HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/24/2012MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN July 24, 2012 8:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 8:31 a.m., al the Otter Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair; Doug Huebsch, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Rogness called for approval of the July 24, 2012 agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of July 24, 2012 with the addition of an Investment Committee meeting at 12:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of July 17, 2012 as presented. Approval to Pay Bills Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes Payment Approval Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve payment in the amount of $2,540.00 to Christensen Construction for work completed on County Drainage System No. 5. Tobacco License Approval Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve the following application for license: Lakes Area Coop/Battle Lake 36879 State Highway 210 W Battle Lake MN 56512 Tobacco Credit Card Request Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the issuance, as requested by John Dinsmore, Community Services Division Director, an Otter Tail County Credit Card with a single purchase limit of $500.00 and a 30 day limit not to exceed $1,000.00 to Nicole J. Lee, Social Worker in the Human Services Department. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 2 Payment Approval Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve payment as detailed below to Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc. for engineering services for the Historic Phelps Mill Bridge Restoration Project: Invoice No. 150356 dated June 27, 2012 for Construction Engineering Services in the amount of $4,241 .20 Invoice No. 150361 dated June 27, 2012 for Design Engineering Services in the amount of $1,325.18 Invoice No. 150691 dated July 2, 2012 for Construction Engineering Services in the amount of $7,799.56 Total -$13,365.94 Correction of Plat Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to approve, as prepared by Glenn Howe, Professional Land Surveyor -Minnesota License No. 17825, the following Land Surveyor's Certificate of Correction to Plat: North Star Beach (Section 28 -Dunn Township) Canvassing Board Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to canvass the Tuesday, August 14, 2012 State Primary Election at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 17th , 2012. Motion by Lindquist , second by Huebsch and unanimously carried, to appoint Commissioner Froemming and Commissioner Johnson to the canvassing board for the Tuesday, August 14, 2012 State Primary Election. Land Services Division Director Position County Attorney, David Hauser announced that Brian Armstrong has been appointed as the Land Services Division Director. Adult Protection Services Annual Report Human Services Supervisor, Tamra Jokela and staff members presented the Adult Protection Services Annual Report. In 2011 there were 305 total intakes and in January through July of 2012 there have been 178 intakes. DWI Court Grant Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the Probation Director to apply for the DWI Court grant for Fiscal Year 2013. The amount of the grant is $90,000.00. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 3 Approval to Pay Bills & Claims Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human Services bills and claims as presented. Human Services Contracts Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to authorize the Chairman's signature to execute the following contracts: Age~cy .. ProgrC;l~ · . : Effective . · Targeted Amount ,. ,. .· . 'Populatl6n oi cbntract & . Date . .. Fundina Source Susan K. Residential Contract Period Elderly & AC/EW/CADI or TBI DeVries Services/Home 07-20-12 Disabled Waivered Funds Plus/Foster Care through Per State Rate Schedule Services 12-31-13 Wendy Residential Contract Period Elderly & AC/EW/CADI or TBI Digre Services/Home 08-01-12 through Disabled Waivered Funds Plus/Foster Care 12-31-13 Per State Rate Schedule Services Recess & Reconvene At 9:23 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 9:30 a.m. Lake Street Committee County Attorney, David Hauser, provided a draft copy of Order on Impassable Road Complaint. The Order was ,crev.iewed and discussion followed. Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to accept the Order on Impassable Road Complaint as written (Attachment B). Finding that Lake Street is• a cartway and is passable therefore Otter Tail Township will not be ordered to ·open up Lake Street as a township road. Site Specific Agreement Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the Otter Tail County Highway Department to enter into agreement with Ducks Unlimited for culvert replacement on County Highway l l O during the Erlandson WMA Restoration project. Glendalough State Park Trail Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the Minnesota DNR Glendalough State Park Trail, CSAH 16 segment Cooperative Agreement. County Ditch 37 Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to allow backhoe work on County Ditch 37 South of Underwood near 215 th Avenue to determine the location of the tile. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 4 Request for Approval Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials' signatures to authorize Vibration Monitoring Services by Braun lntertec on Project # FA-12-04206 (CSAH 72 Bridge Replacement) at a cost of $7,612.00 Recess & Reconvene At 10:23 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:27 a.m. County Ditch #25/0ullet for LMKP Lakes County Attorney, David Hauser, provided a draft copy of the Findings and Order Authorizing an Outlet for discussion. A motion by Johnson and second by Huebsch to determine that the ditch does have the capacity to take additional water, subject to the Operation Plan, and to authorize its use for the outlet. Discussion followed. Motion carried unanimously with editorial additions. Motion made by Huebsch, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the draft Operation Plan as presented (Attachment C). The final Findings and Order will be provided to the County Board at their July 31, 2012 meeting. Adlournment At 11: 1 O a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Dated: _ _.0"-'8>-il'-"o<-'.2.L/l"",,1""0"'/J....._, __ I I COMMISSIONERS of Commissioners Chair CB/kc Vendor Name Allied Fire Protection Inc American Welding & Gas Inc Anoka Co1mt1· Medical E.,auJiner AssOCJatiou Of Mu Coimnes . .\.,.;i1ess/ Joe Becklund Oil Co Bobcat Of Otter Tilil Countv CD\, Go1·enimeut lnc Code~ Sm ices UC Coopers Technology Group Dakota Printm UC Denzel's Region \,aste Inc !k,E.ast Dick's Standard Dulski/Joel El ~green Eqmpment L'lc F-~l Typei,.Titer Sen1ce Famaul's Genuine Parts Inc Fastenal Compan\' Fergus Falls Dililr Jourual Fergus Falls /Cit\· Of FSH Colllllluincations 11.C G&K Senices Godfathm E.\1eru:unating hie Hansou·s Plumbing & Heating Inc llldepeudent,'Tb.e J Cs General Store Kelli· Sm ices Ille !:IY GO\ !RNHEr,, m;AKCT INC Koehler-Taber\·: .-'Jma Mane !JIDlEIER.iAI. Lakes Colllltry Smice Co Op Lanv Ott lllc Truck Sen 1ce Locators & Supplies lllc Matthei,.· Bender & Cowpany Inc MCCC Ml 33 ~fid-C emral Equipment Inc ~fid,.·estern Mat Rental & Suppl\' Co ~m Dept Of HUlllan Sel"\icts MK Motor C owpany Nelson Amo Center Ne,.· Hon.zoos¾: Sen1ces OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment A, Page 1 Amount 275.00 76.83 2.000.00 1143.00 07118 3.461 G8 107 42 994 44 348.91 1 327.60 22 05000 1.570 00 21.15 106.88 85.00 15.30 119.00 129.40 3 92 2.839.68 56.50 64.13 1.040 16 35066 4G. 75 8135 10 67 287.S2 8. 788. 78 ]9 31 20000 59.00 445 00 174 .86 1.192.46 249.37 775 B0.05 10.220.72 84 00 98 96 162.43 OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment A, Page 2 Otter Tail Co Treasurer Outdoor Reno\·ati.oru l..and.scape & Nurse Perham Ace Harm.·are Premium Waters Inc Preston,: Jas.on PRICE FAJ.ill.Y CONSTRUCTION ProduCO\'e Alternati.\•es Inc Protecnon Systems Inc Quill Corporanon Regalia Regents Of Toe Umversity Of Mn Royal Tue Inc Russell Attorner At Lai.·/ Robert L S.\\'.lnc Ser.ice Food Super Valu Simple.'--Gnnnell Staples Ad,-antage Streicb.ers Swunart Foods 1NT REPAIR INC Tnmin Systems Inc TRUAX AND JEREMY MAKELA/RYAN Victor Lundeen Company Visual Gov Solutions UC \•i"est Payment Center l'inal Total: 68.00 1.349.00 11.99 27 59 189.00 320.00 162.58 678.92 290.23 74.95 32,449.98 13.90 750.00 1.760.00 17.52 3.728.64 168.4 7 JS 26 98.87 320. 76 20,448.94 407.95 108.99 214.30 2.315.09 126,998.85 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL In the Matter of Lake Street in the plat of Midway Park OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment B, Page 1 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDER ON IMPASSABLE ROAD COMPLAINT A public hearing on the complaint that Lake Street in the plat of Midway Park was impassable was held on June 11, 2012. Final determination on the matter was delayed by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to give interested parties an oppm1unity to propose a settlement agreement to the Board and to give a committee of the Board of Commissioners an opportunity to consider the matter. The matter came back before the Board of Commissioners on July 24, 2012. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, having heard the testimony and exhibits presented at the public hearing, and further having received additional documents at subsequent board meetings, and being fully advised in the premises, makes the following findings and order: FINDINGS OF FACT I. That Lake Street is a 50 foot strip of land dedicated to the public as part of the plat of Midway Park, and remains dedicated to the public in the re-plat of Midway Park. 2. That pursuant lo Minn. Stat. § 164.11, Lake Street is a cartway. 3. A cart way is included in the definition of road or highway pursuant to Minn. Slat.§ 160.02. 4. That as a public road, Minn. Stat. §609.74 Public Nuisance and Minn. Stat. § 160.2715 Right of Way Uses; Misdemeanors, apply to Lake Street. 5. That persons blocking the use of the cartway arc subject to prosecution pursuant to Minn. Stat. §609.74 and § I 60.2715. 6. That Lake Street is not a public water access site maintained by the Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Minn. Stat. §97A.141. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment B, Page 2 7. That there are mature trees growing in the road right of way, which were not plank:<l by any road authority, and are subject to Minn. Stat. § 160.22. 8. That an adjacent land owner wus granted u grade und fil1 permit to place sod where a minimal gravel road and cement pad had existed. 9. That Lake Street has never been taken over as a town road by Otter Tail Township. 10. That OU.er Tail Township has com;idered this matter in the past, and the County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the Resolution of Otter Tail Township dated September 14, 2009. 11. That at the time the Petition was filed, there were two posts blocking the use of the roadway, hut the posts have subsequently been removed. 12. That Lake Street is passable. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDER: 1. That Otter Tail County does not order Otter Tail Township to open up Lake Street as a township road. 2. That Otter Tail Cow1ty Land and Resource Management may issue a grade and fill permit to make I 0 foot wide gravel driving surface, as a continuation of the existing gravel surface as close as is practical on the North side of the trees. Dated: 7-2Lf-/2. By Leland R. Rogness, Chair Larry Krohn, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment C, Page 1 Little McDonald, Kerbs & Paul Lake Improvement District (LMPK LID) Outlet Project Operation Plan July 24, 2012 This Operation Plan has been developed to define the conditions of operation of the LMPK LID Outlet Project. General Conditions: 1. Operation Responsibilities: (a) The Otter Tail County Public Works Division, under the supervision of the County Engineer, shall operate all gates and valves, make necessary water surface elevation measurements, install and maintain all permanent and temporary water surface measuring gages, and maintain all records of outlet operations, including monitoring records. (b) The LMPK LID shall perform all water quality and Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) monitoring in accordance with this Plan and shall provide the results of such monitoring to the Otter Tail County Public Works Division for inclusion in the record of outlet operations. (c) The LMPK shall coordinate with the Otter Tail County Public Works Division to provide all notices required under this Plan. (d) The LMPK LID shall reimburse the County for costs associated with the County's responsibilities under this Plan and shall include in its annual budget provisions for the operation of the Outlet. (e) The Otter Tail County Public Works Division, under the supervision of the County Engineer, shall have discretion to cease operation of the Outlet Project should unanticipated, adverse impacts occur to downstream waters which may be a result of the operation of the Outlet Project. 2. General Restrictions on Operation: As further refined in this Plan the Outlet will not operate under the following general conditions as determined by the Otter Tail County Public Works Division, under the supervision of the County Engineer,: (a) When the triggering elevations in Little McDonald Lake are not achieved. (b} When floods are occurring or imminent downstream. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment C, Page 2 (c) When operation of the Outlet will adversely affect water quality in McDonald Lake. (d) When an identified risk exists of release or transfer of AIS from Little McDonald Lake due to operation of the Outlet. (e) When safety conditions related to the formation or stability of lake ice exist downstream. 3. General Operation Parameters: The Outlet shall operate when water levels in Little McDonald Lake exceed trigger elevations and the following downstream conditions support its operation: (a) When downstream water elevations are within the parameters further described in this Plan. (b) When downstream water quality conditions, as measured by the concentration of Chlorophyll-a and Total Phosphorus (TP) in McDonald Lake permit, as further described in this Plan. (c) When monitoring of AIS in Little McDonald, Kerbs and Paul Lakes demonstrates either the absence of AIS or a negligible risk of transfer or release of AIS to downstream waters as further described in this Plan. (d) When ice conditions permit as further described in this Plan. 4. General Requirements: (a) Where possible, permanent water surface elevation gages shall be installed in Little McDonald, Paul, Berger, McDonald, Big McDonald, Star and Dead Lakes. (b) Where placement of permanent water surface elevation gages is not possible, temporary gages shall be installed at a public access or other visible location to monitor lake levels. Temporary gages shall be installed as soon as possible after ice is absent from the lake surface, and not later than 1 week prior to operating the Outlet. (c) If possible, water surface elevation gages will be placed in a location easily visible from shore. (d) The accuracy of placement of water surface elevation gages shall be verified annually by the Otter Tail County Division of Public Works. All gages and water surface elevation readings shall be reconciled to a common datum. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment C, Page 3 (e) The Otter Tail County Public Works Division shall exercise best professional judgment when taking water surface elevation readings required under this Plan. (f) The Berger, McDonald, Big McDonald, Star and Dead Lakes Associations shall be notified at least one week prior to operating the Outlet and will be notified within one week after operation of the Outlet ceases. (g) Accurate records shall be kept of outlet operations and made available to downstream interests and the public. Specific Conditions: 1. Water Elevations: (a) If the surface elevation of Little McDonald Lake level is at or below the Ordinary High Water (OHW) elevation (1356.5 feet (NAVD 88)), the Outlet gates shall be closed. (b) If the surface elevation of Little McDonald Lake level is above the OHW, the Outlet shall operate if: • The surface water elevation of Star Lake is at least 4 inches (.33 feet) below the OHW (1330.4 feet NAVD 88 ); and • The surface water elevation of Dead Lake is at least 4 inches (.33 feet) below the OHW (1328.0 feet NAVD 88 ); and • The surface water elevation of McDonald and Big McDonald Lakes is at or below elevation 1354.4 feet (NAVD 88); and • The surface water elevation of Berger Lake is at or below elevation 1355.3 feet (NAVD 88). (c) The Outlet shall continue to operate until: • The surface water elevation of Star Lake is 2 inches (.16 feet) below the OHW (1330.4 feet NAVD 88 ); or • The surface water elevation of Dead Lake is 2 inches (.16 feet) below the OHW (1328.0 feet NAVD 88 ); or • The surface water elevation of McDonald and Big McDonald Lakes exceeds elevation 1354.4 feet (NAVD 88); or OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment C, Page 4 • The surface water elevation of Berger Lake exceeds elevation 1355.3 feet (NAVD 88). (d) If operation of the Outlet is halted because of water elevations, operation may resume only if: • The surface water elevation of Star Lake is at least 4 inches (.33 feet) below the OHW (1330.4 feet NAVD 88 ); and • The surface water elevation of Dead Lake is at least 4 inches (.33 feet) below the OHW (1328.0 feet NAVD 88 ); and • The surface water elevation of McDonald and Big McDonald Lakes is at or below elevation 1354.4 feet (NAVD 88); and • The surface water elevation of Berger Lake is at or below elevation 1355.3 feet (NAVD 88). 2. Water Quality: (a) In addition to the operation requirements above, the Outlet may not operate when sustained Chlorophyll-a concentrations at monitoring site #56-0386-03-201 (Latitude 46.568931; Longitude -95.750209) on McDonald Lake exceed 6.0 parts per billion or when sustained Total Phosphorus (TP) concentrations at monitoring site #56-0386-03- 201 on McDonald Lake exceed 15.1 parts per billion in the months of May, June, July, August, or September. (b) For the purpose of this parameter "sustained" shall mean that more than half of the samples collected in a 10 day period exceed the noted value. (c) Operation of the Outlet may not resume until Chlorophyll-a and TP concentrations have decreased to below the concentration limit for not less than 5 consecutive days. (d) Water quality monitoring shall be performed according to a monitoring protocol developed by the LMPK LID and a licensed testing laboratory. (e) Sampling shall occur at a minimum frequency of once every 10 days during outlet operation by somebody trained to take samples and analysis shall be conducted by a licensed testing laboratory. 3. Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS): (a) In addition to the operations requirements above, the Outlet may not operate when monitoring of AIS in Little McDonald, Kerbs or Paul Lakes demonstrates both the presence of one or more of the following AIS and a more than negligible risk of transfer or release of the AIS to downstream waters, as determined by the County in consultation with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR): OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment C, Page 5 • Zebra Mussel: adults, juveniles and veligers (to be monitored between June 15 and August 15) • Spiny Water Flea (to be monitored between June 15 and August 15) • Eurasian Watermilfoil (to be monitored between July 1 and August 30) • Curley Leaf Pond Weed (to be monitored between May 1 and June 30) (b) Little McDonald, Kerbs or Paul Lakes shall be monitored annually for the presence of the above AIS according to a monitoring/surveillance protocol developed by the LMPK LID and a licensed testing laboratory. (c) Sampling, surveillance and analysis shall be conducted by a licensed testing laboratory. (d) Identification of one or more of the above AIS in Little McDonald, Kerbs or Paul Lakes shall cause immediate cessation of operation of the Outlet until: • it is determined that there is only a negligible risk of transfer or release of the AIS to downstream waters; or •. the DNR issues approval for resumption of operation or monitoring reveals the · presence of the AIS in Berger or McDonald Lakes. (e) Operation of the Outlet may resume when the DNR issues approval for resumption of operation or monitoring reveals the presence of the AIS in Berger and McDonald Lakes. (f) If a confirmed AIS infestation event occurs in Little McDonald, Kerbs or Paul Lakes, involving one of the above AIS (i.e., placement of a known infested structure or vessel into the waters), operation of the Outlet shall cease until either the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issues approval for resumption of operation or monitoring reveals the presence of the AIS in Berger and McDonald Lakes. (g) Paragraphs (e) and (f) apply to Berger only if access is available for testing. 4. Safety Conditions: (a) In addition to the operations requirements above, because of safety concerns during the formation of winter ice, and to allow for the establishment of lake capacity for spring run-off, the Outlet may not be operated after November 30 of any year. (b) In any year, operation of the Outlet may not commence until all ice is absent from the surface of Little McDonald Lake. OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes July 24, 2012 Attachment C, Page 6 Operation Plan Amendment: 1. Amendments to this Plan shall be developed by the County Engineer in consultation with the LMPK LID and the Berger, McDonald, Big McDonald, Star and Dead Lakes Associations based on results of operation of the Outlet. 2. Recommendations of the County Engineer shall be presented to the County Board for approval. 3. Prior to approval of any amendment to this Plan, the County shall hold a public hearing at which interested parties may provide written and oral comment on the proposed amendment. The County shall provide written notice of the date, time and location of the public hearing to the Berger, McDonald, Big McDonald, Star and Dead Lakes Associations and the LMPK LID at least 60 days prior to the hearing. Approved by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners at its Regular Meeting on July 24, 2012. Dated: --"Dc.!<8'-1-).,,,o _._1 ,.,J~=...fc.:~:::.._ __ Attest: ~~ CountyBodClerk County Board Chai