HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 05/01/20182.1 Draft CB Minutes for 04.24.18 2.2 County Bills~Warrants 3.0 DWI Court Proclamation 2018 3.0 DWI Court Program 4.0 Evavold Easement 4.0 Mark Easement 4.0 Rengstorf Easement 4.0 Todd Abby Volden Easement 4.0 USFWS Easements 6.0 Boating Patrol Grant Agreement 7.0 Legal Assitant Hiring Request - Additional Hours 7.0 New Admin Specialist Position 8.0 Human Services 2017 Annual Report 8.0 Human Services Quarterly Report 9.0 Highway Agenda Items BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA PACKET January 23, 2018 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN April 24, 2018 9:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:32 a.m. Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chair; Roger Froemming, Vice-Chair; John Lindquist, Lee Rogness and Doug Huebsch present. Vice-Chair Froemming was absent at 11:53 a.m. Approval of Agenda Chairman Johnson called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of April 24, 2018, with the following modifications: Remove License Suspension Appeal Procedure, and add Underwood Lions Club Discussion PLMSWA Equipment Update Consent Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. April 10, 2018 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for April 24, 2018 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services Bills & Claims 4. Request for Approval of West Central Ag-Air, Inc. Authorization Letter 5. Approve 2018 Tobacco License for Pelican Hills 6. Approve Application for Exempt Permit for an Event for August 5, 2018, at St. Lawrence Church 7. Approve Issuance of Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License for Event at St. Lawrence Church 8. Approve Issuance of On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License for Heisler’s Country Pub for 07/01/18 - 06/30/19 9. Approve Final Payment to Tri-City Paving for S.A.P. 056-606-012 & Etc. County Engineer Appointment Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute a Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Charles Grotte to appoint Mr. Grotte as the Otter Tail County Highway Engineer as authorized by M.S. §163.07. The appointment is effective May 1, 2018, for a four-year term. Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority (PLMSWA) Commissioner Huebsch reported that new equipment has been installed at the Perham Resource Recovery Facility and is working good disposing of more garbage and increasing steam sales. Further testing will be performed the end of May. Discussion took place regarding options for recycling of demolition materials. The County Administrator will facilitate a meeting with the Otter Tail County Public Works Committee and PLMSWA Officials to continue discussions regarding recycling and best practices for garbage disposal. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 2 Feral/Stray Cats Mona and Kenneth Anderson, residing at 34314 West Deer Lake Road, spoke with the Board about feral cats coming onto their property from a neighbor’s property. Cat feces are all over their lawn and beach and they expressed health concerns. The Humane Society and Public Health Department trapped many cats last year; however, the Anderson’s are concerned with the same problem this year. Ms. Anderson requested the County develop an Animal Control Department. Discussion continued regarding the County’s Animal Control Ordinance, the Humane Society’s role and various State Statutes, e.g. §346.08. Commissioners requested that the Public Health Director and County Attorney review current law regarding feral cats and return to the Board with a recommendation to regulate stray cats. Underwood Lions Club Update Public Health Director Diane Thorson reported that the Underwood Lions Club decided not to upgrade their events permit to a seasonal permit. They have decided to keep their permit which allows them to sponsor up to ten (10) events per year. MEDICARE RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 - 33 Whereas, Otter Tail County Public Health became a Medicare Part B Certified Provider as of October 9, 2002 with the assigned Medicare provider number of 870000827, and Whereas, Otter Tail County Public Health was assigned the National Provider Identification Number of 1023001260 on 08/23/2005, and Whereas, a Provider Revalidation Request has been received to update and certify provider information in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Section 6401 (a), and Whereas, Otter Tail County is required to attest that as a governmental organization it will be legally and financially responsible in the event that there is an outstanding debt owed to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and Whereas, Diane Thorson, the Otter Tail County Public Health Director, has been appointed as the authorized official for the Otter Tail County Public Health Department and had been given the authority to legally and financially bind the organization to the laws, regulations, and program instructions of the Medicare Program, and Whereas, Jody Lien, the Otter Tail County Assistant Public Health Director, has been appointed as the delegated official for the Otter Tail County Public Health Department and has been give the authority to legally and financially bind the organization to the laws, regulations and program instructions of the Medicare Program, in the absence of the Authorized Official. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Froemming, duly seconded by Commissioner Huebsch and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming, and Rogness Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 24th day of April 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 3 Donation of Equipment to Schools Public Health Director Diane Thorson reported that the Public Health Department will no longer provide vision and hearing screening in the schools. Ms. Thorson indicated that this is a school responsibility. The Public Health staff is working with the schools for transitioning the screening and are promoting annual well-child exams which include hearing and vision screening. Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to donate the following vision and hearing test equipment to schools in Otter Tail County on a first come, first serve basis: Maico Ma25 Audiometer Glasses Preschool Tiger occulers Maico Ma25 Audiometer Glasses Preschool Plastic frame occuler Maico Ma25 Audiometer Block set Maico Ma27 Audiometer Lamenated feet for floor Maico Ma27 Audiometer Sloan 10 ft Eye chart GSI 18 Audiometer Note: Needs new earphones HOTV 10 ft Eye chart with card Color Vision Testing Made Easy Books Focal object stick Pen lights Occuler - hand held Glasses +2.50 strength Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program Economic Development Director Nick Leonard and University of Minnesota Manager, Peter Lindstrom, presented a packet of information regarding the PACE program. PACE is a financing tool to help businesses and other entities that own their properties implement energy efficient or renewable energy projects. An energy audit and/or assessment is part of the process. The Saint Paul Port Authority administers the PACE program. If the County is interested in this program, the County would need to sign an agreement with the Port Authority and place a voluntary assessment on the applicable property for energy efficient measures. The term for payoff on a project is generally ten (10) years. Commissioner Rogness introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, the reading of which had been dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE PORT AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT AND ADMINISTER A PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY IMPROVEMENT FINANCING ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AS NEEDED IN CONNECTION WITH THAT PROGRAM Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 - 34 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail (the “County”), as follows: 1. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the “Port Authority”) has established the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (“MinnPACE”) to finance the acquisition and construction or installation of energy efficiency and conservation improvements (the “Improvements”), on properties located throughout the State of Minnesota through the use of special assessments pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 216C.435 and 216C.436 and Chapter 429 and 471.59 (the “Act”). 2. In order to finance the Improvements, the County hereby determines that it is beneficial to participate in MinnPACE, and to designate the Port Authority as the implementor and administrator of that program on behalf of the County for purposes of financing Improvements located within the County. 3. The County understands that the Port Authority may obtain funding from designated lending institutions or may issue its MinnPACE special assessment revenue bond(s) to finance the Improvements, and that the sole security for the loan(s) or bond(s) will be special assessments imposed by the governmental entity participating in MinnPACE. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 4 4. To facilitate and encourage the financing of Improvements located within the County, the County covenants to levy assessments for said Improvements on the property so benefitted, in accordance with the Application and Petition for Special Assessments received from the owner(s) of the Property and approved by the Port Authority. The interest rate on the Special Assessments shall be the interest rate on the Loan(s) or Bond(s) and may include additional interest. 5. After imposition of the special assessments, the County shall collect such assessments and remit them to the Port Authority for use in the repayment of the Loan(s) or Bond(s). The County will take all actions permitted by law to recover the assessments, including without limitation, reinstating the outstanding balance of assessments when the land returns to private ownership, in accordance with Minn. Stat. Section 429.071, Subd. 4. 6. The County Administrator or the County Auditor-Treasurer are authorized to execute on behalf of the County, any documents, certificates or agreements necessary to implement the program authorized by this resolution. 7. This resolution is contingent upon the review and approval of the County Attorney. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Lindquist and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming and Rogness and the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 24th day of April 2018 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk Broadband Feasibility Study Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to accept the Otter Tail County Broadband Feasibility Study dated February 11, 2018, developed by CCG Consulting and Finley Engineering. The Communications Team will work to disseminate the information in the Broadband Study to the public, collect data from potential broadband users and facilitate several public outreach meetings throughout the County. Center for Rural Policy and Development Chapter Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a chapter drafted for publication with the Center for Rural Policy and Development as submitted by the Economic Development Director. The subject of the chapter is on the balance between economic and environmental sustainability. Human Services Contract Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Good Life Services, Inc. for providing semi-independent living skills for persons with developmental disabilities or related conditions, at a cost of $35.64 per hour, for the period of April 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 5 Planning Commission Recommendations Conditional Use Permit - Ace A. Brandt / Pelican Properties: Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to replace existing riprap with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal is in Tract A of Res Land Survey #14 and Tract B Registered Land Survey #14, Section 11 of Scambler Township; Pelican Lake (56-786), GD. Conditional Use Permit - Otter Tail County Highway Department: Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to replace deficient Bridge No. 7267 located on CSAH 15 in Orwell Township over the Otter Tail River as presented. The project is at a Crossing of CSAH 15 and Otter Tail River in Gov’t Lots 4 & 5, Section 26 of Orwell Township. Old Bridge No. 7267, New Bridge No. 56544. Project No. S.A.P. 056-615-018; Otter Tail River (56-OTR), AG. Conditional Use Permit - Otter Tail County Highway Department: Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit for S.A.P. 056-601-054, reconstruction of CSAH 1 from 0.2 miles East of CSAH 10 to CSAH 35 as presented. The project is located from a point 845 feet West of the North Quarter Corner of Section 4-T133N-R42W to the Southeast Corner of Section 32-T134N-R41W (CSAH 1 from 0.2 miles East of CSAH 10 to CSAH 35). From Station 461+00 to 466+50 and Station 682+50 to 690+00 are within the Shoreland Area, totaling 1,300 feet; West Lost Lake (56-481), NE & Holtz Lake (56-661), NE. Conditional Use Permit - J and K’s Sunset Bay, Inc./Sunset Bay Resort: Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to add 1 cabin, 4 campsites and a storage building/garage with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. This proposal would include all site work, septic system, and well to service the project. The project is in the S 550’ of Lot 4, Section 16 of Dead Lake Township; Dead Lake (56-383), NE. Conditional Use Permit – Wee Villa Resort/Cory Budke: Motion by Huebsch, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to spread soil from Ditch #1, put in a basketball court, and add a deck to a cabin with a condition as recommended by the Planning Commission. The property is in Lot 4 Ex Trs (36.06 Acres), Section 14 of Elizabeth Township; Long Lake (56-784), RD. Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force Discussion took place regarding the proposed 2018 funds for the Otter Tail County Coalition of Lake Associations (COLA) and the AIS funding available at this time. Motion by Rogness, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to authorize $30,000 funding to the Otter Tail County COLA for prevention of the spread of AIS. Additional funding will be reconsidered after the Local AIS Prevention Aid disbursement takes place in July 2018. AIS Chair Bernie Steeves reported that water testing data will be available on 110 lakes and solutions to various potential problems will be provided to the local lake associations. Land & Resource Management Fee Schedule Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the updated Land & Resource Management Fee Schedule dated April 24, 2018 with changes to the Site & Lot Alteration (Combined) Permit Application fees as submitted by the Land & Resource Management Director and attached as Exhibit B. Plat Extension Request Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a Final Plat extension request of Scott Manthe to October 1, 2018, for “The Beach on Crystal Lake” to complete earthmoving under the Conditional Use Permit to complete the road to service the plat. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 6 Planning Commission Appointment Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to appoint Bruce Stone of Perham, MN, to the Otter Tail County Planning Commission to complete the term of Robert Schwartz. Board of Adjustment Appointment Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to appoint Doug Larson of Fergus Falls, MN, to the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment to complete the term of Chris McConn. IN RECOGNITION OF WILLIAM E. KALAR’S PUBLIC SERVICE AS THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATOR Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 - 35 The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Huebsch who moved to recognize and honor the public service of Bill Kalar as the Otter Tail County Land and Resource Management Administrator: WHEREAS, Mr. Kalar has served Otter Tail County since February 1, 1979; and WHEREAS, during Mr. Kalar’s 14,355 days of public service to Otter Tail County, he has served as an Assistant Solid Waste Officer, a Zoning Inspector, a Lead Zoning Inspector, Acting Director and, since July 1, 1991, has served as the Director and Administrator of the Land and Resource Management Department, making Bill the longest serving Land and Resource Management Administrator in the history of Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, Bill’s oath of office has solemnly sworn to support the Constitution of the United States and that of the State of Minnesota, and has faithfully discharged the duties of Administrator of the Otter Tail County Department of Land and Resource Management to the best of his judgement and abilities; and WHEREAS, such duties have included, but are not limited to, a range of functions, including: • Outstanding service to the public • “Door-to-door” field survey work for the Otter Tail Lake E.I.S. (1980) • Service as “recorder, technical advisor, researcher, illustrator and custodian of all files and recorder” for Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment meetings and hearings • Serving in a lead role in the development, management and enforcement of Otter Tail County’s Shoreland Management Ordinance, Sanitation Code, Buffer Ordinance, and Subdivisions Controls Ordinance • Responsibility for the implementation of the County’s environmental rules and/or policies as established by the County Board; directing the operation of the Land & Resource Management Office; interpreting and managing County Environmental Ordinances and State Law, as well as staff supervision, determining office policy, operational guidelines, and staff requirements; and WHEREAS, although Bill was quite satisfied with his 1979 monthly pay of $600 and annual salary of $7,200, he is grateful for Otter Tail County’s support and generosity over the years; and WHEREAS, Bill left the safety and security of his hometown of International Falls, MN and for the past 40 years has devoted himself to serving the community of Fergus Falls (the undisputed inspiration for Rocky and Bullwinkle’s Frostbite Falls) in a variety of volunteer activities, including his “early years” as a baseball coach, track coach, umpire, etc. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 7 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognizes the many years of professional service, guidance and advice provided by Bill, and we express our utmost gratitude and appreciation for his many years of dedicated public service to the residents of Otter Tail County and the State of Minnesota The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Commissioner Froemming and, after discussion and commendation thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the resolution was adopted unanimously at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 24th day of April 2018. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk Recess & Reconvene At 11:35 a.m., Chairman Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The County Board meeting was reconvened at 11:40 a.m. Election Equipment Purchase Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the Sales Order Agreement for the acquisition of 83 DS200 Ballot Tabulator at a cost of $362,395.50 and on the Purchase Order for acquisition of one EVS Reporting Standard System at a cost of $3,532.67. A grant for the equipment was received in the amount of $77,847.65. Game & Fish Licensing Terminal Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to return the Game & Fish Licensing Terminal back to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) because of the minimal usage. Fish & Game Licenses are available at many locations throughout the County. TAX-FORFEITED LAND CONVEYANCE GOVERNMENT ACQUISITION CITY OF PELICAN RAPIDS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018- 36 Upon motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was offered and adopted: WHEREAS, The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on Wednesday December 23, 1992 approved, by resolution, the request from the City of Pelican Rapids to acquire for an authorized public use the following described parcel of tax-forfeited land: Parcel No. 76-000-22-0016-000 Section 22 Township 136 Range 43 West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W½ SW¼) Except Jacob’s Addition, Except R. J. Miller Addition, and Except Tracts; and Parcel No. 76-000-21-0004-000 Section 21 township 136 Range 43 SE1/4 SE1/4 WHEREAS, the request from the City of Pelican Rapids identified the authorized public use of the above reference parcel exclusively for the land spreading of sludge from the City of Pelican Rapids Wastewater Treatment Facility; and OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 8 WHEREAS, based upon the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners’ recommendation, the Commissioner of Revenue did on Friday, January 22, 1993, by State Deed No. 0178452 and State Deed No. 0178453, convey the above described tax-forfeited land to the City of Pelican Rapids for the authorized public use as stated above; and WHEREAS, State Deed No. 0178452 and State Deed No. 0178453 was recorded on January 28, 1993 with the Otter Tail County Recorder’s office as Document No. 740033 and Document No. 740034; and WHEREAS, The City of Pelican Rapids after determining that the following described property was no longer needed exclusively for the land spreading of sludge did on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 by Resolution No. 2017-13 conveyed the following described property, which is a portion of Parcel 76-000-21-0004-000 and 76-000-22-0016-000, to the State of Minnesota: All that part of the West Half (W½) of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼), Section 22, Township 136, Range 43, lying both southerly of: southerly boundary line of the Northerly 20 rods of said West Half (W½) of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼) and northerly of: the northerly boundary line, the westerly extension of the northerly boundary line and the easterly extension of the northerly boundary line, of the following described real property: RESERVE LOT “A” EXCEPT THE EASTERLY 16 FEET THEREOF, of MOBROTEN’S ADDITION, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, this reconveyance was approved by the Minnesota Department of Revenue on Monday, June 26, 2017 and recorded on Friday, June 30, 2017 as Document No. 1192761; and WHEREAS, The City of Pelican Rapids has determined that another portion of Parcel 76-000-21-0004-000 and 76-000-22-0016-000 described as follows is no longer needed exclusively for the land spreading of sludge from the City of Pelican Rapids Wastewater Treatment Facility: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 136 North, Range 43 West, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, located within the boundaries of the following described tract: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 1, R. J. MILLER ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence on an assumed bearing of North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 1 and along the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 108, a distance of 191.02 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West and parallel with the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 449.77 feet; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds West 250.15 feet; thence South 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 450.27 feet to said northerly right-of-way line; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 195.97 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 54.17 feet to the point of beginning (abstracted from City Resolution No. 2018-06); and All that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 136 North, Range 43 West, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, located within the boundaries of the following described tract: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 1, R. J. MILLER ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence on an assumed bearing of North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 1 and along the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 108, a distance of 191.02 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West and parallel with the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 449.77 feet; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds West 250.15 feet; thence South 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 450.27 feet to said northerly right-of-way line; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 195.97 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 54.17 feet to the point of beginning (abstracted from City Resolution No. 2018-07); and OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 9 WHEREAS, The City of Pelican Rapids has passed City Resolution No. 2018-06 and City Resolution No. 2018-07 granting, conveying and quit claiming the above described property to the State of Minnesota: and WHEREAS, The City of Pelican Rapids has submitted Minnesota Department of Revenue PT Forms 976 for the purpose of reconveyance to the State of Minnesota that portion of the previously acquired tax-forfeited land, as described above, that the City of Pelican Rapids no longer requires for the authorized public use as stated in State Deed No. 0178452 and State Deed No. 0178453; and WHEREAS, The City of Pelican Rapids has identified that the highest and best use of the land that is no longer required for the authorized public use is to make that land available to the City of Pelican Rapids for the purpose of creating additional affordable housing units within the City; and WHEREAS, The City of Pelican Rapids upon completion of the reconveyance process, the approval of the reconveyance to the State of Minnesota by the Commissioners of Revenue, the filing of the approved Minnesota Department of Revenue PT Forms 976 by the Commissioner of Revenue with the Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer’s office and the recording of the approved Minnesota Department of Revenue PT Forms 976 by the County Auditor-Treasurer with the County Recorder Offices, does hereby respectfully request that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners approve the purchase, by the City of Pelican Rapids, of the re-conveyed tax-forfeited land for an authorized public purpose (affordable housing); and WHEREAS, It is the intention of the City of Pelican Rapids to use the above described property for a housing project, which will provide safe, decent, affordable, sanitary rental housing for residents of the City of Pelican Rapids. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that the request of the City of Pelican Rapids to purchase the following described tax-forfeited parcels is hereby approved conditioned upon the successful completion of the re-conveyance process by the City of Pelican Rapids, the approval of the re-conveyance to the State of Minnesota by the Commissioner of Revenue, the filing of Minnesota Department of Revenue PT Forms 976 by the Commissioner of Revenue with the County Auditor- Treasurer’s office and the recording of Minnesota Department of Revenue PT Forms 976 by the County Auditor-Treasurer with the County Recorder’s office: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 136 North, Range 43 West, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, located within the boundaries of the following described tract: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 1, R. J. MILLER ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence on an assumed bearing of North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 1 and along the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 108, a distance of 191.02 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West and parallel with the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 449.77 feet; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds West 250.15 feet; thence South 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 450.27 feet to said northerly right-of-way line; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 195.97 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 54.17 feet to the point of beginning; and All that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 136 North, Range 43 West, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, located within the boundaries of the following described tract: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 1, R. J. MILLER ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence on an assumed bearing of North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 1 and along the northerly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 108, a distance of 191.02 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 10 and parallel with the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 449.77 feet; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds West 250.15 feet; thence South 01 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 450.27 feet to said northerly right-of-way line; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 01 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 195.97 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said northerly right-of-way line, 54.17 feet to the point of beginning; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that it is their desire to set the basic sale price of this parcel at $0.00 and to allow the City of Pelican Rapids to purchase this property for the total of the applicable fees for the following reasons: 1.) the property has been held by the City of Pelican Rapids since 1993 for an authorized public use; 2.) the intended use of this property is to create additional affordable housing which is needed significantly in Otter Tail County and specifically in the City of Pelican Rapids, 3.) requiring purchase at full market value or even a significantly reduce market value will negatively impact the proposed housing project and, 4) the conditional use restriction is scheduled to be released Sunday, January 22, 2023, which is 30 years form the date the state deeds were acknowledged at which time the City of Pelican Rapids could use this property for any authorized public purpose. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk Buffalo-Red River Watershed District (BRRWD) Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to appoint Peter Fjestad as Otter Tail County’s representative to the BRRWD Board. Highway Department Projects Bid Award – S.A.P. 056-635-037 & Etc: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to award the Highway 35 resurface project to the low bidder, Mark Sand & Gravel Co. of Fergus Falls, MN, in the bid amount of $4,062,005.04. Bid Award – S.A.P. 056-612-012 & S.A.P. 056-635-034: Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to concur with the award of the reconstruction of CSAH No. 12 and 35, by the City of Dalton, to the low bidder, Crow River Construction of New London, MN, in the bid amount of $6,146,003.75. The County’s share of the work is $2,418,582.00. Contract for C.P. 18:TM – AAA Striping Co: Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute a Highway Maintenance Contract between the County of Otter Tail and AAA Striping Service Co. for County Wide Traffic Marking. Contract for S.A.P. 056-608-029 & Etc. – Morris Sealcoat & Trucking, Inc: Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute a Highway Maintenance Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Morris Sealcoat & Trucking, Inc. for County Wide Seal Coat. Contract for Seasonal Supply of Hot Mix Bituminous – Central Specialties, Inc: Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute Contracts between the County of Otter Tail and Central Specialties, Inc. for seasonal supply of bituminous for East, West, and North Otter Tail County. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Page 11 Contract for Seasonal Supply of Hot Mix Bituminous – Mark Sand & Gravel Co: Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute Contracts between the County of Otter Tail and Mark Sand & Gravel Co. for seasonal supply of bituminous for East, West, and North Otter Tail County. Contract for Right-of-Way Brush and Weed Control – L & M Road Service LLC: Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute Contracts between the County of Otter Tail and L & M Road Service, LLC for Brush Control and Weed Control for East and West Otter Tail County. Contract for C.P. 18:CS – Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC: Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute a Highway Maintenance Contract between the County of Otter Tail and Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC for the CSAH crack sealing project. Glendalough State Park Trail Center: Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the letter of support for Glendalough State Park Trail Center bonding in HF 2910 and SF 3074 as submitted by the Assistant Highway Engineer. Chemical Addiction Recovery Enterprise (C.A.R.E.) Administrator John Dinsmore reported that the MN DHS C.A.R.E. substance abuse treatment services are expected to resume in the fall of 2018. Admissions have been suspended since February 2018. Adjournment At 12:25 p.m., a motion was offered by Lindquist, seconded by Rogness and unanimously carried to declare the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 2018. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 4/24/2018 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 2 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 3 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 4 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit A, Page 5 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit B, Page 1 OTTER TAIL COUNTY LAND & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WWW.CO.OTTER-TAIL.MN.US GOVERNMENT SERVICES CENTER 540 WEST FIR AVENUE 218-998-8095 FERGUS FALLS, MN 56537 FAX: 218-998-8112 FEE SCHEDULE – April 24, 2018 (All Fees Are Non-Refundable) Make Checks Payable to: “Otter Tail County Treasurer” After-the-Fact Request 1,000.00 Plus Normal Fee Appeal 300.00 Conditional Use Permit Application Includes State Legislative Recording Fee - $46.00 Topographical Alteration / Extractive 500.00 Commercial / PUD / Miscellaneous 500.00 Interim Use Permit Application 500.00 Includes State Legislative Recording Fee - $46.00 Lot Alteration Permit Application Impervious Surface 0-100 ft2 50.00 101-500 ft2 75.00 501 or more ft2 100.00 Lot Alteration Permit 0-20 yds3 75.00 21-100 yds3 100.00 101-500 yds3 175.00 501-1,000 yds3 250.00 Pre-Application Inspection 75.00 Restrictive Layer Verification 75.00 Sewage System Permit Application Basic Licensed Installer & Privies 175.00 Self-Install 350.00 Advanced 0-2,500 GPD 300.00 2,501-5,000 GPD 500.00 5,001-10,000 GPD 1,000.00 Operating Permit Renewal 100.00 Site & Lot Alteration (Combined) Permit Application 0-260 ft2 and 0 yds3 150.00 0-260 ft2 and 1-20 yds3 225.00 0-260 ft2 and 21-100 yds3 250.00 0-260 ft2 and 101-500 yds3 325.00 0-260 ft2 and 501-1,000 yds3 400.00 261-1,000 ft2 and 0 yds3 200.00 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 24, 2018 Exhibit B, Page 2 261-1,000 ft2 and 1-20 yds3 275.00 261-1,000 ft2 and 21-100 yds3 300.00 261-1,000 ft2 and 101-500 yds3 375.00 261-1,000 ft2 and 501-1,000 yds3 450.00 1,001- ft2 or Larger and 0 yds3 250.00 1,001 ft2 or Larger and 1-20 yds3 325.00 1,001 ft2 or Larger and 21-100 yds3 350.00 1,001 ft2 or Larger and 101-500 yds3 425.00 1,001 ft2 or Larger and 501-1,000 yds3 500.00 Subdivision Filing Fee 650.00 Plus 50.00 Per Lot Variance Application 500.00 Includes State Legislative Recording Fee - $46.00 Wind Energy Conversion System Permit Application Non-Commercial 150.00 Commercial 275.00 Make Checks Payable to: “Otter Tail County Recorder” Final Plat $ 56.00 Set by State Legislature Common Interest Community $ 56.00 Set by State Legislature Covenants $ 46.00 Set by State Legislature LR: Fee Schedule 2018 04-24-2018 csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: 4/26/18 Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: N Y D 4 N D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 11:47AM csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula 11DT-1NMQ-74WW Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 575.00 9,599.96 49.96 32.27 37.10 45.19 1,930.90 500.00 75.00 18.91 49.95 9,283.26 43.50 204.34 10.48 9.38 30.10 32.27 37.10 45.19 1,830.90 100.00 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 13877 ADMFG, INC 01-121-000-0000-6239 LARGE GROCERY TOTES 5230 MDVA Grant 01-121-000-0000-6406 SHIPPING OF GROCERY TOTES 5231 Office Supplies 2 Transactions13877 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC 01-061-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P RAZOR SCRAPER 1FG4-GHV4-RKG4 Office Supplies 01-061-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P WALLMOUNT 1FNT-NRFF-NTXM Office Supplies 01-061-000-0000-6680 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P CISCO PORT 1KL4-QCFP-HKNN Computer Hardware 02-612-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P ZENPAD CASES Office Supplies 02-612-000-0000-6406 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P ASUS ZENPADS 1RHF-93L3-VLQR Office Supplies 5 Transactions14386 13620 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 50-000-000-0000-6290 ACCT 160002035 1601616696 Contracted Services 50-390-000-0000-6290 ACCT 160002035 1601616696 Contracted Services. 50-399-000-0000-6290 ACCT 160002035 1601616696 Contracted Services. 3 Transactions13620 2176 ANDERSON/SCOTT 14-214-000-0000-6689 MEALS - EMD TRAINING 4/2/18 Prior Year Accumulations-911 1 Transactions2176 31037 BECKER CO SHERIFF 01-091-000-0000-6369 SUBPOEANA - A LABBE IN201800537 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions31037 15046 BERG/PRESTON 01-201-000-0000-6526 KNIT HAT W/ LOGO - HOLDER 4/9/18 Uniforms 1 Transactions15046 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 01-149-000-0000-6354 UNIT 1007 REPAIRS 7592C89D Insurance Claims 01-201-000-0000-6396 TOW CF 18009351 28527 Special Investigation 2 Transactions31803 13535 BHH PARTNERS Otter Tail County Auditor ADMFG, INC AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC ANDERSON/SCOTT BECKER CO SHERIFF BERG/PRESTON BEYER BODY SHOP INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 2,994.24 186.29 19.80 3,732.75 216.00 128.63 18,280.00 67.64 872.50 2,994.24 186.29 19.80 3,732.75 216.00 128.63 18,280.00 67.64 872.50 78.76 Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-705-106-1013-6290 PROJECT 414113.0 4/10/18 Contracted Services. 1 Transactions13535 3095 BRANDNER/STEVE 01-201-000-0000-6526 SHIRTS/HOLSTER 4/20/18 Uniforms 1 Transactions3095 10519 BRASEL/RYAN 01-250-000-0000-6224 MEAL DURING TRANSPORT 3/23/18 Prisioner Conveyance 1 Transactions10519 386 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 10-303-000-0000-6278 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions386 3957 BRAUN VENDING INC 01-112-000-0000-6404 9 CASES WALLINGFORD COFFEE 040492 Coffee Supplies 1 Transactions3957 14956 BREEN COMPANIES, INC 01-250-000-0000-6406 ROUTING SLIPS I30015 Office Supplies 1 Transactions14956 1227 CARR'S TREE SERVICE 10-302-000-0000-6350 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 1 Transactions1227 15044 CASHIER DEPOT CORP 01-201-000-0000-6406 ACCT 25066 ENVELOPES P1815081 Office Supplies 1 Transactions15044 11448 CENTRAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 01-112-000-0000-6319 SNOWPLOWING MAR 2018 503 Snow Removal 1 Transactions11448 5580 CITIZENS ADVOCATE 01-123-000-0000-6240 BOA MTG APR 12 16138 Publishing & Advertising Otter Tail County Auditor BHH PARTNERS BRANDNER/STEVE BRASEL/RYAN BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRAUN VENDING INC BREEN COMPANIES, INC CARR'S TREE SERVICE CASHIER DEPOT CORP CENTRAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 78.76 1,183.00 158.57 170.00 348.48 356.25 348.98 168.00 33.99 1,183.00 158.57 170.00 7.99 130.00 172.00 38.49 356.25 348.98 168.00 33.99 Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions5580 12058 CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES 50-000-000-0000-6290 OFFICE CLEANING MAR 2018 PA043897 Contracted Services 1 Transactions12058 608 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 10-303-000-0000-6278 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions608 7479 CONCEPT CATERING 02-219-000-0000-6369 MEALS - TRAINING 4/18/18 520949 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions7479 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 01-031-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988076 PLUG IN 427166 Office Supplies 01-112-000-0000-6342 ACCT 2189988050 LABOR 427074 Service Agreements 01-112-109-0000-6572 ACCT 2189988050 WORK SURFACE 427078 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-601-000-0000-6406 ACCT 2189988760 SUPPLIES 427207 Office Supplies 4 Transactions32603 15018 CYBERSPROUT LLC 02-102-000-0000-6369 WEBSITE SETUP - FEB CHARGES 836 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions15018 36 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY 50-399-000-0000-6485 ACCT 227162 SUPPLIES 23933 Custodian Supplies 1 Transactions36 35011 DAILY JOURNAL/THE 01-122-000-0000-6243 ACCT 101994800012382 2025 Subscriptions 1 Transactions35011 14949 DAKOTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 01-149-000-0000-6210 THERMAL LABEL ROLL 1754 Postage & Postage Meter 1 Transactions14949 Otter Tail County Auditor CITIZENS ADVOCATE CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION CONCEPT CATERING COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CYBERSPROUT LLC DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL/THE DAKOTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula DAKOTA COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURER'S OFFICE DAKOTA MAILING & SHIPPING EQUIPMENT INC Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 14,758.00 268.71 156.25 104.44 6,221.00 183,938.35 5,016.00 14,758.00 268.71 156.25 59.44 45.00 2,186.00 4,035.00 36,787.67 36,787.67 36,787.67 36,787.67 36,787.67 5,016.00 331.43 Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 13723 01-002-000-0000-6241 2018 MICA MEMBERSHIP DUES 5/1/18 Membership Dues 1 Transactions13723 15041 01-149-000-0000-6210 ACCT OT00 RED INK CARTRIDGE AR22086 Postage & Postage Meter 1 Transactions15041 11391 DOUBLE A CATERING 02-705-000-1010-6290 25 MEALS 4/10/18 Broadband Study 1 Transactions11391 14064 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 01-091-000-0000-6369 SUBPOENA - F LARSEN 20180000310 Miscellaneous Charges 01-091-000-0000-6369 SUBPOENA - P RICHARDS 20180000317 Miscellaneous Charges 2 Transactions14064 13525 EJ'S FLOOR COVERING 01-112-108-0000-6673 INSTALL FLOORING IN PH 0020888 Remodeling Projects 01-112-108-0000-6673 MATERIALS FOR HR 0020889 Remodeling Projects 2 Transactions13525 7407 ERICKSON CHEVROLET-PONTIAC INC 14-201-000-0000-6687 2018 CHEVY TAHOE UNIT 1803 E813 Equipment-Current Year 14-201-000-0000-6687 2018 CHEVY TAHOE UNIT 1804 E814 Equipment-Current Year 14-201-000-0000-6687 2018 CHEVY TAHOE UNIT 1805 E815 Equipment-Current Year 14-201-000-0000-6687 2018 CHEVY TAHOE UNIT 1807 E816 Equipment-Current Year 14-201-000-0000-6687 2018 CHEVY TAHOE UNIT 1808 E817 Equipment-Current Year 5 Transactions7407 8062 F-M FLOORING INC 01-112-106-0000-6672 CPT TILE - 5 OFFICES & HALLWAY 15009 Remodeling Supplies 1 Transactions8062 2997 FASTENAL COMPANY 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies DAKOTA COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURER'S OFFICE DAKOTA MAILING & SHIPPING EQUIPMENT INC Otter Tail County Auditor DOUBLE A CATERING DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE EJ'S FLOOR COVERING ERICKSON CHEVROLET-PONTIAC INC F-M FLOORING INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula - Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 331.43 179.80 69.93 48.91 466.25 15.50 375.00 209.96 179.80 69.93 48.91 466.25 34.99 44.99 25.50 375.00 209.96 120.00 75.00 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions2997 14090 FINLEY ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC 02-705-000-1010-6290 FTTP FEASIBILITY STUDY 6 Broadband Study 1 Transactions14090 14904 FOSBERG/JESSICA 01-122-000-0000-6331 MEALS - ONSITE SYSTEM WORKSHOP 4/20/18 Meals And Lodging 1 Transactions14904 15050 FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS 01-127-000-0000-6406 ACCT OTTE30 INKJET BOND 174969 Office Supplies 1 Transactions15050 8971 FRONTIER POWERSPORTS 01-201-000-0000-6304 REPAIRS TO UTV TRAILER 334960 Repair And Maintenance 1 Transactions8971 392 GALLS LLC 01-201-000-0000-6526 ACCT 1000121548 INNER TROUSER 009573399 Uniforms BRANDNER/STEVE3095 01-201-000-0000-6526 ACCT 1000121548 REV COUNTOUR 009576834 Uniforms 01-201-000-0000-6526 ACCT 5290418 MAG POUCH 009655106 Uniforms BERG/PRESTON15046 3 Transactions392 12344 GEO-TECH OF MINNESOTA, INC. 50-000-000-0130-6276 REPAIR EXISTING WELL 2571 Professional Services 1 Transactions12344 14795 GIRARD'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC 01-043-000-0000-6406 ACCT OTT0751 ROLLER KIT 92102 Office Supplies 1 Transactions14795 5066 GODFATHERS EXTERMINATING INC 01-112-108-0000-6342 ACCT 6768 PEST CONTROL 130011 Service Agreements 01-112-104-0000-6342 ACCT 19247 PEST CONTROL 130376 Service Agreements Otter Tail County Auditor FASTENAL COMPANY FINLEY ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC FOSBERG/JESSICA FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS FRONTIER POWERSPORTS GALLS LLC GEO-TECH OF MINNESOTA, INC. GIRARD'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 315.00 28.73 350.35 49.00 66.50 85.00 114.00 488.75 113.50 120.00 28.73 350.35 49.00 66.50 85.00 114.00 488.75 113.50 100.00 Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-112-101-0000-6342 ACCT 19248 PEST CONTROL 130377 Service Agreements 3 Transactions5066 8560 GOERDT/STEPHEN 10-302-000-0000-6331 MEALS Meals And Lodging 1 Transactions8560 52564 GRAINGER INC 01-112-102-0000-6572 ACCT 813640729 WATER HEATER 9755551059 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions52564 10071 GRANT CO SHERIFF 01-091-000-0000-6369 56-CR-17-2704 PITSCHKA 788 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions10071 5785 HANSON/KATHRYN D 01-091-000-0000-6369 56-CR-17-1921 TRANSCRIPTS 4/10/18 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions5785 9453 HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC 01-112-109-0000-6572 ACCT OT SHERIFF HOLDING TANK 20313 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions9453 37755 01-250-000-0000-6432 ACCT 325 WASTE DISPOSAL 49545 Medical Incarcerated 1 Transactions37755 8714 HUCKEBY/ROBERT 01-201-000-0000-6526 PANTS/TACTICAL GEAR 4/15/18 Uniforms 1 Transactions8714 38100 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 01-201-000-0000-6406 ACCT 9988526 SUPPLIES 039115 Office Supplies 1 Transactions38100 15042 IPMA-HR MINNESOTA 01-031-000-0000-6242 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION & DUES 4/19/18 Registration Fees HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor GODFATHERS EXTERMINATING INC GOERDT/STEPHEN GRAINGER INC GRANT CO SHERIFF HANSON/KATHRYN D HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC HUCKEBY/ROBERT INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 100.00 19.21 392.00 205.00 1,615.71 19.21 140.00 252.00 130.00 75.00 146.99 74.98 51.98 112.96 314.95 379.95 155.95 19.99 49.98 307.98 867.60 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions15042 7279 JENSEN/MATT 14-214-000-0000-6689 MEALS - EMD TRAINING 4/2/18 Prior Year Accumulations-911 1 Transactions7279 39324 JK SPORTS 50-000-000-0170-6426 DENIM SHIRTS 88015 Uniforms 50-399-000-0000-6426 DENIM SHIRTS 88015 Clothing Allowance 2 Transactions39324 10408 JONES LAW OFFICE 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P9-01-723 S COX 1921903 Public Defender 01-013-000-0000-6262 56-P7-04-001142 E URBANEK 1921904 Public Defender 2 Transactions10408 3191 KEEPRS INC 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD JACKET 373661-01 Uniforms BEERY/CHARLES14975 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD SUPERSHIRT 375657-01 Uniforms BEERY/CHARLES14975 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD STREETSHIRT 375657-02 Uniforms BEERY/CHARLES14975 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD MOCKS 375957 Uniforms WAGNER/SCOTT8919 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD PANTS/MOCK 375957-01 Uniforms 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD JACKET/POLOS/PANTS 376103 Uniforms BRASEL/RYAN10519 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD SHIRT & FLAG 376320 Uniforms BERG/PRESTON15046 01-201-000-0000-6526 OTTERTAISD KNIT HAT 376558 Uniforms 01-250-000-0000-6526 OTTERJAIL CUFF CASES 374704-02 Uniforms 01-250-000-0000-6526 OTTERJAIL DANNER BOOTS 376818 Uniforms TUNGSETH/TODD13305 10 Transactions3191 40336 KELLY SERVICES INC 50-399-000-0000-6290 ACCT 681063-04 BECK W/E 3/4 09090903 Contracted Services. Otter Tail County Auditor IPMA-HR MINNESOTA JENSEN/MATT JK SPORTS JONES LAW OFFICE KEEPRS INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESSolid Waste Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 1,735.20 87.16 741.42 242.58 2,050.00 91.00 78.48 867.60 87.16 463.20 47.32 11.20 219.70 242.58 500.00 500.00 500.00 550.00 75.00 16.00 78.48 Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 50-399-000-0000-6290 ACCT 681063-04 W/E 4/15 15091413 Contracted Services. 2 Transactions40336 8279 KRUPICH/JEREMIAS 01-201-000-0000-6526 RIFLE SLING ATTACHMENT 4/20/18 Uniforms 1 Transactions8279 79 LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE 01-205-000-0000-6273 ACCT OTAUD DRUG TESTS 75 Coroner Expense 01-250-000-0000-6432 LINDMYER, STEVEN B 1/23/18 Medical Incarcerated 01-250-000-0000-6432 DICK, TABITHA P 2/27/18 Medical Incarcerated 01-250-000-0000-6432 LAIZ, DAVID FEB2018 Medical Incarcerated 4 Transactions79 10350 LAKES AREA COOPERATIVE 01-507-000-0000-6251 ACCT 700285 LP GAS COMMERCIAL 66321 Gas And Oil - Utility 1 Transactions10350 81 LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE 50-399-000-0000-6291 CARDBOARD 4/9/18 72223 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 CARDBOARD 4/12/18 72230 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 CARDBOARD 4/16/18 72233 Contract Transportation 50-399-000-0000-6291 PAPER 4/17/18 72239 Contract Transportation 4 Transactions81 6934 LONG WEEKEND SPORTSWEAR 01-201-000-0000-6526 SOFTSHELL JACKET 17512 Uniforms BRASEL/RYAN10519 01-201-000-0000-6526 ADD LOGO TO POLO SHIRT 17565 Uniforms BRASEL/RYAN10519 2 Transactions6934 511 M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. 10-303-000-0000-6501 SUPPLIES Engineering And Surveying Supplies 1 Transactions511 88 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC Otter Tail County Auditor KELLY SERVICES INC KRUPICH/JEREMIAS LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKES AREA COOPERATIVE LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LONG WEEKEND SPORTSWEAR M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESLaw Library Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 164.00 890.00 105.00 40.00 2,115.00 88.00 15,794.48 100.01 1,521.45 164.00 890.00 105.00 40.00 2,115.00 88.00 15,794.48 100.01 40.50 1,051.70 429.25 Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 13-012-000-0000-6455 ACCT 0396506001 MANUAL 01592289 Reference Books & Literature 1 Transactions88 3593 MHSRC RANGE 01-201-000-0000-6171 CLASS 41645 NIGHT PIT 629430-6313 Tuition And Education Expenses 1 Transactions3593 87003 MIDWEST PRINTING CO 01-063-000-0000-6406 ELECTION JUDGE CERTIFICATE 3751 Office Supplies 1 Transactions87003 7661 MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC 01-091-000-0000-6342 ACCT 1143 SHREDDING SERVICES 393708 Service Agreements 1 Transactions7661 14030 ML TREE SERVICE 10-302-000-0000-6350 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor 1 Transactions14030 3147 MN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION 01-091-000-0000-6455 ACCT F003642 900129 Reference Books & Literature 1 Transactions3147 2817 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 01-201-000-0000-6315 ACCT 14081 2018 ARMER AGREE 471629 Radio Repair Charges 1 Transactions2817 8373 NAPA FERGUS FALLS 50-399-000-0000-6306 ACCT 13050 BATTERY 710708 Repair/Maint. Equip 1 Transactions8373 583 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT 01-112-104-0000-6572 ACCT 13144 INSPECTIONS IN00072995 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6572 ACCT 13144 INSPECTION/SERVICE IN00073445 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6572 ACCT 13144 INSPECTION IN00073447 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 3 Transactions583 Otter Tail County Auditor MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC MHSRC RANGE MIDWEST PRINTING CO MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC ML TREE SERVICE MN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION NAPA FERGUS FALLS NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula OTTER TAIL FAMILY SERVICES COLLABORATIVE Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 259.00 611.93 258.50 190.00 516.39 26.99 725.00 11,425.02 259.00 435.86 52.80 123.27 258.50 190.00 516.39 26.99 725.00 2,781.54 8,643.48 44.25 Page 11Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 7944 NEOPOST USA INC 01-043-000-0000-6369 ACCT 6124 POWER LINE CONDITION 15383081 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions7944 595 NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 20656 Custodian Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 23923 Custodian Supplies 01-112-108-0000-6485 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 24147 Custodian Supplies 3 Transactions595 14257 NORTHLAND FIRE PROTECTION 01-112-102-0000-6342 OTTCTYJAIL SERVICE & INSPECT 31210 Service Agreements 1 Transactions14257 1464 OK TIRE OF PERHAM INC 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT1610 MOUNT & BALANCE TIRES 133592 Repair And Maintenance 1 Transactions1464 5686 OTIS ELEVATOR CO 01-112-106-0000-6342 ACCT 284651 SERVICE CLF05630518 Service Agreements 1 Transactions5686 3167 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 10-304-000-0000-6253 WASTE DISPOSAL Garbage 1 Transactions3167 44260 01-091-000-0000-6241 ANNUAL PARTNERSHIP PAYMENT 5/1/18 Membership Dues 1 Transactions44260 7392 OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC 50-000-000-0120-6291 HAULING CHARGES 4/9/18 36436 Contract Transportation 50-000-000-0170-6291 HAULING CHARGES 4/9/18 36436 Contract Transportation 2 Transactions7392 1087 PENROSE OIL COMPANY 10-302-000-0000-6565 DIESEL FUEL Fuels - Diesel OTTER TAIL FAMILY SERVICES COLLABORATIVE Otter Tail County Auditor NEOPOST USA INC NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NORTHLAND FIRE PROTECTION OK TIRE OF PERHAM INC OTIS ELEVATOR CO OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 2,985.62 72.07 400.00 73.34 10.52 8,762.16 161.64 135.00 2,941.37 72.07 400.00 73.34 10.52 555.42 121.30 8,085.44 161.64 135.00 208.75 194.15 47.05 Page 12Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 10-304-000-0000-6565 DIESEL FUEL Fuels - Diesel 2 Transactions1087 14905 PERALES/ANDREA 01-122-000-0000-6331 MEALS - ONSITE SYSTEM WORKSHOP 4/20/18 Meals And Lodging 1 Transactions14905 13134 PHILLIPPI/DR JAY 01-201-000-0000-6433 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 18-146 Special Medical 1 Transactions13134 45332 POLK CO SHERIFF 01-091-000-0000-6369 SUBPOENA - M ROMULD IN201800591 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions45332 15049 PRAZAK/DEB 01-127-000-0000-6369 MAILING PACKAGE TO PROWEST 4/23/18 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions15049 1836 PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC 01-044-000-0000-6369 FERGUS PARCEL SALE UPDATE 002348 Miscellaneous Charges 01-127-000-0000-6276 PORTAL SUPPORT - UPDATE SQL 002325 Professional Services 02-102-000-0000-6369 TILLABLE LAND AREA PROJECT 002347 Miscellaneous Charges 3 Transactions1836 7972 RECOVERY SYSTEMS CO INC 50-399-000-0000-6306 SWITCH, PROX 18MM 872C 45170 Repair/Maint. Equip 1 Transactions7972 49316 RENTAL STORE/THE 50-000-000-0000-6848 ACCT 931 BLACK SIGN 1-508968 Public Education 1 Transactions49316 15006 RINTALA/CRAIG 10-303-000-0000-6330 MILEAGE Mileage 10-303-000-0000-6331 LODGING Meals And Lodging 10-303-000-0000-6331 MEALS Meals And Lodging Otter Tail County Auditor PENROSE OIL COMPANY PERALES/ANDREA PHILLIPPI/DR JAY POLK CO SHERIFF PRAZAK/DEB PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC RECOVERY SYSTEMS CO INC RENTAL STORE/THE csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 449.95 180.00 55.00 28.09 306.66 6,137.16 23.70 3,705.00 3,880.66 180.00 55.00 28.09 134.78 171.88 6,137.16 23.70 3,705.00 3,880.66 522.90 Page 13Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions15006 13859 ROSENTHAL/JACK 01-124-000-0000-6242 REGISTRATION FEES 5/1/18 Registration Fees 1 Transactions13859 7234 ROTHSAY FARMERS CO OP 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1706 OIL CHANGE 5780 Repair And Maintenance 1 Transactions7234 19005 SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU 01-002-000-0000-6369 k3210 24APR18 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions19005 159 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 01-112-000-0000-6572 ACCT 6629-9141-3 PAINT 8344-1 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 01-112-000-0000-6572 ACCT6629-9141-3 PAINT/SUPPLIES 8427-4 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 2 Transactions159 1630 SIMPLEXGRINNELL 01-112-000-0000-6572 ACCT 385-000894553 ACESS CTRL 41147069 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions1630 11182 SMITH/GENE 01-250-000-0000-6224 MEALS DURING TRANSPORTS 5/1/18 Prisioner Conveyance 1 Transactions11182 8853 SOS TECHNOLOGIES 14-201-000-0000-6687 DEFIBRILLATORS 145406 Equipment-Current Year 1 Transactions8853 6321 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 10-303-000-0000-6278 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing 1 Transactions6321 48183 STEINS INC 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 00224000 CONCRETE SEAL 804650-1 Custodian Supplies Otter Tail County Auditor RINTALA/CRAIG ROSENTHAL/JACK ROTHSAY FARMERS CO OP SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIMPLEXGRINNELL SMITH/GENE SOS TECHNOLOGIES SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Revenue Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 1,911.74 70.20 1,750.00 461.86 2,601.25 130.95 1,233.39 714.28 978.17 410.67 70.20 1,750.00 294.89 33.98 132.99 2,601.25 130.95 1,233.39 35.13 679.15 Page 14Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 01-112-108-0000-6485 ACCT 00224002 REPAIR ISCRUB 806200 Custodian Supplies 01-112-101-0000-6485 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 806201 Custodian Supplies 3 Transactions48183 166 STEVE'S SANITATION INC 10-304-000-0000-6253 WASTE DISPOSAL Garbage 1 Transactions166 15045 STIEHM SOLUTIONS LLC 02-219-000-0000-6369 USE OF FORCE TRAINING CLASS 2018-01 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions15045 168 STREICHERS 01-201-000-0000-6526 ACCT 974 COLLAR BRASS I1308639 Uniforms 01-201-000-0000-6526 ACCT 974 BADGE HOLDER I1308881 Uniforms ROGAL/KEITH12964 01-201-000-0000-6526 ACCT 974 VEST CARRIER I1308968 Uniforms HUCKEBY/ROBERT8714 3 Transactions168 4114 SUPERIOR JETTING INC 50-000-000-0130-6276 JET LEACHATE SYSTEM & VACUUM 218107 Professional Services 1 Transactions4114 42537 THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS 50-000-000-0000-6240 ACCT 1980 HHWF SUMMER HRS 48097 Publishing & Advertising 1 Transactions42537 183 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 01-091-000-0000-6455 ACCT 1000520140 MAR 2018 837964462 Reference Books & Literature 1 Transactions183 49008 TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1408 OIL CHANGE 108037 Repair And Maintenance 01-201-000-0000-6304 UNIT 1504 REPAIRS & MAINT 108116 Repair And Maintenance 2 Transactions49008 Otter Tail County Auditor STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STIEHM SOLUTIONS LLC STREICHERS SUPERIOR JETTING INC THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS THOMSON REUTERS - WEST TIRES PLUS TOTAL CAR CARE csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESRoad And Bridge Fund Account/Formula Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 5,399.23 274.18 50.60 48.75 19.98 339,606.13 5,399.23 274.18 50.60 48.75 19.98 Page 15Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1999 TNT REPAIR INC 10-304-000-0000-6306 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip 1 Transactions1999 3023 TRANE U.S. INC 01-112-108-0000-6572 ACCT 2517101 SENSOR REPAIR 38948631 Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions3023 51002 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 02-612-000-0000-6406 ACCT 7490 CLIPBOARD 429143 Office Supplies 1 Transactions51002 9357 WAYNE'S TOOLWAGON 10-304-000-0000-6572 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies 1 Transactions9357 8425 WINDELS/LORI 02-219-000-0000-6369 ROLL FOR USE OF FORCE TRAINING 4/18/18 Miscellaneous Charges 1 Transactions8425 Final Total ............108 Vendors 164 Transactions Otter Tail County Auditor TNT REPAIR INC TRANE U.S. INC VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WAYNE'S TOOLWAGON WINDELS/LORI csteinba COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIESGeneral Fund Dedicated Accounts Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems 11:47AM4/26/18 Page 16Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor AMOUNT General Fund Dedicated Accounts 82,456.77 1 11,016.16 2 37,586.36 10 164.00 13 187,694.83 14 20,688.01 50 339,606.13 NameFundRecap by Fund General Revenue Fund Road And Bridge Fund Law Library Fund Capital Improvement Fund Solid Waste Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL RISE PROCLAMATION In Support of “NATIONAL DRUG COURT MONTH” WHEREAS, there are now more than 3,000 treatment courts nationwide; and WHEREAS, treatment courts are the cornerstone of justice reform sweeping the nation; and WHEREAS, treatment courts have served more than 1.4 million individuals; and WHEREAS, they are now recognized as the most successful justice system intervention in our nation’s history; and WHEREAS, they save up to $27 for every $1 invested and produce up to $13,000 for every individual they serve; and WHEREAS, treatment courts significantly improve substance use disorder treatment outcomes, substantially reduce addiction and related crime, and do so at less expense than any other criminal justice strategy; and WHEREAS, treatment courts improve education, employment, housing and financial stability, promote family reunification, reduce foster case placements, and increase the rate of addicted mothers delivering babies who are fully drug free. WHEREAS, treatment courts facilitate community-wide partnerships, bringing together public safety and public health professionals; and WHEREAS, treatment courts demonstrate that when one person rises out of substance use and crime, we ALL RISE; and WHEREAS, the time has come to put a treatment court within reach of every eligible person in need. WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has joined in the support of treatment courts by implementing the DWI Court, March 2008. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County declares that Drug Court Month be established during the Month of May 2018, recognizing the significant contributions the Otter Tail County DWI Court has made over the past 10 years toward reducing substance abuse, crime, and recidivism while saving valuable resources. County Commissioner, Chair Date Otter Tail County Board – May 1, 2018 Otter Tail County DWI Court Program – 10 years Thank you for your ongoing support of the Otter Tail County DWI Court program. Your support has been critical to giving our clients an opportunity to address their substance use disorder and become productive citizens. Our treatment court is one of more than 3,000 nationwide annually serving 150,000 people. Treatment Courts are now the most successful justice program for reducing addiction, crime and recidivism while saving taxpayer dollars. Our DWI Court clients enter the program addicted to alcohol and sometimes drugs. But because of the combination of accountability and treatment they received in DWI Court, they are now finding employment, school, reuniting with their families, paying child support, and paying their taxes. Since March of 2008 the following has been accomplished: • 83% court capacity o 131 have started the program o 89 have completed the program o 20 have not completed the program due to a being terminated and sent back to serve their original sentence, an administrative discharge or have been transferred to another DWI Court program o 24 are currently in the program • From March 2008 – June 2017 o 96% white, 2% American Indian, 2% Black or African American & 1% Hispanic o 68% male & 32% female o Average age is 41 o 78% GMD DWI, 18% Felony DWI, 3% Felony Person, 2% Felony other o 32% Clinical Mental Health Diagnosis o 11% Veteran status o 100% Alcohol Substances Used, 18% Marijuana, 7% Prescription Drugs, & 4% Methamphetamine o 72% enter at Post-Adjudicatory; 17% pre-plea; 8% Probation violation; & 4% Probation violation with new offense. • Average of 39 days from treatment court referral to acceptance • Average of 37 days from treatment court acceptance to first treatment court appearance • Average of 7 days from treatment court referral to Chemical Health Assessment • Average of 58 days from chemical health assessment to treatment start • Average of 24 days from treatment court acceptance to treatment start • Average of 636 days in treatment court for completers vs 420 for non-completers • Average of 6 days in jail for completers vs 23 days for non-completers • 9% of completers increased their level of education during the program vs no increase for the non-completers • 20% of completers improved their employment status vs 13% of non-completers • 49% of completers have a valid driver’s license vs 9% of non-completers • 89% of completers are renting or owning their own residence vs 50% of non-completers • 83% have completed the program requirements In 2014 the MN Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety released the results from the State DWI Court Evaluation of nine DWI Courts. This study included participants who entered the program between 2008 and 2012, and a matched comparison group of DWI offenders who were eligible but were not referred to the program. Participants had an average of 2.7 DWI arrests in the ten years before DWI Court entry. The report evaluated the program operationally, its recidivism, and the costs analysis. Some of the highlights from that study are: • Participants were almost half as likely to be rearrested (on any charge) as the comparison group in the first year after DWI court entry and 41% less likely after two years. • Out of 43 DWI Court completers, there was only one new DWI arrest in the two years after DWI court entry, an indicator of reduced alcohol use while driving and increased public safety. o To date 8% have be charged with a new DWI while in the program(3) or after completing (6) • The total cost related to recidivism 2 years post DWI court entry per participant was $8,176, while the cost per comparison group member was $19,562. This results in a total cost savings of $11,386 per OTC-DWI participant. The following agencies continue to partner together to provide this best practices program: • Otter Tail County: Board of Commissioners, Probation, Human Services, Attorney’s Office, & Sheriff’s Department • MN Judicial Branch: 7th Judicial District Court & Court Administration • Minnesota Department of Corrections • City of Fergus Falls: City Council and Police Department • Treatment Providers: Rewind, Inc., Lakeland Mental Health, and Lake Region Halfway House Timeline • 2007-2008 Planning • 2008 started first client and held the first court – capacity set at 15 - 20 • 2010 received a BJA grant to enhance probation & surveillance services • 2012 – 2013 State Wide Evaluation was conducted, results provided in 2014 • 2014 expanded program capacity to 30; DOC joined the Team • 2015 added the monthly recovery support group & the Life Management Class • 2017 Otter Tail County supported half of the probation officers salary Funding for the last ten years have come from: • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration yearly grant with the MN Department of Traffic Safety • Bureau of Justice grant (2010 – 2012) • Partner Matches Otter Tail County Hiring Request Form for New Positions Hiring Request Form requiring County Board Action Approved by County Board 12/14/10 Updated October 2014 Hiring Request Information Department: Auditor-Treasurer’s Office Date of Request: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 Title of Position Requested: Administrative Specialist FTE of Position Requested: 100% Number of Incumbents in Job Class: 3 Number of Vacancies in Job Class: 1 – interview has been completed – waiting on acceptance Number of Employees in Department: 19 Number of Vacancies in Department: 1 – interview has been completed – waiting on acceptance Hiring Criteria & Guidelines Indicate whether or not position is mandated by statute, explain. No Estimate costs associated with this position, e.g. salary, benefits, advertising. The May to December 2018 need would be approximately $35,600. Available within the current budget due to the delayed start of the assistant finance position would be approximately $37,250 Indicate revenue sources that fund this position, e.g. county, state, federal, private, grant. County - How is this workload currently being managed, e.g. temporary employees, redistribution, job share? I have three individuals in similar positions. Interviews for one of the three positions was held on Friday, April 13, 2018. An offer will be made the week of April 16th. One of the other positions has an incumbent that has less than one-year experience. The third individual has years of experience and has a plan to retire a year from this July. The recently completed interview process for the open position identified two quality individuals. Adding the additional staff person at this time provides us with an opportunity to take advantage of the recently completed interview process and to utilize the experience of the long-term employee to train both new individuals. It is also important to note that the County will be going through a significant conversion process and it would be extremely beneficial if the long-term employee’s replacement was on staff when training begins for the new product (September 2018 to March 2019). My request does create an additional position for a short period of time while Kim is still employed; however, it would not be my intention to fill her position when she retires. What alternatives have you explored to filling this position? None What are the consequences of not filling the position? Lost training opportunity and not having the level of experienced staff when the conversion to the new tax software beginning in 2018/2019. Approval Department Head Signature: Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 Otter Tail County Hiring Request Form for New Positions Hiring Request Form requiring County Board Action Approved by County Board 12/14/10 Updated October 2014 Division Director Signature: Date: Budget Committee Recommendation (if applicable): Date: Internal Services Committee Recommendation: Date: County Board Action: Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2018