HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/12/2013MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN March 12, 2013 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 9:30 a.m, at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Vice-Chair; Roger Froemming, John Lindquist, and Lee Rogness present. Chairman Doug Huebsch was absent. Approval of Agenda Vice-Chair Johnson called for approval of the March 12, 2013 agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of March 12, 2013 with the following additions: Solid Waste Hauler Contracts Order for Redetermination of Benefits for Ditch #25 Approval of Minutes Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the February 26, 2013 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Courthouse Remodeling Phase 1 Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve Otter Tail County Courthouse Remodeling Phase I Change Order No. 7, in the amount of ($4,285.36) as submitted. This deduction, from Comstock Construction Inc. of Minnesota is for Project No. 1119. Bond Financing for Upgrades at the Perham Resource Recovery Facility Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2013 -23 Mike Hanan, Solid Waste Director; arid Mark Ruff and Carolyn Drude, Ehlers & Associates Financial Bond Consultants; discussed the financing stages needed for the proposed remodeling project for the Perham Resource Recovery Facility. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in said County on Tuesday, the 12th day of March 2013, at 9:30 a.m. The following members were present: Commissioners Johnson, Froemming, Lindquist and Rogness and the following were absent: Commissioner Huebsch The Chair announced that the meeting was opened to consider matters relating to the sale of up to $20,000,000 General Obligation Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority) of the County, including an application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for participation in its Credit Enhancement Program. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 2 Member Rogness introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE SALE OF APPROXIMATELY $20,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION DISPOSAL SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2013 (PRAIRIE LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY) CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MINNESOTA PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY CREDIT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Proposed Bonds. To provide funds on behalf of Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Board for the improvements to the Perham Resource Recovery Facility, it is hereby determined that it is necessary and expedient that the County forthwith issue its General Obligation Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority), in the aggregate principal amount of up to $20,000,000. The Bonds shall be sold on the basis of competitive proposals. The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 400.101 and 471.59, and the Joint Powers Financing Agreement between Becker, Otter Tail, Todd and Wadena Counties. The paying agent for the Bonds will be Bond Trust Services Corporation. 2. Credit Enhancement Program Agreement. To facilitate the sale of the Bonds, the County shall apply to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for participation in its Credit Enhancement Program. The form of Credit Enhancement Program Agreement is approved and the Chair and County Administrator shall execute and deliver the Agreement and the County shall perform the terms thereof. The County hereby covenants and obligates itself to notify the Public Facilities Authority of any potential default in the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds and to perform all of its obligations under the Agreement and Minnesota Statutes, Section 446A.086. The County shall deposit with the Paying Agent three business days prior to each payment date an amount sufficient to make the payment due on each such date or to notify the Public Facilities Authority that it will be unable to make all or a portion of that payment. The County's agreement with the Paying Agent shall include the provisions required by said Section 446A.086. The County shall do all other things which may be necessary to perform the obligations hereby undertaken under said Section 446A.086, including any requirements adopted by the Public Facilities Authority. 3. Bond Sale. Proposals for both series of Bonds will be received on Monday, April 1, 2013, at the offices of Ehlers & Associates, Inc. The Board of Commissioners will meet at the Government Services Center, 500 Fir Avenue West, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, at 9:30 a.m. on April 2, 2013 for the purpose of considering the proposals and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 4. Public Hearing. A public hearing on the issuance of the Bonds, as required by federal tax law, shall be held prior to the award of the sale of the Bonds on April 2, 2013, and the County Administrator/Auditor shall cause notice thereof to be published in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 3 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Froemming and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Commissioners Rogness, Lindquist, Froemming, and Johnson and the following voted against the same: None and the following were absent: Commissioner Huebsch whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated: M~ l'l ~01:i AIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Financing Agreements for Perham Resource Recovery Facility Remodel Project Motion by.Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the following financing agreements for the Issuance of Bonds for the PRR Facility upgrades: o Prairie. Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Financing Agreement between the County of Becker, Otter Tail, Todd, and Wadena . o Solid Waste Financing Agreement between the Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Board and the County of Otter Tail Solid Waste Hauler Bid Awards Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, arid unanimously carried to award the following Solid Waste Hauler contracts and authorize the appropriate signatures to execute the contracts for hauling services effective April 1, 2013 as recommended by the Solid Waste Director: 2013 SOLID WASTE TRANSFER SERVICES Steve's Sanitation Denzel's Region Ottertail Ballard's Waste Truckinq Sanitation Northeast MSW-· Perham $137.00 MSW-Dakota $326.00 MSW -Elk River $389.00 Bv-Pass -Dakota $326.00 Bv-Pass -Elk River $389.00 Bv-Pass -Feraus Falls $236.00 Additional Waste/Mile $ 2.50 Hennina MSW-Perham $346.62 MSW-Dakota $729.79 MSW -Elk River $729.79 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 4 Steve's Sanitation Bv-Pass -Dakota $339.00 By-Pass -Elk River $420.00 Bv-Pass -Fera us Falls $247.00 Additional Waste/Mile $ 2.50 Battle Lake MSW-Perham $149.00 MSW-Dakota $326.00 MSW -Elk River $420.00 Bv-Pass -Dakota $326.00 By-Pass -Elk River .. $420.00 Bv-Pass -Feraus Falls $236.00 Demo-NEOT $155.00 Demo -Hennina $162.00 Additional Waste/Mile $ 2.50 .. ',c,,,, Pelican Raoids MSW-Perham Bv-Pass -Dakota $326.00 By-Pass -Elk River $420.00 By-Pass -Feri:ius Falls $236.00 Demo-NEOT Additional Waste/Mile Feri:ius Falls MSW-Perham MSW-Dakota MSW -Elk River By-Pass -Dakota Bv-Pass -Elk River Additional Waste/Mile Denzel's Region Ottertail Waste Truckina $346.62 $544.55 $729.79 $544.55 $729.79 $ 2.50 Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collections Ballard's Sanitation $170.00 $170.00 $ 3.00 Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the following HHW Mobile Collection contracts: City. Location & Date of Mobile Collection Underwood, Fire Hall -05/14/13 Henning, County Hwy Garage -05/17/13 Rothsay, City Shop-05/24/13 Ottertail, Fire Hall -05/31/13 Deer Creek, Fire Hall -06/21/13 Perham, City Garage -07/12/13 Vergas, City Garage -07/19/13 Pelican Rapids, Public Works Facility -08/07/13 Parkers Prairie, County Hwy Garage -08/16/13 New York Mills, City Ma int. Building -09/10/13 Recess & Reconvene OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 5 At 10:16 a.m., Vice-Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:27 a.m. Human Services Department Staffing Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize two emergency Social Worker appointments for the Human Services Department for Child Protection on the following basis: o 20-25 hours per week from 03/20/13 to 06/30/13 o 40 hours per week from 05/29/13 to 07/12/13 (or to 08/30/13, if needed) Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize an emergency Social Worker appointment for the Human Services Department for Long Term Care services on the following basis: o 24 hours per week from 03/13113 to 07/01/13 Human Services Contract Approval Motion by Rogness. second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and Arvig Enterprise Inc. of Perham. MN. The contract is for home security monitoring for disabled individuals under AC, EW, CADI, Bl, CAC and/or DD waiver. Human Services Bills & Claims Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Human Services Bills and Claims as presented. Minnesota Association of County Social Service Administrators Update John Dinsmore, Community Services Director, briefed the Board on legislative updates and submitted a MACSSA Legislative Update document dated March 11, 2013. Mr. Dinsmore indicated that there are many human service related initiatives in the legislature. He highlighted notable potential legislation including healthcare for the jailed population, compulsory education from age 16 to age 18, government employees accessing private data, and the state health insurance exchange. Association of Minnesota Counties Voting Delegates Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following as the Otter Tail County 2013 AMC Voting Delegates: Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson. Froemming, Lindquist, and Rogness; Rick West, Public Works Director; John Dinsmore, Community Services Director; and Larry Krohn, County Administrator. Recess & Closed to the Public At 10:51 a.m., Vice-Chair Johnson declared. the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a Public Works Division Committee 'meeting. At 11 :16 a.m., Mr. Johnson declared the Board of Commissioners· meeting closed to the.public to discuss litigation involving construction at the 60-Bed Chemical Dependency Facility. The ·closed session is authorized under Attorney-Client privilege, M.S. §13D.05, Subd. 3{b). Present were Commissioners Johnson, Froemming, Lindquist, and Rogness, County Attorney, County Administrator, and Board Secretary. At 11 :30 a.m., the Board meeting was reconvened in open session. WACCO Annual Membership Dues Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize payment, in the amount of $5,000, for the 2013 annual membership fee payable to the Western Area City Counties Cooperative (WACCO) as recommended by the Public Works Director. The Highway Department purchases salt through the organiza,ticm. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 6 Trunk Highway 235-S.A,P. 056-638-007 Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to the turnback of Minnesota Trunk Highway 235 to Otter Tail County. The location begins at County State Aid Highway 59 in Urbank and extends in an easterly direction to Trunk Highway 29 at Parkers Prairie. Turnback funds for incurred engineering costs will be approximately $1,500,000 and actual construction costs will be made available in 2015 through Trunk Highway Turnback dollars. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the following agreements and bid award to proceed with design work for Trunk Highway 235: o Professional Services for Geotechnical Evaluation (FA-13-00249) with Braun lntertec of West Fargo, ND o Urban Design in Parkers Prairie and Urbank with Widseth Smith Nolting (WSN) of Alexandria o Bid Award for Platting Services to Moore Engineering of West Fargo, ND, in the amount of $32,150.00 Tuition Assistance Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a Tuition Assistance Agreement between the County of Otter Tail Highway Department and Wade Bugbee, Highway Technician, as presented and recommended by the Public Works Director. Approval for Sale of Snowplow Truck Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to authorize the sale of a used snowplow truck (unit #101) to Maine Township in the amount of $22,800.00, as recommended by the Public Works Director. County Ditch Discussions County Ditch #45: Rick West, Public Works Director and Kevin Fellbaum, Ditch Inspector, reported that Joe Wagner of Effington Township has been authorized to do some tiling on land that he farms with conditions as presented. A map of the work to be completed was submitted. County Ditch #37: Mr. West and Mr. Fellbaum provided maps and pictures of an area of Ditch #37 and discussed the situation with the Board. Richard Albjerg has submitted a petition for repair to restore the tile to working conditions so County Ditch #37 would operate at original design capacity. Mr. Fellbaum will continue to research the situation and return to the Board for further discussion. Shoreland Management Ordinance Revisions A document with proposed revisions entitled "Shoreland Management Ordinance Revisions, County Board Meeting" dated March 12, 2013 was submitted. Rick West and Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Management Director, reviewed proposed revisions to the Otter Tail County SMO. Discussions will continue at the next regular County Board meeting. Credit Card Approvals Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following issuance of Otter Tail County credit cards as requested by the Community Services Director: Lisa Honer, Financial Assistance Specialist (30 day limit -$500.00) Gabrielle Roers, Financial Assistance Specialist (30 day limit -$500.00) Absentee Ballot Board OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 7 Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to appoint the following individuals to the Absentee Ballot Board for the Processing of both regular and UOCACA absentee ballots for ISD No. 544's Special Election scheduled for April 2, 2013: Julie Greene · Dawn Godel Pat Larum Kirsten Olson Leslie Swartz Tracy Williams Application for Exempt Permit Heather Jacobson Connie Tanner Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness, and unanimously carried to approve, with no waiting period, the LG220 Application for Exempt Permit as submitted by the EOT County Agricultural Society for an event scheduled for Saturday, April 6, 2013, at The Cactus located at 43521 425th St., Perham, MN. License Applications Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following applications for license: Ye Olde Schoolhouse Bar & Grill Renewal of Consumption & Display Permit 24028 Emery Dr. Erhard, MN 56534 Elmer's Authentic Texas Bar B Q 27896 State Highway 78 Renewal of Consumption & Display Permit Battle Lake, MN 56515 Ten Mile Lake Resort, Inc. 12303 County Highway 35 Dalton, MN 56571 Thumper Pond Resort 300 Thumper Lodge Road Ottertail, MN 56571 Renewal of Consumption & Display Permit Tobacco Payment Approval Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment, in the amount of $2,723.74, from the Capital Improvement Fund to Kadrmas, Lee and Jackson, Inc. for construction engineering services related to S.P. 56-090-07, the Historic Phelps Mill Bridge Restoration project. Commissioners requested a financial report on the project. County Drainage System #25 Wayne Stein, Auditor, reviewed the County Ditch #25 redetermination report after .the Ditch Viewers changes were incorporated. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate signatures to approve the "Order Redetermining Benefits in the matter of County Ditch No. 25" as presented by the County Attorney. This information will be mailed to affected property owners and will be posted on the County's website. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Page 8 Adjournment At 1 :30 p,m,, Vice-Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a,m, on Tuesday, March 19, 2013, Dated: roau/l.a I'/, :J.o13 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: / ~ ,. · ~ Lar~,'cierk Doug Hu bsch, Board of Commissioners Chair CBlkd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT 03/13/2013 Vendor ~ame A '\1A. 'IDS U.C Adnnced Auto Care Ad\·anced Engra\"ing Inc . .\IEX.-\.'\'DRH TECH & CO~!M coll.EGE Amsterdam Plinting Ark & Spark Auto Value Fergus Falls . .\\TE.\ 5OLl'TJONS U.C BARRY CON>TRl'CTIO!\' C\"C Battle Lake Auto Parts BATili L-\J.:E 'Cm· OF Bem Truck Eqwpruent Of Mhd Inc Bob's Standard Bull: S<>nice · BOY SCOL :-r TROOP 4 7 c Brandborg/Heather Braun Vendmg Inc BL'STh'ESS OIUD.'TED sornr . .\RE SOLL'Tll C.-\.RG!ll INCORPOR. .\ TED Carr's Lake Countr;-Supermarket cm1· Go1·ernruent Inc CE!,'TR.-\1. CONCRETI CONSTRt:cnoi--: Charter Comrnurucanons CL-\Y COL'!';'TY RECORDER \l'ORKSHOP CO OP ,en ices Inc Code 4 Sen1ces U.C Colililllssioner Of Transponation Comstock Construction Of Mn Concept Catering Coopers Technology Group Cossette/Dai 1d CR..\GUN CORPOR.-\T!Ol\ CU!llgan Water Conditiorung CVMMD:S NPO\VER UC D & Vs Perham BakeIT Dacotah Paper Company Dakota Prtnrers UC Dalton Spom And Repair Digital Al.Iv Inc Douglas Co Shenffs OfflCe Ehlers & Associates Inc Elecnic ~lo tor Sen ice Emirotech Senices Inc Amount 8. 78'1 49 22.11 48.50 100.00 76.60 35 09 t.207.69 18.252 52 2.445 oo· 4.68 100.00 28 56 126.54 250 00 203.40 9.62 12,995.00 10,263.80 632 37 990.92 820 00 81.61 300 00 36.50 34.46 427.64 333 389.57 248.48 471.41 7.78 7 48.10 10.69 2 138 16 28.80 109.93 116.40 37.86 25,664.75 60 52 8 025 00 72,77 5,64'144 Vendor Name herts Lumber Co Fargo Freightlmer Farnam's Genuine Parts Inc FEllBAl%'KE\1N Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls/City Of Fergus Tire Center GAllS ll.C Gibbs.i . .\nn GILLIDO1'-:-;A GlllUND E.ls'TERPRJSES Glenn's Towmg & Repair Godfathers E.'1erminatmg Inc Gopher State One Call Go\'ernment Finance Offlcers .-\.ssoc Grant's Mecharucal Grtffin•1'anick Heartland Sen ices Inc Henrung Auto Parts Inc Henning Hardware Hilltop Lumber Inc HO!l').1/RJCK HUBBARD COL'NTY s11·co Hue ke by,iRobe11 Hl:\\'E/ j.-\J\1CE lnnO\'atlw Ofhce Solunons Jones And Magnus K.LD. LEASING INC Kelly Sen1ces Inc L & 0 Acres Transport Inc Lake Region Healthcare Corp Lakeland M.ental Health Center Lakes Counrry Sen ice Co Op Lan,· Ott Inc Truck Sen tee Lan,·'s Supermarket Lawson Products Inc Llttle Falls Machrne Inc Locators & Supplles Inc Long Weekend Sportswear ~!-R Sign Company Inc ~L.\sCPZA ~U.PPNG SOLlmo:,is OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March12,2013 Attachment A, Page 2 Amount 22 12 54 22 60075 59.66 266.53 1.626.49 888.59 604 20 88 56 84.00 1 55.88 63 00 263.13 7 90 595.00 1,093.46 84.'15 481 78 328. 76 125 23 19.75 16.96 20.00 587.56 114.55 55 7. 99 515.00 303.35 2.071 74 18,506.91 776.65 4.316.50 339 00 725.00 62.07 373.9D 2,843.74 138 94 281 50 62.91 125.0D 150.00 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Attachment A, Page 3 vendor Name !-HRCOL'iC .\!arc o Inc St Louis .\l-\.THISOK CO Mccollough 11·eJdm,g .\lccormicl</Melissa Mencke! Lumber MID MN HE.-\. TING & AC INC .\llNNKOT.-\. EN\lRO SE!l\1CES INC .\N Attorney General's Office !>In Co !ntergo\·ernmental Trust .\In Dot Commiss10ner Of Transportation .\N Motor Compan\' .\In Office Of Enterpnse TechnologY .\In Pollunon Conrrol .->,,genn· .\IN POST BOARD :>IN ST COMMl1'im· .-1..'-"D TECIDilC.-\.L CC .\IN State Auditor .\In State Bar AssOciation MOREY PHD/EillOK L NAPA Central MN :,,;_-\.P.-\. Of Perham :,,;eJson ,\1.1to Center NE\\ ).l-1.,'< PAI::,,.71:NG :,,;onh .-\.mencan Salt Co Northern States Supply !nc Olson Oil Co Inc Otter Tail Co Treasurer Otter Tail Telcom Ottertail Aggregate Ottertail Truckmg Inc Outdoor Renorntions Landscape & Nurse Parkers Prailie1Cin· Of Pelican Rapids Press Pembenon Sorlie Rufer Kershner PUP Personnel EYaluation Inc Phillipe I.aw Office PHOE::,T\ SUPPLY Plcc hialini'.\!arco Pltne\· Bowes POS1M.-\.STE!l Powerplan OIB Praxair Disn,bution Inc Arnoum 4.030 53 1.094 82 115.00 59 00 15.00 115.88 483.26 20.00 2·12 03 322 00 50.00 149 83 1,700 00 1 125.00 9000 1 000.00 4.193.50 592 09 385 00 165.31 27 10 1.050.51 600.00 20.006.87 815 77 328 20 3.058.36 3.945.06 2.758.81 10 732.00 17,86375 195.00 91 49 3.115.65 20.00 259 00 486.91 76.06 1,99301 106 00 919 56 285 41 Vendor Name PROFESSIONAL L.\W ENFORCEMEl\"T TRA OUick's Napa Auto Pans OUill Corporation RDO Trust #80· 6130 Regents Of The Uruwrs1tY Of ~ ROEH!./\11Ll.!S RWF SCEMS EDl'CATIOK S.\Unc SALB AR! . .>,M. ,\,'\ TI.~ SCH\\' . .\R TI/STE\ 'E.'l Seeba' s Shop Sernce Food Super Valu Sewer Service Sherwin Williams SJOSTROM JUI.IAJ\ Smith/G<cne SouthtO\m Of Pelican Rapids Inc Steins Jnc Stew's Sarutanon Inc Stoel Rlws J.l.P Strand Hardware & R;id:!o Shack Streichers nus \\'eeks Shopping l'.ews Thyssen IJ'Upp Elentor Corporation Toshiba Busmess Solutions USA Tranquility Bwlding Sernces UHI.M . .\h"N /MONICA U1'1FORMS UNI.ll>llTED INC l:1'1VERsm· OF MINNESOTA L'1'1VER.sm· OF MN ,rncp FSBANK \'ergas Hardware Victor Lundeen CompanY Voss L!ghtmg Waste Management WASTEOL'!P \\'entland Jnc West Pa1ment Center \\'ilkm Co Highwa1· Dept Yellow !>led:!cine Co Shertff Office Ziegler Inc Fmal Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes March 12, 2013 Attachment A, Page 4 Amount 2. 750.00 9229 197.05 583.89 26.85 107 36 400.00 165.00 66 50 9986 75.00 38.14 410 00 89.38 141.33 12. 71 82.74 3.839.62 97 09 2. 349.00 61.28 354.44 326.56 1,884.88 80.81 454 22 80.00 5,779.94 70.00 225.00 431 25 46.97 178.62 132.20 2.404 78 6,875.00 665.30 1,965 60 37,647.26 75.00 1,793 43 633,257.32