HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/08/2012MINUTES OF THE
Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room
515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN
May a, 2012
9:30 a.m.
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 9:30 a.m., at the Otter
Tail County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair;
Doug Huebsch, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist, and Roger Froemming present.
Approval of Agenda
Chairman Rogness called for approval of the May 8, 2012 agenda. Motion by Lindquist, second by
Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners agenda of May 8, 2012 with
the following additions:
General Discussion -Resolution for Lake Street Public Hearing,
Rest Stop on Highway 88, & Approval of HHW Contracts with Cities
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming, and unanimously carried to approve the Board of
Commissioners meeting minutes of May 1, 2012 with the following addition:
On Page 8 under the Heading "800 MHz Communication System Planning" add:
The County Board encourages more OTC participation in the 800 MHz Regional Users Group.
Approval to Pay Bills
Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the County
Board bills per Attachment A of these minutes.
Otter Tail/Wadena Community Action Council
Davis Lino-Mills, OTWCAC Executive Director, briefed the Board regarding the timeline when programs
will transfer to Mahube-Otwa. He reported that the Headstart Program will require a bidding process.
OTWCAC will run the program until the new grantee is selected. He discussed the transition process
regarding employees and closing out the remaining assets of the agency. Motion by Froemming, second
by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize Sydney Nelson and Wilson Saenger to continue to
represent Otter Tail County on the OTWCAC Board until final shut down of the agency as requested by
Mr. Lino-Mills.
Worksite Wellness Initiative
Janet Lindberg, Wellness Coordinator, reported that Otter Tail County is embarking on a worksite wellness
initiative through the Partnership 4 Health along with many other businesses in our community. Blue Cross
Blue Shield has been hired to lead the initiative. She spoke about goals of the initiative and the three main
factors to improve health; 1) improving physical activity, 2) reduction of tobacco, and 3) weight
management. The County Wellness Team will educate employees regarding the smoke free policy on
County grounds taking effect January 1, 2013. Smoking cessation programs will be offered. Other
initiatives included bike racks, availability of fruits and vegetables, walking meetings and leadership
involvement in wellness goals and activities.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 2
Sheriff's Department Staffing
Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize the Sheriff to replace a
vacant full time Records Technician position as requested.
At 10:10 a.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10: 15 a.m.
Discussion Regarding Highway 88 Rest Stop
Commissioner Rogness reported that the Elizabeth and Fergus Falls Sportsmen Groups have an interest
in cleaning up the small park/rest stop area on Highway 88 just past the Industrial Park. They would like to
name it "88 Rest Stop". Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried that Otter Tail
County does not oppose the name "88 Rest Stop" for the rest area.
Nurse Family Partnership Program
Diane Thorson, Public Health Director, requested approval of out-of-state travel for the Nurse Family
Partnership program. Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize out-
of-state travel to Denver, Co., for NFP supervisor and administrator training. The training is funded by
federal grants for family home visiting that are dedicated to the national service office. Ms. Thorson
submitted a document with details of the positive outcomes of the Otter Tail County NFP program.
Farm Land Valuation Discussion
Doug Walvatne, Assessor, and Brian Armstrong, GIS Coordinator, discussed the current method of valuing
agricultural land and the possibility of valuing agricultural land using the Otter Tail County Soil Survey and
Crop Productivity Index. They will research the valuation method used by other counties and explore the
potential to convert the system.
AIS Task Force Recommendation
Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve ordering an additional
20,000 Aquatic Invasive Species postcards at an approximate cost of $1,334.80 for educational purposes
as recommended by the AIS Task Force.
AIS Grant Agreement
Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials' signatures to execute a reimbursement grant agreement, in the amount of $7,750.00, between
the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota DNR to be used for watercraft inspection to prevent the
spread of aquatic invasive species.
MOU for OTC Agricultural Inspector Program
Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials' signatures to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Otter Tail and the
East & West Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation Districts for administration of the Otter Tail County
Agricultural Inspector Program. The estimated cost of the program is $60,000 annually. The program will
be evaluated at budget time in 2013 for the following year.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -30
WHEREAS, It is the policy of the legislature that residents of the state be protected from the injurious
effects of noxious weeds on public health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock and other
property; and
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 3
WHEREAS, County Agricultural Inspectors may administer and enforce Minnesota Statute Sections
§18.75 to §18.91 for the State of Minnesota. Sections §18.75 to §18.91 contain procedures for controlling
and eradicating noxious weeds on all lands within the state; and
WHEREAS, The County Board of Commissioners shall appoint one or more County Agricultural Inspectors
that meet the qualifications prescribed by rule. The appointment must be for a period of time which is
sufficient to accomplish the duties assigned to this position. A notice of the appointment must be delivered
to the Commissioner of Agriculture within ten days of the appointment and it must establish the initial
number of hours to be worked annually; and
WHEREAS, The East and West Otter Tail County Soil and Water Conservation Districts (EOT SWCD and
WOT SWCD) proposes to accept the position of County Agricultural Inspector for Otter Tail County and be
responsible for the program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners appoints the
EOT SWCD and WOT SWCD to carry out the County Agricultural Inspector position duties under the
above mentioned Statute for Otter Tail County.
The estimated costs for the program as proposed, is $60,000 annually (Salary, benefits, mileage, office
space, etc.). For 2012 that amount will be prorated to 75% of the total cost, $45,000. This would be split
between the two SWCD's in the 60-40 split, with the WOT SWCD receiving $27,000 and the EOT SWCD
receiving $18,000. In 2013 this funding would become a line item for the SWCDs in the County budget
The amount of $60,000 is the cost of the program for 2013. Again the 60-40 split would be used, with the
WOT SWCD receiving $36,000 and the EOT SWCD receiving $24,000.
The program would be evaluated by the County and the SWCDs at budget time in 2013 to see how to
proceed in 2014.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners shall appoint members
(County Commissioner or municipal official and landowner in the County) to the Weed Appeal Committee
as required in the above mentioned statute.
Upon the motion of Froemming, seconded by Johnson, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County
Board of Commissioners adopts the foregoing resolution.
Adopted this 8th day of May 2012
Leland R. Rogness
Larry lz:zle~ Otter Tail County Board of ommissioners Chair
Staffing for Land & Resource Department
Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to authorize the Land & Resource
Administrator to hire a temporary Office Technician/Receptionist as recommended by the Personnel
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 4
Correspondence Acknowledged
Commissioner Johnson referred to a letter received from an AIS Task Force member. Commissioners
confirmed their support and appreciation for all of the volunteers and indicated that the decision not to hire
additional inspectors by partnering with specific lake associations was a decision made because lake
associations can hire inspectors on their own. If the County uses some of a lake's funding, the County
would not be able to guarantee that inspector's time would be for that specific lake. AIS prevention is
needed countywide. All Commissioners recognized the positive education and potential AIS prevention
that has resulted from the AIS Task Force recommendations.
License Application Approval
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to approve the following application
for license:
Big Chief, Inc. Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor
22518 Big Chief Road
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
(Approval is subject to the review of the County Attorney and County Sheriff Departments)
Economic Assistance Program Update
John Dinsmore, Community Services Director, submitted a document entitled "Otter Tail County Human
Services Income Maintenance Program Overview 2012". He discussed current staffing, 3 year trends, and
Food Support program trends. Mr. Dinsmore discussed changes in the Food Support program and the
increased caseload since January of 2009. The report included an explanation of MN Health Care
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, and Minnesota Family Investment programs.
Approval to Pay Bills & Claims
Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve payment of the Human
Services bills and claims as presented.
STATE PROJECT NO. 088-070-033
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -31
IT IS RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail enter into a Joint Powers agreement with the Six Mn/DOT
District 4 counties of Beck~r: Clay, Douglas;' Grant, Mahnomen, and Otter Tail, for the following purpose:
Define the rights and obligations of each county for the delivery of S.P. 088-070-033, a district wide federal
highway safety project that will provide safety improvements in the form of rural intersection lighting on
selected eligible highway routes.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper County officers be and hereby are authorized to execute
such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the County all of the
obligations contained therein.
Upon the motion of Johnson, seconded by Froemming, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County
Board of Commissioners adopts the foregoing resolution.
Adopted this 81h day of May 2012
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 5
Leland R. Rogness
Otter Tail County Board of missioners Chair
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2012 -32
Upon a motion by Johnson, seconded by Froemming, and unanimously carried, the following resolution was
WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has obtained the Commissioner's approval of the plans for the
following County State-Aid Project(s):
Project# S.A.P. 056-636-005
Project# S.A.P. 056-683-011
Project# S.P. 056-070-004
Project# S.A.P. 056-650-008
AND, WHEREAS, said County is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) by providing
county regular funds to supplement the available funds in the County Municipal Account, and
WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced by the County is desired in accordance with the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subd. 5, & 7 and Minnesota Rules 8820.1500, Subp. 9.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby
requested to approve this basis for financing said construction project(s) and to authorize repayments from
subsequent accruals to said Account, in the amounts as herein indicated.
Transfer the Yearly Municipal Construction Allotment, beginning in 2013, to the Regular Construction
Allotment until the borrowed funds are repaid in full to the Regular Construction Allotment Account.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this sth day of May, 2012
Leland R. Rogness
Otter Tail County Board of mmissioners Chair
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 6
Project No. S.A.P. 056-634-010
Parcel No. 6
Upon a motion by Huebsch, seconded by Lindquist, and unanimously carried, the Otter Tail County Board
of Commissioners adopts the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County proposes to reconstruct and improve County State Aid Highway No. 34,
located from TH No. 10, East 0.74 miles to CSAH No. 80, located in Sections 9, 10, 15 and 16 of T136N-
R39W; and
WHEREAS, the reason for the construction of this segment of County State Aid Highway No. 34 is due to
the existing highway's poor condition and the construction of the TH No. 10 and CSAH No. 34 interchange;
WHEREAS, this improvement is necessary to provide for the safety of the traveling public and pedestrians;
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has a right to acquire the right of way after an award of damages has been
filed with the County Auditor in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 163.02 and 163.12; and
WHEREAS, all necessary additional highway right of way has been acquired for the reconstruction except
a tract owned by Thomas J. Haggenmiller and Pamela J. Haggenmiller of Perham, MN.
Said tract being a strip of land described as follows:
Highway No. 34, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and
for Otter Tail County.
Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways.
Containing 3,010 square feet, more or less.
Due to the reconstruction and realignment of County State Aid Highway No. 34 under Project
No. S.A.P. 056-634-010, said strip being all that described above, to be retained for CSAH No.
34 right-of-way recorded as Parcel No. 6 on Page 1 of 1 of CSAH No. 34 R/W Plat No. 24.
Also a Temporary Construction Easement which will cease on or before December 31, 2013, as
described below: ·
That part of Block B of ROTHPLETZ'S ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF PERHAM, according to
the recorded plat thereof, shown as C.E. PARCEL 6 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile
sheets of the Construction Plan for S.A.P. 056-634-010. The outer limits of said C.E.
PARCEL 6 are established at 5 feet offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines.
Containing 1,869 square feet, more or less.
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 7
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby
authorizes the acquisition of the requested right-of-way as described above pursuant to Minnesota Statute,
Section 163.02 and 163.12, and to take title and possession of that land after an award of damages has
been filed with the County Auditor in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 163.12; including the
"Quick-Take" provisions provided for in Minnesota Statute 117.042.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Attorney is authorized to file the necessary
documents in court, and represent the County in this matter.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this ath day of May, 2012
Ditch #42
Rick West, Public Works Director, reported on an area in Ditch #42 between Sections 26 & 27 in Elizabeth
Township that has failed and needs repair. A Public Informational meeting will be scheduled to discuss the
situation further with affected property owners.
Contractor Approval List
Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist, and unanimously carried to approve the following highway
contractor list as recommended by the Public Works Director:
2012 Aaaregate Sunnlier & Loader Annreaate Sunnlier Onlv
Aaareqate Industries, Moorhead, MN Earl Strande Excavatina, Feraus Falls, MN
Barrv Construction, Inc., Feraus Falls, MN Perham Sand & Gravel, Perham, MN
Christensen Construction, Battle Lake, MN Stadum Plumbina & Gravel LLP, Erhard, MN
Enne Construction, Inc., Pelican Raoids, MN Wadena Asohalt, Inc. Wadena, MN
Leitch Excavation, Fergus Falls, MN
Mark & Brenda Construction, Feraus Falls, MN
Menahaa Concrete Products, Inc., Menahaa, MN
Olson Gravel, Inc., Trail, MN
Ottertail Aaareaate, Inc., Ottertail, MN
Ditch #5 Maintenance
Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson, and unanimously carried to authorize maintenance work (removal
of beaver dams and deadfall) in Ditch #5 located in Inman Township as requested by the Public Works
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has received a petition complaining about the
impassable condition of a road dedicated as "Lake Street" in the Otter Tail County plat of Midway Park, in
Otter Tail Township; and
WHEREAS, the road is located between State Hwy 78, near mile marker 31, and the shore of Otter Tail
Lake; and
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 8
WHEREAS, the petitioners contend the road serves as an important public access to Otter Tail Lake; and
WHEREAS, it is located adjacent to the south of property located at 28201 North Midway Park Drive,
Battle Lake, Minnesota 56515; and
WHEREAS, the petitioner's request the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners take such action as
may be required from time to time, including direction to the Otter Tail Township Board, to ensure that
"Lake Street" is:
1. Identified as a public road access and that its boundaries are identified for easy public
2. Protected from encroachment and obstruction.
3. Maintained in a pas.sable condition.
WHEREAS, having received the. written complaint pursuant to Minn. Stat. §163.16, the Board shall
designate a time and place to consider the complaint and hear and consider such testimony as may be
offered by the officers of Otter Tail Township, the complainants and the complainant's relative to the matter
set forth in the petition.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
convene at the Otter Tail County Sheriffs Operation Center in Ottertail, Minnesota on the eleventh day of
June, 2012 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. for a public hearing on the complaint as to the condition of "Lake Street" in
the plat of Midway Park; and
Upon the motion of Froemming, seconded by Lindquist, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
passes the foregoing resolution by the following vote:
Board of County Commissioners
Wayne D. Johnson
Roger Froemming
John Lindquist
Douglas A. Huebsch
Leland R. Rogness
Attest: /~ /~
Larry Kron, County Board Clerk
2012 Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collections
Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch, and unanimously carried to approve the following 2012
Household Hazardous Waste mobile collections: (all collections are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Location Date
Hennina. Countv Hwv Garaae Tuesdav, Mav 22, 2012
Rothsav, Citv Shoo Fridav, Mav 25 2012
Ottertail City Fire Hall Friday, June 1 2012
Battle Lake, County Hwy Garaae Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Veraas Fire Hall Friday, July 13, 2012
Perham Citv Garaae Wednesdav, July 25, 2012
Dalton Fire Hall Fridav, Auaust 10, 2012
Pelican Raoids Public Works Facility Wednesday, Auaust 15, 2012
Bluffton Community Center Tuesday, Auaust 28, 2012
New York Mills City Maintenance Buildina Friday, September 14, 2012
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Page 9
At 12:08 p.m., Chairman Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2012.
Attest: ~k~✓-~-;:J
Leland R. Rogness, Board o missioners Chair
OTC Board of Commissioners' Minutes
May 8, 2012
Attachment A, Page 1
Vendor Name
Bobs Su.ndnd Bulk >u,"ke
Cur's t.ah (01.unry Su~nnul:.u
cou.· Go\·emmEnt Int
C-0opiers Teclmology Group
Culligan Watu C.ond:itiomng
0-acotah Papu Ccmpa..':lr
Dal:ota Printers UC
FomlA Fetd
Fn..::eoe Forum lnc
fv ... -...¼~_-J.:£.\/
lnno\·ann Office So!utlons
JK Sport::
Lake Region Hultbca.re Corp
tarn· on toe Trud.: S-enict
Lu! Ri\"er Ag Su..-1ce
Und Famtly Funeral Sutice
Lon, \l" tekend Sponswt . .u
HC Ke:mJFR.A. ,1:
~IN State Audjtor
S,e!son Aut-0 Cnte,r
Otter Ekectnc UC
Overland '.\i~ch;mki.l S,m1ces
Palican Rapids Prus
Pl.tney Bowes
IDO EC l 1J7J.IDfl'
Si!nice Food Su~r \'ah..
Shult::.· Jerrv
SQ,..th ~1ill St:n.'ltt
F\\-' L4. CROSSE
Victor Lundttl'l Comp~y
Visual Go\· S-otutiom Lk
\'oss lighting
W*town Outpost
\fW 11 Consulting -Company
!i.9 32
785. 70
1 31:i.35
210 00
l. 798.4 l
470 00
24.866 07
3. 146.06
17. 70