRECTIOKAL C.-w.E MIDWEST :\IACHINERY CO :\!ID WESTERN MAT RENTAL & Sl1'PL Y CC :\llKrs PLll].IBING & HE-HING :\IINNESOTA SHERIFFS. ASSOCL-\ TION MN ASSOCV\.TION OF TOWNSHIPS :\IN CHlEFS OF POUCE ASSOCL\.TION MN CO INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRUST MN DNR ECO WATERS MJ>i MOTOR COMP.-\..Nt. !',,!N omcE OF E.';'TERPRISE TECHNOLOG MORTON SALT INC :slAP . .\ CENTRAL MK NAP . .\ FERGUS FALLS NAPA OF PERH..\M NELSON Al'TO CENTER N8\llORG/KEVIN NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO OFF!CEM.-\..X INCORPORATED OLSON OIL CO L'K OTTER ELECTRIC UC OTTER T . .\IL CO TRE.\SCRER OTTER T . .\IL TELCOM OTTERT . .\IL AGGREGATE OTTERT..\IL TRUCKING INC OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS L-\..',USCAPE & OVERHE.\D DOOR CO OF FERGUS FAUS 0\ 1:RL-\..';lJ MECH..\N1CAL SERVICES OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 3 Amount 2. 148.00 88.69 125.00 3.177 81 5 73.64 284.22 3,013.60 40.00 864.87 6.896.50 827.22 66.26 200.10 1.580.40 8.457.49 120.68 79.05 144.58 225.00 15.00 130.00 101 .00 280.00 70.93 1 700.00 49 136.98 589.25 34. 14 11.96 393.40 329 54 16.919.01 156.89 1.882 15 717. 32 192.38 438 99 2,213.40 12.123.62 14.407 .50 1.302. 73 449 07 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 4 \"endor Name PARK REGION CO OP PARKERS PR.AIRI.E/cm· OF PAW PUBUCATIONS LLC BAT!li L-\KE R PE.',IBERTON SOR.UE RUFER KERSHNER Pl PE.'<ROSE OIL COMPANY PER.HAM FOCUS PER.l-L-'.M TRUCK SER\1CE INC PETE'S BODY SHOP & TOWING PHOE.'ID: Sl-PPLY POSTMASTER POWER.PL"-'! om PRA!R.1£ L.\KES ML'l\1CIPAL SOUD \\'ASTI PRA\'.AIR DISTRIBUTION INC PRECISE M'.RM UC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP OL'ALin· OVERHEAD UC RAY'S OIL COMPANY R.DO TRUCK CENTERS R.DO TRUST #80-6130 RETHEMElER/CAROL R.IDGE\\'A TER COLLEGE ROEHL/1\lliIS ROGAL/KEITH RON'S READY !>L>\RT ROYAL TIRE INC R.RC POWER & ENERGY UC R.RT DESIGN & COKSTRUCTION SAFEUTE Fl1.FILLMENT L'liC SA \'E_ \\TIB_Fl..ll'<TIONER SBLC FF SCH\\'.-\RTZ/STEVEN SCOTT CO TREASt"llER SCOTT HOFL"-'liD CONSTRFCTION INC SER\·1CE FOOD SUPER \'ALU SE\\'ER SER\1CE SHERWIN W1LLL-\MS SHOPKO SHULTZ & ASSOCL.\ TES LTD SIGEL\1.\N STEEL & RECYCLING NC SIMEN G."-A.R.D IP Al'I. SIMPLEXGR.IN};'EU SJOSTROM/JUI.I.-\N .-unount 664.81 260.00 270.40 4,304 00 5,330.08 47000 136.27 2.849.42 242.48 44.00 961.41 138.113.64 323.40 786 02 3.238.64 400.00 165.77 3.267 37 245.25 103.00 3,117.39 109.88 14.56 257.68 5.050.31 66,522.64 204,351.00 535.94 425.00 601.99 99.64 230.00 4,675.00 132 09 320.00 122. 74 15.98 G.376 24 7.20 156. 72 11,056.90 142.80 \"endor 0;ame STAPU:S ADVANTAGE ST.-\. TE INDUSTRHL PRODUCTS STEINS INC SID'E SCHIER.ER APPRAISALS STEVE'S S.-\..'<1TATION INC SID\'ART/JA.\IES STRAND HARDWARE & R.-\.DIO SHACK SUPERlOR JITTu'\G INC S\'ERDRUP NON STOP 4-H SY:S.'ERGY GRAPHICS THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS THOMSON RElTERS · WEST THRJFn· WHITE PHAR.\HCY THRJFTI" WHITE PHARM-\.CY TIRES Pl.US TOTAL CAR CARE TOSHIB.-\. BUSINESS SOLLT!ONS l'S.-\. TO\nl-\.STER UNIFORMS UNU.\IJTED INC UNl\'ERsm· OF MN VERGAS HARDWARE Y1CTOR LU1'"DEE."I COMPA..'s'Y VOSS LIGHTING W.-\..1.l.WORK TRUCK CENTER WASTE MANAGEMENT WESTERN AREA cm· co COOPER.-\.ffi'E WIU.1.-\...\IS.TR.-\.CY WORLD :'>IEDIC.-\.L GO\'ER.'<ML'IT SOLl'Tl• XEROX CORPOR..\TION ZIEGLER INC Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes February 18, 2014 Attachment A, Page 5 Amount 815.07 251.68 2.165.41 750.00 3,639 00 8.65 200.16 1,610.00 250.00 726 64 475.20 3,696 00 52.74 2.11729 1.245.53 88.88 2,582.00 96 50 125.00 10.99 59 70 1,004.70 1,712.19 14.612.72 5.000.00 61.98 701.90 187 .95 225.39 1,490,804.1 3