HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Approved Minutes - 02/15/2022OTTER TAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN February 15, 2022 I 8:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Ta il County Board of Commissioners convened at 8 :31 a .m . Tuesday , February 15, 2022 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls , MN . Commiss ioners Kurt Mortenson , Dan Bucholz and Lee Rogness were present in the room ; Commissioners Betty Murphy; Chair and Wayne Johnson ; Vice Chair were present via WebEx and did not participate in the vote pursuant to MN Statute 13D, specifically related to notice requirements for appearing by interactive means. FEBRUARY 15, 2022, COUNTY BOARD CHAIR County Administrator Nicole Hansen opened the meeting and requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Chair for the February 15, 2022 due to th e Chair and Vice Chair auditing remotely. A nom ination for Commissioner Lee Rogness was offered by Mortenson and seconded by Bucholz and was unanimously carried . APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Rogness assumed the Chair's seat and called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of February 15 , 2022 , with the following additions : Spitzer Lake Economic Growth & Com m unity Investment Committee : Ditch 17 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows : 1. January 25 , 2022 , Board of Co m m issioners ' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for January 31 , 2022 , as Approved for Payment by the County Auditor- Treasurer (Exhibit A) 3 . Human Services & Public Heal th Warrants/Bills for February 8 , 2022 , as Approved for Payment by the County Audito r-T reasurer (Exhibit A) 4 . Warrants/Bills for February 15 , 2 022 (Exhibit A) 5 . Approval of the Issuance of a County Credit Card , with a 30-Day Limit of $2 ,500 to Evidence Technician Susan Lynn Dealing . 6 . Approval of the Issuance of a 2 022 Tobacco License to Beth Dorn dba the Dalton Corner Store located at 101 W Main in Dalton , MN . Page 1 of 12 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15, 2022 ABANDONED CEMETERY INTERST Attorney Lindsey Forsgren with Krekelberg Law Firm informed the Board of an interest in an abandoned cemetery in Pelican Rapids by a party that is willing to establish a Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) Association if the Board is open to considering Otter Tail County to assume ownership of the cemetery for one (1) year then transfer to their Non-Profit Association as allowed by statute with no financial liability to the county . The Board expressed support for the request , and Ms. Forsgren plans to return to the Board for approval once the Non- Profit Association has been established and a written agreement has been formalized . PHELPS MILL CHANGE ORDERS Parks and Trails Director Kevin Fellbaum provided a brief background to the Board regarding the Phelps Mill Restoration Project and shared that the foundation is worse than initially thought and will require additional concrete work to preserve the Mill. He provided an overview of funding and expenses thus far and reported that the project will remain within budget with the requested change orders . Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the change order as presented by the Parks and Trails Director regarding concrete work in the amount of $64 ,500 .00 . Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the change order as presented by the Parks and Trails Director regarding a tuckpointing scope reduction in the amount of $8 ,000 .00 . RESOLUTION SUPPORTING REGIONAL PARK OR TRAIL DESIGNATION APPLICATION IN GREATER MINNESOTA OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022-12 Park or Trail Name : Echo Bay Park Location : Dunn Township in Otter Tail County Date of Resolution: February 15 , 2022 BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County, as lead applicant, has the authority to act as legal public sponsor for the application described in the Request for Designation as a Regional Park or Trail in Greater Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as lead applicant we are fully aware of the information provided in the application and associated responsibilities, including long-term commitments as defined in the application and related master plan and supporting information as submitted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, should Echo Bay Park receive formal designation as a regional park or trail in Greater Minnesota by the Commission , that as the lead applicant we have the legal authority to enter into formal designation and funding agreements with the Commission for the referenced park or trail. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Otter Tail County will comply with all applicable laws and regulations associated with regional designation and any future grant funding for their respective portions of any project. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the listed lead applicant and joint applicant(s)/partner(s) Board or Council. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mortenson , duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Page 2 of 12 OTTERTAIL COUNTY -M INNESOTA Board of Commiss ione rs' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 Adopted at Fergus Falls , Minnesota , this 15th da y of February 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS IO NERS Dated : March 1, 2022 &,·~ Attest ____________ _ issioners Ch air Nicole Hansen , Cle rk 2022 DITCH ASSESSMENTS Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the 2022 ditch assessments as presented by the Parks and Trails Director. CULVERT REPLACEMENT-COUNTY DITCH NO. 17 Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the County Highway Department to work within the corridor of Ditch No . 17 to replace a culvert. The culvert will be replaced with the exact size and eleva t ion and is planned to be completed in the summer of 2022. HOMESTEAD TOWNSHIP REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST -COUNTY DITCH NO. 17 Parks and Trails Director Kevin Fellbaum share d a letter with the Board from Homestead Township requesting reimbursement for repairs that were done to Ditc h No 17 in 2001 . Current and past practice is if there is no redetermination of benefits completed , expenses are assumed by whomever is conducting the work unless noted otherwise . The minutes from 2001 autho riz ed Homestead Township to work in Ditch No . 17 , however, did not imply financial responsibility and a re determination of benefits was not conducted. The Board expressed support for the decision to deny the re quest for reimbursement , and Mr. Fellbaum plans to respond to Homestead Township . COUNTY DITCH NO. 17 -TABLED ITEMS Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and u nanimously carried to table the redetermination appeal and repair requests for County Ditch No . 17 to March 1, 2022 , at 9 :30 a.m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls . RECESS & RECONVENE At 9:11 a .m ., Chair Murphy declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9 :15 a.m. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and u nanimously carried to approve the purchase agreement and amendment for the property located at 914 Channing Ave , Fergus Falls , MN , and authorize payment at the time of closing. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) SNOWMOBILE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT GRANT Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the Sheriff's Office to accept the Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Grant in t he amount of $15 ,358 .00 from the DNR. Page 3 of 12 OTTERTAIL CO U NT Y -M INNESOTA Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 DONATION ACCEPTANCE Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize the Sheriffs Office to accept a donation of two (2) Arctic Anchors that will be beneficial to the Ice Rescue and Dive Team . SPITZER LAKE Commissioner Rogness shared that he and Commissioner Mortenson were present during an informational meeting given by Moore Engineering regarding the high -water issue on Spitzer Lake . A feasibility study was conducted , and research showed that the lake has been rising steadily since 1938. Due to substantial costs to remedy the high water, a bonding bill is critical to move forward with any project and is likely to be brought forward by Representative Mary Franson . 2040 TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the proposal for the 2022 Otter Tail County transportation plan update with Transportation Collaborative and consultants (TC2) in the amount of $79,714 .50 . The purpose of the plan is to refresh existing conditions documentation , identify current opportunity areas , and outline potential improvements to all modes of the transportation system . · 2022 SEASONAL SUPPLIES-HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to award the following 2022 seasonal supplies as recommended by the County Engineer: Culverts TrueNorth Steel Fargo , ND Joma Cutting Edges Kris Engineering , Inc . St. Augusta , MN Steel Cutting Edges Kris Engineering , Inc. St. Augusta, MN State Bid -Contract #148430 October 5, 2018 -May 31 , 2022 State Bid -Contract #170762 January 3, 2020-December 31, 2022 Amount $40 ,443.86 BID AWARD -S.A.P. 056-641-011 4031-041 REMOVE BRIDGE 56527, CONSTRUCT BRIDGE 56548 Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to award Project No. SAP. 056-641-011 4031-041 to Korby Contracting Co ., Inc., Fergus Falls , MN , in the amount of $988 ,587 .18 as recommended by the County Engineer. RESOLUTION FOR AGREEMENT TO STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND LOCAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS S.A.P. 056-641-011 OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -13 Motion by Bucholz , seconded by Mortenson and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS , Otter Tail County has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for construction of Bridge No . 56548 ; and WHEREAS , the Commissioner of Transportation has given notice that funding for this project is available ; and Page 4 of 12 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 WHEREAS , the amount of the grant has be e n dete rmi ned to be $337 ,909.43 by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW THEREFORE , be it resolved that Otter Tail County does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the grant consistent with Minnesota Statutes , section 174 .50 , and wi ll pay any additional amount by which the cost exceeds the estimate and will return to the Mi nnesota State Transportation Fund any amount appropriated for the project but not required . The proper co un ty officers are authorized to execute a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the Commissione r of Transportation concerning the above-referenced grant. Adopted at Fergus Falls , Minnesota , this 15th day of February 2022. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS IONERS Dated : March 1, 2022 By : ________________ _ ~·~ Attest ____________ _ Betty Nicole Hansen , Cle rk RESOLUTION FOR AGREEMENT TO STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND LOCAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS S.A.P. 056-635-036 OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -14 Motion by Mortenson seconded by Bucholz an d unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution : WHEREAS , Otter Tail County has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Mi nnesota State Transportation Fund for constru ction of Bridge No . 56546 ; and WHEREAS , the Commissioner of Transportatio n has given notice that funding for this project is available ; and WHEREAS , the amount of the grant has bee n determ ined to be $524 ,127 .53 by reason of the lowest responsible bid . NOW THEREFORE , be it resolved that Otter Ta il County does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the grant consistent with Minnesota Statutes , se ction 17 4 .50 , and will pay any additional amount by which the cost exceeds the estimate and w ill return to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund any amount appropriated for the pro ject but not required . The proper co unty officers are authorized to execute a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the Commission er of Transportation concerning the above-referenced gran t. Adopted at Fergus Falls , Minnesota , this 15th day of February 2022. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS IONERS Dated : March 1, 2022 Cl.~ Attest ___ \,]() _________ _ Nicole Hansen , Clerk CONTRACTS AND BONDS -S.A.P. 056-635-036 BR, 4028-035 Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and u nanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Robert R. Schroeder Construction , Inc. for Project No. S.A.P. 056 -635-036 BR , 4028-035 . Page 5 of 12 OTTERTAIL COU NTY -M INNESOTA Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the Miscellaneous Professional Services Agreement between Otter Tail County and KLJ Engineering , LLC to perform engineering task assignments for the CSAH 35 , CSAH 41 bridges and other county projects upon request from the County Engineer or Highway Department staff. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY LOCATION COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 35 OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -15 Motion by Mortenson , seconded by Bucholz and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution : WHEREAS , it appears to the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail that the highway right of way required for County State Aid Highway 35 from the North Corporate Limits of Underwood to CSAH 18 under County Project No. S.A.P . 056-635-038 should be accurately described and located by a highway right of way plat. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , by the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail that the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Otter Tail is hereby designating the definite location of County State Aid Highway No . 35 , in Sections 20 , 28 , 29 and 32, Township 133 North , Range 41 West, all in the 5th Principal Meridian as shown in Otter Tail County Highway Right of Way Plat No . 33 Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 15th day of February 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BO RD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : March 1, 2022 S<,·~ Attest ____________ _ Nicole Hansen , Clerk AGREEMENT FOR UTILITY EXTENSION TO OTTER TAIL COUNTY TRUCK GARAGE Motion by Mortenson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the Agree_ment between Otter Tail County and the City of Pelican Rapids for Utility Extensions to the Otter Tail County Truck Garage . RECESS & RECONVENE At 9:56 a .m., Chair Murphy declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10 :01 a .m . PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing regarding Property Tax Abatements related to the Single-and Two- Family Property Tax Rebate Program . Community Development Director Amy Baldwin presented 13 parcels throughout Otter Tail County that have applied and qualified for the abatement. At 10 :03 a .m., Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing for comments from the public and no comments were received. The Public Hearing was closed at 10 :04 a.m . and the following resolution was offered: Page 6 of 12 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Mi nutes February 15 , 2022 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -16 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Otter Tail County , Minnesota (the "County"), as follows : 1 . Recitals . (a l The County proposes to approve tax ab atements in connection with the construct ion of single family homes (the "Projects"), The County pro poses to use the tax abatements for the Projects provided for in Minnesota Statutes , Sections 469 .18 12 through 469 .1815 (the "Abatement Law "), from the property taxes to be levied by the Coun ty on Pa rce l Identification Numbers 53000990886000 , 71004990949000 , 71004990951000 , 71004990943000 , 71004990944000 , 71004990940000 , 7 1004990939000 , 71004990949000 , 38000170117003 , 20000120073004 , 63000990456000 , 36000030022900 , 20000120073003 (co ll ectively , the "Tax Abatement Properties"). (bl The County proposes to approve tax ab atements on a portion of the County's share of property taxes on the Tax Abatement Properties in the amount of $10 ,000 for a term of up to five (5 ) years to finance a port ion of the costs of the Project. (cl The tax abatement is authorized under th e Abatement Law . 2. Findings for the Tax Abatement. The Board hereby makes the following findings : (al The tax abatement is the County's share of real estate taxes which relate to the Projects being constructed on the Tax Abatement Prop e rt ies and not the real estate taxes that relate to the value of the land (the "Abatement"). (bl The Board expects the benefits to the County of the Abatement to be at least equal or exceed the costs to the County thereof. (cl Granting the Abatement is in the public in terest because it will increase the tax base in County . (dl The Tax Abatement Properties are not located in a tax increment financing district. (el In any year, the total amount of property taxes abated by the County by this and other resolutions and agreements , does not exceed the greater of ten percent (10%) of the net tax capacity of the County for the taxes payable year to which the abatement applies or $200 ,000 , whichever is greater. The County may grant othe r abatements pe rmitted under the Abat ement Law after the date of this resolution , provided that to the extent t he total abatements in any year exceed the Abatement Limit the allocation of the Abatement limit to su ch other abatements is subordinate to the Abatement granted by this resolution . 3 . Terms of Abatement. The Abatement is here by approved . The terms of the Abatement are as follows : (al The Abatement shall be for up to five (5 ) years anticipated to commence for taxes payable 2024 and shall not exceed $10 ,000 . The County re serves the right to modify the commencement date , but the abatement period shall not exceed five (5) years . (bl The County shall provide the Abatemen t as specified in this resolution . Page 7 of 12 OTTERTAIL COUNTY -MINN ESOTA Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 (c l The Abatement shall be subject to all the terms and limitations of the Abatement Law . 4 . Tax Abatement Agreements . The Board hereby approves the Tax Abatement Agreements for payment of the Abatement in substantially the form submitted and the Chair and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Tax Abatement Agreements on behalf of the County . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mortenson , duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 15 th day of February 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : March(l 2022 v(I'~ Attest ____________ _ Nicole Hansen , Clerk COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CDA) SERVICES AGREEMENT Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and the CDA of Otter Tail County to perform services on behalf of the County . REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing regarding a tax abatement request for Blue Spruce Properties , LLC , on March 1, 2022 , at 10:00 a .m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls , MN . LAKE REGION ELECTRIC ENERGY FORUM The Board of Commissioners has been invited to attend the Lake Region Electric Energy Forum on February 18 , 2022 , at 2 :00 p .m . at the Lake Region Electric Cooperative headquarters located in Pelican Rapids. Commissioner Johnson plans to provide a brief report at the March 1, 2022 , Board of Commissioners meeting. RECESS & RECONVENE At 10 :23 a .m ., Chair Murphy declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:32 a.m . OTTER TAIL WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT CONTRACT WITHDRAWL Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to withdraw from the outstanding SSTS Loan Participation Agreement between Otter Ta il County and the Otter Tail Water Management District. 2022 LAND & RESOURCE PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the 2022 Land and Resource permit fee schedule as presented by the Land and Resource Director effective March 1, 2022 . BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENT Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to appoint Rick West to the Board of Adjustment, serving the remainder of Doug Larson 's term which expires December 31 , 2024 . Page 8 of 12 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 LAND & RESOURCE 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Land and Resource Director Chris LeClair provided a report to the Board regarding various activities that took place in 2021 includ ing the following : Planning Commission , Board of Adjustment, shoreland perm its , septic system permits, SSTS loans & grants, and AIS . He reviewed statistics of each category and plans to present this report to the Board each year. COUNTY PAYROLL SOFTWARE Assistant Finance Director Kris Vipond and Acco unting Supervisor Dawn Godel briefed the Board regarding the current payroll software system for the coun ty and reviewed the steps taken to identify a new and updated software system. Tyler Technologies is currentl y being used in other counties and is the same software that will be used for the future county tax system. Motion by Mortenson , second t;>y Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Tyler Technologies , Inc. for payroll software services . The new system is planned for implementation in summer of 2023 . REPURCHASE OF PROPERTY County Auditor-Treasurer Wayne Stein provided a brief background regarding a property in Ma ine Township that was requested for repurchase in 2019 by Patricia Bartelson . A resolution was approved on March 17, 2020 , with a condition that the repurchase amou nt be paid on or before March 31 , 2020 , however the deadline was missed due to several COVID-19 related is sues . An amended resolution was approved on October 26 , 2021 , with a condition that the repurchase amount be paid on or before November 30 , 2021 , however, the cashier's check received was dated January 28 , 2022 , for the full amount of the repurchase price. Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson an d unanimously carried to accept the cashier's check dated January 28 ,2022 for the full repurchase amou nt and authorize the County Auditor-Treasurer to proceed with the repurchase paperwork. OTTER TAIL WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to reappoint David Erwin to a four-year term as a member of the Otter Tail Water Management District Board and appoint Stacy Cannady to complete the term of Dennis Jones , which expires December 2023 . 2022 APPLICATION FOR HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT (HAVA) GRANTS PROGRAM TO MINNESOTA COUNTIES OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -17 WHEREAS , The Office of the Minnesota Secre tary of State {OSS) is currently soliciting applications from counties for grants under the 2022 Help Ameri ca Vote Act (HAVA Grants Program; and WHEREAS , During its 2021 1st Special Session , the Minnesota Legislature , via Chapter 12 , Article 1 , Sec. 41 , directed the distribution of $3 million from fe deral Help America Vote Act {HAVA) appropriations as grants to political subdivisions. Per statute , these fund s must be used to improve accessibility to , implement security improvements for elections systems for , and /o r fund othe r activities to improve the security of, federal elections . Regularly scheduled state elections in Minnesota are also federal elections ; and WHERAS , Each county shall in itially be eligibl e for the follow ing maximum HAVA grant distribution amount: $20 ,000 flat-rate pe r county plus $.287 per V oti ng Age Population (47 ,036) as captured by the 2020 U .S. Census for a total grant of $33 ,499 .33 ; and Page 9 of 12 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 WHERAS , Undistributed funds (funds not requested by counties, or funds allocated to counties for which prerequisites are not completed), as well as unspent and returned funds from counties will be subject to follow- on redistribution per a to-be-determined "2nd round" formula. WHERAS , The HAVA Grants Program does not require counties to match any amount offunding to be eligible to receive a grant award amount; and WHERAS , HAVA Grants Program funds may be used by counties for any improvements or enhancements to accessibility or security of elections. Office of the Secretary of State interprets the statutory language to extend to wider IT / network/ and physical security and accessibility improvements and enhancements to county environments (virtual and physical), so long as elections functions are covered within . While Office of the Secretary of State may be consulted on potential uses under consideration , counties are expected and encouraged to make autonomous decisions on applicability based on statutory language and be prepared to defend and justify those decisions if audited. Of note , HAVA Grants Program funding may be applied to meet county matching requirements under the Voting Equipment Grants Authorization {VEGA) Program . NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the grant application in the form presented to this board and to be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board directs application for any unused HAVA grant funds to be determined at a later date on the purposes for which the grant is received . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the chief elections officer of the County and staff are directed to submit this approved grant application at the earliest opportunity . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when the grant agreement is provided to the chief elections officer of the county , Wayne Stein the team leader form the Finance , Property and License Management Team , that person is delegated the authority to execute that agreement and return it to the Office of the Secretary of State without further approval by this Board . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mortenson , duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , Minnesota this 15th day of February 2022. COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: March rf0.22 v(I·~ By : _ ___:_,,=~~....µc..~l.!......::.----'--------Attest: --------------Be missioners Chair Nico I e Hansen , Clerk APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the follow ing payments under the provisions of Minnesota Statute 609.35 : > Perham Health in the amount of $869 .22 > lnnovis Health or Essentia Health in the amount of $1 ,899 .00 REDISTRICTING DISCUSSION County Auditor-Treasurer Wayne Stein provided a brief update to the Board regarding redistricting and suggested that the Board set a Public Hearing date to allow for adequate notice . Page 10 of 12 Board of Commissioners ' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing regarding redistricting on April 26, 2022, at 10 :00 a.m. at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . HIGHWAY ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve a 1.0 full-time equivalent Accounting Specialist position in the Highway Department. This position was identified as need to replace an Administrative Assistant position due to an upcoming retirement in February and was included in the budget. PROBATION SALARY SCHEDULE Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to transfer the Probation Agent and Probation Director positions from the state MAPE salary schedule to the current salary schedule for Otter Tail County effective January 1, 2022. These positions have been evaluated by Gallagher and are included in the current structure as well as the 2022 budget. CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC At 11 :57 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the Board of Commissioners meeting closed to the public to discuss labor negotiations. The closed session is authorized under M.S . 13D.03. Present in the room were Commissioners Lee Rogness , Kurt Mortenson , Dan Bucholz , County Attorney Michelle Eldien, County Administrator Nicole Hansen, County Board Secretary Tara Bakken , Human Resources Professional Stephanie Retzlaff and Attorney Josh Heggem with Pemberton Law Firm. Commissioners Betty Murphy and Wayne Johnson were present via WebEx. The closed session was concluded at 12:19 p.m . 2022 -2024 LABOR AGREEMENTS Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the 2022 -2024 labor agreements for the following bargaining units: > Facilities Human Services Professionals > Public Health Nurses > Human Services and Public Health Support Specialists MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) -HUMAN SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the MOU for the Human Services Professionals regarding compensation for on-call employees to review reporting systems on weekends and holidays. .. . •' , MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU)-DISPATCHER/CORRECTION OFFICERS Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the MOU for the Dispatcher/Correction Officers Labor Unit regarding the 2022 salary structure implementation effective January 1, 2022 . COVID-19 UPDATE Public Health Director Jody Lien and Assistant Public Health Director Kristi Wentworth shared a brief update to the Board regarding COVID-19 and provided an overview of Public Health vaccination and testing efforts over the last year. They reviewed vaccine and testing data and updated guidance regarding isolation and quarantine , masking , vaccination , and treatment options . Ms . Lien shared results from an impact survey from summer of 2021 and identified effort strategies and priorities as they move forward to address the needs of the community. Page 11 of 12 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 ADJOURNMENT At 1 :00 p.m ., Cha ir Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned . The next regular Boa rd meeting is scheduled at 8 :30 a .m . on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via live stream . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : March ~2~22 :\](I•~ Attest ____________ _ Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen , Clerk Page 12 of 12 Page 1 of 7 Vendor Name 106 GROUP L TDfTHE 29TH& LAW PC 3RQ DJST~ICT SHERI FPS ASSOCIATION APVANCED DOCKS & LIFTS ALEX RUBBISH & RECYCLING INC ALVERO LLC AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSI ESS AMERICAN WELDI NG & GAS INC ANOKA CO TREASURY OFFICE APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ASSOCIATIO OF M COUNT IES ATLANTIC TACT ICAL INC AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS AUTO VALUE PERHAM AXON ENTERPRISE INC B&D FOODS BATTERIES PLUS BULBS BDOUSA LLP BECKER CO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES BECKLUND OIL INC BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC BEYER BODY SHOP INC BLUFFTON OIL CO BRANDO COMMUNICATIONS IN C BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATI ON BRAUN VENDING INC BRIAN'S REPAIR INC BROGARD PLUMB ING HTG & EXC INC BUSHMAN/JOHN BUY ~MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARD INAL CO SUL TING SOLUTIONS CAROLINA SOFTWARE INC CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMARKET CARR'S TREE SERVICE I C CER TIFIED AUTO REPA IR CLEAN SWEEP COMMERC IAL SERVI CES CODE 4 SERVICES I C COLLINS LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPI NG 11, CONCEPT CATERING COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC Board of C ommissio ners' Meeting Minutes Feb rua ry 15,2021 (E xhibit A) Amount 1,09200 3,285.00 50 .00 241 .34 599.73 2,375 .00 8,127 .34 1,469.42 445 .11 17,500.00 19,103 .10 149 .36 3,030 .00 102.93 9 11.77 141 .53 1,531 .00 2,000.00 288 .92 1,890 .00 1,178 .40 2,776 .24 20 .00 950 .00 2,034.67 98.77 55 .00 16.00 824 .06 378 .55 27 .90 1,0 18.09 4 ,585 .29 2,350.00 241 .83 597 .00 1,226.15 1,708 .00 5,601 .06 375 .00 205.00 3,947 .70 Page 2 of 7 Vendor Name CREATIVE FORMS & CONCEPTS I NC CULLIGAN OF DETROIT LAKES CULLIGAN OF ELBOW LAKE CULLIGAN OF WADENA D & T VENTURES LLC DACOTAH PAPER CO DAKOTA WHOLESALE TIRE I C DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR DEANS DISTRIBUTING DENZEL'S REG l:ON WASTE INC OHS DCT ARC 476 DICK'S STANDARD DONOHO/MICHAEL DOUBLE A CATERING DOUGLAS CO JAIL DUININCK CO CRETE LLC EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES EGGE CO STRUCTION I C EHLERS & ASSOCIATES I C EIFERT/DANA ELITE INSULATION INC ENVIROTECH SERVICES INC ESTEP -LARSO /SARAH EVERTS LUM BER CO EXTRA PACKAGING LLC FARGO GLASS & PAI T CO INC FARMERS CO-OP OIL FERG US FALLS DAI I...Y JOURNAL FERG US FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC FIDLAR TECHNOLOG IES I C FLODE BRENT FORCE AMERICA DISTRIBUTI G LLC FRANZ REPROGRAP HICS I C FRONTIER PRECISION I C G & R CONTROLS NC GALLS LLC GODFATHER'SEXTERMI ATNGI C GOVERNME T FORMS & SUPPLIES GRAINGER I NC HAIBY/DUANE & CAROL Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 248.11 42.40 27.00 37 .75 700.00 388.88 2 ,382.56 1,26 1.30 6,671.70 296.01 977 .50 255.00 136.80 35.00 1,140.00 6,934.67 45.00 2,160.00 3,800.00 60.00 2,300.00 7,36225 38.08 150.82 1,196.81 1,635 .00 2 ,391 .30 3,312.93 31 .00 1,630 .00 77.00 6,711 .76 36 .00 1,555.48 26.25 201 .36 795.20 4,446.27 127.75 135.48 7,521 .01 7,150.00 Page 3 of 7 Vendor Name HARMON IOUS ARCHITECTURE LLC HAW ES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE HENNE PIN CO SHERI FF HERMAN/CRYSTAL HO EYWELL INTERNATI ONAL INC HOTSY MINN ESOTA HO USTO ENGINEERING INC I DIGff AL INC I NOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LL C I TERNA TIONAL ECON DEVELOPMENT C INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS INC J.P. COOKE CO JAKE'S JOHNS LLC JK SPORTS INC JOHNSON FEED INC JOHNSON/ASHLEY M JOHNSON/MARK T JO ES LAW OFFIC E JORGENSO /M ICHELLE KIMBALL MIDW EST LAKE & HOME MAGAZINE I.AKE REGION BUI LDERS ASSOC IATION LAKE REGION ELECTR IC COOP (HWY DE LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKELAND MENTAL HEAL TH CENTER LAKES AREA COOPERATIV E I.AKES COFFEE LLC LAKES COUNTRY HEATI NG & AIR COND ll LAKES COUNTRY SERVI CE COOP LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTF ITTERS I.ANGE/MICHAEL LARRY OTT INC TR UCK SERVI CE LARSON/DOUG LAWSON PRODUCTS I C LEE/THOMAS LEIGHTON BROADCASTING -FERGUS FA LI NDE GAS & EQUIPMEN T INC LITTLE FALLS MACHINE I . C LOCATORS & SUPP LI ES INC M-R SIGN CO INC MARCO I CST LOUIS Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15, 2022 (Exhibit A) Amo unt 2 ,000.00 100.00 130.20 320.00 15.2 1 2 ,301 .38 7 1.55 65,227.50 5,523.38 310.17 252.50 85 .02 80.15 400.00 61 1.00 22,009.96 882.96 230.3 1 430.00 5 1.00 1,350.32 799.00 525.00 15,789.07 1,587.00 70.00 2 ,030.98 808.30 5,542.15 586.00 100.90 450.00 3 ,600.00 90.00 1,071 .8 1 227.97 105.00 496.70 4 ,157.23 155.40 3,185.68 816.24 Page 4 of 7 Vendor Name MARCO TECH OLOGIES llC MARIPOSA PUBLISHING MARTHALERfTERENCE MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY I C MAVERICK DRONE SYSTEMS MCM MCCONN/CHRISTOPHER MCHRMA-AMC MCIT MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC MEND CORRECTIO Al CARE MERCANTI LE O MAIN MIDWEST BUS PARTS INC MIDWEST MACHINERY CO Ml NEAPOllS FORE SIC PYSCH SVCS L MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNKOTA E VI RO SERVICES INC MN CO ENGINEERS ASSOC MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES MN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES -0 MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MN INTER-COUNTY ASSOCIATION MN STATE AUDITOR MN STATE LAW LIBRARY MNCCC LOCK BOX MOORE ENGINEERING I C NAPA CENTRAL NELSON AUTO CENTER INC NETWORK SERVl:CES COMPANY NEVNILLE/DARREN NORTHERN SAFElY TECH OLOGY I C NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC NORTHLAND FIRE PROTECTION NORTHWEST TIRE INC O'DAY EQ UIPMENT , LLC OLSON Oil CO INC OLSON TIRE & OIL OLSON/JAMES OTTER ELECTR C LLC OTTER TAIL LAKES COU TRY ASSOC IAT OTTER TAIL POWER CO MPANY OTTERTAIL TRUCKI NG I C Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15, 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 2 ,357.88 82.26 128.61 238.10 403.22 7 ,15 1.00 315.82 75 .00 2 ,865.00 1,09921 12,033.50 2 ,000.00 124.30 91 .72 1,500.00 97.00 188.00 900.00 458.57 3,000.00 75.00 150.00 11 ,714.00 300.00 1,321 .58 7 ,976.25 616.36 36,699.64 1,204.83 267.75 313.20 1,395.66 750.00 813.81 630.37 1,238.97 2 ,126.41 75.00 10,429.69 2 ,000 .00 177.71 38,641 .01 Pag e 5 of 7 Vendor Name OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LA DSCAPE & OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF FERGUS FAL LS PALER/WALTER PALMER/GEORGE PARK & TRAILS COUNC IL OF MN-CENTW PARK REGION CO OP PEMBERTON LAW PLLP PEOPLEFACTS LLC PERHAM STEEL & WELDING PETE'S AUTOBODY LLC PETERSON/PAUL PHOENIX SUPPLY PIEPER/JORDAN PIONEER RIM & WHEEL CO POLK CO HIGHWAY DEPT POLMAN TOW I NG SERVICE POWERPHONE INC POWERPLAN OIB PRAIRI E LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PRECISE MRM LLC PREMI ER ELECTR C INC PREM IUM WATERS INC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PRO AG FARMERS COOPERATIVE PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES I C PRODUCTNE ALTERNATIVES INC PROFESSIO AL PORTAB LE X~RAY I C PSICK CAPITO L SOLUT IONS I C RASMUSSON/KEN RAU TRUSTEE/FERN E RAY'S OIL COMPANY RDO EQUIPMENT CO RINGDAHL AMBULANCE INC RINKE NOO AN LAW FIRM RUFFRIDGE-JOHNSON EQ UIP CO INC RUPPANDERSO SQUIRES & WALDSPUJ SC HAKE/SARAH SEACHANGE PRINT INNOVATIO S SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS INC SIMENGAARD/PAUL SRF CONSUL TING GRO UP I C Boa rd of C ommissio ners' Meetin g Minutes Februa ry 15, 202 2 (Exhi b it A) Amoun t 13,022.50 262_50 282_24 694 .22 1,000.00 1,123.10 5 ,569.50 14 .09 152-30 900.00 48.3 1 497.13 163.44 384.91 3,000.00 3 50.00 387.00 1,1 17 .37 292.50 2,418.53 1 13.54 21 .84 200.64 1,034.30 304.20 20,045.36 300.00 3,000.00 75.26 2,410.15 624.00 1,6 15.67 400.00 1,230.00 3,826.89 307.50 5 ,200.00 1,267.()6 94.20 950.00 35.45 4 ,502.60 Page 6 of 7 Vendor Name STAPLES BUS INESS CREDIT STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STREICHERS SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC INC SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE LLC TAG UP THIS WEEKS SHOPP ! G NEWS THOMSON REUTERS -WEST THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY TNT REPAIR INC TOWMASTER TRANE U.S. INC TSC HIDA/CRAIG TYLER TECH OLOGIES INC US BANK EQUIPMENT Fl ANCE VAUGH AUTO & MARI NE CO VERGAS HARDWARE VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING GARAGE DOOR COMPANY I C WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WASTE MANAGEMENT WATCHGUARD VIDEO WAY E'S TOOL WAGON WELLING/BREAN A WEST CENTRAL JiAIL AD INISTRATOR'S, WILSON/WARREN R WINDELSILORI WSB & ASSOCIATES INC ZER09 HOLSTERS ZIEGLER INC Final Total : Vendor Name COMPASS MINERALS AMER I CA I C SECRETARY OF STATE Final Total: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15, 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 381-27 1,961 .70 136.26 460.83 834.00 9 ,159.60 53.10 277.20 5,736.82 1,754.67 26.82 117.35 1,277.50 87 .75 1,745.00 1,483.26 168.75 44 .30 1,365.69 614.93 817.41 13,948.63 152.00 14 .00 21 .25 110.00 226.80 23.98 49,358.53 360.05 3,101.53 645,408.64 Amount 114,179.45 120.00 114,299.45 Ve ndo r ame AMAZON CAPITAL S E RVICES I C Cl.A Y CO HEAL OS VICES I C T EAS V ·, COMPAN Y ITIATIVE Final! Tobll: Page 7 of 7 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 15 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amo unt 286 .19 598.83 22 1.76 28.00 1 , .00 16,732.53 £, OTTER TAIL ~, COUNTY · M INN ESOTA