HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 01/02/20182.1 Draft CB Minutes for 12.19.2017
2.4 & 2.5 Tobacco License and Affidavit
3.0 CMS Farms of NYM Application & Letter to Landowners
3.0 CMS Farms Site Plan11302017
4.0 Statutory Elected Officials Salaries Established Resolution
5.0 OTC Physical Activity Release Form- Updated
5.0 Updated Bike Policy - Admin
6.0 Application for Jorgenson Feedlot
6.0 Letter to Landowners Jorgenson Dairy
6.0 Map for Jorgenson Dairy
6.0 Site Plan Jorgenson Barn
7.0 Auditor-Treasurer Agenda Items
January 2, 2018
Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room
515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN
December 19, 2017
9:30 a.m.
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 19, 2017, at the
Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Chair,
Wayne Johnson, Vice-Chair; Roger Froemming, John Lindquist and Lee Rogness present.
Approval of Agenda
Chair Huebsch called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and
unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of December 19, 2017, with the
following additions:
Prospect House & Civil War Museum Budget
Wind Turbine & Solar Panel Project
Glacial Edge Trail Resolution of Support
Consent Agenda
Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as
1.December 12, 2017 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes
2.Warrants/Bills for December 19, 2017 (Exhibit A)
3.Approve Final Payment – S.A.P. 056-601-059 & Etc.
4.Human Services Bills & Claims
5.Human Services Contract Renewal – Generations, Inc.
6.Issuance of County Credit Card
7.Approve Tobacco Licenses for Battle Lake Standard, Bluffton Oil
Company, Dalton Corner Store & Denny’s Food N Sport Shop
Prospect House and Civil War Museum
Auditor-Treasurer Wayne Stein reviewed a citizen request for 2018 funding for the Prospect House and Civil
War Museum located in Battle Lake. Lengthy discussion took place. County Attorney David Hauser stated
that the County is authorized under State Statute to provide resources to a County Historical Society but
cannot provide resources to private institutions. He also referenced the State Auditor’s Public Expenditures
Statement. Commissioners requested that the County Administrator facilitate discussions between the
County Historical Society and interested parties of the Prospect House and Civil War Museum.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 86
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Johnson, who moved for the adoption of Otter Tail
County’s Payable 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levies:
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognized the requirement to adopt, on or before
Monday, October 2, 2017, a proposed Payable 2018 Property Tax Levy and to select a date for a public
meeting for the purpose of discussing and receiving public comment regarding the Proposed Property Tax
Levy, which must be held during the period of November 25th through December 28th; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 adopted Otter
Tail County’s proposed Payable 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy and selected Tuesday,
December 12, 2017 as the date for the public meeting; and
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 2
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 2017
held the required meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognizes the requirement to adopt Otter Tail
County’s final Payable 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy no later than Thursday, December 28, 2017,
and the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is required to certify Otter Tail County’s final Payable
2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy to the County Auditor-Treasurer’s office on or before Thursday,
December 28, 2017.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby levies
for the payable year 2018, upon the taxable net tax capacity of the property of Otter Tail County, the following
amounts as detailed below:
Fund Breakdown - Net Tax Capacity Based
Levies Gross Levy CPA Net Levy
General Revenue 21,053,046 (1,151,149) 19,901,897
PEHP 178,545 0 178,545
County Trails 350,000 0 350,000
Debt Service -
Series 2012A (Courthouse/Jail) 296,782 0 296,782
Government Services Building Bonds 410,202 0 410,202
Ottertail Operations Center 494,078 0 494,078
Series 2017A (Jail/Elevator) 162,803 0 162,803
Human Services -
Social Services 6,465,737 (353,537) 6,112,200
Administration 2,011,057 (109,961) 1,901,096
Public Health 961,789 (52,589) 909,200
Court Services 2,013,983 (110,122) 1,903,861
Road and Bridge 3,671,350 (200,744) 3,470,606
Capital Improvement 2,093,582 (114,474) 1,979,108
Total County - Excluding Regional Library 40,162,954 (2,092,576) 38,070,378
Regional Library System 572,300 0 572,300
Total County - Including Regional Library 40,735,254 (2,092,576) 38,642,678
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 3
Lake Improvement Districts -
Pelican Group of Lakes 130,000 0 130,000
Pine Lakes 50,590 0 50,590
McDonald, Kerbs & Paul 112,000 0 112,000
Big McDonald 12,000 0 12,000
Total County - Including Lake Improvement
41,039,844 (2,092,576) 38,947,268
Special Taxing District Tax -
Otter Tail County HRA 541,800 0 541,800
Grand Total - Otter Tail County 41,581,644 (2,092,576) 39,489,068
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
hereby certifies the above amount to the County Auditor-Treasurer’s office as Otter Tail County’s Final
Gross/Net Property Tax levies for the payable year 2018, and directs the County Auditor-Treasurer’s office
to spread these levies against the taxable net tax capacity of the property of Otter Tail County.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Rogness and carried, with the members of the Otter Tail
County Board of Commissioners voting as follows:
Board of County Commissioners YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN
Doug Huebsch X
Wayne D. Johnson X
John Lindquist X
Roger Froemming X
Leland R. Rogness X
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of December 2017.
OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: __________________________
By: __________________________________ Attest: ___________________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 87
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Johnson, who moved for the authorization of the Otter
Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Special Taxing District 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy:
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority is a special taxing district under
the provisions of Minnesota Statute Chapter 469; and
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 4
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority had requested a Payable 2018
Gross and Net Property Tax Levy of $541,800; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, adopted for
the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority a proposed Gross/Net Property Tax Levy for
Payable Year 2018 in the amount of $541,800; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognizes the requirement to adopt the special
taxing district’s Payable 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy no later than Thursday, December 28, 2017,
and the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is required to certify Otter Tail County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority’s final Payable 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy to the County Auditor-
Treasurer’s office on or before Thursday, December 28, 2017.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, after
consideration and discussion by the Otter Tail County Budget Committee with the Otter Tail County HRA,
hereby authorizes/adopts, on behalf of the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, a final
Payable 2018 Gross and Net Property Tax Levy of $541,800 and hereby certifies the same to the County
Auditor-Treasurer’s office to be spread against the taxable property of the Otter Tail County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Lindquist and carried, with the members of the Otter Tail
County Board of Commissioners voting as follows:
Board of County Commissioners YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN
Doug Huebsch X
Wayne D. Johnson X
John Lindquist X
Roger Froemming X
Leland R. Rogness X
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of December 2017.
OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: __________________________
By: __________________________________ Attest: ___________________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 - 88
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Froemming, who moved for the adoption of the
calendar year 2018 budget for the General Fund, for the Budgeted Special Revenue Funds, and for the Debt
Service Funds.
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognized the requirement to adopt, on or before
Monday, October 2, 2017, a proposed Calendar Year 2018 Budget and to select a date for a public meeting
for the purpose of discussing and receiving public comment regarding the proposed Calendar Year 2018
budget, which must be held during the period of November 25th through December 28th; and
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 5
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 adopted Otter
Tail County’s proposed Calendar Year 2018 Budget for the General Fund, for the Budgeted Special Revenue
Funds, and for the Debt Service Fund, and selected Tuesday, December 12, 2017 as the date for the public
hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 2017
held the required hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recognizes the requirement to adopt Otter Tail
County’s final Calendar Year 2018 Budget for the General Fund, for the Budgeted Special Revenue Funds,
and for the Debt Service Funds no later than Thursday, December 28, 2017 and also recognizes the
requirement to adopt the final Calendar Year 2018 Budget after the adoption of the final payable 2018 Gross
and Net Property Tax Levy.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners adopts the
amount of $105,092,428 as the County’s Calendar Year 2018 Budget for the General Fund, for the Budgeted
Special Revenue Funds, and for the Debt Service Funds, as summarized and as detailed in the budget
documents filed with the County Auditor-Treasurer’s office.
The above resolution was seconded by Commissioner Rogness and carried, with the members of the Otter
Tail County Board of Commissioners voting as follows:
Board of County Commissioners YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN
Doug Huebsch X
Wayne D. Johnson X
John Lindquist X
Roger Froemming X
Leland R. Rogness X
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of December 2017.
OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: __________________________
By: __________________________________ Attest: ___________________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 89
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Johnson, who moved for the adoption of the following:
WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 adopted
$38,642,678 (excludes levies adopted for Lake Improvement Districts and Otter Tail County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority) as Otter Tail County’s Payable 2018 Net Property Tax Levy; and
WHEREAS, $19,901,897 is designated to assist with the financing of the County’s General Revenue Fund
activities; and
WHEREAS, the operational budgets for Otter Tail County’s Land and Resource Department, Board of
Adjustment and Planning Commission are a part of the County’s General Revenue Fund Budget; and
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
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WHEREAS, the operational budgets for the Land and Resource Department, Board of Adjustment and
Planning Commission are funded by a combination of general tax levy funds, charges for services and a
portion of the Board of Water and Soil Resources 2018 Natural Resources Block Grant; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Water and Soil Resources 2018 Natural Resources Block Grant total $106,259
and consists of funding for the following activities:
Comprehensive Water Plan - $9,824
Wetlands Conservation Act - $59,729
Shoreland - $18,106
Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems - $18,600; and
WHEREAS, the Wetlands Conservation Act and Shoreland portions of the block grant funding requires a
local in-kind match equal to the block grant amounts, the Comprehensive Water Plan portion of the block
grant funding requires a local property tax levy match in the amount of $20,405 and the Subsurface Sewage
Treatment Systems portion of the block grant funding does not require either a local levy or an in-kind match;
WHEREAS, portions of the Board of Water and Soil Resources 2018 Natural Resources Block Grant and
local property tax levy are allocated to the East and West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation Districts
as noted in a document filed with the 2018 budget; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is responsible for in-kind match associated with the Shoreland portion of the
block grant funding, Otter Tail County and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts are responsible for the
in-kind match associated with the Wetland Conservation portion of the block grant funding and Otter Tail
County is responsible for including in the final adopted net levy for Otter Tail County the required local
property tax levy for the Comprehensive Water Plan portion of the block grant funding:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby
designates $20,405 of the $19,901,897 Payable 2018 General Fund Levy as the local property tax match
for the Comprehensive Water Plan portion of the Board of Water and Soil Resources 2018 Natural
Resources Block Grant.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lindquist and carried, with the members of the Otter Tail County
Board of Commissioners voting in favor on a 5-0 vote.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of December 2017
OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: __________________________
By: __________________________________ Attest: ___________________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Fund Transfers
Motion by Rogness, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to authorize, if necessary, any
December 31, 2017, inter-fund loans for the various Otter Tail County Ditch Systems with deficit cash
balances as of 12/31/2017.
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a transfer from the Capital
Improvement Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund, in the amount of $233,105, for Two (2) Boxes and Snow
Plow Truck Equipment purchased from Towmaster, Inc.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 7
End-of-Year 2017 County Bill Payment Authorized
Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to delegate John Dinsmore, County
Administrator, to approve payment of Otter Tail County warrants/bills from December 19, 2017, through
December 29, 2017. The Bills will also be provided to Commissioners for review.
Budget & Levy Public Meeting Minutes
Motion by Froemming, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Budget and Levy Public
Meeting minutes of December 12, 2017, as presented by the Auditor-Treasurer.
Abatement Costs Assessed
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to certify the Public Health Nuisance
Costs incurred under the provisions of M.S. 145A, in the amount of $2,856.42, over four (4) years with a 4%
interest rate beginning with Payable Year 2018, against the following parcel:
25-000-06-0036-002, described as a 1.09 acre parcel in Government Lot 3, Section 6,
Township 133, Range 40 currently owned by D & F Tst
2018 Tobacco License
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the 2018 Tobacco License
application from Under Mart Inc., Underwood, MN.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 – 85
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County and various other Minnesota counties have been utilizing the West
Central Regional Juvenile Center in Clay County, Minnesota for placement of juveniles in a secure
detention setting, and have been functioning under a cooperative agreement for the use and operation
of that Facility for approximately 21 years; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County wishes to terminate the prior agreement and wishes to adopt a new
structure to ensure the economic viability and longevity of the relationship; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has determined that it remains mutually beneficial to cooperatively
address its long-term needs for secure juvenile detention and treatment facility capacity through a new
Cooperative Service Agreement with Clay County and other Member Counties; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has reviewed the Cooperative Services Agreement for the West Central
Regional Juvenile Center and finds its terms to be satisfactory.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and benefits that each party shall derive
here from, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Clay County Board of Commissioners wishes to execute the Cooperative
Services Agreement for the West Central Regional Juvenile Center and continue membership in the
West Central Regional Juvenile Center cooperative services arrangement.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 8
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lindquist, duly
seconded by Commissioner Rogness and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the
resolution was adopted on a 5-0 vote.
Dated this 19th day of December 2017
By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan
Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve an agreement between the
County of Otter Tail and Stonebrooke Engineering to prepare a County-wide ADA Transition Plan compliant
with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA of 1990. The plan will incorporate necessary
elements required to ensure that Otter Tail County is in compliance with current ADA regulations for its rights
of way and exterior approaches to County buildings.
Proposed Wind Turbine Discussion
Commissioner Johnson provided a document titled “Pelican Lake Confronts Wind Turbine Issue” that was
part of the Dunn Township Meeting December 18, 2017. Juhl Energy was proposing to construct a wind
turbine and solar panels near the intersection of 490th St. and 215th Ave in Dunn Township. This Solar Wind
Hybrid project was previously proposed in Scamber Township. Scamber Township denied the project and
Julh Energy has decided not to proceed with the project in Dunn Township due to objections raised by
Pelican Lake property owners and the Coalition of Lake Associations. This project is located outside of a
Shoreland Area and compliant under the County’s Wind Energy Conversion System Ordinance. Motion by
Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to refer this issue to the Public Works Committee to
advise how the County can proceed to support economic development and energy saving projects, and, at
the same time preserve water quality in our lakes.
Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve a 3% COLA for non-union,
County employees effective 01/01/2018.
Recess & Reconvene
At 10:25 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:35 a.m.
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2017 - 90
WHEREAS: The City of Fergus Falls (hereafter referred to as the “City”) is beginning the process of further
connecting Otter Tail County (hereafter referred to as the “County”) to Minnesota’s bike trail system through
a planned trail known as the Glacial Edge Trail that will extend beyond the Central Lakes Trail, through
Fergus Falls, and provide an option for further connectivity with Maplewood State Park and the Perham to
Pelican Rapids Trail, and
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 9
WHEREAS: The City is applying for a “Transportation Alternatives” project identified as Glacial Edge Trail,
WHEREAS: The project identified in the Transportation Alternatives application will help fund phase 1B of
the Glacial Edge Trail Master Plan in southeastern Fergus Falls, providing an important non-motorized
connection between the Glacial Edge Trail and downtown Fergus Falls.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Otter Tail County, by this resolution, supports the
Transportation Alternatives application by the City of Fergus Falls for the Glacial Edge Trail.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Rogness, duly
seconded by Commissioner Froemming and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon,
the following voted in favor:
Commissioners Huebsch, Johnson, Lindquist, Froemming and Rogness
and the following voted against the same: None
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Tuesday, December 19, 2017
By: Attest:
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Public Information Officer
Communications Director Nick Leonard informed the Board that Shannon Terry has been hired for the new
County Public Information Officer (PIO) position. He indicated that this will be a transition from
Ms. Terry’s current position while solid waste projects in process need to be finalized. Mr. Leonard briefed
the Board on work being completed by H2M to convey the County’s broader communications plan on how
to improve communications with the public.
Tax-Forfeited Properties
Wayne Stein, Auditor-Treasurer, and Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Officials, provided
preliminary plans on how the HRA could rehab several tax forfeited properties in addition to purchase several
properties on Lenore Way in Fergus Falls to provide affordable housing. A recent public sale was not
successful in selling the four County properties, one in Ottertail City and three in New York Mills.
Commissioners agreed with the concept of the HRA plans for these properties. Jeff Gaffaney, HRA Director,
indicated that they would likely build or rehab one property and sell the property before moving towards the
next project. Commissioners suggested that all contractors should be given an opportunity on these public
projects and requested that the HRA broaden their advertising for these jobs. The Auditor-Treasurer will
return to the Board with formal resolutions to finalize the details for the sale of these properties.
Planning Commission
Conditional Use Permit – David & Geraldine Maier:
Motion by Lindquist, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to
construct a new dwelling with an attached garage as presented in the revised plan which addressed previous
concerns. The proposal is located on Lot 10 of White Swan Beach, Section 29 of Dane Prairie Township;
Swan Lake (56-781), RD.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 10
Preliminary Plat & Conditional Use Permit – “Rush Lake View” / Roger Olsen & Ann Olsen, et al:
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled
“Rush Lake View” consisting of 8 single family residential lots (6 riparian & 2 non-riparian) and a Conditional
Use Permit to service the plat with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The proposal
is located in Pt NW¼NE¼ & Pt GL (5.15 Acres) and GL 3 & NW¼NE¼ Ex Trs (35.39 Acres), Section 21 of
Otto Township; Rush Lake (56-141), GD.
Preliminary Plat & Conditional Use Permit – “Nesi Park” / Bob & Terri Reutter:
Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled “Nesi
Park” consisting of 5 single family residential lots (4 riparian & 1 non-riparian) and a Conditional Use Permit
to construct a road to service the plat with conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. The
proposal is located in N½ of the SE¼ of the NW¼ and GLs 2, 3 & 4, Section 17 (90.60 Acres) and Lots 8 &
9, Section 8 (8.65 Acres) of St. Olaf Township; Johnson Lake (56-393), NE.
Preliminary Plat – “Ballard Woods” / Gregory R. Ballard:
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the Preliminary Plat titled
“Ballard Woods” consisting of 8 non-residential, non-riparian lots as presented. The proposal is located in
Pt of GL 2, 5 & Pt SE¼SW¼ Com SW Cor (97.88 Acres), Section 07 of Dunn Township; Pelican Lake
(56-786), GD.
Conditional Use Permit – Daniel & Shannon Schmitz:
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to
clear an area and landscape to gain access to the lake and approve a residential PUD for 2 Recreational
Camper Units (RCU) as shown on the drawing. The approval is subject to all conditions as recommended
by the Planning Commission. The proposal is located S 165’ of GL 4 & SE¼SW¼ W Hwy #29 Ex Tr (4.20
Acres), Section 22 of Parkers Prairie Township; Adley Lake (56-31), GD.
Conditional Use Permit – Patrick Peck:
The Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a small Solar Wind Hybrid project in cooperation with
Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) was withdrawn by the Applicant and Juhl Energy, Inc. as the
contractor. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to allow Juhl Energy, Inc. to
transfer the Conditional Use Permit fee to a different project/location for a one-year period. Notices to the
public were not needed because the applicant withdrew the project.
Land & Resource Director Bill Kalar noted that there have been Federal and State law changes since the
Wind Turbine Ordinance was developed in 2011. Commissioners requested that this item be considered in
the upcoming long-range planning sessions.
Leaf Lake Partnership – Conditional Use Permit:
Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to
convert Leaf Lake Partnership to a Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) as presented. The
proposal is located in Pt of Gov’t Lot 2, Commencing at NE corner (2.50 Acres), Section 23 of Leaf Lake
Township; Middle/East Leaf Lake (56-116), RD.
Conditional Use Permit / Danny & Stacie Gregoire:
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit to
relocate a portion of a Township Road, Lida Shores Loop, as presented. The proposal is located in PT GL
7 COM NW CR L #1 BK 6 LIDA SH NW 71.38' TO PT BG SW 184.19', SLY 394.52', SWLY 143.12', NWLY
369', N 718.34', SE 500' TO PT OF BG EX .48 AC TR (7.05 Acres) Section 10 of Lida Township; Lida Lake
(56-747), GD.
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Page 11
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Task Force
Discussion took place regarding the recommendation of the AIS Task Force to hire thirty (30) Watercraft
Inspectors for the 2018 boating season. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried
to approve hiring up to 30 FTE Watercraft Inspectors for the 2018 boating season, subject to the hiring
candidate pool and resources to manage the Inspectors.
Discussion took place regarding the recommendation of the AIS Task Force to accept a $5,000 pledged
donation to support the operation of the I-LIDS at the Dead Lake accesses. Placement of the I-LIDS will
take place after State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) approval of the locations along with meeting
suitability standards for installation and operation.
AIS Task Force Chairman Bernie Steeves is reviewing how other counties are operating the boat
decontamination process.
One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P) – Mustinka/Bois de Sioux
Land & Resource Director Bill Kalar presented a Memorandum of Agreement for the establishment of the
Mustinka/Bois de Sioux 1W1P, a comprehensive watershed management plan. Motion by Johnson, second
by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute
the Mustinka/Bois de Sioux 1W1P Memorandum of Agreement which includes 6 counties, 6 SWCDs and
the watershed districts
Discussion took place regarding establishment of committees for the development of the plan with the first
Policy Committee meeting scheduled at 1:00 p.m., January 22, 2018, in Wheaton. Motion by Johnson,
second by Rogness and unanimously carried rescind the previous motion for approval of the Mustinka/Bois
de Sioux Memorandum of Agreement due to objections to the large number of members on various
committees and everyone needing to drive to Wheaton to meet once per month.
Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to request the County Administrator and
Land & Resource Director draft a letter to the Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) to realign the
committee structure for 1W1P watershed districts. Otter Tail County could have up to eight (8) plans and
the amount of time required under the current structure may not be the most efficient solution.
2018 Solid Waste Fee Schedule
Motion by Froemming, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the 2018 Solid Waste Fee
Schedule as presented by the Assistant Solid Waste Director and attached as Exhibit B.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program Agreement
Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials’ signatures to execute an Agreement (SWIFT Contract No. 132169) between the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency and Otter Tail County for the operation of the County’s HHW program.
HHW PaintCare Agreement
Motion by Froemming, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County
Officials’ signatures to execute an Agreement between PaintCare and the County of Otter Tail for the
operation of the Minnesota Architectural Paint Recovery Program as set forth in M.S. 115A.1415.
County Ditch #25
Motion by Johnson, second by Froemming and unanimously carried to approve the Findings and Order
removing property in the matter of County Ditch #25 as presented by the County Attorney.
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December 19, 2017
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Minnesota Inter-County Association (MICA) Minnesota Budget Overview
Administrator John Dinsmore briefed the Board on MICA’s projected State budget deficit and highlighted key
At 12:12 p.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 2, 2018.
By: Attest:
Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Exhibit A, Page 1
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December 19, 2017
Exhibit A, Page 2
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Exhibit A, Page 3
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Exhibit A, Page 4
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Exhibit B, Page 1
2018 Solid Waste Fee Schedule
OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes
December 19, 2017
Exhibit B, Page 2
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Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018 Agenda Items
1. 2018 Mileage Reimbursement Rate is 54.5 cents, an increase of 1 cent from the 2017 rate.
Consent Items
1.Approve the issuance of a 2018 Tobacco License to Trever Schlosser dba JC’s General Store.
2.Affidavit of Wayne Johnson
Wayne Johnson, having been duly sworn upon oath, states and alleges as follows:
1. Affiant, Wayne Johnson, is an Otter Tail County Commissioners the owner of Super Septic Excavation; and
2.The Otter Tail County Department of Solid Waste pays Super Septic Excavation $________ per month to provideand service its on-site portable toilet at the Pelican Rapids transfer station; and
3.The annual service fee is the reasonable value and actually less than that paid at other County transfer stations,
and the County would have to pay more to have a more distant contractor provide the service in Pelican Rapids;and
4. The annual amount of the contract is $__________, which is less than the amount which would require bidding byMinnesota Statute 471.345, and pursuant to Minnesota Statute 471.88; and
5. The County Board has approved by a unanimous vote Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2016-19 authorizing thecontract, and that Otter Tail County Solid Waste continue to contract with Super Septic Excavation when it is themost economical service available by either quotations or in the open market; affiant, Commissioner Wayne
Johnson, abstained from the vote on this resolution.
That further affiant sayeth not except and save that this affidavit in compliance with Minnesota Statute 471.89.
Dated:___________________ Wayne Johnson, Otter Tail County Commissioner
Owner of Super Septic Excavation
Subscribed and sworn to before this
_____ day of __________, 2018
Notary Public
Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
Animal Feedlot or Manure
Storage Area Permit Application
St. Paul, MN SSlSS-4194 NPDES and SDS Permit Program
Doc Type: Permit Application
App/lcablllty: You must submit this form to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for issuance, reissuance, and major modification of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) or State Disposal System (SDS) feedlot permit coverage. A separate application form exists for minor modification requests.
Keep a copy of this appllcation form and all submittals for your records.
A fact sheet that explains major and minor permit modifications is available at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/zihy6a1.
Feedlot Registration Number: 111-6404 7 r.Permit type and reason for application
Please indicate which type of feedlot permit coverage you are applying for {choose only one)
181 NPDES (Federal Permit) with State requirements included D SDS (State Permit)
Please indicate the reason for the permit application (choose only one)
181 General Permit Coverage Issuance{No existing general pennit coverage or coverage under a new general pennit due to pending expiration of current coverage)
D General Permit Coverage Major Modification (Changes to sites with existing general pennit coverage, including construction or expansion) 0 Individual Permit Issuance (No existing Jndividual permit) D Individual Permit Reissuance (Existing Individual permit due to expire and no desire to make any changes) D Individual Permit Major Modification (Changes to a site with an existing Individual permit. including construction or expansion)
II.Owner's name(s) and address(es)-(All partners of a Limited Uabllity Partnership (LLP) must be listed.)
Primary owner -Will be used as the mailing address
Name: CMS Farms of New York Mills, Inc
Additional owner -attach additional sheets as necessary
Name: -------------------
Address: 39092 470th Ave Address: ------------------
City: New York Mills State: _M_N ____ City: -----------
Phone: ___________ Zip: 56567 Phone: _________ _
State: ------
Zip: ------
Email: --------------------Email:-------------------
Note: The term owner includes all persons having possession, control, or title to an animal feedlot or manure storage area (including lessees or renters). All owners must be listed. Attach to this application the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all additional owners.
Ill. Facility name and site address Contact person for day-to-day activities
Site Name: CMS Farms of New York MIiis Name: _c_ra_,i9..__S_al_m_e_la ______________ _0 Facility is a MN Ag Water Quality Certified Farm (MAWQCP) Street 39092 470111 Ave ��=--�---'-�--------------
Complete If facility address Is different than the primary owner address: City: _N"""ew_Y_o_rk_M_ill_s _____ _ State: _M_N ___ _
Street: 39092 47Qlh Ave
City: New York Mills
Phone: __________ _
IV.Billing address
Phone: -----------Zip: 56567
State: � Cell phone: ___________ _
Zip: 56567 Email: ------------------
(General letters/notices may be sent by e-mail where one Is indicated.)
Indicate where the Permit fee invoice(s) should be mailed (check only one):D Primary owner address in Section II 181 Contact person in Section Ill
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v.Facility location
County: Otter Tail
Township Range (26-71 or 101 -168) (1 -51)
T 135 N R38W
Section (1 -36)
Township name:.---==Ott:..:.::::o _____________ _
% Section (160 acre) (NW, NE, SW, SE)
% of% Section (40 acre} (NW, NE, SW, SE)
VI.Sensitive features
1.Is any part of the facility within 1,000 feet of any type of surface waters?
If Yes, com plete a. and b. below:
181 Yes D No
a.List the nam e of the surface water feature: ---=u'--'-nn:..:..:a:::.m.;.;.e.;;..;d=-----------------------
b. Select the type of surface water feature below:D Lake/Pond larger than 25 acres 181 Wetland D Drainage d itch D Other D River/Stream Is any part of the facility with in 300 feet of the river/stream ? D Yes 181 No
2.Is any part of the facility located within a delineated flood plain (100 year flood)?
3.Is any part of the facility located within designated shoreland?
4.ls any part of the facility located within 1,000 feet of a karst feature?(sinkholes, caves, disappearing springs, resurgent springs, karst windows, dry valleys, or blind valleys)
If Yes, complete a. and b. below:
a.Are there 4 or m ore sinkholes within 1,000 feet?
b.Is any part of the facility within 300 feet of a known sinkhole?
0Yes D No
OYes 0No
D Yes 181 No
D Yes 181 No
D Yes 181 No
5.Is any part of the facility located within 1,000 feet of the following types of wells:D Yes 181 No
If Yes, select the applicable well type below:D a community water supply well D a well serving a public school as defined under Minn. Stat.§ 120A.05 D a well serving a private school excluding hom e school sites D a well serving a licensed child care center where the well is vulnerable (Minn. R. 4720.5550, subp. 2)
6.Is any part of the facility located within 1,000 feet of an open tile intake?D Yes 181 No
VII.Environmental Review (complete when construction or expansion is proposed}
Mandatory environmental review is required when the addition of 1,000 or more animal units (AU) is proposed as part of the
construction/expansion at any facility. The threshold when environm ental review is mandatory is reduced to 500 AU when any part of t:-.e facility is located within a "sensitive area''. The iaciiity is wiinin a sensitive area when any of the following apply.
•Any part of the facility is within a delineated flood plain (yes to question 2 above)
•Any part of the facility is within designated shoreland (yes to question 3 above}
•Any part of the facility is within 1,000 feet of a karst feature (yes to question 4 above}
•Any part of the facility is within a vulnerable drinking water supply management area
•Any part of the facility is within a federal, state, or local wild and scenic river district
•Any part of the facility is located within the Minnesota River Project Riverbend area or the Mississippi head waters area
Additionally mandatory environmental review is required for "Phased actions". Phased actions are defined under Minnesota law (Minn. R. ch. 4410} as two or more projects located in the same geographic area and constructed sequentially within three years of
each other by the sam e proposer. When this is the case, the animal units from all projects are combined to determine if environm ental review is required. The following will assist the MPCA to evaluate if your project qualifies as a "phased action".
Do you have ownership interest in another livestock operation that was constructed/expanded within the past three years or are you substantially certain you will be constructing/expanding another livestock operation within the next three years? D Yes 181 No
If Yes, how far away (straight-line distance) is it located from the project proposed in this application? miles
There are also rule provisions to require com pletion of the environmental review process in the event of a citizen petition or upon the discretion of the MPCA. Please see the MPCA fact sheet entitled "When is Environm ental Review Required for Feedlots" (available
on the MPCA website at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/publications/wg-f1-10.pdf) and/or Minn. R. 4410 for further details.
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VIII.Animal numbers and animal unit (AU) calculation
Complete the table below to identify the maximum number of animals housed at the facility. All animal numbers and animal sizes used to complete this table should reflect the animal holding capacity of the facility even if the facility does not currently house or
propose to house that number of animals. At no time is the number of animals at the facility allowed to exceed the capacity provided below without first obtaining a permit or permit modification.
Current Capacity - List the current head count capacity for each animal type in column 3 below. For sites with a permit, this should
match the currently permitted number of animals. Next, multiply the AU Factor in column 2 by the number of animals listed in column 3 to get the Current AU Capacity for each animal type (column 4). Finally, add together all AU's in column 4 to get a total at the bottom of the chart. If this application is for a brand-new feedlot site leave columns 3 and 4 blank. (ie. bare piece of ground)
Final Capacity-List the final head count capacity for each animal type in column 5 below. This number should include current
animals plus or minus any expansion or reduction in each animal type. This should reflect the maximum AU capacity requested with this permit application. Next, multiply the AU Factor in column 2 by the number of animals listed in column 5 to get the Final AU
Capacity for each animal type (column 6). Finally, add together all AU's in column 6 to get a total at the bottom of the chart.
ADI attl •a1ryc
Animal tvoe
Mature cow (milked or dry) over 1,000 lbs.
Mature cow (milked or dry) under 1,000 lbs.
Animal unit factor
Current AU capacity
Head count
Animal units =column 2 xcolumn 3
Final AU capacity
Head count
Anlmal units = column 2 xcolumn 5
Veal 0.2
C.Beef cattle
Slaughter steer/heifer, stock cow, or bull 1.0
Feeder cattle (stocker or backgrounding), heifer 0.7
Cow and calf pair 1.2
Calf (weaned) 0.2
D. Swine
Over 300 lbs. 0.4 1400 560 3600 1440
Between 55 and 300 lbs. 0.3 250 75 675 202.5
Under 55 lbs. 0.05 180 9
Horse 1.0
Sheep or Lamb 0.1
G.Chickens with a ll uid manure s tem
Layer Hens or Broilers 0.033
H Chi k I h d . c ens wt a rrv manure svstem
Broilers over 5 lbs. 0.005
Broilers under 5 lbs. 0.003
Layer Hens over 5 lbs. 0.005
Layer Hens under 5 lbs. 0.003
Over 5 lbs. 0.018
Under 5 lbs. 0.005
Duck (with a liquid manure handling system) I 0.01 I Duck (with a dry manure handling system) I O.o1 I
K.Animals not listed in A to J (AU factor in column 2 = average weight of the animal tvoe divided by 1,000 lbs.)
Animal type: I I
Total animal unit capacity Add all numbers in column 4 for Current AU total
Add all numbers in column 6 for Final AU total
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I Current Final
AU Capacity AU Capacity
Total Total 644 1642.5
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IX.Animal holding areas Pasture Access: Do any animals at the facility have access to pasture? D Yes rzJ No
Complete the table below for all your animal holding areas. If needed, continue your list on an additional copy of this page.
Animal holdina area ID
Facilitv Site Sketch ID (i.e., #1, A, Barn 1 l
Status: (check one box only) Proposed-not permitted previously Approved -permitted but not yet operational Existing -current operational component* Modifvina -chance to a permitted component
Distance to nearest well (ft. l
DProposed OApproved 181Existing 0Modifying DEliminating
List each animal holdina area in a seaarate column
2 3 4 5
DProposed 0Propcsed 181Proposed 181Proposed 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 181Existing 181Existing 0Existing OE.xisting DModifying 0Modifying DModifying DModifying DEliminating DEliminating DEliminating 0Eliminating
187' 252' 102' 349'
•for facilities without current NPDES or SDS permit coverage, this would include all current compcnents of your registered feedlot
Type of animal holding areas Write approximate dimensions in feet In the space below
(indicate dimensions and floor tvPel (width x lencrth or area with units for irreaular shaoesJ
Total confinement barn (slatted floor) 7l'x200' 60'x224' 60'x180' 167.7'x349' 142.2'x338.5'
Total confinement barn (solid floor)
Partial confinement barn
Ooen lot with runoff controls
Ooen lot without runoff controls
Animal Holding Area Floor Type 181Concrete 0Soll 181Concrele 0Soll 181Concrete 0Soil 181Concrete 0Soil 181Concrete 0Soil (check all that apply) DAsphalt OO!her DAsphalt OO!her DAsphalt DOther OAsphalt DOther OAsphalt DOther
DProposed 0Approved 0Existing DModifying DEliminating
DConcrete 0Soil DAsphalt DOther
Animal numbers Indicate the maximum capacity (number of animals) of each animal holding area
The total number of all animals listed should match the final animal numbers listed on oa11e 3
Mature dairv cows (over 1,000 lbs.)
Mature dairv cows (under 1,000 lbs. l
Dairv heifers
Dairv calves
Slauahter steer/heifer, stock cow or bull
Feeder cattle-stocker/background/heifer
Cow and calf oair
Beef calves (weaned)
Swine over 300 lbs. 220 648 244 2008 480
Swine between 55 and 300 lbs. 675
Swine under 55 lbs.
Sheeo or lamb
All chickens with liauid manure svstem
Broiler chickens over 5 lbs. -dry system
Broiler chickens under 5 lbs. -drv svstem
Lavine hens over 5 lbs. -drv svstem
Lavina hens under 5 lbs. -dry system
Turkevs -over 5 lbs.
Turkevs -under 5 lbs.
Air emissions plan for animal holdin areas• Indicate from the list below the letter(s) of the applicable air emission control strategy(s)
choose at least one strate for each cate below for each animal ho/din area
Odor control strate ies current! em lo ed A,C,D,E,G,H A,C,D,E,G,H A,C,D,E,G,H A,C,D,E,G,H A,C,D,E,G,H
Possible additional odor control strategies•• must indicate at least one ractice J J J J
Potential practices employed to minimize emissions/odors from animal holding areas
A.Disperse/mix air with tree plantings F. Higher oil and fat content in feed to reduce dust
B. Treatment of escaping air with control technologies G. Eliminate manure buildup under gates, feeders, etc ..
C. Maintain clean, dry floors to eliminate manure buildup H. Maintain exhaust fans and avoid manure and dust accumulation
D. Promptly clean up any spilled feed I. Use spray oil to reduce du st
E. Regular removal of manure J.I will consult the MPCA to Identify changes that can be made to reduce odors
K.Other: __________________________________________ _•This satisfies Minn. R.7020.0505 subp. 4 item B (1 ). The response to documented exceedances is satisfied by the application certification text. ••In the event that odor complaints are validated, the practices identified will be implemented pursuant to MPCA request/approval.
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x.Manure handling, feed storage, and dead animal areas
Complete the table below for your manure storage, feed/silage storage areas and dead animal disposal areas on your site.
If needed, continue your list on an additional copy of this page.
Manure, feed, or dead anlmal areas List each manure handling, feed storage, and dead animal area In a senarate column
Facility Site Sketch ID Ci.e., #1, A, Basin 1)
Status: (check one box only) Proposed -not permitted previously Approved -permitted but not yet operational Existing-current operational componenr Modifyinq -change to a permitted component
Distance to nearest well (ft.)
1 2
OProposed 0Proposed OApproved 0Approved J81Existing J81Existing 0Modifying OModifying OEliminating OEliminating
140' 187'
3 4 5 6
0Proposed 181Proposed 181Proposed OProposed 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved l81Existing 0Existing OExisting IZ!Existing 0Modifying OModifying OModifying 0Modifying OEliminating OEliminating 0Eliminating OEliminating
252' 102' 349' 240'
*for facilities without current NPDES or SDS permit coverage, this would include all current components of your registered feedlot
Type of liquld manure or process wastewater
storage/treatment areas (indicate dimensions)
Earthen or GCL lined basin
Below barn concrete tank 71 'x200'x2'
In-ground concrete tank/basin (outdoor)
Above-ground concrete tank
Synthetic lined (HOPE, EPDM, etc.} basin
Steel tank (i.e., slurry-store)
Composite lined (2 liner types) basin/tank
Vegetated Infiltration Area
Other (describe):
Type of solld manure, feed storage, and dead
animal areas (indicate dimensions and floor type)
Permanent Stockpile
Dead Animal Management Area
Covered Feed Storage Area
Uncovered Feed Storage Area
Sweet Com Silage Storage
Stora_ge Pad_Area ---------------------·---· . Tonnage on site at any one time
Other (describe):
Stockpile, Feed Storage, or Mortality Area Floor/Liner Type (check all that apply)
-----·---._.. ................... ____
DConcrete 0Soil
OAsphalt 00ther
Write approximate top dimensions in feet In the space below (width x length x deoth or volume with units for irreaular shaoes)
60'x224'x2' 60'xl 80'x2' 167.7'x349'x 142.2'x338.5'x 12' 2'
Write approximate dimensions in feet in the space below
(width x lenath or area with units for irregular shaoes
-------·-----------· -·�·------... --·------·-----------------... -...... -... ·-----------·---·----·-·--------... �--, ............ ..._ .......
DConcrete 0Soll DConcrete 0Soil 0Concrete DSoil 0Concrele 0Soil DConcrete 0Soil
DAsphalt DOther DAsphalt DOther DAsphalt D Other DAsphalt OOther OAsphalt 00ther
Air emissions plan for llquid and
solid manure stora e areas*
Indicate from the list below the letter(s) of the applicable air emission control strategy(s) (choose at least one strategy for each category below for each manure storage areaJ this is not re uired for feed stora tative infiltration areas, or dead animal mans ment areas
Possible additional odor control strategies** must indicate at least one ractice 0 0 0 0
Potential practices employed to minimize emissions/odors from manure storage areas
(no practices required for feed storage areas, vegetative infiltration areas, or dead animal management areas)
Liquid Storage Area Specific (basins, pits, etc.) Practices applicable to solid or liquid storage areas
A.Maintain crust on basin by using organic bedding K.Notify neighbors of manure application periods and avoid holidays
B. Cover liquid manure storage area with straw L. Disperse/mix air with tree plantings
C.Cover liquid manure storage area with synthetic cover M.Add straw or other bedding material to reduce odor/ emissions
D.Anaerobic digestion N. Treatment of escaping air with control technologies
E.Separate solids with settling basin or liquid/solid separator 0.I will consult the MPCA to identify changes that can be made to reduce odors
F.Utilize a pit additive to break down solids
Solid Storage Area Specific (stockpiles)
G.Reduce length of time stockpile is maintained
H. Solid manure composting
I. Cover the solid manure stockpile
J. Incinerate solid manure at approved/permitted facility
Q. Other:
R. Other.
*This satisfies Minn. R. 7020.0505 subp. 4 item B ( 1 ). The response to documented exceedances is satisfied by the application certification text.
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•• Jn the event that odor complaints are validated, the practices identified will be implemented pursuant to MPCA request/approval.
XI.Manure handling, feed storage, and dead animal areas
Complete the table below for your manure storage, feed/silage storage areas and dead animal disposal areas on your site. If needed, continue your list on an additional copy of this page.
Manure, fe ed, or dead animal areas List each manure handllna, feed storaae, and dead animal area In a seoarate columnFacilitv Site Sketch ID (i.e., #1, A, Basin 1) Status: (check one box only} Proposed -not permitted previously Approved -permitted but not yet operational Existing -current operational component* Modlfvina -chanae to a permitted comoonent Distance to nearest well (ft.}
7 : OProposed !OProposed0Approved !DApproved181Existing ·OExisting0Modifying I OModifying OEliminating ID Eliminating
470' :
OProposed 0Proposed OProposed 0Proposed 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Existing OExisting 0Existing OExisting 0Modifying 0Modifying 0Modifying 0Modlfying OEliminating 0Eliminating OEliminating 0Eliminating
• for facilities without current NPDES or SDS permit coverage, this would include all current components of your registered feedlot
Type of liquld manure or process wastewater Write approximate top dimensions in feet in the space below storaae/treatment areas (indicate dimensions} (width x /en-1th x deoth or volume with units for irreaular shaoesJ Earthen or GCL lined basin
Below barn concrete tank In-ground concrete tank/basin (outdoor}
Above-ground concrete tank Synthetic lined (HOPE, EPDM, etc.) basin Steel tank (i.e., slurry-store} Composite lined (2 liner types} basin/tank Vegetated Infiltration Area
Other (describe):
Type of solid manure, feed storage, and dead Write approximate dimensions In feet in the space below animal areas (indicate dimensions and floortypel (width x lenath or area with units for irregular shaoesl Permanent Stockpile
Dead Animal Management Area Covered Feed Storage Area
Uncovered Feed Storage Area Sweet Com Silage Storage Stora� Pad Area ---------------_ Tonnage on site at any one time
Other (describe}: Stockpile, Feed Storage, or Mortality Area Floor/Liner Type (check all that apply}
i 16'x62' I I
181Concrete 0Soil DConcrete 0Soil 0Asphalt OOther 0Asphalt Oother
------------... -----------�------1-----....... -----
0Concrete 0Soil 0Concrete 0Soil OConcrete 0Soil OConcrete 0Soil 0Asphalt OOther 0Asphalt OOther 0Asphalt DOther 0Asphalt Oother
Indicate from the list below the letter(s) of the applicable air emission control strategy(s)
(choose at least one strategy for each category below for each manure storage areaJ this is not uirsd for feed sto areas ve tative infiltration areas, or dead animal mana ement areas
Possible additional odor control strategies** must Indicate at least one ractice
Potential practices employed to minimize emissions/odors from manure storage areas
(no practices required for feed storage areas, vegetative infiltration areas, or dead animal management areas)
Liquid Storage Area Specific (basins, pits, etc.) Practices applicable to solid or liquid storage areas G.Maintain crust on basin by using organic bedding P.Notify neighbors of manure application periods and avoid holidays H.Cover liquid manure storage area with straw Q. Disperse/mix air with tree plantings I.Cover liquid manure storage area with synthetic cover J. Anaerobic digestion R. Add straw or other bedding material to reduce odor/ emissions S. Treatment of escaping air with control technologiesK.Separate solids with settling basin or liquid/solid separator T.I will consult the MPCA to identify changes that can be made to reduce odors L. Utilize a pit additive to break down solids
Solid Storage Area Specific (stockpiles)Q.Other: H. Reduce length of time stockpile is main1ainedJ. Solfd manure composting s. Other: K. Cover the solid manure stockpileK.Incinerate solid manure at approved/permitted facility T.Other:
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*This satisfies Minn. R. 7020.0505 subp. 4 item B (1 ). The response to documented exceedances is satisfied by the application certification text.•• In the event that odor complaints are validated, the practices Identified will be implemented pursuant to MPCA request/approval.
XII.Changes to groundwater monitoring plan (complete only if applicable)
If groundwater monitoring is required at the facility, this application can request changes to the MPCA-approved groundwater monitoring plan. In order to request changes to the groundwater monitoring plan, please indicate the type of change requested.
D Elimination of monitoring D Change to sample testing protocol
D Change to sampling frequency
D Other
When a change is requested, please include with this permit application documentation from a qualified professional that provides a technical analysis and justification for the requested changes.
XIII.Notifications and public meetings
The notifications identified in items A and B are required to be done before permit issuance.
A.500 or more AU: Notice to residents and property owners within 5,000 feet of a proposed project
When required. A notice is required in either of the following situations:
•Construction of a new feedlot, or manure storage area, which will have a capacity of 500 AU or more.
•Expansion of an existing feedlot, or manure storage area, which currently has, or will have upon completion of the expansion, a capacity of 500 AU or more.
Notice methods. The owner shall not less than 20 business days before the anticipated issuance date of the permit, provide
notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5,000 feet of the perimeter of the proposed facilfty. This notice must Include, at a minimum, the information provided in Minn. R. 7020.2000, subp.4.
An example notice can be found in the factsheet Permit Notification Requirements -Feedlots with more than 500 Animal Units
available on the MPCA website http://www.pca.state.mn.us/feedlots.
Verification of notice.
The MPCA must verify that this notice has been completed prior to permit issuance. Documentation that this notice has been completed can be provided with the permit application (preferred) or submitted at a later date, prior to permit issuance.
When the notice has been completed prior to this application
Please include with this permit application one of the following options that provides verification that the required notice has been completed:
•An affidavit of publication from a newspaper of general circulation used to provide this notification.
•A list of all parties, with their location, that were notified by certified mail and copies of all signed mail returnreceipts.
•A list of all parties, with their location, that were personally visited with a date and signature from each party andcertification signed by a notary public indicating in detail what was discussed.
When the notice has not been completed prior to this application
Please include with this permit application the following:
•A copy of the content of the notification
•Date notification is scheduled to occur:
Note: The permit cannot be issued prior to receiving verification that the notice has actually taken place.
This verification must be one of the three items listed above.
B.Non-delegated county public meeting minutes (Minn. Stat.§ 116.07, subd. 7(1))
A county which has not accepted delegation of the feedlot program must hold a public meeting prior to issuance of a feedlot
permit by the MPCA for an animal feedlot with a capacity of 300 or more animal units.
Date meeting has occurred or is scheduled to occur: _T_B_D ______ _
Verification of publlc meeting.
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A copy of the meeting mlnt.1tes must be provided to the MPCA for wrlffcatlon of complellon of Chia reqUIRMl"l8nt prior to permit lesuance.
XIV.Certification and signature
General pennitThe Applicant cartlf,ea lhat, If Chia Is an apprlcatlon is for a general permit, they are familiar wi1h the requirements of the general pennit. The Applicant understand8 lhat If the MPCA c:felermlnea the facility does not meet the aiterla for coverage under the genereJ pennit this application wru be used as an appUcatlon for an individual Penni.
Notification to local offlcfaJ• The Applicant certillea 1hat, if 1he appllca1lon Includes construction of a new factRty or expansion of an exiatfng facltlty, au local zoning authorities have been nolfffed In accordance with Minn. R 7020.2000 subp. 5.
Opatatlon and Maintenance Plan
The Applicant oertifiea that the followlng operation and maintenance measures viii be employed; Operate and maintain manure storage &1'886 according to 1he approved design plans including: -Repair of damage -Control vegetation and tree growth with fraquent mo'Aling-Maintenance of freeboard -Access only at designated points (i.e. concrete ramps)-No dlschalge (unless approved) ·
•DMtrt aurfaoe water ffow away from and prevent poollng near manure IICDnlge antas•Openm maf1Ul9 storage area capacity to be c:onws1lent with 1he approved manure management plan•Perform routine maintenance of mamua handll.ng,1ransl'e equipment•Minima erosion end sediment 1nln8port wllh vagetative buffers and/or graver/rock ene,gy dissipation
Mlnlmia stormwater conlact with sources of pollution•Operate animal mor1ality management areas according to MN Board of Animal Health and other applicable requirements•Dfspose of aolld and hazardous waste etoording 1o appllcable reguratlons •Perform groundwater monitoring aocordJ� lo the MPCA approved plan
Air Emlaal0t'l8 Plan -ruponse to documented exceedancea (Minn. R. 7020.0505 8Ubp. 4, Items (1)(b))
The Applicant cerlifles that. If ambln Bir quality monitoring lndicales an exceedance of tile Hydrogen Sulfide Standard, they will submit a ,eport, at the MPCA's requaat, Uiat provides documentaUon that one of the following wtn contnll lhe emlulona.
Liquid rnanURI storage.,.. Solid manu19 etotage areas •Chemical additions Synfleltc cover •Nalwal austing •Frequent manure removal• Straw cover •Fn,quent land appication•Synthetic cover (i.e., HOPE)•Incineration•Treetmentofescaplng air •CompostingThe report wlll provide evidence 1hat lhe technology wll control the emissions, Indicate when the technology will be lnetalled and fuly operational, and Indicate what tempora,y measures ¥All be taken to minimize emlaalons prior to lnatalatlon. AHarnatiY8& may be approved at the dlacratlon of the MPCA. The report will be Immediately Implemented upon MPCA approval.
Construction Stonnwatar (CSW) Permit Toe Applicant certfflee lhat, ff Chis applfcatlon is for a NPDES permit vvtien, OOl'l8trucllon adMlles wiK cl8b.t> one or mons 8Ct88 of land. It will al9o serve as an appllcallon for 1he general CSW NPOES permit, as refeNncect in the feedlot NPDES permit, unless a sepal8ta applJcatlon for CSW NPDES permit coverage has been mac.. The Applcant agrees to comply Yli1h the requirements of the cgt,1 NPDES pennlt.
Appltcant algnature I hereby certify 1hat the dellign, construction, and operation of the faclllty will be In accordance v.1lh 1h18 appllcalion and plans, apecfflcatioris, n,ports, and related oommunlcationa aJ)l)l'0','8d by the MPCA, and In accordance with applicable pennit condltlona or regulaticna18tandard8 of lhe MPCA.
I also certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments wera prepared under my dif8clfon or aupe,vlalon and the lnfonnatJon submltal ls, to the best of my knowledge and belief. true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are &lgniflamt peneJtles for submlfflng false informalion, lnclUdlng the p088ibillly of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
The person that signs 1h18 application must be one Of the following: A.For a corporation, a prfncipal executive officer of at leaat the level of Vice presidentB.For a partnership, a general partnerC. For a sole proprieto Ip, the proprietor
Print name: J,ctf � ·
Office phone: m --��-�-w��..,...--S 1gn a1Ure!
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wcrf3·08 • a,19116 ,.,o110
To sign up for electronic communications including reminders for annual reports as well as MPCA feedlot newsletters and other MPCA communications, please go to the MPCA website at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNPCA/subscriber/new
Required enclosures (Permit applications submitted without all required enclosures are incomplete.}
0 A. A site sketch/aerial photograph indicating the location of the existing and proposed facility components.
D B. A Manure/Nutrient Management Plan (MMP} submitted on the MPCA's standardized form.
When all manure is transferred to another entity for utilization, complete a MMP using the form below:
Transferred Ownership MMP: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=3763
When any portion of manure Is applied to land owned, rented, or leased by the applicant(s}, or applied to other land where nutrient application decisions are made by the applicant(s}, complete a MMP using the spreadsheet form below:
MPCA Manure Management Planner: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=3548
Notes: The transferred ownership MMP form is incorporated into the spreadsheet to account for instances when only some of the manure is transfen-ed.
A paper version is available at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=23197
D C. Plans and Specifications for construction, modification, or expansion of any liquid manure storage area.
D D. Emergency Response Plan for response to manure spills and catastrophic animal mortality events. The plan must be completed using the MPCA's form available at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=3754.
D E. Permit application fee: (Check payable to: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency}
•General Permit Coverage Issuance $620 •General Permit Coverage Major Modification $620 •Individual Permit Issuance $1,860 •Individual Permit Relssuance $620 •Individual Permit Major Modification $1,860
Note: There is an additional fee of $4,650 for processing of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet {EAW) (when
required). The EAW fee must be paid via a separate check.
D F. Conditional -Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP}. Development of a SWPPP is required when construction disturbs one or more acres at any feedlot site. The SW PPP must be available at the construction site but does not need to be submitted with this application unless the construction disturbs 50 acres or more of land and this application is for an NPDES permit.
The MPCA has developed a fonm to assist in development of a SWPPP it is available at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=3485.
D G. Optional -Verification of the notifications required in part XIII of this application. lf not submitted with the application, the MPCA must receive the verification prior to permit issuance. It is strongly recommended that the applicable verifications be included with the permit application.
Permit application submittal to the MPCA
Please mall the completed permit application, permit application fee, and all necessary attachments to the MPCA office contact indicated in the chart below. If a permit application is for a facility in multiple counties you can submit it to either office.
For faclllties located For facllltles located In .the. followinl{. counties: ........ -....................................................................................... in _the followln9_ counties: ...................................................... .Aitkin Fillmore Lyon Rice Anoka Freeborn Mcleod Rock Benton Goodhue Meeker Scott Big Stone Hennepin Mille Lacs Sherburne Carlton Houston Morrison Steams Carver Isanti Mower St. Louis Cass Itasca Murray Steele Chippewa Jackson Olmsted Swift Chisago Kanabec Nobles Todd Cook Kandiyohi Pine Wabasha Cottonwood Koochiching Pipestone Wadena Crow Wing Lac qui Parle Ramsey Washington Dakota Lake Redwood Winona Dodge Lincoln Renville Wright
Becker Martin Beltrami Nicollet Blue Earth Norman Brown Otter Tail Clay Pennington Clearwater Polk Douglas Pope Faribault Red Lake Grant Roseau Hubbard Sibley Kittson Stevens Lake of the Woods Traverse Le Sueur Waseca Mahnomen Watonwan
-----·--·-------------------------------- Yellow Medicine ___ _ Marshall ___________ Wilkin ___ .. ___________ _
Please mail your completed permit application, fee, and attachments to:
MPCA Feedlot Permit Coordinator
www.pca.state.mn.us •651-296-6300 •800-657·3864
wq·fJ-08 • 8/19116
Please mall your completed pennit appllcation, fee, and attachments to:
MPCA Feedlot Permit Coordinator
TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 •Available in alternative formats
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18 Woodlake Drive SE Rochester, MN 55904
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12 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 2165 Mankato, MN 56001
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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Are you transferring ownership of manure?
Manure Management Plan (MMP)
Requirements when Ownership
of Manure is Transferred
Feedlot Program
Doc Type: Permit Information Form
MMP and record keeping requirements for feedlot owners are different when manure ownership is transferred. Manure ownership is
not considered to be transferred (i.e., feedlot owner/operator retains ownership) when you answer "yes" to either question:
1.D Yes 181 No Is manure from the feedlot facility applied onto land that is owned, leased, or rented by the feedlot owner/operator?
2.D Yes 181 No For manure application sites not owned, leased, or rented by the feedlot owner/operator, have you as the feedlot owner/operator or employees working under your direction been given control of the crop and nutrient planning decisions, including planning for manure application rates, timing, and methods?
If you answered "Yes" to either question, you are retaining ownership of manure, and you should see the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) guidelines "Manure Management Plan Requirements" which describe requirements when manure ownership is not transferred (found on the MPCA website at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=3537).
If you answered "No" to both questions, then you are transferring ownership of your manure and the feedlot operator may use these guidelines to complete a MMP.
If only a portion of your manure is considered to have transferred ownership, then use these guidelines for the manure which has
transferred ownership, and develop the more comprehensive MMP for the manure which does not have transferred ownership.
MMP development
The MMP can be developed by answering the questions below or by using other formats that include all required information in Minn. R. ch. 7 02 0.
Name of feedlot facility or operator: CMS of New York Mills, Inc Registration No.: 111-64 04 7
1.Describe the manure storage and handling system and the expected amount of manure and nutrients that wlllneed to be land applied.
a)How is the manure stored and handled? What happens to the manure from the time it is generated to the time it iseither sold or land applied? Where is it kept? For how long?
Manure is stored either in an existing in ground concrete basin. In the new facilities the manure will be stored in belowbarn concrete LMSA. Manure is stored until the time of field application.
b)How many months can manure be stored before the storage capacity is exceeded?
c)When will manure be provided to the recipient? Which months do you expect that manure will be applied?
April, May, September, October, November
d)How much manure is removed from barns or storage areas per year? How much manure will eventually need to be land-applied?
Amount removed from barns or storage: 5,44 0,078 ...::.'--...;;...:..;'-'-----------D Tons 181 Gallons
D Tons 181 GallonsAmount land applied: -..::.5-'-',4'--'4..:..0,""0..:..78=----------------
e)How much of this manure will be transferred ownership: ---"1_0_0°-:....:Yo _______ �-----------
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f)How many pounds of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P20s) will need to be land applied per year? {Multiply theexpected nutrient content from Part 3.c) by the amount of manure land applied from Part 1.d) to get your answer.)(e.g., 77 pounds N + 1,000 gallons x 1,300,000 gallons= 100,100 pounds of Nor alternatively 45 pounds per ton x3,000 tons = 135,000 pounds of N) {figure P20s using the same calculations)
N: 18/1000*5,440,078 = 97,921.4 lbs N P20s: 8/1000*5,440,078 = 43,520.6 lbs P
g)For new or expanding feedlot facilities, is there enough land potentially available for spreading manure in accordancewith allowable rates? 181 Yes D No
How will you ensure that enough land owners in the area are willing to purchase your manure or otherwise receive
your manure? (e.g., enough land to allow spreading in accordance with state nutrient rate limits)
Agreements with local land operators
2.Describe the manure application methods and equipment.
a) How will the manure be applied? What method(s) and type(s) of equipment do you expect will be used for manureapplication by the recipient of your manure, if known?
Manure is appHed by tank or drag hose applicator
3.Describe your nutrient testing methods, the frequency of testing, and the expected nutrient content of the manureto be applied.
a)How often will manure be sampled and sent to a laboratory for nutrient analysis? {Minimum state requirements are:annual sampling at NPDES-permitted facilities; annual sampling for the first three years and once every four years forother feedlots.)
Well agitated samples will be take annually.
b)How will the manure samples be collected to ensure that representative samples are obtained for nutrient analysis?{e.g., How many subsamples? When collected? Where corrected? University of Minnesota Extension Servicepublications may be referenced.)
Samples will be taken at the time of manure application
c)What is the expected nutrient content of manure to be collected? {e.g., What is the nitrogen and phosphorus content
expected from each major type of manure storage area?
N: 18 D Pounds per Ton 181Pounds per 1,000 Gallons
P20s: 8 D Pounds per Ton 181Pounds per 1,000 Gallons
4.Describe how Minnesota's manure application requirements will be provided to manure recipients.
a)Attach a copy of the state manure application requirements that you will provide to al I recipients of your transferredmanure. Will you be using Attachment A or another list of state requirements?
Attachment A will be used
b)How will you, as a feedlot owner/operator, maintain records associated with the manure transfer and land applicationsites/rates? Will you use MPCA recordkeeping forms for transferred ownership {Attachment B) or will you use adifferent form? Note: Attachments A and B can be obtained from MPCA offices or on the MPCA website at
http://www.pca.state.mn.us/hotffeedlot-management.htm1 -
Attachment A & B will be used
c)How will you provide the manure recipient with manure nutrient test results and expected manure nutrient content?You may use Attachment B or other forms which include test results.
Attachment B will be used.
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Animal mortality management (NPDES and sos permitted sites only}
Indicate with a check mark the anticipated method(s} of dead animal disposal.
D Rendering
Carcasses at the pick-up point will comply with the following:
•Kept in an animal-proof, enclosed area.
•At least 200 yards from a neighbor's buildings.
•Picked up within 72 hours (7 days if refrigerated to less then 45 degrees).
� Composting
The composting a11N1 will comply with the fol/owing:
•Built on an impervious, weight-bearing pad that is large enough to allow equipment to maneuver.
Note: Class V gravel material is not considered to be impervious.
•Covered with a roof to prevent excessive moisture on the composting material, but If sawdust or other water-repelling
material is used as the bulking agent, a roof may not be necessary.
•Built of rot-resistant material that is strong enough to withstand the force exerted by equipment.
•Large enough to handle each day's normal mortality through the endpoint of the composting which consists of a minimumof two (2) heat cycles.
D Burial
The following operational practices will be implemented:
•Stay 5 feet above seasonal high water table.
•Stay 1000 feet away from lakes and 300 feet away from rivers, streams, ditches, etc.
•Be covered immediately with enough soil to keep scavengers out (three feet is sufficient).
•Not be placed in sandy or gravelly soil types.
•Maintain at least 10 feet vertical separation between dead animals and bedrock.
D Incineration
The Incinerator will meet the following:
•Capable of producing emissions not to exceed 20 percent opacity.
•Fitted with an afterburner that maintains flue gases at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 0.3 seconds.
•Ash from the incinerator must be handled in such a manner as to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne.
D Other Method
The following operational practices wlll be implemented (describe the alternative method below):
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Attachment A-Summary of state requirements for recipients of transferred manure and table for rate calculation
I.Rate limitsMatch N needs -Limit rates so that estimated plant-available
N from all manure and fertilizer sources combined does notexceed expected crop N needs for the upcoming crop unless
rates are limited by P (see section II)Legumes -Crop-available manure N applied to legumes cannot exceed 3.5 lbs N per bushel of soybeans; 50 lbs N perton of alfalfa; 27 lbs N per ton grass hay or pasture; 43 lbs Nper ton grass/legume; 45 lbs N per ton red clover.Base on Univ. of Minn. recommendations -Determine
crop nitrogen needs and the amount of nitrogen availablefrom manure or legumes from most recent publishedrecommendations of the University of Minnesota Extension
Service or another land grant college in a contiguous state.Contact MPCA staff if you need the most recent Univ. ofMinn. recommendations.Base rates on: crop sequence, expected yields and soil
organic matter category when applicable, previous yearmanure credits, method of application, and manure analysisnutrient levels.Calibrate equipment -Calibrate equipment regularly andapply evenly to ensure that the intended rates of application
are consistent with actual rates of application.Summer applications -Plant a cover crop where manure isapplied In June, July or August to harvested fields that wouldotherwise remain without crop cover for the rest of the
growing season. Use a soil nitrate test during the followingspring to credit remaining nutrients.
II.Soll Phosphorus (P) management
Soil P testing -Test soils for Pat least once every fouryears.Avoid P bulld-up along waters -Manage manure additions
(crop P removal can be used as a guide, don't exceedremoval over time) so that soil P levels do not show increasewithin 300 feet of certain waters*, except where soil P is
Insufficient for crop growth (less than 21 Bray P-1 or 16Olsen), or where a 50-100' vegetative buffer is established
along waters.Avoid extremely high P soils -Avoid manure applicationonto fields where soils exceed P levels in the table below,
unless a plan is submitted to the MPCA or County FeedlotOfficer that describes how water pollutron will be preventedwhen applying manure to these soils.
Soil Test Outside of 300 Within 300 ft from waters* Method ft from waters* and o n tile intakes
* "waters" refers to lakes, streams, lntennittent streams,weUands over 10 acres, and drainage ditches without protective benns.
Ill. Setbacks when applying manure in sensitive areas
Surface I ncorporatlon Feature Annlication Within 24 hrs Lakes, Streams 300'* 25'
Wetlands (10+ ac) 300'* 25' Ditches w/o Benns 300'* 25'
Open Tile Intakes 300' O'
Sinkholes w/o Benns Downslope 50' 50'
Uoslooe 300' 50'
Wells and Quarries 50' 50' *10l1 ve�tated buffer can be used instead of 300' setback for non-winter applications {5'1 buffer for wetlands/ditches)
wq-f8·12 • 7123/fS
651-296-6300 •800-657-3864
IV.Keeping records
The cropland manager where manure is applied must keeprecords for at least three years {six years if applying manure
near waters):•Manure nutrient test rosults {provided by feedlotowner), Field locations and acreage, Dates of application and timing of incorporation, Amount of
manure applied per acre, Total N and P applied oneach field, and Soil nutrient test results.•If manure is applied in during the winter, record theland slopes, distance to nearest water, and field
conservation practices in place.
V.Short-term stockpiling practicesFollow all stockpiling setbacks for waters and conduits towaters (ranging from 50 to 300 feet); avoid sandy soils andhigh water table soils (<2'); avoid slopes over 6%; usediversions if slopes exceed 2%; and keep records as
required in Minn. R. ch. 7020.2125. The stockpile size mustnot exceed the amount of manure needed to supply nutrientneeds to the tract of land where applied.
VJ. Spills
If manure spills occur that have the potential to pollute waters, immediately contact the state duty officer at 1-800-422-0798.
VII.Manure rate calculator
If the P management requirements (see Section II) are beingmet, the calculator can be used at the time of application to
determine the manure rate to apply at N-based rates.
Field location: Twnsp Sec_ 1/4_
Step 1. N needs of crop (lb/acre) base the N needs as described in Sec I Step 2. Total N In manure (lb/ton or
lb/1000 anons Step 3. Take step 2 value & multiply by applicable % factor from table 2 below. % ran es from .20 to .80 Step 4: Divide the number from step 1 b the number In Ste 3.
N Example 130/bla
50 lb/1000 al
SOX.BO= 40
I 130/40 ;
I 3.25 3,250 ava
Ta/Jlt 2. ManMr, nltrog,n ,noa/lalll/lQ· anti Ion •• al{ffl,d �· .,n/lH o/ ,q,pllNlf/on and a1t/tn11I JJlfC'/1$.
S01"fltf bro1dnut-lllce,-nor�t10n1 I hlfftloa
?\GDf <4111,·• ' "'ll huu," • -I Ka� -·----
Ywl �s 45 60 60 �
Y<..-2 25 25 �� 2� �s �· 40 20 5 5 10
D�h,· Yer I 20 40 .s; 5S 50 \'(l:1: 2� 2S 25 2� 15 L1'\r � 20 10 � 10
Yett! 35 55 ,� 80 70
Yar2 IS IS 15 15 I� ,_,. 50 30 10 5 15
Yarl 45 55 70 NA NA
Yctr2 ZS :!5 25 'NA NA Lo\r 30 20 s NA NA
For more detailed information on these specific requirements contact MPCA or go to the link: http:/lwww.pca.state.mn.us/lndex.php/topics/feedlots/fee
TIY 651·282-5332 or 800-657·3864 • Available in alternative formats
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Attachment B -Records when manure ownership is transferred -300 or more animal units
Records for feedlot owners (manure generator) and commercial appllcators
Pads of trlpllcate carbon copies of this form, along with Instructions, are aval/able from the MPCA.
Copy 1: Kept by feedlot owner where manure is generated after completion of step #1.
Copy 2: Kept by applicator after completion of step #3. Copy 3: Returned to feedlot owner where manure was generated after completion of step #3.
Step 1: Manure generation. Completed by feedlot owner where manure is generated.
Name of facility where manure generated:
Mailing address:
City: State: ---------Zip code: _______ _
Phone: Email: ------------------Fax: --------
Date(s) of transfer (mm/dd/yyyy): --------Total quantity transferred: D tons D gallons -------
Manure analysts results (must be representative of manure transferred):
Manure source: Date analyzed (mm/dd/yyyy): _______ _
N: 1<2(): ____ _ Units: D lb/ton D lb/1000 gallons
Name of company or individual taking manure from feedlot:
Mailing address:
City: State: ---------Zip code: _______ _
Phone: Fax: --------Email:-------------------
Step 2: Short-term stockpiling. Completed by owner of the stockpile -Provide form to person applying manure. If no stockpile, go to step 3.
Stockpile location(s) Quantity stockpiled Date stockpile Date land County Township Section Quarter , ........ \ established aoolled
Step 3: Manure Application. Completed by individual applying the manure at the time of application. Return a copy to the feedlot
owner where manure was generated within 60 days after applying manure. See the back of this form for manure spreading requirements when manure is from a facility with 300 or more animal units.
Name of company or Individual that applied manure:
Mailing address:
State: ---------Zip code: _______ _
Fax: --------Email: -------------------
Minnesota Department of Agriculture license number of commercial applier:
Field ID County
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Application rate Townshio Section (tons or aallons/ac)
•TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats
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Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155·4194
Emergency Response Plan
NPDES and SDS Permit Program
Feedlot Program
Doc Type: Permit Application
Applicability: This Emergency Response Plan is to be used in case of an emergency spill, leak, or failure at the production facility or land application area and to assist with response to catastrophic animal mortality events (barn fires, tornadoes, etc.). You must
submit this form as part of an application for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) or State Disposal System (SOS) feedlot permit coverage.
Facility name: CMS Farms of New York Mills
Owner/Operator name: Craig Salmela
List of critical phone numbers and contacts
Feedlot registration no.: ......:..11.:.....1:....·.:;.64..;.;0:....4:...:.7 ____ _
Feedlot permit no.: __________ _
I Contact person (or Company) I Phone number
Emeraencv contacts •Fire/Ambulance --------------911 •Countv Sheriff Otter Tail 218-998-8555
Aaencv contacts •Minnesota Dutv Officer --------------1-800-422-0798 Provide the •Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Minnesota Duty
(MPCA) Field Office Detroit Lakes 218-846-8114 Officer: •Countv Feedlot Officer (CFO)MPCA 218-846-8114 •Your contact•Board of Animal Health Contact Randv Lindemann 218-343-1129 informationOther contacts •Incident location,•Insurance company date, and time•Gopher State One Call ----------------1-800-252-1166• Anez Consultina, Inc Jeff 320-235-1970 •For spills
Local vendors for spill and/or catastrophic mortalitv response assistance -spill type
-spill amount• Manure oumoer Owner 218-639-6701•Manure loadin!l eouipment -surface water or•Earth movina eauioment Ruther Excavatina 218-298-1477 field tile impacted•Tilina eauioment Ruther Excavatina 218-298-1477 •Progress made in•Containment/Absorption materials response to the spill
(hav straw, cornstalks. sawdust)Peter Mursu 320-309-3169 or catastrophic•
Manure Splll Emergency Response Procedures*
1.Immediately stop the source of a liquid manure leak or spill:
•Tum off pumps or valves
•Clamp hoses or park tractor on hoses2.Contain spilled manure:
•Use skid loader or tractor with blade to make berms
•Install bale checks and block downstream culverts•Insert sleeves around tile intakes (or plug/cap)
•Use tillage equipment to work ground ahead of spill•Use absorptive materials 3.Make necessary phone calls as listed in the chart above:•Notify Minnesota Duty Officer at 1-80().422-0798
•Notify sheriff's office if spilled on public roads or right-of-ways
mortality event
•Clean up spill immediately from road and roadside
•Clean up all material, induding the contaminated soil, as soon as possible by scraping, or by other means
•Land apply manure at agronomic rates or place manure back in the manure storage area/ solid manure stockpile
•Follow recommendations of MPCA staff and/or CFO •Restore site to Its original conditions
•If rain is expected prior to completion of deanup; actions need to be taken to contain manure contaminated runoff from solid manure spills5.Document your actions:
•Keep records of all actions related to the spill and follow up activities
*A detailed site map should be displayed on site to assist employees identify sensitive receptors near the facility (surface water, wells, tile intakes, etc.).
Catastrophic Animal Mortality Response
1. Make necessary phone calls as listed in the chart above:
•Notify Minnesota Duty Officer at 1-80().422-0798 •Notify Minneso1a Board of Animal Health
•Notify MPCA and CFO2.Cleanup
•Dispose of mortalities according to recommendations of MN Board of Animal Health Representative
•Locate disposal area for mortalities to prevent impacts to surface and/or groundwater (consult MPCA/CFO) 3.Document your actions
•Keep records of all actions related to the animal mortality disposal activities
If burial of animal mortalities is necessary, the burial site must meet the following:
•Located 1000 feet from lakes and 300 feet from rivers and streams•Mortalities are not buried within 5 feet of the seasonal water table
•Mortalities are not buried within 10 feet of karst susceptible bedrock
•Soils are not sandy or gravelly
� �xlmate locatio�s) of potential burial site(s) below:---�-, . 5-T135N-R38W
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wq-f3·12 • 511115 Page 1 of 1
Notice of Application
To Permit A Livestock Feedlot
Notice is hereby given per Minnesota Statute 116.07 subd, 7 (a) that
CMS Farms of New York Mills, Inc
39092 470th Ave
New York Mills, MN 56567
has applied to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to expand a feedlot over 500 animal units.
The feedlot is located in the SW !4 of the SW !4, Section 5, Otto Township, Otter Tail County. The feedlot is
registered for 1400 swine over 300 pounds, 250 head of swine 55 -300 pounds and 180 head of swine under
55 pounds for a total of 644 animal units. All swine are housed in total confinement facilities with below barn
concrete liquid manure storage. The existing facilities are a 71'x200', a 60'x224' and a 60'x180'. A 160'x164'
in-ground outdoor concrete tank is also permitted on the site.
The applicant is proposing to construct a 167.7'x349'x12' and a 142.2'x338.5'x2' total confinement swine
barns with below barn concrete liquid manure storage for 2488 head of swine over 300 pounds.
After expansion the facility will house 3600 head of swine over 300 pounds and 675 head of swine 55 -300
pounds for a total of 1642.5 animal units.
This publication shall constitute as notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5000 feet of
the perimeter of the proposed feedlot as required by Minnesota State Law.
1700 Technology Dr. NE, Suite 130, Willmar, MN 56201 320.235.1970 Fax 320.235-1986
www .AnezConsulting.com
December 1, 2017
Anez Consulting, Inc.
1700 Technology Dr. NE, #130
Willmar, MN 56201
Client Address
Dear Client:
This letter is to inform you that CMS of New York Mills, 39092 470th Ave, New York Mills has applied to Otter
Tail County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to expand a feedlot over 500 animal units.
The feedlot is located in the SW� of the SW�, Section 5, Otto Township, Otter Tail County .. The feedlot is
registered for 1400 swine over 300 pounds, 250 head of swine 55 -300 pounds and 180 head of swine under
55 pounds for a total of 644 animal units. All swine are housed in total confinement facilities with below barn
concrete liquid manure storage. The existing facilities are a 71'x200', a 60'x224' and a 60'x180'. A 160'x164'
in-ground outdoor concrete tank is also permitted on the site.
The applicant is proposing to construct a 167.7'x349'x12' and a 142.2'x338.5'x2' total confinement swine
barns with below barn concrete liquid manure storage for 2488 head of swine over 300 pounds.
After expansion the facility will house 3600 head of swine over 300 pounds and 675 head of swine 55 -300
pounds for a total of 1642.5 animal units.
You are receiving this notice because you own property within 5000 feet of the site. A public meeting will be
held on TBD. in the Board Room at the Otter Tail County Government Services Center, 500 W Fir Ave, Fergus
Jeff Bauman
Ag Nutrient Consultant
(320)262 -5713 office
(320)894 -3716 cell
1700 Technology Dr. NE, Suite 130, Willmar, MN 56201 320.235.1970 Fax 320.235-1986
RD Offut Co Fargo, ND 58106
Huebsch Family Farm LLLP New York Mills, MN 56567
Robert & Susan Mitchell Tst Perham, MN 56573
Martin & Jane ME Vigil Denver, CO 80227
Gabor & Mary Kerekes Perham, MN 56573
David & Jennifer Olson Rice, MN 56367
Jessie Mitchell Perham, MN 56573
Barbara Jeske Perham, MN 56573
Terry Meierding Clontarf, MN 56226
Lance & Alecia Anderson Kowski Apple Valley, MN 55124
Donald & Linda Edblom Marshall, MN 56258
Sam & Lisa Duerksen Trenary, Ml 49891
Marlin & Patsy Listrom Perham, MN 56573
Jason Kuhl Grand Forks, ND 58203
Terry & Pamela Boedigheimer Perham, MN 56573
Joseph & Diana Saenger Perham, MN 56573
Ternus TST Reno,NV 89523
James & Patricia Holper Perham, MN 56573
Karl & Kaisa Foley Perham, MN 56573
Richard & Linda Schmitz Deephaven, MN 55391
Todd & Brenda Sandahl New York Mills, MN 56567
Laura Nyhus Perham, MN 56573
Keith Friedsam Perham, MN 56573
Philip & Jonna Esser Perham, MN 56573
Michael & Marya Willie New York Mills, MN 56567
Edward & Brenda Martodam Perham, MN 56573
Morgenroth Properties, LLC Perham, MN 56573
Jerald & Deborah Newton New York Mills, MN 56567
Lucinda Fox New York Miiis, MN !>6567
Cordell & Kristen Huebsch New York Mills, MN 56567
New Life Farms, LLLP Perham, MN 56573
Clint & Travis Hayden New York Mills, MN 56567
Charles & Mary Schornack New York Mills, MN 56567
Sally Cavalier Minneapolis, MN 55410
Thomas & Kitti Lex New York Mills, MN 56567
Carol Hofmann New York Mills, MN 56567
Ricky Lee Walk Perham, MN 56573
tlllOT�DrtllltNE :,,'lAi'itz ::..�MNf(l101 .i,! 1--."' ('20)11&-1910
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 -
Commissioner _________________ offered the following and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 384.151, 385.373, 386.015, 387.20 and 388.18 require that the County
Board of Commissioners, prior to the first date on which applicants may file for office of the County
Auditor/Treasurer, County Recorder, County Sheriff, and County Attorney, shall set, by resolution, the
minimum salary to be paid for the terms next following; and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has adopted a standard pay policy, which includes elected officials; and
NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, that the minimum salaries for the next terms for Elected Officials are as follows:
County Attorney $125,842.00
County Sheriff $108,306.00
County Auditor/Treasurer $ 81,827.00
County Recorder 67,642.00
Commissioner ______________ seconded the motion and YEAS and NAYS are as follows:
Board Members - For Against Absent
Wayne D. Johnson
John Lindquist
Roger Froemming
Leland R Rogness
Doug Huebsch
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 2nd day of January 2018.
By: Attest:
Wayne Johnson, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk
Otter Tail County Bicycle Program
Physical Activity Release
_____________________, understands and agrees that the Otter Tail County Bike program is a
voluntary recreational program sponsored by the Wellness Committee, and I am not required
to participate in this program and understand that any injury occurring during the recreational
(exercise) activity will not be covered by the employer’s workers’ compensation coverage. I am
not aware of any medical conditions that precludes participation in their recreational program.
I hereby voluntarily, at my own risk, sign this release in sole consideration of being permitted to
use Otter Tail County’s bicycle property. If I have any questions regarding this release or the
terms of this release, please contact (Wellness Chair).
Otter Tail County has provided:
•A Bicycle Safety Flyer published by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
•A helmet and protective equipment for my safety.
If at any time I neglect to follow the policy, Otter Tail County has the right to terminate my use
of the bikes.
I have read and understood Minnesota Statute 176.021 Subdivision 9. Injuries incurred while
participating in voluntary recreational programs sponsored by the employer, including health
promotion programs, athletic events, parties, and picnics, do not arise out of and in the
course of the employment even though the employer pays some or all of the cost of the
program. This exclusion does not apply in the event that the injured employee was ordered or
assigned by the employer to participate in the program.
I understand that I am responsible for the bike while using it and may be liable for any costs
relating to loss, damage, theft or vandalism of the bike.
I have read and understood the foregoing and acknowledge my consent to the terms of this
release by signing this release.
Date ________________
Name (printed) _________________________________________
Signature ______________________________________________
Adopted **
Otter Tail County Bike Usage - County Policy
Issued 1/1/2018
Reviewed 1/1/2018
Objective Otter Tail County is committed to promote and sustain healthy lifestyle choices
for our employees.
Policy Statement Participation in riding the bicycles provided is voluntary and is unrelated to any
employment duties. Use of the bicycles is open to all Otter Tail County
Scope The Bicycle Program is defined as the use of a bicycle owned by Otter Tail
County and supplied through the Wellness Program for use by its current
employees for recreational purposes.
Statutory References Minnesota Statute 176.021 Subdivision 9
Wellness Committee consulted the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation in developing this
The Wellness Committee purchased a bike for employee use to promote healthy activities. Investing 30
minutes of exercise a day helps people live a longer, healthier life. Exercise can help manage chronic
conditions and weight, promote healthy habits and better nutrition, and reduce health risks.
•Employees must sign the attached Physical Activity Release form before they are able to use any
bicycles in the bicycle program. The Check Out Sheet is located in the Public Health office Monday
–Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. You may check out a bike, a helmet and a lock.
•Bikes can be used before work, after work or for lunch break and must be returned within 24
hours of check out.
•Bicycles are checked out on a first come first serve basis.
•The bike may be checked out on weekends. Please contact the Public Health office to check out
the bike.
Otter Tail County Bike Usage - County Policy
•If the bicycle is removed from campus, use the cable lock provided to secure the bike when not
in use.
•The Wellness Committee will be responsible to schedule a basic maintenance tune up every
March at the local bike shop.
•Only county employees may use the bikes.
•Inspect the bicycle for mechanical defects.
•Please report malfunctions or problems to the Otter Tail County Wellness Coordinator.
•Employees that damage a bike or bike is stolen while in their use must repair / replace it at the
employee’s expense.
•Failure to abide by the Policy and Procedures set forth may result in the termination of use of the
bicycles. The Wellness Committee will review the Policy and Procedure every other year, and
update as needed.
Related Documents:
Physical Release Form
Bicycle Safety Flyer
storage area permit application 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 CSF and Interim Permit Program
Doc Type: Permit Application
Applicability: Use this form to obtain, modify, or extend the term of a construction short form (CSF) or interim permit. Keep a copy of this application form and all submittals for your records.
After completing and signing this form, submit it and any required enclosures as instructed below:
For facilities located in a delegated county, send the signed form and any enclosures to the County Feedlot Officer (CFO). All other facilities must submit this form and any enclosures to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) as follows:•Scan and email the signed form and any enclosures to FeedlotSubmittal.pca@state.mn.us.•If submission via email is not possible, you can mail the signed form and any enclosures to:
Attn: Feedlot Master File Staff Minnesota Pollution Control Agency18 Wood Lake Drive SERochester, MN 55904
Permit type and reason for application Feedlot Registration Number:
Please indicate which type of feedlot permit you are applying for (choose only one):
� Construction Short Form D Interim (correcting a pollution hazard)
Please indicate the reason for the permit application (choose only one):i,Zl New Permit (No existing CSF or interim permit) D Permit Modification
(Changes to sites with an existing CSF or interim permit)D Permit Extension -Current CSF or Interim Permit number: (Work not completed prior to permit expiration)
Indicate below the reason(s) the work .may ___Q_ot be com�etej priQ_r to_l)e1J:11it expiration_
, Estimated amount of time required to complete the work: D days D months [�_N_o_te: Th�engtt,_of the extension is limited to 24 months for CSF permits and 90 days for interim p_e_rm_i_ts ___________ ·...!
A permit extension request only requires completion of pages 1 and 6 of this application form (the remaining pages can be left blank).
Note: When the notice to neighbors and property owners is applicable (page 6) the content of the notice must include the date the original permit was issued and the new proposed completion date as well as the normally required information.
II.Owner's name(s) and address(es) -(All partners of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) must be listed.)
Primary owner -Will be used as the mailing address Additional owner -attach additional sheets as necessary
Name: MG\..-l< -:S'-:r�3e �:>uh Name: ;AU-.. ek :l°CJr'.Wv\�on,Address: Y (o 0)<0 CO l±,v'( � Address: c;-o \..{ "&'] '-15·s-.:Ji... 5-\-,
City: Q e r \\0\ ii">--State: �i_'-'.�V\�---City: ·(le r hq i,v--.. Phone: Zip: 5:C?S-J -�Phone:
Note: The term owner includes all person having possession, control, or title to an animal feedlot or manure storage area (including lessees or renters). All owners must be listed. Attach to this application the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all additional owners.
Ill. Facility name and site address
Site Name: -:!or'?ev\Sv"'-i'.)C\,ni Tl\C. D Facility is a MN Ag Water Quality Certified Farm (MAWQCP)
Complete if facility address is different th_an the primary owner address:
Street: 50'-\'SO\ \.{5'� St<
City: Qu\t\.C\"""'-State: _M!i_
Contact person for day-to-day activities
Name: \"'v\ o,r: k :Sur')PillSc,b Street: '-! {p o %, D Co f-\ ""-'-t 5-3 City: f-e .-k,o, fl\::'..I State: _M�V'.\_,_ __ _
Phone: Zip: --LS"1:>�D�-'}_Cell phone: Phone: ia_ Ii -:V-llo -ll'6 2' \Zip: S'epS-1'}Email: �orc-,e S,C:,"'-oo:,!',, ao,. C.ob (General letters/notices may be sent by email where one is indicated.)
wq-f3-08b •9/22/ 17
651-296·6300 800-657·3864 Use your preferred relay service Available in alternative formats
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Facility location
County: Township name: _______________ _
Township Range
(26-71 or 101 -168) (1 -51)
T .. 0 N R w
(1-36) Y.Section (160 acre)(NW, NE, SW, SE)Y.of Y. Section (40 acre)(NW, NE, SW, SE)s
Sensitive features
1. Is any part of the facility within 1,000 feet of any type of surface waters or tile intake?
If Yes, select all types below
D Lake D River SStream (Perennial or Intermittent) D Tile Intake
DYes D No
0 Pond D Creek D Ditch tS,Wetland _ __ D C::al�areolJs F�n D Unknown
2.Is_ any part of the facility !ocate9 within 300 feet of a_ ljy�/str�am?
3._ Is any part of !_he facility_ located within a delineateg_ fl_Q_od plajn (100 year flood)?_
4._ls ai:iy pa_rt of t�e facility located within designated shor:_el�nd?
5.Is any part of the facility located within 1,000 feet of a karst feature?(sinkholes, caves, disappearing springs, resurgent springs, karst windows, dry valleys, or blind valleys)
If Yes, complete a. and b. below:
a.Are there 4 or more sinkholes within 1,000 feet?
b. Is any �rt of the facility within 300 feet of a known sinkhole?-·- ________ _
6.Is any part of the facility located within 1,000 feet of the following types of wells:
If Yes, select the applicable well type below:
D a community water supply well
D a well serving a public school as defined under Minn. Stat.§ 120A.05
D a well serving a private school excluding home school sites
D Y_es � No_
O Y�s-�N.Q
D Yes �No
DYes D No
D_Y_es _D No _
D Yes �No
_______ D a well serving a licensed child care center where the well is vulner�(Minn. R. 4720.5550, subp. 2) _____ _
VI.Environmental Review (complete when construction or expansion is proposed)
Mandatory environmental review is required when the addition of 1,000 or more animal units (AU) is proposed as part of the
construction/expansion at any facility. The threshold when environmental review is mandatory is reduced to 500 AU when any part of the facility is located within a "sensitive area". The facility is within a sensitive area when any of the following apply.
•Any part of the facility is within a delineated floodplain (yes to question 3 above)
•Any part of the facility is within designated shoreland (yes to question 4 above)
•Any part of the facility is within 1,000 feet of a karst feature (yes to question 5 above)
•Any part of the facility is within a vulnerable drinking water supply management area
•Any part of the facility is within a federal, state, or local wild and scenic river district
•Any part of the facility is located within the Minnesota River Project Riverbend area or the Mississippi headwaters area
Additionally mandatory environmental review is required for "Phased actions". Phased actions are defined under Minnesota law
(Minn. R. ch. 4410) as two or more projects located in the same geographic area and constructed sequentially within three years of each other by the same proposer. When this is the case, the animal units from all projects are combined to determine if environmental
review is required. The following will assist the MPCA to evaluate if your project qualifies as a "phased action".
Do you have ownership interest in another livestock operation that was constructed/expanded within the past three years or are you substantially certain you will be constructing/expanding another livestock operation within the next three years?
D Yes ffJ No
If Yes, how far away (straight-line distance) is it located from the project proposed in this application? miles
There are also rule provisions to require completion of the environmental review process in the event of a citizen petition or upon the
discretion of the MPCA. Please see the MPCA fact sheet entitled "When is Environmental Review Required for Feedlots" (available on the MPCA website at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/quick-links/environmental-review and/or Minn. R. 4410 for further details.
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VII.Animal numbers and animal unit (AU) calculation
Complete the table below to identify the maximum number of animals housed at that facility. All animal numbers and animal sizes used to complete this table should reflect the animal holding capacity of the facility even if the facility does not currently house or
propose to house that number of animals. At no time is the number of animals at the facility allowed to exceed the capacity provided below without first obtaining a permit or permit modification.
Current Capacity -List the current head count capacity for each animal type in column 3 below. For sites with a permit, this should
match the currently permitted number of animals. Next, multiply the AU Factor in column 2 by the number of animals listed in column 3 to get the Current AU Capacity for each animal type ( column 4 ). Finally, add together all AU's in column 4 to get a total at the bottom of the chart. If this application is for a brand-new feedlot site leave columns 3 and 4 blank. (ie. bare piece of ground)
Final Capacity -List the final head count capacity for each animal type in column 5 below. This number should include current
animals plus or minus any expansion or reduction in each animal type. This should reflect the maximum AU capacity requested with this permit application. Next, multiply the AU Factor in column 2 by the number of animals listed in column 5 to get the Final AU Capacity for each animal type ( column 6). Finally, add together all AU's in column 6 to get a total at the bottom of the chart.
Animal tvoe
A.Dai cattle
C.Beef cattle
Slaughter steer/heifer, stock cow, or bull
Feeder cattle (stocker or backgrounding), heifer
Cow and calf pair
Calf (weaned)
Over 300 lbs.
Between 55 and 300 lbs.
Under 55 lbs.
Sheep or Lamb
G.Chickens with a Ii uid manure s stem
Layer Hens or Broilers
H Ch" k "th d t IC ens WI a rry manure sys em
Broilers over 5 lbs.
Broilers under 5 lbs.
Layer Hens over 5 lbs.
Layer Hens under 5 lbs.
Over 5 lbs.
Under 5 lbs.
Duck (with a liquid manure handling system)
Duck (with a dry manure handling system)
K.Animals not listed in A to J
Animal e:
Total animal unit capacity
Add all numbers in column 4 for Current AU total
Add all numbers in column 6 for Final AU total
wq-/3-0Bb • 9122117
651-296-6300 800-657 · 3864
Animal unit factor
Current facility capacity
Head count
Animal units = column 2 x column 3
ht of the animal
Current AU
Use your preferred relay service
Final facility capacity
Head count
1,000 lbs.
Animal units = column 2 x column 5
Final AU
Available in alternative formats
Page 3 of 7
VIII.Animal holding areas
Complete the table below for all your animal holding areas.
If you have more than six animal holding areas on your site, continue your list on an additional copy of this page.
Animal holdin area ID
Facili Site Sketch ID i.e., #1, A, Barn 1
Status: (check one box only) DProposed
Proposed -not permitted previously 0Approved
Approved -permitted but not yet operational �xisting
Existing -current operational component DModifying
anent DEliminating
List each animal ho/din
area in a se arate column '4 ')
DProposed DProposed
0Approved 0Approved
fjiExisting DExisting
DModifying DModifying
0Eliminating DEliminating
�S--0 qs
Pasture Access DYes No D Yes ·No �Yes D No DYes No DYes
Type of animal holding areas indicate dimensions and floor
Total confinement barn
Total confinement barn
Partial confinement barn
0 en lot with runoff controls
0 en lot without runoff controls
Animal Holding Area Floor Type (check all that apply)
f2tConcrete 0Asphalt 0Soil DOther
Write approximate dimensions in feet in the space below
width x fen th or area with units for irre ular sha es
r&concrete DAsphalt 0Soil DOther
gconcrete DAsphalt 0Soil DOther
Concrete Asphalt 0Soil OOther
�Concrete DAsphalt 0Soil DOther
Yes D No
Indicate the maximum capacity (number of animals) of each animal holding area
An· b 1ma num ers
Mature dairy cows (over 1,000 lbs.)
Mature dairy cows (under 1,000 lbs.)
Dairy heifers
Dairv calves
Slaughter steer/heifer, stock cow or bull
Feeder cattle-stocker/background/heifer
Cow and calf pair
Beef calves (weaned)
Swine over 300 lbs.
Swine between 55 and 300 lbs.
Swine under 55 lbs.
Sheep or lamb
All chickens with liquid manure system
Broiler chickens over 5 lbs. -drv system
Broiler chickens under 5 lbs. -drv svstem
Lavina hens over 5 lbs. -drv svstem
Laying hens under 5 lbs. -dry system
Turkeys -over 5 lbs.
Turkeys -under 5 lbs.
wq-f3·08b • 9/22/ 17
Th t t I b f II . I r t d h Id t h th ri· I . I b r t d 3 e oa num ero a amma s 1s e SOU mac e ma amma num ers 1s e on page iqq �
<&O �o
800-657 · 3864 Use your preferred relay service
I� ::Jo
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Page 4 of 7
IX.Manure handling, feed storage, and dead animal areas
Complete the table below for your manure storage, feed/silage storage areas and dead animal disposal areas on your site. If you
have more than six manure storage, feed/silage storage, and dead animal management areas on your site, continue your list on an additional copy of this page.
M f d anure, ee , or d d ea amma areas L ist each manure handlina, feed storaae, and dead animal area in a separate column
Facility Site Sketch ID (i.e., #1, A. Basin 1)\ ·7 q Status: (check one box only)0Proposed DProposed 0Proposed DProposed 0Proposed DProposedProposed -not permitted previously 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved 0Approved
Approved -permitted but not yet operational �Existing �Existing �Existing 0Existing 0Existing DExisting
Existing -current operational component Modifying 0Modifying 0Modifying 0Modifying 0Modifying 0ModifyingModifvina -chanae to a oermitted comoonent OEliminating 0Eliminating DEliminating OEliminating 0Eliminating 0Eliminating
Distance to nearest well (ft.)
Type of liquid manure or process wastewater Write approximate top dimensions in feet in the space below storaae/treatment areas (indicate dimensions)(width x len!1th x depth or volume with units for irregular shapes)
Earthen or GCL lined basin
Below barn concrete tank G:f-1-i I n1 V In-ground concrete tank/basin (outdoor)
Above-ground concrete tank
Synthetic lined (HOPE, EPDM, etc.) basin
Steel tank (i.e., slurry-store)
Composite lined (2 liner types) basin/tank
Vegetated Infiltration Area
Other (describe):
Type of solid manure, feed storage, and dead Write approximate dimensions in feet in the space below animal areas (indicate dimensions and floor type) (width x lenath or area with units for irreaular shapes!
Permanent Stockpile
Dead Animal Management Area
Covered Feed Storage Area
Uncovered Feed Storage Area
Sweet Corn Silage Storage
Storage Pad Area ·-----·Tonnage on site at any one time
Other (describe):
Stockpile, Feed Storage, orMortality Area Floor/Liner Type(check all that apply)
(/-{ "'( I'd! 0 ·,,"¥: di lO
�Concrete 0Concrete 0ConcreteAsphalt 0Asphalt 0Asphalt 0Soil �Soil 0SoilOOtherOtherDOther
X.Changes to groundwater monitoring plan (complete only if applicable}
0Concrete 0Concrete0Asphalt0Asphalt0Soil0SoilOOtherOOther
If groundwater monitoring is required at the facility, this application can request changes to the MPCA-approved groundwater monitoring plan. In order to request changes to the groundwater monitoring plan, please indicate the type of change requested.
D Elimination of monitoring D Change to sampling frequency
D Change to sample testing protocol D Other
When a change is requested, please include with this permit application documentation from a qualified professional that provides a technical analysis and justification for the requested changes.
XI.Non-delegated county public meeting minutes (complete only if applicable}
A county which has not accepted delegation of the feedlot program must hold a public meeting prior to issuance of a feedlot permit by the MPCA for an animal feedlot with a capacity of 300 or more animal units.
Date meeting has occurred or is scheduled to occur:
Verification of public meeting.
A copy of the meeting minutes must be provided to the MPCA for verification of completion prior to permit issuance.
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XII.500 or more AU: Notice to residents and property owners within 5,000 feet
When required. A notice is required in either of the following situations:•Construction of a new feedlot, or manure storage area, which will have a capacity of 500 AU or more.•Expansion of an existing feedlot, or manure storage area, which currently has, or will have upon completion of theexpansion, a capacity of 500 AU or more.
Notice methods. The owner shall not less than 20 business days before the anticipated issuance date of the permit, provide notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5,000 feet of the perimeter of the proposed facility. This notice must include, at a minimum, the information provided in Minn. R. 7020.2000, subp.4. An example notice can be found in the factsheet Permit Notification Requirements -Feedlots with more than 500 Animal Unitsavailable on the MPCA website https://www.pca.state.rnn.us/sites/defau1Ufiles/wq-f3-09.pdf.
Verification of notice. The MPCA must verify that this notice has been completed prior to permit issuance. Documentation that this notice has been completed can be provided with the permit application (preferred) or submitted at a later date, prior to permit issuance.
When the notice has been completed prior to this application Please include with this application one of the following to provide verification that the required notice has been completed: •An affidavit of publication from a newspaper of general circulation used to provide this notification.•A list of all parties, with their location, that were notified by certified mail and copies of all signed mail return receipts.•A list of all parties, with their location, that were personally visited with a date and signature from each party andcertification signed by a notary public indicating in detail what was discussed.
When the notice has not been completed prior to this application Please include with this permit application both of the following: •A copy of the content of the notification•Date notification is scheduled to occur:
Note: The permit cannot be issued prior to receiving verification that the notice has actually taken place.This verification must be one of the three items listed above.
XIII.Certifications and signature
Notification to local officials The Applicant certifies that, if the application includes construction of a new facility or expansion of an existing facility, all local zoning authorities have been notified in accordance with Minn. R. 7020.2000 subp. 5.
Construction Stormwater (CSW) Requirements The Applicant certifies that, if construction will disturb 5 or more acres, they have made a separate application for a CSW permit. For construction activities that disturb at least 1 acre but less than 5 acres, the Applicant certifies to comply with the requirements of the current CSW NPDES general permit (Minn. R. 7090.2020 provides permit coverage even though no application has been made).
Need for NPDES or SDS permit If the MPCA determines that a NPDES or SOS permit is required, the Applicant certifies that this application will serve as an application for a NPDES or SOS permit, as appropriate. The Applicant agrees to submit additional information, as requested by the MPCA, in order to complete the NPDES or SOS permit application process including payment of the applicable permit application fee.
Applicant Signature I hereby certify that the design, construction, and operation of the facility will be in accordance with this application and plans, specifications, reports, and related communications approved by the MPCA, and in accordance with applicable permit conditions or regulations/standards of the MPCA. I also certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision and the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
The person that signs this application must be one of the following: A.For a corporation, a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice presidentB.For a partnership, a general partnerC.For a sole proprietorship, the proprietor
Office phone:
Print official title:O ��· 1.v_n�e�'------------
Cell phone:
Date: i 1 / t O / I]
To sign up for electrom communications including the MPCA feedlot newsletters, please go to the MPCA website at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNPCA/subscriber/new.
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Page 6 of 7
Jorgenson Dairy
50489 455th St
Perham, Mn 56573
Dear Landowner:
• ,I .,'.I :.. '
This Letter is to inform you that Jorgenson Dairy, 50489 455th St, Perham, Mn has applied to Otter Tail
County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to construct a feedlot.
The feedlot is located in the SE of the NW section 2, Pine Lake Township, Otter Tail County.
The applicants are proposing to construct a 70 X 120 dry cow/heifer facility with a soil floor and a 42 X
120 concrete slab on the east side for a feed lane/ feeding alley. The bedding will be a manure pack.
There will be a total of 234 Dairy cows at the site. The total animal units will be 393. The building will
be on the north side of the old dairy barn. The new building is identified on the enclosed photograph by
the number 6.
You are receiving this notice because you own property within 5000 feet of the proposed site. A public
meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 11:15 a.m. in the Board Room at the Otter Tail
County Government Services Center, 500 W Fir Ave, Fergus Falls.
Mark Jorgenson
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Non-Consent Items 1.Depository Resolution
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 -
Upon motion made by , seconded by and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that all financial institutions in Otter Tail County, including Credit Unions, State and Federal banks be and are hereby designated as depositories of County
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 2nd day of January 2018.
Dated: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
, Chair Attest:
By John Dinsmore, Administrator
2.Investments Resolution
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 -
Upon motion made by , seconded by and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Otter Tail County Auditor/Treasurer and the Otter Tail County Chief Deputy Treasurer be and is hereby given authority to invest
County funds as available.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 2nd day of January 2018.
Dated: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
, Chair Attest:
John Dinsmore, Administrator
3.County Extension Committee Reappointments and/or Appointments
The terms of the following expired on Sunday, December 31, 2017 -
Ann Gibbs Julian Sjostrom
Terms are for three years and would expire December 31, 2020. Reappointments and/or Appointments should be
made prior to the Extension Committee’s next schedule meeting on Wednesday, February 7th.
Ms. Gibbs has expressed an interest in serving another term. Mr. Sjostrom has stated that he will be stepping down
and does not wish to serve another term.
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4.County Board of Appeal and Equalization Dates –
The Board cannot meet until after the second Friday in June, which is June 8th.
Motion by , seconded by and unanimously carried, to convene the County Board of Appeal and Equalizationon Wednesday, June 13, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. and to reconvene the County Board of Equalization for final action on
(Tuesday, June 26, 2017 (Minn. Stat. 274.14).
Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 –
Upon a motion offered by , seconded by and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
To Use Alternative Method To Disseminate Bids And Requests
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd. 3(b) allows a county to use its website or recognized industry trade
journals as an alternative to disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for information and requests for proposals;
NOW THEREFORE, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby resolves:
BE IT RESOLVED, that from this day forward, the County of Otter Tail may continue to use the Otter Tail County website, www.co.ottertail.mn.us, as an alternative means to disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for information,
and requests for proposals for transportation related construction and maintenance projects.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any dissemination by alternative means must be in substantially the same format
and for the same period of time as a publication would otherwise be required under Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd. 3.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 2nd day of January 2018.
Dated: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
By , Chair
By John Dinsmore, Administrator
6. Motion was made by , second by and unanimously carried, to designate the Otter Tail County website as the official publication, as appropriate, for highway project advertisements for bids as authorized by Minnesota
Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2.
7. Motion by , second by and unanimously carried, to (deny/approve) the request of Dr. Ala L. Lysyk Smith
for the forgiveness of penalty in the amount of $106.96 resulting from the late payment of the Pay 2017 property taxes on Parcel 71-004-99-0746-000 (Lot 2 Block 1 - Meadow Hills).
The following is from an email received form Dr. Ala L. Lysyk Smith dated Thursday, December 14, 2017 –
Dear County Commissioners:
My name is Dr. Ala L. Lysyk Smith and I am requesting a pardon of the tax penalty assessed to me due to an
inadvertently missed tax payment for the 2nd half of 2017.
R#71004990746000 was missed being paid while I paid a group of other property taxes on 10/12/2017.
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Reason: In August 2017, my entire identification portfolio was stolen, including all of my business and personal bank
account numbers. I had set up BILL Pay payments for the 2nd half property taxes due. However, all BILL Pay accounts were deleted due to closure of the stolen accounts. In a hurried fashion, I promptly went directly to the County Treasurer’s office and paid all of the R #’s I owed on, but somehow, this one was missed. All others were
paid by check for a total sum of 2067.00. I received a notice “courtesy reminder” on 12-31-17, almost 2 full months past the tax deadline. In that 2 month period I accrued, unknowingly, 106.96 in penalty. Please consider pardoning this penalty due to the scenario described above. When you review my 22 years of records, you will see that not only
is my credit superior, but I do not neglect payment of nay taxes knowingly.
I look forward to your response and consideration,
Dr. Ala L. Lysyk Smith
NOTE: Full payment of tax and penalty were made with Lori at the County Treasurer’s office on 12-14-2017.
8. Motion by , second by and unanimously carried, to approve payment to the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust for the following 2018 insurance coverage:
Invoice 17295R – Dated 01/01/2018 PC114017 Property/Causality $ Invoice 17295R – Dated 01/01/2018 WC114017 Workers Compensation $ Total Due Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust - $
9. 2018 Printing and Publishing Bids
I, Wayne Stein, County Auditor-Treasurer, have previously advertised for bids to be received for printing andpublishing of the county board minutes, legal notices, delinquent tax list and county’s annual financial statement,
proceeded to open bids, which were found to be as follows:
Legal Notices, Publications and Commissioners’ Minutes:
Daily Journal $16.32 per S.A.U.
Annual Financial Statement
The Independent – Parkers Prairie First Publication $ 16.65 per S.A.U.
Second Publication $ per S.A.U.
Delinquent Tax List
The Independent – Parkers Prairie First Publication $ 16.65 per S.A.U. The Independent – Parkers Prairie Second Publication $ 10.79 per S.A.U.
After consideration, motion was made by , seconded by and unanimously carried, to designate the
following papers for Otter Tail County’s 2018 publishing and printing requirements with the exception of the official
publication for highway project advertisements for bids, which will be posted to the Otter Tail County website as appropriate and as authorized by Minnesota Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2:
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Legal Notices, Publications and Commissioners’ Minutes:
Daily Journal $16.32 per S.A.U.
Annual Financial Statement
The Independent – Parkers Prairie First Publication $ 16.65 per S.A.U. Second Publication $ per S.A.U.
Delinquent Tax List
The Independent – Parkers Prairie First Publication $ 16.65 per S.A.U. The Independent – Parkers Prairie Second Publication $ 10.79 per S.A.U.
10.Calendar Year 2018 Delinquent Publication Fee -
Motion by , seconded by , and unanimously carried to set the cost assessed to delinquent real estate parcels,
that are published in the Delinquent Tax List, at $53.50 per parcel. (Minnesota Statute 279.092)
11. Motion by , seconded by and unanimously carried, to authorize payment of the following CY 2018 annual appropriations:
Annual Appropriation Approval Approved
West Central Initiative (01704.6815) 20,000.00
West Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950) 25,000.00
East Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950) 25,000.00
Otter Tail Lakes Country Association – Special Project (01502.6950) 30,000.00
Otter Tail Co Historical Society - Special Project (01504.6950) 40,000.00
Minnesota Red River Valley Development Assoc. (01703.6804) 800.00
For Your Information –
Monthly Appropriation (2018)Annual
Otter Tail County Humane Society (01213.6856) 69,980.00 5,748.33 Regular Appropriation
Historical Society (01504.6950) 70,000.00 5,833.33 Regular Appropriation
West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01603.6950) 89,613.00 7,467.75 Regular Appropriation
West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01603.6953) 36,000.00 3,000.00 Ag Inspector
West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01603.6956) 110,000.00 9,166.67 Buffer Initiative/Aid
East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6950) 73,200.00 6,100.00 Regular Appropriation
East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6951) 60,000.00 5,000.00 Shoreland Specialist
East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6953) 24,000.00 2,000.00 Ag Inspector
East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (01604.6956) 70,000.00 5,833.33 Buffer Initiative/aid
Otter Tail Lakes Country Association (01502.6950) 50,000.00 4,166.67 Tourism
The History Museum (01502.6821) 30,270.00 2,522.50 East Otter Tail Museum
Viking Library System (01503.6950) 572,300.00 286,150.00 Semi –Annual Payment
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12.Calendar Year 2017 Pocket Gopher Bounty Resolution (Copy Attached - M.S. 348.12 and 348.13)
Upon motion made by , seconded by and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that
The sum of thirty cents ($.30) be paid out of the General Revenue Fund of Otter Tail County for every pocket gopherkilled in said County during the year 2018. Paid only in those cases where the township in which the pocket gophers
were so killed shall provide for the payment of at least an additional bounty of forty cents ($.40) for each pocketgopher so killed.
RESOLVED further that said payment of such County shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificatesexecuted by the Chairman and/or Clerk of the Town Board of said Township setting forth that the township had
issued and delivered to each claimant a payment for at least seventy cents ($.70) for each pocket gopher so killed.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 2nd day of January 2018.
Dated: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
, Chair Attest: By
John Dinsmore, Administrator
13.Calendar Year 2018 Tax Forfeited Land Sale Apportionment Resolution
Upon motion made by , seconded by and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, it is provided in Minn. Stat. 282.05 for the apportionment of proceeds from the sale of tax forfeitedlands, and
WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxing district pursuant to Minn. Stat.282.08 and
WHEREAS, Minn Stat. 282.08 (4) (b) provides that the County Board may set aside 20% of the proceeds remainingafter the value of public improvements, special assessments and bond issues levied on the property have been paid, for
acquisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas, and
WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has a park and recreational area, which would benefit by such an apportionment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retains 20% of the proceeds from the sale of taxforfeited lands for acquisition and maintenance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds to be disbursed
according to law.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 2nd day of January 2018.
Dated: Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners
By , Chair
Attest: By
John Dinsmore, Administrator