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Board of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 08/07/2018
2.1 Draft CB Minutes for 07.24.18 2.2 County Bills~Warrants 2.4-2.5 Credit Cards - OnSale Liquor License 4.0 Riestenberg Application MPCA 4.0 Riestenberg Feedlot Mailer~51000320236003 4.0 Riestenberg Feedlot Select Area Parcel 51000320236003 4.0 Riestenberg Site Plan 5000' 4.0 Riestenberg Site Plan 5.0 Jennie O Feedlot Application MPCA 5.0 Jennie O Feedlot Letter to Property Owners 5.0 Jennie O Feedlot Mailer~ 52000220154001 5.0 Jennie O Feedlot Select Area Parcel 52000220154001 5.0 Jennie O Feedlot Site Plan 5000' Plan 5.0 Jennie O Feedlot Site Plan 8.0 Auditor-Treasurer Agenda Items 9.0 Attorney Offices Final Payment 14.0 Hiring Request Form- Admin Asst Highway 15.0 Ditch Agenda Items 16.0 Highway Agenda Items BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA PACKET August 7, 2018 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN July 24, 2018 8:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:33 a.m. Tuesday, July 24, 2018, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chair; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chair; John Lindquist, Lee Rogness and Doug Huebsch present. Approval of Agenda Chairman Johnson called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of July 24, 2018, with the following additions: Establish Date, Time & Location for Tobacco Ordinance Public Hearing Ditch 25 and Ditch 52 Discussion Shoreland Restoration Discussion – Public Works Committee Watershed Discussion Consent Agenda Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. July 10, 2018, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for July 24, 2018 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services Bills & Claims 4. Approve Tobacco License for Crossroads Convenience Center formerly known as Ron’s Ready Mart U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Wildlife Habitat & Waterfowl Easements USFWS Representatives appeared before the Board and requested certification of two wildlife habitat protection easements and three waterfowl management easements. Documentation was previously submitted regarding the requests. After County Board approval, the easement requests will be considered by the State Land Exchange Board. The owner continues to be responsible for maintenance and taxes on the property. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve certification for the USFWS to secure the following waterfowl and habitat easements: Evavold, Leland R. – Wildlife Habitat Protection Easement (144 acres): T. 131 N., R. 40 W., 5th P.M. Section 13, Parts of NE¼, NW¼ to be determined by a survey. Claudia M. Hanson Trust, et al – Wildlife Habitat Protection Easement (220 acres): T. 131 N., R. 38 W., 5th P.M. Section 6, part of the SE¼ to be determined by a survey. Section 7, part of the N½NE¼ to be determined by a survey. Quirino Farms, LLC – Waterfowl Management Easement (4.49 wetland acres): T. 131 N., R. 39 W., 5th P.M. Section 10, E½S½SW1/4, also known as Government Lot 4. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 2 Van Nevel, Bradley – Waterfowl Management Easement (10.9 wetland acres): The NW¼ of the NW¼ of Section 12, Township 131 North, Range 39 West of the Fifth Principle Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota: AND All that part of the NE¼ of the NW¼ of Section 12, Township 131 North, Range 39 West of the Fifth Principle Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 (Corner Record No. 909626); thence on an assumed bearing of South 01 degree 35 minutes 18 seconds East on and along the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12 a distance of 668.48 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 01 degree 35 minutes 18 seconds East on and along said east line a distance of 414.715 feet; thence South 89 degrees 52 minutes 52 seconds West on and along the north line of Sub Lot One as described in Book K, page 33 in the office of the Otter Tail County Recorder, a distance of 482.00 feet; thence South 01 degree 35 minutes 18 seconds East on and along the west line of said Sub Lot One a distance of 238.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 52 minutes 52 seconds West on and along the south line of said NE¼ of the NW¼ of Section 12 a distance of 589.80 feet; thence North 01 degree 23 minutes 28 seconds West on and along the west line of said NE¼ of the NW¼ of Section 12 a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 52 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 610.66 feet; thence North 21 degrees 25 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 671.93 feet; thence South 89 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 463.16 feet to the point of beginning. Wentzel, Richard A. - Waterfowl Management Easement (4.2 wetland acres): T. 132 N., R. 41 W., 5th P.M. Section 4, That part of Government Lot 6 described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 4; thence running North 89 degrees 34 minutes 01 seconds West 2643.95 feet to the South quarter section corner thereof; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds East 1634.17 feet along the quarter section line to the point of beginning, (which point intersects the Northwesterly line of a 3.59 acre tract); thence South 36 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 173 feet more or less to German Lake; thence Westerly along the lake 1250 feet more or less to the west line of said Government Lot 6; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds East 1126 feet more or less to the northwest corner of said Government Lot 6; thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 53 seconds East 572.68 feet along the north line thereof to the southwesterly right of way line of State Highway Number 210; thence South 64 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 827.19 feet along said right of way line to the east line of Government Lot 6; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds West 650.41 feet along the east line of said Government Lot 6 to the point of beginning, said tract containing 29.20 acres more or less. Together with the perpetual right of way easement granted herein for ingress and egress to use jointly with others, that part of the roadway as now located and lying within 66 feet north and east of the following described line, which begins on the quarter section line at a point north 00 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds East 1746.41 feet from the South Quarter Section Corner thereof; thence North 68 degrees 47 minutes 36 seconds West 26.56 feet; thence North 04 degrees 02 minutes 36 seconds East 610 feet more or less to the center of State Highway 210 and there terminating. Commissioners and the USFWS Representatives discussed various issues that occur when wetland easements expand due to high water. The USFWS indicated that these situations are handled on a case by case basis often based on whether or not there is a health or safety risk due to the high water. Commissioners suggested continued conversation regarding this issue be scheduled with the Otter Tail County Conservation Committee. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 3 West Central Initiative (WCI) Update West Central Initiative represents nine counties in west central Minnesota. They invest resources in our communities for regional success. Program and demographic information was submitted. Greg Wagner, Director of Business and Economic Development, reviewed an economic development snapshot of Otter Tail County. He reported continued growth in the region which is anticipated to continue 20 years from now. Economic needs for the region include growing the workforce, identify roles, increase wages, broadband accessibility and available child care. Tom McSparron, Director of Community Philanthropy, briefed the Board on WCI programs and grant opportunities to address community issues and effect community change. University of Minnesota Program Troy Schrupp, University of MN Extension Program Coordinator, is working with Otter Tail County’s Community Services Division in response to increasing numbers of children needing out-of-home placement. A six-month position status report titled “4H Community Youth Development” was submitted. Mr. Schrupp is currently working with at risk kids in the community in four different programs. The greatest challenge is making the connections to identify children at risk and filtering them into the programs. He is working with school districts, County Human Services, Salvation Army and the 4-H program to get kids involved in healthy activities. Commissioners suggested that Troy be a part of the Family Services Collaborative and attend meetings as this group is focused on youth development and success. Recess & Reconvene At 9:31 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The County Board meeting was reconvened at 9:38 a.m. Otter Tail County 150th Anniversary Commemoration Update Chris Schuelke, OTC Historical Society Executive Director, briefed the Board on the plans to celebrate Otter Tail County’s 150th Anniversary. The committee working on this celebration wants to make this a County wide celebration to get everyone involved. There will be an exhibition traveling throughout the County, a play put together by Place Base Productions depicting Otter Tail County’s 150 years of history and a special County Board meeting at Justice Two in Clitherall, MN. Joint Ditch #2 Kevin Fellbaum, County Ditch Inspector, reported on previous meetings held regarding the status of JD 2. He requested approval for Redetermination of Benefits for JD 2 and Otter Tail County Ditches 50 and 64 that drain into JD 2. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to authorize Redetermination of Benefits on JD 2 and Redetermination of Benefits on OTC Ditches 50 and 64. Ditch viewers assigned to these projects are Kevin Brennan, Mike Johnson and Jeff Wiebe. The County Attorney will draft an Order for the redetermination of benefits. County Ditch #25 Discussion took place regarding work (clean out) authorized in Ditch 25 from Highway 35 to the wetland north of McDonald Lane. Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness to wait until a formal petition is submitted to authorize the clean out. Motion and second withdrawn as the clean out was authorized at the June 26, 2018, County Board meeting. Based on emails and concerns from citizens downstream of the authorized clean out, a motion was offered by Huebsch to direct staff to further investigate the potential impact to water quality in McDonald Lake prior to moving forward with the Ditch 25 clean out authorized June 26, 2018. The motion failed for lack of a second. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 4 Because of water quality and other environmental issues raised by benefitted parties on McDonald Lake in Ditch 25, a motion was offered by Rogness and seconded by Froemming to direct staff to further investigate and consider water management criteria under M.S. 103E.015 prior to moving forward with the previous approval to clean out Ditch 25 from Highway 35 to the wetland north of McDonald Lane. Motion passed unanimously. County Ditch #14 Michelle Eldien, County Attorney, referred to issues with Ditch 14 and indicated that the issue is whether the County is restricted by State Statute regarding the need for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) when a Ditch repair is needed. Ms. Eldien suggested a Closed Session with Environmental Law Attorneys, Rinke Noonan, on September 4, 2018. T21 Ordinance Public Hearing Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to establish the T21 Ordinance Public Hearing at 1:00 p.m. on August 14, 2018, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Approval of Waste Hauler License Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve an Otter Tail County 2018 Solid Waste Hauler license for North Central, Inc. of Perham, MN. Vulnerable Adult Program Report A document titled “Vulnerable Adult Intake & Assessment Program, 2017 Overview” was submitted. Human Services staff briefed the Board regarding the program. The number of Vulnerable Adult abuse reports for 2017 is about the same as in past years. Reports of financial abuse has increased with the passing of the State Senior Financial Protection Act allowing investment advisors and bank officials to make reports. Economic Assistance Program Report Human Services Director Deb Sjostrom provided a document titled “2017 Year in Review: Income Maintenance Programs”. Income Maintenance staff briefed the Board on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care, the MN Family Investment Program (MFIP) and Emergency Assistance Program. Ms. Sjostrom also shared the 2nd quarter Human Services Budget Report. Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit – Trudy Swanson: Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to deny a Conditional Use Permit to raise the existing slab patio out of the water, raise existing boathouse structure and reinforce existing retaining wall. The denial is due to the length of time since the original application on July 9, 2014, and due to the unknown outcome of the LMKP Lakes Outlet project, as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in Pt of GL 2 & NW¼ of the NE¼, Section 14 of Edna Township; Paul Lake (56-335), RD. Preliminary Plat – “Marion Shores”/ David Adams, et al & Jeremy Donabauer: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled “Marion Shores” consisting of 5 single family residential riparian lots with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in GL 4 Ex Rr R/W Ex Trs Ex Platted Aka Parcel D Ex Trs, Section 7 of Rush Lake Township; Marion Lake (56-243), GD. Conditional Use Permit – Battle View Homeowners Association: Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to amend Conditional Use Permit #6812 as presented. The proposal is located in Battle View Common Interest Community (CIC) #81, Section 33 of Girard Township; West Battle Lake (56-239), GD. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 5 Conditional Use Permit – Robert & Rachel Posch: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve an after-the-fact Conditional Use Permit to repair and stabilize existing walking path along shoreline and going up the bluff with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in a 20.12 Ac., Pt of GL 3 & 4, 18.10 Ac in GL 3 & .9 Ac in GL 4 on N Shore, Section 16 of Hobart Township; Rose Lake (56-360), RD. Conditional Use Permit – Seclusion Point, LLC/ Craig Peterson, et al: Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to add 6 recreational camping units in tier 1 and include 6 boat slips allowed by the Shoreland Management Ordinance. This is a modified request. The proposal is located in Government Lot 7, Except the South 1100 feet, Section 29 of Edna Township; McDonald Lake (56- 386), RD. Conditional Use Permit – Jade Nielson Properties, LLC: Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and carried, with Johnson abstaining, to convert White Haven Resort into a Common Interest Community (CIC) plat of 16 residential dwelling units with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located in Part of Government Lot 6 & Part of Government Lot 1, Sections 9 & 16 of Dead Lake Township; Dead Lake (56-383), NE. Conditional Use Permit – Orland Ohe/ Juhl Energy Development: Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for construction of a small solar wind hybrid project in cooperation with Lake Region Electric Cooperative as presented. The proposal is located in the NW¼SE¼ & SW¼NE¼ and NE¼SE¼ & SE¼NE¼, Section 13 of Trondhjem Township; Non-Shoreland Area. Final Plat – Bollinger Addition Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat known as “Bollinger Addition” consisting of two single family, non-riparian lots located in Lot 1, Section 7, Township 39W, Marion Lake (56-243), GD. OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE BOIS DE SIOUX-MUSTINKA ONE WATERSHED, ONE PLAN POLICY COMMITTEE RULES Otter Tail County Resolution 2018-51 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources has developed policies for coordination and development of comprehensive watershed management plans, also known as One Watershed, One Plan, consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B.801, Comprehensive Watershed Management Planning Program; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B.301, Comprehensive Local Water Management Act, authorizes Minnesota Counties to develop and implement a local water management plan; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103D.401, Watershed Management Plan, authorizes Minnesota Watershed Districts to develop and implement a watershed management plan; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103C.331, subdivision 11, Comprehensive Plan, authorizes Minnesota Soil and Water Conservation Districts to develop and implement a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the counties, soil and water conservation districts, and watershed district within the Bois de Sioux – Mustinka Watersheds have interest in developing a comprehensive watershed management plan for the Bois de Sioux – Mustinka Watersheds; and OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 6 WHEREAS, representatives from the counties, soil and water conservation districts, and watershed district within the Bois de Sioux – Mustinka Watersheds have developed a set of Policy Committee Rules (see attached). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County recognizes and supports watershed-scale planning efforts consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B.801, also known as One Watershed, One Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the One Watershed One Plan Policy Committee Rules are approved on behalf of Otter Tail County. The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by Commissioner Lindquist and duly seconded by Commissioner Rogness and, after full discussion thereof, and upon a vote being taken thereof, the following voted in favor thereof: Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming and Rogness. and the following voted against same: None Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 24th day of July 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________ By: _____________________________ Attest: ______________________________ Wayne Johnson, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk Recess & Reconvene At 11:30 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The County Board meeting was reconvened at 11:37 a.m. ACCEPTING DEDICATED DONATION TO SUPPORT VETERANS VAN FUND Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 – 52 WHEREAS, American Legion Post 489, Underwood MN has offered to donate funds in the amount of $250.00 to the County of Otter Tail on behalf of the Otter Tail County Veterans Services to assist in the Veterans Transportation program. WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 requires a county to accept the gift by resolution expressed in terms prescribed by the donor in full; and, WHEREAS, the donation from American Legion Post 489 will be for the purpose of assisting in the cost of veterans’ van replacement. WHEREAS, acceptance of the funds in accordance with the donor’s terms is in the best interest of the County of Otter Tail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does accept the above-described funds from American Legion Post 489, Underwood and extends its grateful appreciation. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 7 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lindquist, duly seconded by Commissioner Froemming and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming and Rogness and the following voted against the same: None Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Tuesday, July 24, 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Wayne Johnson, Chair Attest: John Dinsmore, Clerk Veterans Van Purchase VSO Charlie Kampa reported that about $21,700 has been raised for purchase of a new van to provide transportation for veterans. Motion by Froemming, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to authorize the Veterans Service Officer to purchase a van through the State Bid System for transporting veterans to required appointments. Highway Projects Highway Construction Contract – S.P. 056-667-036: Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute Highway Construction Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Central Specialties, Inc. of Alexandria, MN for work on CSAH No. 67 from 740’ East of CSAH 54 to 200’ South of Walker Street in New York Mills. Highway Construction Contract – S.A.P. 056-627-014: Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute a Highway Construction Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Riley Bros. Construction, Inc. of Morris, MN, for work on CSAH 27 from North Woodland Drive to 1,258’ North of CSAH 10. Quotation Award – Crane Lake Outlet Culvert: Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to award the Crane Lake Outlet project to Landwehr Construction, Inc. of St. Cloud, MN at the low quote of $93,907.50, contingent upon the approval of the MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This DNR project is located in County Ditch 16. Joint Powers Agreement Amendment – Crane Lake Fish Passage Project: Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute a Joint Powers Agreement Amendment between the County Otter Tail and the MN DNR for Swift Contract #127574 to extend the funds and agreement to 12/31/2018. Horse Driven Buggy Safety Discussion Board members, County Sheriff and other County staff discussed safety issues with horse driven buggies on County roads, especially in the early morning and late evening hours. The County Administrator and Public Health staff will reach out to the applicable communities to educate them on the value of better reflectors and/or lights to make the buggies more visible. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 8 Commendation to the Law Enforcement Community Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to commend law enforcement involved in the safe return of the victim and the apprehension of the offender in the July 22, 2018, kidnapping case near Fergus Falls. EOT Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioners to attend the EOT SWCD “Breakfast on the Farm” event August 4, 2018, at the Mike and Sandy Dombeck farm. Adjournment At 12:25 p.m., Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 7, 2018, at the New York Mills County offices. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 7/24/2018 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 2 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 3 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 4 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 5 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes July 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 6 csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: 8/2/18 Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: N Y D 4 N D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 11:43AM csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 59.61 1,288.00 1,989.48 38.00 5,773.50 147.50 246.00 370.39 19.61 40.00 1,288.00 1,989.48 38.00 2,008.81 945.00 2,819.69 147.50 246.00 370.39 100.00 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1799 ABBOTT/CYNDI 01-042-000-0000-6331 MEALS - FAST TRAINING ALEX 7/24/18 Meals And Lodging 01-042-000-0000-6560 FUEL - FAST TRAINING ALEX 7/24/18 Gasoline & Oil - Vehicle 2 Transactions1799 11409 ABRA MN FERGUS FALLS 01-149-000-0000-6354 SW VEHICLE REAR BUMPER REPAIR 11107 Insurance Claims 1 Transactions11409 15007 ACME TOOLS FARGO 01-112-000-0000-6487 ACCT 74553 RIDGID DRUM MACHINE 5890806 Tools & Minor Equipment 1 Transactions15007 5274 ADVANCED ENGRAVING INC 01-112-000-0000-6369 WELCOME ADMIN OFFICE SIGN 20915 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions5274 14813 ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER 50-000-000-0170-6859 MISC RECYCLING 1052 Electronic Disposal 50-000-000-0150-6859 MISC RECYCLING 1053 Electronic Disposal 50-000-000-0110-6859 MISC RECYCLING 1067 Electronic Disposal 3 Transactions14813 14484 ALL TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS 01-201-000-0000-6304 LFP BATTERY 020832 Repair And Maintenance 1 Transactions14484 8803 ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING 01-201-000-0000-6396 TOW CF 18022937 7/15/18 743676 Special Investigation 1 Transactions8803 11385 ALLSTREAM 14-214-000-0000-6689 ACCT 877418 MONTHLY SERVICE 15465423 Prior Year Accumulations-911 1 Transactions11385 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC 01-061-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P KEYBOARDS 11J3-X9WR-3Y66 Office Supplies Otter Tail County Auditor ABBOTT/CYNDI ABRA MN FERGUS FALLS ACME TOOLS FARGO ADVANCED ENGRAVING INC ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER ALL TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING ALLSTREAM csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula 1RYD-WJDC-WVJG 1XVD-DX31-CHHR Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 1,215.44 49.96 698.18 130.86 4,032.00 1,250.00 3,800.25 149.90 423.68 173.88 147.99 219.99 10.48 9.38 30.10 698.18 32.93 13.80 84.13 4,032.00 1,250.00 1,336.25 2,464.00 Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-061-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P WIRELESS MOUSES 13F1-6WTR-4FVM Office Supplies 01-061-000-0000-6680 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P PRINTERS 147C-X4Q4-3QH9 Computer Hardware 01-061-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P MOUSES & BAGS 1J1P-TQD3-LL61 Office Supplies 01-061-000-0000-6680 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P DYMO PRINTER Computer Hardware 01-061-000-0000-6680 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P INTERNAL SSD Computer Hardware 6 Transactions14386 13620 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 50-000-000-0000-6290 ACCT 160002035 1601668871 Contracted Services 50-390-000-0000-6290 ACCT 160002035 1601668871 Contracted Services. 50-399-000-0000-6290 ACCT 160002035 1601668871 Contracted Services. 3 Transactions13620 11472 AUTO FIX 01-201-000-0000-6304 ACCT 443 UNIT 1308 A/C REPAIR 21763 Repair And Maintenance 1 Transactions11472 102 AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS 10-304-000-0000-6406 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 3 Transactions102 15262 AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW/JILL 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P7-04-001142 URBANEK JUN2018 Public Defender 1 Transactions15262 15204 BCA TRAINING & AUDITING 01-201-000-0000-6171 MN DARE OFFICER TRAINING 15432 Tuition And Education Expenses DOLL/CARLA13965 1 Transactions15204 14105 BELL BANK 10-303-000-0000-6683 P-SAP 056-627-014, PARCEL NO.Right Of Way, Ect. 10-303-000-0000-6683 T-SAP 056-627-014, PARCEL NO.Right Of Way, Ect. 2 Transactions14105 Otter Tail County Auditor AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC AUTO FIX AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW/JILL BCA TRAINING & AUDITING BELL BANK csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESSolid Waste Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 112.00 253.34 645.00 14,971.75 25.14 125.00 481.99 64.00 28.00 10.00 10.00 200.00 28.34 25.00 445.00 200.00 14,971.75 4.15 20.99 125.00 481.99 240.00 Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1755 BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED 50-000-000-0130-6290 DRINKING WATER 68808 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0110-6290 DRINKING WATER 68865 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0110-6290 COOLER RENT 68983 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0130-6290 COOLER RENT 69060 Contracted Services. 4 Transactions1755 11455 BERGQUIST/RICHARD 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions11455 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 01-201-000-0000-6396 TOW CF 18021870 7/7/18 28824 Special Investigation 01-201-000-0000-6396 TOW CF 18020976 7/1/18 7479 Special Investigation 2 Transactions31803 15264 BIG RIG COMPANIES LLC 50-000-000-0170-6675 2004 FREIGHTLINER SEMI-TRUCK 8/1/18 Machinery And Automotive Equipment 1 Transactions15264 533 BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY 01-250-000-0000-6399 ACCT 00785 CAP 42991 Sentence To Serve 01-250-000-0000-6399 ACCT 00785 AUTOCUT 43020 Sentence To Serve 2 Transactions533 11400 BOY SCOUT TROOP 472 50-000-000-0000-6848 PARKERS PRAIRIE CANISTER 2017 201620 Public Education 1 Transactions11400 24 BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC 01-201-000-0000-6315 RADIO FACTORY REPAIR 22773 Radio Repair Charges 1 Transactions24 3957 BRAUN VENDING INC 01-112-000-0000-6404 10 CASES WALLINGFORD COFFEE 041120 Coffee Supplies Otter Tail County Auditor BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED BERGQUIST/RICHARD BEYER BODY SHOP INC BIG RIG COMPANIES LLC BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOY SCOUT TROOP 472 BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 240.00 231.54 2,575.00 1,106.15 62.46 2,624.50 3,400.00 43.67 200.00 6.54 25.00 2,575.00 933.89 40.34 131.92 62.46 360.00 184.00 2,068.50 12.00 3,400.00 43.67 Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions3957 11453 BRENNAN/KEVIN 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions11453 1425 BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION 02-225-000-0000-6369 MN0560000 CARRY PERMITS 56-000057 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions1425 3423 BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC 10-304-000-0000-6306 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6572 TIRE REPAIR Repair And Maintenance Supplies 10-304-000-0000-6572 TIRES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 3 Transactions3423 32518 CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMARKET 10-304-000-0000-6565 GASOLINE Fuels - Diesel 1 Transactions32518 1227 CARR'S TREE SERVICE 01-112-108-0000-6369 REMOVED TREESAND STUMPS 30406 Miscellaneous Charges 10-302-000-0000-6350 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 10-302-000-0000-6350 SPRAYING Maintenance Contractor 10-302-000-0000-6515 SUPPLIES Signs And Posts 4 Transactions1227 12765 CELLEBRITE USA INC 01-201-000-0000-6348 UFED TOUCH ULTIMATE SW RENEWAL 197923 Software Maintenance Contract 1 Transactions12765 8930 CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR 10-304-000-0000-6306 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 1 Transactions8930 Otter Tail County Auditor BRAUN VENDING INC BRENNAN/KEVIN BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARR'S LAKE COUNTRY SUPERMARKET CARR'S TREE SERVICE CELLEBRITE USA INC CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 57.29 224.49 1,183.00 105.50 85.00 5,695.92 57.29 78.69 72.90 72.90 1,183.00 58.75 46.75 85.00 5,695.92 34.14 40.28 15.08 9.44 96.63 1,768.00 30.37 53.43 9.60 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 6958 CHS FERGUS FALLS EAST AGRONOMY 10-302-000-0000-6513 HERBICIDES Herbicides 1 Transactions6958 5580 CITIZENS ADVOCATE 01-002-000-0000-6240 ORDINANCE CHANGE 16627 Publishing & Advertising 01-042-000-0000-6240 LICENSE CENTER CLOSED AD 16689 Publishing & Advertising 50-000-000-0000-6240 HHW OTTERTAIL CITY COLLECTIONS 16629 Publishing & Advertising 3 Transactions5580 12058 CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES 50-000-000-0000-6290 OFFICE CLEANING JUN 2018 PA044082 Contracted Services 1 Transactions12058 9087 CODE 4 SERVICES, INC 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1606 COMP POWER SUPPLY 4192 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1406 PUCK FOR CAMERA 4202 Repair And Maintenance 2 Transactions9087 7479 CONCEPT CATERING 02-219-000-0000-6369 MEALS - ARSON INVESTIGATIONS 735854 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions7479 11599 CONDUENT BUSINESS SERVICES LLC 10-301-000-0000-6264 ANNUAL SUPPORT Data Processing Techn Support 1 Transactions11599 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 01-031-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988076 SUPPLIES 430402 Office Supplies 01-031-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988076 LABELS 430414 Office Supplies 01-031-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988076 NOTE PADS 430607 Office Supplies 01-031-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988076 PADS 430696 Office Supplies 01-121-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988605 SUPPLIES 05491 Office Supplies 01-122-000-0000-6677 ACCT 2189988095 ADJ BASES 430437 Office Furniture And Equipment-Minor 01-201-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988524 SUPPLIES 05500 Office Supplies 01-250-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988556 SUPPLIES 430293 Office Supplies 10-301-000-0000-6406 SUPPLIES Office Supplies Otter Tail County Auditor CHS FERGUS FALLS EAST AGRONOMY CITIZENS ADVOCATE CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES CODE 4 SERVICES, INC CONCEPT CATERING CONDUENT BUSINESS SERVICES LLC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula CROWNE PLAZA MILWAUKEE AIRPORT HOTEL Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 2,056.97 547.88 110.54 1,305.60 57.99 200.00 79.99 598.13 241.35 547.88 110.54 1,305.60 57.99 200.00 79.99 598.13 200.00 16.35 25.00 Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 9 Transactions32603 999999000 01-091-000-0000-6271 HOTEL ROOM 9/9-13/18 61405548 Fraud Investigator Expenses HOLO/SANDY37198 1 Transactions999999000 36 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY 50-399-000-0000-6485 ACCT 227162 SUPPLIES 68508 Custodian Supplies 1 Transactions36 35011 DAILY JOURNAL/THE 01-002-000-0000-6240 ACCT 3648 JUN MINS APPEALS 549097 Publishing & Advertising 1 Transactions35011 14949 DAKOTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 01-149-000-0000-6210 4X6 THERMAL LABEL ROLLS 1948 Postage & Postage Meter 1 Transactions14949 9942 DAV CHAPTER 25 01-121-000-0000-6950 DECORATED GRAVES 8/7/18 Appropriations 1 Transactions9942 9612 DELACRUZ/KATHY 50-399-000-0000-6426 STEEL TOE BOOTS 7/3/18 Clothing Allowance 1 Transactions9612 14946 DEM-CON MATERIALS RECOVERY 50-399-000-0000-6290 ACCT 223 TIPPING FEES JUN 2018 3114 Contracted Services. 1 Transactions14946 15245 DENBROOK/GARY 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions15245 CROWNE PLAZA MILWAUKEE AIRPORT HOTEL Otter Tail County Auditor COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL/THE DAKOTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS DAV CHAPTER 25 DELACRUZ/KATHY DEM-CON MATERIALS RECOVERY DENBROOK/GARY csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 188.31 12.00 287.89 1,850.00 5,270.29 64.50 7,222.93 188.31 12.00 153.95 35.95 97.99 1,850.00 2,878.29 2,392.00 64.50 7,222.93 146.37 1,641.38 378.87 146.38 643.87 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 9655 DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 01-063-000-0000-6210 ACCT 14431200 MAILING SERVICES A300IC56184I Postage Meter 1 Transactions9655 3518 DEXYP 01-061-000-0000-6200 ACCT 110245591 610337974288 Telephone 1 Transactions3518 33013 DICK'S STANDARD 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1404 BATTERY 68316 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1605 OIL CHANGE 68379 Repair And Maintenance 10-304-000-0000-6572 REPAIR Repair And Maintenance Supplies 3 Transactions33013 15261 DICK'S SUPER SOIL 22-622-000-0648-6369 CLEANED & GRATED DITCH 48 332526 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions15261 10609 DS SOLUTIONS INC 01-063-000-0000-6406 PAPER ROLLS/AUTOMARK INK 11816 Office Supplies 01-063-000-0000-6232 PRE-MARKED TEST BALLOTS 11872 Printing-Ballots 2 Transactions10609 5427 DULUTH TRADING CO 01-250-000-0000-6526 ACCT 205947017 CARGO PANTS CINV000183155 Uniforms 1 Transactions5427 15194 DYNAMIC SAFETY, LLC 01-091-000-0000-6270 CASE G18-249 TRIAL EXPENSES 15773 Misc Professional-Expert Witness 1 Transactions15194 14569 EAGLE EYE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 22-622-000-0601-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0612-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0615-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0623-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0625-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges Otter Tail County Auditor DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES DEXYP DICK'S STANDARD DICK'S SUPER SOIL DS SOLUTIONS INC DULUTH TRADING CO DYNAMIC SAFETY, LLC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESCounty Ditch Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 6,671.50 9,265.00 286.94 80.38 452.50 608.40 4,122.00 146.38 643.87 478.88 478.87 478.88 278.87 1,208.88 9,265.00 286.94 80.38 32.50 420.00 277.45 330.95 4,122.00 665.00 Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 22-622-000-0628-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0632-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0640-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0651-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0654-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0655-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0656-6369 FILMING & EDITING DITCH VIDEO 58 Miscellaneous Charges 12 Transactions14569 941 EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC 10-302-000-0000-6350 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 1 Transactions941 2581 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE INC 01-063-000-0000-6406 ACCT O88178 TAMPERPROOF SEALS 1053302 Office Supplies 1 Transactions2581 1293 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 10-304-000-0000-6300 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance 1 Transactions1293 11889 ERGOMETRICS 01-250-000-0000-6436 ACCT 121092 SHIP TEST MATERIAL 132688 New hire start up cost 01-250-000-0000-6436 ACCT 121092 REACT TESTING 132734 New hire start up cost 2 Transactions11889 9255 EXTREME MARINE LLC 10-304-000-0000-6306 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6572 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 2 Transactions9255 57 FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF 50-000-000-0130-6863 ACCT 18240 LEACHATE JUN 2018 33868 Leachate Disposal 1 Transactions57 2153 FERGUS POWER PUMP INC 10-302-000-0000-6350 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor Otter Tail County Auditor EAGLE EYE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY EGGE CONSTRUCTION INC ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE INC ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ERGOMETRICS EXTREME MARINE LLC FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESSolid Waste Fund Account/Formula FOTH INFRASTRUCTURES & ENVIROMENTAL LLC HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 1,280.00 2,000.00 1,170.00 11,651.58 180.46 250.76 761.96 615.00 2,000.00 1,170.00 1,205.51 3,000.00 3,446.07 4,000.00 66.50 113.96 89.96 160.80 260.64 56.88 444.44 119.00 Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 50-000-000-0170-6863 LEACHATE HAULING 7/23/18 39718 Leachate Disposal 2 Transactions2153 13636 FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 02-103-000-0000-6369 PINTEGRITY SOFTWARE MAINT 0821296-IN Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions13636 383 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 01-112-101-0000-6349 PARKING LOT RENTAL QTR 3 2018 47 Miscellaneous Rentals 1 Transactions383 387 50-000-000-0120-6276 PROJECT 0018O003.00 57661 Professional Services 50-000-000-0120-6278 PROJECT 0018O003.00 57661 Engineering & Hydrological Testing 50-000-000-0130-6276 PROJECT 0018O004.00 57662 Professional Services 50-000-000-0130-6278 PROJECT 0018O004.00 57662 Engineering & Hydrological Testing 4 Transactions387 3628 FRONTIER PRECISION INC 10-303-000-0000-6306 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 10-303-000-0000-6501 SUPPLY Engineering And Surveying Supplies 2 Transactions3628 392 GALLS LLC 01-250-000-0000-6526 ACCT 5287917 ZIPPER BOOTS 010187760 Uniforms 01-250-000-0000-6526 ACCT 5287917 EARPIECE 010196186 Uniforms 2 Transactions392 52564 GRAINGER INC 01-112-101-0000-6572 ACCT 813640729 FILTERS 9843495608 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6572 ACCT 813640729 FILTERS 9843683922 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-102-0000-6572 ACCT 813640729 DEHUMIDIFIER 9843989204 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 3 Transactions52564 37755 01-201-000-0000-6369 ACCT 325 WASTE DISPOSAL 50426 Miscellaneous Charges FOTH INFRASTRUCTURES & ENVIROMENTAL LLC Otter Tail County Auditor FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES, INC FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FRONTIER PRECISION INC GALLS LLC GRAINGER INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 119.00 160.00 96.59 225.00 41.08 30,809.20 845.00 1,855.02 160.00 96.59 200.00 25.00 41.08 30,809.20 845.00 212.42 272.18 674.39 696.03 1,986.10 Page 11Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions37755 11820 HOFF/MARLAND 01-112-000-0000-6369 REVIEW CLOSEOUT DOCS 41573 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions11820 15259 HOFLAND/ALEXANDRA 50-399-000-0000-6426 SAFETY TOE BOOTS 7/4/18 Clothing Allowance 1 Transactions15259 448 HOLM/SHELDON 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 2 Transactions448 10642 HOMETOWN REPAIR 10-304-000-0000-6306 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 1 Transactions10642 5835 HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC 10-303-000-0000-6278 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions5835 462 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP 01-101-000-0000-6342 ACCT OTTERT01 MAINT AGREE 9848 Service Agreements 1 Transactions462 38100 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 01-091-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2271 SUPPLIES 040962 Office Supplies 01-201-000-0000-6406 ACCT 9988526 SUPPLIES 040993 Office Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6406 ACCT 565373 SUPPLIES 040973 Office Supplies 50-000-000-0000-6412 ACCT 565373 COFFEEMAKER 040973 Office Furniture/Equipment Minor 4 Transactions38100 6979 J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES INC 10-301-000-0000-6406 SUPPLIES Office Supplies HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor HOFF/MARLAND HOFLAND/ALEXANDRA HOLM/SHELDON HOMETOWN REPAIR HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 1,986.10 298.02 680.00 549.03 1,385.07 2,016.03 130.38 167.64 680.00 549.03 200.00 25.00 116.63 687.50 331.36 24.58 100.00 165.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 165.00 146.25 1,369.78 40.00 Page 12Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions6979 11098 JAKE'S JOHNS LLC 50-000-000-0110-6290 TOILET RENTAL 6647 Contracted Services. 50-000-000-0130-6290 TOILET RENTAL/CLEANING 6647 Contracted Services. 2 Transactions11098 2210 JJ'S COMPANY EXCAVATING LLC 10-302-000-0000-6350 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 1 Transactions2210 1630 JOHNSON CONTROLS 01-112-109-0000-6342 ACCT 385-01783102 MONITORING 20273366 Service Agreements 1 Transactions1630 11456 JOHNSON/MICHAEL 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0617-6369 PER DIEM 8/7/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0617-6369 MILEAGE 8/7/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0617-6369 MEALS 8/7/18 Miscellaneous Charges 6 Transactions11456 10408 JONES LAW OFFICE 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P7-04-001142 URBANEK 13008 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P9-01-723 S COX 1918942 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P7-04-001142 URBANEK 1924710 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P9-01-723 S COX 1924815 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-PR-17-691 D DEFIEL 1924816 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-PR-13-1236 J SLEEN 1924817 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-PR-07-1673 C WASHINGTON 1924818 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-PR-15-194;56-PR-16-498 COTA 5689 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-PR-15-194;56-PR-16-498 COTA 6749 Public Defender 9 Transactions10408 5550 JORGENSON/MICHELLE Otter Tail County Auditor J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES INC JAKE'S JOHNS LLC JJ'S COMPANY EXCAVATING LLC JOHNSON CONTROLS JOHNSON/MICHAEL JONES LAW OFFICE csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 65.00 11,692.17 856.76 181.64 109,335.50 1,366.20 8,237.06 6,468.10 65.00 11,692.17 856.76 181.64 109,335.50 1,366.20 8,237.06 95.60 380.00 5,955.00 37.50 2,754.00 Page 13Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-091-000-0000-6369 56-PR-17-686 W ERICKSON 6/26/18 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions5550 9584 KADRMAS LEE & JACKSON INC 10-303-000-0000-6278 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions9584 40336 KELLY SERVICES INC 50-399-000-0000-6290 ACCT 681063-04 BECK W/E 7/15 28048874 Contracted Services. 1 Transactions40336 1002 KIMBALL MIDWEST 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions1002 15247 KNOW INK 14-063-000-0000-6687 POLL PAD PACKAGE 3127 Equipment- Current Year 1 Transactions15247 1012 KRIS ENGINEERING INC 10-304-000-0000-6572 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions1012 6432 L & O ACRES TRANSPORT INC 10-302-000-0000-6514 SALT Salt 1 Transactions6432 79 LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE 01-201-000-0000-6433 VISIT 3020857-0002 CF18011302 4/17/18 Special Medical 01-201-000-0000-6433 VISIT 3020857-0001 CF18011302 4/17/18 Special Medical 01-205-000-0000-6273 CORONER SERVICES JUNE 2018 220 Coroner Expense 10-302-000-0000-6369 SERVICE Miscellaneous Charges 4 Transactions79 25146 LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 01-013-000-0000-6276 SERVICES FOR OTTER TAIL COURT 7/3/18 Professional Services Otter Tail County Auditor JORGENSON/MICHELLE KADRMAS LEE & JACKSON INC KELLY SERVICES INC KIMBALL MIDWEST KNOW INK KRIS ENGINEERING INC L & O ACRES TRANSPORT INC LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 2,754.00 29.50 2,550.00 424.67 3,440.68 29.09 304.35 29.50 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 550.00 170.76 73.91 180.00 1,152.84 1,640.00 647.84 17.24 11.85 304.35 2,491.50 Page 14Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions25146 41450 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP 10-302-000-0000-6369 SERVICE Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions41450 81 LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE 50-399-000-0000-6291 CARDBOARD 7/13/18 72425 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 CARDBOARD 7/18/18 72430 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 CARDBOARD 7/20/18 72442 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6251 CARDBOARD 7/23/18 72445 Gas And Oil - Utility 50-399-000-0000-6251 PAPER 7/23/18 72458 Gas And Oil - Utility 5 Transactions81 41638 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC 01-044-000-0000-6406 ACCT 23-52N4 MEASURING WHEEL 0268331-IN Office Supplies 50-399-000-0000-6485 ACCT 23-52A28 GLOVES 0268093-IN Custodian Supplies 50-399-000-0000-6485 ACCT 23-52F1 GLOVES 0268227-IN Custodian Supplies 3 Transactions41638 511 M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. 10-302-000-0000-6515 POSTS Signs And Posts 10-302-000-0000-6515 SUPPLIES Signs And Posts 10-303-000-0000-6501 SUPPLIES Engineering And Surveying Supplies 3 Transactions511 13702 MALMSTROM/WESTON 10-303-000-0000-6369 SUPPLIES Miscellaneous Charges 10-303-000-0000-6501 SUPPLIES Engineering And Surveying Supplies 2 Transactions13702 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS 01-101-000-0000-6342 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0438518 362812711 Service Agreements 1 Transactions36132 2721 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC 01-061-000-0000-6342 ACCT OT00 5432707 Service Agreements Otter Tail County Auditor LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. MALMSTROM/WESTON MARCO INC ST LOUIS csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 2,932.71 1,003.49 6.07 190.00 2,277.98 120.00 185.90 113.00 1,435.50 441.21 1,003.49 6.07 190.00 1,503.18 774.80 120.00 185.90 50.00 63.00 1,435.50 Page 15Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 10-301-000-0000-6342 SERVICE AGREEMENT Service Agreements 2 Transactions2721 1026 MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO 10-302-000-0000-6511 HOT MIX Bituminous Mix 1 Transactions1026 9930 MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC 50-000-000-0130-6306 ACCT 984898 SUPPLIES 071601/1 Repair/Maint. Equip 1 Transactions9930 999999000 MFSRC FALL CONFERENCE 2018 01-091-000-0000-6242 REGISTRATION FOR BEN OLSON 8/7/18 Registration Fees 1 Transactions999999000 948 MIDWEST MACHINERY CO 10-304-000-0000-6306 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6572 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 2 Transactions948 87003 MIDWEST PRINTING CO 10-301-000-0000-6406 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 1 Transactions87003 42863 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 01-121-000-0000-6304 ACCT 2902 REPLACE SENSOR/KNOB 690431 Repair And Maintenance 1 Transactions42863 11129 MINNESOTA NATIONAL BANK 01-091-000-0000-6271 RESEARCH FEE FOR FRAUD CASE 6/28/18 Fraud Investigator Expenses 01-091-000-0000-6271 RESEARCH FEE FOR FRAUD CASE 7/27/18 Fraud Investigator Expenses 2 Transactions11129 15260 MINNESOTA WAREHOUSE FURNITURE 50-000-000-0000-6848 HEXAGON PICNIC TABLE 32942 Public Education 1 Transactions15260 Otter Tail County Auditor MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MARK SAND & GRAVEL CO MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC MFSRC FALL CONFERENCE 2018 MIDWEST MACHINERY CO MIDWEST PRINTING CO MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA NATIONAL BANK MINNESOTA WAREHOUSE FURNITURE csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 738.00 171.00 2,344.77 720.00 43,787.47 20.05 693.00 20.00 25.00 171.00 104.77 2,240.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 67.38 145.00 43,575.09 20.05 379.77 635.96 Page 16Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 7661 MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC 01-061-000-0000-6342 ACCT 1143 DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION 396349 Service Agreements 01-091-000-0000-6342 ACCT 1143 SHREDDING SERVICES 396348 Service Agreements 01-201-000-0000-6406 ACCT 1159 SHREDDING SERVICES 396353 Office Supplies 3 Transactions7661 546 MN CO INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRUST 01-149-000-0000-6354 ACCT 1140 ADD CEQ HAMM ROLLER 2127 Insurance Claims 1 Transactions546 42745 MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP 01-061-000-0000-6346 2ND QTR TAX USER GROUP MTG 2Y1807124 Mccc Fees 01-061-000-0000-6342 LYNDA.COM LICENSE 2Y1807195 Service Agreements 2 Transactions42745 1576 MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 50-000-000-0120-6242 2018 FALL LANDFILL TRAINING 8/7/18 Registration Fees PRICE/KEITH10634 50-000-000-0170-6242 2018 FALL LANDFILL TRAINING 8/7/18 Registration Fees OLIPHANT/GLEN7845 50-000-000-0170-6242 2018 FALL LANDFILL TRAINING 8/7/18 Registration Fees GILBERTSON/JACE10080 3 Transactions1576 43227 NELSON AUTO CENTER 10-304-000-0000-6306 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 14-250-000-0000-6687 2018 GMC 4WD CREW CAB F38033 Equipment-Current Year 3 Transactions43227 3873 NESS/PAMELA 01-042-000-0000-6331 MEALS - FAST TRAINING ALEX 7/24/18 Meals And Lodging 1 Transactions3873 595 NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY 01-112-108-0000-6485 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 71868 Custodian Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 71869 Custodian Supplies Otter Tail County Auditor MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC MN CO INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRUST MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY NELSON AUTO CENTER NESS/PAMELA csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 1,015.73 151.59 3,450.00 244.00 210.91 19,418.41 2,100.00 191.90 516.39 78.69 72.90 3,450.00 244.00 167.51 43.40 19,418.41 2,100.00 119.90 72.00 516.39 Page 17Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions595 13242 NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH 01-002-000-0000-6240 ORDINANCE CHANGE 16657 Publishing & Advertising 01-042-000-0000-6240 LICENSE CENTER CLOSED AD 16697 Publishing & Advertising 2 Transactions13242 11384 NEWMAN PAINTING INC 01-112-000-0000-6572 PAINT JAIL KITCHEN HALLWAY 4216 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions11384 605 NORTHWEST DIVERS 01-201-000-0000-6395 DIVING EQUIPMENT REPAIR 4225 Dive Team 1 Transactions605 606 NORTHWEST IRON FIREMEN INC 01-112-108-0000-6572 FIBER PLUG FOR ACCESS DOOR 33576 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6572 ROLL OF FLAT FIBERGLASS ROPE 33579 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 2 Transactions606 7834 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, INC 10-302-000-0000-6513 HERBICIDES Herbicides 1 Transactions7834 4106 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 01-061-000-0000-6201 ACCT 100A05602 JUN 2018 18060446 Communication Fees - 1 Transactions4106 7117 OMNI LEADERSHIP EXCHANGE, LLC 01-031-000-0000-6276 MATCH 3.0 ASSESSMENTS 1100 Professional Services 01-031-000-0000-6276 MATCH 3.0 ASSESSMENTS 1127 Professional Services 2 Transactions7117 5686 OTIS ELEVATOR CO 01-112-106-0000-6342 ACCT 284651 SERVICE CLF05630818 Service Agreements 1 Transactions5686 Otter Tail County Auditor NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH NEWMAN PAINTING INC NORTHWEST DIVERS NORTHWEST IRON FIREMEN INC NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, INC OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES OMNI LEADERSHIP EXCHANGE, LLC OTIS ELEVATOR CO csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 118.80 13.00 14,842.02 235.90 325.00 275.00 204.41 964.44 99.18 19.62 13.00 3,962.70 9,451.32 1,428.00 200.00 10.90 25.00 325.00 275.00 204.41 964.44 Page 18Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 126 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 01-507-000-0000-6300 ACCT 0420 ENGINEERING HELP 2303 Building And Grounds Maintenance 50-000-000-0000-6379 ACCT 0408 MEALS FOR INTERVIEW 2305 Miscellaneous Charges 2 Transactions126 9510 OTTERTAIL BAKERY 02-219-000-0000-6369 ROLLS FOR ARSON TRAINING 3160-19 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions9510 7392 OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC 50-000-000-0120-6291 HAULING CHARGES 7/9/18 36978 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0170-6291 HAULING CHARGES 7/9/18 36978 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 HAULING CHARGES 7/11/18 36978 Contract Transportation 3 Transactions7392 11457 PALMER/GEORGE 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions11457 862 PARKERS PRAIRIE/CITY OF 50-000-000-0140-6290 5 SHIFTS JUN2018 Contracted Services. 1 Transactions862 475 PETE'S AMOCO 01-201-000-0000-6396 TOW CF 18023931 7/22/18 0017129 Special Investigation 1 Transactions475 657 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL CO 10-304-000-0000-6572 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions657 7900 PITNEY BOWES 01-149-000-0000-6210 ACCT 0010390164 3102339843 Postage & Postage Meter 1 Transactions7900 Otter Tail County Auditor OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTERTAIL BAKERY OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC PALMER/GEORGE PARKERS PRAIRIE/CITY OF PETE'S AMOCO PIONEER RIM & WHEEL CO PITNEY BOWES csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 600.00 1,000.00 368.00 3,600.00 57.00 2,058.75 199.23 200.00 600.00 1,000.00 368.00 3,600.00 57.00 2,058.75 13.82 36.81 32.11 103.70 12.79 200.00 Page 19Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 9971 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 01-112-109-0000-6342 2018 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT 13393 Service Agreements 1 Transactions9971 12526 PRECISE MRM LLC 01-149-000-0000-6369 ACCT 679827 5MB DATA PLAN 1017763 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions12526 15248 PRECISE SENSING 22-622-000-0641-6369 VIDEO RECORDING & EDITING 18008 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions15248 5786 PRIORITY DISPATCH 14-214-000-0000-6689 ACCT 1147 ANNUAL RENEWAL 107176 Prior Year Accumulations-911 1 Transactions5786 45475 PRO AG FARMERS CO OP 50-000-000-0120-6565 ACCT 988529 DIESEL 88037227 Fuels 1 Transactions45475 3871 PRO SWEEP INC 10-302-000-0000-6350 SWEEPING Maintenance Contractor 1 Transactions3871 46000 QUILL CORPORATION 01-601-000-0000-6406 ACCT C517229 BALLPOINT PENS 7538836 Office Supplies 01-601-000-0000-6406 ACCT C517229 SUPPLIES 7547422 Office Supplies 01-601-000-0000-6406 ACCT C517229 SUPPLIES 7563222 Office Supplies 01-601-000-0000-6406 ACCT C517229 SUPPLIES 8676090 Office Supplies 01-601-000-0000-6406 ACCT C517229 ADHESIVE 8729179 Office Supplies 5 Transactions46000 12780 RASMUSSON SCHEDOWSKI POST 4020 01-121-000-0000-6950 DECORATED GRAVES 8/7/18 Appropriations 1 Transactions12780 9166 RDO EQUIPMENT CO Otter Tail County Auditor PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC PRECISE MRM LLC PRECISE SENSING PRIORITY DISPATCH PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PRO SWEEP INC QUILL CORPORATION RASMUSSON SCHEDOWSKI POST 4020 csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula - Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 13.36 1,190.50 184.95 372.84 942.48 573.75 1,289.98 32.89 13.36 1,190.50 184.95 225.00 50.00 197.84 942.48 573.75 715.00 287.49 287.49 32.89 335.00 Page 20Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-112-000-0000-6572 ACCT 0313001 BLADE P58607 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions9166 9547 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MN 01-705-000-0000-6369 ACCT 5007218 50% SALARIES 0380002081 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions9547 15266 RINKE/ETHAN 10-304-000-0000-6526 SHOES Uniforms 1 Transactions15266 13859 ROSENTHAL/JACK 01-124-000-0000-6140 PER DIEM 8/7/18 Per Diem 01-124-000-0000-6242 TRAINING CANCELLED 8/7/18 Registration Fees 01-124-000-0000-6330 MILEAGE 8/7/18 Mileage 3 Transactions13859 683 ROYAL TIRE INC 50-399-000-0000-6304 ACCT 306280 TIRE MAINT 31964281 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 1 Transactions683 15195 RUTHER EXCAVATING, INC 22-622-000-0629-6369 DIG OUT BEAVER DAM 2391 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions15195 1770 SANITATION PRODUCTS INC 50-399-000-0000-6306 PM COMPACTOR 70136 Repair/Maint. Equip 50-399-000-0000-6304 WINCH CABLE ASSY 70179 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 50-399-000-0000-6304 WINCH CABLE ASSY 70180 Repair And Maint-Vehicles 3 Transactions1770 19005 SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU 01-002-000-0000-6369 K3210 24JUL18 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions19005 48638 SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC 01-149-000-0000-6354 GRAPHICS FOR UNIT 1404 3270 Insurance Claims Otter Tail County Auditor RDO EQUIPMENT CO REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MN RINKE/ETHAN ROSENTHAL/JACK ROYAL TIRE INC RUTHER EXCAVATING, INC SANITATION PRODUCTS INC SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula - Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 624.00 1,274.68 1,277.05 375.00 8,973.49 1,007.12 4,548.37 65.00 224.00 113.97 1,160.71 142.76 501.20 75.00 318.13 389.96 375.00 8,973.49 238.28 768.84 44.95 4,503.42 21.61 Page 21Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 10-304-000-0000-6306 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 3 Transactions48638 6321 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 01-002-000-0000-6818 LONG RANGE STRATEGIC PLANNING 11025.00-7 Board Contingency 10-303-000-0000-6278 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 2 Transactions6321 48183 STEINS INC 01-112-108-0000-6485 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 811198 Custodian Supplies 01-112-000-0000-6485 ACCT 00224002 WASTEBASKETS 811738 Custodian Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 00224000 RETURN 812015 Custodian Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 812839 Custodian Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6485 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 812841 Custodian Supplies 5 Transactions48183 7461 STEVE SCHIERER APPRAISALS 10-303-000-0000-6683 APPRAISAL REPORT Right Of Way, Ect. 1 Transactions7461 15004 STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING INC 10-303-000-0000-6278 ADA TRANSISTION PLAN Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions15004 14550 SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC, INC. 01-112-102-0000-6572 FIX WIRING IN JAILER GARAGE 3561 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6572 ISTAR BOX/REWIRE DOOR HOLD 3562 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 2 Transactions14550 6642 SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, LLC 01-250-000-0000-6269 C1252000 PEPPER SHAKERS INV2000030929 Professional Services-Kitchen 01-250-000-0000-6269 C1252000 MEALS 7/7-13/18 INV2000030930 Professional Services-Kitchen 2 Transactions6642 6995 SWARTZ/LESLIE 01-042-000-0000-6331 MEALS - FAST TRAINING ALEX 7/24/18 Meals And Lodging Otter Tail County Auditor SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC STEINS INC STEVE SCHIERER APPRAISALS STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING INC SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC, INC. SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, LLC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 21.61 910.00 23.76 130.00 2,005.16 412.48 1,291.82 910.00 23.76 130.00 1,146.39 858.77 200.00 187.48 25.00 35.13 24.66 35.13 288.89 546.84 361.17 2,461.13 Page 22Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions6995 1225 SWEDBERG NURSERY 01-112-108-0000-6369 PLANT 2 TREES & STAKING 7528 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions1225 2946 TABBUT/DEB 01-042-000-0000-6331 MEALS - FAST TRAINING ALEX 7/24/18 Meals And Lodging 1 Transactions2946 42537 THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS 02-612-000-0000-6369 ACCT 6144 LAKESHORE JULY 2018 50053 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions42537 183 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 01-091-000-0000-6455 ACCT 1000520140 JUN 2018 838471901 Reference Books & Literature 13-012-000-0000-6455 ACCT 1000551281 838561401 Reference Books & Literature 2 Transactions183 11623 TIGGES/DENNIS 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions11623 49008 TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1708 OIL CHANGE 109812 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1301 TIRE REPAIR 109874 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1408 OIL CHANGE 109943 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1405 TIRE & BRAKE REPAIRS 110000 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1204 BRAKE REPAIRS 110001 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1007 EGR VALVE MOTOR 110026 Repair And Maintenance 6 Transactions49008 1999 TNT REPAIR INC 50-000-000-0120-6306 REBUILD STABILIZER CYLINDER 022800 Repair/Maint. Equip Otter Tail County Auditor SWARTZ/LESLIE SWEDBERG NURSERY TABBUT/DEB THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS THOMSON REUTERS - WEST TIGGES/DENNIS TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESSolid Waste Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 2,461.13 403.80 295.00 189.12 19,585.03 8,399.38 19.67 10,000.00 21,398.40 403.80 295.00 189.12 19,585.03 8,399.38 19.67 10,000.00 21,398.40 1,750.00 Page 23Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions1999 14497 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 01-601-000-0000-6342 BILL ID 90136606589 68600281 Service Agreements 1 Transactions14497 2759 UCOWF 01-091-000-0000-6271 TRAINING CONF REGISTRATION 8/7/18 Fraud Investigator Expenses HOLO/SANDY37198 1 Transactions2759 5022 ULSCHMID/SUSAN 01-091-000-0000-6330 MILEAGE - MCAPS DEV TEAM 7/13/18 Mileage 1 Transactions5022 1018 ULTEIG ENGINEER'S INC 10-303-000-0000-6278 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions1018 13955 UNIQUE PAINT BODY & TRIM 01-149-000-0000-6354 UNIT 1605 SHERIFF REPAIRS 5745284 Insurance Claims 1 Transactions13955 176 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 10-301-000-0000-6210 SHIPPER 556562 CONTROL 219T 0000556562288 Postage & Postage Meter 1 Transactions176 148 UNITED STATES POSTAGE SERVICE 01-149-000-0000-6210 ACCT 40038176 METER 4334612 031-323 Postage & Postage Meter 1 Transactions148 2909 VARITECH INDUSTRIES 10-304-000-0000-6675 6500 GAL. CAPTOR TANK, TAG #19 Machinery And Automotive Equipment 1 Transactions2909 6599 VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC 01-043-000-0000-6267 E-CHECK PROCESSING Q2 2018 JS-3507 Electronic Pmt Charges Otter Tail County Auditor TNT REPAIR INC TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES UCOWF ULSCHMID/SUSAN ULTEIG ENGINEER'S INC UNIQUE PAINT BODY & TRIM UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED STATES POSTAGE SERVICE VARITECH INDUSTRIES csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 1,995.99 27,215.43 73.50 10.99 225.00 239.17 18.15 274.05 245.99 7,296.78 19,918.65 73.50 10.99 200.00 25.00 200.00 14.17 25.00 18.15 200.00 49.05 25.00 Page 24Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-043-000-0000-6267 CREDIT CLERK FEES Q2 2018 JS-3531 Electronic Pmt Charges 2 Transactions6599 2278 WASTE MANAGEMENT 50-000-000-0120-6853 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001380-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 50-000-000-0170-6853 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001380-0010-4 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL 2 Transactions2278 9357 WAYNE'S TOOLWAGON 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions9357 15257 WEBER'S WADENA HARDWARE CO. 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions15257 15015 WERNER/JOHN 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 2 Transactions15015 13863 WIEBE/JEFFREY JON 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions13863 3991 WILLIAMS/TRACY 01-042-000-0000-6331 MEALS - FAST TRAINING ALEX 7/24/18 Meals And Lodging 1 Transactions3991 15246 WITT/RANDALL 22-622-000-0000-6369 PER DIEM 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 MILEAGE 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 22-622-000-0000-6369 REGISTRATION 7/19/18 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions15246 Otter Tail County Auditor VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC WASTE MANAGEMENT WAYNE'S TOOLWAGON WEBER'S WADENA HARDWARE CO. WERNER/JOHN WIEBE/JEFFREY JON WILLIAMS/TRACY WITT/RANDALL csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESCounty Ditch Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 531,699.14 Page 25Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates Final Total ............174 Vendors 319 Transactions Otter Tail County Auditor csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESCounty Ditch Fund Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:43AM8/2/18 Page 26Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor AMOUNT General Fund Dedicated Accounts 101,359.44 1 4,803.00 2 160,405.52 10 858.77 13 156,880.98 14 13,186.15 22 94,205.28 50 531,699.14 NameFundRecap by Fund General Revenue Fund Road And Bridge Fund Law Library Fund Capital Improvement Fund County Ditch Fund Solid Waste Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page | 1 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Tuesday, August 7, 2018 1. Authorize the issuance of an Otter Tail County Credit Card, having a 30-Day Limit of $1,000.00, to Elisabeth Ann Spilde, Assistant County Attorney as requested by Michelle Eldien, Otter Tail County Attorney. 2. Authorize the issuance of an Otter Tail County Credit Card having a 30-Day Limit of $1,000.00 to Benjamin Olson, Assistant County Attorney as requested by Michelle Eldien, Otter Tail County Attorney. 3. Authorize the issuance of an Otter Tail County Credit Card having a 30-Day Limit of $1,000.00 to Charles Benton Beery, Deputy as requested by Brian Schlueter, Otter Tail County Sheriff. 4. Approve the Application and Permit for a One Day Temporary On-Sale Liquor License as submitted by the Birak Shrine Club for an event scheduled for Saturday, August 11, 2018 at Amor Park located at 38065 Eldorado Beach Road. MSortnm MName1 MName2 BECKER,PERRY J & TINA M PERRY J & TINA M BECKER BYER,MERLE H & KIM H MERLE H & KIM H BYER DOLL,EUGENE J & CAROL JEAN EUGENE J & CAROL JEAN DOLL DYKHOFF,LAWRENCE & ADELINE LAWRENCE & ADELINE DYKHOFF EGGE,CHARLES CHARLES EGGE FLINK,LUKE LUKE FLINK GUCK,CHARLES R & JODI CHARLES R & JODI GUCK HOLZER,ADAM B ADAM B HOLZER HOLZER,CHARLENE A CHARLENE A HOLZER HUSS,WILMA TST WILMA HUSS TST KIMBALL,JACQUES G & AMY B JACQUES G & AMY B KIMBALL KLOVSTAD,CODY L ET AL CODY L KLOVSTAD ET AL LARSON,WAYNE A WAYNE A LARSON LASALLE STREET SERVICES LLC LASALLE STREET SERVICES LLC LAUGHLIN,THOMAS C & BERNICE M THOMAS C & BERNICE M LAUGHLIN LEIN,NICHOLAS F & SANDRA NICHOLAS F & SANDRA L LEIN LOERZEL,JAMES A JAMES A LOERZEL LOERZEL,JOSEPH A JOSEPH A LOERZEL MANN,DUANE C & CARLA M DUANE C & CARLA M MANN MARTODAM,ANNA ANNA MARTODAM MILLER,CHAD ET AL CHAD MILLER ET AL NELSON,DWAYNE T & SUSAN M DWAYNE T & SUSAN M NELSON REHBEIN,ARLIN & ALLEN ARLIN & ALLEN REHBEIN RIEPE FARMS INC RIEPE FARMS INC RIEPE,DONALD J DONALD J RIEPE RIEPE,JOSEPH & CLARA TST JOSEPH & CLARA RIEPE TST RIESTENBERG,ARTHUR & DOLORES ARTHUR & DOLORES RIESTENBERG RIESTENBERG,MARK & ANNETTE MARK & ANNETTE RIESTENBERG RUTTEN,JOHN C & CHERYL L JOHN C & CHERYL L RUTTEN SACRED HEART CEMETERY SACRED HEART CEMETERY SCHMITZ,MICHAEL J & STACI A MICHAEL J & STACI A SCHMITZ SCHULTES,CLARENCE & ELOISE CLARENCE & ELOISE SCHULTES TERNUS TST TERNUS TST TERNUS,GILBERT & TERESA GILBERT & TERESA TERNUS TOBKIN,NATHAN J NATHAN J TOBKIN TOBKIN,NATHAN J & JEAN L NATHAN J & JEAN L TOBKIN WERNER,ALBERT J ALBERT J WERNER WERNER,JOSEPH A & JESSIE D JOSEPH A & JESSIE D WERNER © 2018 Microsoft Corporation © 2018 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2018) Distribution Airbus DS 5000'PROJECTSITEWETLANDS(NWI)SECTIONLINESOTTERTAIL COUNTY, MN.PERHAM TWP.3200100'200'DateSheet NumberScaleProject Number1" = 100'C1.27/10/2018OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MN.5000' SITE PLANHWY 108 FARMRIESTENBERG PORK FARMSEC. 32, TWP. 136N, R. 39W EXISTINGWELL33' ROWPARCELLINES20' PARCELSETBACKHWY 10850' 146'100'197'383'387'234'150'NORTH LINE OFSECTION 32OTTERTAIL COUNTY, MN.PERHAM TWP.3200100'200'DateSheet NumberScaleProject Number1" = 100'C1.27/10/2018OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MN.SITE PLANHWY 108 FARMRIESTENBERG PORK FARMSEC. 32, TWP. 136N, R. 39W MSortnm MName1 ANDERSON,LARRY & RUTH TST LARRY & RUTH ANDERSON TST BEHRENS,DAVID & LINDSAY DAVID & LINDSAY BEHRENS BENSON,SHANNON A SHANNON A BENSON BERG,JOHN E & SUSAN M JOHN E & SUSAN M BERG BERNU,RHONDA M RHONDA M BERNU BJERKE,SCOTT & LAURA SCOTT & LAURA BJERKE BOEHM,CHARLES & VANESSA CHARLES & VANESSA BOEHM BRAMLEY,BRIAN T & AMY M BRIAN T & AMY M BRAMLEY BRAUCH,MICHAEL J & MARY K TSTS MICHAEL J & MARY K BRAUCH TSTS BREITENFELDT,DARYL D & STEVEN DARYL D & STEVEN BREITENFELDT BROWN,JEFFREY E & TRACY E JEFFREY E & TRACY E BROWN BUCHHOLZ,KEITH & RUTH KEITH & RUTH BUCHHOLZ BUCKINGHAM,THOMAS W & SUE THOMAS W & SUE BUCKINGHAM BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR CO BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR CO CARLSON,DONALD E & GLENICE M DONALD E & GLENICE M CARLSON CLEMENS,KATHLEEN J KATHLEEN J CLEMENS CURTIS,MARK & TONYA M MARK & TONYA M CURTIS CZECH,TERRI J ET AL TERRI J CZECH ET AL DOBSON,MICHAEL E & ROSEMARY MICHAEL E & ROSEMARY DOBSON DORN,KELLY S & WENDY J KELLY S & WENDY J DORN DYKHOFF,LAWRENCE & ADELINE LAWRENCE & ADELINE DYKHOFF EAGEN,JANE M JANE M EAGEN ESSER,JUSTIN R JUSTIN R ESSER FREMSTAD,JOEL M ET AL JOEL M FREMSTAD ET AL GALLAGHER,JAMES & TIM ROGERS JAMES GALLAGHER & TIM ROGERS GALZKI,JOHN A & MARY LOU JOHN A & MARY LOU GALZKI GLORVIGEN,JESSE & DANIELLE JESSE & DANIELLE GLORVIGEN GUNDERSON,JON M JON M GUNDERSON GUNDERSON,ZACHARY L ZACHARY L GUNDERSON HALSTENSGAARD,STEVEN LYNN STEVEN LYNN HALSTENSGAARD HANSON,CALEB & TRACEY L CALEB & TRACEY L HANSON HANSON,RONALD A & WENDY K RONALD A & WENDY K HANSON HARY,STEVEN J TST ET AL STEVEN HARY J TST ET AL HENNES,RICHARD A ET AL RICHARD A HENNES ET AL HILLSTROM,ROBERT D JR & KARIN ROBERT D JR & KARIN HILLSTROM HOFMANN TST HOFMANN TST HOLBROOK,ROBERT & CYNTHIA TST ROBERT & CYNTHIA HOLBROOK TST HUDSON,C CALE & RUTH N TSTEES C CALE & RUTH N HUDSON TSTEES HUEBSCH,ROBERT T & GAIL S ROBERT T & GAIL S HUEBSCH IACARELLA,DANIEL V & NANCY J DANIEL V & NANCY J IACARELLA IMM,BRUCE W & PATRICIA ANN BRUCE W & PATRICIA ANN IMM JANUSZEWSKI,KYLE & C PREUS KYLE JANUSZEWSKI & C PREUS JANUSZEWSKI,RANDY J & DEBRA M RANDY J & DEBRA M JANUSZEWSKI JENNIE O FOODS INC JENNIE O FOODS INC JOHNSON,JEFFREY L & LYNN M JEFFREY L & LYNN M JOHNSON KAWLEWSKI,ERNEST JR & CONNIE ERNEST JR & CONNIE KAWLEWSKI KESKITALO,AMY B AMY B KESKITALO KJELSHUS,RYAN M & MANDI J RYAN M & MANDI J KJELSHUS KOPPELMAN,BENJAMIN K & JULIE M BENJAMIN K & JULIE M KOPPELMAN KOPPELMAN,TOREY A & KIM A TOREY A & KIM A KOPPELMAN LACARELLA,DANIEL V & NANCY J DANIEL V & NANCY J LACARELLA LARSON,JERRY L & KATHRYN A JERRY L & KATHRYN A LARSON LEMIRE,RONALD & JEAN RONALD & JEAN LEMIRE LINE,KERMIT L & INEZ L KERMIT L & INEZ L LINE LINE,LEROY LEE LEROY LEE LINE MATTFELD,ALVIN & MARGARET ALVIN & MARGARET MATTFELD MEYER,DONALD B TST DONALD B MEYER TST MISCHKE,DONALD & KATHLEEN TSTS DONALD & KATHLEEN MISCHKE TSTS MITCHELL,JOSHUA M & HALEY L JOSHUA M & HALEY L MITCHELL MORGAN,TODD & AMY TODD & AMY MORGAN NOBLE,MARK S & LINDA MARK S & LINDA NOBLE NYBERG,JOHN W JOHN W NYBERG OAKES,JASON D & CAMILLLA R JASON D & CAMILLLA R OAKES OLSON,PHILLIP T PHILLIP T OLSON OLSON,PHILLIP T & JOANN PHILLIP T & JOANN OLSON PALUBICKI,RUSSELL D & SANDRA C RUSSELL D & SANDRA C PALUBICKI PALUBICKI,SANDRA C SANDRA C PALUBICKI PEDERSEN,STEVEN B & JANE EAGEN STEVEN B PEDERSEN & JANE EAGEN PETERSON,LAUREL A LAUREL A PETERSON PETERSON,MAURICE C & GAIL K MAURICE C & GAIL K PETERSON PETTIT,JEFFREY A ET AL JEFFREY A PETTIT ET AL PIEHL,THOMAS A THOMAS A PIEHL SCHOEBERL,MICHAEL A & VICKI L MICHAEL A & VICKI L SCHOEBERL SCHULTZ,GARY & BARBARA GARY & BARBARA SCHULTZ SCHULTZ,LANCE A & APRIL D LANCE A & APRIL D SCHULTZ SIELING,ROBERT A & DEBRA TSTS ROBERT A & DEBRA SIELING TSTS SIMS,TERESA J TERESA J SIMS SMITH,WANDA WANDA SMITH SOUPIR,DAROLD J & CLAUDIA K DAROLD J & CLAUDIA K SOUPIR SPRINGER,THOMAS & BETTY J THOMAS & BETTY J SPRINGER STINE,LEROY D LEROY D STINE STOHS,BONNIE S BONNIE S STOHS SUNSHINE VILLA HOMEOWNERS INC SUNSHINE VILLA HOMEOWNERS INC TASTAD,RONALD & LORETTA RONALD & LORETTA TASTAD THARALDSON,JERRY & CAROL JERRY & CAROL THARALDSON THEISEN,TIMOTHY & CHRISTINA TIMOTHY & CHRISTINA THEISEN THOMPSON,ROBIN RAY ROBIN RAY THOMPSON THURSTON,GENE & JOLYNN GENE & JOLYNN THURSTON TO THE PUBLIC TO THE PUBLIC VANDERMAY,RICHARD J & DANELLE RICHARD J & DANELLE VANDERMAY VANWATERMULEN,TROY K ET AL TROY K VANWATERMULEN ET AL VON RUDEN,CRAIG A & VIRGINIA CRAIG A & VIRGINIA VON RUDEN VON RUDEN,CURTIS H & CRAIG A CURTIS M & CRAIG A VON RUDEN VON RUDEN,JUDITH JUDITH VON RUDEN WANDERI,DALE R & KAREN E DALE R & KAREN E WANDERI WARD,JUDITH K TST JUDITH K WARD TST WEATHERHEAD,SAM III SAM WEATHERHEAD III WENSMAN,JANEL JANEL WENSMAN WILSON,STEVEN R & WANDA J STEVEN R & WANDA J WILSON 5000'RADIUSSITELOCATIONPROTECTEDWATER BASIN(PWI)PROTECTEDWETLAND(PWI)PROTECTEDWETLAND(PWI)WETLAND(NWI)WETLAND(NWI)WETLAND(NWI)PROTECTEDWATERCOURSE(PWI)SECTION LINES5000'RADIUSOTTERTAIL COUNTY, MN.PINE LAKE TWP.2200100'200'DateSheet NumberScaleProject Number1" = 1000'C1.27/10/2018OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MN.5000' SITE PLANTURCO - BROOD SITEJOTSSEC. 22, TWP. 136N, R. 38W 177'243'103'263'302'771'709'244'757'20' PARCELSETBACK33' ROW20' PARCELSETBACK20' PARCELSETBACKEXISTINGWELLPARCELLINEHWY 53WETLAND(NWI)WETLAND(NWI)SE LINEOF SECTION 22OTTERTAIL COUNTY, MN.PINE LAKE TWP.2200100'200'DateSheet NumberScaleProject Number1" = 100'C1.27/10/2018OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MN.SITE PLANTURCO - BROOD SITEJOTSSEC. 22, TWP. 136N, R. 38W Page | 1 NON-CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Tuesday, August 7, 2018 1. Motion by , seconded by and unanimously carried, to approve a transfer, in the amount of $33,163.75 from the Capital Improvement Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund for the purchase of a 2018 GMC Sierra 2500 HD Pickup from Nelson Auto Center. *Note – the acquisition was previously approved by the Finance Committee (Code CIC201821) 2. Motion by , second by and unanimously carried, to appoint Commissioner _______________ and Commissioner __________ to the County Canvassing Board for the August 14, 2018 State Primary Election. *Note – the canvassing Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 17, 2018 at the Government Services Center.