HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/26/2017
Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room
515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN
September 26, 2017
9:30 a.m.
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:32 a.m. Tuesday, September 26, 2017, at the
Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Chair;
Wayne Johnson, Vice-Chair; Roger Froemming, John Lindquist and Lee Rogness present.
Approval of Agenda
Chairman Huebsch called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness
and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of September 26, 2017, with the
following schedule change:
10:20 a.m. – Interim County Attorney Appointment
10:30 a.m. – General Discussion
Consent Agenda
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as
1. September 5, 2017 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes
2. Warrants/Bills for September 26, 2017 (Exhibit A)
3. Human Services Bills & Claims
4. Central MN Emergency Service Board Appointments
5. Contract for Services - DWI Grant
6. Certify County Approval for Mahube-Otwa Emergency Shelter Funds
7. Employee Credit Card Approvals
Phelps Mill Festival Update
Phelps Mill Country Treasurer David Iverson submitted a financial update regarding the 2017 Phelps Mill
Festival. Discussion followed regarding attendance and an expected grant.
Listening Sessions
Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioners to attend
the West Central Initiative and Minnesota Compass listening session at 9:00 a.m. on October 4, 2017 at
West Central Initiative, 1000 Western Ave, Fergus Falls, MN. Minnesota Compass provides information for
communities and tracks trends on topics such as education, economy and workforce, housing, and public
safety throughout the State.
Fish Stocking
Members of the Pelican Lake Property Owners Association (PLPOA) Sport Fishing Committee met with the
Board to discuss muskie stocking. Dave Majkrzak provided documentation and a PowerPoint presentation
indicating 1) public opinion against stocking muskies in non-native lakes, 2) disagreement with MN
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) statistics regarding muskie fishing, 3) results of reduced walleye,
bluegill and ice house fishing on lakes since muskie stocking has occurred, 4) concern about the long term
effect on the natural ecology of the lakes where muskie stocking is taking place, 5) small number of muskie
fishermen, and 6) a desire to work towards family fishing for walleye, bluegill and crappies which increases
tourism to the area.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 2
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 63
WHEREAS: The citizens of Otter Tail County have expressed public concern with the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources Long Range Plan for Muskellunge Management; and
WHEREAS: Muskie fishermen represent a small percent of the taxpaying residents who fish in Otter
Tail County; and
WHEREAS: Otter Tail County is noted for "walleye fishing" and attracts tourists' year after year in
pursuit of that big walleye with panfish (sunfish, crappies) adding to the sport; and
WHEREAS: Muskies are native fish in the north central area of Minnesota but not native to any lakes
in Otter Tail County; and
WHEREAS: There is concern and evidence that adding a new species into the ecosystem will have an
adverse effect on the natural fishing community of these lakes; and
WHEREAS: The public is interested in a process whereby the opportunities to comment on this issue
will influence the decisions that directly affect residents in the area where muskie stocking is proposed;
WHEREAS: The citizens of Otter Tail County have requested additional scientific evidence regarding
the impact of muskellunge stocking that may include an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW),
independent unbiased study, and further opportunities to comment and/or influence the DNR's
decisions surrounding muskellunge stocking.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, by this
resolution, request that the Minnesota DNR stop muskellunge stocking in any and all Otter Tail County
lakes for a 5-year period or until such time that sufficient scientific evidence is presented that
muskellunge stocking does not adversely affect the ecosystem.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners encourages the
Minnesota DNR to assemble a diverse group of Otter Tail County stakeholders with the purpose of
examining the existing scientific evidence and, if needed, establish what additional research is necessary to
affirm that muskellunge stocking will not damage the environment.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners encourages the
Minnesota DNR to require a muskie endorsement to gauge muskie fishing interest in Minnesota and
Otter Tail County.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson, duly
seconded by Commissioner Rogness and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon,
the resolution was adopted on a 5 – 0 vote.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 26th day of September 2017
OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________
By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 3
County Attorney Appointment
County Attorney David Hauser submitted a letter of retirement effective January 31, 2018. Motion by
Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to regretfully accept David Hauser’s resignation.
Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to appoint Assistant County Attorney
Michelle Eldien as the Otter Tail County Attorney effective February 1, 2018, for the remainder of Attorney
Hauser’s term, as recommended by the Internal Services Committee. Motion by Rogness, second by
Froemming and unanimously carried to thank Mr. Hauser for his many contributions to the County and the
surrounding communities.
Recess & Reconvene
At 10:40 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:48 a.m.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 64
WHEREAS, the solid waste management tax requires political subdivisions to identify by resolution a
market price if the political subdivision:
Subsidizes the cost of service at a facility; and
WHEREAS, the political subdivision will be liable for the solid waste management tax based only on the
market price amount identified through this resolution; and
WHEREAS, the market price is identified in state statutes as the “lowest price available in the area”; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has performed research to identify the lowest price available in the area.
THEREFORE, the County of Otter Tail declares a market price of $63.81 per ton for a facility, based on a
tipping fee amount of $35.59 per ton at the Dakota Landfill and an additional contracted transportation cost
of $28.22 per ton.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Froemming,
duly seconded by Commissioner Johnson and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken
thereon, the following voted in favor:
Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming and Rogness
and the following voted against the same: None
Adopted this 26th day of September 2017.
By: Attest:
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 4
Planning Commission
Conditional Use Permit – John Ferguson:
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to deny, as recommended by the
Planning Commission, an after-the-fact Conditional Use Permit for an earth moving project. The Applicant
must work with the Land & Resource Management office to develop a restoration plan that meets the
requirements of the June 8, 2017, Variance approval.
Conditional Use Permit – Kevin Biffert:
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to deny, as recommended by the Planning
Commission, a Conditional Use Permit to concrete an area located in the right of way for reasons as stated
in the September 13, 2017, Planning Commission minutes.
Final Plats
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Terrance
and Kathleen Davis and Lon and Susan Hanson titled “Lamplight View” located in Section 1 of Otter Tail
Township, Buchanan Lake (56-209).
Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Sanitorium
Land Company, LLC titled “Sherry Sheri Beach” located in Section 32 of Amor Township, Otter Tail Lake
Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve Common Interest Community
(CIC) No. 80 titled “Jewett Lake Storage” consisting of backlots located in Section 23 of Elizabeth Township,
Jewett Lake (56-877).
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat of Greg and Lori
Burau titled “Burau Beach 4th Addition” located in Section 3 of Dane Prairie Township, Wall Lake (56-658).
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force Minutes
Land & Resource Director Bill Kalar reviewed the September 11, 2017, AIS Task Force minutes. Discussion
took place regarding the Decontamination Units which were not used during the summer of 2017.
Commissioners expressed an interest in collaborating with the large counties to combine dollars for AIS
prevention research.
Compliance Inspection Policy
Mr. Kalar provided suggested clarifications to the Compliance Inspection Policy. This item will be reviewed
by the Public Works Committee.
Appointment to Partnership4Health (P4H) Community Health Board (CHB)
Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to appoint Bill Adams from Erhard, MN to
the P4H CHB effective January 1, 2018, for a three-year term.
Recess & Reconvene
At 11:42 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
recessed for committee meetings and lunch break. The meeting was reconvened at 1:05 p.m. with
Commissioner Roger Froemming absent.
Assistant Highway Maintenance Supervisor Position
Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve an Assistant Highway
Maintenance Supervisor position as recommended.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
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Preliminary Budget & Levy Presentation
Commissioner Froemming returned at 1:38 p.m. Administrator John Dinsmore and Finance Director
Wayne Stein presented a 2018 Budget Overview and proposed preliminary Budget and Levy. They
presented a preliminary proposed net levy of $40,015,621, which is a 4.86% increase over CY2017. The
presentation included comparison to other counties, a 10-year levy history, revenue sources, new proposed
staff positions, and capital improvement funding. Total proposed budget is $104,905,337. Commissioners
discussed budget considerations that could be considered prior to final adoption in December along with the
future of Post Employment Health Care benefits.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 65
Proposed 2018 Budget and Net Property Tax Levy for Payable 2018:
Payable 2018 Payable 2017 Percent
Gross County Property Tax Levy (Non-Debt) - 39,897,942 37,809,538 5.52%
Gross Debt Levy -
Master Facility Plan Bonds - 2012A 296,782 118,283 150.91%
Ottertail Operations Center Bonds 410,202 532,350 -22.95%
Government Services Bldg. Bonds 494,078 704,910 -29.91%
Jail/Elevator Project – 2017A 162,803 704,910 -76.90%
Total Gross County Property Tax Levy 41,261,807 39,165,081 5.35%
County Program Aid (Certified) 2,092,576 1,829,365 14.39%
Net County Property Tax Levy - 39,169,231 37,335,716 4.91%
Gross/Net Lake Improvement District Levies -
Pelican Group of Lakes 130,000 130,000 0.00%
Pine Lakes 50,590 26,588 90.27%
McDonald, Kerbs & Paul 112,000 140,600 -20.34%
Big McDonald 12,000 12,000 0.00%
Total Net County Levy Including Lake Improvement Districts 39,473,821 37,644,904 4.86%
Special Taxing District Levy – Otter Tail 541,800 516,000 5.00%
Proposed Total Net Property Tax Levy 40,015,621 38,160,904 4.86%
Gross Tax Levy (Total) 42,108,197 39,990,269 5.30%
County Program Aid 2,092,576 1,829,365 14.39%
Net Tax Levy (Total) 40,015,621 38,160,904 4.86%
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 6
After discussion and consideration, a motion was offered by Rogness, seconded by Lindquist and carried to
adopt the following resolution on a roll call vote:
Board of County Commissioners YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN
Doug Huebsch X
Wayne D. Johnson X
John Lindquist X
Roger Froemming X
Leland R. Rogness X
WHEREAS, on or before September 30, 2017, Otter Tail County must adopt a Proposed Budget for
Fiscal/Calendar Year 2018 and must adopt and certify a proposed net property tax levy for Payable Year
2018, and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer's office has accumulated the Departmental and outside
agency requests, and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Finance Committee has met to discuss and review in general terms levy
and budgetary guidelines, as well as the proposed department budgets and various agency requests, and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Finance Committee will complete additional review and discussion, as
needed and required, of the 2018 proposed tax levy and budget prior to final adoption on December 19,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail
County, Minnesota, that
The amount of $41,261,807 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Gross Property Tax Levy for the
Payable Year 2018 representing a 5.35% increase from the Gross Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year
2017, and that the amount of $39,169,231 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Net Property Tax
Levy for the Payable Year 2018 representing a 4.91% increase over the Net Property Tax Levy for the
Payable Year 2017, and that
The amount of $304,590 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Lake Improvement District
Property Tax Levies for the Payable Year 2017, representing an 1.49% decrease from the Lake Improvement
District Property Tax Levies as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2017, and that
The amount of $541,800 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Otter Tail County HRA Special
District Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2018, representing a 5.00% increase from the Property Tax
Levy as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2017.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of $104,905,337 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed
Budget for the General Fund, for the Budgeted Special Revenue Funds and for the Budgeted Debt Service
Funds for the Fiscal/Calendar Year 2018 (Expenditures/Transfers/Other Uses).
Adopted this 26th day of September 2017.
By: __________________________________ Attest: _______________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 7
Budget & Levy Public Hearing
Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to establish the Budget and Levy Public
Hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 66
Commissioner Rogness introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, George Lorentz, owner, has made application to repurchase the following legally described
Parcel No. 74-000-14-0024-001 – City of Ottertail
Section 14 Township 134 Range 39 - 227 Main St. W
Part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Commencing at the North
Quarter Corner East 656.8’, South 77.48’ to Point of Beginning – West 300’, South 540.74’,
Southeasterly 400.20’, North 799.82’ to Point of Beginning (4.62 Acres)
Said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 26th day of August 2016, for nonpayment of
the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015, and 2016 property taxes, and
WHEREAS, an application to repurchase the above described property was timely submitted on Monday,
September 11, 2017, and
(Note – Application was provided August 16, 2017 and received September 11, 2017)
WHEREAS, the sum of $25,447.84 represents aggregate of all delinquent and current taxes through Payable
Year 2017, penalties, costs, assessments, and fees as of August 31, 2017, that would have been due and
payable had the above described parcel not forfeited to the State of Minnesota, and
WHEREAS, the applicant has requested that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners consider his
application to repurchase the above-described parcel and has requested that the Otter Tail County Board
of Commissioners approve the applicant’s request to repurchase the above-described property under the
terms as outlined in the Contract for Repurchase of Tax-Forfeited Land.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby
approves the repurchase of the above described tax forfeited property under the terms as outlined in the
Contract for Repurchase of Tax-Forfeited Land, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the
repurchase is in the best public interest, and that it will relieve any undue hardship which has resulted from
the forfeiture.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, and upon being put to vote, the resolution was adopted on a
5 - 0 vote.
Adopted this 26th day of September 2017.
By: __________________________________ Attest: _______________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 8
Liquor License Approval
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the following applications
for license:
Dunvilla Inc. dba The Inn at Dunvilla On-Sale Wine: July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018
Dunvilla Inc. dba The Inn at Dunvilla On-Sale Wine 3.2 Malt Liquor: July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018
Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Appointment
Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to appoint Carl Lindercamp to the Otter
Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to fill the unexpired term of Ralph Hemmerlin,
which is October 1, 2017 through August 1, 2020.
Highway Projects
Contract – S.A.P. 056-599-061:
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials signatures to execute a Highway Construction Contract between the County of Otter Tail and
Landwehr Construction, Inc. of St. Cloud, MN, for culvert replacement and approach grading on 100th
St./Aspen Dr. NE, over Spruce Creek.
Engineering Agreement for Pelican Rapids Regional Trail:
Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials signatures to execute the proposal between the County of Otter Tail and SRF Consulting Group for
professional services to access DNR grant funding for Phase III of the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional
Trail at an approximate cost of $14,850.00.
Engineering Agreement for CSAH 25 Culvert Hydraulic Study:
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials signatures to execute an Engineering Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and Houston
Engineering, Inc. for hydraulic study on Otter Tail CSAH 25.
Award Project – CSAH 35 Right of Way Platting:
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to award S.A.P. 056-635-038 & S.A.P.
056-635-0XX (future project) to Interstate Engineering, Inc. of Fergus Falls, MN, at the lowest quote of
$26,000.00 for CSAH No. 35 reconstruction, Phase I and II.
Award Project - CSAH 8 Culvert Replacement:
Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to award the CSAH 8 Culvert Replacement
project to Riley Bros. Construction, Inc. of Morris, MN, in the amount of $19,450.00 and $15.00 per cubic
yard of borrow material.
Crane Lake Fish Passage – DNR Amendment 1 to Contract #127574:
Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials signatures to execute Amendment 1 to Contract #127574 for the Crane Lake Fish Passage project.
The revised contract and completion date are due to federal funding for the project.
Utility Relocation Agreement – CSAH 72:
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials signatures to execute a Utility Relocation Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and Otter
Tail Power Company of Fergus Falls, MN, for work on CSAH 72 at an estimated cost of $19,234.92.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 9
Phelps Mill Park Maintenance Garage:
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials signatures to execute a Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Quality Construction of
Fergus Falls, MN, to move a garage to the Phelps Mill County Park, Underwood, MN.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 – 67
WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has received a request for the vacation of a portion of right-of-way on
County Highway 124, and which property is no longer required for right-of-way purposes; and
WHEREAS, there remains adequate right-of-way for highway purposes; and
WHEREAS, the following legal description was prepared by Anderson Land Surveyors, Inc. and approved
by the Otter Tail County Highway Department:
All that part of County Highway No. 124 right-of-way easement in Government Lot 1, Section 16, Township
132, Range 42, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, lying to the right of and adjoining the following described line:
Commencing at the North Quarter corner of said Section 16; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 02
seconds East (bearing based on Otter Tail County coordinates, 2011 adjustment) along the north-south
quarter line of said Section 16, a distance of 708.09 feet to the centerline of said County Highway No. 124
as located and established on July 13th, 2017; thence continuing South 00 degrees 02 minutes 02 seconds
East along said north-south quarter line, a distance of 65.12 feet to the intersection with a line parallel with
and 50.00 feet southwesterly of, as measured at a right angle to, said centerline of County Highway No. 124,
the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southeasterly, along said parallel line, on a non-
tangential curve concave to the northeast, having a radius of 1004.93 feet, a delta angle of 11 degrees 28
minutes 59 seconds and a chord bearing of South 57 degrees 08 minutes 04 seconds East, for an arc
distance of 201.41 feet; thence South 27 degrees 07 minutes 27 seconds West along a line radial to the
center of said curve, a distance of 20.00 feet to the intersection with a line parallel with and 70.00 feet
southwesterly of, as measured at a right angle to, said centerline of County Highway No. 124; thence
southeasterly, along last said parallel line, on a non-tangential curve concave to the northeast, having a
radius of 1024.93 feet, a delta angle of 06 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and a chord bearing of South 65
degrees 52 minutes 33 seconds East, for an arc distance of 107.33 feet; thence North 21 degrees 07 minutes
27 seconds East along a line radial to the center of last said curve, a distance of 20.00 feet to the intersection
with a line parallel with and 50.00 feet southwesterly of, as measured at a right angle to, said centerline of
County Highway No. 124; thence easterly, along last said parallel line, on a non-tangential curve concave to
the north, having a radius of 1004.93 feet, a delta angle of 34 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds and a chord
bearing of South 86 degrees 01 minute 37 seconds East, for an arc distance of 601.63 feet to a point of
tangency in last said parallel line and there terminating.
Containing 1.81 acres more or less. Subject to easements and reservations of record, if any.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above-described portion of the highway easement for County Highway
124 is hereby vacated.
Upon the motion of Johnson, seconded by Froemming, and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above resolution is
hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 10
Adopted this 26th day of September 2017
By: __________________________________ Attest: _______________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Phelps Mill Fish Passage Public Information Meeting
A public information meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13, 2017, at the County Board
room in the Government Services Center, 515 W. Fir Ave, Fergus Falls, MN, to discuss the proposed Phelps
Mill Fish Passage project.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 68
WHEREAS, Lund’s, a Brunswick Company, has offered to donate 10 auto inflating life jackets to the County
of Otter Tail on behalf of the Otter Tail County Public Safety Dive Team; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statue §465.03 requires the County to accept the gift by resolution expressed in
terms prescribed by the donor in full; and
WHEREAS, the acceptance of the donation in accordance with the donor’s terms is in the best interest of
the County of Otter Tail.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners accepts the
above-described donation of property from Lunds, a Brunswick Company, and extends its grateful
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Froemming,
duly seconded by Commissioner Lindquist and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken
thereon, the following voted in favor:
Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming and Rogness
and the following voted against the same: None
Adopted this 26th day of September 2017.
By: Attest:
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 11
Deputy Sheriff Position
Sheriff Schlueter requested an additional Deputy Sheriff position because of a need for an additional
narcotics detective. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve an
additional Deputy Sheriff position.
OCTOBER 1ST – 7TH, 2017
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 69
WHEREAS, one in four adults experience mental illness every year and approximately half of chronic mental
illness begins by the age of 14 and three-quarters by age 24; and
WHEREAS, mental illness includes major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders,
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and borderline
personality disorder; and
WHEREAS, mental illness is a highly treatable medical illness affecting the brain and requiring the same
concern as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses; and
WHEREAS, scientific research is constantly working toward breakthroughs in the understanding of mental
illness, resulting in more effective treatments to allow people to reclaim full and productive lives; and
WHEREAS, misunderstandings exist about mental illness and social culture often wrongly imposes a stigma
on mental illness that discourages people from seeking help when they need it; and
WHEREAS, every citizen and community can make a difference in helping to improve the lives of individuals
and families affected by mental illness;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, do
hereby proclaim October 1st thru October 7th, 2017 as Mental Illness Awareness Week in Otter Tail County
to increase public awareness of mental illness and to promote treatment and recovery.
Upon the motion of Johnson, seconded by Rogness and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above proclamation is
hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners.
By: Attest: _
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Local Advisory Council (LAC) Update
Human Services Supervisor Margaret Williams spoke to the Board about the Adult LAC increased Board
membership and activities the Council is partnering with to increase mental illness awareness. Areas of
need include psychiatric and community health services, jail services, and affordable housing for people with
mental health issues. Brochures have been developed to connect people with needed services.
Troy Haugen, Coordinator of the Otter Tail Family Services Collaborative, spoke about work being done to
understand and help with poverty issues because poverty leads to many other issues in society.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
Page 12
County Drainage Systems
Ditch #52:
A public information meeting to start the Redetermination of Benefits for Ditch #52 is set for 7:00 p.m.
Monday, November 20, 2017, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN.
Ditch #17:
A public information meeting to start the Redetermination of Benefits for Ditch #17 is set for 7:00 p.m.
Monday, November 27, 2017, at the New York Mills County Building.
Ditch Viewer Ride-Along:
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize Gary Denbrook to ride along
with Ditch Viewers on a ditch redetermination project.
Ditch #63:
Ditch Inspector Kevin Fellbaum reported that the work completed in Ditch #63 has lowered Altner Lake.
There is some clean-up of old tile needed. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried
to authorize the Highway Department to assess Ditch #63 properties up to $2,500.00 for final clean-up of
the project.
Ditch #21:
Mr. Fellbaum reported that there are areas of Ditch #21 that need beaver dams removed, cattails cleaned
out of the channel, deadfall removed and other minor maintenance performed. Motion by Rogness, second
by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize that maintenance work be completed this fall as
recommended by the Ditch Inspector.
Ditch #48:
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to reaffirm the work that was completed
in Ditch #48 at the outlet into Middle Leaf Lake to restore better flow to the ditch system. The work was
completed by DM Enterprises at an approximate cost of $5,450.
Lengthy discussion took place regarding the work completed in 2011 ordered by Otto Township to prevent
a road from flooding. A channel was opened and the water drained into Ditch #48. County Officials will
discuss the situation with Township Officials as the Township may need to petition to use the ditch.
At 3:52 p.m., Chairman Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 2017.
By: Attest:
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
September 26, 2017
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