HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Approved Minutes - 01/25/2022OTTER TAIL COUNTY-MINNESOTA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN January 25, 2022 I 8:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8 :30 a .m . Tuesday , January 25 , 2022, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls , MN . Commissioners Betty Murphy , Chair; Wayne Johnson , Vice Chair; Kurt Mortenson , Dan Bucholz and Lee Rogness were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Murphy called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of January 25 , 2022 , with the following additions : LMHC Appointment Administration/Operations Committee : Redistricting Planning Upcoming : January 25 , 2022 I 6 :00 p .m. I P ip eline Information Meeting, Americlnn , Fergus Falls , MN APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Mortenson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows : 1. January 11 , 2022 , Board of Comm issioners ' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) 4. Approval of the Issuance of County Credit Card , with a 30-Day Limit of $1 ,000 to Keith James Friedsam , Deputy Sheriff as requested by Barry Fitzgibbons , County Sheriff. 5 . Approval of the Issuance of a Six Month Seasonal On-Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor License to Hillside Beach Hold i ng Inc . dba Elks Point Bar and Grill for the period of May 1, 2022 , through October 31, 2022. 6 . Request for Approval of Final Payment to Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN for SAP 056-654-006 & Etc. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Motion by Johnson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize the Assistant Finance Director to travel to Austin , TX June 5th -8th , 2022 to attend the 2022 Government Finance Officers Association Annual Conference . The Assistant Finance Director re ceived a scholarship in the amount of $475.00 to cover educational sessions and two (2) meals and the remaining expenses will be paid by the Auditor's budget. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF TELECOMMUTING OPPORTUNITIES AND TELECOMMUTER FORWARD! CERTIFICATION OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -10 WHEREAS , Otter Tail County supports and commits to promote the availability of telecommuting options ; and Page 1 of 5 ~ <?o!J~~N!~~~ Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 WHEREAS , Otter Tail County hereby appoints the Otter Tail County Community Development Agency as the single point of contact for coordinating telecommuting opportunities within Otter Tail County including the following responsibilities : Coordination and partnership with broadband providers , realtors, economic development professionals , employers , employees , and other telecommuting stakeholders . Collaboration with broadband providers and employers to identify, develop , and market telecommuter- capable broadband packages. Communication and partnership with broadband providers and economic development professionals to develop common goals . Promotion of telecommuter-friendly workspaces , such as business incubators with telecommuting spaces , if such a workspace has been established in the political subdivision at the time the political subdivision adopts the resolution. Familiarity with broadband mapping tools and other state-level resources . Maintaining regular communication with the state broadband office . Making regular reports to the Community Development Agency Board of Directors . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to support telecommuting opportunities for the County in its application for Telecommuter Forward! Community certification . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Rogness , duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unanimously . Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 25th day of January 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : February 15 , 2022 Attest i I . t',a/,u )/-t<.,-y.µ..-, Nicole Hansen , Clerk SINGLE FAMILY TAX REBATE PROGRAM PUBLIC HEARINGS Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the proposed 2022 Public Hearing dates related to applications for tax abatements through the Single-Family Tax Rebate Program. Official notice of the public hearing date , time and location will be published near the established date . LAKELAND MENTAL HEAL TH CENTER (LMHC) BOARD APPOINTMENT Motion by Rogness, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to re-appoint Commissioner Betty Murphy to the LMHC Board , serving a three (3) year term effective February 28, 2022. REQUEST FOR PENAL TY FORGIVENESS Motion by Johnson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to deny the request of Michelle Shaw dba The Back Porch for the forgiveness of accrued penalty and interest in the amount of $303 .86 as it does not meet the requirements of the Otter Tail County Policy regarding penalty forgiveness. Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners ' Meeting M inutes January 25 , 2022 CLEAN WATER PARTNERSHIP LOAN PROGRAM ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATIONS Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried , with Johnson abstaining , to certify the Clean Water Partnersh ip Loan Program As sessments as presented by the County Aud itor-Treasurer beginning with payable year 2022 for a period not to exceed ten (10) yea rs . OFFICE CLOSURE -LAND & RESOURCE Motion by Johnson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize the closu re of the Land & Resource Department on Friday , February 18 , 2 022 , for an offsite retreat at Thumper Pond in Ottertail , MN . ORGANICS PROCESSING AGREEMENT Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the Organics Processin g Agreement between Otter Tail County and Pope/Douglas Count ies for the delivery of organic compostabl e waste to the Glacial Ridge Compost Facility in Hoffman , MN . OTTER TAIL LAKES COUNTRY ASSOCIATION (OTCLA) SERVICE AGREEMENT Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and u nanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' s ignatures to execute the Service Agreement between Otter Tail County and OTCLA for the marketing and promoting of Otter Tail County as a premiere dest ination to vacation/visit, live and work. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATIONS -BATTLE LAKE & PELICAN RAPIDS GARAGES Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson an d unanimously carried to approve the proposals submitted by Braun lntertec Corporation to complete a geotechnical evaluation for the Battle Lake and Pelican Rap ids Garage roadways . CONTRACTS & BONDS -S.A.P. 056-605-012 Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and u nanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Anderson Bros . Construction Co ., Brainerd , MN , for Project No . SAP. 056-605-012 . COUNTY DITCH 13 & 19 AMENDED REDETERMINATION ORDER Motion by Rogness , second by Bucholz and un a nimously carried to approve the amended findings and order for redetermination of benefits for County Ditch 13 and 19 as presented by the County D itch Inspector. The amendment appointed Gary Denbrook as a Ditc h Viewer in place of Randy Witt for the redetermination of benefits due to Mr. Witt's inability to fulfill his ap po intment. CONTRACTS & BONDS-PHELPS MILL FOUNDATION RESTORATION PROJECT Motion by Mortenson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to autho r ize approp ri ate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otte r Tail County and Eagle Construction Company, Inc , Little Falls , MN for the Phelps Mill Foundation Resto ra tion Project. RECESS & RECONVENE At 9 :28 a .m ., Chair Murphy declared the meeti ng of the Otter Tai l County Board of Comm issioners recessed fo r a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9 :37 a .m . Page 3 of 6 Board of Commission e rs ' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 PUBLIC HEAL TH NURSE FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) INCREASE Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the increase of a vacant 0 .6 FTE Disease Prevention and Control Public Health Nurse position to a 0 .8 FTE position to assist with the prevention and spread of communicable diseases. The 0 .6 FTE position is included in the 2022 budget, and it is expected that the increased FTE will be funded by COVID-19 grants , reserves and fees . ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH COORDINATOR Motion by Johnson , second by Bucholz to approve a 1.0 full time equivalent Environmen t Health Coordinator position to assist with licensing the growing number of short-term vacation rentals , environmental health complaints and identified health hazards . Th is position has been evaluated by Gallagher as a C44 and is expected to be funded by fees , reserves and Solid Waste enterprise funds . The motion passed on a 4-1 vote with Murphy opposed . CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC At 9 :54 a .m ., Chai r Murphy declared the Board of Commissioners meeting closed to the public to discuss matters regarding the purchase of property located at 914 Channing Ave , Fergus Falls , MN 56537 (Parcel No . 71001990859000). The closed session is authorized under M.S . 13D.05, Subd . 3(c) (3). Present in the room were Commissioners Lee Rogness , Betty Murphy , Wayne Johnson , Kurt Mortenson , Dan Bucholz , County Attorney Michelle Eldien , County Administrator Nicole Hansen , County Board Secretary Tara Bakken , Deputy County Administrator Nick Leonard , Community Development Director Amy Baldw in, and Operations Supervisor Doug Cannell. The closed session was concluded at 10 :16 a.m . PURCHASE OF PROPERTY Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize staff to f urther negotiate the purchase of property located at 914 Channing Ave , Fergus Falls , MN 56537 (Parcel No . 71001990859000) within the parameters discussed during closed session . RECESS & RECONVENE At 10 :19 a .m ., Cha i r Murphy declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10 :30 a .m . PUBLIC HEARING -SANDHILL DAIRY FEEDLOT At 10:30 a .m ., Chair Murphy convened a public hearing held for Sandhill Dairy Feedlot on behalf of the MN Pollution Contro l Agency (MPCA) under M.S . 116.07 , Subd . 7(1). Bob Dombeck is proposing to expand the existing feedlot and replace the existing milk parlor with m ilking robots . The MPCA is responsible for issuing a perm it fo r the request and the County provides a local forum for the public to express thei r opinions regarding the project. Mr. Dombeck notified neighbors within 5 ,000 ' of the project by mail and also provided notice in the newspaper of the affected area . At 10 :33 a .m ., Chair Murphy opened the meeting for public comment and no comments were received . Commissioners spoke in favor of the project and encouraged the expansion of agriculture in Otter Tail County . At 10 :33 a .m., Chair Murphy closed the public hearing , and the approved minutes of the public meeting will be forwarded to the MN Pollution Control Agency . Page 4 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 RECESS & RECONVENE At 10 :35 a .m., Chair Murphy declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:39 a .m . COUNTY AUDITOR-TREASURER AGREEMENT On November 24 , 2020 , the Board passed a resolution in accordance with Minn . Stat. §375A.1205 to appoint the offices of Auditor-Treasurer and Recorder. Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and County Auditor-Treasurer Wayne Stein in accordance with Minn . Stat. §375A.1205 , Subd . 1 (3). The contract provides that the incumbent Auditor-Treasurer will be appointed to the position and retain tenure , pay and benefits equal to or greater than the Auditor-Treasurer's length of service . COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AGREEMENT Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Nicole Hansen for the appointment of the County Administrator position. The contract provides that Ms . Hansen 's appointment will include retaining duties and responsibilities of the Human Resources Director. ALCOHOL & DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POLICY & PROCEDURES Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the Otter Tail County Alcohol & Drug Free Workplace Policy & Procedures effective January 25 , 2022 . This approved policy supersedes any and all other prior Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policies . Supervisors and employees will be trained on the policy and procedures prior to implementing random testing for Safety-Sensitive (Non-DOT) Positions, which is expected to be completed by July 1, 2022 . IN RECOGNITION OF DOUGLAS WALVATNE'S PUBLIC SERVICE AS OTTER TAIL COUNTY ASSESSOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -11 The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Rogness , who moved to recognize and honor the public service of Doug las Walvatne as the Otter Tail County Assessor: WHEREAS , Doug began employment with the Otter Tail County Assessor's Office on September 1 , 1985, and has served as the County Assessor since September 16 , 201 O; and WHEREAS , during Doug 's 36 years and 5 months of employment, he was responsible for assessing taxes on 64 ,409 total parcels of which 37 ,984 are parcels with a dwelling and 4 ,131 commercial/industrial parcels ; and WHEREAS , during his tenure with Otter Tail County , Doug was a leader within the County which included a range of accomplishments : Committed to serving the public through fair , equitable and responsible parcel appraisals and property tax systems . Developed a trusting relationship with employees and colleagues alike modeling professionalism and collaboration . Recognized the importance of providing employees with training opportunities along with encouragement to achieve the highest level of licensure leading to high quality assessments . Page 5 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 Championed technological advancements including conversion to a Windows based valuation system . WHEREAS , Doug is described as a humble person respected both regionally and statewide not only as a County Assessor, but also as a compassionate , quiet leader who provides mentorship to staff as a peer and places trust and confidence in their skills and abilities to ensure a fully operational customer oriented department; and WHEREAS , Doug builds leadership within the Department, advancing and promoting the strengths in others and fostering a positive team approach to quality public service . THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognizes the many years of professional service , leadership, and commitment provided by Doug , and we express our utmost gratitude and appreciation for his many years of dedicated public service to the residents of Otter Tail County and the State of Minnesota. The motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson , and , after discussion and commendation thereof, and upon vote being taken thereon , the resolution was adopted unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 25th day of January 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners Chair Dated: February 15 , 2022 Attes) A I Wlu /.lt,,yv Nicole Hansen , Cle r k ADJOURNMENT At 11 :07 a .m ., Chair Murphy declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned . The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a .m. on Tuesday , February 15, 2022 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via live stream . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: February 15 , 2022 Attest, Jr ' MG I+~ mmissioners Chair Nicole Hansen , Clerk Page 6 of 6 Page 1 of 5 Vendor Name 106 GROUP L TDITHE AL 'S REFRIGERA TIO LLC ALL EN 'S AUTO BODY & TOWI G AMAZON CAPIT Al SERVICES INC AMER IC AN WELDING & GAS I C AMP ELECTRIC INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF M COUNTIES AU TO VALUE FERGUS FALLS AVERY , ATTORNEY AT LAW/JILL BATTERIES PLUS BU LBS BOS LAU DRY BECKER COE IRO ENTAL SERVICES BER AUER/DONA LD W & DELORES BERRY/STEVE S & CO NIE K BEYER BODY SHOP I C BHH PART ERS BIG SKY CO MUNICA TIO S I C BOLTON & ME K I C BRAUN VE DI G INC BROGARD PLUM BING HTG & EXC INC BUREA U OF CRI APPREHE SION BURKE/WADE J & SHEILA BUY -MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARDINAL CO SUL Tl G SOLUTIO S CERTI FIED AU TO REPAIR CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CLEAN SWEEP CO MERC IAL SERVICES CODE 4 SERVICES I C COLLI S LAWN CARE & LA DSCAPING It-. CO MISSIO ER OF REVE UE CO MISSIO ER OF TRANSPORTATION COMPA 10 AN I AL HOSPITAL COMPASS MINERALS A ERICA INC COOP ER 'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC CROW WI G CO SHERIFF 'S OFFICE CYBERSPROUT LLC D & T VENTURES LLC DAKOTA BUSI ESS SOLUTIO S INC DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR OM E TERPR IS ES DO UBLE A CATERI G Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 2,605 .00 240 .50 687 .00 825 .77 255 .73 3,277 .00 545 .36 4 ,900 .00 1,177 .22 1,91280 133 .19 5,588 .00 739 .00 23 ,1 00 .00 500 .00 1,025 .00 6,122 .24 379 .00 217 .50 600 .00 80 .00 2,410 .00 688 .75 8,416 .03 637 .50 33 .32 2,134 .00 575 .00 209 .00 525 .00 275 .00 460 .12 113 .52 46 ,524 .52 196 .74 75 .00 9,384 .00 1,089 .00 530 .00 53 .70 5,035 .62 268 .15 Page 2 of 5 Vendor Name EHLERS & ASSOCIATES I C E VIRONME TAL SCIENTIFIC LLC FARGO GLASS & PAINT CO INC FARMERS CO-OP OIL FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC FIDLAR TECHNOLOG IES I C FRANK'S AUTO BODY OF PER HAM I C GA LLS LLC GIRARD'S BUSI NESS SOLUTIONS INC GLEASON RENTALS LLC GLEASO DANIEL D & FRA CES N GOPH ER STATE ONE CALL GRAINGER INC HANSON'S PLUMBI NG & HEA Tl G INC HERMAN/CRYSTAL HERMAN JOHN HOFMAN/DANIELLE HUBBARD CO SHERIFPS OFFICE IACP INDEPENDE T EMERGE CY SERVICES L INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC INVENTORY TRADING COMPANY JOHNSON CONTROLS INC KUH AMBER KUNZA/MICHAE L J & MARILYN R LA HMAN/ROBERT LAKE REGIO HEA LT HCARE LAKE SUPERIOR COLLEGE LAKES ADVERTISI NG LLC LAKES AREA COOPERATIVE LAKES COFFEE LLC LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARUM/PAT LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC LINDE GAS & EOUIPME T INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES I C MACA-AMC MACK/CONRAD J & JOYCE E Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 2,500 .00 3,500 .00 283 .40 3,932 .55 545 .70 245 .30 362.50 1,935 .00 581 .20 15 ,028 .20 380 .00 959 .71 325 .00 650 .00 6,100 .00 52 .70 1,571 .76 4,031 .06 250 .20 26 .91 228 .46 121 .66 190 .00 904 .68 9 ,564 .50 252 .00 384 .00 79 .80 675 .00 355 .58 10 ,064 .00 500 .00 700 .00 2,246 .14 34 .75 1,200 .00 62 .72 1,364 .82 208 .97 256 .59 1,317 .00 7,200 .00 Page 3 of 5 Ven do r N ame MACK/CORY & THERESA MA DATE CAPITAL LLC MARCO I CST LOU IS MAR KS FL EET SUPP LY INC MARTY/DENN IS MAV ERI CK DRO NE SYST E S MC HRMA-C MEKA LSO HYDRA ULICS INC MIDWEST BUS PAR TS INC MIDWEST CH I ERV CO Ml NESOTA OTOR COMPANY Ml NE SOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATIO N MN DEPT OF LA BOR & INDUSTRY MN DEPT OF TRA SPORTAT IO MN POLL UTIO N CO NT RO L AGE NCY MN TRA SPO RT ATIO N ALLIANCE MNCCC LOCKBOX MOCIC MO NSIDO INC MO RR IS/JASO N MO A NACVSO NAPA CEN TRAL NA RTE CI C NATURE 'S PU PI NG NELSO N AU TO CE TER INC NELSO N/MIKE NETWO RK SERVIC ES COMPA Y NORTH CE TRA L I C NORTH WEST TIRE INC NUSS TR UC & EOU IPM E T OLS E CHAI & CAB LE CO INC OLSO N OIL CO INC ONE CAL L LOCATORS LTD OTTE R TAIL CO SOLID ASTE OTTE R TAIL LAK ES COU T RY ASSOC IAT OTTE RTA IL AGGREGATE IN C OTTE RTAIL T RUC KI NG I C OU TDOO R REN OVATIO NS DSCAP E & OVERH EAD DOOR CO OF FERGUS FALLS PARK RE GIO CO OP PE LICAN PET E BODY SHOP & TOWI NG I Board of Commissioners ' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 7,1 00 .00 1,500 .00 1,989 .18 12.48 60 .00 1,07 4.98 ·125 .oo 6 ,248 .48 248 .60 94 .88 596 .53 13 ,96 7.13 100 .00 300 .00 1,575 .00 5 ,200 .00 900 .00 200 .00 3,900 .00 149 .99 2 ,0 10.00 150 .00 36 .68 190 .12 130 .00 185 .30 1,050 .00 392 .20 34 ,341 .50 647 .48 2 ,62 7.77 81 .13 959 .67 30 .04 941 .97 1,000 .00 100 .00 12 ,635 .92 28 ,1 66 .25 226 .25 663 .00 276 .75 Page 4 of 5 Vendor Name PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PEMBERTO LAW PLLP PETE'S AUTOBODY LL C PHILLIPPI/DR JAY PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SVC! POSTMASTER PRO AG FARMERS COOPERATIVE PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES I C PSICK CAPITOL SOLUTIO S INC R.D . OFFUTT FARMS CO RAVE WIRELESS INC RDO TRUCK CENTERS RILEY BROS CONSTRUCTION INC RINGDAHL AMBULANCE INC RINKE NOO AN LAW FIRM RTVISION INC SAFEUTE FULFILLMENT INC SAZAMA/BRIAN A & MICHELLE L SAZAMA/RAYMOND SC HOENE BERGER FUNERAL & CREMA n SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTIO N INC SHERWIN ILLIAMS SRF CONSUL TING GROUP INC STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STRE ICHERS SUMM IT FIRE PROTECTION SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE LLC TERMINAL SUPPLY CO . THOMSON REUTERS -WEST THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY TITAN MACHINERY INC TK ELEVATOR CORP TRANE U.S. INC UCVlEW IN C ULINE VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPA Y VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WATCHGUARD VIDEO Wl LUMRO ZIEGLER INC Final Total: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 75 .13 4,925 .00 900 .00 475 .00 14,440 .28 62 .00 835 .86 942 .73 3,000 .00 31 ,260 .00 13 ,280 .84 2,575.77 99,458 .15 458 .00 6,086 .00 3,000 .00 289 .30 384 .25 1,537 .00 250 .00 7,360 .00 135 .04 4,395 .12 1,434 .37 3,551 .27 838 .87 4,280 .00 8,313 .35 58 .55 2,413 .65 15 .00 32 .00 2,129 .20 20 ,942 .50 1,620 .00 281 .42 625 .23 2,288 .60 116 .80 5,110 .00 573 .00 1,424 .11 600,073.81 Page 5 of 5 Ve ndor Name AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES IN C COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY I C LAKE REGION HEALTH CARE MIDWEEK INCffHE PACIFIC INTERPRETERS INC VERIZON W IRELESS WEST CENTRAL INDUSTRIES F in al Tota l: Vendo r Name AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ASSOCIATIO OF MN COUNTIES COUNTIES PROVIDING TE CHN O L OGY MAHUBE-OlWA CAP INC M IDWEST MON ITORING & SURVEILANCE M INNESOTA MONITORING INC OTTER TAIL CO ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OTTER TAI L CO SHERIFF OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRI PACIFIC INTERPRETERS INC PRE 11ER B IOTECH INC PREMIER B IOTECH LABS LLC SJOLIE, DARIN SOURCEWELL ULSCHMID/LIZA WEST CENTRAL REG JUVEN ILE CTR WHIPPLE/VA ESSA F ina l Tota l: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 25 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 306.69 1 ,114 .91 667.67 221 .76 5 .20 485.54 15,000.00 17,80 1.77 Amount 86.69 129.00 240.00 33,853.86 1,555.00 124.00 2 ,524 .25 40.00 8 ,913.80 640.14 1 ,280.50 1 ,230.00 583.10 11 .92 55 ,120.00 81 .49 40,562 .00 50.49 147,026.24