HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/14/2012MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN August 14, 2012 8:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 8:30 a.m., at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chairman; Doug Huebsch, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Rogness called for approval of the August 14, 2012 agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of August 14, 2012 with the following additions: Discussion Regarding County Ditch #70 Discussion Regarding PIL T Payments Approval of Minutes Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the August 7, 2012 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes. Emergency Management Performance Grant & EM Update Patrick Waletzko, Emergency Manager, requested approval to apply for the EMPG for 2012. The federal reimbursement grant, in the amount of $36,075.00 for CY2012, supports the County's Emergency Management program. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Emergency Manager to apply for the 2012 EMPG as presented. Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to change the location of the regular Board of Commissioners' meeting on November 20, 2012 from Fergus Falls to the Sheriff's Operation Center in Ottertail City. This change is to accommodate the table top exercise scheduled at 1 :00 p.m. on November 20th in Ottertail City. This motion replaces the previous motion that authorized the table top exercise on November 6, 2012. Mr. Waletzko briefed the Board regarding work on a formal hazard analysis and corresponding county- wide mitigation plan that will identify dangers and reduce impact in the case of a dangerous occurrence. City of Fergus Falls JobZ Request Gordon Hydukovich, City of Fergus Falls Community Development Director, briefed the Board on a transfer of acreage request for a business known as "Go Float". The business makes small recreational boats and will create eight new jobs. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 2 RESOLUTION FOR ACREAGE MODIFICATION IN THE FERGUS FALLS JOBZ SUBZONE Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -46 Commissioner Huebsch offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, on September 9, 2003, passed a resolution approving certain County parcels to be included in a regional application for a Job Opportunity Building Zone; and WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls was a participant in the regional Job Opportunity Building Zone application done by the West Central Initiative Fund; and WHEREAS, the regional application submitted by the West Central Initiative Fund was approved by the Department of Employment and Economic Development; and WHEREAS, whereas the City of Fergus Falls wishes to modify the acreage in their Job Opportunity Building Subzone; and BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners upon careful consideration and review hereby approve the modifications as identified in the following table: Owner/Developer Parcel Number AcreaQe Modification Fergus Falls: Midwest Reaional Develooment 71003500195007 26.59 Merwin Adams 71003500195904 3.45 Merwin Adams 71003500202005 40.35 Aasness/Bioraum 71003500195050 2.81 Aasness/Bioraum 71003991519000 .46 Aasness/Biorgum 71003500195039 2.47 Steve Chenev 71003500003000 2.70 Steve Cheney 71003500004002 2.03 Steve Cheney 71003500002000 1.96 Steve Chenev 71003500004004 22.44 State Bank & Trust 71003500006000 7.17 City of FerQus Falls 71003990853901 .46 Feraus Falls Develooment Co. 71003500004006 2.38 Citv of Feraus Falls 71003500004005 6.61 BurlinQton Northern Railroad 71001500048000 .99 Citv of Feraus Falls 71003500007000 77.17 Thiele Technoloaies 71003991430006 1.38 West Central Linen Service, Inc. 71003991430901 1.20 KAJ LLC 71003991430005 1.33 BT-OH, LLC 71003991430004 1.32 Catholic Charities 71003991550000 .81 Duane Dorn bu sch 71003500007008 1.01 Western Minnesota Industries 71003991558000 5.13 Western Minnesota Industries 71003991559000 5.36 Western Minnesota Industries 71003991560000 7.52 Johanneck Tst 71003991551000 10.38 Robert Bunkowski Mark Sand & Gravel Mark Sand & Gravel Mark Sand & Gravel 8TB Land Co. LLC Richard & Judith Werner lnnova Prooerties Steve & Pamela Chenev Vinvlite Holdinos, LLC Vinvlite Holdinos, LLC Heritaae Prooerties, LLC SMC Forest Lake LLC Otter Tail Ao Enterorises Western Minnesota Industries Western Minnesota Industries Western Minnesota Industries Melissa J Roaers 26000320196000 06000010004003 06000010008000 06000010009000 71003991532000 71003991430002 71003991433000 71003991431001 71003991554000 71003991555000 71001500046902 03000300218030 26000200128000 71003991528000 71003991529000 71003991530000 71003991430003 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 3 79.40 14.97 55.48 Reduced by 1. 72 acres 8.95 1.03 1.32 6.42 3.29 4.14 .52 7.27 1.00 32.00 2.10 1.47 1.50 1.72 Parcel Added Commissioner 'John'son seconded the motion and upon being put to a vote, the above resolution was adopted as follows: Yes: 5 No: 0 "Absent: 0 The foregoing resolution is adopted this 141" day of August, 2012. OTTER TAIL ~TY BOAR OFQOMMISSIONERS By:~ Leland R. Rogness, Board of mmissioners Chair OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION #2012-47 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ESTABLISH A LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BIG MCDONALD LAKE WHEREAS, Minnesota law provides that in order to preserve and protect the State of Minnesota and to increase and enhance the use and enjoyment of its lakes, it is in the public interest that there be established a statewide lake improvement program to preserve, protect and improve the quality of lakes; and WHEREAS, Minnesota law permits the creation of lake improvement districts initiated by the request and upon a resolution ofa County Board; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has received a request from the Big McDonald Lake Association, who also reported that more than 50 percent of the property owners within the boundaries of the proposed lake improvement district are in support of its establishment; and approximately 100 of 138 property owners have signed a Petition in support; and OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 4 WHEREAS, the reasons why Big McDonald Lake wants to create a Lake Improvement District are (1) to maintain the water quality and prevent pollution of the lake through a water quality monitoring program; (2) to develop a comprehensive water management plan for the lake; (3) to work with Otter Tail County and DNR to monitor and protect the lake from aquatic and invasive species through prevention, control and education; (4) to monitor and regulate water surface elevations in cooperation with DNR and local agencies; (5) to work with DNR on fish stocking and means to control "rough" fish like carp which are a problem; (6) to enable the receipt of financial assistance and participate in projects or enter into contracts with federal and state agencies for the study and treatment of pollution problems; and WHEREAS, there is a public access on the northwest shore of Big McDonald Lake, owned and operated by the Department of Natural Resources; and WHEREAS, a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district, the number and location of permanent homes and seasonal dwellings, the scale, and basic geographical information is on record with the county auditor; and WHEREAS, there are proposed to be 7 directors for the district; and WHEREAS, there is no surface water ordinance regulating Big McDonald Lake, but the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance, copies of which are available at the county's Office of Land and Resource Management, regulates the shoreland including the public access; and WHEREAS, the proposed district has an Estimated Market Value of $43,477,000.00 (Land -$27,342,200.00 and Buildings -$16,134,800.00), a Taxable Market Value of $42,685,300.00 (Land -$26,866,254.00 and Buildings -$15,819,046.00), and a Net Tax Capacity of $423,943.00; and WHEREAS, all of the documentation mentioned herein that is on record with the county is available for review on the county's website: www.co.ottertail.mn.us NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY .RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby declares its intent to establish the Big McDonald Lake Improvement District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following information be provided, as required by Minnesota Statute §103B.515, Subd.1: 1. The name of the proposed Lake Improvement District shall be: Big McDonald Lake Improvement District 2. The boundaries of the proposed lake improvement district shall include parcels that have lake frontage, or lake frontage access, on Big McDonald Lake Otter Tail County, but shall exclude agricultural land. As the use of agricultural lands within the 1,000 foot boundary of the district changes to non-agricultural use, the district may, by confirming the change of use to the County Auditor and Assessor, and by notifying the owner of the property and the Administrator of the Otter Tail County Department of Land and Resource Management, include those formerly agricultural lands in the district. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 5 3. The water and related land resource management programs to be undertaken by the district may include: a. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to eliminate water pollution; b. Receive financial assistance from and participate in projects or enter into contracts with federal and state agencies for the study and treatment of pollution problems and related demonstration programs; c. Undertake research to determine the condition and development of the body of water included within the lake improvement district to transmit the studies of the Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and other interested authorities; d. Make cooperative agreements with the United States or state government or other county or city to effectuate water and related land resource programs; e. Conduct programs of water improvement and conservation; f. Implement a water monitoring system; g. Serve as local sponsor for state and federal projects or grants; h. Regulate water surface as deemed necessary and reasonable; or i. Such other programs, plans, studies, developments or implementations as 'are allowed or permitted by law, and approved by the County Board from time to time. 4. The Otter Tail County Board may delegate to the lake improvement district pursuant to Minnesota Statute §103B.551, Subd. 3, authority to: a. Acquire by gift or purchase, equipment, structures or control works that affects the level of waters in the district. b. Construct and operate water control structures, equipment or control works that are approved by the commissioner of natural resources under section 103G.245 c. Undertake projects to change the course current or cross section of public waters that are approved by the commissioner of natural resources under section 103G.245. d. Acquire property, equipment or other facilities, by gift or purchase to improve navigation. e. Contract with a board of managers of a watershed district within the lake improvement district or the board of supervisors of a soil and water conservation district within the district for improvements under chapters 103C and 103D. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 6 f. Undertake research to determine the condition and development of the body of water and the water entering it and to transmit the results of the studies to the pollution control agency and other interested authorities. g. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to eliminate water pollution. h. Conduct a program of water improvement and conservation. i. Construct a water, sewer, or water and sewer system in the manner provided by section 444.075 or other applicable laws. j. Receive financial assistance from and participate in projects or enter into contracts with federal and state agencies for the study and treatment of pollution problems and related demonstration programs. k. Make cooperative agreements with the United States or state government or other counties or cities to effectuate water and related land resource programs. I. Maintain public beaches, public docks and other public facilities for access to the body of water. m. Provide and finance a government service of the county or statutory or home rule city that is not provided throughout the county or, if the government service is provided, the service is at an increased level within the district n. Regulate water surface use as provided in sections 86B.205, 103G.605 and 103G.621. 5. Funding for the lake improvement district shall be: a. Start-up funds will be provided from the Big McDonald Lake Association. b. Lake improvement district activities may be funded by the levying of an ad valorum tax solely on property within the district. No establishment or increase in the ad valorum property tax will be allowed if ii affects the county levy subject to state- imposed levy limits. c. Lake improvement district activities may also be funded by assessment of costs of projects upon the benefitted property within the district in the manner provided under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. d. Lake improvement district activities may also be funded by imposition of service charges on users of the lake improvement district services within the district (Minnesota Statute §428A.05). OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 7 e. The Lake Improvement District may also finance projects and services of the district by issuing obligations as provided in Minnesota Statute §429.091. 6. The Administrator of the Otter Tail County Department of Land and Resource Management shall be responsible for supervising the programs of the district. A public hearing will be held on whether the Big McDonald Lake Improvement District should be established on October 1, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room of the Otter Tail County Government Service Center, 500 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, upon the motion of Commissioner Huebsch, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, and passed on a 5-0 vote. The foregoing resolution is adopted this 14th day of August, 2012. OTTERTAIL MISSIONERS missioners Chair · '· County Ditch #70 Lengthy discussion took place regarding the public meeting for Drainage System #70 held Monday, August 13th. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the Interim Ditch Inspector to obtain an estimate for repair on County Ditch #70 for this fall/early winter and requested a report from Gerhard Knutson and other property owners researching the possibility of an improvement on Ditch #70. These items are to be reported to the County Board on Tuesday, September 18, 2012. After the aforementioned -information is submitted to the Board, a final decision is expected at the October 16, 2012, Board meeting. Recess & Reconvene At 9:33 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for committee meetings. The meeting was reconvened at 10:15 a.m. Child Support Program Overview Brooks Anderson, Child Support Supervisor, presented federal performance measures for FFY2011 for the Child Support Program. Comparisons with other counties were identified for number of cases, revenues and expenses, and cost effectiveness. For every dollar spent, Otter Tail County collects $3.94 compared to the average of all counties in Minnesota of $4.49. John Dinsmore, Community Services Director, reported a reduced expenditure for the Fathers' Resource Program and indicated that research will continue for ways to improve cost effectiveness. Child Support Awareness Month Proclamation Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to endorse the State of Minnesota Child Support Awareness Month Proclamation as presented in Attachment B of these minutes. Letter of Support for Expansion of Treatment Program Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute a Letter of Support for the need to expand Rewind, Inc., a residential chemical dependency treatment program in Otter Tail County. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 8 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -48 Commissioner Johnson offered the following and moved its adoption: Be it resolved that the Otter Tail County Department of Public Health enter into a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for a Safe Roads Community Project during the period from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2014. The Director of Public Health is hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of Otter Tail County Public Health and to be the fiscal agent and administer the grant. Commissioner Froemming seconded the motion and upon being put to a vote, the above resolution was unanimously adopted. · Adopted this 14th day of August, 2012 OTTER TAIL UNTY BOl'>f'\IUA...lr OMMISSIONERS By:~4:::;;:£~~~~~~~- Leland R. Rogness, Board of Public Health Staff Restructuring Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the following requests as recommended: 1) Change the status of Ann Gibbs, PHN, from a part-time hourly to part-time salaried status, 2) Contract with Clay County as needed for tobacco Compliance checks (60 hours) and public health nuisance investigations (110 hours), 3) Replace 0.80 FTE nurse with 1.0 FTE nurse, 4) Explore options to address changing staff duties/job tasks due to the upcoming resignation of a FTE Account Technician, 5) Share existing dietician hours with the PartnerShip4Health State Health Improvement Program grant and obtain shared Financial Manager services from Clay County (12 hours/week). PartnerSHIP4Health Planning Initiative Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to designate Diane Thorson and Commissioner Doug Huebsch to prepare and sign the required letters of support agreeing to be Level 1 project participants with the Minnesota Department of Health and other local public health entities to work on cross jurisdictional planning efforts. · The proposal will be submitted to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for funding. Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit -Bonnie Beach Resort I Meqtar LLC: Bill Kalar, Land & Resource Administrator, stated that the Bonnie Beach Resort CUP request involves replacement of 15 existing cabins with 6 duplex units over a 10 year timeframe. Commissioners referred to a letter they received after the Planning Commission meeting from Doug & Diane Madison pertaining to their lake easement in this area. Mr. Kalar summarized the situation. Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to table a decision on the Bonnie Beach Resort CUP request for one week after further research on the matter. The proposal is located in GL 3 ex trs & ex pt platted & NL Y 160' on lk of GL 4 E of ditch (5.34 AC), Section 11 of Clitherall Township; Clitherall Lake (56-238), RD. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Page 9 Conditional Use Permit-Connie Merrill: Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a commercial use (quilt business) as presented. The proposal is located in Pt GL 7 (5 AC), Section 28 of Dunn Township; Lake Lizzie (56-760), RD. City of Fergus Falls/James & Linda Kucera and Genevieve Strande: Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the installation of a water main with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in the NE¼ S of RR ex ELY 2038.9' (8.85 Ac) and FRL SW¼ ex trs and all NW¼ lying S of RY ex trs, Life Estate to Genevieve Strande (20.78 AC), Section 31 of Fergus Falls Township; Pelican River (56-PRE), AG. Conditional Use Permit -Rose Ridge Resort I Michael Kitchen master: Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to add a dwelling to replace an existing storage shed as presented. The proposal is located in Pt GL 1 & 2 (9.30 AC), Section 17 of Hobart Township; Rose Lake (56-360), RD. Payment in Lieu of Taxes Commissioners directed the County Attorney to draft a resolution requesting that the Association of Minnesota Counties lobby the State and Federal Government for a better method of paying out PIL T payments to local government entities. Tax Increment Financing District No. 2-36 Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Official's signature to execute the waiver of the required 30 days notification prior to the publication of the public hearing notice for City of Perham TIF District No. 2-36. WC Regional Juvenile Center Detention Facility Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the Annual Purchase Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and the WCRJC to purchase 2.5 beds for CY2013 at an annual cost of $185,625.00. Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Tiling and Conservation Drainage Seminar Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve Commissioners' attendance to the Tiling and Conservation Drainage seminar on August 28th and August 29th of 2012 at Dakota Magic in Hankinson, ND. Adjournment At 11 :40 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2012. Dated: --=o,.,s-1-/a1==-:..., /c...::.:i=:o:..!1=:-\"---- CB/kd OTTER TAIL Y BOA D ISSIONERS By: +~"7'7::.-;:;,-=.=-=..--::--~:=::,:7',-.:..::~.-::::.---,::-:--,- Leland R. Rogness, Board of ommissioners Chair OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Attachment A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 8/14/2012 Vendor Name Amount A-1 LOCK & KEY 94.86 A'VIANDSUC 9.515 42 ABG Maintenance Inc 171.00 Auto Value Fergus Falls 94.65 Bear Graphics Inc 1,103.61 Ben Holzer Unlimited 73 38 Bobcat Of Oner Tail Count.-27. 18 Brandborg,'Heather 176. 53 Braun Vending Inc 22 12 BY!WARE 799.84 CDW Government Inc 28.175 56 Central Specialties Inc 59,965.93 Certified Auto Repair 273.41 Chrtstensen Construction 6,043.00 Christenson Electt1c Inc 286.77 Dtizens Ach·ocate 346. 73 Code 4 Sen ices UC 308.00 Coopers Technology Group 350.29 Crop Production Senices 172.04 cuJ.llgan 72.71 CUliGAN OF WADENA 87.46 D & T Venrures UC 1,089.00 Dacotah Paper Compam· 271.69 Dakota Printers UC 441 59 DEA'<'S AUTO BODY 86.39 Denzel's Region Waste Inc 124.80 East Otter Tail Focus 729.00 Egge Construction Inc 85.00 E\·ergreen Equipment Inc 51.17 Ewrgreen La1rn Care 96.19 E\'erts Lumber Co 29.91 Farmers Co Op Oil Assn 1.292 57 Farnam's Genuine Parts Inc 715 33 Fergus Falls Daily Journal 5,696.81 Fergus Power Pump Inc 4,840.00 Fergus Tu-e Center 1,730.20 Frazee Forum Inc 108 00 G & R Controls 1,448.50 Ge Capital (Ca) 398.63 Grant Co Sheriff 35.00 Hanson's Plumbmg & Heating Inc 41.68 HARRIS/MICHAEL 34983 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Attachment A, Page 2 vendor Name Hauser /David Henning Hardware Helo/Sandy Innovative Office Solutions J&KMaline Kelly Senices Inc Kiefer Companies/The Lake Region Elecllic Co Op Lakes Area Cooperative Lakewar Market UC Lapos/Elizabeth Larrr on Inc Truck Senice URSON PAINTING UC Larson/Paul LEE/IHOMAS Locators & Supplies Inc MANN/RAND All Marco Inc St LoUis MARK & BRENDA CONSTRUCTION INC Mark Sand & Gra\·el Co Marks .Fleet Supply Inc Matthew Bender & Companr Inc Mend Correctional Care UC Metro Sales Inc Midwest Printing Co Midwest Testing Laboratorr MN Attorner General's Office MN Motor Company MN State Auditor Mn State Bar Association NAPA Central MN NAPA Of Perham National 4-H Supply Smice Nelson Auto Center Newborg/Keiin O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Depot OTTER TAil. FAMILY SER\·1CES COIL.\BO Otter Tail Power Company Overland Mechanical Senices Pace Anah1ical Smices Inc Pamida Pharmacy Amount 113-23 84.82 72.15 385 92 172.65 621.18 124.38 3,706.48 1,149.75 82.00 320.67 445,00 2,400.00 355,36 443.69 1,183.44 303.77 569.20 220.00 45,176.60 97.20 618.25 7,458.33 192.00 90.84 1,443.75 329.67 450.19 6,510.82 461.71 109.03 47.15 54.95 8,320.67 113. 78 3.73 291.64 300.00 180.76 452.47 5,775.00 6,953.99 Vendor Name Perham Ace Hardware Perham Office Supply Phoenis: Supply PimerBowes Praxalr Distrtbution Inc Pro Ag Farmers Co Op PROFESSION:\!. PORTABLE:-;. RAY INC Rall'lbow Treecar€ Co Renewable Resource Consultants 11.C Re\iew Enterprises Inc Ringdahl Ambulance Senice Safelite Fulfillment Inc SBLC FF Scheidecl:er /Ke\ in SCHIERER/STEVE Scon Hofland Construction Inc SECRETARY OF STATE Sen ice Food Super \'alu SHULTZ & ASSOCL-\TES LTD Sigelrnan Steel & Recycling Inc Staples Ach·antage Stew· s Sanitation Inc Strand Hardware & Radio Shack Streichers Swanberg/Riel.- Swanston Equipment Corp Titan Access Account Titan :'<!achinery Toshiba Business Solutions USA Towrnaster TIL->.NE US. INC Vergas Hardware Victor Lundeen Company Wadena Asphalt Inc Wallwork Truck Center Weller Oil Co Wells Road Grading West Pa,ment Center WILSON/WARREN R Wisconsin Dept Of Transportanon Xerox Corporation Final Total OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Attachment A, Page 3 Amount 204 73 685 74 393.37 569.46 332.54 36 51 60000 936 22 62. 70516 79.54 15000 142.45 150. 75 100.00 281.01 6,975.00 120.00 10.00 14,076.33 273.50 243.85 6.450. 14 14.19 1,118.98 49.55 3,193.02 1,099.32 7 44.51 80.81 63.31 608.00 52 13 4.28 86.438.37 658.29 211 89 800.00 1,453 92 239.88 2 00 168 96 418,525.73 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes August 14, 2012 Attachment B, Page 1 Children arc Minnesota's most valuable resoun:c llJld Mloocsotans have a responsibility to promote and numm: their wcll-bclng; nnd Child Support Awareness Month remlnd!I us that children need the emotional can: and financial suppan: of both pa rems ro reacli thclr full potcndal; and County and stllte chlld support solff annually provide chl1d support scrvlc:fi for mon: than 395,000 custodial and non-custodt.il parcnoi 11.nd their 266,000 chUdn:n 1n Minnesota; and Child wpport scr-ict"s hiM" a direct imp ace on helping meet children's basic: n«.ds ilnd hclping fomilies vrork toward financial stnbllity; and Child support professionals hclp fmnilii:.s work townrd becoming and remaining Wf-snfficient by csrablJshing paternity. esUibllshlng nnd modifying child supp on ord=, and collccdng and disbursing child support on behalf of chlldrcn; nnd During Child SUpport Aware:nctis M1>t1th. :Jl Minm::sotrms are encouraged ro look co the future of our srare--ourchlldrcn-and work together to ensure their success. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MARK DAYTON, Governor of Minnesota, do hereby proclaim th~ month of August, 2012 as: CHILD SUPPORT AWARENESS MONTH U1 rhe Smee o[ Minnesota. SECRETARY OF STATE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand 1md caused the Great Seal of the State of Minnesot.l to be affixed at the Srate Capitol this 20i"dayof July. 'GOVERNOR