HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 12/11/20182.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 Draft CB Minutes for 11.27.18 County Bills~Warrants Human Services Bills~Claims Public Health Bills~Claims Human Services Board-Contract Outline 2.5-2.7 Exempt Permit & Tobacco & Liquor Licenses Final Plat Extension of CIC No. 743.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0-7.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 Final Plat Extension-Rush Lake View 2018-10-30 REDLINE 2019-2021 Contract Facilities MTRsb 2018-10-30 REDLINE 2019-2021 Contract Nurses MTRsb 2018-10-30 REDLINE 2019-2021 Contract Social Workers MTRsb 2018-10-30 REDLINE 2019-2021 Contract Support Specialists MTRsb Proposed Amendments to Personnel Rules EDA Resolutions and Ordinances_Board Packet 2019 Committee Assignments 2019 County Board Meeting Dates - Revised (1) 2019 County Board Meeting Dates Revision (2) Highway Agenda Items BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA PACKET December 11, 2018 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN November 27, 2018 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 27, 2018, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chair; Doug Huebsch, John Lindquist, Betty Murphy and Lee Rogness present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Johnson called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of November 27, 2018, with the following addition. Under Public Works Committee - Broadband in Rural MN Discussion Consent Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. November 13, 2018, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for November 27, 2018 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Bills & Claims (Exhibit A) 4. 2019 Human Services Contract Renewals 5. Approve Issuance of County Credit Card to Kristi Wentworth, Family Services Supervisor 6. Human Services Purchase of Services Agreements Annual Renewals Probation Department Update Probation Director Desta Lutzwick submitted several handouts regarding out-of-home placement statistics including daily cost at various providers and the increased placement days purchased from 1,003.75 days in CY2017 to 1,906 days from January 2018 through October 2018. Lengthy discussion took place regarding difficult cases with increased mental health and behavioral issues, programs offered, and the need to hold juveniles when picked up until after their court appearance. The ability to hold juveniles would keep out-of- home placement transportation costs down. Ms. Lutzwick indicated that the County uses the Moorhead Detention facility when possible and requested approval of the West Central Regional Juvenile Center (WCRJC) Annual Purchase Agreement. Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the 2019 Annual Purchase Agreement between the County of Otter Tail and the Clay County WCRJC for out-of-home placement costs in the amount of $554,001, as presented. Credit Card Approval Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to issue a County credit card (with a 30- day limit of $2,500) to Erin Brimhall, Detention Facility Administrative Assistant, as requested. 2019 Tobacco License Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to issue a 2019 Tobacco License to Underwood Oil, Inc. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 2 Payment Approval Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve payment to Tri-County Healthcare, in the amount of $1,944.19, for services provided under the provisions of Minnesota Statute 609.35 for Case File No. 18034257. University of Minnesota Extension Staff Agreement Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute an Agreement between the University of MN and Otter Tail County for providing Extension programs locally and Employment of Extension Staff for the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021. The agreement provides funding for Otter Tail County’s 4-H and Master Gardener programs. Discussion Regarding Possible Animal Control and Nuisance Ordinance Greg Seim, Lieutenant; Jessica Metzger, Public Health Nurse; and Michelle Eldien, County Attorney; spoke with the Board regarding the challenges of developing an Animal Control and Nuisance Ordinance. They reported that Exotic Animals are currently regulated under state and federal statutes. Creating an ordinance for feral cats and nuisances could affect a large group of people with unattended consequences. The County Attorney indicated that, in most cases, there is already a law or rule that regulates these situations. Property Tax Assessment Abatement Policy Doug Walvatne, County Assessor, explained that some mistakes, specifically when structures are placed on a parcel incorrectly, cannot be corrected by clerical means as has been past practice. This was discovered during an audit performed by the Minnesota Department of Revenue (DOR). Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to amend the current Property Tax Assessment Abatement Policy as recommended by the County Assessor. The revised Abatement Policy will be posted on the Otter Tail County website under “Ordinances & Policies”. Adult & Children’s Mental Health Local Advisory Councils (LAC) Troy Haugen, Chair of the OTC Children’s Mental Health LAC, submitted a “2018 Report on the State of Children’s Mental Health Services” in the County. He cited M.S. 245.466, Subd. 5 which requires the County to establish local advisory councils that reflect a broad range of community interests. He referred to recommendations on Page 8 of the report. Beth Nelson and Fonda Knudson, Co-chairs of the Adult Mental Health LAC, submitted several documents and referred to recommendations. Discussion followed regarding the challenges people face with inadequate insurance to obtain medication and lack of adequate housing and psychiatry services. Commissioners requested that these items be discussed further in three months along with the probation update discussion as some of these issues tie together. Human Services Grant Agreements Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the Adult Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) grant agreement including Becker, Clay, Otter Tail and Wadena (BCOW) counties, as submitted. Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the Otter Tail County Community Support Program grant agreement as submitted CY2017 Behavioral Health Annual Report Human Services Supervisor Margaret Williams submitted a Behavioral Health report and reviewed statistics regarding Adult and Children’s Mental Health Case Management and Chemical Dependency services. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 3 Recess & Reconvene At 11:18 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 11:23 a.m. Planning Commission Recommendations Preliminary Plat – “Tamarac Lake View Second Addition”/George & Marcelian DuSautel: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled “Tamarac Lake View Second Addition” consisting of three single family residential, non-riparian lots as presented. The proposal is located in Lot 1 Blk 1 of Tamarac Lake View, Section 22 of Scambler Township; Tamarac Lake (56-931), Recreational Development (RD). Preliminary Plat – “Painted Sunsets”/ Harold M. Wheeler, Karen L. Thayer, Lynda M. Hauge, Marie E. Strand: Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled “Painted Sunsets” consisting of two single family residential lots (1 riparian lot & 1 non-riparian lot) as presented. The proposal is located in Part of GL 1 Containing 3.62 Acres, Section 22 of Otter Tail Township; Otter Tail Lake (56-242), General Development (GD). Preliminary Plat – “Dandi Estates”/ Daniel & Andrea Dulski-Bucholz: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled “Dandi Estates” consisting of four single family residential, non-riparian lots and one non-residential, non- riparian lot as presented. The proposal is located in Part of GL’s 1 & 2, Section 25 of Gorman Township; Little Pine Lake (56-142), General Development (GD). Preliminary Plat & Conditional Use Permit – “Arvig Acres”/ Allen & Carmen Arvig et al & Michelle L. Arvig Biederman: Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled “Arvig Acres” consisting of six single family residential, riparian lots immediately south of Big Sandy Beach. In addition, the motion approves the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed roadway designed to be a southerly continuation of the existing township road, Jungle Shore Trail, with a standard cul-de-sac termination. However, the Board of Commissioners recommends that the applicants consider developing a road that goes through the property ending at County Highway 8 instead of terminating with a cul-de-sac. If the applicants wish to develop a through road, Otter Tail County will waive the CUP fee for this purpose. Conditional Use Permit - Timothy & Charlene Greene: Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for earthmoving and driveway construction with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The project will be located on Lots 16 & 17 of Fair Oaks, Section 32 of Girard Township; West Battle Lake (56-239), General Development (GD). Preliminary Plat – “Tri-Lake Estates Backlots First Addition”/Justin Studsrud & Brooke Maier: Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled Tri-Lake Estates Backlots First Addition” consisting of nine non-residential, non-riparian lots to be permanently attached to riparian lots as presented. The proposal is located in Pt of GL’s 2 & 3 of Section 9 and Pt of GL 3 of Section 10, Lida Township; Lida Lake (56-747), General Development (GD). Conditional Use Permit – Anthony & Tracy Bakke: Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for earthmoving to place a structure for an Implement/Tractor Repair Shop (Bakke’s Repair) as presented. The proposal is located in the SW¼ of the SE¼ and GL 4 (99.25 Acres), Section 12 of Eastern Township; East Annalaide (56-01), General Development (GD). OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 4 Conditional Use Permit – Brian & Renah Meyer: Land & Resource Director Chris LeClair reported that this Conditional Use Permit request is an after-the-fact request. The applicant is currently working with the Land & Resource office for reasons as indicated in the November 14, 2018, Planning Commission minutes. AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES (AIS) PREVENTION AID Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 - 80 WHEREAS, on December 13, 2011, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners formed a Task Force; and WHEREAS, on February 21, 2012, the Task Force adopted a Mission Statement which reads as follows: It is the mission of the Otter Tail County AIS Task Force to develop programs and strategies to support and enhance the protection of Otter Tail County waters. In order to accomplish this, the Task Force adopted a set of bylaws and is still in operation in 2018; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2012, the Task Force adopted a set of bylaws and is still in operation in 2018; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County AIS Task Force has remained active in preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has made available funds to local units of government to aid in aquatic invasive species prevention as authorized under Minn. Stat. §477A.19. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That Otter Tail County agrees to accept the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Aid from the State of Minnesota. 2. That it will use the proceeds as recommended by the Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force and in conformity with the requirements of Minn. Stat. §477A.19. Upon the motion of Commissioner Rogness, seconded by Commissioner Huebsch, and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Adopted this 27th day of Nov. 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: ________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force Expenditure Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize an expenditure for a half page advertisement for education and awareness in the 2019 Otter Tail Lakes Country Designation Guide, at a cost of $1,000, as recommended by the AIS Task Force. AIS Task Force Membership Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve the following appointments on the Otter Tail County AIS Task Force effective January 1, 2019: Bob Schempp, Owner of Lakeland General Store (replacing Lisa Bassett) James Wooton, Fergus Falls (replacing Jim Whirly) OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 5 Newly Elected Officials Judge Barbara Hanson presided over the swearing in of Commissioner Betty Murphy of the 4th District, Chairman Wayne Johnson of the 2nd District, and Michelle Eldien, County Attorney. Recess & Reconvene At 11:50 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 12:00 p.m. Land & Resource Performance Review and Assistance Program (PRAP) Pete Waller, Board of Water & Soil Resources (BWSR) Conservationist, submitted a document titled “Performance Review and Assistance Program (PRAP) from MN BWSR, Spring 2018 edition. PRAP is a means to monitor and assess the performance of local water management entities. He discussed history of the program, types of reviews, grant recipients, and the reporting process. Mr. Waller provided a proposed schedule and outline for a Level II review of Otter Tail County and SWCDs. A feedback report and synopsis of the review will be provided to the County Board next March 2019. Long Range Strategic Plan (LRSP) Rick West, Public Works Director, reviewed SRF’s LRSP focus group presentation that took place at the County Board meeting on November 27, 2018. He provided LRSP Element Recommendations and proposed next steps starting with public outreach and education. Four outreach meetings throughout the County are planned for the first week in February 2019. A video describing the planning process will be available prior to the outreach meetings. Little McDonald Kerbs Paul/Devils Little Devils (LMKP/DLD) Outlet Project The Public Works Director reported on the LMKP/DLD Outlet project. He indicated that the $10 million grant has been spent and the paperwork needs to be closed out by the end of 2018 with payment being made from the Lake Improvement Districts. Economic Development Committee (EDC) Nick Leonard, Tourism & Economic Development Director, and members of the Otter Tail County Economic Development Recommendation Committee spoke with the Board regarding the expansion of economic development programs aimed at the housing and childcare shortage in the County. The EDC presented a report dated November 2018 that identifies the current level of economic development and existing gaps in programs and services. Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to accept the committee’s report and recommendation that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners establish a county economic development authority to operate under sections 469.090 to 469.1081 (Option 1 of Subd. 4 from MN Statute 469). RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF ESTABLISHING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MN Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 – 81 WHEREAS, the County is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1082, to establish an Economic Development Authority for the County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to initiate the process for considering the establishment of an Economic Development Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The Board of Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 2:00 PM in the Commissioners’ Room at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center, at 515 West Fir Ave, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, relating to the question of the establishment of an economic development authority (the “EDA”) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.090 through 469.1082. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 6 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 7 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of that public hearing, substantially in the form attached to and made a part of this Resolution, to be published in the County’s official newspaper once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing date, with the first publication occurring no earlier than 30 days prior to the public hearing date. Upon the motion of Lindquist, seconded by Rogness and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Adopted this 27th day of November 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: ________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CREATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO DIVIDE THE POWERS OF THE COUNTY HRA BETWEEN THE COUNTY HRA AND COUNTY EDA Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 – 82 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.094, Subdivision 1 and with consent from the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), the County may create an ordinance dividing the economic development, housing, and redevelopment powers granted under sections 469.001 to 469.047 and 469.090 to 469.108; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to initiate the process for considering the establishment of such ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The Board of Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 2:15 PM in the Commissioners’ Room at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center, at 515 West Fir Ave, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on the establishment of an ordinance dividing the economic development, housing, and redevelopment powers granted under sections 469.001 to 469.047 and 469.090 to 469.108. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of that public hearing, substantially in the form attached to and made a part of this Resolution, to be published in the County’s official newspaper at least 10 days prior no earlier than 30 days prior to the public hearing date. Upon the motion of Huebsch, seconded by Rogness and passed on a 5-0 vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Adopted this 27th day of November 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: ________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Page 8 Engineering Agreement for Phelps Mill Dam Modification Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the Engineering Agreement, between the County of Otter Tail and Houston Engineering, Inc., for the final planning phase of the Phelps Mill Dam Modifications project. The agreement will be for development of a conceptual design for a 2/3 rock archway downstream of the dam. Adjournment At 1:00 p.m., a motion was offered by Rogness, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried to adjourn the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting. The next Board meeting is scheduled at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 11/27/2018 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 2 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 3 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 4 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 5 Human Services and Public Health Warrants OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes November 27, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 6 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES12/6/2018 csteinba N Y D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 12:36:08PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-000-0000-6369 70.25 CHANGED LOCKS A12732 Miscellaneous Charges 01-112-000-0000-6304 130.00 2018 SIERRA BODY REPAIRS 11792 Repair And Maintenance-Vehicle 01-112-101-0000-6487 728.00 ACCT 74553 DRAIN SNAKE/BATTERY 6232609 Tools And Minor Equipment 50-000-000-0130-6859 2,224.99 MISC RECYCLING 1521 Electronic Disposal 01-201-000-0000-6396 332.60 TOW CF 18038021 572480 Special Investigation 14-214-000-0000-6689 370.39 ACCT 877418 MONTHLY SERVICE 15725436 Prior Year Accumulations-911 01-061-000-0000-6406 379.80 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P SURGE PROTECTOR 1XXX-C99P-QLC1 Office Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6290 9.01 ACCT 160002035 1601736146 Contracted Services 50-390-000-0000-6290 9.01 ACCT 160002035 1601736146 Contracted Services. 50-399-000-0000-6290 28.78 ACCT 160002035 1601736146 Contracted Services. 10-303-000-0000-6278 90,016.00 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 5 A-1 LOCK & KEY 70.255 11409 ABRA MN FERGUS FALLS 130.0011409 15007 ACME TOOLS FARGO 728.0015007 14813 ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER 2,224.9914813 8803 ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING 332.608803 11385 ALLSTREAM 370.3911385 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC 379.8014386 13620 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 46.8013620 13484 APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions A-1 LOCK & KEY ABRA MN FERGUS FALLS ACME TOOLS FARGO ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING ALLSTREAM AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 10-302-000-0000-6565 59.88 ANTI-FREEZE Fuels - Diesel 10-304-000-0000-6572 48.93 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 410.97 BATTERY Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 580.97 PARTS & SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6526 209.95 SHOES Uniforms 50-399-000-0000-6253 42.34 ACCT 1877 NOV2018 Garbage 01-091-000-0000-6369 55.00 C201802140 C DALLMANN IN201801820 Miscellaneous Charges 10-303-000-0000-6369 699.59 HOME HEATING FUEL (HAUGE PROPE Miscellaneous Charges 10-304-000-0000-6565 2,833.54 DIESEL FUEL Fuels - Diesel 50-000-000-0110-6290 10.00 MONTHLY COOLER RENT 70844 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0130-6290 10.00 MONTHLY COOLER RENT 70899 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0130-6290 19.50 DRINKING WATER 71113 Contracted Services. 01-201-000-0000-6396 175.00 TOW CF 18037108 11/13/18 28747 Special Investigation 90,016.0013484 102 AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS 1,100.75102 15470 BAKKEN/BRODY 209.9515470 16 BALLARD SANITATION INC 42.3416 31037 BECKER CO SHERIFF 55.0031037 1386 BECKLUND OIL CO 3,533.131386 1755 BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC 39.501755 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 175.0031803 11652 BOYER/RODNEY Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS BAKKEN/BRODY BALLARD SANITATION INC BECKER CO SHERIFF BECKLUND OIL CO BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC BEYER BODY SHOP INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 11/14/18 Per Diem 01-124-000-0000-6330 152.60 MILEAGE 11/14/18 Mileage 01-201-000-0000-6526 478.38 BINOCULARS 11/20/18 Uniforms 01-201-000-0000-6315 375.00 ACCT O2750 TECH SERVICES INV23692 Radio Repair Charges 10-304-000-0000-6315 136.34 RADIO MICROPHONE UNIT #104 Radio Repair Charges 01-250-000-0000-6224 11.25 TOLL FEE DURING TRANSPORT 10/8/18 Prisioner Conveyance 01-250-000-0000-6224 191.31 MEALS - TRANSPORTS NOV2018 Prisioner Conveyance 10-303-000-0000-6278 5,146.75 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 01-112-000-0000-6404 360.00 WALLINGFORD COFFEE 041926 Coffee Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6252 41.00 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage 01-112-000-0000-6369 510.00 OUTDOOR SEASONAL POTS 144 Miscellaneous Charges 01-250-000-0000-6526 99.96 CARGO PANTS 11/28/18 Uniforms 50-399-000-0000-6304 484.57 ACCT 100331 REPAIRS 051654 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 302.6011652 11256 BRANBY/STEVE 478.3811256 24 BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC 511.3424 10519 BRASEL/RYAN 202.5610519 386 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 5,146.75386 3957 BRAUN VENDING INC 401.003957 11806 BROWN-EYED SUSANS LLC 510.0011806 13057 BURUD/AMANDA 99.9613057 3423 BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions BOYER/RODNEY BRANBY/STEVE BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRASEL/RYAN BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRAUN VENDING INC BROWN-EYED SUSANS LLC BURUD/AMANDA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 50-399-000-0000-6304 2,025.09 ACCT 100331 REPAIRS 051655 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 50-399-000-0000-6304 629.20 ACCT 100331 DOSING VALVE 051676 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 10-302-000-0000-6350 18,418.50 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 01-201-000-0000-6396 95.00 TOW CF 18037108 11/12/18 39679 Special Investigation 10-304-000-0000-6306 455.58 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6572 856.01 TIRES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 1,302.00 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-002-000-0000-6240 84.18 FOOD PROTECTION ORDINANCE 17577 Publishing & Advertising 01-002-000-0000-6240 86.01 SOLID WASTE AD 17577 Publishing & Advertising 01-043-000-0000-6240 64.80 REAL ESTATE NOTICE 17577 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 790.56 NOTICE OF ELECTION 17577 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 42.09 PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST 17577 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 549.00 SAMPLE BALLOT 17577 Publishing & Advertising 10-302-000-0000-6514 17,253.29 SALT Salt 01-112-106-0000-6572 95.49 ACCT 716131 SUPPLIES 31767 Repair And Maint Supplies 01-112-000-0000-6560 25.58 ACCT 716131 UNLEADED 11/19 31768 Gasoline & Oil 01-112-000-0000-6560 10.31 ACCT 716131 PREMIUM 11/19 31769 Gasoline & Oil 3,138.863423 1227 CARR'S TREE SERVICE 18,418.501227 8930 CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR 1,406.598930 1756 CHEMSEARCH 1,302.001756 5580 CITIZENS ADVOCATE 1,616.645580 13656 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 17,253.2913656 12485 COOP SERVICES INC 131.3812485 Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARR'S TREE SERVICE CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR CHEMSEARCH CITIZENS ADVOCATE COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA COOP SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-031-000-0000-6406 12.95 ACCT 2189988076 WALL CALENDAR 433438 Office Supplies 01-031-000-0000-6406 24.26 ACCT 2189988076 SUPPLIES 433476 Office Supplies 01-091-000-0000-6406 329.00 ACCT 2189988402 TASK CHAIR 433516 Office Supplies 01-101-000-0000-6406 32.67 ACCT 2189988140 SUPPLIES 433630 Office Supplies 01-127-000-0000-6406 21.98 ACCT 2189988310 INK 433639 Office Supplies 01-149-000-0000-6406 186.18 ACCT 2189988076 BUSINESS CARDS 433768 Office Supplies 01-201-000-0000-6406 49.13 ACCT 2189988555 SUPPLIES 433535 Office Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6406 1,866.10 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 13-012-000-0000-6455 56.01 ACCT OTCOLAW SAF BOX 433569 Reference Books & Literature 14-430-000-0000-6687 23,632.00 ACCT 2189988150 ADJ BASES 433521 Equipment- Current Year Soc. Serv. 01-091-000-0000-6270 1,063.68 56-JV-18-1563 COURT EXPENSES 5881 Misc Professional-Expert Witness 84-000-000-9520-2100 104.22 ACCT O004 LODGING D MILTON 2702 Local Victim Assistance Program 01-061-000-0000-6276 3,200.00 ACCT 40370 BLOCK TIME 375715 Professional Services 01-061-000-0000-6342 1,502.19 ACCT 40370 IBM HARDWARE MAINT 375793 Service Agreements 01-112-106-0000-6572 194.00 ACCT 267-06512941-8 SOLAR SALT 11/30/18 Repair And Maint Supplies 50-000-000-0120-6290 26.00 ACCT 267-03388972-1 11/30/18 Contracted Services. 10-304-000-0000-6252 30.00 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage 02-705-000-1011-6290 1,475.25 WEBSITE HOURS NOV 2018 1536 Branding/Website 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 26,210.2832603 10308 CORE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, P.A. 1,063.6810308 6919 COUNTRY INN & SUITES FERGUS FALLS 104.226919 15410 CPS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS 4,702.1915410 2364 CULLIGAN OF WADENA 220.002364 3710 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 30.003710 15018 CYBERSPROUT LLC Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 10 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, P.A. COUNTRY INN & SUITES FERGUS FALLS CPS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CULLIGAN OF WADENA CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING Otter Tail County Auditor General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-002-000-0000-6240 130.56 ACCT 3652 OCT 16 MINUTES 666212 Publishing & Advertising 01-043-000-0000-6240 119.60 ACCT 3648 FARM PROPERTY TAX NOV2018 Publishing & Advertising 01-043-000-0000-6240 77.74 ACCT 3648 FARM PROPERTY TAX NOV2018 Publishing & Advertising 01-123-000-0000-6240 114.24 ACCT 3648 DEC 13 BOA MTG NOV2018 Publishing & Advertising 01-601-000-0000-6243 168.00 ACCT 1012243900123226 1 YR 7435 Subscriptions 01-149-000-0000-6210 142.99 MAILING SUPPLIES 2260 Postage & Postage Meter 10-304-000-0000-6300 5,069.51 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance 01-250-000-0000-6491 223.00 CLEANING KIT & TAPE 18-1210 Jail Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6565 685.10 D.E.F. FLUID Fuels - Diesel 10-304-000-0000-6565 1,500.00 D.E.F. PUMP/TOTE Fuels - Diesel 50-399-000-0000-6290 309.56 ACCT 223 TIPPING FEES OCT 2018 3347 Contracted Services. 01-063-000-0000-6210 865.85 ACCT 14431200 POSTAGE SERVICE A300IC56187I Postage Meter 50-000-000-0000-6848 40.00 ACCT 110245589 610039409498 Public Education 1,475.2515018 35011 DAILY JOURNAL/THE 610.1435011 14949 DAKOTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 142.9914949 15471 DAKOTA PLAINS MECHANICAL 5,069.5115471 15128 DATAWORKS PLUS LLC 223.0015128 9672 DEANS DISTRIBUTING 2,185.109672 14946 DEM-CON MATERIALS RECOVERY LLC 309.5614946 9655 DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 865.859655 3518 DEXYP Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions CYBERSPROUT LLC DAILY JOURNAL/THE DAKOTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS DAKOTA PLAINS MECHANICAL DATAWORKS PLUS LLC DEANS DISTRIBUTING DEM-CON MATERIALS RECOVERY LLC DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6572 548.37 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-201-000-0000-6304 76.95 UNIT 1605 OIL CHG/TIRE REPAIR 69983 Repair And Maintenance 22-622-000-0664-6369 10,000.00 CLEAN OUT 10,000FT OF DITCH 64 450735 Miscellaneous Charges 01-112-101-0000-6673 8,200.00 CAULKING @ COURTHOUSE 4787 Remodeling Project-Ct House 21-215-000-0000-6369 803.40 ACCT 19W0842 RENTAL 3P00K6 Miscellaneous Charges 10-302-000-0000-6516 6,280.10 MELTDOWN APEX Magnesium Chloride 01-201-000-0000-6171 452.60 FRONTLINE NATIONAL TESTING 134005 Tuition And Education Expenses 01-112-000-0000-6572 35.74 ACCT 13040 IND BELTS 730488 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 50-399-000-0000-6304 43.99 ACCT 13035 MAGNETIC HEATER 730485 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 10-304-000-0000-6572 9.76 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 40.003518 3394 DIAMOND MOWERS INC 548.373394 33013 DICK'S STANDARD 76.9533013 13736 DM ENTERPRISES 10,000.0013736 3414 ELLENSON CAULKING CO 8,200.003414 15461 ENTERPRISE LEASING COMPANY 803.4015461 6309 ENVIROTECH SERVICES INC 6,280.106309 11889 ERGOMETRICS 452.6011889 373 FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC 79.73373 2997 FASTENAL COMPANY Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions DEXYP DIAMOND MOWERS INC DICK'S STANDARD DM ENTERPRISES ELLENSON CAULKING CO ENTERPRISE LEASING COMPANY ENVIROTECH SERVICES INC ERGOMETRICS FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-601-0000-6379 19.80 ACCT 251400 LANDFILL CHARGES NOV2018 Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 11-430-700-0000-6379 24.20 ACCT 251400 LANDFILL CHARGES NOV2018 Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 10-304-000-0000-6300 260.00 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance 50-000-000-0000-6330 200.56 MILEAGE - SWAA BOARD MTG 12/4/18 Mileage 01-002-000-0000-6240 106.40 FOOD PROTECTION ORDINANCE 17665 Publishing & Advertising 01-002-000-0000-6240 112.00 SOLID WASTE AD 17665 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 907.20 NOTICE OF ELECTION 17665 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 53.20 PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST 17665 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 630.00 SAMPLE BALLOT 17665 Publishing & Advertising 01-123-000-0000-6240 56.00 BOA AD - NOKKEN 17665 Publishing & Advertising 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 11/14/18 Per Diem 01-124-000-0000-6330 168.41 MILEAGE 11/14/18 Mileage 01-112-000-0000-6572 2,548.27 ACCT OTT100 INSTALL SENSOR 105006 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-106-0000-6572 818.25 ACCT OTT100 SERVICE 105101 Repair And Maint Supplies 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 11/14/18 Per Diem 01-124-000-0000-6330 158.60 MILEAGE 11/14/18 Mileage 9.762997 57 FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF 44.0057 2153 FERGUS POWER PUMP INC 260.002153 11964 FJESTAD/ZACH 200.5611964 3461 FRAZEE-VERGAS FORUM 1,864.803461 13304 FRAZIER/BRENT 318.4113304 2 G & R CONTROLS 3,366.522 12835 GABE/RICHARD B Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions FASTENAL COMPANY FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FJESTAD/ZACH FRAZEE-VERGAS FORUM FRAZIER/BRENT G & R CONTROLS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6526 42.46 ACCT 5287917 BROWN PANTS 010974879 Uniforms SHEILS/RICK1897 01-201-000-0000-6526 241.69 ACCT 5290418 BOMBER JACKET 011054802 Uniforms PETERSON/PAUL11971 01-201-000-0000-6526 121.50 ACCT 5290418 HOLDERS 011056689 Uniforms BREDMAN/DION9097 01-201-000-0000-6526 63.00 ACCT 5290418 BROWN SHORTS 011095665 Uniforms 01-201-000-0000-6526 48.50 ACCT 5290418 HOLSTER 011208169 Uniforms BREDMAN/DION9097 01-201-000-0000-6492 69.99 ACCT 5290418 LOCKOUT TOOL KIT 011271712 Police Equipment 01-201-000-0000-6171 12.00 MEAL - SUSPENSE TRAINING 11/8/18 Tuition And Education Expenses 01-112-102-0000-6572 119.17 ACCT 813640729 CONTROL 9004477395 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 124.42 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-041-000-0000-6342 336.65 AGREE 025-1114829-000 23759140 Service Agreements 01-042-000-0000-6342 112.21 AGREE 025-1114829-000 23759140 Service Agreements 01-043-000-0000-6342 88.23 AGREE 003-0995471-000 23759140 Service Agreements 50-000-000-0000-6290 265.41 AGREE 025-0990353-000 23764008 Contracted Services 01-250-000-0000-6526 174.95 SWEATSHIRTS 11/12/18 Uniforms 01-112-109-0000-6572 85.00 ACCT OT SHERIFF HOLDING TANK 22794 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6300 115.00 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance 308.6012835 392 GALLS LLC 364.14392 14501 GOERDT/SARAH D 12.0014501 52564 GRAINGER INC 243.5952564 13522 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS 802.5013522 7195 GRIFFIN/PATRICK 174.957195 9453 HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions - - 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions GABE/RICHARD B GALLS LLC GOERDT/SARAH D GRAINGER INC GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS GRIFFIN/PATRICK Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-205-000-0000-6273 883.25 EXAM BURLAND-ARNETT 2018-01010 MEDEX024075 Coroner Expense 10-302-000-0000-6330 126.44 MILEAGE Mileage 10-304-000-0000-6306 41.08 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 02-612-000-0000-6140 300.00 PER DIEM 12/11/18 Per Diem 02-612-000-0000-6330 97.01 MILEAGE 12/11/18 Mileage 10-303-000-0000-6278 20,408.90 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 01-112-101-0000-6572 587.00 TACO BEARING ASSEMBY REBUILT 47375 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-091-000-0000-6406 519.28 ACCT 2271 SUPPLIES 043476 Office Supplies 01-201-000-0000-6406 82.45 ACCT 9988526 SUPPLIES 043507 Office Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6406 832.70 ACCT 565373 SUPPLIES 043489 Office Supplies 22-622-000-0641-6369 200.00 TRAPPED 2 BEAVERS IN DITCH 41 12/11/18 Miscellaneous Charges 200.009453 7985 HENNEPIN CO MEDICAL CTR 883.257985 11887 HOIUM/RICK 126.4411887 10642 HOMETOWN REPAIR 41.0810642 13642 HORGEN/JERRY 397.0113642 5835 HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC 20,408.905835 14910 HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR 587.0014910 38100 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 1,434.4338100 14560 JACOBSON/RON 200.0014560 Page 11Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC HENNEPIN CO MEDICAL CTR HOIUM/RICK HOMETOWN REPAIR HORGEN/JERRY HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS JACOBSON/RON Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0110-6290 130.38 TOILET RENTAL 7136 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0130-6290 167.64 TOILET RENTAL/CLEANING 7136 Contracted Services. 10-304-000-0000-6526 199.00 SHOES Uniforms 50-000-000-0120-6426 8.00 SHIRTS & EMBROIDERY 89165 Clothing Allowance 50-000-000-0130-6426 8.00 SHIRTS & EMBROIDERY 89165 Clothing Allowance 50-000-000-0170-6426 140.00 SHIRTS & EMBROIDERY 89165 Uniforms 50-399-000-0000-6426 280.00 SHIRTS & EMBROIDERY 89165 Clothing Allowance 50-399-000-0000-6300 488.91 REPLACED 3 THERMOSTATS 33775 Building And Grounds Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6526 99.99 OTTERTAISD STAR BADGE 386367-01 Uniforms WUNDERLICH/MICHAEL5283 01-112-000-0000-6275 286.44 ACCT 681063-06 JENSEN 11/25 47050206 Fiber Locating Service 22-623-000-0602-6369 500.00 5 BEAVERS TRAPPED IN JDL2 12/11/18 Miscellaneous Charges-Judicial Ditch 2 10-302-000-0000-6514 1,931.10 SALT Salt 11098 JAKE'S JOHNS LLC 298.0211098 7773 JANUSZEWSKI/GREGORY 199.007773 39324 JK SPORTS 436.0039324 6489 JOHN'S HEATING & AC INC 488.916489 3191 KEEPRS INC 99.993191 40336 KELLY SERVICES INC 286.4440336 15197 KUGLER/DOUGLAS 500.0015197 6432 L & O ACRES TRANSPORT INC 1,931.106432 Page 12Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions JAKE'S JOHNS LLC JANUSZEWSKI/GREGORY JK SPORTS JOHN'S HEATING & AC INC KEEPRS INC KELLY SERVICES INC KUGLER/DOUGLAS L & O ACRES TRANSPORT INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-250-000-0000-6526 35.64 EMBROIDER LOGO 4 SWEATSHIRTS 9725 Uniforms 10-302-000-0000-6369 29.50 SERVICE Miscellaneous Charges 50-000-000-0120-6290 29.50 ACCT 1639 DRUG TESTING R.B.88347 Contracted Services. 01-201-000-0000-6526 56.16 BLACK PANTS 11/3/18 Uniforms 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 11/21/18 72698 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 11/29/18 72707 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 550.00 PAPER 11/27/18 72713 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 11/30/18 72714 Contract Transportation 10-304-000-0000-6572 200.99 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6240 126.00 AMERICA RECYCLES DAY 132491-1 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 262.50 AMERICA RECYCLES DAY 132492-1 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 150.50 AMERICA RECYCLES DAY 134301-1 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 30.00 CHR LIGHT RECYCLING 134302A-1 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 62.50 CHR LIGHT RECYCLING 134302B-1 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 60.00 CHR LIGHT RECYCLING 134302C-1 Publishing & Advertising 50-399-000-0000-6240 252.00 AMERICA RECYCLES DAY 132493-1 Advertising 50-399-000-0000-6240 30.00 8:20 PHONER 134298-1 Advertising 50-399-000-0000-6240 20.00 3:50 PHONER 134299-1 Advertising 50-399-000-0000-6240 30.00 8:50 PHONER 134300-1 Advertising 7173 LAKE COUNTRY GRAPHICS INC 35.647173 41450 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP 59.0041450 7474 LANNERS/ANGELA 56.167474 81 LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE 2,050.0081 1020 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 200.991020 198 LEIGHTON BROADCASTING/FF 1,023.50198 Page 13Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 10 Transactions LAKE COUNTRY GRAPHICS INC LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LANNERS/ANGELA LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LEIGHTON BROADCASTING/FF Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6171 12.00 MEAL - SUSPENSE TRAINING 11/8/18 Tuition And Education Expenses 50-000-000-0120-6858 14,422.86 ACCT 60633 TIRE DISPOSAL 1482405 Tire Disposal 50-000-000-0110-6858 2,344.88 ACCT 60634 TIRE DISPOSAL 1482406 Tire Disposal 50-000-000-0170-6858 2,050.75 ACCT 63800 TIRE DISPOSAL 1482433 Tire Disposal 10-302-000-0000-6500 354.74 SUPPLIES Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 1,892.95 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-250-000-0000-6526 54.95 ACCT 23-52E1 BOMBER JACKET 0271744-IN Uniforms 50-000-000-0110-6379 12.99 ACCT 23-52F1 GLOVES 0271777-IN Miscellaneous Charges 50-000-000-0000-6848 119.50 ACCT 23-52A28 HARD HATS 0271815-IN Public Education 50-399-000-0000-6426 226.87 ACCT 23-52F1 SWEATSHIRTS 0271774-IN Clothing Allowance 50-399-000-0000-6304 144.00 ACCT 23-52A28 KNITTED GLOVES 0271862-IN Repair And Maint-Vehicles 50-399-000-0000-6304 35.98 ACCT 23-52B13 GLOVES 0271897-IN Repair And Maint-Vehicles 01-112-000-0000-6526 2,154.00 SHIRTS & JACKETS 18679 Uniforms 01-149-000-0000-6210 2,568.24 ACCT 01314269 LEASE PAYMENT N7439993 Postage & Postage Meter 14-043-000-0000-6687 14,242.20 LEASE N18021053 INSERT/FOLDER N7446870 Equipment- Current Year 01-101-000-0000-6342 202.74 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0438518 371761818 Service Agreements 01-122-000-0000-6342 285.33 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0450685 370895492 Service Agreements 8410 LEITCH/JULIE 12.008410 10094 LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC 18,818.4910094 1022 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 2,247.691022 41638 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC 594.2941638 6934 LONG WEEKEND SPORTSWEAR 2,154.006934 12047 MAILFINANCE 16,810.4412047 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS Page 14Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions LEITCH/JULIE LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC LONG WEEKEND SPORTSWEAR MAILFINANCE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-061-000-0000-6406 107.10 ACCT OT00 STAPLES 5772116 Office Supplies 01-061-000-0000-6680 8,136.32 ACCT OT00 AQUOS BOARD 5778717 Computer Hardware 01-091-000-0000-6342 146.91 ACCT OT00-025 CN 123160-03 5791537 Service Agreements 10-301-000-0000-6342 592.94 SERVICE AGREEMENT Service Agreements 50-000-000-0130-6300 12.06 ACCT 984898 KEYS/PAPER TOWELS 074892/1 Building And Grounds Maintenance 50-000-000-0130-6306 19.98 ACCT 984898 HYD OIL 074892/1 Repair/Maint. Equip 50-000-000-0130-6300 9.35 ACCT 984898 SUPPLIES 074957/1 Building And Grounds Maintenance 10-304-000-0000-6406 47.88 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 01-091-000-0000-6330 50.14 MILEAGE - CJI CONFERENCE 11/16/18 Mileage 10-304-000-0000-6306 1,213.20 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6671 49,000.00 SUPPLIES Buildings - Capital Improvements 10-304-000-0000-6572 35.00 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6306 412.77 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 488.0736132 2721 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC 8,983.272721 9930 MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC 41.399930 12534 MATCO TOOLS 47.8812534 5382 MCKNITE/JACOB 50.145382 9021 MEKALSON HYDRAULICS INC 1,213.209021 1463 MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC 49,000.001463 7890 MILLS MACHINING & WELDING 35.007890 42863 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY Page 15Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions MARCO INC ST LOUIS MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC MATCO TOOLS MCKNITE/JACOB MEKALSON HYDRAULICS INC MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC MILLS MACHINING & WELDING Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-091-000-0000-6342 20.00 ACCT 1143 SHREDDING SERVICES 399658 Service Agreements 01-091-000-0000-6276 302.90 ACCT 8 REIMBURSE TRAVEL 513707 Professional Services 01-061-000-0000-6346 25,298.25 2019 MCCC FEES & 1ST QTR FEES 1901172 Mccc Fees 01-061-000-0000-6346 10,610.00 2019 JIC/IFS SUPPORT 1901177 Mccc Fees 01-042-000-0000-6369 264.71 COMMERICAL/MOTORCYCLE MANUALS 3418 Miscellaneous Charges 01-205-000-0000-6273 374.00 EXAM BURLAND-ARNETT 2018-01010 MEDEX024075 Coroner Expense 01-201-000-0000-6526 545.00 9MM AMMO/MAGAZINE 005268 Uniforms AXNESS/JOE8651 01-112-108-0000-6485 380.86 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 60837 Custodian Supplies 01-002-000-0000-6240 84.18 FOOD PROTECTION ORDINANCE 17624 Publishing & Advertising 01-002-000-0000-6240 86.01 SOLID WASTE AD 17624 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 790.56 NOTICE OF ELECTION 17624 Publishing & Advertising 01-063-000-0000-6240 42.09 PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST 17624 Publishing & Advertising 412.7742863 7661 MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC 20.007661 9229 MN ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE 302.909229 42745 MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP 35,908.2542745 13121 MNDRIVERSMANUALS.COM 264.7113121 9101 NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES 374.009101 7802 NEIGEL FIREARMS 545.007802 595 NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY 380.86595 13242 NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH Page 16Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC MN ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP MNDRIVERSMANUALS.COM NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES NEIGEL FIREARMS NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY Otter Tail County Auditor NORTHGATE ENERGY SOLUTIONS THERMAL IMAGI COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-063-000-0000-6240 549.00 SAMPLE BALLOT 17624 Publishing & Advertising 01-061-000-0000-6330 39.24 MILEAGE NOV2018 Mileage 01-112-102-0000-6673 950.00 EXPOXY PLUMBING CHASE IN JAIL 4250 Remodeling Projects 01-112-108-0000-6673 900.00 PAINT ENTRY WAY 4251 Remodeling Projects 10-304-000-0000-6572 171.66 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-106-0000-6572 270.00 INFRARED INSPECTION ELECTRICAL 1479 Repair And Maint Supplies 01-112-109-0000-6572 480.00 ANALYZE/REPORTS/TRAVEL 1479 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 9,046.91 TIRES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 650.00 SERVICE Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 398.37 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-705-000-0000-6330 428.37 MILEAGE - MEETINGS 12/11/18 Mileage 50-399-000-0000-6300 112.62 REPLACED GFI IN BREAK ROOM 11032 Building And Grounds Maintenance 1,551.8413242 597 NEWBORG/KEVIN 39.24597 11384 NEWMAN PAINTING INC 1,850.0011384 6006 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 171.666006 12651 750.0012651 15350 OK TIRE STORE - WAHPETON 9,046.9115350 1073 OLSEN COMPANIES 1,048.371073 15356 OSBERG/ERIK 428.3715356 10890 OTTER ELECTRIC LLC Page 17Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 5 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions NORTHGATE ENERGY SOLUTIONS THERMAL IMAGI NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH NEWBORG/KEVIN NEWMAN PAINTING INC NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC OK TIRE STORE - WAHPETON OLSEN COMPANIES OSBERG/ERIK Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-250-000-0000-6432 80.00 ACCT O2413 HEP B VACCINES 493 Medical Incarcerated 50-000-000-0110-6290 111.17 ACCT 408 MOWING @ LANDFILL 2381 Contracted Services. 01-061-000-0000-6276 75.00 ACCT 2189988000 CHECK BAD JACK 93613 Professional Services 50-000-000-0120-6291 2,377.62 HAULING CHARGES 11/12/18 37823 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0170-6291 7,351.14 HAULING CHARGES 11/12/18 37823 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0120-6291 792.54 HAULING CHARGES 11/19/18 37956 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0170-6291 3,231.36 HAULING CHARGES 11/19/18 37956 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0120-6291 3,170.16 HAULING CHARGES 1126/18 37957 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0170-6291 8,158.98 HAULING CHARGES 1126/18 37957 Contract Transportation 50-390-000-0000-6291 1,428.00 HAULING CHARGES 11/14/18 37823 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 2,856.00 HAULING CHARGES 1128/18 37957 Contract Transportation 10-304-000-0000-6526 70.05 JACKET Uniforms 10-304-000-0000-6565 3,533.13 DIESEL FUEL Fuels - Diesel 01-205-000-0000-6273 335.00 BODY TRANSPORT CC18-4420 20181092 Coroner Expense 112.6210890 115 OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEALTH 80.00115 126 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 111.17126 44208 OTTER TAIL TELCOM 75.0044208 7392 OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC 29,365.807392 11974 PEDERSEN/ALVIN 70.0511974 1087 PENROSE OIL COMPANY 3,533.131087 2951 PERHAM AREA EMS 335.002951 Page 18Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 8 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions OTTER ELECTRIC LLC OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEALTH OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL TELCOM OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC PEDERSEN/ALVIN PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERHAM AREA EMS Otter Tail County Auditor POPE DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-106-0000-6572 343.87 MICROWAVE/WATER FILTERS 87231 Repair And Maint Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6379 224.00 CAR SEATS FOR RECYCLING 1532 Miscellaneous Charges 01-149-000-0000-6369 1,120.00 ACCT 679827 5MB DATA PLAN 1019062 Miscellaneous Charges 50-000-000-0120-6565 100.65 ACCT 988529 FUEL 88040300 Fuels 50-000-000-0120-6565 69.00 ACCT 988529 FUEL 88040792 Fuels 01-002-000-0000-6818 3,000.00 GOV AFFAIRS REPRESENTATION 2018-002 Board Contingency 01-205-000-0000-6273 1,540.00 EXAM BURLAND-ARNETT 2018-01010 MEDEX024075 Coroner Expense 22-622-000-0625-6369 467.50 REMOVE BEAVER DAM DITCH 25 2470 Miscellaneous Charges 50-000-000-0120-6290 1,680.00 EQUIP HRS/SALARY HENNING TSF 104351 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0130-6290 6,280.00 EQUIP HRS/SALARY NE LANDFILL 104351 Contracted Services. 01-063-000-0000-6344 3,806.00 JOB 64747 ENRA GENERAL 504209 Programming, Support, Warranty 45072 PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE 343.8745072 10214 224.0010214 12526 PRECISE MRM LLC 1,120.0012526 45475 PRO AG FARMERS CO OP 169.6545475 15407 PSICK CAPITOL SOLUTIONS INC 3,000.0015407 2270 RAMSEY COUNTY 1,540.002270 15195 RUTHER EXCAVATING, INC 467.5015195 697 SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC 7,960.00697 6209 SEACHANGE PRINT INNOVATIONS Page 19Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions POPE DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PINE PLAZA TV & APPLIANCE PRECISE MRM LLC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PSICK CAPITOL SOLUTIONS INC RAMSEY COUNTY RUTHER EXCAVATING, INC SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-091-000-0000-6242 120.00 NOTARY APP FOR TAYLOR BERGREN 12/11/18 Registration Fees 01-091-000-0000-6242 120.00 NOTARY APP FOR TOBBIE BABCOCK 12/11/18 Registration Fees 01-002-000-0000-6369 33.64 K3210 27NOV18 Miscellaneous Charges 01-149-000-0000-6210 5.88 K3210 29NOV18 Postage & Postage Meter 10-304-000-0000-6572 67.50 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 50-399-000-0000-6331 8.23 MEAL - RECYCLING EDUCATOR TRNG 11/27/18 Meals And Lodging 10-304-000-0000-6526 234.95 SHOES Uniforms 01-061-000-0000-6342 15,945.00 NETWORK PERFOMANCE MONITOR IN406489 Service Agreements 01-002-000-0000-6818 15,093.59 LONG RANGE STRATEGIC PLANNING 11025.00-11 Board Contingency 10-303-000-0000-6278 10,972.99 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 10-301-000-0000-6406 164.71 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 3,806.006209 8085 SECRETARY OF STATE 240.008085 19005 SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU 39.5219005 48638 SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC 67.5048638 11529 SIMON/SETHRENA 8.2311529 2644 SODERSTROM/DENNIS 234.952644 15466 SOLARWINDS 15,945.0015466 6321 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 26,066.586321 10646 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 164.7110646 Page 20Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions SEACHANGE PRINT INNOVATIONS SECRETARY OF STATE SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC SIMON/SETHRENA SODERSTROM/DENNIS SOLARWINDS SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-108-0000-6485 143.50 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 820628 Custodian Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6485 84.00 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 820925-1 Custodian Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6485 409.08 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 821376 Custodian Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6485 80.12 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 821378 Custodian Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6276 4,815.00 WASTE DELIVERY ASSURANCE 4080109 Professional Services 10-303-000-0000-6278 4,902.15 ADA TRANSITION PLAN Engineering & Hydrological Testing 01-201-000-0000-6526 204.99 ACCT 974 TACTICAL CARRIER I1337545 Uniforms 01-201-000-0000-6526 206.94 ACCT 974 TACTICAL POUCHES I1337735 Uniforms KRUPICH/JEREMIAS8279 01-201-000-0000-6526 467.91 ACCT 974 TACTICAL POUCHES I1337884 Uniforms HABERER/DALE MYRON9569 01-201-000-0000-6526 252.93 ACCT 974 TACTICAL POUCHES I1337885 Uniforms AXNESS/JOE8651 01-201-000-0000-6526 301.92 ACCT 974 TACTICAL POUCHES I1337887 Uniforms HUCKEBY/ROBERT8714 01-201-000-0000-6526 76.94 ACCT 974 OPEN EAR INSERT I1338565 Uniforms AXNESS/JOE8651 01-201-000-0000-6526 138.98 ACCT 974 BOOTS I1339747 Uniforms PETERSON/CHRIS11583 01-112-104-0000-6572 186.00 HELPED W/ THERMAL IMAGING 3958 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6572 217.00 HELPED W/ THERMAL IMAGING 3959 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-106-0000-6572 217.00 HELPED W/ THERMAL IMAGING 3960 Repair And Maint Supplies 01-112-109-0000-6572 248.00 HELPED W/ THERMAL IMAGING 3961 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6572 1,041.66 REPLACE POLE LIGHTS/BREAKER 3962 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6572 1,422.46 PULL WIRES/ADD DATA 3963 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 48183 STEINS INC 716.7048183 11210 STOEL RIVES LLP 4,815.0011210 15004 STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING INC 4,902.1515004 168 STREICHERS 1,650.61168 14550 SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC, INC. Page 21Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 7 Transactions STEINS INC STOEL RIVES LLP STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING INC STREICHERS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 10-301-000-0000-6240 174.60 NOTICE Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 130.95 ACCT 1980 HENNING TSF HOURS 52569 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 130.95 ACCT 1980 HENNING TSF HOURS 52688 Publishing & Advertising 01-201-000-0000-6304 35.13 UNIT 1708 OIL CHANGE 112344 Repair And Maintenance 10-304-000-0000-6572 657.12 TIRES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 205.23 TIRE REPAIR Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 31.94 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 50-000-000-0170-6306 156.60 FITTINGS/HYDRO HOSE 030572 Repair/Maint. Equip 01-149-000-0000-6354 503.27 UNIT 1808 REPAIRS 10/22/18 Insurance Claims 01-601-000-0000-6342 403.80 BILL ID 90136606589 69014236 Service Agreements 01-124-000-0000-6140 300.00 PER DIEM 11/14/18 Per Diem 01-124-000-0000-6330 195.66 MILEAGE 11/14/18 Mileage 01-112-108-0000-6342 431.20 ACCT OTCGOV CLEAN ICE MACHINE T35621 Service Agreements 3,332.1214550 42537 THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS 436.5042537 49008 TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE 692.2549008 1999 TNT REPAIR INC 393.771999 3152 TOM'S BODY SHOP 503.273152 14497 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 403.8014497 11949 TRITES/DAVID 495.6611949 7726 TWEETON REFRIGERATION, INC 431.207726 50064 UGSTAD PLUMBING INC Page 22Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 6 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC, INC. THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE TNT REPAIR INC TOM'S BODY SHOP TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES TRITES/DAVID TWEETON REFRIGERATION, INC Otter Tail County Auditor WADENA STATE BANK & DUANE MOENCH JR COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 50-399-000-0000-6300 95.00 ACCT 103203 CHECK BOILER PUMPS 63186 Building And Grounds Maintenance 50-390-000-0000-6863 13,176.72 ACCT 444586 PAINT DISPOSAL 826744729 Disposal Costs 10-304-000-0000-6300 10,159.64 LIGHTING UPGRADE Building And Grounds Maintenance 10-302-000-0000-6350 36,369.80 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 50-000-000-0000-6331 17.32 MEALS - MEETINGS 11/28/18 Meals And Lodging 50-000-000-0110-6853 199.23 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001587-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 50-000-000-0120-6853 6,126.63 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001587-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 50-000-000-0130-6853 447.62 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001587-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 50-000-000-0150-6853 196.36 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001587-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 50-000-000-0170-6853 12,590.85 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001587-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 10-301-000-0000-6331 70.36 MEALS Meals And Lodging 10-304-000-0000-6306 20.00 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 11/14/18 Per Diem 01-124-000-0000-6330 113.36 MILEAGE 11/14/18 Mileage 95.0050064 7857 VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 13,176.727857 15472 VINCO, INC 10,159.6415472 5519 36,369.805519 15405 WALTERS/CEDAR 17.3215405 2278 WASTE MANAGEMENT 19,560.692278 2080 WEST/RICHARD K 90.362080 11653 WILSON/WARREN R 263.3611653 Page 23Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions WADENA STATE BANK & DUANE MOENCH JR UGSTAD PLUMBING INC VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES VINCO, INC WALTERS/CEDAR WASTE MANAGEMENT WEST/RICHARD K WILSON/WARREN R Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6330 43.60 MILEAGE - WAG TRAINING 11/14/18 Mileage 02-219-000-0000-6369 35.64 ROLLS - INVESTIGATION TRAINING 11/14/18 Miscellaneous Charges 02-219-000-0000-6369 32.94 ROLLS - DE-ESCALATION TRAINING 11/16/18 Miscellaneous Charges 8425 WINDELS/LORI 112.188425 607,269.08 Page 24Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions Final Total ............166 Vendors 308 Transactions WINDELS/LORI Otter Tail County Auditor General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES12:36:08PM12/6/2018 csteinba Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems Page 25Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 138,592.70 General Revenue Fund 1 1,940.84 General Fund Dedicated Accounts 2 309,345.26 Road And Bridge Fund 10 44.00 Human Services 11 56.01 Law Library Fund 13 38,244.59 Capital Improvement Fund 14 803.40 Sheriff's Criminal Forft. Fund 21 11,167.50 County Ditch Fund 22 106,970.56 Solid Waste Fund 50 104.22 State Tax Fund 84 607,269.08 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES12/6/2018 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 1:14:37PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:14:37PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-640-0000-6297 131.00 Control #23273 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 1 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-430-700-0000-6330 31.62 Mileage Mileage - Ss Adm 2 11/14/2018 11/14/2018 11-406-000-0000-6379 243.13 Office Chair/#2189988500 433642 Miscellaneous Charges 3 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-420-640-0000-6297 75.00 Civil File #18002373 6484 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 4 11/21/2018 11/21/2018 11-406-000-0000-6304 6.00 Car Wash Motor Vehicle Repair 6 11/24/2018 11/24/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 LAC MEETING-Stipend & Mileage Mental Health Adv Committees 7 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 8.72 LAC MEETING-Stipend & Mileage Mental Health Adv Committees 8 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 11-430-700-0000-6331 10.24 Meal Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 9 10/09/2018 10/09/2018 31510 BIG STONE CO SHERIFF 131.0031510 14764 BUCHHOLZ/ANNE 31.6214764 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 243.1332603 7356 CROW WING CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 75.007356 15359 DOUCETTE/JUSTIN 6.0015359 15449 DUENOW/DIANE 53.7215449 41588 ELLINGSON/PEGGY 10.2441588 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions BIG STONE CO SHERIFF BUCHHOLZ/ANNE COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CROW WING CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOUCETTE/JUSTIN DUENOW/DIANE ELLINGSON/PEGGY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:14:37PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6304 50.74 Oil change for #17821 Motor Vehicle Repair 10 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-430-700-0000-6330 22.34 Mileage & Meal Mileage - Ss Adm 12 11/15/2018 11/20/2018 11-430-700-0000-6331 9.71 Mileage & Meal Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 11 11/15/2018 11/20/2018 11-406-000-0000-6331 16.05 Personal expenses Meals & Lodging - Probation 13 11/19/2018 11/19/2018 11-420-601-6331-6171 99.80 Training Meals Im Training Meals & Lodging 14 11/25/2018 11/29/2018 11-420-640-0000-6297 43.08 Inv 6214 6214 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 15 11/27/2018 11/28/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 90.00 November LAC Meetings Mental Health Adv Committees 16 11/27/2018 11/28/2018 11-406-000-0000-6406 372.16 Copier lease/35700038 371761438 Office Supplies 17 11/23/2018 11/23/2018 15467 EMERSON/ROBERT 50.7415467 9243 FIX/KRISTA 32.059243 40258 GONTAREK/JOANNIE 16.0540258 11704 HILL/SARAH 99.8011704 3144 KANDIYOHI CO SHERIFF 43.083144 40636 KNUDSON/FONDA L 90.0040636 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS 372.1636132 Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions EMERSON/ROBERT FIX/KRISTA GONTAREK/JOANNIE HILL/SARAH KANDIYOHI CO SHERIFF KNUDSON/FONDA L MARCO INC ST LOUIS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:14:37PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6304 27.95 Oil change #18455/Acc#9988500 702709 Motor Vehicle Repair 18 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-406-000-0000-6331 734.75 Training for R. Emerson Meals & Lodging - Probation 5 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 11-420-000-0000-2100 28,116.82 A300MM9D56l Due Other Governments MA Refunds 19 11/16/2018 11/16/2018 11-420-621-0000-6040 12,667.10 A300MM9D56l Co Share Of Under 65 Nh To State 22 11/16/2018 11/16/2018 11-420-640-0000-6379 48.25 Federal Offset Fees A300C831427 Miscellaneous Charges 25 10/31/2018 10/31/2018 11-420-605-0000-6040 4,566.59 08/18 Maxis Recoveries A300MX56186I State Share Of Maxis Refunds To State 23 08/01/2018 08/31/2018 11-420-605-0000-6040 3,477.23 09-18 Maxis Recoveries A300MX56187I State Share Of Maxis Refunds To State 24 09/01/2018 09/30/2018 11-430-740-4901-6051 5,879.28 A300MM9D56l R79 Ch Case Manage State 21 11/16/2018 11/16/2018 11-430-740-4911-6051 3,661.38 A300MM9D56l R 79 Adltcasemngmnt To State 20 11/16/2018 11/16/2018 11-406-000-0000-6406 188.25 Inv. 235544486001 235544486001 Office Supplies 26 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-430-700-0000-6331 14.21 Meal & Child Meals Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 27 11/02/2018 11/15/2018 11-430-710-1621-6097 27.29 Meal & Child Meals In Home Service - Brief 28 11/02/2018 11/15/2018 42863 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 27.9542863 42623 MN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS 734.7542623 43022 MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 58,416.6543022 51120 OFFICE DEPOT 188.2551120 7871 OLSON/STEPHANIE Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 7 Transactions 1 Transactions MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES OFFICE DEPOT Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:14:37PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-601-0000-6379 10.80 birth/death certificates Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 29 11/01/2018 11/30/2018 11-430-700-0000-6379 13.20 birth/death certificates Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 29 11/01/2018 11/30/2018 11-420-601-0000-6349 14,440.95 Rent Building & Facilities Rental 30 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 11-430-700-0000-6349 17,650.05 Rent Building & Facilities Rental 30 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 11-409-330-1100-6091 3,659.50 Collaborative FY18-1219 Mental Health Project 31 09/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-409-330-1300-6091 1,929.20 Collaborative FY18-1219 Truancy Project 32 09/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 LAC Meeting-Stipend & Bus Fare Mental Health Adv Committees 33 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 3.00 LAC Meeting-Stipend & Bus Fare Mental Health Adv Committees 34 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 LAC MEETING & MILEAGE Mental Health Adv Committees 35 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 11-430-740-0000-6277 29.43 LAC MEETING & MILEAGE Mental Health Adv Committees 36 11/28/2018 11/28/2018 41.507871 44086 OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER 24.0044086 44003 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 32,091.0044003 35486 PARKERS PRAIRIE SCHOOLS ISD 547 5,588.7035486 10722 POTTER/TARA 48.0010722 6777 PRESCOTT - ADAMIETZ/CATHIE 74.436777 46006 QUALITY TOYOTA Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions OLSON/STEPHANIE OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER PARKERS PRAIRIE SCHOOLS ISD 547 POTTER/TARA PRESCOTT - ADAMIETZ/CATHIE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:14:37PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-430-700-0000-6304 121.34 Acct #139 6026837 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 39 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-430-700-0000-6304 89.24 Acct #139 6027312 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 38 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-430-700-0000-6304 833.72 Acct #139 6027492 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 37 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-430-700-0000-6330 6.00 Meals & Parking Mileage - Ss Adm 41 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-430-700-0000-6331 15.94 Meals & Parking Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 40 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-420-640-0000-6297 50.00 NO. 18-2781 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 42 11/14/2018 11/14/2018 11-420-601-0000-6406 396.74 Acct #4872 432571 Office Supplies 43 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-430-700-0000-6406 484.91 Acct #4872 432571 Office Supplies 43 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 1,044.3046006 12702 SJOLIE, DARIN 21.9412702 48421 STEARNS CO SHERIFF 50.0048421 51002 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 881.6551002 100,487.71 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions Final Total ............28 Vendors 46 Transactions QUALITY TOYOTA SJOLIE, DARIN STEARNS CO SHERIFF VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1:14:37PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems Page 7Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 100,487.71 Human Services 11 100,487.71 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES12/6/2018 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 1:12:55PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-100-0037-6330 37.17 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage Case Management 30 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 13.08 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 31 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 56.68 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE HFA Mileage 32 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0024-6331 11.00 NOV EXPENSES NOV MEALS Nfp Meals & Lodging 34 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-600-0090-6331 1.00 NOV EXPENSES NOV MEALS Meals & Lodging 35 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0024-6330 213.10 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Nfp Mileage 33 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0018-6200 80.93 ACCT #045 4022 Ctc Outr Telephone 4 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0018-6200 50.94 ACCT #045 4022 Ctc Outr Telephone 5 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-600-0090-6330 82.60 ACCT #045 4022 Mileage 3 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-600-0090-6379 564.95 ACCT #045 4022 Miscellaneous Charges 1 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-600-0090-6379 589.73 ACCT #045 4022 Miscellaneous Charges 2 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-300-0071-6488 410.00 (4) VACCINE MONITORING KITS CS62561 Imz Program Supplies 6 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 14788 BARKER/MEGAN 37.1714788 13978 BESEMAN/KAREN 69.7613978 6757 BYE/KRISTIN 225.106757 32663 CLAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 1,369.1532663 12788 CONTROL SOLUTIONS INC Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 5 Transactions BARKER/MEGAN BESEMAN/KAREN BYE/KRISTIN CLAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPT Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-500-0080-6331 5.89 NOV EXPENSES NOV MEALS FPL Meals & Lodging 36 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-500-0081-6331 12.86 NOV EXPENSES NOV MEALS Meals & Lodging Well Delegation 37 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-500-0081-6331 9.12 NOV EXPENSES NOV MEALS Meals & Lodging Well Delegation 38 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-500-0080-6330 4.91 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE FPL mileage 39 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-600-0090-6330 2.18 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage 40 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0033-6330 1.64 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Msc+ Ucare Mileage 41 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0036-6330 2.73 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Msho Ucare Mileage 42 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0041-6330 188.57 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Snbc Mileage 43 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0024-6330 166.77 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Nfp Mileage 44 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 57.77 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Wic Mileage 45 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 410.0012788 15052 DEMMER/ANDREA 27.8715052 13103 DUENOW/MELISSA 7.0913103 35588 FIELD/DEB 192.9435588 12483 FRUSTOL/ANNE 166.7712483 81002 GAUWITZ/CARLA 57.7781002 14398 GEORGESON/ANTHONY Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions CONTROL SOLUTIONS INC DEMMER/ANDREA DUENOW/MELISSA FIELD/DEB FRUSTOL/ANNE GAUWITZ/CARLA Otter Tail County Auditor INDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-500-0080-6330 2.18 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE FPL mileage 46 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-400-0083-6331 8.51 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Meals & Lodging Bioterrorism 48 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-500-0085-6330 1.64 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage Nuisance 47 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 286.34 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 49 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0018-6330 63.22 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage Ctc Outreach 50 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0060-6091 1,601.25 SAFE COMM GRANT ACTIVITIES 18-1130-136 Safe Communities Grant Contracts 7 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0060-6330 29.43 SAFE COMM GRANT ACTIVITIES 18-1130-136 Mileage - Inj Prev 8 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0060-6330 46.87 SAFE COMM GRANT ACTIVITIES 18-1130-136 Mileage - Inj Prev 9 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0060-6330 39.79 SAFE COMM GRANT ACTIVITIES 18-1130-136 Mileage - Inj Prev 10 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 82.84 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Wic Mileage 51 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0062-6330 53.41 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Nutrition Mileage 52 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 2.1814398 7611 GIBBS/ANN 10.157611 36425 GUCK/AMY 286.3436425 37610 HENDRICKX/KATHY 63.2237610 8471 1,717.348471 40703 KOEHLER-TABERY/ANNA MARIE Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 TransactionsINDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC GEORGESON/ANTHONY GIBBS/ANN GUCK/AMY HENDRICKX/KATHY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-600-0090-6242 60.00 CUST SVC TRAINING 88289 Registration Fees 11 11/13/2018 11/13/2018 11-407-100-0046-6091 705.30 DHS FEES 5116 Contracts PHR-LTSS Grant 12 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 13.08 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 53 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0045-6330 1.09 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage - Pca 54 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0031-6330 28.89 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Msho Bcbs Mileage 55 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0033-6330 44.69 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Msc+ Ucare Mileage 56 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0034-6330 22.89 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Msc+ Blues Mileage 57 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0036-6330 76.30 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Msho Ucare Mileage 58 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-300-0070-6330 21.80 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage D P & C 59 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0060-6488 500.00 ACCT #OTCDPH 4563 Program Supplies Inj Prev 13 11/16/2018 11/16/2018 136.2540703 41450 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP 60.0041450 6378 LINDEN TECH ADVISORS LLC 705.306378 11105 MAGNUSSON/LANE 14.1711105 7065 MARTENSON/PAULA 172.777065 6756 METZGER/JESSICA 21.806756 87003 MIDWEST PRINTING CO Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions KOEHLER-TABERY/ANNA MARIE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LINDEN TECH ADVISORS LLC MAGNUSSON/LANE MARTENSON/PAULA METZGER/JESSICA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-200-0053-6330 25.07 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE CHW Mileage 60 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0022-6488 7.98 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE Phn Program Supplies - Wic 17 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-200-0022-6488 7.98 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE Phn Program Supplies - Wic 19 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-200-0024-6488 2.42 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE Nfp Program Supplies 15 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-200-0027-6488 1.45 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE HFA Program Supplies 16 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-600-0090-6406 81.04 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE Office Supplies 14 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-600-0090-6406 13.40 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE Office Supplies 18 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-600-0090-6406 236.97 ACCT #71423628 INCL 5 INVOICE Office Supplies 20 11/09/2018 11/14/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 63.22 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 61 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0045-6330 9.27 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage - Pca 62 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0046-6488 525.00 OCT CONSENT TO SHARE MEETINGS Program Supplies PHR-LTSS Grant 21 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 2.18 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Wic Mileage 63 500.0087003 11747 MURILLO/MONICA 25.0711747 51120 OFFICE DEPOT 335.2851120 13584 PERRIER/MATTHEW 72.4913584 13027 PIONEER CARE 525.0013027 7714 PRESTON/ELAINE Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions - 7 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions MIDWEST PRINTING CO MURILLO/MONICA OFFICE DEPOT PERRIER/MATTHEW PIONEER CARE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 194.51 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 64 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 140.61 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Wic Mileage 65 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0046-6091 2,131.50 CONSULTING FEES 4770 Contracts PHR-LTSS Grant 22 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 25.07 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Wic Mileage 66 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 44.69 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 67 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 314.47 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE HFA Mileage 68 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-500-0080-6330 21.80 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE FPL mileage 71 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-500-0085-6330 21.80 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage Nuisance 69 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-600-0090-6330 92.65 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Mileage 70 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 2.187714 13726 SCHMIDT/JANE 194.5113726 5990 SCHOON/WENDY 140.615990 12562 STRATIS HEALTH 2,131.5012562 49200 TALSNESS/PEGGY 25.0749200 10808 THACKER/SARAH 359.1610808 94003 THORSON/DIANE Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions PRESTON/ELAINE SCHMIDT/JANE SCHOON/WENDY STRATIS HEALTH TALSNESS/PEGGY THACKER/SARAH Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-200-0024-6200 141.52 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 NFP Telephone 25 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-200-0027-6200 163.16 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 HFA Telephone 26 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-200-0053-6200 113.20 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 CHW Telephone 29 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-300-0070-6488 61.60 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 Program Supplies D P & C 28 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-400-0083-6200 61.60 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 Telephone 24 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-500-0080-6488 123.20 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 FPL Prog Supplies 27 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-500-0081-6488 61.60 ACCT #680689848-00001 9818775652 Prog Supplies Well Delegation 23 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 11-407-200-0054-6330 17.44 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Aging Mileage 72 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 7.09 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 73 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 202.74 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE HFA Mileage 74 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0024-6330 307.38 NOV EXPENSES NOV MILEAGE Nfp Mileage 75 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 136.2594003 9820 VERIZON WIRELESS 725.889820 12905 VOSS/NANCY 17.4412905 11821 WENTWORTH/KRISTI 209.8311821 52580 WESTBY/LINDA 307.3852580 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 7 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions THORSON/DIANE VERIZON WIRELESS VOSS/NANCY WENTWORTH/KRISTI WESTBY/LINDA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11,460.79 Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates Final Total ............37 Vendors 75 Transactions Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1:12:55PM12/6/2018 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems Page 10Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 11,460.79 Human Services 11 11,460.79 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OTTER TAIL COUNTY CONTRACT OUTLINE Presented to Human Service Board November 27, 2018 AGENCY PROGRAM EFFECTIVE DATE TARGETED POPULATION AMOUNT OF CONTRACT AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CONTRACT FUNDING SOURCE Contract Renewals Blue Sky Ins. Semi-independent Living Skills 01-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Persons with Mental Retardation or related conditions Unit Cost $36.07 per hour No change County of Financial Responsibility St. Williams Living Center Community Support Program and Adult Rehabilitative MH Services 01-01-19 Through 12-31-20 Individuals with serious and persistent mental illness Maximum of $46,377 per year No change Additional funding in the amount of $9,000 is available through the Adult Mental Health Initiative. These funds are available to enhance & expand the current CSP Program. Trans Em Supported Employment 01-01-19 Through 12-31-20 Individuals with serious and persistent mental illness Maximum of 118,400 Maximum of $115,748 01-01-18 – 12-31-18 Adult Mental Health Initiative Funds. A Place for Friends Social Club 01-01-19 Through 12-31-20 CSP – Adult with serious and persistent mental illness Maximum of $25,400 Maximum of $24,831 01-01-18 – 12-31-18 Adult Mental Health Initiative A Place for Hope Social Club 01-01-19 Through 12-31-20 CSP – Adult with serious and persistent mental illness Maximum of $67,600 Maximum of $66,086 01-01-18 – 12-31-18 Adult Mental Health Initiative A Place to Belong Social Club 01-01-19 Through 12-31-20 CSP – Adult with serious and persistent mental illness Maximum of $147,400 Maximum of $144,098 01-01-18 – 12-31-18 Adult Mental Health Initiative Page | 1 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Tuesday, December 11, 2018 1.Approve the LG220 application for exempt permit has submitted by the Stalker Lake Sportsman’s Club for an event scheduled for Friday, June 14, 2018 at Dalton Outdoors located at 14732 Gun Club Road. 2.Approve the issuance of 2019 Tobacco License to the following: a.Ronald J. Wegscheid dba Bluffton Oil Companyb.Raymond Rogers dba Big Chief Inc.c.Dale K. Cameron dba Battle Lake Standardd.(ECR Assets LLC) Bobby Schempp Jr. dba Lakeland General Storee.Jeffrey S Olson dba Crossroads Convenience Center 3.Approve the issuance of an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Liquor License to Roland Bell dba Bells Resort, Bar, and Grill formerly known as the Galaxy Resort and Restaurant. Approval is subject to review by the County Attorney’s office and the County Sheriff’s Department, as well as the submission of all of the required application forms. LABOR AGREEMENT between COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL Fergus Falls MN and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Representing FACILITIES MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES January 1, 20162019 through December 31, 20182021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Otter Tail County Facilities Maintenance ARTICLE I. (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT ......................................................................... 1 ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION ................................................................................................ 1 ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 1 ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ......................................................................... 4 ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE...................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY ................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE XI (11). CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION ............................................................. 8 ARTICLE XII (12). WORK SCHEDULE .................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE XIII (13). OVERTIME ................................................................................................ 9 ARTICLE XIV (14). UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ........................................................................ 10 ARTICLE XV (15). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION ................................................... 11 ARTICLE XVI (16). INSURANCE ........................................................................................... 11 ARTICLE XVII (17). HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................. 13 ARTICLE XVIII (18). VACATION SCHEDULE ........................................................................ 13 ARTICLE XIX (19). SICK LEAVE ........................................................................................... 15 ARTICLE XX (20). WAGES .................................................................................................... 15 ARTICLE XXI (21). MEAL ALLOWANCE ............................................................................... 16 ARTICLE XXII (22). INJURY ON DUTY ................................................................................. 16 ARTICLE XXIII (23). RESIGNATION ...................................................................................... 17 ARTICLE XXIV (24). LEAVES OF ABSENCE ........................................................................ 17 ARTICLE XXV (25). SAFETY ................................................................................................. 18 ARTICLE XXVI (26). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ............................................... 19 ARTICLE XXVII (27). TUITION ASSISTANCE ....................................................................... 19 ARTICLE XXVIII (28). POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH CARE SAVINGS VEBA PLAN ........ 19 ARTICLE XXIX (29). NATIONAL TEAMSTERS D.R.I.V.E. .................................................... 20 ARTICLE XXX (30). WAIVER ................................................................................................. 20 ARTICLE XXXI (31). DURATION ........................................................................................... 20 Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 1 LABOR AGREEMENT between COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Facilities Maintenance Employees ARTICLE I. (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between the County of Otter Tail, hereinafter called the Employer, and the Minnesota Teamster Public and Law Enforcement Union, Local No. 320, hereinafter called the Union. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to: 1.1 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning this Agreement's interpretation and/or application; and 1.2 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration of this Agreement. ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative, under Minnesota Statutes 179A.03, Subd. 14, for all personnel in the following job classifications: "All employees within the Facilities Operations Department employed by Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, who are public employees within the meaning of Minnesota Statute §179A.03, Subd. 14, which excludes supervisory, confidential employees, and all other essential employees." 2.2 In the event the Employer and the Union are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS 3.1 UNION: The Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.2 UNION MEMBER: A member of the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.3 EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. 3.4 DEPARTMENT: Includes the Facilities Operations Department. 3.5 EMPLOYER: The County of Otter Tail, Minnesota. 3.6 DEPARTMENT HEAD: The Director of the Facilities Operations Department. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 2 3.7 PART-TIME REGULAR: An employee who has completed a six (6) month probation period and works fewer than forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis. 3.8 FULL-TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a six (6) month probation period, and works forty (40) hours or more a week for the Employer. 3.9 IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Employee's spouse, children, adopted or foster child, parent(s), siblings, sister/brother/mother/father-in-law, grandchildren, grandparents related by blood or marriage. 3.10 UNION STEWARD: Steward elected or appointed by the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.11 SENIORITY: Seniority is as defined in Article IX. 3.12 STRIKE: Concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slow-down, or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions or compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. 3.13 PROBATIONARY PERIOD: A period of time not to exceed six (6) calendar months from the date of employment subject to the conditions of Article V, Section 5.3. 3.14 CLASS: One or more positions sufficiently similar in the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or required; minimum qualifications of training, experience, or skill; and such other characteristics that the same job title, the same tests of fitness, and the same schedule of compensation may be applied with equality to all of the positions. 3.15 DEMOTION: A change by an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with less responsible duties and a lower salary range. 3.16 PROMOTION: A change of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with more responsible duties and a higher salary range. 3.17 TRANSFER: The movement of a probationary or permanent employee from a position in one class to another position in the same class in the same or different county agency or to a position in a different class in the same or different county agency that has a comparable work value. 3.18 DIVISION DIRECTORS: Managers responsible for directing the activities of multiple departments, programs or functions. 3.19 ANNIVERSARY DATE: Date of original hire from which continuous employment is maintained, less day for day adjustments for unpaid leaves of absence. 3.20 IN GOOD STANDING: The status of an employee who is not the subject of current discipline, and has given proper notice of resignation. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 3 ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY The Union agrees that during the life of this Agreement that the Union will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow-down, or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the Employer. ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 The Employer retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules and to perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by this Agreement. 5.2 Any term or condition of employment not specifically established or modified by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Employer to modify, establish, or eliminate. 5.3 Employees will be subject to probationary periods of time not to exceed six (6) calendar months from the date of employment. During the probationary period, employees may be terminated from employment at the sole discretion of the Employer. During the probationary period, probationary employees are employed "at will" and cannot avail themselves of the grievance procedure in Article VII contesting any termination process. ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY 6.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount sufficient to provide the payment of dues established by the Union, or a "fair share"negotiated deduction, as provided in Minnesota Statutes 179A.06, Subd. 3, consistent with the Janus decision if the employee elects not to become a member of the Union. Such money shall be remitted as directed by the Union. 6.2 It is agreed that the Employer's obligation to provide for dues deduction and/or fair sharenegotiated fee assessment shall continue only for the period of time that such deductions are non-negotiable and required by PELRA. 6.3 The Union may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and an alternate and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and/or alternate. The Union may designate two (2) stewards and one (1) alternate to represent this unit. 6.4 The Employer shall provide a Union bulletin board at the Courthouse and the Government Services Center for the posting of Union notice(s) and announcement(s). The Union agrees to limit the posting of such notices to the bulletin board space designated by the Employer. It is specifically understood that no notices of a political or inflammatory nature shall be posted on the Employer's premises. 6.5 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 4 6.6 Neither the County nor the Union shall interfere with the right of employees covered by this Agreement to become or not become members of the Union, and there shall be no discrimination against any such employees because of lawful Union membership or non-membership activity or status. 6.7 Union representatives shall have access to the premises of the Employer at reasonable times and subject to reasonable rules in connection with official Union business. ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.1 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. A probationary employee is not entitled to utilize the grievance procedure. 7.2 Union Representatives. The Employer will recognize representatives designated by the Union, as the grievance representative of the bargaining unit, having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Union shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the names of their successors, when so designated. 7.3 Processing of a Grievance. It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances, as hereinafter provided, is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and, therefore, shall be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and the Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours provided the employee and the Union representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 7.4 Procedure. Grievances, as defined by Section 7.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure. STEP 1. A non-probationary employee, claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's supervisor, as designated by the Employer. The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated and the remedy requested and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's Step 2 answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 2. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 5 STEP 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 shall be submitted to arbitration, subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Relations Act of 1971, as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services (BMS). By mutual agreement, both parties can request involvement of a BMS mediator to hear and resolve the grievance. If either side does not agree to the mediation process, either party may request arbitration within ten (10) days after either party's written notification to the other of their intent not to participate in the mediation process by serving a written notice on the other party of their intention to proceed with arbitration. 7.5 Arbitrator's Authority. A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide on the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue, not so submitted. B. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way, the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and the proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 Waiver. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next Step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance, or an appeal thereof, within the specified time limit, the Union shall elect to treat the grievance as defined at that Step and may immediately appeal the grievance to the next Step. The time limit in each Step may be extended by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. 7.7 No employee shall be disciplined for filing a grievance or for his/her testimony at a grievance hearing. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 6 7.8 Choice of Remedy: If, as a result of the written Employer response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion, or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed to either Step 4 of Article VII or a procedure such as Civil Service, Veterans Preference, etc. If appealed to any procedure other than in Step 4 of Article VII, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure as provided in Step 4 of Article VII. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized - Step 4 of Article VII or another appeal procedure - and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal through Step 4 of Article VII. ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota and the County of Otter Tail. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY 9.1 There are three types of seniority: A. Service Seniority is the total length of continuous service with the County. B. Departmental Seniority is the total length of service within a specific department or division of County service. C. Classification Seniority is the total length of service within a work classification. 9.2 Seniority Provisions: Seniority is recognized for all employees in cases of layoff, recall, or promotion. Seniority only applies within the employee's specific department. A. Employees will not accumulate seniority, vacation, or sick leave during an unpaid leave of absence except as required by state or federal law. B. The Employer is committed to hiring and promoting the most qualified candidate for County service. When the County determines in its discretion that all other qualifications are equal, the Employer shall select the applicant with the greater departmental seniority for the job opening. C. An employee promoted or transferred will serve a trial period of ninety (90) days. During the trial period the employee or his or her supervisor may request return to a position of comparable duties, number of hours, pay, and classification or, if available, the former position. D. Employees who voluntarily terminate or who are discharged from employment forfeit all seniority rights with the County. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 7 E. After completing the probation period, employees will be credited with seniority from the first date of continuous employment with the County. 9.3 Layoff and Recall: Except in those instances where senior employees are not qualified to perform remaining work, seniority shall determine the order of: A. Layoff, which shall be by classification within a department, in inverse order of classification seniority. However, an employee about to be laid off shall have the right to bump (displace) any employee in a lower classification, provided that the Employer determines the employee who is exercising bumping rights to be adequately qualified to perform the duties of the classification into which the employee is bumping and the employee has greater departmental seniority than the employee who is to be bumped. B. Recall from layoff, which shall be by classification within a department, in inverse order of layoff, provided that, if an employee does not return to work upon recall, as directed by the Employer, or on an extended date mutually acceptable to the employee and Employer, she/he shall automatically have terminated her or his employment. Recall notification shall be by first-class mail to the employee's last known address for an indefinite layoff and shall be contained in the layoff notice for layoffs for a definite period. An employee's name shall be retained on the recall list for two (2) years, at which time all rights to recall shall terminate. C. The Employer shall issue written notice of an indefinite layoff at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of layoff and will meet and confer to attempt to minimize the impact of the layoff on employees. The Employer shall issue written notice of recall from an indefinite layoff to affected employees, providing at least seven (7) calendar days to return to work. An indefinite layoff shall be defined as a layoff made for an indeterminate period at the time of notice or any layoff of forty-five (45) calendar or more days. The Employer may layoff an employee for a definite period of forty-four (44) calendar days or less by giving written notice to the affected employees. D. Contract and temporary employees in the same department and classification shall precede regular employees in layoff. No new employees shall be hired in a work classification within a department where there are employees on layoff status until all laid off employees have been recalled in accordance with paragraphs A, B, and C above. ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE 10.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in one or more of the following forms: A. Oral reprimand; B. written reprimand; C. suspension; D. demotion; or E. discharge. 10.2 Suspensions, demotions and discharges will be in written form. 10.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be read and acknowledged by signature of the employee. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 8 Employee and the Union will receive a copy of such reprimands and/or notices. Documentation of oral reprimands is not arbitrable. 10.4 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day suspension without pay. 10.5 Employees may examine their own individual personnel files at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the Employer. 10.6 Employees will not be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action unless the employee has been given an opportunity to have a Union representative present at such questioning. 10.7 Grievances relating to suspension or discharge may be initiated by the Union in Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII. 10.8 If a Department Head or Supervisor has a reason to reprimand an employee, it will be done in a manner that will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public. ARTICLE XI (11). CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION Employees shall have the rights guaranteed to all citizens by the United States and Minnesota Constitutions. ARTICLE XII (12). WORK SCHEDULE 12.1 Hours of Work: A. County offices are open for business on times and days established by the County Board. B. To meet the service needs of the public, Department Head(s) may vary an employee's or department's work hours. Each Department Head shall establish a regular work schedule for his or her employees. 12.2 Weather Closing Policy for Otter Tail County offices and departments: A. The Chair of the County Board of Commissioners, or the chair's designee is authorized to order closure of the County Offices in Fergus Falls when it is not reasonably possible for employees to travel within the City of Fergus Falls. The Commissioners representing Districts 1 and 4 are authorized to determine if weather conditions require closure of the New York Mills County Offices. B. All County employees are encouraged to avoid unnecessary risk to their personal safety when traveling to or from their place of work. Those employees not defined as "essential employees" under the Minnesota Public Employment Labor Relations Act, and not performing highway maintenance duties, may choose not to report to work, or to leave early, as weather conditions require in the interest of their personal safety. Department Heads or Supervisors must approve this absence from work, prior to or after the fact. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 9 C. Those employees who are unable to safely report to work, as provided above, whether or not the County offices are closed, may select one or more of the following ways to account for their normal work hours missed, subject to the approval of their Department Head: 1. by utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued vacation time; or 2. by utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued sick leave; or 3. by utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued compensatory time (accrued overtime); or 4. by making up the hours within the work week during which the time was missed, on an hour for hour basis, performing productive work, subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor; or 5. by taking a corresponding number of hours without compensation. D. Employees with questions regarding this policy should contact their immediate supervisor. 12.3 Employees may take a 15-minute break per four hours worked. When scheduling breaks, supervisors may request that employees arrange their time so that all phones and/or workstations are covered. Employees may also be requested to take their break at the time and location indicated by their supervisor. Time spent on breaks is compensated and considered work time. Employees cannot bank break time for extended lunch periods or to modify regular work hours. 12.4 Lunch breaks normally consist of one-half (1/2) hour (unpaid) unless otherwise scheduled by their Department Head. The Department Head may request that employees arrange their time so that all phones and/or workstations are covered. Employees may be requested to take their lunch break at the time indicated by their supervisor. 12.5 Nothing contained in this or any other article shall be interpreted as a guarantee of a minimum or maximum number of hours the Employer may assign employees. 12.6 The Employer shall pay for training required by the Employer or authorized by the Employer during duty periods. Duty and assigned training shall be at regular base rates with no premium. Training necessary to maintain professional licensure and not mandated by the Employer shall be at the employee's own expense. ARTICLE XIII (13). OVERTIME 13.1 All overtime requires prior authorization by the employee's Department Head/Supervisor. With the employee's agreement, overtime may be taken as compensatory time. Compensatory time or overtime payments will be paid at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the hourly rate, or in the case of compensatory time, it is overtime hours times one and one-half (1 1/2) for equivalent time off. This provision does not apply to those employees who are defined as exempt by Fair Labor Standards Act. 13.2 There is no pyramiding, duplicating, or compounding of overtime. 13.3 For the purposes of computing overtime, the work week commences at 12:01 a.m. Monday and consists of forty hours. Holiday, vacation, and sick leave hours count as hours worked for the purposes of computing overtime as do work related (not commuting) travel hours. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 10 13.4 An employee may elect to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime. No employee shall accumulate more than forty (40) hours of compensatory time. Compensatory time off may be scheduled only with the approval of the employee's Supervisor or Department Head. The request will be granted unless it places an unreasonable burden on the County. 13.5 All accrued compensatory time shall be paid to the Post Employment Health Care Savings VEBA Plan and the bank reduced to zero (0) in December of each year. Any compensatory time shall also be paid out to the Post Employment Health Care Savings VEBA Plan immediately prior to any wage rate increase that an employee may receive. 13.6 Employees who are assigned by the Employer to be “on-call” at times outside of their scheduled working shift shall be compensated at the rate of three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per hour for the hours that the employee is “on-call.” An employee who is called to duty during this “on-call” time shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the normal base pay rate. An employee who is called to duty during this “on-call” time shall not receive the three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per hour “on-call” compensation during the time the employee is being compensated for being on duty. This provision will also apply to an employee who is called to duty outside of the regularly scheduled shift even though the employee is not “on- call.” Employees who are on-call on a holiday as defined in Article 17.1 shall be compensated at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per hour for all hours employee is on-call. An employee who is called to duty during this “on-call” time on a holiday listed in Article 17.1 shall receive pay at the normal pay rate plus one and one-half (1½) times that normal rate, with a minimum of two (2) hours pay. An employee called to duty during this “on-call” time shall not receive the five dollars ($5.00) per hour on “on-call” compensation during the time the employee is being compensated for being duty. This provision will also apply to an employee who is called to duty outside of the regularly scheduled shift even though the employee is not “on-call.” Staff are scheduled for on-call duty one week at a time. On-call staff are required to be available at all times during that week in case of an afterhours building emergency or problem. If it is required that the on-call staff needs to respond to a location, the on-call staff is required to be on- site at the location within one hour of the call. ARTICLE XIV (14). UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 14.1 Employees shall receive five hundred dollars ($500) for each year of the contract as an annual uniform allowance. This benefit will be pro-rated for part-time employees. 14.2 The uniform allowance shall be credited to each employee's uniform account from which the employee shall be reimbursed upon the presentation of appropriate documentation showing the purchase or repair of approved items. 14.3 All employees shall keep their uniforms in a presentable condition and shall be in uniform as determined by the Department Head. Any portion of the uniform allowance not required to comply with the department appearance policies may be spent only in accordance with the written policy of the Employer, which will include appropriate ASTM safety footwear. 14.4 Any accumulation, which will never exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), of unused uniform allowance shall be forfeited upon resignation or retirement of the employee. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 11 14.5 A newly hired employee shall receive an extra fifty percent (50%) of a uniform allowance to purchase new issue of clothing during the first year of employment. ARTICLE XV (15). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION Employees temporarily transferred to a higher classification for a period of more than 15 working days will receive the rate for the higher classification for the period of the transfer, provided that, all tasks and duties of that higher job classification are performed. When employees are temporarily assigned to a lower paid classification, they will receive their regular rate of pay until the transfer has been made permanent. A transfer to a lower classification is considered permanent after thirty (30) calendar days. ARTICLE XVI (16). INSURANCE 16.1 CAFETERIA BENEFITS PLAN. In addition to salary, the Employer offers a Cafeteria Benefits Plan to employees. Effective January 1, 2016, tThe Employer shall contribute one thousand one hundred fifty dollars ($1,150.00), and effective January 1, 2017, one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200), and effective January 1, 2018, one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250)designated amounts as referenced below per month to each regular full-time employee dependent upon classification for health insurance and/or other benefits through the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. This takes effect thirty (30) days after the beginning of employment, or in the case of an employee beginning County service other than the first day of a month, it shall be thirty (30) days after the first of the month following the month in which he/she becomes employed. The employee must complete a Cafeteria Benefits Enrollment form at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of eligibility for the plan. Regular employees working thirty (30) to forty (40) hours per week shall receive pro-rata portion of the benefit per month. Regular employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for participation in the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,325.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and forty dollars ($740.00) per month. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 12 Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and sixty-five dollars ($765.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and ninety dollars ($790.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred dollars ($1,400.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars ($1,450.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,525.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, six hundred dollars ($1,600.00) per month. 16.2 The Medical Reimbursement Account Maximum (Flexible Benefits Plan) shall be the maximum amount allowed by federal and state laws and regulations. 16.3 Part-time employees who do not qualify for health insurance benefits under the plan in effect at the time of their employment will not receive any of the benefits set forth in this Article. 16.4 Upon resignation in good standing, employees who have worked less than ten (10) years and have completed their probation period, may use seventy-five percent (75%) of their accumulated sick leave for payment to continue insurance in effect under this Article, subject to approval by the insurance carrier and limited to the required periods of continued health insurance coverage provided by Federal and State laws and regulations. Accumulations in the employee's sick leave bank (see Section 19.3) are specifically excluded from this provision. 16.5 One (1) member from the bargaining unit will be elected to sit on the Insurance Committee which will be a sub-committee of the Labor Management Committee (LMC). Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 13 16.6 The failure of an insurance carrier(s) to provide any benefit for which it has contracted shall result in no liability to the County or to the Union, nor shall such failure to be considered a breach by the County or to the Union, nor shall such failure be considered a breach by the County or Union of any obligation undertaken under this or any other agreement. However, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to relieve any insurance carrier from any liability it may have to the County, Union, employee or beneficiary of any employee. The terms of any contract or policy issue by an insurance carrier shall be controlling in all matters pertaining to benefits thereunder. 16.7 In the event that the health insurance provisions of this Agreement fail to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act or its successor and its related regulations or cause the County to be subject to a penalty, tax, or fine, either party may request a meet and confer. In such negotiations, the rights and obligations of the Union shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.06, and the rights and obligations of the County shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.07. ARTICLE XVII (17). HOLIDAYS 17.1 All regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays as defined below: New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King's BirthdDay Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Friday Memorial Day 1/2 Day, December 24 Independence Day Christmas Day 17.2 In order to qualify for the holiday pay under this Article, an otherwise qualified employee must not be on unpaid status. Holiday pay consists of eight (8) hours per holiday. 17.3 When any of the above named holidays falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the holiday. When the holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday. 17.4 Should Christmas Day fall on Saturday, the preceding Thursday shall be observed as December 24th. 17.5 When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall receive an additional day of paid vacation. 17.6 Employees who are required to work a holiday shall be paid at one and one-half (1 1/2) times their normal base pay rate for all hours worked. This rate shall apply to employees assigned to work holidays listed in Section 17.1, which are observed on a different day pursuant to Sections 17.3 and 17.4, but only applies to one day, either the actual or observed holiday. 17.7 Part-time employees will receive paid holidays on a pro-rated basis. ARTICLE XVIII (18). VACATION SCHEDULE 18.1 All regular County employees shall be entitled to earn vacation at the rate designated in the following schedule: Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 14 1st year employment 6.67 hours/month 2nd year employment 7.33 hours/month 3rd year employment 8.00 hours/month 4th year employment 8.67 hours/month 5th year employment 9.33 hours/month 6th year employment 10.00 hours/month 7th year employment 10.33 hours/month 8th year employment 10.67 hours/month 9th year employment 11.00 hours/month 10th year employment 11.33 hours/month 11th year employment 11.67 hours/month 12th year employment 12.00 hours/month 13th year employment 12.33 hours/month 14th year employment 12.67 hours/month 15th year employment 13.00 hours/month 16th year employment 13.33 hours/month 17th year employment 13.67 hours/month 18th year employment 14.00 hours/month 19th year employment 14.33 hours/month 20th year employment 14.67 hours/month 21st year employment 15.00 hours/month 22nd year employment 15.33 hours/month 23rd year employment 15.67 hours/month 24th year employment 16.00 hours/month 25th year employment 16.0016.33 hours/month 26th year employment 16.67 hours/month 27th year employment 17.33 hours/month 18.2 Vacation shall accrue semi-monthly at the rates indicated above commencing with the first month of employment. Employees may only claim and be entitled to a vacation upon continuation of employment after completion of the probationary period in good standing. Provided, however, any employee working less than forty (40) hours per week shall earn vacation on a pro rata basis (e.g. a part-time employee who works thirty (30) hours per week would qualify for seventy-five percent (75%) of the vacation allowed in the above schedule). An employee is not entitled to vacation time or vacation pay if employment terminates during the probationary period. 18.3 Vacation schedules shall respect the employee's wishes to the extent reasonable within the limitations of the department. The department head may require that vacation requests be made by a specific reasonable date each year or a reasonable time before vacation is to be taken. 18.4 Accumulated vacation leave in excess of twenty-four (24) days or 192 hours shall be lost at the employee's anniversary date unless carryover of additional days is specifically approved by the department head and Division Directors for good cause. Employees are encouraged to use their vacation each year. Employees in good standing shall be paid for any unused vacation upon separation from County service as set forth in Article XXVIII (28). Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 15 ARTICLE XIX (19). SICK LEAVE 19.1 Employees are responsible for reasonable, prudent, and bona fide use of sick leave privileges. Claiming sick leave when fit, except as provided in this section, may be cause for disciplinary action, including cancellation of sick leave benefits, suspension, demotion or termination. 19.2 Sick leave is earned at the rate of eight (8) hours per month, and accumulates to a total of nine hundred and sixty (960) hours. It is accumulated on a pro-rated basis for regular part-time employees working less than forty (40) hours per week. 19.3 An employee who has accumulated 960 hours of sick leave may bank an additional 240 hours to be used only in the event that sick leave accumulated under this section has been exhausted. Sick leave in this bank cannot be used to replenish the maximum accumulation of 960 hours as stated in paragraph 19.2. Sick leave in this bank may not be used for payment of insurance premiums or severance under Article XVI (15). 19.4 The employee must notify his/her supervisor of his/her inability to be at work due to illness as soon as possible, preferably before the start of working hours. Failure to provide notification may result in a loss of sick pay for the time taken. 19.5 Employees claiming sick leave may be required to file written documentation. If employees have been incapacitated, they may be required to provide documentation of being capable of performing all job duties. If in excess of three (3) consecutive days, written statement from a physician/public health service specifying the amount of time needed may be required. 19.6 Other permitted uses of sick leave: SITUATION NUMBER OF HOURS Medical necessity in Immediate Family 24** (per event) Pregnancy/Birth/Adoption 24*** (per event) Funeral for co-workers within the department 4 (per event) ** Additional time with department head approval and physician's certification. *** Additional days as required by physician. 19.7 The use of sick leave for dental or medical appointments for the employee or employee's spouse, child, or parent is not required unless the appointments total more than three (3) hours in any given month. This provision only applies to full-time employees. 19.8 An employee on vacation who becomes ill or injured may with proper notification change his/her leave status to sick leave. ARTICLE XX (20). WAGES 20.1 All employees shall be paid in accordance with the attached wage schedule. 20.2 For each year of the contract, each employee not yet on Step 12 shall receive one (1) step increase on the appropriate pay grade on his/her anniversary day conditioned on satisfactory performance. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 16 20.3 Employees working a majority of their shift between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall receive additional compensation of one dollar ($1.00) per hour. ARTICLE XXI (21). MEAL ALLOWANCE 21.1 When employees are required to be out of Otter Tail County on training, education, official business or on approved work-related meetings, they shall receive reimbursement for meals under the following conditions: A. Breakfast: When an employee is required to leave home before 6:00 a.m., or was away overnight, at a rate of ten dollars ($10.00). B. Lunch: When an employee is out of the County between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., at a rate of twelve dollars ($12.00)fifteen dollars ($15.00). C. Supper: When an employee is out of the County between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., at a rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00)eighteen dollars ($18.00). 21.2 Employees may aggregate the meal reimbursement amounts during any one-day period not to exceed the daily maximum of thirty-seven dollars ($37.00)forty-three dollars ($43.00). Employees must provide a receipt showing the actual costs incurred. Reimbursement will not be available for the cost of alcoholic beverages. 21.3 Reimbursed mileage for personal vehicle use shall be at the current IRS rate. ARTICLE XXII (22). INJURY ON DUTY 22.1 At the Employer's discretion, an employee (a) acting within the limits of the authority established by the Employer, (b) who receives a disabling injury, as a result of a single incident, during the performance of assigned official duties performing acts required by law, and (c) wherein the Employer had determined that the employee has not contributed to the cause of the injury through negligence, judgmental decision, out of wrongful or willful or wanton neglect of duty or other action or inaction, may by granted leave with pay for any period of disability provided that such leave with pay shall not exceed ninety (90) calendar days. Such disabling injury shall be reported to the appointing authority immediately. Request for such leave shall be presented to the Employer together with supporting documentation including appropriate physician(s) reports. Such leave, if granted, shall not be charged to normal sick leave. 22.2 All benefits received under this plan shall be coordinated with benefits received through worker's compensation and the County long-term disability program. An employee may elect to supplement worker's compensation benefits and/or long-term disability payments with deductions from accrued sick leave or vacation provided that the total received does not exceed the employee's normal base pay. 22.3 After the ninety (90) day period referenced in Section 22.1, employees receiving Workers' Compensation insurance benefits may utilize earned vacation, sick leave, and compensatory time to make up the difference between their normal earnings and the Workers' Compensation payment, subject to the following terms: Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 17 A. The use of such earned leave time to make up the difference in hours between the two-thirds Workers' Compensation payment and a normal work day is limited to pre-injury accumulated leave time. B. The leave time accrued while receiving two-thirds Workers' Compensation and one-third (1/3) accumulated leave time cannot be used until there is a return to work. C. Work related injuries may qualify for and be subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act. D. After the exhaustion of earned leave time and FMLA leave, the health benefits are the responsibility of the employee, and limited to continued coverage eligibility required under federal and state laws and regulations. E. Seniority will cease to accrue at the date on which an employee has exhausted pre-injury accumulated leave and while on any unpaid leave of absence. ARTICLE XXIII (23). RESIGNATION 23.1 Any employee desiring to resign shall submit such resignation in writing to the Department Head under which he or she works. This shall be at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed resignation. Existing vacation credits shall be payable into the Post Employment Health Care Savings VEBA Plan on termination or retirement to employees in good standing. (See Article XXVIII.E.) Failure to comply with this provision may be cause for non-payment of unused vacation leave. 23.2 Employees, in good standing, who leave employment after a minimum of ten (10) years, will receive seventy-five percent (75%) of the balance of their accumulated sick leave payable into the Post Employment Health Care Savings VEBA Plan not to exceed 720 hours. (See Article XXVIII.B.) ARTICLE XXIV (24). LEAVES OF ABSENCE 24.1 Any request for the leave of absence other than for vacation and sick leave shall be submitted in writing by the employee and must be approved by the employee's department head or designee. 24.2 Funeral Leave: Employees, in good standing, are allowed a maximum of three days paid leave for a death in their immediate family. Additional time off requires the use of vacation, sick leave or comp time and requires Department Head/Supervisor approval. 24.3 Reporting of Absence From Job: A. Absence during working hours must have prior approval of the Department Head. B. Unreported absence of an employee of more than three (3) consecutive working days will be sufficient cause to discharge the employee from County employment. Employees with unapproved absences are subject to disciplinary action. 24.4 Emergency Closing: Non- weather- related emergency closure of the courthouse will be authorized by the Chairman of the County Board or his or her appointed delegate. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 18 24.5 Jury Duty: Employees on Otter Tail County jury duty will be allowed normal pay and are not eligible for the daily juror fee. Employees normally reporting to work in Fergus Falls will not be eligible for mileage. 24.6 Military Leave: Military rights are provided by MS 192.26 and federal law. 24.7 Leave of Absence Without Pay: A. Employees wishing to absent themselves from their duties may, with Department Head approval, be granted a leave of absence without pay. Such leave will be granted only upon the written request of the employee, containing reasons for the leave, when it is in the best interest of the county. Except in the case of illness or disability, such leave will not exceed one (1) year. B. A leave of absence may be canceled at any time with written notice to the employee. The Department Head will specify a reasonable date for termination of the leave. C. Anniversary dates will be adjusted forward for the duration of unpaid leaves. D. Employees on an unpaid leave of absence are responsible for their own benefit premiums. E. An employee on unpaid leave status will not receive compensation for holidays nor accrue vacation, sick leave or seniority. 24.8 Other Authorized Leaves: Employees shall be granted all leaves of absence, with or without pay, as required by federal or state laws or rules. A Department Head shall consult with the county personnel office regarding appropriate procedures for all leaves required by law. 24.9 If the reasons and circumstances upon which an employee's leave of absence was granted change while he/she is on leave, he/she must immediately report to the Employer to be reinstated or to request continuation of leave, based on the changed conditions. If the employee fails to so report or falsifies his/her report, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article X. ARTICLE XXV (25). SAFETY 25.1 A. The County seeks to insure the safest working conditions possible. Regulations and instructions for employees regarding occupational safety and health are found in the Otter Tail County Policy and Programs to Promote Worker Safety and Health. Employees will sign that they have read and understand the County's policy on safety and are expected to follow strictly all requirements. Suggestions in safety are welcomed from all employees. B. Safety is an integral part of each position and the responsibility of each employee. The violation of safety rules and practices may be grounds for disciplinary action. C. Employees injured on the job must make a report of such injury as soon as possible to their immediate supervisor. All injuries, however slight, must be reported within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence. Major incidents, such as death, amputation, loss of consciousness or three or more casualties are to be reported immediately. Department Heads are responsible for providing the proper notification to the Personnel Office of all injuries reported by Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 19 employees of their department. Current forms and procedures are available at the Personnel Office. ARTICLE XXVI (26). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The County will provide employees the same Employee Assistance Program that it offers to other County employees. ARTICLE XXVII (27). TUITION ASSISTANCE The County will provide the same Tuition Assistance Program that it provides for other County employees. ARTICLE XXVIII (28). POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH CARE SAVINGS VEBA PLAN 28.1 The Employer will allow employees to participate in the Post- Employment Health Care (PEHC) VEBA Plan administered by Further (formerly Select Account). The Employer will make contributions on behalf of eligible employees as follows: A. All accumulated comp time (defined in 13.5) as of employee's anniversary dateannual step increase if they are to receive a wage rate increase and December 31st of each year will be applied to the PEHC VEBA Plan. Those employees not receiving a wage rate increase on their anniversary date shall have all accumulated comp time as of December 31st of each year applied to the PEHC VEBA Plan. B. Employee's severance pay per Section 23.2 (Sick Leave) of the Labor Agreement will be put into the PEHC VEBA Plan upon leaving employment with the County. C. An employee who has accumulated a total of 960 hours of sick time will receive four (4) hours per month, for each month the 960 hours are maintained, to their Health Care Savings Plan. This amount will be paid to the Plan once a year. This benefit will be pro-rated for part-time employees. After the accumulation of 960 hours of sick time, four (4) hours will be applied to the catastrophic sick bank authorized in Section 19.3, until a total of 1,200 hours of sick leave have been banked. This benefit will be pro-rated for part-time employees. D. The County shall apply the following percentage of the employee's base salary, per pay period into the PEHC VEBA Plan. (The Cafeteria Benefit shall be included in the calculation of the percentage for the PEHC VEBA Plan): 0 to 4 years of service 1% Beginning 5th year to 10 years of service 2% Beginning 11th year to 15 years of service 3% Beginning 16th year to 19 years of services 4% Beginning 20th year and over of service 5% E. Any unused vacation, not in excess of authorizing accrual of up to 192 hours (24 days) as of the employee’s anniversary date, at the time of resignation will be deposited into the PEHC VEBA Plan. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 20 ARTICLE XXIX (29). NATIONAL TEAMSTERS D.R.I.V.E. (Democratic/Republican/Independent Voter Education.) Upon receipt of a properly executed voluntary authorization card from an employee, the Employer will deduct from the employee's salary such amounts as the employee authorizes to pay National Teamsters D.R.I.V.E. ARTICLE XXX (30). WAIVER 30.1 Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policies, rules and regulations, regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions if this Agreement, are hereby superseded. Provided, however, that the addendum attached hereto and marked as Wage Schedule is to continue as part of this Agreement. 30.2 The parties mutually acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any terms or conditions of employment not removed by law, from bargaining. All agreements and understandings arrived at by the parties are set forth in writing in this Agreement for the stipulated duration of this Agreement. The Employer and the Union, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right to meet and negotiate, regarding any and all terms and conditions of employment referred to or covered in this Agreement or with respect to any term or condition of employment not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement, even though such terms or conditions may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both the parties at the time this Agreement was negotiated or executed. ARTICLE XXXI (31). DURATION This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 20162019, and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 20182021. FOR THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL FOR TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 320 ________________________________ _____________________________________ County Board Chairman Roger Meunier, Business Agent _________________________________ _____________________________________ County Administrator Steward _________________________________ _____________________________________ Human Resources Director Steward _________________________________ Facilities Operations Director Date: ____________________________ Date: ________________________________ Hansen:MTR:sb/2012-3713/10/23/2018/10/30/2018 Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 21 APPENDIX A FACILITIES MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATION POSITION GRADE Facilities Assistant Maintenance Worker I A11 Facilities Specialist Maintenance Worker II B21 Facilities Specialist Facilities Maintenance Lead Worker B22 APPENDIX B 2016 12-Step Compensation Schedule Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 14.42 15.14 15.86 16.57 17.29 18.01 18.62 19.21 19.82 20.42 21.01 21.62 A11 29,994 31,491 32,989 34,466 35,963 37,461 38,730 39,957 41,226 42,474 43,701 44,970 A12 15.29 16.05 16.82 17.58 18.34 19.11 19.75 20.38 21.02 21.66 22.30 22.94 A12 31,803 33,384 34,986 36,566 38,147 39,749 41,080 42,390 43,722 45,053 46,384 47,715 A13 16.18 16.98 17.79 18.60 19.41 20.21 20.89 21.56 22.24 22.92 23.59 24.27 A13 33,654 35,318 37,003 38,688 40,373 42,037 43,451 44,845 46,259 47,674 49,067 50,482 B21 17.06 17.91 18.76 19.61 20.47 21.31 22.02 22.73 23.44 24.15 24.86 25.57 B21 35,485 37,253 39,021 40,789 42,578 44,325 45,802 47,278 48,755 50,232 51,709 53,186 B22 17.94 18.83 19.73 20.62 21.53 22.41 23.18 23.92 24.67 25.42 26.16 26.91 B22 37,315 39,166 41,038 42,890 44,782 46,613 48,214 49,754 51,314 52,874 54,413 55,973 B23 18.82 19.77 20.70 21.64 22.58 23.53 24.31 25.09 25.87 26.66 27.45 28.23 B23 39,146 41,122 43,056 45,011 46,966 48,942 50,565 52,187 53,810 55,453 57,096 58,718 B24 19.92 20.92 21.92 22.92 23.92 24.91 25.74 26.56 27.40 28.23 29.06 29.89 B24 41,434 43,514 45,594 47,674 49,754 51,813 53,539 55,245 56,992 58,718 60,445 62,171 B31 19.92 20.92 21.92 22.92 23.92 24.91 25.74 26.56 27.40 28.23 29.06 29.89 B31 41,434 43,514 45,594 47,674 49,754 51,813 53,539 55,245 56,992 58,718 60,445 62,171 B25 21.25 22.31 23.37 24.44 25.50 26.56 27.45 28.34 29.22 30.10 30.99 31.87 B25 44,200 46,405 48,610 50,835 53,040 55,245 57,096 58,947 60,778 62,608 64,459 66,290 B32 21.25 22.31 23.37 24.44 25.50 26.56 27.45 28.34 29.22 30.10 30.99 31.87 B32 44,200 46,405 48,610 50,835 53,040 55,245 57,096 58,947 60,778 62,608 64,459 66,290 C41 22.35 23.46 24.60 25.71 26.83 27.94 28.88 29.80 30.74 31.67 32.59 33.53 C41 46,488 48,797 51,168 53,477 55,806 58,115 60,070 61,984 63,939 65,874 67,787 69,742 C42 23.24 24.40 25.55 26.73 27.88 29.05 30.01 30.98 31.95 32.92 33.89 34.86 C42 48,339 50,752 53,144 55,598 57,990 60,424 62,421 64,438 66,456 68,474 70,491 72,509 C43 24.12 25.34 26.53 27.74 28.94 30.15 31.16 32.16 33.17 34.18 35.16 36.17 C43 50,170 52,707 55,182 57,699 60,195 62,712 64,813 66,893 68,994 71,094 73,133 75,234 C44 30.65 32.18 33.71 35.25 36.78 38.31 39.58 40.87 42.14 43.41 44.69 45.97 C44 63,752 66,934 70,117 73,320 76,502 79,685 82,326 85,010 87,651 90,293 92,955 95,618 C45 33.22 34.89 36.53 38.20 39.86 41.52 42.91 44.29 45.68 47.06 48.45 49.83 C45 69,098 72,571 75,982 79,456 82,909 86,362 89,253 92,123 95,014 97,885 100,776 103,646 C51 30.65 32.18 33.71 35.25 36.78 38.31 39.58 40.87 42.14 43.41 44.69 45.97 C51 63,752 66,934 70,117 73,320 76,502 79,685 82,326 85,010 87,651 90,293 92,955 95,618 C52 33.22 34.89 36.53 38.20 39.86 41.52 42.91 44.29 45.68 47.06 48.45 49.83 C52 69,098 72,571 75,982 79,456 82,909 86,362 89,253 92,123 95,014 97,885 100,776 103,646 D61 35.36 37.13 38.90 40.66 42.44 44.21 45.68 47.15 48.64 50.10 51.57 53.05 D61 73,549 77,230 80,912 84,573 88,275 91,957 95,014 98,072 101,171 104,208 107,266 110,344 D62 37.08 38.93 40.79 42.64 44.50 46.35 47.90 49.44 50.99 52.53 54.08 55.61 D62 77,126 80,974 84,843 88,691 92,560 96,408 99,632 102,835 106,059 109,262 112,486 115,669 D63 38.80 40.74 42.68 44.61 46.56 48.49 50.11 51.73 53.34 54.95 56.58 58.20 D63 80,704 84,739 88,774 92,789 96,845 100,859 104,229 107,598 110,947 114,296 117,686 121,056 D64 40.94 42.99 45.03 47.08 49.13 51.18 52.89 54.58 56.29 57.99 59.70 61.40 D64 85,155 89,419 93,662 97,926 102,190 106,454 110,011 113,526 117,083 120,619 124,176 127,712 D65 43.51 45.68 47.85 50.05 52.22 54.39 56.21 58.02 59.83 61.64 63.45 65.27 D65 90,501 95,014 99,528 104,104 108,618 113,131 116,917 120,682 124,446 128,211 131,976 135,762 D71 40.94 42.99 45.03 47.08 49.13 51.18 52.89 54.58 56.29 57.99 59.70 61.40 D71 85,155 89,419 93,662 97,926 102,190 106,454 110,011 113,526 117,083 120,619 124,176 127,712 D72 43.51 45.68 47.85 50.05 52.22 54.39 56.21 58.02 59.83 61.64 63.45 65.27 D72 90,501 95,014 99,528 104,104 108,618 113,131 116,917 120,682 124,446 128,211 131,976 135,762 E81 45.65 47.94 50.21 52.49 54.78 57.05 58.97 60.86 62.78 64.67 66.58 68.48 E81 94,952 99,715 104,437 109,179 113,942 118,664 122,658 126,589 130,582 134,514 138,486 142,438 E82 47.37 49.74 52.10 54.47 56.84 59.19 61.17 63.15 65.13 67.10 69.07 71.05 E82 98,530 103,459 108,368 113,298 118,227 123,115 127,234 131,352 135,470 139,568 143,666 147,784 E83 49.08 51.53 53.98 56.44 58.90 61.34 63.39 65.44 67.49 69.53 71.56 73.61 E83 102,086 107,182 112,278 117,395 122,512 127,587 131,851 136,115 140,379 144,622 148,845 153,109 Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 23 2017 12-Step Compensation Schedule Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 14.85 15.59 16.34 17.07 17.81 18.55 19.18 19.79 20.41 21.03 21.64 22.27 A11 30,888 32,427 33,987 35,506 37,045 38,584 39,894 41,163 42,453 43,742 45,011 46,322 A12 15.75 16.53 17.32 18.11 18.89 19.68 20.34 20.99 21.65 22.31 22.97 23.63 A12 32,760 34,382 36,026 37,669 39,291 40,934 42,307 43,659 45,032 46,405 47,778 49,150 A13 16.67 17.49 18.32 19.16 19.99 20.82 21.52 22.21 22.91 23.61 24.30 25.00 A13 34,674 36,379 38,106 39,853 41,579 43,306 44,762 46,197 47,653 49,109 50,544 52,000 B21 17.57 18.45 19.32 20.20 21.08 21.95 22.68 23.41 24.14 24.87 25.61 26.34 B21 36,546 38,376 40,186 42,016 43,846 45,656 47,174 48,693 50,211 51,730 53,269 54,787 B22 18.48 19.39 20.32 21.24 22.18 23.08 23.88 24.64 25.41 26.18 26.94 27.72 B22 38,438 40,331 42,266 44,179 46,134 48,006 49,670 51,251 52,853 54,454 56,035 57,658 B23 19.38 20.36 21.32 22.29 23.26 24.24 25.04 25.84 26.65 27.46 28.27 29.08 B23 40,310 42,349 44,346 46,363 48,381 50,419 52,083 53,747 55,432 57,117 58,802 60,486 B24 20.52 21.55 22.58 23.61 24.64 25.66 26.51 27.36 28.22 29.08 29.93 30.79 B24 42,682 44,824 46,966 49,109 51,251 53,373 55,141 56,909 58,698 60,486 62,254 64,043 B31 20.52 21.55 22.58 23.61 24.64 25.66 26.51 27.36 28.22 29.08 29.93 30.79 B31 42,682 44,824 46,966 49,109 51,251 53,373 55,141 56,909 58,698 60,486 62,254 64,043 B25 21.89 22.98 24.07 25.17 26.27 27.36 28.27 29.19 30.10 31.00 31.92 32.83 B25 45,531 47,798 50,066 52,354 54,642 56,909 58,802 60,715 62,608 64,480 66,394 68,286 B32 21.89 22.98 24.07 25.17 26.27 27.36 28.27 29.19 30.10 31.00 31.92 32.83 B32 45,531 47,798 50,066 52,354 54,642 56,909 58,802 60,715 62,608 64,480 66,394 68,286 C41 23.02 24.16 25.34 26.48 27.63 28.78 29.75 30.69 31.66 32.62 33.57 34.54 C41 47,882 50,253 52,707 55,078 57,470 59,862 61,880 63,835 65,853 67,850 69,826 71,843 C42 23.94 25.13 26.32 27.53 28.72 29.92 30.91 31.91 32.91 33.91 34.91 35.91 C42 49,795 52,270 54,746 57,262 59,738 62,234 64,293 66,373 68,453 70,533 72,613 74,693 C43 24.84 26.10 27.33 28.57 29.81 31.05 32.09 33.12 34.17 35.21 36.21 37.26 C43 51,667 54,288 56,846 59,426 62,005 64,584 66,747 68,890 71,074 73,237 75,317 77,501 C44 31.57 33.15 34.72 36.31 37.88 39.46 40.77 42.10 43.40 44.71 46.03 47.35 C44 65,666 68,952 72,218 75,525 78,790 82,077 84,802 87,568 90,272 92,997 95,742 98,488 C45 34.22 35.94 37.63 39.35 41.06 42.77 44.20 45.62 47.05 48.47 49.90 51.32 C45 71,178 74,755 78,270 81,848 85,405 88,962 91,936 94,890 97,864 100,818 103,792 106,746 C51 31.57 33.15 34.72 36.31 37.88 39.46 40.77 42.10 43.40 44.71 46.03 47.35 C51 65,666 68,952 72,218 75,525 78,790 82,077 84,802 87,568 90,272 92,997 95,742 98,488 C52 34.22 35.94 37.63 39.35 41.06 42.77 44.20 45.62 47.05 48.47 49.90 51.32 C52 71,178 74,755 78,270 81,848 85,405 88,962 91,936 94,890 97,864 100,818 103,792 106,746 D61 36.42 38.24 40.07 41.88 43.71 45.54 47.05 48.56 50.10 51.60 53.12 54.64 D61 75,754 79,539 83,346 87,110 90,917 94,723 97,864 101,005 104,208 107,328 110,490 113,651 D62 38.19 40.10 42.01 43.92 45.84 47.74 49.34 50.92 52.52 54.11 55.70 57.28 D62 79,435 83,408 87,381 91,354 95,347 99,299 102,627 105,914 109,242 112,549 115,856 119,142 D63 39.96 41.96 43.96 45.95 47.96 49.94 51.61 53.28 54.94 56.60 58.28 59.95 D63 83,117 87,277 91,437 95,576 99,757 103,875 107,349 110,822 114,275 117,728 121,222 124,696 D64 42.17 44.28 46.38 48.49 50.60 52.72 54.48 56.22 57.98 59.73 61.49 63.24 D64 87,714 92,102 96,470 100,859 105,248 109,658 113,318 116,938 120,598 124,238 127,899 131,539 D65 44.82 47.05 49.29 51.55 53.79 56.02 57.90 59.76 61.62 63.49 65.35 67.23 D65 93,226 97,864 102,523 107,224 111,883 116,522 120,432 124,301 128,170 132,059 135,928 139,838 D71 42.17 44.28 46.38 48.49 50.60 52.72 54.48 56.22 57.98 59.73 61.49 63.24 D71 87,714 92,102 96,470 100,859 105,248 109,658 113,318 116,938 120,598 124,238 127,899 131,539 D72 44.82 47.05 49.29 51.55 53.79 56.02 57.90 59.76 61.62 63.49 65.35 67.23 D72 93,226 97,864 102,523 107,224 111,883 116,522 120,432 124,301 128,170 132,059 135,928 139,838 E81 47.02 49.38 51.72 54.06 56.42 58.76 60.74 62.69 64.66 66.61 68.58 70.53 E81 97,802 102,710 107,578 112,445 117,354 122,221 126,339 130,395 134,493 138,549 142,646 146,702 E82 48.79 51.23 53.66 56.10 58.55 60.97 63.01 65.04 67.08 69.11 71.14 73.18 E82 101,483 106,558 111,613 116,688 121,784 126,818 131,061 135,283 139,526 143,749 147,971 152,214 E83 50.55 53.08 55.60 58.13 60.67 63.18 65.29 67.40 69.51 71.62 73.71 75.82 E83 105,144 110,406 115,648 120,910 126,194 131,414 135,803 140,192 144,581 148,970 153,317 157,706 *The 2017 12-Step Schedule reflects a three percent (3%) increase over the 2016 12-Step Schedule. Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 24 2018 12-Step Compensation Schedule *The 2018 12-Step Schedule reflects a three percent (3%) increase over the 2017 12-Step Schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 15.30 16.06 16.83 17.58 18.34 19.11 19.76 20.38 21.02 21.66 22.29 22.94 A11 31,824 33,405 35,006 36,566 38,147 39,749 41,101 42,390 43,722 45,053 46,363 47,715 A12 16.22 17.03 17.84 18.65 19.46 20.27 20.95 21.62 22.30 22.98 23.66 24.34 A12 33,738 35,422 37,107 38,792 40,477 42,162 43,576 44,970 46,384 47,798 49,213 50,627 A13 17.17 18.01 18.87 19.73 20.59 21.44 22.17 22.88 23.60 24.32 25.03 25.75 A13 35,714 37,461 39,250 41,038 42,827 44,595 46,114 47,590 49,088 50,586 52,062 53,560 B21 18.10 19.00 19.90 20.81 21.71 22.61 23.36 24.11 24.86 25.62 26.38 27.13 B21 37,648 39,520 41,392 43,285 45,157 47,029 48,589 50,149 51,709 53,290 54,870 56,430 B22 19.03 19.97 20.93 21.88 22.85 23.77 24.60 25.38 26.17 26.97 27.75 28.55 B22 39,582 41,538 43,534 45,510 47,528 49,442 51,168 52,790 54,434 56,098 57,720 59,384 B23 19.96 20.97 21.96 22.96 23.96 24.97 25.79 26.62 27.45 28.28 29.12 29.95 B23 41,517 43,618 45,677 47,757 49,837 51,938 53,643 55,370 57,096 58,822 60,570 62,296 B24 21.14 22.20 23.26 24.32 25.38 26.43 27.31 28.18 29.07 29.95 30.83 31.71 B24 43,971 46,176 48,381 50,586 52,790 54,974 56,805 58,614 60,466 62,296 64,126 65,957 B31 21.14 22.20 23.26 24.32 25.38 26.43 27.31 28.18 29.07 29.95 30.83 31.71 B31 43,971 46,176 48,381 50,586 52,790 54,974 56,805 58,614 60,466 62,296 64,126 65,957 B25 22.55 23.67 24.79 25.93 27.06 28.18 29.12 30.07 31.00 31.93 32.88 33.81 B25 46,904 49,234 51,563 53,934 56,285 58,614 60,570 62,546 64,480 66,414 68,390 70,325 B32 22.55 23.67 24.79 25.93 27.06 28.18 29.12 30.07 31.00 31.93 32.88 33.81 B32 46,904 49,234 51,563 53,934 56,285 58,614 60,570 62,546 64,480 66,414 68,390 70,325 C41 23.71 24.88 26.10 27.27 28.46 29.64 30.64 31.61 32.61 33.60 34.58 35.58 C41 49,317 51,750 54,288 56,722 59,197 61,651 63,731 65,749 67,829 69,888 71,926 74,006 C42 24.66 25.88 27.11 28.36 29.58 30.82 31.84 32.87 33.90 34.93 35.96 36.99 C42 51,293 53,830 56,389 58,989 61,526 64,106 66,227 68,370 70,512 72,654 74,797 76,939 C43 25.59 26.88 28.15 29.43 30.70 31.98 33.05 34.11 35.20 36.27 37.30 38.38 C43 53,227 55,910 58,552 61,214 63,856 66,518 68,744 70,949 73,216 75,442 77,584 79,830 C44 32.52 34.14 35.76 37.40 39.02 40.64 41.99 43.36 44.70 46.05 47.41 48.77 C44 67,642 71,011 74,381 77,792 81,162 84,531 87,339 90,189 92,976 95,784 98,613 101,442 C45 35.25 37.02 38.76 40.53 42.29 44.05 45.53 46.99 48.46 49.92 51.40 52.86 C45 73,320 77,002 80,621 84,302 87,963 91,624 94,702 97,739 100,797 103,834 106,912 109,949 C51 32.52 34.14 35.76 37.40 39.02 40.64 41.99 43.36 44.70 46.05 47.41 48.77 C51 67,642 71,011 74,381 77,792 81,162 84,531 87,339 90,189 92,976 95,784 98,613 101,442 C52 35.25 37.02 38.76 40.53 42.29 44.05 45.53 46.99 48.46 49.92 51.40 52.86 C52 73,320 77,002 80,621 84,302 87,963 91,624 94,702 97,739 100,797 103,834 106,912 109,949 D61 37.51 39.39 41.27 43.14 45.02 46.91 48.46 50.02 51.60 53.15 54.71 56.28 D61 78,021 81,931 85,842 89,731 93,642 97,573 100,797 104,042 107,328 110,552 113,797 117,062 D62 39.34 41.30 43.27 45.24 47.22 49.17 50.82 52.45 54.10 55.73 57.37 59.00 D62 81,827 85,904 90,002 94,099 98,218 102,274 105,706 109,096 112,528 115,918 119,330 122,720 D63 41.16 43.22 45.28 47.33 49.40 51.44 53.16 54.88 56.59 58.30 60.03 61.75 D63 85,613 89,898 94,182 98,446 102,752 106,995 110,573 114,150 117,707 121,264 124,862 128,440 D64 43.44 45.61 47.77 49.94 52.12 54.30 56.11 57.91 59.72 61.52 63.33 65.14 D64 90,355 94,869 99,362 103,875 108,410 112,944 116,709 120,453 124,218 127,962 131,726 135,491 D65 46.16 48.46 50.77 53.10 55.40 57.70 59.64 61.55 63.47 65.39 67.31 69.25 D65 96,013 100,797 105,602 110,448 115,232 120,016 124,051 128,024 132,018 136,011 140,005 144,040 D71 43.44 45.61 47.77 49.94 52.12 54.30 56.11 57.91 59.72 61.52 63.33 65.14 D71 90,355 94,869 99,362 103,875 108,410 112,944 116,709 120,453 124,218 127,962 131,726 135,491 D72 46.16 48.46 50.77 53.10 55.40 57.70 59.64 61.55 63.47 65.39 67.31 69.25 D72 96,013 100,797 105,602 110,448 115,232 120,016 124,051 128,024 132,018 136,011 140,005 144,040 E81 48.43 50.86 53.27 55.68 58.11 60.52 62.56 64.57 66.60 68.61 70.64 72.65 E81 100,734 105,789 110,802 115,814 120,869 125,882 130,125 134,306 138,528 142,709 146,931 151,112 E82 50.25 52.77 55.27 57.78 60.31 62.80 64.90 66.99 69.09 71.18 73.27 75.38 E82 104,520 109,762 114,962 120,182 125,445 130,624 134,992 139,339 143,707 148,054 152,402 156,790 E83 52.07 54.67 57.27 59.87 62.49 65.08 67.25 69.42 71.60 73.77 75.92 78.09 E83 108,306 113,714 119,122 124,530 129,979 135,366 139,880 144,394 148,928 153,442 157,914 162,427 Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 25 Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 26 Facilities Maintenance – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 27 LABOR AGREEMENT between COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL Fergus Falls MN and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Representing Public Health Professional Unit of Nurses January 1, 20162019 through December 31, 20182021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Otter Tail County Public Health Professional Unit of Nurses ARTICLE I (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT .......................................................................... 1 ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION ............................................................................................... 1 ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 1 ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY ............................................................................... 3 ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY.............................................................................. 3 ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY ....................................................................................... 3 ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................................................................ 4 ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE ..................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY ................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE XI (11). CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION ............................................................ 7 ARTICLE XII (12). WORK SCHEDULE ................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE XIII (13). OVERTIME ............................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE XIV (14). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION ................................................... 9 ARTICLE XV (15). INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 10 ARTICLE XVI (16). HOLIDAYS .............................................................................................. 11 ARTICLE XVII (17). VACATION SCHEDULE ........................................................................ 12 ARTICLE XVIII (18). SICK LEAVE ......................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE XIX (19). WAGES .................................................................................................. 14 ARTICLE XX (20). MEAL ALLOWANCE ................................................................................ 14 ARTICLE XXI (21). INJURY ON DUTY .................................................................................. 15 ARTICLE XXII (22). RESIGNATION ...................................................................................... 16 ARTICLE XXIII (23). LEAVES OF ABSENCE .......................................................................... 16 ARTICLE XXIV (24). HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN (MSRS) ............................................ 17 ARTICLE XXV (25). SAFETY ................................................................................................. 18 ARTICLE XXVI (26). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................................................. 19 ARTICLE XXVII (27). TUITION ASSISTANCE ........................................................................ 19 ARTICLE XXVIII (28). MILEAGE ........................................................................................... 19 ARTICLE XXIX (29). NATIONAL TEAMSTERS D.R.I.V.E. ..................................................... 19 ARTICLE XXX (30). WAIVER ................................................................................................ 19 ARTICLE XXXI (31). DURATION ........................................................................................... 19 1 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 LABOR AGREEMENT between COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Public Health Professional Unit of Nurses ARTICLE I (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between the County of Otter Tail, hereinafter called the Employer, and the Minnesota Teamster Public and Law Enforcement Union, Local No. 320, hereinafter called the Union. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to: 1.1 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning this Agreement's interpretation and/or application; and 1.2 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration of this Agreement. ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative, under Minnesota Statutes 179A.03, Subd. 14, for all personnel in the following job classifications: "All professional employees of the Otter Tail County Department of Public Health who are involved in nursing, all of said employees being public employees, which excludes supervisors, confidential employees, and all other employees in this department." 2.2 In the event the Employer and the Union are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS 3.1 UNION: The Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.2 UNION MEMBER: A member of the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.3 EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. 3.4 DEPARTMENT: Includes the Otter Tail County Department of Public Health. 3.5 EMPLOYER: The County of Otter Tail, Minnesota. 2 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 3.6 DEPARTMENT HEAD: The Director of the Otter Tail County Department of Public Health. 3.7 PART TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a twelve (12) month probation period andAn employee who works fewer than forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis. 3.8 FULL TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a twelve (12) month probation period, and works forty (40) hours or more a week for the Employer. 3.9 IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Employee's spouse, children, adopted or foster child, parent(s), siblings, sister/brother/mother/father-in-law, grandchildren, grandparents related by blood or marriage. 3.10 UNION STEWARD: Steward elected or appointed by the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.11 SENIORITY: Length of continuous service with the Employer. 3.12 STRIKE: Concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slow-down, or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions or compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. 3.13 PROBATIONARY PERIOD: A period of time not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months from the date of employment subject to the conditions of Article IX, Section 9.2. 3.14 CLASS: One or more positions sufficiently similar in the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or required; minimum qualifications of training, experience, or skill; and such other characteristics that the same job title, the same tests of fitness, and the same schedule of compensation may be applied with equality to all of the positions. 3.15 DEMOTION: A change by an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with less responsible duties and a lower salary range. 3.16 PROMOTION: A change of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with more responsible duties and a higher salary range. 3.17 TRANSFER: The movement of a probationary or permanent employee from a position in one class to another position in the same class in the same or different County/Department or to a position in a different class in the same or different County/Department that has a comparable work value. 3.18 DIVISION DIRECTOR: Manager responsible for directing the activities of multiple departments, programs or functions. 3.19 ANNIVERSARY DATE: Date of original hire from which continuous employment is maintained, less day for day adjustments for unpaid leaves of absence. 3 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY The Union agrees that during the life of this Agreement that the Union will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow-down, or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the Employer. ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 The Employer retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules and to perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by this Agreement. 5.2 Any term or condition of employment not specifically established or modified by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Employer to modify, establish, or eliminate. ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY 6.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount sufficient to provide the payment of dues established by the Union, or a "fair share"negotiated deduction, as provided in Minnesota Statutes 179A.06, Subd. 3, consistent with the Janus decisionif the employee elects not to become a member of the Union. Such money shall be remitted as directed by the Union. 6.2 It is agreed that the Employer's obligation to provide for dues deduction and/or fair sharenegotiated fee assessment shall continue only for the period of time that such deductions are non-negotiable and required by PELRA. 6.3 The Union may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a Steward and an alternate and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and/or alternate. The Union may designate two (2) Stewards and one (1) alternate to represent this unit. 6.4 The Employer shall provide a Union bulletin board in the Department of Public Health for the posting of Union notice(s) and announcements(s). The Union agrees to limit the posting of such notices to the bulletin board space designated by the Employer. It is specifically understood that no notices of a political or inflammatory nature shall be posted on the Employer's premises. 6.5 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. 6.6 There shall be no discrimination against any employee because of race, creed, sex, color, political belief, or membership or non-membership in the Union. 6.7 Union representatives shall have access to the premises of the Employer at reasonable times and subject to reasonable rules in connection with official Union business. 4 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.1 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. A probationary employee is not entitled to utilize the grievance procedure. 7.2 Union Representatives: The Employer will recognize representatives designated by the Union, as the grievance representative of the bargaining unit, having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Union shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the names of their successors, when so designated. 7.3 Processing of a Grievance. It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances, as hereinafter provided, is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and, therefore, shall be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and the Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours provided the employee and the Union representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 7.4 Procedure. Grievances, as defined by Section 7.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure. STEP 1. A non-probationary employee, claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's supervisor, as designated by the Employer. The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated and the remedy requested and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's Step 2 answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 2. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in 5 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 shall be submitted to arbitration, subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Relations Act of 1971, as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services (BMS). By mutual agreement, both parties can request involvement of a BMS mediator to hear and resolve the grievance. If either side does not agree to the mediation process, either party may request arbitration within ten (10) days after either party's written notification to the other of their intent not to participate in the mediation process by serving a written notice on the other party of their intention to proceed with arbitration. 7.5 Arbitrator's Authority. A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide on the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue, not so submitted. B. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way, the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and the proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 Waiver. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next Step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance, or an appeal thereof, within the specified time limit, the Union shall elect to treat the grievance as defined at that Step and may immediately appeal the grievance to the next Step. The time limit in each Step may be extended by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. 7.7 No employee shall be disciplined for filing a grievance or for his/her testimony at a grievance hearing. 7.8 Choice of Remedy: If, as a result of the written Employer response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion, or discharge of an 6 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed to either Step 4 of Article VII or a procedure such as Civil Service, Veterans Preference, etc. If appealed to any procedure other than in Step 4 of Article VII, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure as provided in Step 4 of Article VII. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized - Step 4 of Article VII or another appeal procedure - and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal through Step 4 of Article VII. ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY 9.1 Seniority shall be determined by the employee's length of continuous employment with the Otter Tail County Department of Public Health. Seniority rosters may be maintained by the Department on the basis of time in grade and time within specific classifications. The PHNs and RNs will be considered as one classification for lay-off purposes only. 9.2 During the probationary period, a newly hired or rehired employee may be discharged at the sole discretion of the Employer. 9.3 A reduction of work force will be accomplished on the basis of seniority by classification. An employee subject to layoff in his/her job classification may choose demotion instead of layoff if a lower level vacancy exists or if there are employees with less seniority in the same classification or a formerly held job classification for which the employee remains qualified. Employees shall be recalled from layoff on the basis of seniority and classification. An employee on layoff shall have an opportunity to return to work within two (2) years of the time of the layoff before any new employee is hired in the affected classification. For purposes of this section, the job classifications are Public Health Nurse and Registered Nurse. 9.4 Employees who are eligible for recall shall be given fourteen (14) calendar days notice of recall, and notice of recall shall be sent to the employee by first class mail with a copy to the Union. The employee must notify the agency director of his/her intention to return within ten (10) working days after receiving notice of recall. An employee eligible for recall who fails to provide the Employer with a current mailing address and is not located by the United States Postal Service for delivery of first class mail shall forfeit all eligibility for recall. 9.5 A. Senior employees will be given preference with regard to transfer, job classification assignment, and promotions when all job relevant qualifications of employees are equal. B. An employee promoted or transferred will serve a trial period of ninety (90) days. During the trial period, the employee or his or her supervisor may request return to a position of comparable duties, number of hours, pay and classification or, if available, the former position. 7 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 9.6 All vacancies and newly created positions within the bargaining unit shall be posted. Employees shall have five (5) working days after posting to complete application for such vacancies or newly created positions. When all other qualifications are equal, the senior employee shall be chosen for the vacancy or newly created position. Positions where incumbents are reclassified shall not be considered vacant or newly created for the purpose of posting. 9.7 Senior employees will be given preference on vacation requests. ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE 10.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in one or more of the following forms: A. Oral reprimand; B. written reprimand; C. suspension; D. demotion; or E. discharge. 10.2 Suspensions, demotions and discharges will be in written form. 10.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be read and acknowledged by signature of the employee. Employee and the Union will receive a copy of such reprimands and/or notices. Documentation of oral reprimands are not arbitrable. 10.4 Employees may examine their own individual personnel files at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the Employer. 10.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day suspension without pay. 10.6 Employees will not be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action unless the employee has been given an opportunity to have a Union representative present at such questioning. 10.7 Grievance relating to this Article may be initiated by the Union in Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII. 10.8 If a Department Head or Supervisor has a reason to reprimand an employee, it will be done in a manner that will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public. ARTICLE XI (11). CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION Employees shall have the rights guaranteed to all citizens by the United States and Minnesota Constitutions. 8 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE XII (12). WORK SCHEDULE 12.1 The normal work week is forty (40) hours to be accounted for by each employee through: A. Hours worked on assigned schedules; B. Holidays; and C. Authorized leave time. 12.2 The normal work day for full-time regular employees will consist of eight (8) hours plus one-half (1/2) hour or one (1) hour for lunch, to be scheduled with the written approval of the employee's supervisor or the Employer. Employees may be authorized an alternative work schedule with approval of the Department Head. 12.3 Employees may take a fifteen (15) minute break during each four (4) consecutive hours worked. 12.4 Holidays and authorized leave time are calculated on the basis of the actual length of time of the assigned shift. 12.5 Nothing contained in this or any other article shall be interpreted as a guarantee of a minimum or maximum number of hours the Employer may assign employees. 12.6 The Employer shall pay for training required by the Employer or authorized by the Employer during duty periods. Duty and assigned training shall be at regular base rates with no premium. Training necessary to maintain professional licensure and not mandated by the Employer shall be at the employee's own expense. 12.7 Weather Closing Policy: A. The Chair of the County Board of Commissioners, or the Chair's designee, is authorized to order closure of the County offices in Fergus Falls when it is not reasonably possible for employees to travel within the City of Fergus Falls. The Commissioners representing Districts 1 and 4 are authorized to determine if weather conditions require closure of the New York Mills County offices. B. All County employees are encouraged to avoid unnecessary risk to their personal safety when traveling to or from their place of work. Those employees not defined as "essential employees" under the Minnesota Public Employment Labor Relations Act, and not performing highway maintenance duties, may choose not to report to work, or to leave work early, as weather conditions require in the interest of their personal safety. Department Heads or Supervisors must approve this absence from work, prior to or after the fact. C. Those employees who are unable to safely report to work, as provided above, whether or not the County offices are closed, may select one or more of the following ways to account for their normal work hours missed, subject to the approval of their Department Head: 9 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 1. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued vacation leave; or, 2. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued sick leave; or, 3. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued compensatory time (accrued overtime); or, 4. By making up the hours within the work week during which the time was missed, on an hour for hour basis, performing productive work, subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor; or, 5. By taking a corresponding number of hours without compensation. D. Employees with questions regarding this policy should contact their immediate supervisor. ARTICLE XIII (13). OVERTIME 13.1 Employees will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular base pay rate for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week if the additional hours have been authorized by the Employer. For the purpose of calculating hours worked in a week, the Employer shall include holidays, vacation, and sick leave. 13.2 For the purpose of computing overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be pyramided, compounded, or paid twice for the same hours worked. 13.3 Overtime will be calculated to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. 13.4 For the purposes of computing overtime, holidays, vacation and sick leave shall count as hours worked as do work related (not commuting) travel hours. 13.5 An employee may elect to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime. No employee shall accumulate more than eighty (80) hours of compensatory time. 13.6 All accrued compensatory time shall be paid to the HCSP (MSRS) and the bank reduced to zero in December of each year. The compensatory time bank shall also be paid out immediately prior to any wage rate increase that an employee may receive. These payouts are made per Article XXIV (24), Section A. ARTICLE XIV (14). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION Any employee assigned by the Employer to work at a higher job classification and to perform all tasks and duties of that higher job classification shall be paid at the higher rate of pay for the duration of the assignment. Upon completion of the assignment, the employee shall revert to his/her original or assigned pay rate. 10 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE XV (15). INSURANCE 15.1 CAFETERIA BENEFITS PLAN. In addition to salary, the Employer offers a Cafeteria Benefits Plan to employees. Effective January 1, 2016, tThe Employer shall contribute one thousand one hundred fifty dollars ($1,150.00)designated amounts as referenced below per month to each regular full-time employee dependent upon classification for health insurance and/or other benefits through the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. This takes effect thirty (30) days after the beginning of employment, or in the case of an employee beginning County service other than the first day of a month, it shall be thirty (30) days after the first of the month following the month in which he/she becomes employed. The employee must complete a Cafeteria Benefits Enrollment form at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of eligibility for the plan. Regular employees working thirty (30) to forty (40) hours per week shall receive pro-rata portion of the benefit per month. Regular employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for participation in the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. Effective January 1, 2017, the Employer contribution shall increase to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2018, the Employer contribution shall increase to one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,325.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and forty dollars ($740.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and sixty-five dollars ($765.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and ninety dollars ($790.00) per month. 11 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred dollars ($1,400.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars ($1,450.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,525.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, six hundred dollars ($1,600.00) per month. The Medical Reimbursement Account Maximum (Flexible Benefits Plan) shall be the maximum amount allowed by federal and state laws and regulations. 15.2 Part-time employees who do not qualify for health insurance benefits under the plan in effect at the time of their employment will not receive any of the benefits set forth in this Article. 15.3 One (1) member from the bargaining unit will be elected to sit on the Insurance Committee which will be a sub-committee of the Labor Management Committee (LMC). 15.4 In the event that the health insurance provisions of this Agreement fail to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act or its successor and its related regulations or cause the County to be subject to a penalty, tax, or fine, either party may request a meet and confer. In such negotiations, the rights and obligations of the Union shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.06, and the rights and obligations of the County shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.07. ARTICLE XVI (16). HOLIDAYS 16.1 All regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays as defined below: New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King’s BirthdayDay Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Friday 12 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Memorial Day 1/2 Day December 24 Independence Day Christmas Day 16.2 In order to qualify for the holiday pay under this Article, an otherwise qualified employee must not be on an unpaid status. Holiday pay consists of eight (8) hours per holiday. 16.3 When any of the above named holidays falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the holiday. When the holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday. 16.4 Should Christmas Day fall on Saturday, the preceding Thursday shall be observed as December 24th. 16.5 When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall receive an additional day of paid vacation. ARTICLE XVII (17). VACATION SCHEDULE 17.1 Regular employees earned vacation at the rate indicated below: 1st year employment 6.67 hours/month 2nd year employment 7.33 hours/month 3rd year employment 8.00 hours/month 4th year employment 8.67 hours/month 5th year employment 9.33 hours/month 6th year employment 10.00 hours/month 7th year employment 10.33 hours/month 8th year employment 10.67 hours/month 9th year employment 11.00 hours/month 10th year employment 11.33 hours/month 11th year employment 11.67 hours/month 12th year employment 12.00 hours/month 13th year employment 12.33 hours/month 14th year employment 12.67 hours/month 15th year employment 13.00 hours/month 16th year employment 13.33 hours/month 17th year employment 13.67 hours/month 18th year employment 14.00 hours/month 19th year employment 14.33 hours/month 20th year employment 14.67 hours/month 21st year employment 15.00 hours/month 22nd year employment 15.33 hours/month 23rd year employment 15.67 hours/month 24th year employment 16.00 hours/month 25th year employment 16.0016.33 hours/month 26th year employment 16.67 hours/month 27th year employment 17.33 hours/month *Maximum 13 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 17.2 Vacation shall accrue semi-monthly at the rates indicated above commencing with the first month of employment. Employees may only claim and be entitled to a vacation upon completion of six (6) months of paid employment in good standing. Provided, however, any employee working less than forty (40) hours per week shall earn vacation on a pro-rata basis (e.g., a part- time employee who works thirty (30) hours per week would qualify for seventy-five percent (75%) of the vacation allowed in the above schedule.) An employee is not entitled to vacation time or vacation pay if employment terminates during the probationary period. 17.3 Vacation schedules shall respect the employee's wishes to the extent reasonable within the limitations of the department. The Department Head may require that vacation requests be made by a specific reasonable date each year or a reasonable time before vacation is to be taken. 17.4 Accumulated vacation leave in excess of twenty-four (24) days or 192 hours shall be lost at the employee's anniversary date unless carryover of additional days is specifically approved by the department head and Division Directors for good cause. Employees are encouraged to use their vacation each year. Employees in good standing shall be paid for any unused vacation upon separation from County service. ARTICLE XVIII (18). SICK LEAVE 18.1 Employees are responsible for reasonable, prudent, and bona fide use of sick leave privileges. Claiming sick leave when fit, except as provided in this section, may be cause for disciplinary action, including cancellation of sick leave benefits, suspension, demotion or termination. 18.2 Sick leave is earned at the rate of eight (8) hours per month, and accumulates to a total of nine hundred and sixty (960) hours. It is accumulated on a pro-rated basis for regular part-time employees working less than forty (40) hours per week. 18.3 An employee who has accumulated 960 hours of sick leave may bank an additional 240 hours to be used only in the event that sick leave accumulated under this section has been exhausted. Sick leave in this bank cannot be used to replenish the maximum accumulation of 960 hours as stated in Section 18.2. Sick leave in this bank may not be used for payment of insurance premiums or severance under Article 15 or severance under Section 22.2 and may not be placed in the HCSP (MSRS). 18.4 The employee must notify his/her supervisor of his/her inability to be at work due to illness as soon as possible, preferably before the start of working hours. Failure to provide notification may result in a loss of sick pay for the time taken. 18.5 Employees claiming sick leave may be required to file written documentation. If employees have been incapacitated, they may be required to provide documentation of being capable of performing all job duties. If in excess of three (3) consecutive days, written statement from a physician/public health service specifying the amount of time needed is required. Other permitted uses of sick leave: 14 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Situation Number of Hours Medical necessity in immediate family **24 (per event) Pregnancy/birth/adoption ***24 (per event) Funeral for co-workers within the department 4 (per event) **Additional time with department head approval and physician's certification. ***Additional days as required by physician. 18.6 The use of sick leave for dental or medical appointments for the employee or employee's spouse, child, or parent is not required unless the appointments total more than three (3) hours in any given month. This provision only applies to full-time employees. Part-time employees hired prior to 1/1/02 shall receive this benefit on a pro-rated basis. 18.7 An employee on vacation who becomes ill or injured may with proper notification change his/her leave status to sick leave. 18.8 An employee who has accumulated 960 hours of sick leave, plus the additional 240 hours of sick leave, and has a total of 1,200 hours of sick leave banked, will accumulate additional hours of sick leave at a rate of four (4) hours for each full month of service. These additional hours will be used only for the purpose of contributions to the post-employment health plan. ARTICLE XIX (19). WAGES 19.1 All employees shall be paid in accordance with enclosed Wage Schedule which is attached hereto. 19.2 For each year of the contract, each employee not yet on Step 12 shall receive one (1) Step increase on the appropriate pay grade on his/her anniversary date. 19.3 The term masters in field means a masters degree from a recognized college or university in a field of study and endeavor directly applicable to the employee's job duties. ARTICLE XX (20). MEAL ALLOWANCE 20.1 When employees are required to be out of Otter Tail County on training, education, official business or on approved work-related meetings, they shall receive reimbursement for meals under the following conditions: A. Breakfast: When an employee is required to leave home before 6:00 a.m., or was away overnight, at a rate of ten dollars ($10.00). B. Lunch: When an employee is out of the County between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., at a rate of twelve dollars ($12.00)fifteen dollars ($15.00). C. Supper: When an employee is out of the County between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., at a rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00) eighteen dollars ($18.00). 20.2 Employees they may aggregate the meal reimbursement amounts during a one-day period, not to exceed the daily maximum of thirty-seven dollars ($37.00)forty-three dollars ($43.00). 15 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Employees must provide a receipt showing the actual costs incurred. Reimbursement will not be available for the cost of alcoholic beverages. 20.3 The meal reimbursement will also apply at approved work related business meetings within the County with an organization other than the County. ARTICLE XXI (21). INJURY ON DUTY 21.1 At the Employer's discretion, an employee (a) acting within the limits of the authority established by the Employer, (b) who receives a disabling injury during the performance of assigned official duties performing acts required by law, and (c) wherein the Employer had determined that the employee has not contributed to the cause of the injury through negligence, judgmental decision, out of wrongful or willful or wanton neglect of duty or other action or inaction, may by granted leave with pay for any period of disability provided that such leave with pay shall not exceed ninety (90) calendar days. Such disabling injury shall be reported to the appointing authority immediately. Request for such leave shall be presented to the Employer together with supporting documentation including appropriate physician(s) reports. Such leave, if granted, shall not be charged to normal sick leave. 21.2 All benefits received under this plan shall be coordinated with benefits received through workers' compensation and the County long-term disability program. An employee may elect to supplement workers' compensation benefits and/or long-term disability payments with deductions from accrued sick leave or vacation provided that the total received does not exceed the employee's normal base pay. 21.3 After the ninety (90) day period referenced in 21.1, employees receiving workers' compensation insurance benefits may utilize earned vacation, sick leave, and compensatory time to make up the difference between their normal earnings and the workers' compensation payment, subject to the following terms: A. The use of such earned leave time to make up the difference in hours between the two- thirds workers' compensation payment and a normal work day is limited to pre-injury accumulated leave time. B. The leave time accrued while receiving two-thirds workers' compensation and one-third accumulated leave time cannot be used until there is a return to work. C. Work related injuries may qualify for and be subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act. D. After the exhaustion of earned leave time and FMLA leave, the health benefits are the responsibility of the employee, and limited to continued coverage eligibility required under federal and state laws and regulations. E. Seniority will cease to accrue at the date on which an employee has exhausted pre-injury accumulated leave and while on any unpaid leave of absence. 16 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE XXII (22). RESIGNATION 22.1 Any employee desiring to resign shall submit such resignation in writing to the Department Head under which he or she works. This shall be at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed resignation. Existing vacation credits shall be payable on termination or retirement to employees in good standing. Failure to comply with this provision may be cause for non-payment of unused vacation leave. 22.2 Employees in good standing who leave employment after a minimum of ten (10) years will receive seventy-five percent (75%) of their accumulated sick leave not to exceed 720 hours as severance pay as referenced in Article XXIV (24). 22.3 Upon resignation in good standing, employees who have worked less than ten (10) years, but have completed their probation period, may use seventy-five percent (75%) of their accumulated sick leave for payment to continue insurance in effect under this Article, subject to approval by the insurance carrier and limited to the required periods of continued health insurance coverage provided by federal and state laws and regulations. Accumulations in the employee's sick leave bank (see Section 18.3) are specifically excluded from this provision. ARTICLE XXIII (23). LEAVES OF ABSENCE 23.1 Any request for the leave of absence other than for vacation and sick leave shall be submitted in writing by the employee to his/her immediate supervisor. The request shall state the reason the leave of absence is being requested and the length of time off the employee desires. Authorization or denial shall be furnished in writing to the employee by his/her immediate supervisor. Any request for a leave of absence without pay of less than thirty (30) working days shall be submitted to the Employer at least ten (10) working days in advance of the time the leave is requested to begin and answered in writing by the immediate supervisor not later than three (3) working days after the leave is requested. A request for a leave of absence without pay of more than thirty (30) working days shall be submitted at least fifteen (15) working days in advance of the beginning of the leave and answered in writing by the immediate supervisor not later than five (5) working days after the leave is requested. 23.2 A. The Employer shall grant paid leaves of absence for appearance before a court in response to a subpoena in connection with an employee's official duties, official requests from a legislative committee, or other judicial or quasi-judicial body as a witness, court attendance in connection with an employee's official duties, and pre-induction examination conducted within the state by any branch of the armed forces authorized by law. Any employee who is entitled to vote at any statewide general election or at any election to fill a vacancy in the office or representatives to Congress shall be entitled to absent himself/herself from work for the purpose of voting during the forenoon of such election day without penalty or deduction from his/her salary or wages on account of such absence. B. Employees on jury duty will be allowed normal pay and are not eligible for the daily jury fee. Any amount received as juror's pay shall be turned over to the Employer. Employees normally reporting to work in Fergus Falls will not be eligible for mileage for jury duty in Fergus Falls. Employees normally reporting to work in New York Mills will not be eligible for mileage for jury duty in New York Mills. Employees will otherwise be eligible for 17 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 compensation for mileage to report for jury duty which exceeds mileage to their normal work station. 23.3 The Employer may grant leaves of absence without pay for any reasonable purpose. 23.4 Maternity/Paternity Leave: An employee at his/her option may voluntarily elect to apply for a personal leave of absence for maternity/paternity purposes which shall be granted for a period not to exceed six (6) months. This leave would run concurrent with the federal Family Medical Leave and would be unpaid unless the use of sick leave or vacation is authorized under this contract. 23.5 Any employee who is a member of a reserve force of the United States or of this State and who is ordered by the appropriate authorities to attend a training program or perform other duties under the supervision of the United States or this State in any calendar or fiscal year, shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for up to fifteen (15) working days during the period of such activity. Any employee who enters into active service in the armed forces of the Unites States in time of war or declared national emergency while in the service of the Employer, shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period of military service, not to exceed four (4) years. Employees shall accumulate seniority during periods of military service. For determining vacation accumulation rate, a military leave without pay shall be counted the same as normal straight time hours that would have been worked. Vacation and sick leave are not accumulated during a military leave without pay. 23.6 Time spent on an unpaid leave of absence shall not count toward an employee's seniority, except as allowed in 23.5. 23.7 If the reasons and circumstances upon which an employee's leave of absence was granted change while he/she is on leave, he/she is on leave, he/she must immediately report to the Employer to be reinstated or to request continuation of leave, based on the changed conditions. If the employee fails to so report or falsifies his/her report, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article X (10). 23.8 A maximum of twenty-four (24) work hours paid leave will be allowed when a death occurs in an employee's "immediate family" and up to sixteen (16) work hours additional leave with pay may be allowed where travel is necessary. The Employer may allow such additional leave time it deems appropriate provided such additional time is charged against the employee's sick leave, vacation or compensatory time. 23.9 The Employer has adopted and implemented a Family Medical Leave Policy, as required by law, which shall apply to all employees, subject to amendments adopted during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV (24). HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN (MSRS) 24.1 The Employer will allow employees to participate in the Health Care Savings Plan (HCSP) through the Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS). The Employer will make contributions on behalf of eligible employees as follows: 18 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 A. All accumulated comp time (defined in 13.5 and 13.6) will be applied to HCSP (MSRS) when employees receive a wage rate increase, i.e., as of employee's anniversary date annual step increaseif they are to receive a wage rate increase and December 31st of each yearwill be applied to HCSP (MSRS). Those employees not receiving a wage increase on their anniversary date shall have all accumulated comp time as of December 31st of each year applied to HCSP (MSRS). B. Employee's severance pay per Section 22.2 (Sick Leave) of the Labor Agreement will be put into HCSP (MSRS) upon leaving employment with the County. C. An employee who has accumulated a total of 960 hours of sick time will receive four (4) hours per month, for each month the 960 hours are maintained, to their Health Care Savings Plan. This amount will be paid to the Plan once a year. This benefit will be pro- rated for part-time employees. After the accumulation of 960 hours of sick time, four (4) hours will be applied to the catastrophic sick bank authorized in Section 18.3, until a total of 1,200 hours of sick leave have been banked. This benefit will be pro-rated for part-time employees. D. The County shall apply the following percentage of the employee's base salary, per pay period into the HCSP (MSRS). (The Cafeteria Benefit shall be included in the calculation of the percentage for the HCSP: 0 to 4 years of service 1% Beginning 5th year to 10 years of service 2% Beginning 11th year to 15 years of service 3% Beginning 16th year to 19 years of services 4% Beginning 20th year and over of service 5% ARTICLE XXV (25). SAFETY 25.1 A. The County seeks to insure the safest working conditions possible. Regulations and instructions for employees regarding occupational safety and health are found in the Otter Tail County Policy and Programs to Promote Worker Safety and Health. Employees will sign that they have read and understand the County's policy on safety and are expected to follow strictly all requirements. Suggestions in safety are welcomed from all employees. B. Safety is an integral part of each position and the responsibility of each employee. The violation of safety rules and practices may be grounds for disciplinary action. E. Employees injured on the job must make a report of such injury as soon as possible to their immediate supervisor. All injuries, however slight, must be reported within twenty- four (24) hours of occurrence. Major incidents, such as death, amputation, loss of consciousness, three (3) or more casualties are to be reported immediately. Department Heads are responsible for providing the proper notification to the Personnel Office of all injuries reported by employees of their department. Current forms and procedures are available at the Personnel Office. 19 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE XXVI (26). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The County will provide employees the same Employee Assistance Program that it offers to other County employees. ARTICLE XXVII (27). TUITION ASSISTANCE The County will provide the same Tuition Assistance Program that it provides for other County employees. ARTICLE XXVIII (28). MILEAGE Employees who use their personal vehicle for County business shall be reimbursed for mileage at the IRS rate. ARTICLE XXIX (29). NATIONAL TEAMSTERS D.R.I.V.E. Upon receipt of a properly executed voluntary authorization card from an employee, the Employer will deduct from the employee's salary such amounts as the employee authorizes to pay National Teamsters D.R.I.V.E. ARTICLE XXX (30). WAIVER 30.1 Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policies, rules and regulations, regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions if this Agreement, are hereby superseded. Provided, however, that the addendum attached hereto and marked as Wage Schedule is to continue as part of this Agreement. 30.2 The parties mutually acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any terms or conditions of employment not removed by law, from bargaining. All agreements and understandings arrived at by the parties are set forth in writing in this Agreement for the stipulated duration of this Agreement. The Employer and the Union, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right to meet and negotiate, regarding any and all terms and conditions of employment referred to or covered in this Agreement or with respect to any term or condition of employment not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement, even though such terms or conditions may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both the parties at the time this Agreement was negotiated or executed. ARTICLE XXXI (31). DURATION This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 20162019, and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 20182021. 20 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 FOR THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL FOR TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO.320 ___________________________________ _____________________________________ Chairman Roger Meunier, Business Agent ___________________________________ _____________________________________ County Administrator Steward _____________________________________ Human Resources Director Steward _____________________________________ Director of Public Health Steward Date: ______________________________ Date: ________________________________ Hansen:MTR:sb/2012-3713/10/23/2018/10/30/2018 21 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 APPENDIX A PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONAL UNIT OF NURSES CLASSIFICATION POSITION GRADE Community Health Professional Registered Nurse C41 Community Health Professional Public Health Nurse C42 Community Health Professional Lead Public Health Nurse C43 22 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 APPENDIX B 2016 12-Step Compensation Schedule Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 14.42 15.14 15.86 16.57 17.29 18.01 18.62 19.21 19.82 20.42 21.01 21.62 A11 29,994 31,491 32,989 34,466 35,963 37,461 38,730 39,957 41,226 42,474 43,701 44,970 A12 15.29 16.05 16.82 17.58 18.34 19.11 19.75 20.38 21.02 21.66 22.30 22.94 A12 31,803 33,384 34,986 36,566 38,147 39,749 41,080 42,390 43,722 45,053 46,384 47,715 A13 16.18 16.98 17.79 18.60 19.41 20.21 20.89 21.56 22.24 22.92 23.59 24.27 A13 33,654 35,318 37,003 38,688 40,373 42,037 43,451 44,845 46,259 47,674 49,067 50,482 B21 17.06 17.91 18.76 19.61 20.47 21.31 22.02 22.73 23.44 24.15 24.86 25.57 B21 35,485 37,253 39,021 40,789 42,578 44,325 45,802 47,278 48,755 50,232 51,709 53,186 B22 17.94 18.83 19.73 20.62 21.53 22.41 23.18 23.92 24.67 25.42 26.16 26.91 B22 37,315 39,166 41,038 42,890 44,782 46,613 48,214 49,754 51,314 52,874 54,413 55,973 B23 18.82 19.77 20.70 21.64 22.58 23.53 24.31 25.09 25.87 26.66 27.45 28.23 B23 39,146 41,122 43,056 45,011 46,966 48,942 50,565 52,187 53,810 55,453 57,096 58,718 B24 19.92 20.92 21.92 22.92 23.92 24.91 25.74 26.56 27.40 28.23 29.06 29.89 B24 41,434 43,514 45,594 47,674 49,754 51,813 53,539 55,245 56,992 58,718 60,445 62,171 B31 19.92 20.92 21.92 22.92 23.92 24.91 25.74 26.56 27.40 28.23 29.06 29.89 B31 41,434 43,514 45,594 47,674 49,754 51,813 53,539 55,245 56,992 58,718 60,445 62,171 B25 21.25 22.31 23.37 24.44 25.50 26.56 27.45 28.34 29.22 30.10 30.99 31.87 B25 44,200 46,405 48,610 50,835 53,040 55,245 57,096 58,947 60,778 62,608 64,459 66,290 B32 21.25 22.31 23.37 24.44 25.50 26.56 27.45 28.34 29.22 30.10 30.99 31.87 B32 44,200 46,405 48,610 50,835 53,040 55,245 57,096 58,947 60,778 62,608 64,459 66,290 C41 22.35 23.46 24.60 25.71 26.83 27.94 28.88 29.80 30.74 31.67 32.59 33.53 C41 46,488 48,797 51,168 53,477 55,806 58,115 60,070 61,984 63,939 65,874 67,787 69,742 C42 23.24 24.40 25.55 26.73 27.88 29.05 30.01 30.98 31.95 32.92 33.89 34.86 C42 48,339 50,752 53,144 55,598 57,990 60,424 62,421 64,438 66,456 68,474 70,491 72,509 C43 24.12 25.34 26.53 27.74 28.94 30.15 31.16 32.16 33.17 34.18 35.16 36.17 C43 50,170 52,707 55,182 57,699 60,195 62,712 64,813 66,893 68,994 71,094 73,133 75,234 C44 30.65 32.18 33.71 35.25 36.78 38.31 39.58 40.87 42.14 43.41 44.69 45.97 C44 63,752 66,934 70,117 73,320 76,502 79,685 82,326 85,010 87,651 90,293 92,955 95,618 C45 33.22 34.89 36.53 38.20 39.86 41.52 42.91 44.29 45.68 47.06 48.45 49.83 C45 69,098 72,571 75,982 79,456 82,909 86,362 89,253 92,123 95,014 97,885 100,776 103,646 C51 30.65 32.18 33.71 35.25 36.78 38.31 39.58 40.87 42.14 43.41 44.69 45.97 C51 63,752 66,934 70,117 73,320 76,502 79,685 82,326 85,010 87,651 90,293 92,955 95,618 C52 33.22 34.89 36.53 38.20 39.86 41.52 42.91 44.29 45.68 47.06 48.45 49.83 C52 69,098 72,571 75,982 79,456 82,909 86,362 89,253 92,123 95,014 97,885 100,776 103,646 D61 35.36 37.13 38.90 40.66 42.44 44.21 45.68 47.15 48.64 50.10 51.57 53.05 D61 73,549 77,230 80,912 84,573 88,275 91,957 95,014 98,072 101,171 104,208 107,266 110,344 D62 37.08 38.93 40.79 42.64 44.50 46.35 47.90 49.44 50.99 52.53 54.08 55.61 D62 77,126 80,974 84,843 88,691 92,560 96,408 99,632 102,835 106,059 109,262 112,486 115,669 D63 38.80 40.74 42.68 44.61 46.56 48.49 50.11 51.73 53.34 54.95 56.58 58.20 D63 80,704 84,739 88,774 92,789 96,845 100,859 104,229 107,598 110,947 114,296 117,686 121,056 D64 40.94 42.99 45.03 47.08 49.13 51.18 52.89 54.58 56.29 57.99 59.70 61.40 D64 85,155 89,419 93,662 97,926 102,190 106,454 110,011 113,526 117,083 120,619 124,176 127,712 D65 43.51 45.68 47.85 50.05 52.22 54.39 56.21 58.02 59.83 61.64 63.45 65.27 D65 90,501 95,014 99,528 104,104 108,618 113,131 116,917 120,682 124,446 128,211 131,976 135,762 D71 40.94 42.99 45.03 47.08 49.13 51.18 52.89 54.58 56.29 57.99 59.70 61.40 D71 85,155 89,419 93,662 97,926 102,190 106,454 110,011 113,526 117,083 120,619 124,176 127,712 D72 43.51 45.68 47.85 50.05 52.22 54.39 56.21 58.02 59.83 61.64 63.45 65.27 D72 90,501 95,014 99,528 104,104 108,618 113,131 116,917 120,682 124,446 128,211 131,976 135,762 E81 45.65 47.94 50.21 52.49 54.78 57.05 58.97 60.86 62.78 64.67 66.58 68.48 E81 94,952 99,715 104,437 109,179 113,942 118,664 122,658 126,589 130,582 134,514 138,486 142,438 E82 47.37 49.74 52.10 54.47 56.84 59.19 61.17 63.15 65.13 67.10 69.07 71.05 E82 98,530 103,459 108,368 113,298 118,227 123,115 127,234 131,352 135,470 139,568 143,666 147,784 E83 49.08 51.53 53.98 56.44 58.90 61.34 63.39 65.44 67.49 69.53 71.56 73.61 E83 102,086 107,182 112,278 117,395 122,512 127,587 131,851 136,115 140,379 144,622 148,845 153,109 2017 12-Step Compensation Schedule 23 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 14.85 15.59 16.34 17.07 17.81 18.55 19.18 19.79 20.41 21.03 21.64 22.27 A11 30,888 32,427 33,987 35,506 37,045 38,584 39,894 41,163 42,453 43,742 45,011 46,322 A12 15.75 16.53 17.32 18.11 18.89 19.68 20.34 20.99 21.65 22.31 22.97 23.63 A12 32,760 34,382 36,026 37,669 39,291 40,934 42,307 43,659 45,032 46,405 47,778 49,150 A13 16.67 17.49 18.32 19.16 19.99 20.82 21.52 22.21 22.91 23.61 24.30 25.00 A13 34,674 36,379 38,106 39,853 41,579 43,306 44,762 46,197 47,653 49,109 50,544 52,000 B21 17.57 18.45 19.32 20.20 21.08 21.95 22.68 23.41 24.14 24.87 25.61 26.34 B21 36,546 38,376 40,186 42,016 43,846 45,656 47,174 48,693 50,211 51,730 53,269 54,787 B22 18.48 19.39 20.32 21.24 22.18 23.08 23.88 24.64 25.41 26.18 26.94 27.72 B22 38,438 40,331 42,266 44,179 46,134 48,006 49,670 51,251 52,853 54,454 56,035 57,658 B23 19.38 20.36 21.32 22.29 23.26 24.24 25.04 25.84 26.65 27.46 28.27 29.08 B23 40,310 42,349 44,346 46,363 48,381 50,419 52,083 53,747 55,432 57,117 58,802 60,486 B24 20.52 21.55 22.58 23.61 24.64 25.66 26.51 27.36 28.22 29.08 29.93 30.79 B24 42,682 44,824 46,966 49,109 51,251 53,373 55,141 56,909 58,698 60,486 62,254 64,043 B31 20.52 21.55 22.58 23.61 24.64 25.66 26.51 27.36 28.22 29.08 29.93 30.79 B31 42,682 44,824 46,966 49,109 51,251 53,373 55,141 56,909 58,698 60,486 62,254 64,043 B25 21.89 22.98 24.07 25.17 26.27 27.36 28.27 29.19 30.10 31.00 31.92 32.83 B25 45,531 47,798 50,066 52,354 54,642 56,909 58,802 60,715 62,608 64,480 66,394 68,286 B32 21.89 22.98 24.07 25.17 26.27 27.36 28.27 29.19 30.10 31.00 31.92 32.83 B32 45,531 47,798 50,066 52,354 54,642 56,909 58,802 60,715 62,608 64,480 66,394 68,286 C41 23.02 24.16 25.34 26.48 27.63 28.78 29.75 30.69 31.66 32.62 33.57 34.54 C41 47,882 50,253 52,707 55,078 57,470 59,862 61,880 63,835 65,853 67,850 69,826 71,843 C42 23.94 25.13 26.32 27.53 28.72 29.92 30.91 31.91 32.91 33.91 34.91 35.91 C42 49,795 52,270 54,746 57,262 59,738 62,234 64,293 66,373 68,453 70,533 72,613 74,693 C43 24.84 26.10 27.33 28.57 29.81 31.05 32.09 33.12 34.17 35.21 36.21 37.26 C43 51,667 54,288 56,846 59,426 62,005 64,584 66,747 68,890 71,074 73,237 75,317 77,501 C44 31.57 33.15 34.72 36.31 37.88 39.46 40.77 42.10 43.40 44.71 46.03 47.35 C44 65,666 68,952 72,218 75,525 78,790 82,077 84,802 87,568 90,272 92,997 95,742 98,488 C45 34.22 35.94 37.63 39.35 41.06 42.77 44.20 45.62 47.05 48.47 49.90 51.32 C45 71,178 74,755 78,270 81,848 85,405 88,962 91,936 94,890 97,864 100,818 103,792 106,746 C51 31.57 33.15 34.72 36.31 37.88 39.46 40.77 42.10 43.40 44.71 46.03 47.35 C51 65,666 68,952 72,218 75,525 78,790 82,077 84,802 87,568 90,272 92,997 95,742 98,488 C52 34.22 35.94 37.63 39.35 41.06 42.77 44.20 45.62 47.05 48.47 49.90 51.32 C52 71,178 74,755 78,270 81,848 85,405 88,962 91,936 94,890 97,864 100,818 103,792 106,746 D61 36.42 38.24 40.07 41.88 43.71 45.54 47.05 48.56 50.10 51.60 53.12 54.64 D61 75,754 79,539 83,346 87,110 90,917 94,723 97,864 101,005 104,208 107,328 110,490 113,651 D62 38.19 40.10 42.01 43.92 45.84 47.74 49.34 50.92 52.52 54.11 55.70 57.28 D62 79,435 83,408 87,381 91,354 95,347 99,299 102,627 105,914 109,242 112,549 115,856 119,142 D63 39.96 41.96 43.96 45.95 47.96 49.94 51.61 53.28 54.94 56.60 58.28 59.95 D63 83,117 87,277 91,437 95,576 99,757 103,875 107,349 110,822 114,275 117,728 121,222 124,696 D64 42.17 44.28 46.38 48.49 50.60 52.72 54.48 56.22 57.98 59.73 61.49 63.24 D64 87,714 92,102 96,470 100,859 105,248 109,658 113,318 116,938 120,598 124,238 127,899 131,539 D65 44.82 47.05 49.29 51.55 53.79 56.02 57.90 59.76 61.62 63.49 65.35 67.23 D65 93,226 97,864 102,523 107,224 111,883 116,522 120,432 124,301 128,170 132,059 135,928 139,838 D71 42.17 44.28 46.38 48.49 50.60 52.72 54.48 56.22 57.98 59.73 61.49 63.24 D71 87,714 92,102 96,470 100,859 105,248 109,658 113,318 116,938 120,598 124,238 127,899 131,539 D72 44.82 47.05 49.29 51.55 53.79 56.02 57.90 59.76 61.62 63.49 65.35 67.23 D72 93,226 97,864 102,523 107,224 111,883 116,522 120,432 124,301 128,170 132,059 135,928 139,838 E81 47.02 49.38 51.72 54.06 56.42 58.76 60.74 62.69 64.66 66.61 68.58 70.53 E81 97,802 102,710 107,578 112,445 117,354 122,221 126,339 130,395 134,493 138,549 142,646 146,702 E82 48.79 51.23 53.66 56.10 58.55 60.97 63.01 65.04 67.08 69.11 71.14 73.18 E82 101,483 106,558 111,613 116,688 121,784 126,818 131,061 135,283 139,526 143,749 147,971 152,214 E83 50.55 53.08 55.60 58.13 60.67 63.18 65.29 67.40 69.51 71.62 73.71 75.82 E83 105,144 110,406 115,648 120,910 126,194 131,414 135,803 140,192 144,581 148,970 153,317 157,706 *The 2017 12-Step Schedule reflects a three percent (3%) increase over the 2016 12-Step Schedule. 2018 12-Step Compensation Schedule 24 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 *The 2018 12-Step Schedule reflects a three percent (3%) increase over the 2017 12-Step Schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 15.30 16.06 16.83 17.58 18.34 19.11 19.76 20.38 21.02 21.66 22.29 22.94 A11 31,824 33,405 35,006 36,566 38,147 39,749 41,101 42,390 43,722 45,053 46,363 47,715 A12 16.22 17.03 17.84 18.65 19.46 20.27 20.95 21.62 22.30 22.98 23.66 24.34 A12 33,738 35,422 37,107 38,792 40,477 42,162 43,576 44,970 46,384 47,798 49,213 50,627 A13 17.17 18.01 18.87 19.73 20.59 21.44 22.17 22.88 23.60 24.32 25.03 25.75 A13 35,714 37,461 39,250 41,038 42,827 44,595 46,114 47,590 49,088 50,586 52,062 53,560 B21 18.10 19.00 19.90 20.81 21.71 22.61 23.36 24.11 24.86 25.62 26.38 27.13 B21 37,648 39,520 41,392 43,285 45,157 47,029 48,589 50,149 51,709 53,290 54,870 56,430 B22 19.03 19.97 20.93 21.88 22.85 23.77 24.60 25.38 26.17 26.97 27.75 28.55 B22 39,582 41,538 43,534 45,510 47,528 49,442 51,168 52,790 54,434 56,098 57,720 59,384 B23 19.96 20.97 21.96 22.96 23.96 24.97 25.79 26.62 27.45 28.28 29.12 29.95 B23 41,517 43,618 45,677 47,757 49,837 51,938 53,643 55,370 57,096 58,822 60,570 62,296 B24 21.14 22.20 23.26 24.32 25.38 26.43 27.31 28.18 29.07 29.95 30.83 31.71 B24 43,971 46,176 48,381 50,586 52,790 54,974 56,805 58,614 60,466 62,296 64,126 65,957 B31 21.14 22.20 23.26 24.32 25.38 26.43 27.31 28.18 29.07 29.95 30.83 31.71 B31 43,971 46,176 48,381 50,586 52,790 54,974 56,805 58,614 60,466 62,296 64,126 65,957 B25 22.55 23.67 24.79 25.93 27.06 28.18 29.12 30.07 31.00 31.93 32.88 33.81 B25 46,904 49,234 51,563 53,934 56,285 58,614 60,570 62,546 64,480 66,414 68,390 70,325 B32 22.55 23.67 24.79 25.93 27.06 28.18 29.12 30.07 31.00 31.93 32.88 33.81 B32 46,904 49,234 51,563 53,934 56,285 58,614 60,570 62,546 64,480 66,414 68,390 70,325 C41 23.71 24.88 26.10 27.27 28.46 29.64 30.64 31.61 32.61 33.60 34.58 35.58 C41 49,317 51,750 54,288 56,722 59,197 61,651 63,731 65,749 67,829 69,888 71,926 74,006 C42 24.66 25.88 27.11 28.36 29.58 30.82 31.84 32.87 33.90 34.93 35.96 36.99 C42 51,293 53,830 56,389 58,989 61,526 64,106 66,227 68,370 70,512 72,654 74,797 76,939 C43 25.59 26.88 28.15 29.43 30.70 31.98 33.05 34.11 35.20 36.27 37.30 38.38 C43 53,227 55,910 58,552 61,214 63,856 66,518 68,744 70,949 73,216 75,442 77,584 79,830 C44 32.52 34.14 35.76 37.40 39.02 40.64 41.99 43.36 44.70 46.05 47.41 48.77 C44 67,642 71,011 74,381 77,792 81,162 84,531 87,339 90,189 92,976 95,784 98,613 101,442 C45 35.25 37.02 38.76 40.53 42.29 44.05 45.53 46.99 48.46 49.92 51.40 52.86 C45 73,320 77,002 80,621 84,302 87,963 91,624 94,702 97,739 100,797 103,834 106,912 109,949 C51 32.52 34.14 35.76 37.40 39.02 40.64 41.99 43.36 44.70 46.05 47.41 48.77 C51 67,642 71,011 74,381 77,792 81,162 84,531 87,339 90,189 92,976 95,784 98,613 101,442 C52 35.25 37.02 38.76 40.53 42.29 44.05 45.53 46.99 48.46 49.92 51.40 52.86 C52 73,320 77,002 80,621 84,302 87,963 91,624 94,702 97,739 100,797 103,834 106,912 109,949 D61 37.51 39.39 41.27 43.14 45.02 46.91 48.46 50.02 51.60 53.15 54.71 56.28 D61 78,021 81,931 85,842 89,731 93,642 97,573 100,797 104,042 107,328 110,552 113,797 117,062 D62 39.34 41.30 43.27 45.24 47.22 49.17 50.82 52.45 54.10 55.73 57.37 59.00 D62 81,827 85,904 90,002 94,099 98,218 102,274 105,706 109,096 112,528 115,918 119,330 122,720 D63 41.16 43.22 45.28 47.33 49.40 51.44 53.16 54.88 56.59 58.30 60.03 61.75 D63 85,613 89,898 94,182 98,446 102,752 106,995 110,573 114,150 117,707 121,264 124,862 128,440 D64 43.44 45.61 47.77 49.94 52.12 54.30 56.11 57.91 59.72 61.52 63.33 65.14 D64 90,355 94,869 99,362 103,875 108,410 112,944 116,709 120,453 124,218 127,962 131,726 135,491 D65 46.16 48.46 50.77 53.10 55.40 57.70 59.64 61.55 63.47 65.39 67.31 69.25 D65 96,013 100,797 105,602 110,448 115,232 120,016 124,051 128,024 132,018 136,011 140,005 144,040 D71 43.44 45.61 47.77 49.94 52.12 54.30 56.11 57.91 59.72 61.52 63.33 65.14 D71 90,355 94,869 99,362 103,875 108,410 112,944 116,709 120,453 124,218 127,962 131,726 135,491 D72 46.16 48.46 50.77 53.10 55.40 57.70 59.64 61.55 63.47 65.39 67.31 69.25 D72 96,013 100,797 105,602 110,448 115,232 120,016 124,051 128,024 132,018 136,011 140,005 144,040 E81 48.43 50.86 53.27 55.68 58.11 60.52 62.56 64.57 66.60 68.61 70.64 72.65 E81 100,734 105,789 110,802 115,814 120,869 125,882 130,125 134,306 138,528 142,709 146,931 151,112 E82 50.25 52.77 55.27 57.78 60.31 62.80 64.90 66.99 69.09 71.18 73.27 75.38 E82 104,520 109,762 114,962 120,182 125,445 130,624 134,992 139,339 143,707 148,054 152,402 156,790 E83 52.07 54.67 57.27 59.87 62.49 65.08 67.25 69.42 71.60 73.77 75.92 78.09 E83 108,306 113,714 119,122 124,530 129,979 135,366 139,880 144,394 148,928 153,442 157,914 162,427 25 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 26 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 27 PH Professional Unit of Nurses – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 LABOR AGREEMENT between COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL Fergus Falls MN and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Representing HUMAN SERVICES PROFESSIONAL UNIT January 1, 20162019 through December 31, 20182021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Human Services Professional Unit ARTICLE I (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT .......................................................................... 1 ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION ............................................................................................... 1 ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 1 ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY ............................................................................... 3 ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY............................................................................... 3 ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY ......................................................................................... 3 ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................................................................ 4 ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE ..................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY ................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE XI (11). CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION ............................................................ 7 ARTICLE XII (12). WORK SCHEDULE ................................................................................... 7 ARTICLE XIII (13). OVERTIME ............................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE XIV (14). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION ................................................. 10 ARTICLE XV (15). INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 10 ARTICLE XVI (16). HOLIDAYS .............................................................................................. 12 ARTICLE XVII (17). VACATION SCHEDULE ........................................................................ 12 ARTICLE XVIII (18). SICK LEAVE ......................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE XIX (19). WAGES .................................................................................................. 14 ARTICLE XX (20). MEAL ALLOWANCE ................................................................................ 14 ARTICLE XXI (21). INJURY ON DUTY .................................................................................. 15 ARTICLE XXII (22). RESIGNATION ...................................................................................... 16 ARTICLE XXIII (23). LEAVES OF ABSENCE .......................................................................... 16 ARTICLE XXIV (24). SAFETY ................................................................................................ 17 ARTICLE XXV (25). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................................................. 18 ARTICLE XXVI (26). TUITION ASSISTANCE ........................................................................ 18 ARTICLE XXVII (27). HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN ......................................................... 18 ARTICLE XXVIII (28). NATIONAL TEAMSTERS D.R.I.V.E. ................................................... 19 ARTICLE XXIX (29). WAIVER ............................................................................................... 19 ARTICLE XXX (30). DURATION ............................................................................................ 19 1 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 LABOR AGREEMENT between COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Human Services Professional Unit ARTICLE I (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between the County of Otter Tail, hereinafter called the Employer, and the Minnesota Teamster Public and Law Enforcement Union, Local No. 320, hereinafter called the Union. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to: 1.1 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning this Agreement's interpretation and/or application; and 1.2 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration of this Agreement. ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative, under Minnesota Statutes 179A.03, Subd. 14, for all personnel in the following job classifications: "All professional employees of the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services who are social workers and public employees, which excludes supervisors, confidential employees, and all other employees in this department." 2.2 In the event the Employer and the Union are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS 3.1 UNION: The Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.2 UNION MEMBER: A member of the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.3 EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. 3.4 DEPARTMENT: Includes the Otter Tail County Human Services Department. 3.5 EMPLOYER: The County of Otter Tail, Minnesota. 3.6 DEPARTMENT HEAD: The Director of the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services. 2 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 3.7 PART TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a twelve (12) month probation period andAn employee who works fewer than forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis. 3.8 FULL TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a twelve (12) month probation period and works forty (40) hours or more a week for the Employer. 3.9 IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Employee's spouse, children, foster children, parent(s), siblings, sister/brother/mother/father-in-law, grandchildren, and grandparents, related by blood, adoption, or marriage. 3.10 UNION STEWARD: Steward elected or appointed by the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.11 SENIORITY: Length of continuous service with the Employer. 3.12 STRIKE: Concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slow-down, or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions or compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. 3.13 PROBATIONARY PERIOD: A period of time not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months from the date of employment subject to the conditions of Article IX (9), Section 9.2. 3.14 CLASS: One or more positions sufficiently similar in the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or required; minimum qualifications of training, experience, or skill; and such other characteristics that the same job title, the same tests of fitness, and the same schedule of compensation may be applied with equality to all of the positions. 3.15 DEMOTION: A change by an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with less responsible duties and a lower salary range. 3.16 PROMOTION: A change of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with more responsible duties and a higher salary range. 3.17 TRANSFER: The movement of a probationary or permanent employee from a position in one class to another position in the same class in the same or different county department or to a position in a different class in the same or different county department that has a comparable work value. 3.18 DIVISION DIRECTORS: Managers responsible for directing the activities of multiple departments, programs or functions. 3.19 ANNIVERSARY DATE: Date of original hire from which continuous employment is maintained, less day for day adjustments for unpaid leaves of absence. 3 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY The Union agrees that during the life of this Agreement that the Union will not cause, encourage, participate in, or support any strike, slow-down, or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the Employer. ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 The Employer retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules and to perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by this Agreement 5.2 Any term or condition of employment not specifically established or modified by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Employer to modify, establish, or eliminate. ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY 6.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount sufficient to provide the payment of dues established by the Union, or a "fair share"negotiated deduction, as provided in Minnesota Statutes 179A.06, Subd. 3, consistent with the Janus decision if the employee elects not to become a member of the Union. Such money shall be remitted as directed by the Union. 6.2 It is agreed that the Employer's obligation to provide for dues deduction and/or fair sharenegotiated fee assessment shall continue only for the period of time that such deductions are non-negotiable and required by PELRA. 6.3 The Union may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and an alternate and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and/or alternate. The Union may designate two (2) stewards and one (1) alternate to represent this unit. 6.4 The Employer shall provide a Union bulletin board in the Department of Human Services for the posting of Union notice(s) and announcements(s). The Union agrees to limit the posting of such notices to the bulletin board space designated by the Employer. It is specifically understood that no notices of a political or inflammatory nature shall be posted on the Employer's premises. 6.5 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. 6.6 There shall be no discrimination against any employee because of race, creed, sex, color, political belief, or membership or non-membership in the Union. 6.7 Union representatives shall have access to the premises of the Employer at reasonable times and subject to reasonable rules in connection with official Union business. 4 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.1 DEFINITION OF A GRIEVANCE. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. A probationary employee is not entitled to utilize the grievance procedure. 7.2 UNION REPRESENTATIVES. The Employer will recognize representatives designated by the Union, as the grievance representative of the bargaining unit, having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Union shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the names of their successors, when so designated. 7.3 PROCESSING OF A GRIEVANCE. It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances, as hereinafter provided, is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and, therefore, shall be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and the Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours, provided the employee and the Union representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor, who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 7.4 PROCEDURE. Grievances, as defined by Section 7.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure. STEP 1. A non-probationary employee, claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's supervisor, as designated by the Employer. The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated and the remedy requested and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Employer- designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's Step 2 answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 2. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in 5 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 shall be submitted to arbitration, subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Relations Act of 1971, as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances," as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services (BMS). By mutual agreement, both parties can request involvement of a BMS mediator to hear and resolve the grievance. If either side does not agree to the mediation process, either party may request arbitration within ten (10) days after either party's written notification to the other of their intent not to participate in the mediation process by serving a written notice on the other party of their intention to proceed with arbitration. 7.5 ARBITRATOR'S AUTHORITY. A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide on the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue, not so submitted. B. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way, the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and the proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 WAIVER. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next Step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance, or an appeal thereof, within the specified time limit, the Union shall elect to treat the grievance as defined at that Step and may immediately appeal the grievance to the next Step. The time limit in each Step may be extended by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. 7.7 No employee shall be disciplined for filing a grievance or for his/her testimony at a grievance hearing. 6 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 7.8 Choice of Remedy: If, as a result of the written Employer response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion, or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed to either Step 4 of Article VII or a procedure such as Civil Service, Veterans Preference, etc. If appealed to any procedure other than in Step 4 of Article VII, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure as provided in Step 4 of Article VII. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized - Step 4 of Article VII or another appeal procedure - and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal through Step 4 of Article VII. ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY 9.1 Seniority shall be determined by the employee's length of continuous employment with the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services. Seniority rosters may be maintained by the Department on the basis of time in grade and time within specific classifications. 9.2 During the probationary period, a newly hired or rehired employee may be discharged at the sole discretion of the Employer. 9.3 A reduction of work force will be accomplished on the basis of seniority by classification. An employee subject to layoff in his/her job classification may choose demotion instead of layoff if a lower level vacancy exists or if there are employees with less seniority in the same classification or a formerly held job classification for which the employee remains qualified. Employees shall be recalled from layoff on the basis of seniority and classification. An employee on layoff shall have an opportunity to return to work within two (2) years of the time of the layoff before any new employee is hired in the affected classification. For purposes of this section, the job classification is Social Worker. 9.4 Employees who are eligible for recall shall be given fourteen (14) calendar days notice of recall, and notice of recall shall be sent to the employee by first class mail with a copy to the Union. The employee must notify the agency director of his/her intention to return within ten (10) working days after receiving notice of recall. An employee eligible for recall who fails to provide the Employer with a current mailing address and is not located by the United States Postal Service for delivery of first class mail shall forfeit all eligibility for recall. 9.5 A. Senior employees will be given preference with regard to transfer, job classification assignment, and promotions when all job relevant qualifications of employees are equal. B. An employee promoted or transferred will serve a trial period of ninety (90) days. During the trial period, the employee or his or her supervisor may request return to a position of comparable duties, number of hours, pay and classification or, if available, the former position. 7 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 9.6 All vacancies and newly created positions within the bargaining unit shall be posted. Employees shall have five (5) working days after posting to complete application for such vacancies or newly created positions. When all other qualifications are equal, the senior employee shall be chosen for the vacancy or newly created position. Positions where incumbents are reclassified shall not be considered vacant or newly created for the purpose of posting. 9.7 Senior employees will be given preference on vacation requests. ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE 10.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in one or more of the following forms: A. Oral reprimand; B. written reprimand; C. suspension; D. demotion; or E. discharge. 10.2 Suspensions, demotions and discharges will be in written form. 10.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be read and acknowledged by signature of the employee. Employee and the Union will receive a copy of such reprimands and/or notices. Documentation of oral reprimands is not arbitrable. 10.4 Employees may examine their own individual personnel files at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the Employer. 10.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day suspension without pay. 10.6 Employees will not be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action unless the employee has been given an opportunity to have a Union representative present at such questioning. 10.7 Grievance relating to this Article may be initiated by the Union in Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII. 10.8 If a Department Head or Supervisor has a reason to reprimand an employee, it will be done in a manner that will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public. ARTICLE XI (11). CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION Employees shall have the rights guaranteed to all citizens by the United States and Minnesota Constitutions. ARTICLE XII (12). WORK SCHEDULE 12.1 The normal work week is forty (40) hours to be accounted for by each employee through: 8 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 A. Hours worked on assigned schedules; B. Holidays; and C. Authorized leave time. 12.2 The normal work day for full-time regular employees will consist of eight (8) hours plus one-half (1/2) hour or one (1) hour for lunch, to be scheduled with the written approval of the employee's supervisor or the Employer. 12.3 Employees may take a fifteen (15) minute break during each four (4) consecutive hours worked. 12.4 Holidays and authorized leave time are calculated on the basis of the actual length of time of the assigned shift. 12.5 Nothing contained in this or any other article shall be interpreted as a guarantee of a minimum or maximum number of hours the Employer may assign employees. 12.6 The Employer shall pay for training required by the Employer or authorized by the Employer during duty periods. Duty and assigned training shall be at regular base rates with no premium. Training necessary to maintain professional licensure and not mandated by the Employer shall be at the employee's own expense. 12.7 Weather Closing Policy: A. The Chair of the County Board of Commissioners, or the Chair's designee, is authorized to order closure of the County offices in Fergus Falls when it is not reasonably possible for employees to travel within the City of Fergus Falls. The Commissioners representing Districts 1 and 4 are authorized to determine if weather conditions require closure of the New York Mills County offices. B. All County employees are encouraged to avoid unnecessary risk to their personal safety when traveling to or from their place of work. Those employees not defined as "essential employees" under the Minnesota Public Employment Labor Relations Act, and not performing highway maintenance duties, may choose not to report to work, or to leave work early, as weather conditions require in the interest of their personal safety. Department Heads or Supervisors must approve this absence from work, prior to or after the fact. C. Those employees who are unable to safely report to work, as provided above, whether or not the County offices are closed, may select one or more of the following ways to account for their normal work hours missed, subject to the approval of their Department Head: 1. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued vacation leave; or, 2. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued sick leave; or, 3. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued compensatory time (accrued overtime); or, 9 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 4. By making up the hours within the work week during which the time was missed, on an hour for hour basis, performing productive work, subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor; or, 5. By taking a corresponding number of hours without compensation. D. Employees with questions regarding this policy should contact their immediate supervisor. ARTICLE XIII (13). OVERTIME 13.1 Employees will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular base pay rate for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week if the additional hours have been authorized by the Employer. For the purpose of calculating hours worked in a week, the Employer shall include holidays, vacation, and sick leave. 13.2 For the purpose of computing overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be pyramided, compounded, or paid twice for the same hours worked. 13.3 Overtime will be calculated to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. 13.4 For the purposes of computing overtime, holidays, vacation and sick leave shall count as hours worked as do work related (not commuting) travel hours. 13.5 An employee may elect to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime. No employee shall accumulate more than eighty (80) hours of compensatory time. 13.6 All accrued compensatory time shall be paid to the Health Care Savings Plan (MSRS) and the bank reduced to zero in December of each year. The compensatory time bank shall also be paid out immediately prior to any wage rate increase that an employee may receive. These pay outs are made per Article XXVII (27), Section A. 13.7 Employees who are assigned by the Employer to be "on-call" at times outside of their scheduled working shift shall be compensated at the rate of three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50)three dollars and seventy-five cents ($3.75) per hour for the hours that the employee is "on-call." This amount will be adjusted in 2020 and 2021 consistent with COLA increases. An employee who is called to duty during this "on-call" time shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the normal base pay rate. An employee who is called to duty during this "on-call" time shall not receive the three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50)three dollars and seventy-five cents ($3.75) per hour "on-call" compensation during the time the employee is being compensated for being on duty. An extension or early report to a regularly scheduled shift does not qualify the employee for the two (2) hours minimum or premium rate. This provision will also apply to an employee who is called to duty outside of the regularly scheduled shift even though the employee is not "on-call." Employees who are "on-call" on a holiday as defined in Section 16.1 shall be compensated at the rate of five dollars ($5.00)five dollars and twenty-five cents ($5.25) per hour for all hours the employee is "on-call." This amount will be adjusted in 2020 and 2021 consistent with COLA increases. An employee who is called to duty during this "on-call" time on a holiday listed in Section 16.1 shall receive pay at the normal pay rate plus one and one-half (1 1/2) times that 10 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 normal rate, with a minimum of two (2) hours pay. An employee called to duty during this "on- call" time shall not receive the five dollars ($5.00)five dollars and twenty-five cents ($5.25) per hour "on-call" compensation during the time the employee is being compensated for being on duty. This provision will also apply to an employee who is called to duty outside of the regularly scheduled shift even though the employee is not "on-call." 13.8 Any change in the handling of the existing "on-call" structure the Department Head shall meet and confer with the Union. ARTICLE XIV (14). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION Any employee assigned by the Employer to work at a higher job classification and to perform all tasks and duties of that higher job classification for more than ten (10) consecutive work days shall be paid at the higher rate of pay for the duration of the assignment. Upon completion of the assignment, the employee shall revert to his/her original or assigned pay rate. ARTICLE XV (15). INSURANCE 15.1 CAFETERIA BENEFITS PLAN. In addition to salary, the Employer offers a Cafeteria Benefits Plan to employees. Effective January 1, 2016, tThe Employer shall contribute one thousand one hundred fifty dollars ($1,150.00)designated amounts as referenced below per month to each regular full-time employee dependent upon classification for health insurance and/or other benefits through the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. This takes effect thirty (30) days after the beginning of employment, or in the case of an employee beginning County service other than the first day of a month, it shall be thirty (30) days after the first of the month following the month in which he/she becomes employed. The employee must complete a Cafeteria Benefits Enrollment form at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of eligibility for the plan. Regular employees working thirty (30) to forty (40) hours per week shall receive pro-rata portion of the benefit per month. Regular employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for participation in the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. Effective January 1, 2017, the Employer contribution shall increase to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2018, the Employer contribution shall increase to one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,325.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. 11 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and forty dollars ($740.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and sixty-five dollars ($765.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and ninety dollars ($790.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred dollars ($1,400.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars ($1,450.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,525.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, six hundred dollars ($1,600.00) per month. 15.2 The Medical Reimbursement Account Maximum (Flexible Benefits Plan) shall be the maximum amount allowed by federal and state laws and regulations. 15.3 Part-time employees who do not qualify for health insurance benefits under the plan in effect at the time of their employment will not receive any of the benefits set forth in this Article. 15.4 One (1) member from the bargaining unit will be elected to sit on the Insurance Committee which will be a sub-committee of the Labor Management Committee (LMC). 12 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 15.5 In the event that the health insurance provisions of this Agreement fail to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act or its successor and its related regulations or cause the County to be subject to a penalty, tax, or fine, either party may request a meet and confer. In such negotiations, the rights and obligations of the Union shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.06, and the rights and obligations of the County shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.07. ARTICLE XVI (16). HOLIDAYS 16.1 All regular employees shall be entitled to paid holidays as defined below: New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King's BirthdDay Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Friday Memorial Day 1/2 Day December 24 Independence Day Christmas Day 16.2 In order to qualify for the holiday pay under this Article, an otherwise qualified employee must not be on an unpaid status. Holiday pay consists of eight (8) hours per holiday. 16.3 When any of the above named holidays falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the holiday. When the holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday. 16.4 Should Christmas Day fall on Saturday, the preceding Thursday shall be observed as December 24th. 16.5 When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall receive an additional day of paid vacation. 16.6 Employees who are required to work a holiday shall be paid at one and one-half (1 1/2) times their normal base pay rate for all hours worked. 16.7 Part-time regular employees working less than forty (40) hours per week shall be entitled to paid holiday benefits on a pro rata basis. ARTICLE XVII (17). VACATION SCHEDULE 17.1 All regular County employees shall be entitled to earn vacation at the rate designated in the following schedule: 1st year employment 6.67 hours/month 2nd year employment 7.33 hours/month 3rd year employment 8.00 hours/month 4th year employment 8.67 hours/month 5th year employment 9.33 hours/month 6th year employment 10.00 hours/month 7th year employment 10.33 hours/month 8th year employment 10.67 hours/month 13 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 9th year employment 11.00 hours/month 10th year employment 11.33 hours/month 11th year employment 11.67 hours/month 12th year employment 12.00 hours/month 13th year employment 12.33 hours/month 14th year employment 12.67 hours/month 15th year employment 13.00 hours/month 16th year employment 13.33 hours/month 17th year employment 13.67 hours/month 18th year employment 14.00 hours/month 19th year employment 14.33 hours/month 20th year employment 14.67 hours/month 21st year employment 15.00 hours/month 22nd year employment 15.33 hours/month 23rd year employment 15.67 hours/month 24th year employment 16.00 hours/month 25th year employment 16.0016.33 hours/month 26th year employment 16.67 hours/month 27th year employment 17.33 hours/month *Maximum 17.2 Vacation shall accrue semi-monthly at the rates indicated above commencing with the first month of employment. Employees may only claim and be entitled to a vacation upon completion of six (6) months of continuous employment in good standing. Provided, however, any employee working less than forty (40) hours per week shall earn vacation on a pro rata basis (e.g. a part- time employee who works thirty (30) hours per week would qualify for 75 percent of the vacation allowed in the above schedule). An employee is not entitled to vacation time or vacation pay if employment terminates during the probationary period. 17.3 Vacation schedules shall respect the employee's wishes to the extent reasonable within the limitations of the department. The department head may require that vacation requests be made by a specific reasonable date each year or a reasonable time before vacation is to be taken. 17.4 Accumulated vacation leave in excess of twenty-four (24) days or 192 hours shall be lost at the employee's anniversary date unless carryover of additional days is specifically approved by the department head and Division Directors for good cause. Employees are encouraged to use their vacation each year. Employees in good standing shall be paid for any unused vacation upon separation from County service. ARTICLE XVIII (18). SICK LEAVE 18.1 Employees are responsible for reasonable, prudent, and bona fide use of sick leave privileges. Claiming sick leave when fit, except as provided in this section, may be cause for disciplinary action, including cancellation of sick leave benefits, suspension, demotion, or termination. 18.2 Sick leave is earned at the rate of eight (8) hours per month, and accumulates to a total of nine hundred and sixty (960) hours. It is accumulated on a pro-rated basis for regular part-time employees working less than forty (40) hours per week. 14 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 18.3 An employee who has accumulated 960 hours of sick leave may bank an additional 240 hours to be used only in the event that sick leave accumulated under this section has been exhausted. Sick leave in this bank cannot be used to replenish the maximum accumulation of 960 hours as stated in Section 18.2. Sick leave in this bank may not be used for payment of insurance premiums or severance under Article 15 or severance under Section 22.2 and may not be placed in HCSP (MSRS). 18.4 The employee must notify his/her supervisor of his/her inability to be at work due to illness as soon as possible, preferably before the start of working hours. Failure to provide notification may result in a loss of sick pay for the time taken. 18.5 Employees claiming sick leave may be required to file written documentation. If employees have been incapacitated, they may be required to provide documentation of being capable of performing all job duties. If in excess of three (3) consecutive days, written statement from a physician/public health service specifying the amount of time needed is required. Other permitted uses of sick leave: SITUATION NUMBER OF HOURS Medical necessity in Immediate Family 24** (per event) Pregnancy/Birth/Adoption 24*** (per event) Funeral for co-workers within the department 4 (per event) **Additional time with department head approval and physician's certification. ***Additional days as required by physician. 18.6 The use of sick leave for dental or medical appointments for the employee or employee's spouse, child, or parent is not required unless the appointments total more than three (3) hours in any given month. This provision only applies to full-time employees. Part-time employees hired prior to 1/1/02 shall receive this benefit on a pro-rated basis. 18.7 An employee on vacation who becomes ill or injured may with proper notification change his/her leave status to sick leave. ARTICLE XIX (19). WAGES 19.1 All employees shall be paid in accordance with the enclosed wage schedule which is attached hereto. 19.2 All anniversary dates of employees shall be adjusted to meet the definition in Section 3.19. All annual performance reviews and step increases will be based on this anniversary date. 19.3 The term MSW or masters in field means a masters degree from a recognized college or university in a field of study and endeavor directly applicable to the employee's job duties. ARTICLE XX (20). MEAL ALLOWANCE 20.1 When employees are required to be out of Otter Tail County on training, education, official business or on approved work-related meetings, they shall receive reimbursement for meals under the following conditions: 15 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 A. Breakfast: When an employee is required to leave home before 6:00 a.m., or was away overnight, at a rate of ten dollars ($10.00). B. Lunch: When an employee is out of the County between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., at a rate of twelve dollars ($12.00)fifteen dollars ($15.00). C. Supper: When an employee is out of the County between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., at a rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00)eighteen dollars ($18.00). 20.2 Employees may aggregate the meal reimbursement amounts during a one-day period, not to exceed the daily maximum of thirty-seven dollars ($37.00)forty-three dollars ($43.00). Employees must provide a receipt showing the actual costs incurred. Reimbursement will not be available for the cost of alcoholic beverages. 20.3 The meal reimbursement will also apply at approved work related business meetings within the County with an organization other than the County. ARTICLE XXI (21). INJURY ON DUTY 21.1 At the Employer's discretion, an employee (a) acting within the limits of the authority established by the Employer, (b) who receives a disabling injury during the performance of assigned official duties performing acts required by law, and (c) wherein the Employer had determined that the employee has not contributed to the cause of the injury through negligence, judgmental decision, out of wrongful or willful or wanton neglect of duty or other action or inaction, may by granted leave with pay for any period of disability provided that such leave with pay shall not exceed ninety (90) calendar days. Such disabling injury shall be reported to the appointing authority immediately. Request for such leave shall be presented to the Employer together with supporting documentation including appropriate physician(s) reports. Such leave, if granted, shall not be charged to normal sick leave. 21.2 All benefits received under this plan shall be coordinated with benefits received through worker's compensation and the County long-term disability program. An employee may elect to supplement worker's compensation benefits and/or long-term disability payments with deductions from accrued sick leave or vacation provided that the total received does not exceed the employee's normal base pay. 21.3 After the ninety (90) day period referenced in 21.1, employees receiving Workers' Compensation insurance benefits may utilize earned vacation, sick leave, and compensatory time to make up the difference between their normal earnings and the Workers' Compensation payment, subject to the following terms: A. The use of such earned leave time to make up the difference in hours between the two- thirds Workers' Compensation payment and a normal work day is limited to pre-injury accumulated leave time. B. The leave time accrued while receiving two-thirds Workers' Compensation and one-third (1/3) accumulated leave time cannot be used until there is a return to work. C. Work related injuries may qualify for and be subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act. 16 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 D. After the exhaustion of earned leave time and FMLA leave, the health benefits are the responsibility of the employee, and limited to continued coverage eligibility required under federal and state laws and regulations. E. Seniority will cease to accrue at the date on which an employee has exhausted pre injury accumulated leave and while on any unpaid leave of absence. ARTICLE XXII (22). RESIGNATION 22.1 Any employee desiring to resign shall submit such resignation in writing to the Department Head under which he or she works. This shall be at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed resignation. Existing vacation credits shall be payable on termination or retirement to employees in good standing. Failure to comply with this provision may be cause for non-payment of unused vacation leave. 22.2 Employees, in good standing, who leave employment after a minimum of ten (10) years, will receive seventy-five percent (75%) of the balance of their accumulated sick leave as severance pay not to exceed 720 hours. (As referenced in Article XXVII (27).) 22.3 Upon resignation in good standing, employees who have worked less than ten (10) years, and have completed their probationary period may use seventy-five percent (75%) of their accumulated sick leave for payment to continue insurance in effect under Article XV (15). This is subject to approval by the insurance carrier and limited to the required periods of continued health coverage provided by federal and state laws and regulations. Accumulations in the employee's sick leave bank (Section 18.3) are specifically excluded from this provision. ARTICLE XXIII (23). LEAVES OF ABSENCE 23.1 Any request for the leave of absence other than for vacation and sick leave shall be submitted in writing by the employee to his/her immediate supervisor. The request shall state the reason the leave of absence is being requested and the length of time off the employee desires. Authorization or denial shall be furnished in writing to the employee by his/her immediate supervisor. Any request for a leave of absence without pay of less than thirty (30) working days shall be submitted to the Employer at least ten (10) working days in advance of the time the leave is requested to begin and answered in writing by the immediate supervisor not later than three (3) working days after the leave is requested. A request for a leave of absence without pay of more than thirty (30) working days shall be submitted at least fifteen (15) working days in advance of the beginning of the leave and answered in writing by the immediate supervisor not later than five (5) working days after the leave is requested. 23.2 A. The Employer shall grant paid leaves of absence for appearance before a court in response to a subpoena in connection with an employee's official duties, official requests from a legislative committee, or other judicial or quasi-judicial body as a witness, court attendance in connection with an employee's official duties, and pre-induction examination conducted within the state by any branch of the armed forces authorized by law. Any employee who is entitled to vote at any statewide general election or at any election to fill a vacancy in the office or representatives to Congress shall be entitled to absent himself/herself from work for the purpose of voting during the forenoon of such election day without penalty or deduction from his/her salary or wages on account of such absence. 17 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 B. Employees on jury duty will be allowed normal pay and are not eligible for the daily jury fee. Any amount received as jurors' pay shall be turned over to the Employer. Employees normally reporting to work in Fergus Falls will not be eligible for mileage for jury duty in Fergus Falls. Employees normally reporting to work in New York Mills will not be eligible for mileage for jury duty in New York Mills. Employees will otherwise be eligible for compensation for mileage to report for jury duty which exceeds mileage to their normal work station. 23.3 The Employer may grant leaves of absence without pay for any reasonable purpose. 23.4 Maternity/Paternity Leave: An employee at his/her option may voluntarily elect to apply for a personal leave of absence for maternity/paternity purposes which shall be granted for a period not to exceed six (6) months. This leave would run concurrent with the federal Family Medical Leave and would be unpaid unless the use of sick leave or vacation is authorized under this contract. 23.5 Any employee who is a member of a reserve force of the United States or of this State and who is ordered by the appropriate authorities to attend a training program or perform other duties under the supervision of the United States or this State in any calendar or fiscal year, shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for up to fifteen (15) working days during the period of such activity. Any employee who enters into active service in the armed forces of the Unites States in time of war or declared national emergency while in the service of the Employer shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period of military service, not to exceed four (4) years. Employees shall accumulate seniority during periods of military service. For determining vacation accumulation rate, a military leave without pay shall be counted the same as normal straight time hours that would have been worked. Vacation and sick leave are not accumulated during a military leave without pay. 23.6 Time spent on an unpaid leave of absence shall not count toward an employee's seniority, except as allowed in 23.5. 23.7 If the reasons and circumstances upon which an employee's leave of absence was granted change while he/she is on leave, he/she must immediately report to the Employer to be reinstated or to request continuation of leave, based on the changed conditions. If the employee fails to so report or falsifies his/her report, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article X (10). 23.8 Employees are allowed a maximum of twenty-four hours paid leave for a death in their immediate family. Additional time off requires supervisor/department head approval and the use of vacation, sick leave or comp time. 23.9 The Employer has adopted and implemented a Family Medical Leave Policy, as required by law, which shall apply to all employees, subject to amendments adopted during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV (24). SAFETY 24.1 A. The County seeks to insure the safest working conditions possible. Regulations and instructions for employees regarding occupational safety and health are found in the Otter 18 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Tail County Policy and Programs to Promote Worker Safety and Health. Employees will sign that they have read and understand the County's policy on safety and are expected to follow strictly all requirements. Suggestions in safety are welcomed from all employees. B. Safety is an integral part of each position and the responsibility of each employee. The violation of safety rules and practices may be grounds for disciplinary action. C. Employees injured on the job must make a report of such injury as soon as possible to their immediate supervisor. All injuries, however slight, must be reported within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence. Major incidents, such as a death, amputation, loss of consciousness, three (3) or more casualties are to be reported immediately. Department Heads are responsible for providing the proper notification to the Personnel Office of all injuries reported by employees of their department. Current forms and procedures are available at the Personnel Office. ARTICLE XXV (25). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The County will provide employees the same Employee Assistance Program that it offers to other County employees. ARTICLE XXVI (26). TUITION ASSISTANCE The County will provide the same Tuition Assistance Program that it provides for other County employees. ARTICLE XXVII (27). HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN The Employer will allow employees to participate in the Health Care Savings Plan (HCSP) through the Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS). The Employer will make contributions on behalf of eligible employees as follows: A. All accumulated comp time (defined in 13.5 and 13.6) will be applied to HCSP (MSRS) when employees receive a wage rate increase, i.e., annual step increase and December 31st of each yearas of employee’s anniversary date if they are to receive a wage rate increase and December 31st of each year will be applied to HCSP (MSRS). Those employees not receiving a wage rate increase on their anniversary date shall have all accumulated comp time as of December 31st of each year applied to the HCSP (MSRS). B. Employee's severance pay per Section 22.2 (Sick Leave) of the Labor Agreement will be put into HCSP (MSRS) upon leaving employment with the County. C. An employee who has accumulated a total of 960 hours of sick time will receive four (4) hours per month, for each month the 960 hours are maintained, to their Health Care Savings Plan. This amount will be paid to the Plan once a year. This benefit will be pro-rated for part-time employees. After the accumulation of 960 hours of sick time, four (4) hours will be applied to the catastrophic sick bank authorized in Section 18.3, until a total of 1,200 hours of sick leave have been banked. This benefit will be pro-rated for part-time employees. 19 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 D. The County shall apply the following percentage of the employee's base salary per pay period into the HCSP (MSRS). (The cafeteria benefit shall not be included in the calculation of the percentage for the HCSP): 0 to 4 years of service 1% Beginning 5th year to 10 years of service 2% Beginning 11th year to 15 years of service 3% Beginning 16th year to 19 years of service 3.5% Beginning 20th year and over of service 4% ARTICLE XXVIII (28). NATIONAL TEAMSTERS D.R.I.V.E. (Democratic/Republic/Independent Voter Education) Upon receipt of a properly executed voluntary authorization card from an employee, the Employer will deduct from the employee's salary such amounts as the employee authorizes to pay National Teamsters D.R.I.V.E. ARTICLE XXIX (29). WAIVER 29.1 Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policies, rules and regulations, regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions if this Agreement, are hereby superseded. Provided, however, that the addendum attached hereto and marked as Wage Schedule is to continue as part of this Agreement. 29.2 The parties mutually acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any terms or conditions of employment not removed by law, from bargaining. All agreements and understandings arrived at by the parties are set forth in writing in this Agreement for the stipulated duration of this Agreement. The Employer and the Union, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right to meet and negotiate, regarding any and all terms and conditions of employment referred to or covered in this Agreement or with respect to any term or condition of employment not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement, even though such terms or conditions may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both the parties at the time this Agreement was negotiated or executed. ARTICLE XXX (30). DURATION This agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 20162019, and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 20182021. FOR THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL FOR TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 320 __________ Chairman Roger Meunier, Business Agent __________ _________________ Human Services Director Union Steward __________ _________________ 20 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Larry Krohn, County Administrator Union Steward __________ Human Resources Director Date: _________________________ Date: ________________________________ Hansen:MTR:sb/2012-3713/10/18/2018/10/30/2018 21 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 APPENDIX A HUMAN SERVICES PROFESSIONAL UNIT CLASSIFICATION POSITION GRADE Community Services Professional Social Worker C41, C42 Community Services Professional Lead Social Worker C43 22 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 23 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 24 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 25 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 26 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 27 Human Services Professional Unit – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 LABOR AGREEMENT between THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 Representing HUMAN SERVICES SUPPORT SPECIALISTS and PUBLIC HEALTH STAFF JANUARY 1, 20162019 through DECEMBER 31, 20182021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Human Services Support Specialists and Public Health Staff ARTICLE I (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT .......................................................................... 1 ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION ............................................................................................... 1 ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 1 ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY ................................................................................ 3 ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY .............................................................................. 3 ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY ........................................................................................ 4 ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ......................................................................... 5 ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE...................................................................................... 7 ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY ................................................................................................... 7 ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................. 9 ARTICLE XI (11). WORK SCHEDULE ................................................................................... 10 ARTICLE XII (12). OVERTIME ............................................................................................... 11 ARTICLE XIII (13). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION .................................................. 12 ARTICLE XIV (14). INSURANCE ........................................................................................... 12 ARTICLE XV (15). HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE XVI (16). VACATIONS ............................................................................................ 15 ARTICLE XVII (17). SICK LEAVE .......................................................................................... 16 ARTICLE XVIII (18). JOB SHARE BENEFITS ........................................................................ 17 ARTICLE XIX (19). FLEXIBLE WORK DAYS ......................................................................... 17 ARTICLE XX (20). WAGES .................................................................................................... 17 ARTICLE XXI (21). SAFETY .................................................................................................. 17 ARTICLE XXII (22). RESIGNATION ....................................................................................... 18 ARTICLE XXIII (23). LEAVES OF ABSENCE ........................................................................ 19 ARTICLE XXIV (24). MEAL ALLOWANCE ............................................................................. 20 ARTICLE XXV (25). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................................................ 21 ARTICLE XXVI (26). NATIONAL TEAMSTER D.R.I.V.E ........................................................ 21 ARTICLE XXVII (27). HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN (MSRS) ........................................... 21 ARTICLE XXVIII (28). WAIVER .............................................................................................. 21 ARTICLE XXIX (29). DURATION ........................................................................................... 22 1 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 LABOR AGREEMENT between THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL and MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL NO. 320 (Human Services Support Specialists and Public Health Staff) ARTICLE I (1). PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between the County of Otter Tail, hereinafter called the Employer, and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local #320, hereinafter called the Union. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to: 1.1 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning this Agreement's interpretation and/or applications; and 1.2 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon the terms and conditions of employment for the duration of this Agreement. ARTICLE II (2). RECOGNITION 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative, under Minnesota Statutes 179A.03, Subd. 14, for all personnel in the following job classifications: "All employees of the Otter Tail County Human Services and Public Health Departments, who are public employees within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, which excludes supervisory and confidential, and also excludes social workers and professional employees who are involved in nursing." 2.2 In the event the Employer and the Union are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. 2.3 Otter Tail County will not discriminate against or harass any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, natural origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance. ARTICLE III (3). DEFINITIONS 3.1 ANNIVERSARY DATE: Date of original hire from which continuous employment is maintained, less day for day adjustments for unpaid leaves of absence. 3.2 CLASS: One or more positions sufficiently similar in the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or required; minimum qualifications of training, experience or skill; and such other characteristics that the same job title, the same tests of fitness, and the same schedule of compensation may be applied with equality to all of the positions. 2 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 3.3 CLASSIFICATION SENIORITY: Length of continuous service in specific classification (position). 3.4 COUNTY BOARD: Board of County Commissioners, Human Services and Public Health Board. 3.5 DEMOTION: A change by an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with less responsible duties and a lower salary range. 3.6 DEPARTMENT HEAD: The Directors of the Otter Tail County Department of Human Services and Public Health Staff. 3.7 EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. 3.8 EMPLOYER: Otter Tail County, or its representative. 3.9 FULL TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a twelve (12) month probationary period, and works forty (40) hours or more a week for the Employer. 3.10 GENDER: When used in this policy, the masculine gender includes feminine, and the feminine gender includes masculine. 3.11 IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Employee's spouse, children, foster children, parent(s), sister, brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchildren and grandparents; related by blood, adoption, or marriage. 3.12 MEMBER: A member of the Human Services Support Specialists and Public Health Staff. 3.13 PART TIME REGULAR: Employee who has completed a twelve (12) month probation period andAn employee who works fewer than forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis. 3.14 DIVISION DIRECTORS: Managers responsible for directing the activities of multiple departments, programs or functions. 3.15 PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEE: An employee who has not completed the probationary period. 3.16 PROMOTION: A change of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with more responsible duties and a higher salary range. 3.17 STEP INCREASE: A salary increase for an employee occurring the month of the employee’s on anniversary date. 3.18 STRIKE: Concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slow-down or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purpose of inducing, 3 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 influencing or coercing a change in the conditions or compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. 3.19 TRANSFER: The movement of a probationary or permanent employee from a position in one class to another position in the same class in the same or different County department or to a position in a different class in the same or different County department that has a comparable work value. 3.20 UNION: Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. 3.21 UNION STEWARD: Steward elected or appointed by Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. ARTICLE IV (4). EMPLOYER SECURITY The Union agrees that during the life of this Agreement that the Union will not cause, encourage, participate in, or support any strike, slow-down or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the Employer. ARTICLE V (5). EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 It is understood and agreed that the County possesses the sole right and authority to operate and direct employees of the County and its various departments in all aspects, including, but not limited to, all rights and authority exercised by the County prior to the execution of this Agreement, except as modified in this Agreement. These rights include, but are not limited to: A. The right to determine its mission, policies, and to set forth all standards of service offered to the public. B. To plan, direct, control and determine the operations or services to be conducted by the employees of the County. C. To determine the methods, means and number of personnel needed to carry out the department's mission. D. To direct the working forces. E. To hire and assign to or transfer employees within the department or other related functions. F. To lay off or relieve employees due to lack of work or funds or other legitimate reasons. G. To promote, suspend, discipline or discharge for just cause. H. To make, publish and enforce rules and regulations. 4 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 I. To introduce new or improved methods, equipment or facilities. J. To contract out for goods or services. K. To schedule and assign work. L. To establish work and productivity standards. M. To assign overtime. 5.2 Any term or condition of employment not specifically established or modified by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Employer to modify, establish, or eliminate. 5.3 Employees will be subject to a probationary period of time not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months from the date of employment. During the probationary period, employees may be terminated from employment at the sole discretion of the Employer. ARTICLE VI (6). UNION SECURITY 6.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount sufficient to provide the payment of dues established by the Union, or a "fair share"negotiated deduction, as provided in Minnesota Statutes 179A.06, Subd. 3, consistent with the Janus decision if the employee elects not to become a member of the Union. Such money shall be remitted as directed by the Union. 6.2 It is agreed that the Employer's obligation to provide for dues deduction and/or fair sharenegotiated fee assessment shall continue only for the period of time that such deductions are non-negotiable and required by PELRA. 6.3 The Union may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward. The Union may designate four (4) Stewards from Human Services and one (1) from Public Health Staff. 6.4 The Employer agrees that on the Employer's premises and without loss of pay, the Union Stewards shall be allowed a reasonable amount of work time during which to post official Union notices of the designated representatives; transmit communications authorized by the Union or its officers, under the terms of this contract; consult with the Employer, his/her representative or the Union representative concerning the enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement, as provided by the terms of this Agreement. The Union agrees that the Steward in the performance of his/her duties shall not disrupt the normal operations of the Employer. The Union further agrees that each Steward is a County employee and has a County job to perform and complete. 6.5 The Employer shall provide a Union bulletin board for each of the primary office buildings in a location accessible to all employees for the posting of Union notice(s) and announcement(s). The Union agrees to limit the positing of such notices to the bulletin 5 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 board space designated by the Employer. It is specifically understood that no notices of a political or inflammatory nature shall be posted on the Employer's premises. 6.6 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. 6.7 Neither the County nor the Union shall interfere with the right of employees covered by this Agreement to become or not become members of the Union, and there shall be no discrimination against any such employees because of lawful Union membership or non- membership activity or status. 6.8 Non-employee representatives of the Union, previously certified to the Employer as provided herein, shall be permitted to come on the premises of the Employer for the purpose of investigating and discussing grievances, and for other reasonable purposes, if they first notify and receive approval from the Employer's Department Head and provided the Union representatives do not interfere with the work of the employees. ARTICLE VII (7). GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.1 DEFINITION OF A GRIEVANCE: A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. A probationary employee is not entitled to utilize the grievance procedure. 7.2 UNION REPRESENTATIVES: The Employer will recognize representatives designated by the Union, as the grievance representative of the bargaining unit, having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Union shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the names of their successors, when so designated. 7.3 PROCESSING OF A GRIEVANCE: It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances, as hereinafter provided, is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and, therefore, shall be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and the Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours provided the employee and the Union representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. Every employee has a right to present his/her grievance to the County free from interference or reprisal. 7.4 PROCEDURE: Grievances, as defined by Section 7.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: STEP 1. A non-probationary employee, claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, shall within fourteen (14) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's supervisor, as designated by the Employer. The Employer-designated representative will discuss and 6 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 give an answer to Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated and the remedy requested and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's Step 2 answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer- designated representative's final answer in Step 2. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the Union, within ten (10) calendar days, shall be considered waived. STEP 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer- designated representative's answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 shall be submitted to arbitration, subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Relations Act of 1971, as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances," as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services (BMS). By mutual agreement, both parties can request involvement of a BMS mediator to hear and resolve the grievance. If either side does not agree to the mediation process, either party may request arbitration within ten (10) days after either party's written notification to the other of their intent not to participate in the mediation process by serving a written notice on the other party of their intention to proceed with arbitration. 7.5 ARBITRATOR'S AUTHORITY A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide on only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue, not so submitted. B. The arbitrator may not ignore the language of the Agreement to pursue the rule of the shop or other considerations beyond the scope of the written Agreement, unless consideration of the rule of the shop or other considerations are necessary to an understanding of the issue or contract language or unless necessary to an understanding of the way the Agreement has been implemented. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way, the applications of laws, rules or regulations having the force and 7 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and the proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 WAIVER: If a grievance is not presented within the time limit set forth above, it shall be considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next Step within the specified time limit, or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance, or an appeal thereof, within the specified time limit, the Union may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that Step and may immediately appeal the grievance to the next Step. The time limit in each Step may be extended by the mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. 7.7 Choice of Remedy: If, as a result of the written Employer response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion, or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed to either Step 4 of Article VII or a procedure such as Civil Service, Veterans Preference, etc. If appealed to any procedure other than in Step 4 of Article VII, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure as provided in Step 4 of Article VII. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized - Step 4 of Article VII or another appeal procedure - and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal through Step 4 of Article VII. ARTICLE VIII (8). SAVINGS CLAUSE This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. ARTICLE IX (9). SENIORITY 9.1 SENIORITY LISTS: The Employer shall establish seniority lists as of the effective date of this Agreement structured by each work classification (as named in the salary schedule 8 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 attached as Exhibit A) and department to include and rank, in order of highest to lowest seniority, all regular employees in the bargaining unit. Seniority shall be measured from the first date of County employment as a regular employee as to department seniority and from the date of first performance of the duties of the classification in question as to classification seniority. In the event of a seniority tie, the most senior employee shall be the one who wins a coin flip. 9.2 TYPES OF SENIORITY: There shall be three (3) types of seniority established by this Agreement. A. Service Seniority is the total length of continuous service with the County. B. Department Seniority is the total length of service within a specific department or division of County service. C. Classification Seniority is the total length of service within a work classification. 9.3 BREAKS IN SENIORITY: An employee's seniority shall be tolled by lay off, and shall be broken by voluntary resignation, discharge for just cause, or retirement. 9.4 Except in those instances where senior employees are not qualified to perform remaining work, seniority shall determine the order of: A. Lay off, including involuntary reduction in work hours, as determined by classification within a department, shall be by inverse order of classification seniority. However, an employee about to be laid off shall have the right to bump (displace) a less senior employee within the classification. B. Recall from lay off, which shall be by classification within a department, in inverse order of lay off, provided that, if an employee does not return to work upon recall, as directed by the Employer, or on an extended date mutually acceptable to the employee and Employer, he/she shall automatically have terminated his/her employment. Recall notification shall be by first class mail to the employee's last known address for an indefinite lay off, and shall be contained in the lay off notice for lay offs for a definite period. An employee's name shall remain on the recall list for one year, at which time all rights to recall shall terminate. C. The Employer shall issue written notice of indefinite lay off at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of lay off and will meet and confer with the Union to attempt to minimize the impact of the lay off on unit members. The Employer shall issue written notice of recall from an indefinite lay off to affected employees, providing at least ten (10) calendar days to return to work. An indefinite lay off shall be defined as a lay off made for an indeterminate period at the time of notice or any lay off of forty-five (45) or more days. The Employer may lay off an employee for definite period of forty-four (44) days or less by giving written notice to the affected employees. D. Emergency, provisional, and limited term employees in the same department and classification shall precede regular employees in lay off. No new employees shall be 9 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 hired in a work classification within a department where there are employees on lay off status qualified to perform the job, until all laid off employees have been recalled in accordance with the above. 9.5 A. The Employer shall promote the most qualified candidate. When all other qualifications are equal, the Employer shall promote the applicant with the greater department seniority for the job opening. B. An employee promoted or transferred will serve a trial period of ninety (90) days. During the trial period, the employee or his/her supervisor may request return to a position of comparable duties, number of hours paid and classification, or, if available, the former position. 9.6 All vacancies and newly created positions within the bargaining unit shall be posted. Employees shall have ten (10)five (5) working days after posting to complete application for such vacancies or newly created positions. When all other qualifications are equal, the senior employee shall be chosen for the vacancy or newly created position. Positions where incumbents are reclassified shall not be considered vacant or newly created for the purpose of posting. ARTICLE X (10). DISCIPLINE 10.1 Disciplinary action may be taken against an employee for just cause. Disciplinary measures include the following: A. Verbal reprimand; B. Written reprimand; C. Suspension; D. Demotion; or E. Discharge. 10.2 If a department head or supervisor has reason to reprimand an employee, it will be done in a manner that will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public. When disciplinary action is more severe than a verbal reprimand is intended, the department head or supervisor will, before or at the time such action is taken, notify the employee in writing of the specific reason(s) for the action. 10.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be read and acknowledged by signature of the employee. A copy of a written notice of suspension or discharge shall be sent to the Union. However, failure to provide a copy of the notice to the Union will not invalidate the suspension or discharge. Documentation of oral reprimands is not arbitrable. 10.4 Employees may examine their individual personnel files at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the Employer. 10 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 10.5 An employee shall be allowed Union representation at any step of the discipline procedure or any investigation which could lead to disciplinary action. The Employer shall have no obligation to inform or advise an employee of the provisions of this section. 10.6 Grievances relating to this Article may be initiated by the Union in Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII. ARTICLE XI (11). WORK SCHEDULE 11.1 This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work per day or per week in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the County from restructuring the normal day or work week for the purpose of promoting the efficiency of government; from establishing the work schedules of employees; and establishing part-time positions. 11.2 The normal work week is forty (40) hours to be accounted for by each employee through: A. Hours worked on assigned schedules; B. Holidays; and C. Authorized leave time. 11.3 The normal work period for full-time regular employees will consist of eight (8) hours plus one-half (1/2) hour or one (1) hour for lunch, to be scheduled by mutual written agreement between the employee and the Employer or supervisor. 11.4 Employees may take a fifteen (15) minute break during each four (4) consecutive hours worked. 11.5 Holidays and authorized leave time are calculated on the basis of the actual length of time of the assigned shift. 11.6 The Employer shall pay for training required by the Employer or authorized by the Employer during work hours. Compensation for time spent at assigned or authorized training shall be at regular base rates with no premium. Training necessary to maintain professional licensure and not authorized by the Employer shall be at the employee's own expense. 11.7 Weather Closing Policy: A. The Chair of the County Board of Commissioners, or the Chair's designee, is authorized to order closure of the County offices in Fergus Falls when it is not reasonably possible for employees to travel within the City of Fergus Falls. The Commissioners representing Districts 1 and 4 are authorized to determine if weather conditions require closure of the New York Mills County offices. 11 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 B. All County employees are encouraged to avoid unnecessary risk to their personal safety when traveling to or from their place of work. Those employees not defined as "essential employees" under the Minnesota Public Employment Labor Relations Act, and not performing highway maintenance duties, may choose not to report to work, or to leave work early, as weather conditions require in the interest of their personal safety. Department heads or supervisors must approve this absence from work, prior to or after the fact. C. Those employees who are unable to safely report to work, as provided above, whether or not the County offices are closed, may select one or more of the following ways to account for their normal work hours missed, subject to the approval of their department head: 1. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued vacation leave; or, 2. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued sick leave; or, 3. By utilizing a corresponding number of hours of accrued compensatory time (accrued overtime); or, 4. By making up the hours within the work week during which the time was missed, on an hour for hour basis, performing productive work, subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor; or, 5. By taking a corresponding number of hours without compensation. D. Employees with questions regarding this policy should contact their immediate supervisor. ARTICLE XII (12). OVERTIME 12.1 Employees will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular base rate for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week if the additional hours have been expressly authorized by the Employer. Non-compensated leave of absence hours and compensatory time shall not be included in the worked hours per week required to qualify for overtime premium. 12.2 Holiday, vacation, and sick leave hours count as hours worked for the purposes of computing overtime as do work-related (not commuting) travel hours. 12.3 For the purpose of computing overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not pyramided, compounded, or paid twice for the same hours worked. 12.4 Overtime will be calculated to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. 12.5 An employee may elect to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime. No employee shall accumulate more than eighty (80) hours of compensatory time. 12 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 12.6 Use of compensatory time must be approved by the employee's supervisor. Requests for compensatory time off must be provided with sufficient advance notice to avoid interference with the operations of the department. In the event of a conflict between employees for the scheduling of compensatory time off, seniority shall govern. 12.7 All accrued compensatory time shall be paid to the HCSP (MSRS) and the bank reduced to zero in December of each year. The compensatory time shall also be paid out immediately prior to any wage rate increase that an employee may receive per Article XXVII (27), Section A. 12.8 Forty-eight (48) hours notice is required before an employee can be required to work overtime. ARTICLE XIII (13). WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION If an employee expressly assigned in writing to perform all the duties of a position allocated to a higher classification that is temporarily unoccupied for reasons other than vacation or sick leave and that work exceeds fifteen (15) consecutive work days in duration, the employee so assigned shall be paid for all hours of the assignment at least at the minimum rate of the salary range for the higher class. The Director may approve such compensation for assignment out of classification to a position temporarily unoccupied for reasons of lengthy vacation or sick leave. If the assignment is to a position in a classification at an equal or lower level, the employee shall be paid for all hours of the assignment at the employee's current rate of pay. A work out of class assignment is limited to no more than six (6) months, unless expressly extended in writing by the Employer, specifying the reason why the extension is necessary. A request to extend a work out of class assignment must be initiated at least fifteen (15) days before the end of the initial six (6) month assignment. Approval from the Director for such assignments by a supervisor is required. Upon completion of the work out of class assignment, the employee's salary shall be reduced to its previous level. ARTICLE XIV (14). INSURANCE 14.1 CAFETERIA BENEFITS PLAN. In addition to salary, the Employer offers a Cafeteria Benefits Plan to employees. Effective January 1, 2016, tThe Employer shall contribute one thousand one hundred fifty dollars ($1,150.00)designated amounts as referenced below per month to each regular full-time employee dependent upon classification for health insurance and/or other benefits through the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. This takes effect thirty (30) days after the beginning of employment, or in the case of an employee beginning County service other than the first day of a month, it shall be thirty (30) days after the first of the month following the month in which he/she becomes employed. The employee must complete a Cafeteria Benefits Enrollment form at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of eligibility for the plan. Regular employees working thirty (30) to forty (40) hours per week shall receive pro-rata portion of the benefit per month. Regular employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for participation in the Cafeteria Benefits Plan. 13 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Effective January 1, 2017, the Employer contribution shall increase to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2018, the Employer contribution shall increase to one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,325.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed on or before December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and forty dollars ($740.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and sixty-five dollars ($765.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plan and were employed after December 31, 2018, shall receive an Employer contribution of seven hundred and ninety dollars ($790.00) per month. *** Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a single plus children plan or a single plus spouse plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred dollars ($1,400.00) per month. *** 14 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Effective January 1, 2019, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars ($1,450.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2020, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,525.00) per month. Effective January 1, 2021, all employees who choose a family plan shall receive an Employer contribution of one thousand, six hundred dollars ($1,600.00) per month. The Medical Reimbursement Account Maximum (Flexible Benefits Plan) shall be the maximum amount allowed by federal and state laws and regulations. 14.2 Except as otherwise provided in 14.1, part-time employees who do not qualify for health insurance benefits under the plan in effect at the time of their employment will not receive any of the benefits set forth in this Article. 14.3 The failure of an insurance carrier(s) to provide any benefit for which it has contracted shall result in no liability to the County or to the Union, nor shall such failure to be considered a breach by the County or to the Union, nor shall such failure be considered a breach by the County or Union of any obligation undertaken under this or any other agreement. However, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to relieve any insurance carrier from any liability it may have to the County, Union, employee, or beneficiary of any employee. The terms of any contract or policy issue by an insurance carrier shall be controlling in all matters pertaining to benefits thereunder. 14.4 One (1)Two (2) members from the bargaining unit will be elected to sit on the Insurance Committee which will be a sub-committee of the Labor Management Committee (LMC). 14.5 In the event that the health insurance provisions of this Agreement fail to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act or its successor and its related regulations or cause the County to be subject to a penalty, tax, or fine, either party may request a meet and confer. In such negotiations, the rights and obligations of the Union shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.06, and the rights and obligations of the County shall be subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §179A.07. ARTICLE XV (15). HOLIDAYS 15.1 All regular employees shall be entitled to pay holidays as defined below: New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King's BirthdDay Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Friday after Thanksgiving Memorial Day 1/2 day December 24th Independence Day Christmas Day 15 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 15.2 In order to qualify for the holiday pay under this Article, an otherwise qualified employee must not be on an unpaid status. Holiday pay consists of eight (8) hours per holiday. 15.3 When any of the above-named holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the holiday. When the holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday. 15.4 Should Christmas Day fall on Saturday, the preceding Thursday shall be observed as December 24th. 15.5 When a paid holiday falls during the employee's vacation period, he/she shall receive an additional day of paid vacation. 15.6 Part-time regular employees working less than forty (40) hours per week shall be entitled to paid holiday benefits on a pro rata basis. ARTICLE XVI (16). VACATIONS 16.1 Regular employees earned vacation at the rate indicated below: 1st year employment 6.67 hours/month 2nd year employment 7.33 hours/month 3rd year employment 8.00 hours/month 4th year employment 8.67 hours/month 5th year employment 9.33 hours/month 6th year employment 10.00 hours/month 7th year employment 10.33 hours/month 8th year employment 10.67 hours/month 9th year employment 11.00 hours/month 10th year employment 11.33 hours/month 11th year employment 11.67 hours/month 12th year employment 12.00 hours/month 13th year employment 12.33 hours/month 14th year employment 12.67 hours/month 15th year employment 13.00 hours/month 16th year employment 13.33 hours/month 17th year employment 13.67 hours/month 18th year employment 14.00 hours/month 19th year employment 14.33 hours/month 20th year employment 14.67 hours/month 21st year employment 15.00 hours/month 22nd year employment 15.33 hours/month 23rd year employment 15.67 hours/month 24th year employment 16.00 hours/month 25th year employment 16.0016.33 hours/month 26th year employment 16.67 hours/month 27th year employment 17.33 hours/month *Maximum 16 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 16.2 Vacation will accrue semi-monthly beginning with the first month of employment. Employees are entitled to take vacation upon completion of six (6) months of paid employment in good standing. Part-time regular employees working less than forty (40) hours per week earn vacation on a pro-rated basis. An employee is not entitled to vacation time or vacation pay if employment terminates during the probationary period. Unused vacation will be paid when an employee leaves County employment in good standing. Accumulated vacation in excess of twenty-four (24) days will be lost at an employee's anniversary date unless specifically approved by the Department Head and Division Directors. 16.3 Vacation schedules shall respect the employee's wishes to the extent reasonable within the limitations of the department. The department head may require that vacation requests be made by a specific reasonable date each year or a reasonable time before the vacation is to be taken. ARTICLE XVII (17). SICK LEAVE 17.1 Sick leave shall be granted for employee illness and illness in the immediate family and as otherwise provided in this Article. Employees are responsible for reasonable, prudent, and bona fide use of sick leave benefit. Claiming sick leave when fit, except as provided in this Article, may be cause for disciplinary action, including cancellation of sick leave benefits for the employee involved, suspension, demotion, or termination. 17.2 Sick leave is earned at the rate of four (4) hours per semi-monthly pay period, and accumulates to a total of nine hundred sixty (960) hours. It is accumulated on a pro-rated basis for regular part-time employees working less than forty (40) hours per week. 17.3 An employee who has accumulated 960 hours of sick leave may bank an additional two hundred and forty (240) hours to be used only in the event that sick leave accumulated under this section has been exhausted. Sick leave in this bank cannot be used to replenish the maximum accumulation of nine hundred and sixty (960) hours as stated in Section 17.2. Sick leave in this bank may not be used for payment of insurance premiums under Section 14 or severance under Section 22.2 and may not be placed in HCSP (MSRS). 17.4 The employee must notify his/her supervisor of his/her inability to be at work due to illness as soon as possible, preferably before the start of working hours. Failure to provide notification may result in a loss of sick pay for the time taken. 17.5 Employees claiming sick leave may be required to file written documentation. If employees have been incapacitated, they may be required to provide documentation of being capable of performing all job duties. If in excess of three (3) consecutive days, a written statement from a physician/Public Health service specifying the amount of time needed is required. Other permitted use of sick leave: 17 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 SITUATION NUMBER OF HOURS Medical necessity in immediate family **24 (per event) Pregnancy/Birth/Adoption ***24 (per event) Funeral for co-workers within the department 4 (per event) ** Additional time with the department head approval and physician's certification. *** Additional time as required by physician. 17.6 The use of sick leave for dental or medical appointments for the employee or employee's spouse, child, or parent is not required unless the appointments total more than three (3) hours in any given month. This provision only applies to full-time employees. Part-time employees hired prior to 1/1/02 shall receive this benefit on a pro-rated basis. 17.7 An employee on vacation who becomes ill or injured may with proper notification change his/her leave status to sick leave. ARTICLE XVIII (18). JOB SHARE BENEFITS Salary and benefits provided in this contract otherwise generally available to the full-time regular employee, shall also be available and provided to employees working less than full-time in approved job positions, on a pro-rated basis. In lieu of participation in the Otter Tail County Cafeteria Benefits Plan, job share employees shall receive a pro-rated portion of the Employer's contribution to each regular full-time employee. ARTICLE XIX (19). FLEXIBLE WORK DAYS An employee may express a schedule preference for specific work hours. The Employer may, in its sole discretion, disapprove hours selected by a particular employee or establish set hours for any group of employees. ARTICLE XX (20). WAGES 20.1 All employees shall be paid in accordance with the attached salary schedule. 20.2 All anniversary dates of employees shall be adjusted to meet the definition in Section 3.1. All annual performance reviews and step increases will be based on this anniversary date. ARTICLE XXI (21). SAFETY 21.1 A. The County seeks to insure the safest working conditions possible. Regulations and instructions for employees regarding occupational safety and health are found in the Otter Tail County Policy and Programs to Promote Worker Safety and Health. Employees will sign that they have read and understand the County's policy on safety and are expected to follow strictly all requirements. Suggestions in safety are welcomed from all employees. B. Safety is an integral part of each position and the responsibility of each employee. The violation of safety rules and practices may be grounds for disciplinary action. 18 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 C. Employees injured on the job must make a report of such injury as soon as possible to their immediate supervisor. All injuries, however slight, must be reported within 24 hours of occurrence. Major incidents, such as death, amputation, loss of consciousness, three (3) or more casualties are to be reported immediately. Department Heads are responsible for providing the proper notification to the Personnel Office of all injuries reported by employees of their department. Current forms and procedures are available at the Personnel Office. 21.2 At the Employer's discretion, an employee (a) acting within the limits of the authority established by the Employer, (b) who receives a disability injury during the performance of assigned official duties performing acts allowed by law, and (c) wherein the Employer had determined that the employee has not contributed to the cause of the injury through negligence, use of poor judgment, out of wrongful or wanton neglect of duty or other action or inaction, may be granted leave with pay for any period of disability provided that such leave with pay shall not exceed ninety (90) calendar days. Such disability injury shall be reported to the appointing authority immediately. Request for such leave shall be presented to the Employer together with supporting documentation including appropriate physician(s) reports. Such leave, if granted, shall not be charged to normal sick leave. After the ninety (90) day period referenced above, employees receiving Workers Compensation insurance benefits may utilize earned vacation, sick leave, and compensatory time to make up the difference between their normal earnings and the Workers Compensation payment, subject to the following terms: A. The use of such earned leave time to make up the difference in hours between the two-thirds (2/3) Workers Compensation payment and a normal work day is limited to pre-injury accumulated leave time. B. The leave time accrued while receiving two-thirds Workers Compensation and one- third (1/3) accumulated leave time cannot be used until there is a return to work. C. Work related injuries may qualify for and be subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act. D. After the exhaustion of earned leave time and FMLA leave, the health benefits are the responsibility of the employee, and limited to continued coverage eligibility required under federal and state laws and regulations. E. Seniority will cease to accrue at the date on which an employee has exhausted pre- injury accumulated leave and while on any unpaid leave of absence. ARTICLE XXII (22). RESIGNATION 22.1 Any employee desiring to resign shall submit such resignation in writing to the elected or appointed official in charge of the office in which he/she works. This shall be at least two 19 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 (2) weeks in advance of the proposed resignation. Failure to comply with this provision may be cause for non-payment of unused vacation leave. 22.2 Employees, in good standing, who leave employment after a minimum of ten (10) years, will receive seventy-five percent (75%) of their accumulated sick leave as severance pay not to exceed 720 hours. (As referenced in Article XXVII (27).) 22.3 Upon resignation in good standing, employees who have worked less than ten (10) years, and have completed their probation period may use seventy-five percent (75%) of their accumulated sick leave for payment to continue insurance in effect under Article XIV. This is subject to approval by the insurance carrier and limited to the required periods of continued health coverage provided by federal and state laws and regulations. Accumulations in the employee's sick leave bank (Section 17.3) are specifically excluded from this provision. ARTICLE XXIII (23). LEAVES OF ABSENCE 23.1 Any request for a leave of absence other than for vacation and sick leave shall be submitted in writing by the employee to his/her immediate supervisor. Unless justified by the Weather Closing Policy or other emergency, a written request must be submitted by the employee in advance. The request shall state the reason the leave of absence is being requested and the length of time off the employee desires. Authorization or denial shall be furnished in writing to the employee by his/her immediate supervisor. This form of leave is intended for use in extraordinary circumstances only. 23.2 Employees on jury duty will be allowed normal pay and are not eligible for the daily jury fee. Any amount received as jurors' pay shall be turned over to the Employer. Employees normally reporting to work in Fergus Falls will not be eligible for mileage for jury duty in Fergus Falls. Employees normally reporting to work in New York Mills will not be eligible for mileage for jury duty in New York Mills. Employees will otherwise be eligible for compensation for mileage to report for jury duty which exceeds mileage to their normal work station. The Employer shall grant paid leaves of absence for appearance before a court in response to a subpoena in connection with an employee's official duties, official requests from legislative committee, or other judicial or quasi- judicial body as a witness, court attendance in connection with an employee's official duties, and pre-induction examination conducted within the state by any branch of the armed forces authorized by law. 23.3 The Employer may grant leaves of absence without pay for any reasonable purposes. Leaves of absence shall not be granted to employees to accept remunerative employment elsewhere. 23.4 As a condition to leave of absence being granted for purposes other than maternity or medical necessity, the employee may be required to waive all rights to immediate reinstatement in his/her position upon termination of the leave and to retain only the right to be appointed to the first vacancy for the position in which he/she has been employed. 20 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 23.5 MATERNITY/PATERNITY LEAVE: An employee at his/her option may voluntarily elect to apply for a personal leave of absence for maternity/paternity purposes which shall be granted for a period not to exceed six (6) months. This leave would run concurrent with the federal Family Medical Leave Act and would be unpaid unless the use of sick leave or vacation is authorized under this contract. 23.6 Military rights are provided by Minnesota Statutes 192.26. 23.7 Time spent on an unpaid leave of absence shall not count toward an employee's seniority, except during periods of military service. 23.8 If the reasons and circumstances upon which an employee's leave of absence was granted change while he/she is on leave, he/she must immediately report to the Employer to be reinstated or to request continuation of leave, based on the changed conditions. If the employee fails to so report or falsifies his/her report, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article X (10). 23.9 Employees are allowed a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours paid leave for a death in their immediate family. Additional time off requires the use of vacation, sick leave or comp time and requires Department Head/Supervisor approval. 23.10 The Employer has adopted and implemented a Family Medical Leave Policy, as required by law, which shall apply to all employees, subject to amendments adopted during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV (24). MEAL ALLOWANCE 24.1 When employees are required to be out of Otter Tail County on training, education, official business or on approved work-related meetings, they shall receive reimbursement for meals under the following conditions: A. Breakfast: When an employee is required to leave home before 6:00 a.m., or was away overnight, at a rate of ten dollars ($10.00). B. Lunch: When an employee is out of the County between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., at a rate of twelve dollars ($12.00)fifteen dollars ($15.00). C. Supper: When an employee is out of the County between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., at a rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00)eighteen dollars ($18.00). 24.2 Employees may aggregate the meal reimbursement amounts during a one-day period not to exceed the daily maximum of thirty-seven dollars ($37.00)forty-three dollars ($43.00). Employees must provide a receipt showing the actual costs incurred. Reimbursement will not be available for the cost of alcoholic beverages. 24.3 The meal reimbursement will also apply at approved work related business meetings within the County with an organization other than the County. 21 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 ARTICLE XXV (25). EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The County will provide employees the same Employee Assistance Program that it offers the other County employees. ARTICLE XXVI (26). NATIONAL TEAMSTER D.R.I.V.E Upon receipt of a properly executed voluntary authorization card from an employee, the Employer will deduct from the employee's salary such amounts as the employee authorizes to pay National Teamsters D.R.I.V.E. ARTICLE XXVII (27). HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN (MSRS) 27.1 The Employer will allow employees to participate in the Health Care Savings Plan (HCSP) through the Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS). The Employer will make contributions on behalf of eligible employees as follows: A. All accumulated comp time (defined in 12.5 and 12.7) will be applied to HCSP (MSRS) when employees receive a wage rate increase, i.e., as of employee's anniversary dateannual step increaseif they are to receive a wage rate increase and December 31st of each year will be applied to MSRS. Those employees not receiving a wage rate increase on their anniversary date shall have all accumulated comp time as of December 31st of each year applied to the HCSP (MSRS). B. Employee's severance pay per Section 22.2 (Sick Leave) of the Labor Agreement will be put into the HCSP (MSRS) upon leaving employment with the County. C. An employee who has accumulated 960 hours of sick time will accumulate an additional eight (8) hours of sick leave per month, four (4) hours of which will be applied to the Health Care Savings Plan, and four (4) hours of which will be applied to the "Catastrophic Sick Bank" authorized in Section 17.3 until a total of 1,200 hours of sick leave have been banked. The amount to go in the HCSP (MSRS) will be paid once a year. D. The County shall apply the following percentage of employee's base salary per pay period into the HCSP (MSRS). (The cafeteria benefit shall not be included in the calculation of the percentage for the HCSP (MSRS). 0 to 4 years of service 1% Beginning 5th year to 10 years of service 2% Beginning 11th year to 15 years of service 3% Beginning 16th year to 19 years of services 3.5% Beginning 20th year and over of service 4% ARTICLE XXVIII (28). WAIVER 28.1 This Agreement supersedes and cancels all prior practices and agreements, whether written or oral, unless expressly stated to the contrary herein, and together with any letters 22 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 of understanding executed concurrently with this Agreement, or hereafter, constitute the complete and entire Agreement between the parties, and conclude collective bargaining for its term, except as provided for in the grievance procedure. 28.2 The parties mutually acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any terms or conditions of employment not removed by law from bargaining. All agreements and understandings arrived at by the parties are set forth in writing in this Agreement for the stipulated duration of this Agreement. The Employer and the Union, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right to meet and negotiate, regarding any and all terms and conditions of employment referred to or covered in this Agreement or with respect to any term or condition of employment not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement, even though such terms or conditions may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both parties at the time this Agreement was negotiated or executed. ARTICLE XXIX (29). DURATION This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 20162019, and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 20182021. FOR THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL FOR TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 320 _________________________________ _______________________________________ Chairman Roger Meunier, Business Agent _________________________________ _______________________________________ Director of Human Services Union Steward _________________________________ _______________________________________ Director of Public Health Staff Union Steward _________________________________ _______________________________________ Larry Krohn, County Administrator Union Steward _________________________________ _______________________________________ Director of Human Resources Union Steward _______________________________________ Union Steward _______________________________________ Union Steward 23 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 Date: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Hansen:MTR:sb/2012-3713/10/22/2018/10/30/2018 24 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 APPENDIX A HUMAN SERVICES SUPPORT SPECIALISTS AND PUBLIC HEALTH STAFF CLASSIFICATION POSITION GRADE Administrative Assistant Office Support Specialist A12, A13 Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant A12, A13 (Formerly Public Health Clerk) Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant A12, A13 (Formerly Medical Secretary) Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant A12, A13 Community Health Assistant Outreach Technician A13 Community Health Assistant Community Health Worker A13 Accounting Specialist Accounting Technician (Human Services) B21 Accounting Specialist Accounting Specialist (Public Health) B21 Accounting Specialist Fiscal Officer B21 Community Services Specialist Support Enforcement Aide B21 Administrative Specialist Administrative Specialist B21, B22 Community Services Specialist Case Aide B21, B22 Community Services Specialist Child Support Officer B21, B22 Community Services Specialist Eligibility Worker B21, B22 Community Services Specialist Financial Assistance Specialist B23 Community Services Professional Chemical Dependency Counselor C41, C42 Community Services Professional Aging Coordinator C41, C42 Community Health Professional Nutritionist C42 Community Health Professional Sanitarian C42 Community Health Professional WIC Program Coordinator C43 25 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 2016 12-Step Compensation Schedule Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 14.42 15.14 15.86 16.57 17.29 18.01 18.62 19.21 19.82 20.42 21.01 21.62 A11 29,994 31,491 32,989 34,466 35,963 37,461 38,730 39,957 41,226 42,474 43,701 44,970 A12 15.29 16.05 16.82 17.58 18.34 19.11 19.75 20.38 21.02 21.66 22.30 22.94 A12 31,803 33,384 34,986 36,566 38,147 39,749 41,080 42,390 43,722 45,053 46,384 47,715 A13 16.18 16.98 17.79 18.60 19.41 20.21 20.89 21.56 22.24 22.92 23.59 24.27 A13 33,654 35,318 37,003 38,688 40,373 42,037 43,451 44,845 46,259 47,674 49,067 50,482 B21 17.06 17.91 18.76 19.61 20.47 21.31 22.02 22.73 23.44 24.15 24.86 25.57 B21 35,485 37,253 39,021 40,789 42,578 44,325 45,802 47,278 48,755 50,232 51,709 53,186 B22 17.94 18.83 19.73 20.62 21.53 22.41 23.18 23.92 24.67 25.42 26.16 26.91 B22 37,315 39,166 41,038 42,890 44,782 46,613 48,214 49,754 51,314 52,874 54,413 55,973 B23 18.82 19.77 20.70 21.64 22.58 23.53 24.31 25.09 25.87 26.66 27.45 28.23 B23 39,146 41,122 43,056 45,011 46,966 48,942 50,565 52,187 53,810 55,453 57,096 58,718 B24 19.92 20.92 21.92 22.92 23.92 24.91 25.74 26.56 27.40 28.23 29.06 29.89 B24 41,434 43,514 45,594 47,674 49,754 51,813 53,539 55,245 56,992 58,718 60,445 62,171 B31 19.92 20.92 21.92 22.92 23.92 24.91 25.74 26.56 27.40 28.23 29.06 29.89 B31 41,434 43,514 45,594 47,674 49,754 51,813 53,539 55,245 56,992 58,718 60,445 62,171 B25 21.25 22.31 23.37 24.44 25.50 26.56 27.45 28.34 29.22 30.10 30.99 31.87 B25 44,200 46,405 48,610 50,835 53,040 55,245 57,096 58,947 60,778 62,608 64,459 66,290 B32 21.25 22.31 23.37 24.44 25.50 26.56 27.45 28.34 29.22 30.10 30.99 31.87 B32 44,200 46,405 48,610 50,835 53,040 55,245 57,096 58,947 60,778 62,608 64,459 66,290 C41 22.35 23.46 24.60 25.71 26.83 27.94 28.88 29.80 30.74 31.67 32.59 33.53 C41 46,488 48,797 51,168 53,477 55,806 58,115 60,070 61,984 63,939 65,874 67,787 69,742 C42 23.24 24.40 25.55 26.73 27.88 29.05 30.01 30.98 31.95 32.92 33.89 34.86 C42 48,339 50,752 53,144 55,598 57,990 60,424 62,421 64,438 66,456 68,474 70,491 72,509 C43 24.12 25.34 26.53 27.74 28.94 30.15 31.16 32.16 33.17 34.18 35.16 36.17 C43 50,170 52,707 55,182 57,699 60,195 62,712 64,813 66,893 68,994 71,094 73,133 75,234 C44 30.65 32.18 33.71 35.25 36.78 38.31 39.58 40.87 42.14 43.41 44.69 45.97 C44 63,752 66,934 70,117 73,320 76,502 79,685 82,326 85,010 87,651 90,293 92,955 95,618 C45 33.22 34.89 36.53 38.20 39.86 41.52 42.91 44.29 45.68 47.06 48.45 49.83 C45 69,098 72,571 75,982 79,456 82,909 86,362 89,253 92,123 95,014 97,885 100,776 103,646 C51 30.65 32.18 33.71 35.25 36.78 38.31 39.58 40.87 42.14 43.41 44.69 45.97 C51 63,752 66,934 70,117 73,320 76,502 79,685 82,326 85,010 87,651 90,293 92,955 95,618 C52 33.22 34.89 36.53 38.20 39.86 41.52 42.91 44.29 45.68 47.06 48.45 49.83 C52 69,098 72,571 75,982 79,456 82,909 86,362 89,253 92,123 95,014 97,885 100,776 103,646 D61 35.36 37.13 38.90 40.66 42.44 44.21 45.68 47.15 48.64 50.10 51.57 53.05 D61 73,549 77,230 80,912 84,573 88,275 91,957 95,014 98,072 101,171 104,208 107,266 110,344 D62 37.08 38.93 40.79 42.64 44.50 46.35 47.90 49.44 50.99 52.53 54.08 55.61 D62 77,126 80,974 84,843 88,691 92,560 96,408 99,632 102,835 106,059 109,262 112,486 115,669 D63 38.80 40.74 42.68 44.61 46.56 48.49 50.11 51.73 53.34 54.95 56.58 58.20 D63 80,704 84,739 88,774 92,789 96,845 100,859 104,229 107,598 110,947 114,296 117,686 121,056 D64 40.94 42.99 45.03 47.08 49.13 51.18 52.89 54.58 56.29 57.99 59.70 61.40 D64 85,155 89,419 93,662 97,926 102,190 106,454 110,011 113,526 117,083 120,619 124,176 127,712 D65 43.51 45.68 47.85 50.05 52.22 54.39 56.21 58.02 59.83 61.64 63.45 65.27 D65 90,501 95,014 99,528 104,104 108,618 113,131 116,917 120,682 124,446 128,211 131,976 135,762 D71 40.94 42.99 45.03 47.08 49.13 51.18 52.89 54.58 56.29 57.99 59.70 61.40 D71 85,155 89,419 93,662 97,926 102,190 106,454 110,011 113,526 117,083 120,619 124,176 127,712 D72 43.51 45.68 47.85 50.05 52.22 54.39 56.21 58.02 59.83 61.64 63.45 65.27 D72 90,501 95,014 99,528 104,104 108,618 113,131 116,917 120,682 124,446 128,211 131,976 135,762 E81 45.65 47.94 50.21 52.49 54.78 57.05 58.97 60.86 62.78 64.67 66.58 68.48 E81 94,952 99,715 104,437 109,179 113,942 118,664 122,658 126,589 130,582 134,514 138,486 142,438 E82 47.37 49.74 52.10 54.47 56.84 59.19 61.17 63.15 65.13 67.10 69.07 71.05 E82 98,530 103,459 108,368 113,298 118,227 123,115 127,234 131,352 135,470 139,568 143,666 147,784 E83 49.08 51.53 53.98 56.44 58.90 61.34 63.39 65.44 67.49 69.53 71.56 73.61 E83 102,086 107,182 112,278 117,395 122,512 127,587 131,851 136,115 140,379 144,622 148,845 153,109 26 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-2018 2017 12-Step Compensation Schedule Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 14.85 15.59 16.34 17.07 17.81 18.55 19.18 19.79 20.41 21.03 21.64 22.27 A11 30,888 32,427 33,987 35,506 37,045 38,584 39,894 41,163 42,453 43,742 45,011 46,322 A12 15.75 16.53 17.32 18.11 18.89 19.68 20.34 20.99 21.65 22.31 22.97 23.63 A12 32,760 34,382 36,026 37,669 39,291 40,934 42,307 43,659 45,032 46,405 47,778 49,150 A13 16.67 17.49 18.32 19.16 19.99 20.82 21.52 22.21 22.91 23.61 24.30 25.00 A13 34,674 36,379 38,106 39,853 41,579 43,306 44,762 46,197 47,653 49,109 50,544 52,000 B21 17.57 18.45 19.32 20.20 21.08 21.95 22.68 23.41 24.14 24.87 25.61 26.34 B21 36,546 38,376 40,186 42,016 43,846 45,656 47,174 48,693 50,211 51,730 53,269 54,787 B22 18.48 19.39 20.32 21.24 22.18 23.08 23.88 24.64 25.41 26.18 26.94 27.72 B22 38,438 40,331 42,266 44,179 46,134 48,006 49,670 51,251 52,853 54,454 56,035 57,658 B23 19.38 20.36 21.32 22.29 23.26 24.24 25.04 25.84 26.65 27.46 28.27 29.08 B23 40,310 42,349 44,346 46,363 48,381 50,419 52,083 53,747 55,432 57,117 58,802 60,486 B24 20.52 21.55 22.58 23.61 24.64 25.66 26.51 27.36 28.22 29.08 29.93 30.79 B24 42,682 44,824 46,966 49,109 51,251 53,373 55,141 56,909 58,698 60,486 62,254 64,043 B31 20.52 21.55 22.58 23.61 24.64 25.66 26.51 27.36 28.22 29.08 29.93 30.79 B31 42,682 44,824 46,966 49,109 51,251 53,373 55,141 56,909 58,698 60,486 62,254 64,043 B25 21.89 22.98 24.07 25.17 26.27 27.36 28.27 29.19 30.10 31.00 31.92 32.83 B25 45,531 47,798 50,066 52,354 54,642 56,909 58,802 60,715 62,608 64,480 66,394 68,286 B32 21.89 22.98 24.07 25.17 26.27 27.36 28.27 29.19 30.10 31.00 31.92 32.83 B32 45,531 47,798 50,066 52,354 54,642 56,909 58,802 60,715 62,608 64,480 66,394 68,286 C41 23.02 24.16 25.34 26.48 27.63 28.78 29.75 30.69 31.66 32.62 33.57 34.54 C41 47,882 50,253 52,707 55,078 57,470 59,862 61,880 63,835 65,853 67,850 69,826 71,843 C42 23.94 25.13 26.32 27.53 28.72 29.92 30.91 31.91 32.91 33.91 34.91 35.91 C42 49,795 52,270 54,746 57,262 59,738 62,234 64,293 66,373 68,453 70,533 72,613 74,693 C43 24.84 26.10 27.33 28.57 29.81 31.05 32.09 33.12 34.17 35.21 36.21 37.26 C43 51,667 54,288 56,846 59,426 62,005 64,584 66,747 68,890 71,074 73,237 75,317 77,501 C44 31.57 33.15 34.72 36.31 37.88 39.46 40.77 42.10 43.40 44.71 46.03 47.35 C44 65,666 68,952 72,218 75,525 78,790 82,077 84,802 87,568 90,272 92,997 95,742 98,488 C45 34.22 35.94 37.63 39.35 41.06 42.77 44.20 45.62 47.05 48.47 49.90 51.32 C45 71,178 74,755 78,270 81,848 85,405 88,962 91,936 94,890 97,864 100,818 103,792 106,746 C51 31.57 33.15 34.72 36.31 37.88 39.46 40.77 42.10 43.40 44.71 46.03 47.35 C51 65,666 68,952 72,218 75,525 78,790 82,077 84,802 87,568 90,272 92,997 95,742 98,488 C52 34.22 35.94 37.63 39.35 41.06 42.77 44.20 45.62 47.05 48.47 49.90 51.32 C52 71,178 74,755 78,270 81,848 85,405 88,962 91,936 94,890 97,864 100,818 103,792 106,746 D61 36.42 38.24 40.07 41.88 43.71 45.54 47.05 48.56 50.10 51.60 53.12 54.64 D61 75,754 79,539 83,346 87,110 90,917 94,723 97,864 101,005 104,208 107,328 110,490 113,651 D62 38.19 40.10 42.01 43.92 45.84 47.74 49.34 50.92 52.52 54.11 55.70 57.28 D62 79,435 83,408 87,381 91,354 95,347 99,299 102,627 105,914 109,242 112,549 115,856 119,142 D63 39.96 41.96 43.96 45.95 47.96 49.94 51.61 53.28 54.94 56.60 58.28 59.95 D63 83,117 87,277 91,437 95,576 99,757 103,875 107,349 110,822 114,275 117,728 121,222 124,696 D64 42.17 44.28 46.38 48.49 50.60 52.72 54.48 56.22 57.98 59.73 61.49 63.24 D64 87,714 92,102 96,470 100,859 105,248 109,658 113,318 116,938 120,598 124,238 127,899 131,539 D65 44.82 47.05 49.29 51.55 53.79 56.02 57.90 59.76 61.62 63.49 65.35 67.23 D65 93,226 97,864 102,523 107,224 111,883 116,522 120,432 124,301 128,170 132,059 135,928 139,838 D71 42.17 44.28 46.38 48.49 50.60 52.72 54.48 56.22 57.98 59.73 61.49 63.24 D71 87,714 92,102 96,470 100,859 105,248 109,658 113,318 116,938 120,598 124,238 127,899 131,539 D72 44.82 47.05 49.29 51.55 53.79 56.02 57.90 59.76 61.62 63.49 65.35 67.23 D72 93,226 97,864 102,523 107,224 111,883 116,522 120,432 124,301 128,170 132,059 135,928 139,838 E81 47.02 49.38 51.72 54.06 56.42 58.76 60.74 62.69 64.66 66.61 68.58 70.53 E81 97,802 102,710 107,578 112,445 117,354 122,221 126,339 130,395 134,493 138,549 142,646 146,702 E82 48.79 51.23 53.66 56.10 58.55 60.97 63.01 65.04 67.08 69.11 71.14 73.18 E82 101,483 106,558 111,613 116,688 121,784 126,818 131,061 135,283 139,526 143,749 147,971 152,214 E83 50.55 53.08 55.60 58.13 60.67 63.18 65.29 67.40 69.51 71.62 73.71 75.82 E83 105,144 110,406 115,648 120,910 126,194 131,414 135,803 140,192 144,581 148,970 153,317 157,706 *The 2017 12-Step Schedule reflects a three percent (3%) increase over the 2016 12-Step Schedule. 27 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 2018 12-Step Compensation Schedule *The 2018 12-Step Schedule reflects a three percent (3%) increase over the 2017 12-Step Schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade A11 15.30 16.06 16.83 17.58 18.34 19.11 19.76 20.38 21.02 21.66 22.29 22.94 A11 31,824 33,405 35,006 36,566 38,147 39,749 41,101 42,390 43,722 45,053 46,363 47,715 A12 16.22 17.03 17.84 18.65 19.46 20.27 20.95 21.62 22.30 22.98 23.66 24.34 A12 33,738 35,422 37,107 38,792 40,477 42,162 43,576 44,970 46,384 47,798 49,213 50,627 A13 17.17 18.01 18.87 19.73 20.59 21.44 22.17 22.88 23.60 24.32 25.03 25.75 A13 35,714 37,461 39,250 41,038 42,827 44,595 46,114 47,590 49,088 50,586 52,062 53,560 B21 18.10 19.00 19.90 20.81 21.71 22.61 23.36 24.11 24.86 25.62 26.38 27.13 B21 37,648 39,520 41,392 43,285 45,157 47,029 48,589 50,149 51,709 53,290 54,870 56,430 B22 19.03 19.97 20.93 21.88 22.85 23.77 24.60 25.38 26.17 26.97 27.75 28.55 B22 39,582 41,538 43,534 45,510 47,528 49,442 51,168 52,790 54,434 56,098 57,720 59,384 B23 19.96 20.97 21.96 22.96 23.96 24.97 25.79 26.62 27.45 28.28 29.12 29.95 B23 41,517 43,618 45,677 47,757 49,837 51,938 53,643 55,370 57,096 58,822 60,570 62,296 B24 21.14 22.20 23.26 24.32 25.38 26.43 27.31 28.18 29.07 29.95 30.83 31.71 B24 43,971 46,176 48,381 50,586 52,790 54,974 56,805 58,614 60,466 62,296 64,126 65,957 B31 21.14 22.20 23.26 24.32 25.38 26.43 27.31 28.18 29.07 29.95 30.83 31.71 B31 43,971 46,176 48,381 50,586 52,790 54,974 56,805 58,614 60,466 62,296 64,126 65,957 B25 22.55 23.67 24.79 25.93 27.06 28.18 29.12 30.07 31.00 31.93 32.88 33.81 B25 46,904 49,234 51,563 53,934 56,285 58,614 60,570 62,546 64,480 66,414 68,390 70,325 B32 22.55 23.67 24.79 25.93 27.06 28.18 29.12 30.07 31.00 31.93 32.88 33.81 B32 46,904 49,234 51,563 53,934 56,285 58,614 60,570 62,546 64,480 66,414 68,390 70,325 C41 23.71 24.88 26.10 27.27 28.46 29.64 30.64 31.61 32.61 33.60 34.58 35.58 C41 49,317 51,750 54,288 56,722 59,197 61,651 63,731 65,749 67,829 69,888 71,926 74,006 C42 24.66 25.88 27.11 28.36 29.58 30.82 31.84 32.87 33.90 34.93 35.96 36.99 C42 51,293 53,830 56,389 58,989 61,526 64,106 66,227 68,370 70,512 72,654 74,797 76,939 C43 25.59 26.88 28.15 29.43 30.70 31.98 33.05 34.11 35.20 36.27 37.30 38.38 C43 53,227 55,910 58,552 61,214 63,856 66,518 68,744 70,949 73,216 75,442 77,584 79,830 C44 32.52 34.14 35.76 37.40 39.02 40.64 41.99 43.36 44.70 46.05 47.41 48.77 C44 67,642 71,011 74,381 77,792 81,162 84,531 87,339 90,189 92,976 95,784 98,613 101,442 C45 35.25 37.02 38.76 40.53 42.29 44.05 45.53 46.99 48.46 49.92 51.40 52.86 C45 73,320 77,002 80,621 84,302 87,963 91,624 94,702 97,739 100,797 103,834 106,912 109,949 C51 32.52 34.14 35.76 37.40 39.02 40.64 41.99 43.36 44.70 46.05 47.41 48.77 C51 67,642 71,011 74,381 77,792 81,162 84,531 87,339 90,189 92,976 95,784 98,613 101,442 C52 35.25 37.02 38.76 40.53 42.29 44.05 45.53 46.99 48.46 49.92 51.40 52.86 C52 73,320 77,002 80,621 84,302 87,963 91,624 94,702 97,739 100,797 103,834 106,912 109,949 D61 37.51 39.39 41.27 43.14 45.02 46.91 48.46 50.02 51.60 53.15 54.71 56.28 D61 78,021 81,931 85,842 89,731 93,642 97,573 100,797 104,042 107,328 110,552 113,797 117,062 D62 39.34 41.30 43.27 45.24 47.22 49.17 50.82 52.45 54.10 55.73 57.37 59.00 D62 81,827 85,904 90,002 94,099 98,218 102,274 105,706 109,096 112,528 115,918 119,330 122,720 D63 41.16 43.22 45.28 47.33 49.40 51.44 53.16 54.88 56.59 58.30 60.03 61.75 D63 85,613 89,898 94,182 98,446 102,752 106,995 110,573 114,150 117,707 121,264 124,862 128,440 D64 43.44 45.61 47.77 49.94 52.12 54.30 56.11 57.91 59.72 61.52 63.33 65.14 D64 90,355 94,869 99,362 103,875 108,410 112,944 116,709 120,453 124,218 127,962 131,726 135,491 D65 46.16 48.46 50.77 53.10 55.40 57.70 59.64 61.55 63.47 65.39 67.31 69.25 D65 96,013 100,797 105,602 110,448 115,232 120,016 124,051 128,024 132,018 136,011 140,005 144,040 D71 43.44 45.61 47.77 49.94 52.12 54.30 56.11 57.91 59.72 61.52 63.33 65.14 D71 90,355 94,869 99,362 103,875 108,410 112,944 116,709 120,453 124,218 127,962 131,726 135,491 D72 46.16 48.46 50.77 53.10 55.40 57.70 59.64 61.55 63.47 65.39 67.31 69.25 D72 96,013 100,797 105,602 110,448 115,232 120,016 124,051 128,024 132,018 136,011 140,005 144,040 E81 48.43 50.86 53.27 55.68 58.11 60.52 62.56 64.57 66.60 68.61 70.64 72.65 E81 100,734 105,789 110,802 115,814 120,869 125,882 130,125 134,306 138,528 142,709 146,931 151,112 E82 50.25 52.77 55.27 57.78 60.31 62.80 64.90 66.99 69.09 71.18 73.27 75.38 E82 104,520 109,762 114,962 120,182 125,445 130,624 134,992 139,339 143,707 148,054 152,402 156,790 E83 52.07 54.67 57.27 59.87 62.49 65.08 67.25 69.42 71.60 73.77 75.92 78.09 E83 108,306 113,714 119,122 124,530 129,979 135,366 139,880 144,394 148,928 153,442 157,914 162,427 28 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 29 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 30 HS Support Specialists and PH Staff – CBA 2016-20182019-2021 OTTER TAIL COUNTY ADMINISTRATION INTERNAL SERVICES DIVISION www.co.ottertail.mn.us GOVERNMENT SERVICES CENTER 520 WEST FIR AVENUE 218-998-8060 FERGUS FALLS, MN 56537 FAX: 218-998-8075 OTTER TAIL COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEMORANDUM To: All Otter Tail County Staff From: Nicole Hansen, Internal Services/HR Director Re: Proposed Amendments to the County Personnel Rules Date: November 28, 2018 Please be advised that the County Board will consider the following amendments to the County Personnel Rules that were last amended on or about December 4, 2013: 1. Section 8.40 Lodging and Expense Reimbursement: Employees required by Employer to be out of the County of Otter Tail on training, education, official business, or approved work-related meetings shall receive reimbursement for meals at the rate of $30.00 43.00 per day maximum (meals shall not include reimbursement for alcoholic beverages). Upon providing of a receipt, employees shall have entitlement to reimbursement for actual costs incurred in three equal increments throughout the day for each meal missed, i.e. $10.00 if out of the County of the Otter Tail between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.; $10.00 15.00 if out of the County of Otter Tail between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.; and $10.00 18.00 if out of the County of Otter Tail between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Employees may aggregate the meal reimbursement amounts during a one-day period, not to exceed the daily maximum of $30.00 43.00. 2. Section 9.10 Vacations: Regular employees earn vacation at the rate indicated. 1 Yr. Employment ............................................................................................... 6.67 Hrs./Mo. 2 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................... 7.33 Hrs./Mo. 3 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................... 8.00 Hrs./Mo. 4 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................... 8.67 Hrs./Mo. 5 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................... 9.33 Hrs./Mo. 6 Yrs. Employment .............................................................................................. 10.00 Hrs./Mo. 7 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................. 10.33 Hrs./Mo. 8 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................. 10.67 Hrs./Mo. 9 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................. 11.00 Hrs./Mo. 10 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 11.33 Hrs./Mo. 11 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 11.67 Hrs./Mo. 12 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 12.00 Hrs./Mo. 13 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 12.33 Hrs./Mo. 14 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 12.67 Hrs./Mo. 15 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 13.00 Hrs./Mo. 16 Yrs. Employment ........................................................................................... 13.33 Hrs./Mo. 17 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..13.67 Hrs./Mo. 18 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..14.00 Hrs./Mo. 19 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..14.33 Hrs./Mo. 20 Yrs. Employment ............................................................................................ 14.67 Hrs./Mo. 21 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..15.00 Hrs./Mo. 22 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..15.33 Hrs./Mo. 23 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..15.67 Hrs./Mo. 24 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………...16.00 Hrs.Mo. 25 Yrs. Employment ................................................................................... 16.0016.33 Hrs./Mo. 26 Yrs. Employment…………………………………………………………..16.67 Hrs./Mo. 27 Yrs Employment ............................................................................................ 17.33.Hrs/Mo.* * Maximum The County Board will be asked to approve of these amendments at their regular board meeting on December 11, 2018, with an effective date of January 1, 2019. Please contact me if you have any questions about these amendments. ENABLING RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.090 THROUGH 469.1082 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2xxx – xx WHEREAS, the County is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1082 (the "Economic Development Authority Act"), to establish an economic development authority for the County; and WHEREAS, a committee formed under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1082, Subd. 2, has issued a report under Section 469.1082, Subd. 3, and has recommended the organizational option set forth in Section 469.1082, Subd. 4, clause (1), which provides for the establishment of a county economic development authority to operate under the Economic Development Act; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has given its consent to the County to enable the County Board to adopt an ordinance under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.095, which would transfer certain housing and redevelopment powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 to the county economic development authority; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to establish a county economic development authority in order to promote certain economic, commercial, housing, and/or industrial development and redevelopment goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, the County has caused notice of a public hearing on the establishment by the County of an economic development authority to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County once each week for two consecutive weeks; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such notice, a public hearing on the proposal has been held by the County on the date hereof, at which hearing all persons desiring to present their oral or written comments on the proposal were given an opportunity to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1.Pursuant to the Economic Development Authority Act, the Board of Commissioners hereby establishes an economic development authority for the County to be known as the Otter Tail County Community Development Agency (the "CDA"). 2.The CDA shall be governed by a board of commissioners thereof consisting of nine members, at least two of whom shall be members of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Each Commissioner of the CDA who is also a member of the County Board of Commissioners shall cease to be a CDA Commissioner effective at such time as he or she is no longer a member of the Board of Commissioners, and a successor Commissioner shall be appointed pursuant to the Economic Development Authority Act to serve the remainder of the applicable term so vacated. 3.The CDA shall have all powers given to an economic development authority pursuant to the Economic Development Authority Act, as well as any other powers granted by County Board by ordinance pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.094. Economic Development 1 of 12 Upon the motion of , seconded by , and passed on a vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Adopted this day of , Dated: OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: By: _ John Dinsmore, Clerk/Administrator Wayne Johnson, Board Chair Economic Development 2 of 12 Economic Development 3 of 12 4823-9585-6250.2 RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE DIVIDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, HOUSING, AND REDEVELOPMENT POWERS WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is proposing to establish a county economic development authority under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.094, Subdivision 1 and with consent from the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), the County may adopt an ordinance dividing the economic development, housing, and redevelopment powers granted under Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and 469.090 to 469.108 between the economic development authority and any other authority or commission; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has provided the HRA with a draft of such ordinance; and WHEREAS, consistent with the mission of the HRA, the draft ordinance preserves the HRA’s powers and privileges granted under sections 469.001 to 469.047 for income restricted housing programming; and WHEREAS, the ordinance shall transfer the powers granted under 469.001 to 469.047 for non-income restricted housing programming to the economic development authority or another authority or commission; and WHEREAS, the special benefits tax that is levied under 469.033, Subd. 6 with consent of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners will be apportioned between the HRA and the economic development authority based on the budget process and the revenues must be spent only for the purposes authorized in Sections 469.001 to 469.047. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: The Otter Tail County HRA Board of Commissioners give their consent to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to adopt an ordinance substantially in the form of the draft submitted to this Board dividing the economic development, housing, and redevelopment powers granted under sections 469.001 to 469.047 and 469.090 to 469.108 between the housing and redevelopment authority, economic development authority, and any other authority or commission. Upon the motion of , seconded by , and passed on a vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board of Commissioners. Adopted this day of , Dated: OTTER TAIL COUNTY HRA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: By: _ Economic Development 4 of 12 Economic Development 5 of 12 Economic Development 6 of 12 OTTER TAIL COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. ____ ESTABLISHING POWERS OF THE COUNTY EDA AND COUNTY HRA Otter Tail County has determined to establish a County Economic Development Authority (the “EDA”) and to transfer some of the powers of the existing County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the “HRA”) to the new Economic Development Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. TITLE. This ordinance shall be known as the Otter Tail County Economic Development Authority and Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Powers Ordinance, Otter Tail County Ordinance No. _____. SECTION 2. EDA POWERS. As authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.094, the EDA shall have, and there is hereby transferred from the HRA to the EDA, all of the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the “HRA Powers”), except the power to establish and manage low income housing projects, Section 8 programs and other income restricted programs and projects. In the case of any specific ongoing programs or projects affected by such transfer of powers the County Board shall observe the requirements of Section 469.094 in order to preserve continuity in the administration of the programs or projects and may provide for the retention by the HRA of otherwise transferred programs or projects. SECTION 3. HRA POWERS. The HRA shall retain all of its powers to establish and manage low income housing projects, Section 8 programs and other income restricted programs and projects and such other ongoing programs or projects as the County Board may determine in the interests of continuity. SECTION 4. SPECIAL BENEFITS TAX. The power to levy special taxes under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, may be exercised by the EDA for the purposes of the HRA Powers transferred to it and by the HRA for the purposes of the HRA Powers retained by it, subject to a combined limit of the tax permitted to be levied under Section 469.033, Subd. 6, or successor law. Each of the EDA and HRA shall follow the budget procedures required by that section for the exercise of its HRA Powers and the County Board may by resolution establish limits for each in order for the combined limit to be observed. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective on ______, 20__. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ____________________________________________ Chair, Board of County Commissioners Economic Development 7 of 12 ATTEST: ____________________________ Economic Development 8 of 12 Economic Development 9 of 12 Economic Development 10 of 12 Economic Development 11 of 12 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LEVY LIMITS FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2xxx – xx WHEREAS, the power to levy special taxes under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, may be exercised by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) for the purposes of the HRA Powers in Otter Tail County Ordinance No._____; and WHEREAS, the power to levy special taxes under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, may be exercised by the Economic Development Authority (EDA) for the purposes of the HRA Powers in Otter Tail County Ordinance No._____; and WHEREAS, the power to levy for each the HRA and EDA is subject to Otter Tail County Board of Commissioner approval and the combined limit of the tax permitted to be levied under Section 469.033, Subd. 6, or successor law; and WHEREAS, per Otter Tail County Ordinance No._____, the County Board may by resolution establish levy limits for the HRA and EDA in order to observe the combined limit of the tax permitted to be levied under Section 469.033, Subd. 6, or successor law. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The amount of the HRA levy shall be an amount approved by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners but shall not exceed 0.00925 percent of estimated market value. Forfiscal year 2019, the HRA levy shall be $541,800.2. The amount of the EDA levy shall be an amount approved by the Otter Tail County Boardof Commissioners but shall not exceed 0.00925 percent of estimated market value. Forfiscal year 2019, the EDA levy shall be $541,800. 3.The HRA and EDA shall each year formulate and file a budget in accordance with thebudget procedure of the County in the same manner as required of executive departmentsof the County.4. The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners will review this resolution annually. Upon the motion of , seconded by , and passed on a vote, the above resolution is hereby adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. Adopted this day of , Dated: OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: By: _ John Dinsmore, Clerk/Administrator Wayne Johnson, Board Chair Economic Development 12 of 12 2019 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Internal Committees: Community Services Division Committee: (Human Services, Public Health, Probation, Veterans Service, Extension) Representation: Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy Lee Rogness Alternate John Dinsmore Director Finance Division Committee: (Auditor, Treasurer) Day – to-Day Budget/Audit, Investment, Capital Improvement Representation: Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Alternate Wayne Stein Director Annual Budget Committee – All Commissioners Internal Services Division Committee:(Administration, Facilities Operations, GIS, IT, Building, Courtroom Security, Personnel, Technology, Emerg Mgmt/Safety) Representation: Lee Rogness John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Alternate Nicole Hansen Director Land Services Division Committee: (Assessor, Recorder, Land Functions of Auditor) Representation: Betty Murphy John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Alternate Brian Armstrong Director Public Works Division Committee: (Highway, Land & Resource, Solid Waste, Noxious Weed Appeal, Ditches, Trails & Parks, Strategic Planning, City of Fergus Falls- RTC) Representation Wayne Johnson Lee Rogness Doug Huebsch Alternate Rick West Director Additional Internal Committees Countywide LMC Doug Huebsch Public Health LMC Lee Rogness Human Services LMC Betty Murphy Insurance Sub-Committee Lee Rogness & John Lindquist External Committees: Agricultural Advisory Doug Huebsch Lee Rogness OTLCA: Doug Huebsch AMC Policy Committees: Transportation: Wayne Johnson Government: Betty Murphy Env. Resources: John Lindquist Otter Tail County COLA Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson Central MN Emergency Services (Radio Board) John Lindquist Betty Murphy Alternate Otter Tail Problem Solving Courts Betty Murphy Lee Rogness Alternate Criminal Justice Advisory Council (CJAC): Betty Murphy Partnership4Health Community Health Board Doug Huebsch Economic Development Committee: Doug Huebsch Lee Rogness PLMSWA Board Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy John Lindquist Alternate Extension John Lindquist Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson Alternate Red River Valley Farmers and Homemakers Betty Murphy Family Service Collaborative Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson State Community Health Services Advisory Committee (SCHSAC) Doug Huebsch Lakeland Mental Health Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch Alternate SWCD - EOT Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy Alternate Lake Region Community Partners Lee Rogness Doug Huebsch Alternate SWCD - WOT John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Alternate Law Library Betty Murphy Lee Rogness Alternate Watersheds/Red River Basin/ Water Plan/Pomme de Terre John Lindquist Wayne Johnson MAHUBE OTWA CAC Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch Alternate WCAAA / Land of the Dancing Sky Wayne Johnson Betty Murphy Alternate MICA Wayne Johnson Lee Rogness WCI Economic Development District Board Wayne Johnson MnDOT District 4 Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) Wayne Johnson WCR Juvenile Center Board John Lindquist Betty Murphy Alternate OTC Conservation Committee John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Viking Library Board Betty Murphy (Schedule for 4 meetings per month) OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2019 Meeting Schedule CY 2019 Month County Board Meeting Dates County Board Meeting Time January 8-15-22-29 8:30 a.m. - Noon February 5-12-19-26 8:30 a.m. - Noon March Mar/05 Ottertail, NYM, or Perham 4:00 p.m. March 12-19-26 8:30 a.m. - Noon April 2-9-16-23 8:30 a.m. - Noon May 7-14-21 8:30 a.m. - Noon June 4-11-25 8:30 a.m. - Noon June Jun18 Parkers Prairie or Henning 4:00 p.m. July 9-16-23-30 8:30 a.m. – Noon August 6-13-20-27 8:30 a.m. - Noon September 10-24 8:30 a.m. Noon September Sept/17 Pelican Rapids 4:00 p.m. October 1-8-15-22 8:30 a.m. - Noon November 5-12-19 8:30 a.m. - Noon December Dec/ 10th Fergus Falls 4:00 p.m. December 17 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.. (Schedule for 3 meetings per month) OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2019 Meeting Schedule CY 2019 Month County Board Meeting Dates County Board Start Time January 8-15-29 8:30 a.m. February 5-12-26 8:30 a.m. March Mar/05 Ottertail, NYM, or Perham 4:00 p.m. March 12-26 8:30 a.m. April 2-9-23 8:30 a.m. May 7-14-21 8:30 a.m. June 4-11 8:30 a.m. June Jun/25 Parkers Prairie or Henning 4:00 p.m. July 9-16-30 8:30 a.m. August 6-13-27 8:30 a.m. September 10-24 8:30 a.m. September Sept/17 Pelican Rapids 4:00 p.m. October 1-8-22 8:30 a.m. November 5-19-26 8:30 a.m. December Dec/ 10th Fergus Falls 4:00 p.m. December 17 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m..