HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Approved Minutes - 01/04/2022OTTER TAIL COUNTY-MINNESOTA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN January 4, 2022 I 8:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:29 a.m . Tuesday , January 4 , 2022 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls , MN. Commissioners Lee Rogness , Betty Murphy, Kurt Mortenson, Wayne Johnson , and Dan Bucholz were present. CY2022 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD CHAIR County Administrator Nicole Hansen opened the meeting and requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Chair for 2022 . A nomination for Commissioner Betty Murphy was offered by Mortenson and seconded by Johnson . Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Chair Betty Mu rphy for 2022 . CY2022 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD VICE-CHAIR Chair Murphy assumed the Chair's seat and requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Vice-Chair for 2022 . A nomination for Commissioner Wayne Johnson was offered by Bucholz and seconded by Mortenson and unanimously carried to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Vice-Chair Wayne Johnson for 2022. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Murphy called for approval of the Boa rd Agenda . Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners ' agenda of January 4 , 2022 , with the following addition : Consent Agenda: 2022 Human Services Contract Renewal with Meridian Services, Inc. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Johnson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows : 1. December 21 , 2021 , Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2 . Warrants/Bills for December 30 , 2021 , as Approved for Payment by the County Auditor-Treasurer (Exhibit A) 3. Warrants/Bills for January 4, 2022 (Exhibit A) 4 . Request for Approval of Final Payment for SAP. 056-603-011 & Etc . to Morris Sealcoat & Trucking , Inc., Morris , MN 5. Approval to Increase the 30-Day Li m it of a County Issued Credit Card from $800 .00 to $1 ,000 .00 for the County Highway Maintenan ce Supervisor. 6 . Solid Waste Contract Affidavit 7. 2022 Human Services Contract Re newal with Meridian Services , Inc. Page 1 of 8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4, 2022 CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEAL TH SCREENING GRANT Motion by Rogness , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to accept the Children 's Mental Health Screening Grant in the amount of $49,116 .00 . to assist with the administering of screenings for children 's mental health . PROCLAMATION IN SUPPORT OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY DRUG COURT OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -01 Whereas , a specialty drug court uses legal and social resources , instead of solely incarceration and probation , to create effective programs for offenders ; and Whereas , a drug court emphasizes social engagement and responsibility , while providing strict supervision over offenders and utilizing a range of immediate sanctions and incentives to encourage behavior changes that result in a more positive future for offenders; and Whereas , according to the Minnesota Judicial Branch , drug courts are more effective at stopping repeat offenders , producing healthier, law-abiding citizens , improving public safety by reducing crime 8-26% in the community , and saving taxpayer dollars; and Whereas , the savings of a drug court program graduate are approximately five times the expense of an offender not enrolled in the drug court system; and Whereas, Otter Tail County has the support and active participation from all of its partners , including the Courts , law enforcement, probation , county attorney 's office , human services , and other critical agencies ; and Whereas , the Treatment Court Coordinator for Otter Tail County submitted an application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance for a drug court start-up grant and , since awarded , an application for an enhancement grant to continue the drug court will be submitted at the appropriate time . Now, therefore , the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners supports a drug court program in Otter Tail County and supports a commitment to provide financial resources to the drug court in the future based on the success of the drug court . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson, duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 4th day of January 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : January 11, 2022 Attes& i C tJl.<._,U W,_,y---, Nicole Hansen , Clerk Page 2 of 8 OTTERTAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA ...A Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 ATTORNEY SALARY SCHEDULE Motion by Johnson , second by Rogness and unan imously carried to transfer the Attorney positions from the Judges Attorney Compensation Schedule to the c urrent salary schedule for Otter Ta il County effective January 1, 2022. These positions have been evaluated by Gallagher and are included in the current structure as well as the 2022 budget. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve final payment, in the amount of $217 ,549.64 , to Greystone Construction for th e construction of a glass storage building at the Fergus Falls Transfer Station . COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER Motion by Rogness , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the Contract for Medica l Examiner Services between Otter Ta il County and Anoka County , Midwest Medical Examine r's Office , for the provis ion of coroner services. County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons is working with local funeral homes a nd hospitals for services that are not outlined in the contract and will bring to the Board for approval if a fac ility is identified . COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR EVALUATION SUMMARY A performance evaluation for County Administrator Nicole Hansen was conducted on December 21 , 2021 and a summary was provided in the January 4 , 202 2 County Board packet. RECESS & RECONVENE At 8 :58 a.m ., Chair Murphy declared the meetin g of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed fo r a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9 :04 a .m . DEPOSITORY RESOLUTION OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -02 RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota , that all financial institutions in Otter Tail County , including Credit Unions, State and Federal banks be and are hereby designated as depositories of County funds . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson , duly seconded by Commiss ioner Mortenson and , afte r discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unan imously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 4th day of Jan uary 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS IONERS Page 3 of 8 Dated : January 11 , 2022 Attest li 1· l<JLvlt~ Nicole Hansen , Clerk Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 INVESTMENTS RESOLUTION OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -03 RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota , that the Otter Tail County Auditor/Treasurer and the Otter Tail County Chief Deputy Treasurer be and is hereby given authority to invest County funds as available . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mortenson , duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and , after d iscussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unanimously . Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 4th day of January 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : January 11 , 2022 Attes& \ C, 0 LL.,L.\. ~ Nicole Hansen , Clerk 2022 COUNTY BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION DATES Motion by Rogness , second by Johnson and unanimously carried to convene the County Board of Appeal and Equalization on Wednesday , June 15 , 2022 , at 9 :00 a.m . and reconvene the County Board of Appeal and Equalization for final action on Tuesday , June 28 , 2022 following the Board of Commissioners' meeting . OFFICIAL WEBSITE -HIGHWAY PROJECT ADVERTISEMENTS TO USE ALTERNATIVE METHOD TO DISSEMINATE BIDS AND REQUESTS OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -04 WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd . 3(b) allows a county to use its website or recognized industry t rade journals as an alternative to d isseminate solicitations of bids , requests for information and requests for proposals . NOW THEREFORE , the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby resolves : BE IT RESOLVED , that from this day forward , the County of Otter Tail may continue to use the Otter Tail County website , https://ottertailcountymn.us/, as an alternative means to disseminate sol icitations of bids , requests for info rmation , and requests for proposals for transportation related construction and maintenance projects , as well as other County projects where published notice is required. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that any dissemination by alternative means must be in substantially the same format and for the same period of time as a publication would otherwise be required under Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd . 3. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Bucholz , duly seconded by Comm issioner Johnson and , after discussion the reof and upon vo te being taken thereon , passed unanimously . Page 4 of 8 Board of Commissioners ' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 4th day of January 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : January 11, 2022 By : _ __._,µJ,!JI.~----'-=-...µ£.:~~,__,..__ _____ _ Attestlg_ ) l'JJU. l-fW'J,4...-, Betty Nicole Hansen , Clerk OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR HIGHWAY PROJECT ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS Motion by Mortenson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to designate the Otter Tail County website as the official publication, as appropriate , for highway project advertisements for bids as authorized by Minnesota Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2. 2022 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING BIDS Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to designate the following papers for Otter Tail County 's 2022 publishing and printing requirements with the exception of the official publication for highway project advertisements for bids , which will be posted to the Otter Tail County website as appropriate and as authorized by Minnesota Statute 331 A .12 Subd . 2 : Legal Notices, Publications and Commissioners' Minutes: Daily Journal $ 19 .08 per S.A .U. Annual Financial Statement Battle Lake Review First Publication $ 19.48 per S.A. U. Citizen's Advocate Second Publication $ 12 .86 per S.A.U . Delinquent Tax List Perham Focus First Publication $ 19.48 per SAU . Perham Focus Second Publication $ 12 .86 per S .A .U. CY2022 DELINQUENT PUBLICATION FEE Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to set the cost assessed to delinquent real estate parcels , that are published in the 2022 Delinquent Tax List, at $61 .00 per parcel. (Minnesota Statute 279 .092). CY2022 APPROPRIATIONS Motion by Bucholz , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize payment of the following CY 2022 monthly, semi-annual , and annual appropriations : Annual Appropriation Approval West Central Initiative (01704 .6815) West Otter Tail Fair Association (01505 .6950) East Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950) Page 5 of 8 Approved 2022 27 ,000 .00 27 ,000 .00 27 ,000.00 WI 9o!Jf~N!~,~ Minnesota Red River Valley Development Assoc (01703 .6804) WOT County Soil and Water Conservation District (01603 .6951) Monthly Appropriation (2022) Annual 2022 Otter Tail County Humane Society (01213 .6856) 75 ,375 .00 Historical Society (01504 .6950) 110 ,000 .00 Historical Society (01504 .6950) 47 ,170 .00 West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01603 .6950) 116 ,541 .00 West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01603 .6953) 36 ,000 .00 West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01603 .6956) 88 ,000 .00 East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6950) 83 ,200 .00 East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6951) 60 ,000 .00 East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604 .6953) 24 ,000 .00 East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6956) 56 ,000 .00 Otter Tail Lakes Country Association (01502 .6950) 100 ,000 .00 796 ,286 .00 Viking Library System (01503 .6950) 616 ,289 .00 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4, 2022 1 ,800 .00 8 ,064 .00 Monthly 2022 6 ,281.25 Regular Appropriation 9 ,166 .67 Regular Appropriation 3 ,930 .83 Grants 9 ,711 .75 Regular Appropriation 3 ,000 .00 Ag Inspector 7,333 .33 Buffer Initiative/Riparian Buffer Aid 6 ,933 .33 Regular Appropriation 5,000.00 Shoreland Specialist 2,000.00 Ag Inspector 4 ,666 .67 Buffer Initiative/Riparian Buffer Aid 8 ,333 .33 Regular/Special Appropriation 66 ,3 57 .17 308 ,144 .50 Semi -Annual Payment CY2022 POCKET GOPHER BOUNTY RESOLUTION OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -05 RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota , that The sum of fifty cents ($.50) be paid out of the General Revenue Fund of Otter Tail County for every pocket gopher killed in said County during the year 2022 . Paid only in those cases where the township in which the pocket gophers were so killed shall provide for the payment of at least an additional bounty of fifty cents ($.50) for each pocket gopher so killed. RESOLVED further that said payment of such County shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman and/or Clerk of the Town Board of said Township setting forth that the township had issued and delivered to each claimant a payment for at least one dollar ($1 .00) for each pocket gopher so killed . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson , duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unanimously . Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 4th day of January 2022. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : January 11 , 2022 Attes& i' lo Lu !.¼A.,,,_, mmissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 6 of 8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 CY2022 TAX FORFEITED LAND SALE APPORTIONMENT RESOLUTION OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -06 RESOLVED by the Board of County Commiss io ners of Otter Tail County , Minnesota , that WHEREAS , it is provided in Minn. Stat. 282.05 fo r the apportionment of proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands , and WHEREAS , the County Auditor shall apportio n t he tax sale p roceeds to the taxing district pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282 .08 and WHEREAS , Minn Stat. 282 .08 (4) (b) provides that the County Board may set aside 20 % of the proceeds remaining after the value of public improvements , special assessments and bond issues lev ied on the property have been paid , for acquisition and maintenan ce of county parks and recreational areas , and WHEREAS , Otter Tail County has a park and recreational area , which would benefit by such an apportionment. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that th e County Auditor retains 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands for acquisition and mainte nance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds to be d isbursed according to law. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Rogness , duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon , passed unan imously . Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN th is 4th day of Ja nu ary 2022 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMIS SI ONERS Dated : January 11 , 2022 Attes\ ¼-Wk,1.\0,,tl:-'.'. ...... B missioners Chair Nicole Hansen , Clerk CONVERSION OF EXISTING PROPERTY TAX SOFTWARE Motion by Rogness , second by Johnson and un animously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the appropriate docume nts for the purpose of entering into an agreement with MnCCC and Tyler Technologies for the convers ion of exi sting property tax software for Otter Ta il County to Ty ler Tax. DEMOLITION OF TAX FORFEITED PROPERTIES Motion by Rogness , second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the County Auditor-Treasurer, after additional review and inspection , to solic it quotes for the demolition of structures on the tax forfeited properties located at 212 E Alcott Ave and 513 S Concord St in the City of Fergus Falls . CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' s ignatures to execute the Construction Easem ent on a tax forfeited parcel (Parcel No . 56000090051902) for CSAH 41 Project No . S .A.P . 056 -641 -011 . Page 7 of 8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 AMENDED AGREEMENTS -PERHAM TO PELICAN RAPIDS REGIONAL TRAIL Motion by Johnson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the amended agreement with Houston Engineering for construction engineering services for the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail - McDonald Segment. Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the amended agreement with Houston Engineering for construction engineering services for the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail - West Segment. BID AWARD-PHELPS MILL FOUNDATION RESTORATION PROJECT Motion Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award the Phelps Mill Foundation Restoration Project to Eagle Construction Company , Inc ., Little Falls , MN, in the amount of $737,487 , which includes the base bid in the amount of $677,487 .00 and Cost Alt. A-2 for 32 ,500 .00 and A-3 in the amount of $27 ,500 .00, as recommended by the Parks and Trails Director. The completion date of the project is September 2 , 2022 . Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures on the necessary documents to execute the Minnesota Historical Society Grant. ECHO BAY -LETTER OF APPRECIATION Motion Johnson , second by Rogness and unanimously carried to direct staff to send a letter of appreciation to landowner on behalf of the Board . The county recently closed on the purchase of Echo Bay and the Parks and Trails Director plans to send an application to the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission seeking designation of Park regional significance to become eligible for funding opportunities . HRA BOARD APPOINTMENT Chair Murphy nominated Commissioner Wayne Johnson as a member of the HRA Board for 2022 . Motion by Rogness , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried , with Johnson abstaining , to reappoint Commissioner Johnson to the HRA Board for 2022 . ADJOURNMENT At 9 :58 a .m ., Chair Murphy declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday , January 11 , 2022 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via live stream . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : January 11 , 2022 Attesl,.~ I toL<.., 1-/¾--: Nicole Hansen , Clerk Page 8 of 8 Page 1 of 4 V endor Name ACKERSON/JEFF ADVANCED ENGRAVING INC ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC AMERICAN SO L UTIONS FOR BUSINESS ANOKA CO TREASURY OFFICE ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW/JIU BATTLE LAKE/CITY OF BOO USALLP BOLTON & MENK INC BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC BRANDON EVAVOLD ELECTRIC CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH CHRISTISO SCOTT CITIZEN'S ADVOCATE CLIFTONLARSONALLEN LLP CODE 4 SERVICES INC COLLINS LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING I~ COMMIS S IONER OF TRANSPORTATION COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC CYBERSPROUT LLC DEANS DISTRIBUTING DENBROOK/GARY DINSMORE/JOHN DONOHO/MICHAEL DOUBLE A CA TERI NG ECKHARDT/KIMBERLY EDAM ELDIEN/MICHELLE ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL F ESSER PLUMBING & HEATING INC 8/ A VOLD/SHEYENNE FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FERGUS FALLS AREA CHAMBER OF COW FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES INC FLODE BRENT G & R CONTROLS INC GLENDE-NILSON FUNERAL HOME Boa rd of Commissione rs' Meeting M inu tes January 4, 2022 (Exhi bit A) Amount 150.00 3 1.85 6 ,142.03 22 ,678.22 8 ,598.62 375.00 800.00 1,897.07 33,488 .08 1,050.00 2 ,06 1.00 703.96 661.35 1,050.00 375.00 286.05 693.00 5225 225.00 3 ,884 .53 2,254 .04 10,925.00 3 ,021.38 226.80 1,218.75 214 .40 173.00 1,150.00 350.00 263.07 395.20 39 ,678.00 289.99 25.98 460.00 30,503.06 3 ,703.50 1,268.48 3,413.10 312.69 20 ,785.35 397 .50 Page 2 of 4 V endor Name GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC GRAINGER INC HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC HEIN-KOLO PSYD LP/NANCY HERMAN/CRYSTAL INDEPENDENT TESTING TECHNOLOGIES JK OUTDOORS LLC JOHNSON FEED INC JOHNSON/DENA JOHNSON/STEVEN L & VICKI L JONES LAW OFFICE KIMBALL MIDWEST KOEP'S SEPTIC LLC LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKELAND MENTAL HEAL TH CENTER LAKES AREA COOPERATIVE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE COOP LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON/DOUG LEE/THOMAS LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC LIFTOFF LLC M-R SIGN CO INC MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MARK LEE EXCAVATING INC MARTHALER/TERENCE MARTIN/VALERIE MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC MN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION MN DEPT OF HEAL TH NA THAN SEEGER LAW OFFICE NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH NEWBORG/KEVIN NEWMAN PAINTING INC NEWVILLE/DARREN NORTHGATE ENERGY SOLUTIONS Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 260.25 325.12 95.00 2 ,000.00 22.40 2,925.00 529.00 12 ,233.57 75.00 3,700.00 1,940.00 844 .84 100.00 2,593.00 168.00 729.40 59.00 217.18 1,200.00 234 .00 244 .64 676.20 825.00 378.09 105.44 74,243.68 371 .72 97.40 665.41 37.50 10.50 69.00 49.50 1,000.00 60.00 352.55 347.88 82.56 286.72 850 .00 347.64 850.00 Page 3 of 4 Ve ndor Name NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC NORTHWEST IRON FIRE 1AN INC NORT HWEST T IRE INC NYH U S FAMILY SALES INC OLSEN CHAIN CABLE CO INC OLSON TIRE & O IL OLSON/BENJAM IN ONE CALL LOCATORS LTD OTTER ELECTRIC LLC OTTER TAIL CO T REASURER OTTER TAIL T IRE INC OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF FERGUS FALLS PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT LLCfft- PELICAN RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY PEMBERTON LAW PLLP PEN NINGTON CO SHERIFF N PFC PRODUCTS INC PH IL'S R EPA IR PHILLIPPI/OR JAY PHOENIX SUPP LY PRODUCTIVE A L TERNAT1 VES INC QUAD IENT LEASING USA IN C RAMBOW ROO EQUIPMENT CO RED DOT PEST CONTROL RINGDAHL AMBULANCE IN C R INK E NOONAN LAW FIRM RIPLEY/D AVID RODER/BETSY ROYAL TIRE INC SC HORNACK/DAV ID SHERWIN W ILLIAMS STEINS INC STRE ICHERS SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE LLC SWAN B ERG/G REGORY SWANSTON EQUIPMENT CORP TECH CHECK LLC TERMINAL SUPPLY CO. THOMSON REUTERS -WEST TOWMAST ER Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes Janua ry 4 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 2,860.00 517.00 42.74 49.63 1,076.32 810.22 245.48 252.80 202 .00 10,473.90 3,721 .TT 9,921 .84 75.00 6,495.30 700 .00 7,821 .50 110.00 429.64 700 .24 475.00 97.01 90.72 398.39 291 .32 955.33 180.00 400 .00 4,980.50 194 .80 75.00 1,008.44 150.00 114 .44 2,606 .05 84 .97 4 ,238.94 110.84 620.99 1,095.00 132.97 2,873.87 715.62 Page 4 of 4 V endor Name UNIQUE PAI NT BODY & TRIM UPS VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING COCA-COLA WASS/DAVID F WEST/RICHARD ZIEGLER INC Fina l Total : V endor Name ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING AMAZON CAPITAL SERV ICES INC ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES CRIME STOPPERS OF MN EDAM FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES IN C GARY FISCHLER & ASSOCIATES GMNP GOVERNMENT JOBS.COM INC GREATER MN PARKS & TRAILS MACO MACVSO MAPCED MORA MINNESOTA INTER-COUNTY ASSOCIATIC MN ASSOCIATION OF TOWNSHIPS MNCCC LOCKBOX NACO PERHAM FOCUSrrHE REGION VII TREASURER STON EF L Y INC WCM DRUG & V IOLENT CRIME TASK FOR Fina l Tota l: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes January 4 , 2022 (Exhibit A) Amount 161.64 18 1.60 270.97 225.00 235.68 375.00 686.97 388,966.9 3 Amount 85.00 1,299.00 24,287.00 200.00 295.00 4 ,400.00 1,600 .00 2 ,500.00 10 ,120 .16 450.00 2 ,1 30 .00 750 .00 375.00 550.00 17,063.00 15 .00 22,837.24 1,1 46.00 79.80 325.00 2 ,790.00 5 ,000.00 98,297.2 0