HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/25/2012MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Perham City Hall 125 Second Avenue NE, Perham, MN September 25, 2012 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 9:30 a.m., at the Perham City Hall with Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chairman; Doug Huebsch, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Rogness called for approval of the September 25, 2012 agenda. Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of September 25, 2012 as mailed. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the September 18, 2012 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes as amended. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Request for Lake Improvement District Star Lake Property Owners Association LID Committee Chair, Lee Mindemann and members, Jim Ebert and Noah Riley, met with the Board to request a Resolution of Intention to form a Lake Improvement District. Discussion followed regarding work completed by the LID Committee and the process to form a LID. RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ESTABLISH A LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT For Star Lake Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -54 WHEREAS, Minnesota law provides that in order to preserve and protect the State of Minnesota and to increase and enhance the use and enjoyment of its lakes, it is in the public interest that there be established a statewide lake improvement program to preserve, protect and improve the quality of lakes; and WHEREAS, Minnesota law permits the creation of lake improvement districts initiated by the request and upon a resolution of a County Board; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has received a request from the Star Lake Property Owners Association, who also reported that more than 90 percent of the property owners within the boundaries of the proposed lake improvement district, who have attended an informational meeting are in support of its establishment; and 126 of those property owners have provided written feedback to the same via an opinion card; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page 2 WHEREAS, the reasons Star Lake wants to create a Lake Improvement District are (1) to maintain/improve water quality and to protect/enhance the fishery and wildlife habitat of Star Lake; (2) to manage/respond to water level related issues of Star Lake; (3) to educate Star Lake property owners and others on water quality issues, and lake related environmental issues, with the intent of having a more aware and engaged citizenry to safeguard the recreational value of Star Lake; (4) to address other lake environmental issues that may arise within the district, including preventing Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) from entering Star Lake, and/or treating to remove/control them, as allowed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR); (5) to enable the receipt of financial assistance and participate in projects or enter into contracts with federal and state agencies for the study and treatment of pollution and other water quality problems; and WHEREAS, there are two public accesses on Star Lake -one on the north shore off State Highway 108, and one on the east shore off Beaver Dam Road, owned and operated by the Department of Natural Resources; and WHEREAS, a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district, the number and location of permanent homes and seasonal dwellings, the scale, and basic geographical information is on record with the County Auditor; and WHEREAS, there are proposed to be 7 directors for the district; and WHEREAS, there is no surface water ordinance regulating Star Lake, but the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance, copies of which are available at the County's Office of Land and Resource Management, regulates the shoreland including the public access; and WHEREAS, the proposed district has an Estimated Market Value of $70,148,500 (Land -$41,913,000 and Buildings -$28,235,500), a Taxable Market Value of $67,486,200 (Land -$40,531,910 and Buildings - $26,954,290), and a Net Tax Capacity of $665,449; and WHEREAS, all of the documentation mentioned herein that is on record with the County is available for review on the County's website: www.co.ottertail.mn.us NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby declares its intent to establish the Star Lake Improvement District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following information be provided, as required by Minnesota Statute §103B.515, Subd. 1: 1. The name of the proposed Lake Improvement District shall be: Star Lake Improvement District 2. The boundaries of the proposed lake improvement district shall include parcels that have lake frontage on Star Lake Otter Tail County, but shall exclude agricultural land. As the use of agricultural lands within the boundary of the district changes to non-agricultural use, the district may, by confirming the change of use to the County Auditor and Assessor, and by notifying the owner of the property and the Administrator of the Otter Tail County Department of Land and Resource Management, include those formerly agricultural lands in the district. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page 3 3. The water and related land resource management programs that may be undertaken by the district may include: a. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to monitor and improve water quality as needed; b. Apply for private or public grants, and or enter into contracts with federal/state/county agencies, or private contractors for the study and treatment of problems/issues related to pollution, aquatic invasive species, a healthy fishery/wildlife habitat, and water level related issues; c. Undertake research to determine the condition and development of the body of water included within the lake improvement district and to transmit the studies to the Land & Resource Management Department, the Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and other interested authorities; d. Make cooperative agreements with the United States or state government or other county or city to effectuate water and related land resource programs; e. Conduct programs of water quality monitoring, water quality improvement and conservation; f. Serve as local sponsor for state and federal projects or grants; or g. Such other programs, plans, studies, developments or implementations as are allowed or permitted by MN Statute 103B. 551-581, and approved by the County Board from time to time. 4. The Otter Tail County Board may delegate to the lake improvement district pursuant to Minnesota Statute §103B.551, Subd. 3, authority to: a. Acquire by gift or purchase, equipment, structures or control works that affects the level of waters in the district. b. Construct and operate water control structures, equipment or control works that are approved by the commissioner of natural resources under section 103G.245. c. Undertake projects to change the course current or cross section of public waters that are approved by the commissioner of natural resources under section 103G.245. d. Acquire property, equipment or other facilities, by gift or purchase to improve navigation. e. Contract with a board of managers of a watershed district within the lake improvement district or the board of supervisors of a soil and water conservation district within the district for improvements under chapters 103C and 103D. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page4 f. Undertake research to determine the condition and development of the body of water and the water entering it and to transmit the results of the studies to the pollution control agency and other interested authorities. g. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to eliminate water pollution. h. Conduct a program of water improvement and conservation. i. Construct a water, sewer, or water and sewer system in the manner provided by section 444.075 or other applicable laws. j. Receive financial assistance from and participate in projects or enter into contracts with federal and state agencies for the study and treatment of pollution problems and related demonstration programs. k. Make cooperative agreements with the United States or state government or other counties or cities to effectuate water and related land resource programs. I. Maintain public beaches, public docks and other public facilities for access to the body of water. m. Provide and finance a government service of the county or statutory or home rule city that is not provided throughout the county or, if the government service is provided, the service is at an increased level within the district. n. Regulate water surface use as provided in sections 86B.205, 103G.605 and 103G.621. 5. Funding for the lake improvement district shall be from any combination of the following: a. Lake improvement district activities may be funded from receipts of private/public donations, and/or receipt of public/private grants. b. Lake improvement district activities may be funded by the levying of an ad valorum tax solely on property within the district. No establishment or increase in the ad valorum property tax will be allowed if it affects the county levy subject to state-imposed levy limits. c. Lake improvement district activities may also be funded by assessment of costs of projects upon the benefitted property within the district in the manner provided under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. d. Lake improvement district activities may also be funded by imposition of service charges on users of the lake improvement district services within the district (Minnesota Statute §428A.05). OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page 5 e. The Lake Improvement District may also finance projects and services of the district by issuing obligations as provided in Minnesota Statute §429.091. 6. The Administrator of the Otter Tail County Department of Land and Resource Management . shall be responsible for supervising the programs of the district. A public hearing will be held on whether the Star Lake Improvement District should be established on June 10, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room of the Otter Tail County Government Service Center, 500 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Upon the motion of Commissioner Huebsch, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, and passed on a 5-0 vote, the foregoing resolution is adopted this 25th day of September, 2012. . · Attest ~ /" Larryrohn,Glerk Recess & Reconvene At 9:50 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a Land & Resource Committee meeting. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:28 a.m. MENTAL HEAL TH AWARENESS WEEK PROCLAMATION October 7th -13th 2012 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -56 Commissioner Lindquist offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the U.S. Surgeon General states that mental health is fundamental to health and indispensable to personal well-being, family and interpersonal relationships, and contributes to community and society; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Surgeon General confirms that mental illness affects one in five Americans every year, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or economic status; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Surgeon General has found that a range of treatment exists for most mental disorders and the efficacy of mental health treatments are well documented; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has made a commitment to community-based systems of mental health care for all residents and has appointed Local Mental Health Advisory Committee for children and adults; and WHEREAS, the guiding principles of community mental health care have always been comprehensiveness, cost-efficiency, effective management and high-quality and consumer responsive services, and these principles are now being adopted by private and public healthcare payers; and WHEREAS, the National Mental Health Association, the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare and their national partners, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill and their local affiliates observe Mental Health Awareness Week as October ?'h -13th 2012 to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and illness. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page 6 THEREFORE, we, The Otter Tail County Human Services Board, by virtue of the authority vested in us as County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, do hereby proclaim October 7th -13th 2012 as Mental Health Awareness Week in Otter Tail County. As County Commissioners of Otter Tail County we call all citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, business and schools to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental illness and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people with mental illness. Commissioner Froemming seconded the m I0n and upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously ado ed this 25th y of Septem er 2012. By: Human Services Contracts Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the following contracts: Agency Program Effective Targeted Funding Source Date Population 07-01-12 AC/EW/CACfTBI/CADI/MRRC Providacare Supplies & Equipment Through Elderly & Disabled Waiver 06-30-14 Perham District Children's Day 07101112 lnteragency Special Medical Assistance, OTC #549 & LMHC Treatment Program Through Education Program Human Service and Perham 06130113 School District Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. County Drainage Systems Countv Ditch #25 Rick West, Interim Ditch Inspector, reported that the redetermination of benefits for County Ditch #25 is nearing completion. Discussion took place regarding the next steps in the process. When the Ditch Viewers have completed their work, they will present the Ditch Viewers report IQ the. County Board as the Drainage Authority. This will start the process for a Public Hearing in regards· to the assessments of the benefitted area. This process is separate and apart from the proposed Little McDonald Lake Outlet project. Countv Ditch #38 & Countv Ditch #41165: Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Interim Ditch Inspector to complete repairs on County Ditch #38 and County Ditch #41/65. Culverts need to be opened and additional work identified once the culverts are clear. The motion authorizes borrowing funds from the County's General Fund to pay for the cost of repairs, not to exceed $50,000 per ditch, as there are currently insufficient funds in these respective ditch accounts. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page 7 County Ditch #9: Mr. West updated the Board regarding a request of Rodney Peterson to clean a portion of County Ditch #9; however, further research is being done to determine whether or not Ditch #9 has been abandoned. Highway/Shoreland Tour Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to postpone the Highway/Shoreland Tour scheduled for September 27'h and September 28th to a later date; however, Commissioners will attend the September 27, 2012 Historic Phelps Mill Bridge opening ceremony at 11:30 a.m. CSAH 72 Bridge Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize Kirk Sjolie to commute with a County vehicle while working on S.P. 056-672-004 (CSAH 72 Bridge project) as his home is closer to the project than his regular office location. Otter Tail County Resolution Market Price for the Solid Waste Management Tax Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -55 Commissioner Huebsch offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the solid waste management tax requires political subdivisions to identify by resolution a market price if the political subdivision: Subsidizes the cost of service at a facility. WHEREAS, the political subdivision will be liable for the solid waste management tax based only on the market price amount identified through this resolution. WHEREAS, the market price is identified in state statutes as the "lowest price available in the area." WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has performed research to identify the lowest price available in the area; THEREFORE, the County of Otter Tail declares a market price of $64.57 per ton for a facility, based on a tipping fee amount of $35.35 per ton at the Dakota Landfill and an additional contracted transportation cost of $29.22 per ton. Commissioner Froemming seconded the motion and upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted this 25th day of September 2012. ·. · . Dated /4 -l ·~ /2---- By: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Page 8 Contract Amendment Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Solid Waste Director to negotiate a suitable Change Order, not to exceed $4,150, from Simplex Grinnell of Fargo, ND, for the installation of the fire pump at the Fergus Falls Transfer Station. Solid Waste Management Ordinance Public Hearing At 11 :30 a.m., David Hauser, County Attorney, opened a Public Hearing for comment on a proposed Otter Tail County Solid Waste Management Ordinance. A public informational meeting was previously held on July 10, 2012 regarding this proposed Ordinance. Commissioners spoke in favor of the Ordinance. No comment was submitted by the public, either in person or in writing. The Public Hearing was closed at 11 :45 a.m. Approval of Ordinance Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to adopt the Otter Tail County Solid Waste Management Ordinance as presented. The purpose of the Solid Waste Management Ordinance is as follows: The Ordinance is to protect the public's health and safety, and the environment and natural resources of Otter Tail County, from ·improper management of solid waste, and to: • Preserve and protect our air, land and water resources. • Assure that all individuals are informed and responsible for their actions regarding solid waste that may affect the environment and the community now and in the future. • Support activities that will promote use and reuse of materials in solid waste that would otherwise be disposed in ways that would not recapture the useful characteristics of its components. • Augment, supplement and support State of Minnesota policies regarding solid waste management. • Provide for an orderly implementation of solid waste management practices and services to ensure that residents have access to waste management services and to ensure that waste management services are consistent with County and State plans and policies. The full text of the Solid Waste Management Ordinance is available at the office of the County Auditor and on the Otter Tail County website. Adjournment At 11 :55 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 2, 2012. Dated: __ l~o_,/~o_z..~/_.2.o~'~'"---- Attest: ----~--!V~...,,__,_C_ c_ ... • uCryKrJm,~ OTTER TAIL C TY BOARD1'1,l.>'f'h By~~~~~~~~--=--:- ~ Leland R. Rogness, Boar o MISSIONERS CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 9/25/2012 Vendor Name A· J Wa)ne's Towing Bear Graphlcs Inc Berer Body Shop Inc Bob's Standard Bull: Senice BOEN/DAVID BOYER./ROD:NEY Carr's Lake Countrr Supermarket CARVER CO TREASl7RER CDW Gowrnment Inc Certified Auto Repair CO OP Sen ices Inc College War Auto Inc Comstock Construction Of Mn Coopers Technology Group Counn,· Glass Inc Denzel' s Region Waste Inc Dex Ea,t Dick', Standard Domholt/Kathy Egge Construction Inc Eld!en/Mlchelle M ERICKSON/KENNETH Fastenal Companr Fergus Falls/CJry Of FLEETPRIDE TRUCK & TR..\IUR PARTS FREMONT INDl 'STRIES INC G& K Senices GilLi1"HRION Godfathers E.,1erminating Inc Gopher State One Call Hanan/Mike HennJng Hardware HOIUM/RlCK Independent/The J & KMarine J C's General Store K.!D. LEASING INC Kelly Senices Inc KEY GOVERN~IENT FINANCE INC KINZLER/BERT Lake Region Healthcare Corp Lakes Al>?a Pest Control UC Amount 12600 1.923.92 175 00 113. 75 99 .. 31 186.60 64.80 100.00 1,118.21 680.92 5.32 207. 54 2,539.00 469 41 525 72 516.75 15.51 240.46 27 75 739 50 89.91 191.04 259.07 68.301.07 51.11 1.221.47 1.059 43 213.24 263.13 55 75 99.55 77.07 9.50 475.71· 477 79 16.22 303.35 1.449.23 8,788.78 837.21 8,895.00 83 36 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Attachment A, Page 2 Vendor Name Larrr Ott Inc Truck Sernce Marco Inc St Lows MARSTON CONSu1. TING GROUP UC MAS!.:E/LA.RRY J MCCCMI 33 Mekalson Hydraulics Inc MN Motor Company MNSWA". NAPA Central MN NAPA FERGUS FALLS Nardini Fire Equipment Northern Safety Technology Inc NTOA OLSON/BERTON One Call Locators Ltd Otter Tail Co Public Health Otter Tail Co Treasurer Ottertail Trucking Inc Q\·erhead Door Co Of Fergus Falls Park Region Co Op Penrose Oil Company PERHAM AR.EA EMS Pete·s Body Shop & Towing Pitney Bol'.-es Premium Waters Inc Pro Ag Farmers Cooperatiw Productive Alternatives Inc OUARTER..\l.".STER RDO Truck Centers Red Horse Ranch Arena Inc Rental Store/The Ringdahl Ambulance Seiv1ce S.\\.lnc SCHWARTZ/ROBERT E Seland' s Supertor Floortng Senice Food Super Valu Shern1n Williams Signworks Signs & Banners Uc Stems lnc Streichers Super Septic & E.xca\•ation s; nergy Graphics Amount 2,325.00 318.06 1,250.00 237.11 1,182.82 73048 32.46 50.00 64.55 27.53 95.50 541.65 40.00 495.42 455.54 1.00000 9.00 8,487.00 10,505.00 37.41 1,319.04 335.00 172.60 1.076.00 20.84 147.41 130.91 28.48 2.528.14 1,000.00 787.67 300.00 275.00 B04.5B 3,670,00 10.83 189.66 21.38 3,169.66 490.55 102.19 37,862.15 Vendor Name TNT REPAIR INC US At'TOFORCE Victor lunde1m Companr WAYhe'S TOOLWAGON West Payment Center WILSON/WARREN R Ziegler Inc Final Total: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes September 25, 2012 Attachment A, Page 3 Amount 236. 71 251 . .84 693.62 116-49 970.57 196.59 86650 188,752.40