HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/22/2013MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN October 22, 2013 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 9:30 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Chairman; Wayne Johnson, Vice-Chair; Roger Froemming, John Lindquist, and Lee Rogness present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Huebsch called for approval of the October 22, 2013 agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of October 22, 2013 with the following addition: Discussion Regarding the 60-Bed CD Facility Approval of Minutes Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the October 15, 2013 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes as written. Approval to Pav Bills Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. RESOLUTION OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY OTC Resolution No. 2013 -57 BE IT RESOLVED by the County of Otter Tail that the County enter into the County Veterans Service Office Operational Enhancement Grant Contract with the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MOVA) to conduct the following Program: County Veterans Service Office Enhancement Grant Program The Grant must be used to provide outreach to the County's veterans to assist in the reintegration of combat veterans into society; to collaborate with other social service agencies, educational institutions, and other community organizations for the purposes of enhancing services offered to veterans to reduce homelessness among veterans and to enhance the operations of the County Veterans Service office, as specified in Minnesota Laws 2013, Chapter 142, Article 4. This Grant should not be used to supplant or replace other funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that Larry Krohn, the Board of Commissioners Clerk, be authorized to execute the corresponding Grant Contract for the above-mentioned Program on behalf of the County. WHEREUPON, a motion was offered by Johnson, seconded by Froemming, and passed on a 5-0 vote, with the above resolution adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of October, 2013. Dated: ---''"-' 1-"lo"''-"-,lf-'1_:,3.___ __ _ • I OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By:~~ DougiaS: Huebsch, Board of Commissioners Chair OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Page2 60-Bed CD Treatment Facility Commissioners and the County Attorney discussed the issue of the heating system at the 60-Bed CD Facility. Steen Engineering has been unable to secure a contractor to fix the system as previously agreed. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Habitat Easement Certification US Fish & Wildlife Realty Specialist, Lynn Sebek, requested certification of two wetland habitat easements which will protect the wetlands while allowing agricultural use. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to certify the following described properties as wetland easements to be secured by the USFWS: Arland 0. and Rebecca L. Anderson T. 136N .• R. 44W .• 5th P.M. Section 4. part of the SE¼NW¼ Arland 0. and Rebecca L. Anderson T. 136N .• R. 44W .• 51h P.M. Section 4, part of Government Lots 2 and 3, part of the SW¼NE¼, together with a 33.00 foot wide access easement. Recess & Reconvene At 9:50 a.m., Chairman Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 9:55 a.m. Travel Reimbursement Contract Motion by Lindquist. second by Johnson. and unanimously carried to approve a Travel and Lodging Reimbursement Agreement (SWIFT Purchase Order ID No. 3-23316) between the State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety and the County of Otter Tail to allow Patrick Waletzko. OTC Emergency Manager. to attend the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada from October 25 through October 31, 2013. Crop Productivity Index and Land Use Internet Application Brian Armstrong. Land Services Director, shared a PowerPoint presentation regarding a proposed computerized CPI valuation method. Lengthy discussion followed. Land Division Specialist Position Doug Walvatne, Assessor, requested approval of three Land Division Specialist positions. He explained the proposed Assessment Team model and provided flow charts of the current Assessor·s Department structure and the proposed structure. Discussion followed. Motion by Rogness. second by Lindquist. and unanimously carried to authorize the County Administrator to submit the Land Division Specialist job description. as provided by the Assessor, to Fox Lawson & Associates for evaluation of an appropriate pay grade based on the job duties and responsibilities. Courthouse Remodeling Phase 1 Project Terry Hoff, Interim Physical Plant Manager, and David Shultz, Architect; explained the main expenses contained in Change Order #12 for the general construction of Phase 1 of the Courthouse Remodeling project. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist. and unanimously carried to approve Change Order #12, in the amount of $33.112.85. payable to Comstock Construction Inc. of Fergus Falls,. MN for the Courthouse Remodeling project (PN 1119). Phase I of the Courthouse Remodeling project will be complete after completion of several minor punch list items and final paperwork. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Page3 Human Services Contract Renewals Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the following Human Services contracts: i, -;.;,·zr·,:·~AgencY";fr~• ,,-,.: it i~k\'.~ "f\~.~.~t,~;~l~"]!;~~1'.~'."~-:~1 1:!l~ff~f!i,1(~,' . ,;,:,Targeted::' •: -A -f f" ''MY,., ,.--,w,,,,d ··11 ·t; ~.,.,i?:-;;,., ,, · 1' ,, ""'-'"'".> ~•\)ijt; : moun ,o :fl·· .,•,,z::1. .. ,.,.,,1;,,, J:1, .. /;'·?1 RtT~~f \~-:~i\l?~f ''.;;:-~iJrit~!;-(~;;; f:10fiul8tiori·; ;} ''CV ,4T, ,,, •• :>-'ii. 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Per Diem & Mileage Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize payment of per diem and mileage far Commissioners' attendance at retirement recognition celebrations for employees. Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize all Commissioners to attend the OTC Conservation Committee meeting on Monday, December 2, 2013 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls. Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize Coh'lmiiisioriers Johnson and Huebsch to attend a meeting _at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at the Fireside Restaurant in Detroit Lakes, MN far information on a bonding bill that includes funding for the Perham to Pelican through Maplewood State Park Trail. License Applications Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the following tobacco license applications: Carr's Lake Country Supermarket 320 State Highway 78, PO Box 38 Ottertail, MN 56571 Zorbaz on Pelican Lake 51709 County Highway 9 Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Page4 REQUEST TO REPURCHASE TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY OTTERTAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2013-58 Commissioner Froemming introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, BY THE Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Bryan L. Frost, owner has bade application to repurchase the following legally described parcel: Parcel No. 72-000-99-0169-000 Original Plat -City of Henning Lots 3 and 4 Block 5 and Vacate Outside 10' of Holden Ave. Said property, having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 29th day of July, 2013, for nonpayment of the 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 property taxes, and WHEREAS, an application to repurchase the above described property was timely submitted on Thursday, October 17, 2013, and WHEREAS, the sum of $6,745.49 represents the aggregate of all delinquent and current taxes, penalties, costs, assessments (including Pay 2014 City certified assessments) and fees as of September 30, 2013, that would have been due and payable had the above described parcel not forfeited to the State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested that the Otter Tail County of Commissioners consider this application to repurchase the above-described parcel and has requested that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners approve the applicant's request to repurchase the above-described property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the repurchase of the above-described tax forfeited property, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the repurchase is in the best public interest, and that it will relieve any undue hardship which has resulted from the forfeiture/ Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Adopted this 22nd day of October, 2013 Dated: _.,_,ll'-f-/,....ai9 /'""'13""-----r7 OTTER T IL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: -Jt!/J.~~~~~~=------ Douglas . Huebsch, Board of Commissioners Chair Adjournment OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Page5 At 11 :20 a.m., Chairman Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned. The next regular County Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2013. Dated: _...,_ll'-+/~f~f..,_/~13~--- Attest: -'"""/-=, ·"I-·~/4,C~----- L~h~ Doug Hue sch, Board of Commissioners Chair CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 10/21/3013 Vendor Name A "VIANDS ll C ABRA MN FERGUS FAI..LS Association Of Mn Counties B.-Ul£Y./LOR.EN K Ballard Sanitation Inc Becklund Oil Co Bobcat Of Otter Tail County BOYER/ROONEY Braun Vending Inc BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION Carr's Tree Senice CDW Go\·ernment Inc CIP Citizens Ad\·ocate Code 4 Senices UC College Way Auto Inc Coopers Technologr Group Creatin Forms & Concepts Inc Dan's TO\\ing & Repair Denzel's Region Waste Inc Domholt/Kathr DR.-\KE DDS/DR TERRY A Fergus Falls/City Of Fergus Tire Center Fresonke/Shart G&K Senices GABE/RlCH,\RD B Gallagher Benefit Senices Inc Ge Capital (Cal GII.L~l>\RION Grainger Inc Halvorson Auto Body 1-l.\RIUS~llCHAEL Henning Ambulance HOFF/!11ARL-\ND HOlTE/LESill Hots;-Equipment Of !lln E\'DEPE.i'<-OEITT EMERGENCY SER\1CES J.P. STRUCTiiRES INC Kelly Sen ices Inc KEY GOVERNMENT FINAKCE INC Klmball Midwest Amount 160.00 2.812.79 100.00 221.19 64.35 3,776.96 312.45 250.57 775.00 1.370.00 1.977.19 1,546.21 876,925.00 70.00 93.50 47.35 863.36 435.25 235.13 187.20 50.85 222.00 6.039.00 20.00 138.99 1,110.31 232.49 2.940.00 398.63 427.84 375.50 5,400.00 281.65 350.00 4.042.50 150.00 183.74 2,118.88 750.084.09 1.264.19 8,788.78 147.11 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Attachment A, Page 2 Vendor Name KlNETIC LEASING INC KlAKSv1K/DANA L & o Acres Transport Inc Lake Region Healthcare Corp L.\RSON/BERNARD Larson/Paul Lawson Products Inc LEE/THO1'US Little Bear To,-ing ~.\I.STROM ELECTRIC INC ~.\RCO INC MCCC Ml 33 Merer/George Mn Bureau Of Criminal Apprehension Mn Dept Of Health Mn Dept Of Human Sen ices MN Motor Company Mn Office Of Enterprise Technology MN SHERIFFS' ASSOCL-\TION MOREY PHO/ELDON L NEWI>l.\:'I PAINTING INC OLSON/BERTON Olson/Richard One Call Locators Ltd OTTER TAIL CO ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Otter Tail Co Recorder Otter Tail Co Treasurer Ottertail Bakery PAW PUBUCATIONS LLC BATTLE L.\.KE R Pete's Body Shop & TO\\ing Phillipe Law Office PHOENIX SUPPLY PINE PL.\ZA TI1 & APPUANCE Preston/Jason Pro Ag Farmers Co Op Pro Build Fergus Falls PROFESSION . .\L PORTABLE X-RAY INC Ouill Corporation RENDZ/TONY RINGDAHL A,\IBULWCE INC ROG . .\L/KEITH RRT DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Amount 752.40 110.4 7 13,573.42 8,404.00 237 .01 336.87 430.32 352.69 224.44 2,730.42 528.51 15,065.58 363.53 570.00 250.00 192.66 701.83 1,700.00 400.00 385.00 380.00 173. 73 2,814.37 271.54 400.00 20.00 143.43 22.00 83.20 5,211.78 217.80 469.25 85.46 150.00 4,989 38 275. 74 150.00 310.69 384.53 300.00 31.65 433,942.00 Vendor Name Sand Creek Group Ltd/The Scheidecker/!.:e\1n SCHIERll/STEVE Schmidt/Joyce SCHWARTZ/ROBERT E Senice Food Super Valu Shernin Williams SHOPKO Signworh Signs & Banners Uc staples Adrnntage Stein,/Wa~ne Steins Inc Stolpman Law Office Super Septic & E.,cavation Swanson/K:irby Swanston Equipment Corp THO:l-lSON REUTERS -WEST THRIFTI-WHITE PHAR.'14ACY THRIFTY WHITE PHAJL\UCY TRlMIN SYSTEMS INC TRITES/DAVID UGGERUD/WARD US AUTOFORCE Victor Lunde@n Company Visual Gm· Solutions LLC WASS/DA\'ID F Wll.SONiWARREN R Xerox Corporation Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes October 22, 2013 Attachment A, Page 3 Amount 1.320.00 693.53 321.05 45.55 288.43 26.88 5.44 18.01 118.11 214.20 304.85 653.87 174.97 102.19 10.00 7,017.66 219.08 1.197.59 116.93 2,349.36 511.88 169.92 574.52 960.32 235.91 227.41 233.62 193.66 2,193.430.69