HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 04/09/20192.1 Draft CB Minutes for 04-02-2019 2.2 County Bills~Warrants 2.3 Public Health and Human Services Warrants-Bills 2.4 Probation Advisory Board Appointments 3.0 West Central MN Communities Annual Report 2018 - Final 3.1 Rural Transportation Coordinating Council (RTCC) One-Pager 4.0 Ranked Choice Voting Resolution Supporting Local Control 5.0 Prairie Snow Drifters Snowmobile Club Sponsorship 5.0 Resolution for Prairie Snow Drifters Trail Association Grant 5.1 Resolution for Otter Trail Riders Assn Snowmobile Club 5.2 LUP EXHIBIT B COUNTY RESOLUTION 5.2 STANDARDIZED LUP FORM 6.0 HS Contracts OTC Board Summary List 10.0 FPWLC Letter to Wooley BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA PACKET April 9, 2019 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN April 2, 2019 9:00 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 2, 2019, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Chair; Lee Rogness, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist and Betty Murphy present. Approval of Agenda Chair Huebsch called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of April 2, 2019, with the addition of the following Items: Agricultural Utilization Research Institute Solid Waste Tax Legislation County Highway 13 Petition Consent Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. March 26, 2019, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for April 2, 2019 (Exhibit A) 3. Approve issuance of On-Sale Seasonal Liquor License to Zorbaz of Ottertail Lake, Inc., and On-Sale Seasonal Liquor License to Elks Point Bar and Grill Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons introduced new deputies, Brady Sazama and Mike Wing, to his department. Sheriff Fitzgibbons also recognized the promotions of Bob Huckeby to Detective Sergeant and Zach Eifert to Patrol Sergeant. Water Patrol Equipment Grant Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the grant agreement between the Department of Natural Resources and Otter Tail County as presented by Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons. County Coroner Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to appoint Dr. Greg Smith as the Otter Tail County Coroner effective immediately for a four-year term. Agricultural Utilization Research Institute Commissioner Rogness attended an AURI conference which presented topics about accelerating ag innovation and investment. Commissioner Rogness emphasized that Minnesota continues to be an agriculture state and is a significant part of our economic development. Solid Waste Management Tax Revenue Allocation Modification - Senate File 1227 Commissioner Huebsch reported that he testified at the legislature last week in support of Senate File 1227 – Solid Waste Management Tax Revenue Allocation Modification, which is co-authored by Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen. If passed, counties would see their current SCORE grant dollars increased, which would help further local recycling goals. The board is in full-support of this legislation and keeping these dollars local. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 2, 2019 Page 2 Tax Abatement Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the request of Laurene Collison for the abatement of accumulated penalties, interest and costs in the amount of $173.03 as detailed below. Parcel 76-000-99-0099-000 Parcel 76-000-99-0100-000 Penalty $ 5.32 $ 30.88 Interest $ 3.53 $ 13.30 Cost $60.00 $ 60.00 Total $68.85 $104.18 Grand Total - $173.03 Credit Card Approval Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of county credit cards with the limit of $2,500.00 for Patrol Sgt. Zach Eifert and Lt. Greg Seim in the Sheriff’s Office. RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTING POST-ISSUANCE DEBT COMPLIANCE POLICY FOR TAX-EXEMPT AND TAX-ADVANTAGED GOVERNMENTAL BONDS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 30 Commissioner Johnson offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County, Minnesota (the “County”) from time to time will issue tax-exempt and tax- advantaged governmental bonds; and WHEREAS, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and related regulations (the “Code”), and Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) the County is required to take certain actions after bond issuance to ensure that interest on those bonds remains in compliance with the Code and SEC; and WHEREAS, the County has determined to adopt a policy regarding how the County will carry out its compliance responsibilities via written procedures, and to that end, has caused to be prepared documents titled Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy and Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures; and WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the County has reviewed the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy in connection with the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures and has determined that it is in the best interest of the County to adopt the Policy. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA; the Board approves the Policy as shown in the form reviewed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; the County staff is authorized to take all actions necessary to carry out the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy and Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures. Commissioner Rogness seconded the motion and, upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted this 2nd day of April 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Doug Huebsch, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 2, 2019 Page 3 Recess & Reconvene At 9:51 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioner’s meeting was reconvened at 10:00 a.m. Decriminalizing Mental Illness Presentation by Concerned Citizen Tim Barry, former resident of Otter Tail County and father of an adult daughter who has experienced mental illness, spoke to the board about his mission to speak to elected officials on how to stop criminalizing mental illness. Mr. Barry read from a January 2019 letter he had written and sent to Minnesota’s Governor and members of the state legislature. He stated that since the 1800s, our society has recognized that a detention or jail is not the appropriate setting to effectively treat individuals with mental illness. Mr. Barry spoke about his daughter’s history of behavior that has resulted in involuntary removal from a treatment facility and returning her to a detention facility because of criminal proceedings. Mr. Barry discussed his efforts to draw attention to this issue by contacting various officials at the Minnesota Department of Human Services and writing over 200 letters to law makers; however, he states he has not received any responses. He started a petition and traveled to counties collecting numerous signatures, including those from law enforcement, showing support to for effectively addressing mental illness, which often also includes addiction. Mr. Barry’s message is that we are imposing penal consequences on individuals that primarily need mental health treatment. The board expressed their support to form a committee to continue this conversation and make efforts in finding alternatives to jail for individuals that are suffering from serious mental health conditions. County departments, including the county administrator, law enforcement, and human services, were directed to identify solutions and develop recommendations for future board consideration. 2019 County Wide Crack Sealing Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to award the 2019 County Wide Crack Sealing Project to KAMCO, Inc., located in Dassel, MN, in the amount of $123,364.15, as recommended by the Highway Engineer. County Highway 13 Petition Commissioner Huebsch received a Petition to rebuild and tar 3.5 miles of County Highway 13 north to the Becker County line. Discussion was held about the road conditions of that portion of the highway as well as how the it fits into the Otter Tail County 2040 Transportation Plan. Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to receive the petition into the record and forward it to the Public Works Committee for further discussion. County Ditch No. 58 Ditch Inspector Kevin Fellbaum presented a petition for repair filed by property owners regarding Ditch No. 58. During the Re-determination of Benefits in 2016, property owners voiced their concern about how they felt the outlet of County Ditch 58 was never completed. The outlet of the system was intended to handle water coming out of Albert Lake and the wetlands to the NW and outlet the water into the Otter Tail River. The petition that was received is requesting that the outlet for Ditch 58 be completed. Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried for the Ditch Inspector to move forward in planning to address the high water issues and return to the board for further action. The plan moving forward will be to complete survey work, design outlet infrastructure, receive quotes, and then report out to the property owners what the project will entail. Adjournment At 11:02 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next Board meeting is scheduled at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Douglas A, Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 2, 2019 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 4/02/2019 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 2, 2019 Exhibit A, Page 2 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes April 2, 2019 Exhibit A, Page 3 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES4/4/2019 csteinba N Y D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 11:36:28AM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-044-000-0000-6304 88.25 REPLACE FUEL DOOR ON JEEP 12038 Repair And Maintenance N 01-061-000-0000-6406 337.39 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P OFFICE SUPPLIES 1KPD-7MXV-KC9K Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6526 947.43 CLOTHING Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6171 255.00 ACCT 1508 CONF REGISTRATION 11336 Tuition And Education Expenses N SPROUT/AARON5608 01-201-000-0000-6526 260.64 ACCT 56537OT JACKET/SHIRT 234056 Uniforms N REINBOLD/REED6701 10-304-000-0000-6406 31.90 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6565 95.76 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Fuels - Diesel N 10-304-000-0000-6572 425.98 BATTERIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 698.62 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 53.37 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6396 135.00 TOW CF 1907804 3/16/19 29937 Special Investigation N 10-304-000-0000-6306 450.00 TOWING Repair/Maint. Equip N 10-302-000-0000-6515 24.00 SUPPLIES Signs And Posts N 11409 ABRA MN FERGUS FALLS 88.2511409 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC 337.3914386 13620 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 947.4313620 14986 ARROWHEAD EMS ASSOCIATION 255.0014986 15551 ASPEN MILLS 260.6415551 102 AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS 1,305.63102 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 585.0031803 1227 CARR'S TREE SERVICE Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 2 Transactions ABRA MN FERGUS FALLS AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC ARROWHEAD EMS ASSOCIATION ASPEN MILLS AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS BEYER BODY SHOP INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6304 101.75 UNIT 1604 FIX MOUNTS 4730 Repair And Maintenance N 01-112-106-0000-6572 76.32 ACCT 716131 SUPPLIES 3/1/19 33155 Repair And Maint Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6560 26.36 ACCT 716131 UNLEADED 3/1/19 33156 Gasoline & Oil N 01-112-000-0000-6560 28.09 ACCT 716131 PREMIUM 3/1/19 33157 Gasoline & Oil N 01-112-000-0000-6560 31.78 ACCT 716131 UNLEADED 3/14/19 33345 Gasoline & Oil N 01-112-000-0000-6560 14.84 ACCT 716131 PREMIUM 3/14/19 33346 Gasoline & Oil N 01-112-106-0000-6572 49.55 ACCT 716131 SUPPLIES 3/15/19 33363 Repair And Maint Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6560 14.93 ACCT 716131 PREMIUM 3/15/19 33364 Gasoline & Oil N 01-041-000-0000-6677 369.00 ACCT 2189988295 CHAIR 434966 Office Furniture And Equipment N 01-112-108-0000-6369 440.00 ACCT 2189988050 MOVE OFFICES 436414 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-201-000-0000-6406 29.22 ACCT 2189988555 FILE FOLDERS 436462 Office Supplies N 01-601-000-0000-6406 19.56 ACCT 2189988760 FOLDERS 436433 Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6252 95.25 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 01-031-000-0000-6240 317.50 ACCT 5296 ADMIN ASSISTANT 758799 Publishing & Advertising N 01-123-000-0000-6240 201.60 ACCT 3666 APRIL 11 BOA MTG MAR2019 Publishing & Advertising N 01-124-000-0000-6240 67.20 ACCT 3666 APRIL 10 PC MTG MAR2019 Publishing & Advertising N 22-622-000-0617-6369 327.60 ACCT 3648 DITCH 17 MAR2019 Miscellaneous Charges N 22-622-000-0652-6369 705.60 ACCT 3648 DITCH 52 MAR2019 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-304-000-0000-6253 292.50 WASTE DISPOSAL Garbage N 24.001227 9087 CODE 4 SERVICES, INC 101.759087 12485 COOP SERVICES INC 241.8712485 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 857.7832603 3710 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 95.253710 35011 DAILY JOURNAL/THE 1,619.5035011 1261 DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 7 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions CARR'S TREE SERVICE CODE 4 SERVICES, INC COOP SERVICES INC COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING DAILY JOURNAL/THE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6396 280.00 TOW CF 19006265 3/2/19 1389 Special Investigation N 01-112-108-0000-6572 9.39 ACCT 2985686 PARTS 67558208 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-149-000-0000-6354 853.59 REIMBURSEMENT FOR REPAIRS 2/11/19 Insurance Claims N 01-063-000-0000-6344 1,063.12 ACCT O88178 AUTOMARK CODING 1083020 Programming, Support, Warranty N 01-122-000-0000-6406 6.38 ACCT MNFER0778 CUP PNT 116339 Office Supplies N 01-122-000-0000-6406 5.12 ACCT MNFER0778 PIN CUP 116419 Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6300 225.00 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance N 01-149-000-0000-6354 8,458.77 CLAIM 19PC0091 REPAIRS 16581 Insurance Claims Y 01-201-000-0000-6304 132.60 PONTOON LIFT BRACKETS 16642 Repair And Maintenance Y 10-303-000-0000-6501 809.10 SUPPLIES Engineering And Surveying Supplies N 292.501261 33013 DICK'S STANDARD 280.0033013 10250 DIGI-KEY ELECTRONICS 2985686 9.3910250 999999000 DOYLE/KIM 853.59999999000 2581 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE INC 1,063.122581 2997 FASTENAL COMPANY 11.502997 2153 FERGUS POWER PUMP INC 225.002153 6890 FRANK'S AUTO BODY SHOP OF PERHAM 8,591.376890 3628 FRONTIER PRECISION INC 809.103628 392 GALLS LLC Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions DENZEL'S REGION WASTE INC DICK'S STANDARD DIGI-KEY ELECTRONICS 2985686 DOYLE/KIM ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE INC FASTENAL COMPANY FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FRANK'S AUTO BODY SHOP OF PERHAM FRONTIER PRECISION INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6526 54.99 ACCT 1002151493 BASE LEGGINGS 012167338 Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6526 84.98 ACCT 1002151493 CARGO PANTS 012182058 Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6526 79.99 ACCT 1002151493 APEX PANTS 012182135 Uniforms N STEWART/JAMES2902 01-201-000-0000-6526 183.98 ACCT 5290418 SUNGLASSES 012190942 Uniforms N ANDERSON/JORDAN10998 01-201-000-0000-6526 102.06 ACCT 1002151493 FLASHLIGHT 012226501 Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6526 157.40 ACCT 1002151493 SUPPLIES 012242085 Uniforms N BRASEL/RYAN10519 01-201-000-0000-6526 106.99 ACCT 1002151493 TROUSERS 012252823 Uniforms N SHEILS/RICK1897 01-201-000-0000-6526 317.72 ACCT 1002151493 SHIRTS & APPS 012275076 Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6526 63.16 ACCT 1002151493 SUPER SHIRT 012275086 Uniforms N MEKASH/ALLEN5433 01-201-000-0000-6526 6.99 ACCT 1002151493 CLIP ON TIE 012275136 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6224 42.29 ACCT 5290418 LEG IRONS 012269915 Prisioner Conveyance N 01-705-000-0000-6241 1,250.00 2019 MEMBERSHIP 3/28/19 Membership Dues N 01-112-000-0000-6572 594.42 ACCT 813640729 RETROFIT KIT 9124047383 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-044-000-0000-6342 263.88 AGREE 013-1212517-000 24549170 Service Agreements N 01-091-000-0000-6271 226.20 MILEAGE - MN HOUSE HEARING 3/21/19 Fraud Investigator Expenses N 01-091-000-0000-6271 14.61 MEALS - MN HOUSE HEARING 3/21/19 Fraud Investigator Expenses N 10-303-000-0000-6278 2,665.70 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 1,200.55392 7732 GMNP 1,250.007732 52564 GRAINGER INC 594.4252564 13522 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS 263.8813522 37198 HOLO/SANDY 240.8137198 5835 HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 11 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions GALLS LLC GMNP GRAINGER INC GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS HOLO/SANDY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-042-000-0000-6406 31.00 ACCT C103279 SUPPLIES 2460440 Office Supplies N 01-091-000-0000-6406 251.18 ACCT 2271 SUPPLIES 045960 Office Supplies N 01-705-000-0000-6560 465.00 DIGITAL GRAPHICS FOR VEHICLE 15321 Gasoline & Oil - Vehicle N 14-201-000-0000-6687 371.15 ACCT L05281 SIDE SADDLES IN106097 Equipment-Current Year N 01-205-000-0000-6273 3,605.00 CORONER SERVICES FEB 2019 595 Coroner Expense 6 01-101-000-0000-6330 145.00 MILEAGE - TORRENS TRAINING 4/1/19 Mileage N 01-122-000-0000-6330 172.84 MILEAGE - MEETINGS/TRAINING 4/9/19 Mileage N 01-061-000-0000-6342 102,300.00 OFFICE 365 PLAN LICENSES 3810 Service Agreements N 10-302-000-0000-6515 2,428.75 SIGNS Signs And Posts N 01-122-000-0000-6241 140.00 2019 MEMBERSHIP DUES 4/9/19 Membership Dues N 2,665.705835 38100 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 282.1838100 14323 JH SIGNS & DESIGNS INC 465.0014323 6438 KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC 371.156438 79 LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE 3,605.0079 3543 LARSON/LYNN 145.003543 15088 LECLAIR/CHRISTOPHER 172.8415088 7302 LIFTOFF, LLC 102,300.007302 511 M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. 2,428.75511 2125 MACPZA Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS JH SIGNS & DESIGNS INC KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LARSON/LYNN LECLAIR/CHRISTOPHER LIFTOFF, LLC M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-101-000-0000-6342 202.74 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0438518 381145374 Service Agreements N 01-122-000-0000-6342 164.92 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0491119 380961987 Service Agreements N 01-061-000-0000-6342 1,611.40 ACCT OT00 CN 115529-03 6176848 Service Agreements N 01-091-000-0000-6342 148.32 ACCT OT00-025 CN 123160-04 6176849 Service Agreements N 10-304-000-0000-6572 354.95 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 29.95 BATTERY Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 13-012-000-0000-6455 184.10 ACCT 0396506001 MN FAMILY LAW 07760736 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 195.10 ACCT 0396506001 MN FAMILY LAW 09563776 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 775.18 ACCT 0396506001 ERWIN DEFENSE 09574581 Reference Books & Literature N 01-201-000-0000-6171 2,550.00 CLASS ID 44435 EVOC SP 629430-6945 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-044-000-0000-6304 44.05 ACCT 2607 OIL CHANGE 711647 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 60.53 ACCT 2900 UNIT 1610 HEADLAMP 711285 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 44.05 ACCT 2900 UNIT 1504 OIL CHANGE 712689 Repair And Maintenance N 13-012-000-0000-6455 383.00 ACCT F002603 REFERENCE BOOKS 961124 Reference Books & Literature N 140.002125 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS 367.6636132 2721 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC 1,759.722721 12534 MATCO TOOLS 384.9012534 88 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC 1,154.3888 3593 MHSRC RANGE 2,550.003593 42863 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 148.6342863 3147 MN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION 383.003147 Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions MACPZA MARCO INC ST LOUIS MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MATCO TOOLS MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC MHSRC RANGE MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION Otter Tail County Auditor OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6300 120.00 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance N 10-302-000-0000-6675 28,684.96 2019 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE, UNIT Machinery And Automotive Equipment N 01-061-000-0000-6330 62.64 MILEAGE FEB-MAR 2019 4/9/19 Mileage N 10-302-000-0000-6515 86.60 SUPPLIES Signs And Posts N 01-091-000-0000-6270 2,242.50 56-CR-18-1035 B BISHOP 1894 Misc Professional-Expert Witness N 01-061-000-0000-6342 6,314.00 LSAP RENEWAL 3181 Service Agreements N 02-612-000-0000-6369 30,000.00 2019 AIS PREVENTION AID 4/1/19 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-112-000-0000-6319 13,086.25 SNOW REMOVAL MARCH 2019 7762 Snow Removal Y 01-112-000-0000-6319 280.00 SNOW REMOVAL MARCH 2019 7771 Snow Removal Y 01-031-000-0000-6276 5,119.90 COUNTY MATTERS 20123713-000M 47 Professional Services Y 14407 NATURE'S PUMPING 120.0014407 35442 NELSON AUTO CENTER 28,684.9635442 597 NEWBORG/KEVIN 62.64597 1066 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 86.601066 14126 OAK HILL FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY LLC 2,242.5014126 6234 OPG-3 INC 6,314.006234 10696 OTTER TAIL CO COLA 30,000.0010696 6351 13,366.256351 137 PEMBERTON LAW, PLLP 5,119.90137 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY NATURE'S PUMPING NELSON AUTO CENTER NEWBORG/KEVIN NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC OAK HILL FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY LLC OPG-3 INC OTTER TAIL CO COLA PEMBERTON LAW, PLLP Otter Tail County Auditor REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6276 13.03 ACCT 85400 BACKGROUND CHECKS 2019030361 Professional Services N 10-304-000-0000-6306 392.20 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip N 10-304-000-0000-6572 1,372.91 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 291.87 BATTERY Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-149-000-0000-6369 1,260.00 ACCT 679827 5MB DATA PLAN 1020539 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-304-000-0000-6572 1,780.89 SERVICE Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 02-102-000-0000-6369 17,799.02 TILLABLE LAND AREA PROJECT 002989 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-061-000-0000-6342 4,500.00 ACCT 466 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 210021054 Service Agreements N 01-122-000-0000-6242 495.00 SERVICE PROVIDER TRAINING 49-1 Registration Fees N BUSKO/AMY6409 01-122-000-0000-6242 495.00 SERVICE PROVIDER TRAINING 49-1 Registration Fees N JEVNE/MICHELLE13234 01-601-000-0000-6270 73,779.99 ACCT 5007218 JAN-MAR 2019 MOA 0300022272 Misc Professional-Educator N 10-301-000-0000-6242 450.00 REGISTRATION Registration Fees N 02-219-000-0000-6369 2,500.00 TRAINING - STRESS, TRAUMA &19-1905 Miscellaneous Charges N 9853 PEOPLEFACTS LLC 13.039853 8842 POWERPLAN OIB 2,056.988842 12526 PRECISE MRM LLC 3,040.8912526 1836 PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC 17,799.021836 3582 REAL VISION SOFTWARE INC 4,500.003582 14299 990.0014299 9547 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MN 74,229.999547 15486 RICHTER CONSULTING, LLC/BRENT Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PEOPLEFACTS LLC POWERPLAN OIB PRECISE MRM LLC PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES INC REAL VISION SOFTWARE INC REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MN Otter Tail County Auditor General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-002-001-0000-6400 100.34 MILEAGE - CI TRAINING 3/21/19 Lean Facilitator Expense N 01-002-001-0000-6400 15.01 MEALS - CI TRAINING 3/21/19 Lean Facilitator Expense N 01-002-001-0000-6400 65.51 LODGING - CI TRAINING 3/21/19 Lean Facilitator Expense N 01-250-000-0000-6224 63.14 MEALS - TRANSPORTS 4/9/19 Prisioner Conveyance N 01-201-000-0000-6526 124.52 TOW STRAPS 2/26/19 Uniforms N 01-112-106-0000-6485 846.76 ACCT 00224001 SUPPLIES 829302 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 309.34 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 829459 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 95.91 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 829461 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 163.96 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 829462 Custodian Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6526 62.00 ACCT 974 CARGO PANTS I1358400 Uniforms N BACKMAN/KELLY12978 01-112-108-0000-6572 621.10 CUT IN RECEPTACLES 4423 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6490 3,926.00 ACCT 0565372 AMMO 0002803-IN Ammo, Shooting Supplies N 2,500.0015486 11529 SIMON/SETHRENA 180.8611529 11182 SMITH/GENE 63.1411182 10702 SONSALLA/NICK 124.5210702 48183 STEINS INC 1,415.9748183 168 STREICHERS 62.00168 14550 SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC, INC. 621.1014550 15186 SUNSET LAW ENFORCEMENT 3,926.0015186 183 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions RICHTER CONSULTING, LLC/BRENT SIMON/SETHRENA SMITH/GENE SONSALLA/NICK STEINS INC STREICHERS SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC, INC. SUNSET LAW ENFORCEMENT Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba Law Library Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 13-012-000-0000-6455 1,222.61 ACCT 1003217934 JAN 2019 839686283 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 710.00 ACCT 1000551281 JAN 2019 839702447 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 896.27 ACCT 1000551281 LIBRARY PLAN 839790091 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 1,222.61 ACCT 1003217934 FEB 2019 839854509 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 731.30 ACCT 1000551281 FEB 2019 839871716 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 974.27 ACCT 1000551281 LIBRARY PLAN 839957809 Reference Books & Literature N 10-304-000-0000-6306 150.00 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip N 10-302-000-0000-6675 41,298.00 2019 TOYOTA FORKLIFT, UNIT #15 Machinery And Automotive Equipment N 01-201-000-0000-6304 579.72 ACCT 568303 TIRES 3733931 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 576.00 ACCT 568303 TIRES 4235157 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 579.72 ACCT 568303 TIRES 8899086 Repair And Maintenance N 01-043-000-0000-6267 150.00 E-CHECK PROCESSING JS-3770 Electronic Pmt Charges N 5,757.06183 1999 TNT REPAIR INC 150.001999 13552 TOYOTA-LIFT OF MINNESOTA 41,298.0013552 11064 US AUTOFORCE 576.0011064 6599 VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC 150.006599 387,180.04 Page 11Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions - 3 Transactions 1 Transactions Final Total ............73 Vendors 130 Transactions THOMSON REUTERS - WEST TNT REPAIR INC TOYOTA-LIFT OF MINNESOTA US AUTOFORCE VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES11:36:28AM4/4/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 12Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 243,926.54 General Revenue Fund 1 50,299.02 General Fund Dedicated Accounts 2 84,255.69 Road And Bridge Fund 10 7,294.44 Law Library Fund 13 371.15 Capital Improvement Fund 14 1,033.20 County Ditch Fund 22 387,180.04 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES4/4/2019 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 12:46:42PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-430-700-0000-6677 269.00 Acct A2RJVV5AAOWI1P 1XHV-P3D9-H6XG Office Furniture And Equipment - Ss 1 N 03/25/2019 03/25/2019 11-420-601-6331-6171 16.30 Lodging & Meal Im Training Meals & Lodging 2 N 03/28/2019 03/29/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 20.74 Lodging & Meal Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 2 N 03/28/2019 03/29/2019 11-409-440-0000-6091 95.12 PSOP Home Visit Mileage 20190331 Parent Support Outreach 3 N 03/01/2019 03/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 15.00 Meal, Training Meals & Parking Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 5 N 03/07/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-6330-6171 42.00 Meal, Training Meals & Parking Ss Adm Training Mileage 6 N 03/07/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 126.00 Meal, Training Meals & Parking Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 4 N 03/07/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 32.92 Meals Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 8 N 02/14/2019 03/04/2019 11-406-000-0000-6379 317.50 Ad for Director/Acct #5296 761947 Miscellaneous Charges 14 N 03/29/2019 03/29/2019 11-430-700-0000-6379 317.50 Acct #5296/Ad# 756353 Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 15 N 03/13/2019 03/21/2019 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC 269.0014386 30075 ASCHNEWITZ/DIANE 37.0430075 11904 BREVER/MELISA 95.1211904 12965 CAMPION/CHAD 183.0012965 13727 COLE/MELANIE 32.9213727 35011 DAILY JOURNAL/THE 635.0035011 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC ASCHNEWITZ/DIANE BREVER/MELISA CAMPION/CHAD COLE/MELANIE DAILY JOURNAL/THE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 Adult LAC Mtg - Stipend Mental Health Adv Committees 9 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 52.20 Adult LAC Mtg - Mileage Mental Health Adv Committees 10 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 Adult LAC MTG - Stipend Mental Health Adv Committees 11 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 9.28 LAC Mtg - Mileage Mental Health Adv Committees 12 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-406-000-0000-6331 19.23 Personal expenses Meals & Lodging - Probation 13 N 03/15/2019 03/15/2019 11-406-000-0000-6050 43.00 Juv. Restitution-56-JV-18-3604 Juv Restitution Project 7 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 127.61 Training Meals Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 16 N 03/19/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 5.61 Child Meal/Meal Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 17 N 03/28/2019 03/28/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 28.49 Meals Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 19 N 11/27/2018 12/06/2018 11-430-710-1621-6097 5.62 Child Meal/Meal In Home Service - Brief 18 N 03/28/2019 03/28/2019 7084 DOLL/RENEE 97.207084 15449 DUENOW/DIANE 54.2815449 15467 EMERSON/ROBERT 19.2315467 32679 FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF 43.0032679 13028 FOREMAN/MICHELLE 127.6113028 48173 GRABE/SONYA 39.7248173 Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions DOLL/RENEE DUENOW/DIANE EMERSON/ROBERT FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FOREMAN/MICHELLE GRABE/SONYA Otter Tail County Auditor INDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-409-000-0036-6379 321.20 Collab - Speaker Fee Partner Professional Development 20 Y 03/06/2019 03/06/2019 11-409-000-0010-6261 562.50 April LCTS Contract Services 19-0401 Lcts Coordination 21 Y 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 11-409-440-0000-6091 175.00 Prog Coord 19-0401 Parent Support Outreach 22 Y 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 122.81 Training Meals Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 23 N 03/19/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 Adult LAC Mtg - Stipend Mental Health Adv Committees 24 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-409-000-0036-6379 288.72 Collab - Speaker Fee Partner Professional Development 25 Y 03/06/2019 03/06/2019 11-409-000-0000-6261 3,419.75 Collab Coord Contract 88826 Collaborative Coordination 28 N 03/01/2019 03/31/2019 11-409-330-1300-6091 1,390.78 Trauma informed texts 88826 Truancy Project 29 N 03/01/2019 03/01/2019 11-409-000-0000-6261 3,419.75 Collab Coord Contract 88942 Collaborative Coordination 26 N 04/01/2019 04/30/2019 11-409-330-1300-6091 531.30 Trauma informed texts (10 more 88942 Truancy Project 27 N 04/01/2019 04/01/2019 15609 HEISLER/SUE 321.2015609 8471 737.508471 15130 KLOEK/ASHLEY 122.8115130 40636 KNUDSON/FONDA L 45.0040636 15610 LAGE/KIM 288.7215610 41450 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP 8,761.5841450 Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions INDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC HEISLER/SUE KLOEK/ASHLEY KNUDSON/FONDA L LAGE/KIM LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-430-700-0000-6171 3,961.58 Consultation Services Ss Adm Training 30 Y 03/25/2019 03/27/2019 11-406-000-0000-6406 435.01 Copier Lease/Cust #35700038 381005438 Office Supplies 31 N 03/22/2019 03/22/2019 11-409-440-0000-6091 206.56 PSOP Mileage Reimbursement 20190301 Parent Support Outreach 33 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-409-440-0000-6091 232.00 Mileage for PSOP Home visits 20190331 Parent Support Outreach 32 N 01/08/2019 02/28/2019 11-406-000-0000-6379 58.20 Ad for Ass't PO/Cust #1968 54367 Miscellaneous Charges 34 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 8.54 Meal/Training Meals/Parking Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 37 N 03/19/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-6330-6171 52.00 Meal/Training Meals/Parking Ss Adm Training Mileage 35 N 03/19/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 88.52 Meal/Training Meals/Parking Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 36 N 03/19/2019 03/22/2019 11-420-601-0000-6406 68.20 Cust#1143-Shredding Services 402075 Office Supplies 38 N 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 11-420-601-0000-6406 25.00 Cust#1143-Shredding Services 402075 Office Supplies 39 N 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 11-430-700-0000-6406 86.80 Cust#1143-Shredding Services 402075 Office Supplies 38 N 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 15605 MAK CONSULTING LLC 3,961.5815605 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS 435.0136132 9654 MARTIN/MICHAEL 438.569654 13389 MIDWEEK INC/THE 58.2013389 11394 MIKKELSON/HEATHER 149.0611394 7661 MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions MAK CONSULTING LLC MARCO INC ST LOUIS MARTIN/MICHAEL MIDWEEK INC/THE MIKKELSON/HEATHER Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6331 375.00 Spring Conference for MS,KJ,RE Meals & Lodging - Probation 40 N 03/29/2019 03/29/2019 11-420-000-0000-2100 50,169.40 A300MM9H56I Due Other Governments MA Refunds 43 N 03/11/2019 03/11/2019 11-420-621-0000-6040 13,003.30 A300MM9H56I Co Share Of Under 65 Nh To State 44 N 03/11/2019 03/11/2019 11-420-640-0000-6379 241.25 Federal Offset Fees A300C906848 Miscellaneous Charges 41 N 02/28/2019 02/28/2019 11-420-605-0000-6040 1,854.03 12-18 Maxis Recoveries A300MX56109I State Share Of Maxis Refunds To State 42 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-406-000-0000-6406 82.14 288992812001 2889913001 Office Supplies 45 N 03/18/2019 03/18/2019 11-420-601-0000-6379 10.56 birth/death certificates Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 46 N 03/01/2019 03/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6379 13.44 birth/death certificates Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 46 N 03/01/2019 03/31/2019 11-420-640-0000-6297 35.00 Case #20190347/Party #002 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 47 N 03/19/2019 03/19/2019 11-420-640-0000-6297 73.50 Case #20190323/Party #001 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 48 N 03/16/2019 03/16/2019 180.007661 10554 MN ASSOC OF CO PROBATION OFFICERS 375.0010554 43022 MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 65,267.9843022 51120 OFFICE DEPOT 82.1451120 44086 OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER 24.0044086 44010 OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF 108.5044010 44003 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC MN ASSOC OF CO PROBATION OFFICERS MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES OFFICE DEPOT OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-601-0000-6349 14,120.04 Rent Building & Facilities Rental 49 N 04/09/2019 04/09/2019 11-430-700-0000-6349 17,970.96 Rent Building & Facilities Rental 49 N 04/09/2019 04/09/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 12.24 Meals/Training Meals/Parking Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 51 N 03/21/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 48.65 Meals/Training Meals Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 53 N 01/08/2019 03/20/2019 11-430-700-6330-6171 45.00 Meals/Training Meals/Parking Ss Adm Training Mileage 50 N 03/21/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 81.72 Meals/Training Meals/Parking Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 52 N 03/21/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 75.37 Meals/Training Meals Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 54 N 01/08/2019 03/20/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 LAC Mtg - Stipend Mental Health Adv Committees 55 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 3.00 LAC Mtg - Bus Fare Mental Health Adv Committees 56 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-406-730-0010-6435 1,190.00 UA Supplies/Order #231179 2117360 Dwi Court Drug Testing 57 N 03/28/2019 03/28/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 45.00 LAC Mtg - Stipend Mental Health Adv Committees 58 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-430-740-0000-6277 31.32 LAC Mtg - Mileage Mental Health Adv Committees 59 N 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 32,091.0044003 14363 POTTER/LELAND 262.9814363 10722 POTTER/TARA 48.0010722 14747 PREMIER BIOTECH LABS, LLC 1,190.0014747 6777 PRESCOTT - ADAMIETZ/CATHIE 76.326777 Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 5 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER POTTER/LELAND POTTER/TARA PREMIER BIOTECH LABS, LLC PRESCOTT - ADAMIETZ/CATHIE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-601-0000-6260 4,340.33 January 2019 Statement Ma Trans Prog Adm Services 63 N 01/31/2019 01/31/2019 11-420-650-0000-6041 400.00 January 2019 Statement Ma Trans Nonload 62 N 01/31/2019 01/31/2019 11-420-650-0000-6050 1,239.64 January 2019 Statement Ma Trans Charges Fed Rate 61 N 01/31/2019 01/31/2019 11-430-760-0000-6378 655.14 January 2019 Statement Misc Exp Trans Prog 64 N 01/31/2019 01/31/2019 11-430-760-6160-6050 1,073.84 January 2019 Statement Title Xx Transportation 60 N 01/31/2019 01/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 108.44 Acct 139 6030859 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 66 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 92.29 Acct 139 6030905 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 67 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 108.44 Acct 139 6031003 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 68 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 73.09 Acct 139 6031055 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 69 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 92.29 Acct 139 6031108 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 70 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 194.73 Acct 139 6031234 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 65 N 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-420-601-6331-6171 15.00 Training Meal Im Training Meals & Lodging 71 N 03/18/2019 03/18/2019 11-409-440-0000-6091 162.40 PSOP Mileage 20190228 Parent Support Outreach 72 N 02/01/2019 02/28/2019 25082 PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC 7,708.9525082 46006 QUALITY TOYOTA 669.2846006 47191 RANUM/CHERYL 15.0047191 10134 ROTERING/DEVORA 162.4010134 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 5 Transactions 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC QUALITY TOYOTA RANUM/CHERYL ROTERING/DEVORA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-409-745-0000-6277 450.00 FY19-Collaborative 36608 Chmh Adv Committee And Ieic 73 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 140.47 Training Meals Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 74 N 03/19/2019 03/22/2019 11-430-700-0000-6330 20.88 Mileage Mileage - Ss Adm 75 N 02/20/2019 02/20/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 11.66 Client Meals/Meal Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 76 N 03/18/2019 03/20/2019 11-430-710-1621-6097 23.34 Client Meals/Meal In Home Service - Brief 77 N 03/18/2019 03/20/2019 11-430-700-0000-6200 1,493.72 Acct#386088344-00001 9826920775 Telephone - Ss Adm 79 N 03/25/2019 03/25/2019 11-430-700-0000-6265 140.04 Acct#386088344-00001 9826920775 Data Processing Costs - Ss Adm 78 N 03/25/2019 03/25/2019 11-409-000-0000-6379 23.40 LCTS Copies for Training 1103725 Meeting Expenses 80 N 03/12/2019 03/12/2019 11-406-000-0000-6000 46,174.07 Detention Costs Detention Center Costs - Probation 81 N 03/07/2019 03/07/2019 898 SCHOOL DIST 544-FERGUS FALLS 450.00898 48290 STANISLAWSKI/MARI 140.4748290 12985 TORGERSON/CHELSEY 20.8812985 13803 ULSCHMID/LIZA 35.0013803 9820 VERIZON WIRELESS 1,633.769820 51002 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 23.4051002 52139 WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions SCHOOL DIST 544-FERGUS FALLS STANISLAWSKI/MARI TORGERSON/CHELSEY ULSCHMID/LIZA VERIZON WIRELESS VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 46,174.0752139 173,691.47 Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions Final Total ............45 Vendors 85 Transactions WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES12:46:42PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 11Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 173,691.47 Human Services 11 173,691.47 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES4/4/2019 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 12:48:25PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-100-0030-6330 214.60 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage - Pas 1 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0027-6330 277.24 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES HFA Mileage 2 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0024-6330 186.18 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Nfp Mileage 3 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0024-6331 11.00 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Nfp Meals & Lodging 4 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0024-6331 8.84 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Nfp Meals & Lodging 6 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-600-0090-6331 3.95 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Meals & Lodging 5 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-600-0090-6379 463.77 acct #045 4067 Miscellaneous Charges 60 N 04/01/2019 04/01/2019 11-407-500-0080-6330 36.25 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES FPL mileage 7 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-300-0070-6330 8.70 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage D P & C 8 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-300-0071-6330 1.74 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage - Imz 9 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 14788 BARKER/MEGAN 214.6014788 13978 BESEMAN/KAREN 277.2413978 6757 BYE/KRISTIN 209.976757 32663 CLAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 463.7732663 15052 DEMMER/ANDREA 36.2515052 13103 DUENOW/MELISSA 10.4413103 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions BARKER/MEGAN BESEMAN/KAREN BYE/KRISTIN CLAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPT DEMMER/ANDREA DUENOW/MELISSA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-500-0080-6330 79.46 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES FPL mileage 10 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0046-6091 50,833.00 acct #71975 19037 Contracts PHR-LTSS Grant 59 N 04/12/2019 04/12/2019 11-407-100-0033-6330 1.74 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msc+ Ucare Mileage 13 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0036-6330 37.12 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msho Ucare Mileage 11 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0041-6330 157.76 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Snbc Mileage 12 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0037-6330 12.18 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage Case Management 17 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0024-6330 393.82 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Nfp Mileage 14 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-500-0080-6330 85.26 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES FPL mileage 15 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-500-0080-6331 15.00 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES FPL Meals & Lodging 16 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0015-6330 64.38 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES MCH/ECS Mileage 18 N 5432 ERICKSON/MONIQUE 79.465432 15432 FEI.COM, INC. 50,833.0015432 35588 FIELD/DEB 196.6235588 10863 FRANSEN/JON 12.1810863 12483 FRUSTOL/ANNE 393.8212483 14398 GEORGESON/ANTHONY 100.2614398 7611 GIBBS/ANN Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions ERICKSON/MONIQUE FEI.COM, INC. FIELD/DEB FRANSEN/JON FRUSTOL/ANNE GEORGESON/ANTHONY Otter Tail County Auditor INDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0015-6331 9.35 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES MCH/ECS Meals & Lodging 20 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-400-0083-6330 2.90 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage Bioterrorism 19 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0030-6330 116.70 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage - Pas 21 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0018-6330 67.28 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage Ctc Outreach 22 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6091 1,627.50 basic/46.5 hrs 19-0331-140 Safe Communities Grant Contracts 61 Y 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6330 30.16 mileage 19-0331-140 Mileage - Inj Prev 62 Y 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6330 48.14 mileage 19-0331-140 Mileage - Inj Prev 63 Y 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6330 17.98 mileage 19-0331-140 Mileage - Inj Prev 64 Y 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6330 31.32 mileage 19-0331-140 Mileage - Inj Prev 65 Y 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6331 24.09 19-0331-140 Meals & Lodging - Inj Prev 66 Y 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0022-6330 118.32 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Wic Mileage 23 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0062-6330 56.84 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Nutrition Mileage 24 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 76.637611 36425 GUCK/AMY 116.7036425 37610 HENDRICKX/KATHY 67.2837610 8471 1,779.198471 40703 KOEHLER-TABERY/ANNA MARIE Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 TransactionsINDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC GIBBS/ANN GUCK/AMY HENDRICKX/KATHY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-600-0090-6091 666.67 DR LOKKEN - FEB2019 IVC00000596 Medical Consultant 47 6 03/27/2019 03/27/2019 11-407-200-0027-6330 285.94 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES HFA Mileage 25 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0068-6330 47.56 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Accountalbe Comm Hlth (ACH) Mileage 26 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-600-0098-6330 34.80 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage CJS PS4H 27 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0030-6330 15.08 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage - Pas 28 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0031-6330 59.16 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msho Bcbs Mileage 29 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0033-6330 33.64 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msc+ Ucare Mileage 31 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0034-6330 1.16 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msc+ Blues Mileage 30 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0075-6330 23.20 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Refugee Mileage 34 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-300-0070-6330 44.08 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage D P & C 32 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 175.1640703 7512 LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE 666.677512 14121 LEWIS/ JODI 285.9414121 7908 LIEN/JODY 82.367908 11105 MAGNUSSON/LANE 15.0811105 7065 MARTENSON/PAULA 93.967065 6756 METZGER/JESSICA Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions KOEHLER-TABERY/ANNA MARIE LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LEWIS/ JODI LIEN/JODY MAGNUSSON/LANE MARTENSON/PAULA Otter Tail County Auditor MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ASSOC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-300-0071-6330 2.90 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage - Imz 33 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 90.00 2019 SPRING CONFERENCE/ANDREA 2019MEHA CONF FPL Prog Supplies 68 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 90.00 2019 SPRING CONFERENCE/TONY 2019MEHA CONF FPL Prog Supplies 69 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 90.00 2019 SPRING CONFERENCE/MONIQUE 2019MEHA CONF FPL Prog Supplies 70 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 40.00 membership renew/Monique 2019MEMB RENEW FPL Prog Supplies 67 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-407-200-0022-6488 18.01 WIC SUPPLIES 287582128001 Phn Program Supplies - Wic 72 N 03/12/2019 03/12/2019 11-407-600-0090-6406 18.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 287582128001 Office Supplies 71 N 03/12/2019 03/12/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 13.19 FPL SUPPLIES 287586596001 FPL Prog Supplies 73 N 03/12/2019 03/12/2019 11-407-100-0030-6488 24.10 MN CHOICE SUPPLIES 287586597001 Phn Program Supplies - PAS/LTSS 74 N 03/12/2019 03/12/2019 11-407-100-0040-6488 7.23 SNBC SUPPLIES 290034134001 Snbc Medica Prog Supplies 78 N 03/19/2019 03/19/2019 11-407-200-0022-6488 26.05 WIC SUPPLIES 290034134001 Phn Program Supplies - Wic 80 N 03/19/2019 03/19/2019 11-407-600-0090-6406 6.02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 290034134001 Office Supplies 79 N 03/19/2019 03/19/2019 11-407-200-0026-6488 26.38 FAP SUPPLIES 291140333001 Caring Conn Program Supplies 76 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-407-600-0090-6406 38.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 291140333001 Office Supplies 75 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 11-407-200-0026-6488 54.98 FAP SUPPLIES 291173190001 Caring Conn Program Supplies 77 N 03/21/2019 03/21/2019 70.186756 5205 310.005205 51120 OFFICE DEPOT 233.6351120 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 4 Transactions 10 Transactions MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ASSOC METZGER/JESSICA OFFICE DEPOT Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-100-0030-6330 92.80 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Mileage - Pas 35 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0060-6091 1,000.00 SPEAKING FEE/UNDERWOOD/FERGUS 1 Safe Communities Grant Contracts 58 Y 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-407-200-0060-6330 56.84 SPEAKING EVENT/UNDERWOOD 1 Mileage - Inj Prev 56 Y 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-407-200-0060-6330 69.60 SPEAKING EVENT/FERGUS FALLS 1 Mileage - Inj Prev 57 Y 03/26/2019 03/26/2019 11-407-100-0031-6330 16.47 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msho Bcbs Mileage 36 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0034-6330 16.24 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msc+ Blues Mileage 37 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0036-6330 11.31 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Msho Ucare Mileage 38 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0022-6330 117.16 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Wic Mileage 39 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0022-6330 156.60 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Wic Mileage 40 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0015-6330 2.32 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES MCH/ECS Mileage 42 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0027-6330 260.42 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES HFA Mileage 41 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 13584 PERRIER/MATTHEW 92.8013584 7232 RUDRUD/JUSTIN 1,126.447232 13726 SCHMIDT/JANE 44.0213726 5990 SCHOON/WENDY 117.165990 15562 SOLAND/MIRANDA 156.6015562 10808 THACKER/SARAH Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions PERRIER/MATTHEW RUDRUD/JUSTIN SCHMIDT/JANE SCHOON/WENDY SOLAND/MIRANDA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-200-0024-6200 157.31 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 NFP Telephone 49 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-200-0027-6200 173.14 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 HFA Telephone 51 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-200-0053-6200 62.99 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 CHW Telephone 55 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-300-0070-6200 62.99 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 Telephone 52 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-400-0083-6200 62.99 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 Telephone 48 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 125.98 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 FPL Prog Supplies 53 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-500-0081-6488 62.99 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 Prog Supplies Well Delegation 50 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-600-0090-6200 52.99 ACCT #680689848-00001 9826577499 Telephone 54 N 03/20/2019 03/20/2019 11-407-200-0054-6330 78.30 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Aging Mileage 43 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-100-0015-6330 3.48 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES MCH/ECS Mileage 45 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0027-6330 3.48 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES HFA Mileage 44 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 11-407-200-0024-6330 307.69 March 2019 Expense Report 032019EXPENSES Nfp Mileage 46 N 03/31/2019 03/31/2019 262.7410808 9820 VERIZON WIRELESS 761.389820 12905 VOSS/NANCY 78.3012905 11821 WENTWORTH/KRISTI 6.9611821 52580 WESTBY/LINDA 307.6952580 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 8 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions THACKER/SARAH VERIZON WIRELESS VOSS/NANCY WENTWORTH/KRISTI WESTBY/LINDA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 59,754.48 Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates Final Total ............35 Vendors 80 Transactions Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES12:48:25PM4/4/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 10Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 59,754.48 Human Services 11 59,754.48 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ PARTNERING TO BUILD COMMUNITY AND EMPOWER PEOPLE TO OVERCOME POVERTY AND ACHIEVE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL.” 2018 ANNUAL REPORT WEST CENTRAL MINNESOTA COMMUNITIES ACTION INC. EST. 1964 Dear Board members, colleagues, staff and friends of West Central Minnesota Communities Action, Inc.: West Central MN Communities Action, Inc. is proud to be a part of a large national anti-poverty network that has been working to eliminate poverty since 1964. Our vision is to live and work towards the Community Action Promise each and every day! We are pleased to present to you the 2018 Annual Report of West Central MN Communities Action, Inc. You will see growth for WCMCA, Inc. in revenue and programs, and in partnerships across our service area. In February of 2018, WCMCA, Inc. and Alexandria Technical College hosted a legislative learning session at our newly remodeled Head Start classrooms at the college. We had a wonderful turnout with our legislators attending and learning about the programs WCMCA, Inc. provides, as well as updates from Dr. Laura Urban from Alexandria Technical College. Many thanks to Rep Bud Nornes, Rep Mary Franson, Rep Jeff Backer, Senator Torrey Westrom, US Rep Colin Peterson, and Andy from US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office. This partnership continues to thrive and our classrooms at the college are at full enrollment, and we truly love being at ATCC! WCMCA, Inc. was presented with the Promising Practice Award for the Ready Ride program at MN Community Action Partnership in St. Paul. A Promising Practice award is one that has not been in existence for more than a year; is a program that can measurably improve the efficiency or effectiveness of customer service or support systems, and it is innovative to address a local need. Rural transportation for our customers continues to be a need identified in our Community Needs Assessment. The Ready Ride program offers rides for clients ages 65+, and also partners with Region 4 Mental Health Consortium, which offers rides for clients with serious or persistent mental health illness (SPMI). WCMCA, Inc. also received an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Award from the Department of Defense. Our Head Start employee, Chessie Andrist, nominated WCMCA, Inc. for the Above and Beyond Award. Thanks Chessie for the nomination, it was an honor to receive this award for WCMCA, Inc. WCMCA, Inc. and Lakes and Prairies Community Action Partnership co-hosted a Group Cares project in Breckenridge in July of this past year – we had 260 campers from all over the US, 26 projects were completed and 8,812 labor hours donated throughout 7 different communities! Kelli Winter, Director of Development & Operations, earned her Certified Community Action Professional (CCAP) certificate from the National Community Action Partnership. Congrats! We are proud to present to everyone WCMCA’s annual audit. As in years past, there were no findings, questioned costs, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. This can be attributed to staff following proper policies and procedures, and WCMCA’s strong internal controls. We would like to extend a warm thank you to all WCMCA, Inc. Agency staff, Board members, volunteers and community partners – you all make this work possible. We are all in this together and committed to “Partnering to build community and empower people to overcome poverty and achieve their full potential.” The work we do at Community Action is so critical to the health and well-being of our communities. We are proud to share with you the work of WCMCA, Inc. employees and volunteers in reducing the effects of poverty in our communities. Thank you for your commitment to our organization. R-L: Missy Becker -Cook, CEO, Congressman Collin Peterson, and Dr Laura Urban, ATCC R-L: Val Arnquist, Head Start Director; Teresa Gustafson, Past Board Chair; Chessie Andrist, Family Education Specialist; Missy Becker- Cook, CEO; and Carol Boyer, CFO Missy Becker-Cook, Carol Boyer, Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Keith Swanson, Board Chair COMMUNITY ACTION PROMISE “Community Action changes lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We are about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.” • 10.8% of people in West Central Minnesota are living in poverty. FACTS AT-A-GLANCE • A single adult with 2 children needs to earn $28.43/hour in order to meet their basic needs without receiving assistance. • Only 62% of students in our five-county service area are connected to a caring adult. REVENUE & EXPENSES WCMCA, INC. VISION “Partnering to end poverty in rural Minnesota” WCMCA, INC. MISSION STATEMENT “Partnering to build community and empower people to overcome poverty and achieve their full potential.” 1,075 volunteers 16,420 hours valuing $240,245.81 43 households were assisted in preventing mortgage foreclosure, 19 attended a Homebuyer Education Course and 29 participated in pre-purchase counseling services. 169 households were served by either short- or long- term rental assistance programs. WCMCA, Inc. conducted 26 lead risk assessments and 6 lead clearance tests, which indicate the presence of lead for homeowners. The Small Cities program rehabilitated 22 residential homes in the amount of $412,296 and one commercial property in the amount of $40,000. Weatherization and the Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) served 151 households with home repairs totaling $205,150.39. 334 people received assistance from a MNSure navigator. Statewide, 208 Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota participants purchased assets, which included $634,588.30 to purchase a home, start up a business or higher education. PLUS Kids served children and their families in Douglas, Pope, Todd, Morrison, Stearns along with 28 surrounding counties, and the states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. 517 children and their parent(s) were served. This included 927 safe exchanges and 638 parenting time visits. Ready Ride volunteers gave 980 rides, for a total of more than 28,117 miles. The Region 4 South Ready Ride volunteers gave 23 rides for a total of 2,283 miles. 98% of Head Start children completed their physical exams and 98% completed screening requirements. 96% of dental exams completed. Head Start served 119 children in home-based Early Head Start (ages prenatal-3), and 298 children in center- based Head Start preschool (ages 3-5). 93.7% of 4-year-old Head Start children met or exceeded expectations for Kindergarten readiness. The Energy Assistance Program served 4,473 households with primary heat funding in the amount of $2,621,578.34. 300 households received an average of $1,166 in assistance for furnace repair. REVENUE BY PROGRAM Federal CSBG - 1% Other Programs - 37% Federal & State Weatherization - 3% Federal & State EAP & EAP/WX - 15% Federal & State Head Start - 44% FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Management & General - 9% Fundraising - 1% Program Service - 90% 2018 FUNDING DETAILS The WCMCA, Inc’s Free Tax Preparation Program assisted 1,056 taxpayers in receiving $540,920 in refunds to tax payers. To make a donation to WCMCA, Inc. and to learn more about our organization, visit WWW.WCMCA.ORG Donations can also be mailed to: 411 INDUSTRIAL PARK BLVD, ELBOW LAKE, MN 56531 Thank you for your contributions. WEBSITE www.wcmca.org FACEBOOK West Central Minnesota Communities Action, Inc. ALEXANDRIA OFFICE 503 Hawthorne St—Suite 45 Alexandria, MN 56308 Phone: 320.304.3458 Fax: 320.335.2463 ELBOW LAKE OFFICE 411 Industrial Park Blvd Elbow Lake, MN 56531 Toll-Free: 800.492.4805 Phone: 218.685.4486 Fax: 218.685.6741 I first met AshLee just after she had her youngest son, Aiden, in the early fall of 2016. She was a single mom with three boys, who just moved into her own place. Her son, Walker, was attending Head Start, and Austin was enrolled with me in Early Head Start. AshLee and I talked about what she wanted her future to look like and started setting goals. She wanted to go to college to get a degree in a profession that could support her family. She also wanted to be an active part in her children’s success in life, and get a hobby farm in the country, where the children could run, play and explore. AshLee started attending M-State College spring semester of 2015. She met Brad, her now fiancé, through mutual friends at a local church around the same time. AshLee and her three boys moved in with Brad and his two girls later that fall after having safety issues with her apartment. She continued to pursue her degree, budget for the household, and raise five children. In February of 2016, AshLee gave birth to twin girls, Eva and Bria, seven weeks early. She juggled trips to the NICU, family life, and continuing school. Ashlee graduated spring of 2016 with an AAS degree. That fall, Brad and AshLee purchased a hobby farm in the country. Upon moving, the children lost busing from their house to the schools they attended. AshLee pleaded her case to both schools, and both schools stated that busing would be impossible unless she met the buses in a nearby town. So everyday, AshLee drove the children, nine miles to meet the buses, so they could continue to attend the school of their choice. That same year, AshLee decided to go back for her phlebotomy degree at Central Lakes College. She was elected to and served on Student Senate at Central Lakes Community College. AshLee also was elected to the Head Start Policy Council the fall of 2017; which she currently still serves on. Ashlee graduated with her phlebotomy degree spring of 2018. She found employment as an Administrative Assistant, and decided to continue her schooling for her Medical Lab Technician degree. In the fall of 2018, AshLee was able to arrange busing with both schools, which didn’t include a special trip each morning. She applied to Lakewood Health System Outreach Clinic for a casual phlebotomist position in November of 2018 and was hired. AshLee now has a full-time job, a supportive fiancé, seven wonderful children, her hobby farm, and is still pursuing her Medical Lab Technician degree. She is a very motivated young women who sets her goals and does not let anything stand in her way of achieving them! DONATIONS Head Start Success Story Board Member Listing Executive Committee • Keith Swanson—Chair Grant County—Co Commissioner • Tammy Boushek—Vice Chair Douglas County—Private Sector • Dave Salberg—Treasurer Traverse County—Co Commissioner • Al Glaeseman—Secretary Douglas County—Low-Income Rep • Teresa Gustafson—Past Chair Traverse County—Low-Income Rep Board Members • Marlene Cihlar Pope County—Low-Income Rep • Keith Englund Douglas County—Co Commissioner • Elisabeth Kirchner Stevens County—Private Sector • Robin McNamar Grant County—Low-Income Rep • Janel Mendoza Stevens County—Low-Income Rep • Michael Pattee Pope County—Private Sector • Michelle Rinke Traverse County—Private Sector • Cody Rogahn Pope County—Co Commissioner • Stella Troszczynski Grant County—Private Sector • Donny Wohlers Stevens County—Co Commissioner MOORHEAD OFFICE 715 11th St N—Suite 100 Moorhead, MN 56560 Phone: 218.477.1208 Fax: 218.477.1209 Greater Minnesota Transit Systems Teaming Up to Meet MnDOT Goals for Enhanced Service, Improved Efficiencies and Cost Savings Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils The Minnesota Departments of Transportation and Human Services, in collaboration with other state agencies, are working with the Metropolitan Council, and other local governments and organizations to create regional transportation coordinating councils as appropriate throughout Minnesota. Coordination between transportation providers and service agencies has been a goal and strategy to fill transportation gaps, provide more service with the same or fewer resources, streamline access to transportation and provide customers more options of where and when to travel. Goal for Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils The state agencies would provide support for creating a statewide framework of 8-10 Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils throughout Minnesota in order to break down transportation barriers and offer a seamless system of transportation services. The Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils would be responsible for coordinating transportation services through a network of existing public, private and non-profit transportation providers. Potential Tasks of the Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils  Lead activities to and advance coordination throughout region.  Exercise the authority to make change based on a formal governing framework.  Employ dedicated staff to implement change.  Provide technical assistance to facilitate human service program vehicle sharing.  Establish transportation provider performance standards for service, vehicles, and personnel.  Actively participate in and/or lead the FTA required local transportation coordination plan process.  Utilize a cost accounting system to accurately reflect the full costs of providing transportation services.  Share quality assurance data and uniform reporting among stakeholders.  Develop or promote existing van pool or rideshare services.  Technical Assistance to volunteer driver programs and/or coordination of volunteer programs.  Establish or promote existing travel training programs.  Provide feedback to the Minnesota Council on Transportation Access (MCOTA) as to what is working and where state level assistance may be needed. Regional Transportation Coordinating Council Benefits  Increase efficiencies that may be achieved through more grouping of individuals traveling to the same destination or reduced duplication of services and/or vehicles.  Enhanced access to social and health services, education and employment.  Improved use of resources: For example, if the same services can be provided with fewer vehicles, then funds spent on insurance and capital is reduced. Other resources that could be shared include staff training, computer software, or call center staff.  Coordination and collaboration can result in providing transportation in ways that contribute to livable communities and a vital economy. . For More Information: Visit: mndot.gov Sue Siemers, MnDOT Greater MN Mobility Management Program Coordinator - 320.223.6556 Susan.siemers@state.mn.us A Resolution Supporting Local Control for Local Elections WHEREAS, all townships and school districts, 86 of 87 counties, and 85 percent of cities fall under the statutory rule for the conduct of local elections and must ask permission of the Legislature to make changes to these rules; and WHEREAS, local charter (or home rule) cities that hold elections in even years along with state and federal elections must comply with restrictive state partisan ballot design requirements; and WHEREAS, there are no consistent rules for the administration of Ranked Choice Voting in local jurisdictions in Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Local Options bill aims to remove regulatory barriers and extend the authority to adopt Ranked Choice Voting to local statutory jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the RCV Local Options bill contains no mandates; and WHEREAS, the RCV Local Options bill provides for the flexibility to efficiently include ranked and non-ranked elections on a single ballot; and WHEREAS, the RCV Local Options bill provides consistent standards for the administration of RCV in cities that choose to use it; and WHEREAS, the League of Minnesota Cities supports the need for consistent RCV rules for use in Minnesota cities; and WHEREAS, the RCV local options bill contain no mandates, but simply provides local jurisdictions with the permission and tools they need to consider and implement RCV if we wish; and WHEREAS, a growing number of cities are exploring RCV because it provides a number of benefits over current expensive and low-participation local elections, including: • Making voting simpler for voters by eliminating the need for local nonpartisan primaries and consolidating two elections into one; • Saving the cost of primaries altogether in cities with odd-year local elections; • Demonstrably increasing voter participation; • Ensuring majority winners in a single election. Voters rank their preferences on the ballot, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. If no candidate receives a majority of first choices, then the least popular candidate is defeated and their ballots are reassigned to those voters’ second choices; and this process is repeated until one candidate receives a majority of continuing ballots; • Making voting easier for deployed military members and other citizens abroad by requiring one less election for them to receive and return their ballots on time; • Improving the civility of campaigning; and • Reducing the influence of outside money in campaigns. WHEREAS, more than 87 percent of polled voters in the Twin Cities say that RCV is simple to use; WHEREAS, the Local Options measure is a significant opportunity to improve elections in cities, counties, townships, and school districts throughout the state. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED, we support removing regulatory barriers and giving all local jurisdictions in Minnesota the option to use Ranked Choice Voting if they decide it is right for their communities. PRAIRIE SNOW DRIFTERS TRAIL ASSOCIATION GRANT-IN-AID FUNDING Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 – Commissioner offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has sponsored Grant-In-Aid Systems in the past; and WHEREAS, acceptance of the Grant-In-Aid Systems proposed extensions are subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County shall continue to sponsor Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems as they exist for the Prairie Snow Drifters Trail Association Snowmobile Club for the 2019-2020 snowmobile season and proposed extensions of Grant-In-Aid Trails with the aforementioned condition. Commissioner seconded the motion and, upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted this 9th day of April 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Doug Huebsch, Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk I, John Dinsmore, County Administrator for the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 9th day of April, 2019, now on file in the County Administrator’s office, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. John Dinsmore, County Administrator OTTER TRAIL RIDERS ASSOCIATION GRANT-IN-AID FUNDING Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 – Commissioner offered the following and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has sponsored Grant-In-Aid Systems in the past; and WHEREAS, acceptance of the Grant-In-Aid Systems proposed extensions are subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County shall continue to sponsor Grant-In-Aid Trail Systems as they exist for the Otter Trail Riders Association Snowmobile Club for the 2019-2020 snowmobile season and proposed extensions of Grant-In-Aid Trails with the aforementioned condition. Commissioner seconded the motion and, upon being put to vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted this 9th day of April 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Doug Huebsch, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk I, John Dinsmore, County Administrator for the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 9th day of April, 2019, now on file in the County Administrator’s office, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. John Dinsmore, County Administrator Exhibit B County Resolution Page 1 of 2 LU1015 3/28/2019 EXHIBIT B COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL RESOLUTION IT IS RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail enter into Limited Use Permit No. 5602-0037 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for maintenance and use by the County of Otter Tail upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 59, 78, 94, 29, 108, 10, 106, 210, 34 the limits of which are defined in said Limited Use Permit. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve said Limited Use Permit and authorizes and directs the County Board Chairperson to execute, on behalf of County of Otter Tail, the aforesaid Limited Use Permit. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners at an authorized meeting held on the _______ day of ______________________, 2019, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. ______________________________ Chairperson of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of _________________, 2019 Notary Public ________________________ My Commission Expires _______________ C.S. 5607 (T.H. 10) C.S. 5610 (T.H. 29) C.S. 5617 (T.H. 59) C.S. 5620 (T.H. 78) C.S. 5618 (T.H. 59) C.S. 5602 (T.H. 210) C.S. 5609 (T.H. 29) C.S. 5680 (T.H. 94) C.S. 5604 (T.H. 210) C.S. 5622 (T.H. 106) C.S. 5603 (T.H. 210) C.S. 5619 (T.H. 78) C.S. 5623 (T.H. 108) C.S. 5624 (T.H. 108) C.S. 5605 (T.H. 10) C.S. 5606 (T.H. 10) C.S. 5621 (T.H. 78) C.S. 5625 (T.H. 108) C.S. 5608 (T.H. 29) 2 C.S. 5611 (T.H. 34) LUP # 5602-0037 ____________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________ (Type or Print Name) ____________________________________ (Title) ____________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________ (Type or Print Name) ____________________________________ (Title) LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 1 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIMITED USE PERMIT C.S. 5607 (T.H. 10) C.S. 5610 (T.H. 29) C.S. 5617 (T.H. 59) C.S. 5620 (T.H. 78) C.S. 5618 (T.H. 59) C.S. 5602 (T.H. 210) C.S. 5609 (T.H. 29) C.S. 5680 (T.H. 94) C.S. 5604 (T.H. 210) C.S. 5622 (T.H. 106) C.S. 5603 (T.H. 210) C.S. 5619 (T.H. 78) C.S. 5623 (T.H. 108) C.S. 5624 (T.H. 108) C.S. 5605 (T.H. 10) C.S. 5606 (T.H. 10) C.S. 5621 (T.H. 78) C.S. 5625 (T.H. 108) C.S. 5608 (T.H. 29) C.S. 5611 (T.H. 34) County of Otter Tail LUP # 5602-0037 Permittee: County of Otter Tail Expiration Date: 10/27/2028 In accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 161.434, the State of Minnesota, through its Commissioner of Transportation, (“MnDOT”), hereby grants a Limited Use Permit (the “LUP”) to County of Otter Tail, (“Permittee”), to use the area within the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 59, 78, 94, 29, 108, 10, 106, 210, 34 as shown in red and green on Exhibit "A", (the “Area”) attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. This Limited Use Permit is executed by the Permittee pursuant to resolution, a certified copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Snowmobile Trail & Snowmobile Trail – Nighttime, Two Way Use The Permittee’s use of the area is limited to only the constructing, maintaining and operating two types of trails, as follows LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 2 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 (i) A single and a two way use snowmobile trail (“Single/Two Way Snowmobile Trail Facility”) which single directional traffic is shown in “red” on Exhibit A; and (ii) A snowmobile trail for Nighttime, Two Way Use Facility (“Nighttime, Two Way Use Facility”), which such Nighttime two-way use is shown in “green”, and is authorized in the opinion of the Minnesota Department of Transportation District Traffic Engineer, DNR Enforcement Office and District State Patrol Office. It has been deemed safer to use only side of the road for two way snowmobile traffic. This decision averts the need for trail users driving on the opposite direction to cross the road twice to avoid oncoming snowmobile trail traffic. Single/Two Way Snowmobile Trail Facility and Nighttime, Two Way Use Facility shall collectively hereinafter be referred to as “Facility”. The definition and operation of snowmobiles shall be in accordance with Minnesota Statutes §84.81 and §84.87. All signs will be in accordance with Minnesota Rules for the Department of Natural Resources §6100.5300 and §6102-0060 and also in accordance with “Minnesota Snowmobile Safety, Laws, Rules and Regulations:”. The permittee agrees that this permit totally replaces and supersedes the previously issued nine permits affecting the Area, specifically The first permit, 5621-005, was issued on 01/01/1983 on CS 5621 (TH 78) & CS 5624 (TH 108). The second permit, 5617-007, was issued on 12/23/1994 on CS 5617 & 5618 (TH 59). The third permit, 5621-012, was issued on 02/19/1997 on CS 5621 (TH 78) & CS 5624 (TH 108). The fourth permit, 5605-013, was issued on 03/10/1999 on CS 5605, 5606 & 5607 (TH 10), CS 5622 (TH 106), CS 5623 (TH 108) and CS 5626 (TH 228). The fifth permit, 5603- 014, was issued on 12/12/2002 on CS 5603 (TH 210), CS 5624 (TH 108) and CS 5608 (TH 29). The sixth permit, 5608-001, was issued on 12/12/2002 on CS 5608 (TH 29). The seventh permit, 5604-018, was issued on 5/29/2007 on CS 5604 (TH 210) and CS 5610 (TH29). The eighth permit, 5602-0023, was issued on 4/26/2012 on CS 5602 (TH 210) and CS 5603 (TH 210) and CS 5604 (TH 210) and CS 5605 (TH 10) and CS 5606 (TH 10) and CS 5607 (TH 10) and 5608 (TH 29) and CS 5609 (TH 29) and CS 5610 (TH 29) and CS 5611 (TH 34) and CS5617 (TH 59) and CS 5618 (TH 59) and CS 5618 (TH 59) and CS 5619 (TH 78) and CS 5620 (TH 78) and CS 5621 (TH 78) and CS5622 (TH 106) and CS 5623 (TH 108) and CS 5624 (TH108) and CS 5625 (TH 108) and CS 5627 (TH235) and CS 5680 (TH 94). Upon issuance of this permit each of these earlier issued permits are cancelled. In addition, the following special provisions shall apply: SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. TERM. This LUP terminates at 11:59PM on 10/27/2028 (“Expiration Date”) subject to the right of cancellation by MnDOT, with or without cause, by giving the Permittee ninety (90) days written notice of such cancellation. This LUP will not be renewed except as provided below. LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 3 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 Provided this LUP has not expired or terminated, MnDOT may renew this LUP for a period of up to ten (10) years, provided Permittee delivers to MnDOT, not later than ninety (90) days prior to the Expiration Date, a written request to extend the term. Any extension of the LUP term will be under the same terms and conditions in this LUP, provided: (a) At the time of renewal, MnDOT will review the Facility and Area to ensure the Facility and Area are compatible with the safe and efficient operation of the highway and the Facility and Area are in good condition and repair. If, in MnDOT’s sole determination, modifications and repairs to the Facility and Area are needed, Permittee will perform such work as outlined in writing in an amendment of this LUP; and (b) Permittee will provide to MnDOT a certified copy of the resolution from the applicable governmental body authorizing the Permittee’s use of the Facility and Area for the additional term. If Permittee’s written request to extend the term is not timely given, the LUP will expire on the Expiration Date. Permittee hereby voluntarily releases and waives any and all claims and causes of action for damages, costs, expenses, losses, fees and compensation arising from or related to any cancellation or termination of this LUP by MnDOT. Permittee agrees that it will not make or assert any claims for damages, costs, expenses, losses, fees and compensation based upon the existence, cancellation or termination of the LUP. Permittee agrees not to sue or institute any legal action against MnDOT based upon any of the claims released in this paragraph. 2. REMOVAL. Upon the Expiration Date or earlier termination, at the Permittee’s sole cost and expense Permittee will: (a) Remove the Facility and restore the Area to a condition satisfactory to the MnDOT District Engineer; and (b) Surrender possession of the Area to MnDOT. If, without MnDOT’s written consent, Permittee continues to occupy the Area after the Expiration Date or earlier termination, Permittee will remain subject to all conditions, provisions, and obligations of this LUP, and further, Permittee will pay all costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, in any action brought by MnDOT to remove the Facility and the Permittee from the Area. 3. CONSTRUCTION. The construction, maintenance, and supervision of the Facility shall be at no cost or expense to MnDOT. Before construction of any kind, the plans for such construction shall be approved in writing by the MnDOT's District Engineer. Approval in writing from MnDOT District Engineer shall be required for any changes from the approved plan. LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 4 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 The Permittee will construct the Facility at the location shown in the attached Exhibit "A", and in accordance with MnDOT-approved plans and specifications. Further, Permittee will construct the Facility using construction procedures compatible with the safe and efficient operation of the highway. Upon completion of the construction of the Facility, the Permittee shall restore all disturbed slopes and ditches in such manner that drainage, erosion control and aesthetics are perpetuated. The Permittee shall preserve and protect all utilities located on the lands covered by this LUP at no expense to MnDOT and it shall be the responsibility of the Permittee to call the Gopher State One Call System at 1-800-252-1166 at least 48 hours prior to performing any excavation. Any crossings of the Facility over the trunk highway shall be perpendicular to the centerline of the highway and shall provide and ensure reasonable and adequate stopping sight distance. 4. MAINTENANCE. Any and all maintenance of the Facility shall be provided by the Permittee at its sole cost and expense, including, but not limited to, plowing and removal of snow and installation and removal of regulatory signs. No signs shall be placed on any MnDOT or other governmental agency sign post within the Area. MnDOT will not mark obstacles for users on trunk highway right of way. 5. USE. Other than as identified and approved by MnDOT, no permanent structures or no advertising devices in any manner, form or size shall be allowed on the Area. No commercial activities shall be allowed to operate upon the Area. Any use permitted by this LUP shall remain subordinate to the right of MnDOT to use the property for highway and transportation purposes. This LUP does not grant any interest whatsoever in land, nor does it establish a permanent park, recreation area or wildlife or waterfowl refuge Facility that would become subject to Section 4 (f) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, nor does this permit establish a Bikeway or Pedestrian way which would require replacement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 160.264. No rights to relocation benefits are established by this LUP. This LUP is non-exclusive and is granted subject to the rights of others, including, but not limited to public utilities which may occupy the Area. 6. APPLICABLE LAWS. This LUP does not release the Permittee from any liability or obligation imposed by federal law, Minnesota Statutes, local ordinances, or other agency regulations relating thereto and any necessary permits relating thereto shall be applied for and obtained by the Permittee. LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 5 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 Permittee at its sole cost and expense, agrees to comply with, and provide and maintain the Area, Facilities in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations issued by any federal, state or local political subdivision having jurisdiction and authority in connection with said Area including the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). If the Area and Facilities are not in compliance with the ADA or other applicable laws MnDOT may enter the Area and perform such obligation without liability to Permittee for any loss or damage to Permittee thereby incurred, and Permittee shall reimburse MnDOT for the cost thereof, plus 10% of such cost for overhead and supervision within 30 days of receipt of MnDOT’s invoice. 7. CIVIL RIGHTS. The Permittee for itself, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that in the event improvements are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the Property described in this Limited Use Permit for a purpose for which a MnDOT activity, facility, or program is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, the Permittee will maintain and operate such improvements and services in compliance with all requirements imposed by the Acts and Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, (as may be amended) such that no person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income- level, or limited English proficiency will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said improvements. 8. SAFETY. MnDOT shall retain the right to limit and/or restrict any activity, including the parking of vehicles and assemblage of Facility users, on the highway right of way over which this LUP is granted, so as to maintain the safety of both the motoring public and Facility users. 9. ASSIGNMENT. No assignment of this LUP is allowed. 10. IN WRITING. Except for those which are set forth in this LUP, no representations, warranties, or agreements have been made by MnDOT or Permittee to one another with respect to this LUP. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL. The Permittee shall not dispose of any materials regulated by any governmental or regulatory agency onto the ground, or into any body of water, or into any container on the State’s right of way. In the event of spillage of regulated materials, the Permittee shall notify in writing MnDOT’s District Engineer and shall provide for cleanup of the spilled material and of materials contaminated by the spillage in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, at the sole expense of the Permittee. 12. MECHANIC’S LIENS. The Permittee (for itself, its contractors, subcontractors, its materialmen, and all other persons acting for, through or under it or any of them), covenants that no laborers', mechanics', or materialmens' liens or other liens or claims of any kind whatsoever shall be filed or maintained by it or by any subcontractor, materialmen or other person or persons acting for, through or under it or any of them against the work and/or LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 6 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 against said lands, for or on account of any work done or materials furnished by it or any of them under any agreement or any amendment or supplement thereto. 13. NOTICES. All notices which may be given, by either party to the other, will be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on MnDOT or Permittee or when made in writing addressed as follows: to Permittee at: Auditor, Otter Tail County Government Services Center 510 Fir Ave W Fergus Falls, MN 56537 and to MnDOT at: State of Minnesota Department of Transportation District 4 Right of Way 1000 Highway 10 West Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 The address to which notices are mailed may be changed by written notice given by either party to the other. 14. INDEMNITY. Permittee shall defend, indemnify, hold harmless and release the State of Minnesota, its Commissioner of Transportation and employees and its successors and assigns, from and against: (a) all claims, demands, and causes of action for injury to or death of persons or loss of or damage to property (including Permittee's property) occurring on the Facility or connected with Permittee's use and occupancy of the Area, regardless of whether such injury, death, loss or damage is caused in part by the negligence of State of Minnesota or is deemed to be the responsibility of State of Minnesota because of its failure to supervise, inspect or control the operations of Permittee or otherwise discover or prevent actions or operations of Permittee giving rise to liability to any person. (b) claims arising or resulting from the temporary or permanent termination of Facility user rights on any portion of highway right of way over which this LUP is granted; (c) claims resulting from temporary or permanent changes in drainage patterns resulting in flood damages; (d) any laborers', mechanics', or materialmens' liens or other liens or claims of any kind whatsoever filed or maintained for or on account of any work done or materials furnished; and (e) any damages, testing costs and clean-up costs arising from spillage of regulated materials attributable to the construction, maintenance or operation of the Facility. LUP – Standardized LUP Form Page 7 of 7 LU1001 3/28/2019 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL By_________________________________ Its Chairman of the County Board And________________________________ Its Auditor in his capacity as Clerk of the County Board By:_______________________________ District Engineer Date______________________________ APPROVED BY: COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION By:_______________________________ Director, Office of Land Management Date______________________________ The Commissioner of Transportation by the execution of this permit certifies that this permit is necessary in the public interest and that the use intended is for public purposes. Otter Tail County Contract Outline Presented to Human Service Board April 9, 2019 Agency Program Effective Date Targeted Population Amount of Contract Amount of Previous Contract Funding Source Contract Renewals Underwood School District #550 Transportation of Children & Youth in Foster Care Placement 04-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Children & Youth Mileage reimbursement is to be set at the current IRS rate. All transportation costs identified will be split equally; The District and OTC agree to each assume pay 50% of the costs. None – New Contract Otter Tail County and School District. Fergus Falls School District #544 Transportation of Children & Youth in Foster Care Placement 04-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Children & Youth Mileage reimbursement is to be set at the current IRS rate. All transportation costs identified will be split equally; The District and OTC agree to each assume pay 50% of the costs. None – New Contract Otter Tail County and School District. Henning School District #545 Transportation of Children & Youth in Foster Care Placement 04-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Children & Youth Mileage reimbursement is to be set at the current IRS rate. All transportation costs identified will be split equally; The District and OTC agree to each assume pay 50% of the costs. None – New Contract Otter Tail County and School District. {ffi*-triendsofthe Prairie W'etlands Learning Center April4,2019 Charlie Wooley Acting Regional Director and Deputy Regional Director 5600 American Blvd. West, Suite 990 B[oomington, MN 55437-1 458 Dear Mr. Wooley, We are writing to you to express our concern for the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center (PWLC) located in Fergus Falls, MN. The PWLC was the very first residential learning center in the United States for the FWS. Since 2003, because of a unique collaboration of the Federal, State and City Government with the Fergus Falls School Dist. #544, the Prairie Science Class (PSC) was started. Currently, over 200 4th and 5th graders attend half-day classes during the entire school year at the PWLC. There are approximately 83,000 individual visitors throughout the year. This number comes from the PSC as well as students from 15 schools in the surrounding area and visitors. There has been wholesale support for the PWLC and PSC from local chapters of Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, Fergus Falls Fish and Game Club and the Friends of the PWLC. Because of the combination and cooperation of the PWLC and PSC, excellent early environmental education is accomplished. The objective for teaching kids at an early age is to give them natural recreation opportunities and showcasing the career opportunities in conservation. The problem is that the PWLC has been without a director for three years and currently there is no Office Assistant. Two FWS educational specialists are supporting the PSC as well as totally managing and teaching the students from the surrounding communities for their day visits. ln the past, the PSC had up to four interns assisting in the classrooms. As of April 2019, there will be none. We are very well aware of the financial constraints placed on the FWS at this time. However, to be able to continue with the strong educational and community programs, with their emphasis on the environment, we feel the overwhelming need is to regain the activities that we once had. Currently because there are positions that are not filled the PWLC cannot prornote or offer programs to the public and the surrounding community. Furthermore we are becoming less available to the public due to shortage of personnel. The PWLC is only open to the public from noon to four, which limits participation. "Prornoting conseruation and education of the prairie pothole region." P.0. Box 229 . Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0229 " (218) 998-4488 . fpwlc@prtel.com Printed on Recycled Pape, r$ What we are requesting is: 1. We would like to meet with you at the PWLC to have a conversation regardirtg our concerns. 2. We want to discuss ways in which we can continue educational programs in collaboration with the state of MN, the ISD 544 and the other natural resource groups. We will need staff to accomplish this. 3. Ultimately, we would like a Visitor Service Manager to be hired in a timely manner. ,. We are deeply invested in our Prairie Wetlands Center. Our Frjends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center have been donating tlme, energy and resources for over thirty years to make this a success. lt was the first residential learning center in the US and we are proud of this. It is our deepest hope that we can continue this marvelous opportunity for people to connect to nature and to learn to love our erwironment. We look fonvard to hearing from you. Please contact our Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center President, Robert Olson to discuss a potential meeting. His email is olso4258@umn.edu and his cell phone is (218)205-8316. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely, Rep. Bud B. Nornes (R) District 0BA Jerry Ness Superintendent Fergus Falls ISD#544 Ben Schierer Mayor, City of Fergus Falls Tindy Rund Principle, Cleveland School Otter Tail Counly District 1 President, Friends of the PWLC Commissioner (Chair)