HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 01/22/20192.1 Draft CB Minutes for 1.08.19 2.2 County Bills~Warrants 2.3 Human Services & Public Health Warrants-Bills 2.4 Human Services Contract List 3.0 Habitat and Wetland Easements 4.0 2019 Legislative Recommendations 5.0 Maintenance Worker l Hiring Request 6.0 Courthouse Ice Machine Quote 7.0 Human Services Donation Resolution 8.0 AIS Education Awareness Committee Proposals 1-14-19 8.0 AIS Minutes 1-14-19 9.0 Sale Notice CARE Building 12-19-2018 10.0 Registered Land Survey No. 21 11.0 LMHC 2019 Service Agreement 13.0 Auditor-Treasurer Agenda Items 14.0 Resolution Henning School Grant Sponsorship 15.0 Ditch Agenda Items 16.0 AURI Forum BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA PACKET January 22, 2019 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN January 8, 2019 9:00 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 8, 2019, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chair; Doug Huebsch, Betty Murphy, John Lindquist and Lee Rogness present. CY2019 Otter Tail County Board Chair Board Clerk John Dinsmore requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Chair for 2019. A nomination for Commissioner Doug Huebsch was offered by Lindquist and seconded by Johnson. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Chairman Doug Huebsch for 2019. CY2019 Otter Tail County Board Vice-Chair Chairman Doug Huebsch assumed the Chair’s seat and requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Vice-Chair for 2019. A nomination for Commissioner Lee Rogness was offered by Lindquist and seconded by Johnson. Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Vice-Chair Lee Rogness for 2019. Approval of Agenda Chairman Huebsch called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of January 8, 2019, with the following additions: Rural Rebound Initiative Update Planning Commission Appointment Consent Agenda Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. December 18, 2019, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for January 8, 2019 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Bills & Claims (Exhibit A) 4. Human Services Contract Renewals 5. Approve Issuance of Pawnbroker License for Minnesota Warehouse Furniture, Erhard, MN 6. Approve Issuance of 2019 Tobacco License for Dalton Corner Store 7. Solid Waste Contract Affidavit 8. 2019 Solid Waste Haulers’ Licenses Red River Valley Development Association Don Bradow, RRVDA East Otter Tail County representative, presented a budget and explained the programs supported by the Agency. The main theme is leadership focusing on emerging youth and agricultural leaders. He requested representation from West Otter Tail County and 2019 funding allocations of $800.00 from both East and West OTC. Motion by Rogness to refer this budget request to the Finance Committee. Motion withdrawn. Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to add an additional $800 for the Red River Valley Development Association to be paid out of the Commissioners Contingency Fund or a fund identified by the County Auditor-Treasurer. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 2 2019 Legislative Priorities Administrator John Dinsmore submitted a document titled “2019 Public Policy Priorities” containing legislative priorities from Otter Tail County, Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC), and Minnesota Inter- County Association (MICA). Top priorities include broadband, mental health funding, and transportation. Discussion took place regarding the “dark store” tax loopholes and regional trails and various funding mechanisms. Commissioners requested the draft document be finalized and adopted at the next regular Board meeting. Community Development Agency (CDA) Appointments Motion by Rogness, second by Murphy and carried, with Johnson abstaining, to appoint the following to the Otter Tail County CDA Board authorized under M.S. 469.1082, Subd. 8: Member Representation Terms Effective 01/01/2019 Doug Huebsch, OTC Chairman Commissioner 1 4 year Lee Rogness, Commission District 5 Commissioner 2 1 year David Schornack, Arvig District 1 5 years Betsy Order, NYM City Council/EDA & Cultural Center District 1 2 years David Ripley, Ripley’s Inc. District 2 6 years Dena Johnson, Pelican Rapids EDC, Super Septic & Excavation District 2 3 years Val Martin, City of Battle Lake District 3 1 year Greg Swanberg, OT Township, Homestead at Otter RV Park & Resort District 4 2 years Jeff Ackerson, Vector Windows District 5 3 years After the first term, all authority members shall be appointed for six-year terms. Rural Rebound Initiative Nick Leonard, Communications and External Relations Director, briefed the Board regarding the Otter Tail County Rural Rebound Initiative which focuses on workforce recruitment. Demographic trends were provided by the State demographer and the Board held a discussion about the types of data available to assess program effectiveness and outcomes. DEPOSITORY RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 01 Upon a motion made by Johnson, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that all financial institutions in Otter Tail County, including Credit Unions, State and Federal banks be and are hereby designated as depositories of County funds. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 3 INVESTMENTS RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 02 Upon a motion made by Johnson, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Otter Tail County Auditor/Treasurer and the Otter Tail County Chief Deputy Treasurer be and is hereby given authority to invest County funds as available. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk Transfer of Funds Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve an operating transfer from the Capital Improvement Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund for the purpose of reimbursing the following previously approved 2018 Budget Capital Expenditures: Mack Granite 64Fr Tandem Axle Snow Plow Truck CIC201811 $263,504.10 Henning Salt Shed CIC201839 $ 91,770.33 Trimble GPS CIC201834 $ 33,372.18 Sign Shop Floor Repair/Coating CIC201845 $ 6,254.00 Grand Total For Reimbursement $394,900.61 Public Health Nuisance Abatement Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, to certify against parcel no. 40-000-99-0368-000, which is described as Lot 9 Block 1 – Southside Addition to New York Mills and currently owned by Merton D & Betty E Swenson, the Public Health Nuisance Abatement Costs incurred under the provisions of Minnesota Statute 145A in the amount of $3,244.60 over 5 years with a 4% interest rate beginning with Payable Year 2019. Property/Casualty and Workers Compensation Motion by Rogness, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to approve payment to the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCIT) for the following 2019 insurance coverage: Invoice 17762R – Dated 01/01/2019 PC114019-1 Property/Casualty $409,976.00 Invoice 17762R – Dated 01/01/2019 WC114019-1 Workers Compensation $334,953.00 Invoice WCAUDIT282 – Dated 12/1/2018 Workers Compensation – 2017 Audit $ 16,945.00 Total Due Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust - $761,874.00 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 4 Board of Appeal & Equalization Dates Motion by Murphy, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to convene the County Board of Appeal and Equalization on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. and to reconvene the County Board of Equalization for final action on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 (Minn. Stat. 274.14). OFFICIAL WEBSITE – HIGHWAY PROJECT ADVERTISEMENTS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2018 – 03 Upon a motion offered by Rogness, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: To Use Alternative Method To Disseminate Bids And Requests WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd. 3(b) allows a county to use its website or recognized industry trade journals as an alternative to disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for information and requests for proposals; NOW THEREFORE, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby resolves: BE IT RESOLVED, that from this day forward, the County of Otter Tail may continue to use the Otter Tail County website, http://ottertailcountymn.us, as an alternative means to disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for information, and requests for proposals for transportation related construction and maintenance projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any dissemination by alternative means must be in substantially the same format and for the same period of time as a publication would otherwise be required under Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd. 3. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk Website Designation Motion was made by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried, to designate the Otter Tail County website as the official publication, as appropriate, for highway project advertisements for bids as authorized by Minnesota Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2. 2019 Printing and Publishing Awards After consideration of bids submitted, a motion was made by Rogness, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to designate the following papers for Otter Tail County’s 2019 publishing and printing requirements with the exception of the official publication for highway project advertisements for bids, which will be posted to the Otter Tail County website as appropriate and authorized by Minnesota Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2: Legal Notices, Publications and Commissioners’ Minutes: Daily Journal $16.80 per S.A.U. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 5 Annual Financial Statement: Citizen’s Advocate – Henning First Publication $17.15 per S.A.U. Battle Lake Review – Battle Lake Second Publication $17.15 per S.A.U. Delinquent Tax List: Citizen’s Advocate – Henning First Publication $ 17.15 per S.A.U. Citizen’s Advocate – Henning Second Publication $ 11.11 per S.A.U. Calendar Year 2019 Delinquent Publication Fee Motion by Johnson, seconded by Rogness, and unanimously carried to set the cost assessed to delinquent real estate parcels, that are published in the Delinquent Tax List, at $60.00 per parcel. (Minnesota Statute 279.092). Calendar Year 2019 Annual Appropriations Motion by Lindquist, seconded by Rogness and unanimously carried, to authorize payment of the following CY 2019 annual appropriations: Annual Appropriation Approval Approved 2019 West Central Initiative (01704.6815) $20,000.00 West Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950) 26,000.00 East Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950 26,000.00 Otter Tail Lakes Country Association – OTC On ICE (01502.6950) 22,500.00 Minnesota Red River Valley Development Assoc. (01703.6804) 800.00 CALENDAR YEAR 2019 POCKET GOPHER BOUNTY RESOLUTION (M.S. 348.12 AND 348.13) Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 04 Upon motion made by Johnson, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that The sum of fifty cents ($.50) be paid out of the General Revenue Fund of Otter Tail County for every pocket gopher killed in said County during the year 2018. Paid only in those cases where the township in which the pocket gophers were so killed shall provide for the payment of at least an additional bounty of fifty cents ($.50) for each pocket gopher so killed. RESOLVED further that said payment of such County shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman and/or Clerk of the Town Board of said Township setting forth that the township had issued and delivered to each claimant a payment for at least one dollar ($1.00) for each pocket gopher so killed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 6 CALENDAR YEAR 2019 TAX FORFEITED LAND SALE APPORTIONMENT RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 05 Upon a motion made by Johnson, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, it is provided in Minn. Stat. 282.05 for the apportionment of proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands, and WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxing district pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282.08, and WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 282.08 (4) (b) provides that the County Board may set aside 20% of the proceeds remaining after the value of public improvements, special assessments and bond issues levied on the property have been paid, for acquisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has a park and recreational area, which would benefit by such an apportionment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retains 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands for acquisition and maintenance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds to be disbursed according to law. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk Credit Card Approved Motion by Rogness, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve a county issued credit card, having a 30-day limit, to Sethrena Noreen Simon, Recycling Manager, as requested by Solid Waste Director Chris McConn. Meeting Date Changed Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to change the January 15, 2019, County Board meeting to Tuesday, January 22, 2019. Recess & Reconvene At 10:17 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The meeting was reconvened at 10:24 a.m. Life Saving Award Presentation Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons and Fergus Falls Fire Chief Ryan Muchow presented life saving awards to Jacob Payson and Cameron Hanson for their heroic efforts rescuing a 65-year-old man who broke through the ice on Wall Lake at about 10:30 p.m. on December 6, 2018. They were praised for their selfless actions. The Civilian Life Saving Medal is the highest citizen award given by the Fergus Falls Fire Department. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 7 DONATION OF USED POLICE EQUIPMENT TO LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 06 Upon a motion made by Lindquist, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office requests to donate used Police Style equipment to organizations within the County to include local Police Departments and Fire Departments for official use; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 requires a county to adopt via resolution in order to donate real or personal property; and WHEREAS, it is requested to donate the following items: 1-Stalker Radar to the New York Mills Police Department 1-Liberty Lightbar to the Fergus Falls Fire Department 1-Liberty Lightbar to the Pelican Rapids Fire Department 1-Soundoff Lightbar to the Perham Police Department 1-Soundoff Lightbar to the Bluffton Fire Department NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does accept the above described resolution to donate the above items to local agencies. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk 2019 County Board Meeting Dates Motion by Murphy, second by Johnson and unanimously carried approve the 2019 County Board meeting dates as presented and attached as Exhibit B. 2019 Committee Appointments Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the 2019 Committee Assignments attached as Exhibit C. County Meetings at the Capitol County Day at the Capitol is scheduled February 13-14, 2019. County Lobbyist Sarah Psick will set up and facilitate meetings with legislators. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve Commissioners’ attendance at meetings at the capitol regarding County business. Hazard Mitigation Planning Emergency Manager Patrick Waletzko reported that the Hazard Mitigation Plan is scheduled for an update. The intent is to identify actions/activities and projects to handle over the short and long period of time for a variety of potential hazards and disasters. Mr. Waletzko identified the funding sources for this work and indicated that this is a partnership with the State Department of Public Safety. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 8 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN PLANNING PROCESS AND EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2019 - 07 Upon a motion made by Rogness, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail is participating in a hazard mitigation planning process as established under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and WHEREAS, the Act establishes a framework for the development of a multi- jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan; and WHEREAS, the Act as part of the planning process requires public involvement and local coordination among neighboring local units of government and business; and WHEREAS, the county will lead the planning effort with the assistance of consultants and State of Minnesota mitigation staff; and WHEREAS, the county will provide staff and resources from departments related to mitigation, will facilitate participation of jurisdiction within the county, and provide quarterly reporting on plan progress; and WHEREAS, the plan must include a risk assessment including past hazards, hazards that threaten the county, maps of hazards, an estimate of structures at risk, estimate of potential dollar losses for each hazard, a general description of land uses and future development trends; and WHEREAS, the plan must include a mitigation strategy including goals and objectives and an action plan identifying specific mitigation projects and costs; and WHEREAS, the plan must include a maintenance or implementation process including plan updates, integration of plan into other planning documents and how the county will maintain public participation and coordination; and WHEREAS, the draft plan will be shared with the State of Minnesota and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for coordination of state and federal review and comment on the draft; and WHEREAS, approval of the all hazard mitigation plan will make the county eligible to receive Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants as they become available; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail will enter into an agreement with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the program entitled Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) for the update of the Otter Tail County Hazard Mitigation plan. The Chair of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute and sign such agreements and any amendments hereto as are necessary to implement the plan on behalf of Otter Tail County. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 8th day of January 2019. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: _________________________ By: __________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John W. Dinsmore, Clerk OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 9 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Agreement - Letter of Commitment of Funds Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize the appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the grant agreement and Letter of Commitment of Funds to update the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Agreement. Out-of-State Travel Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve out-of-state travel to Anniston, Alabama for Patrick Waletzko, Emergency Management Director, and Ann Gibbs, PHN, to attend the Health Care Coalition Response Leadership Course January 28, 2019 through February 1, 2019. This training is funded through the Healthcare Preparedness Program Grant. Breastfeeding Friendly Health Department Recognition Holly Glaubitz, DOH Worksite Wellness Coordinator, presented the Breastfeeding Friendly Health Department award to Otter Tail County Public Health. OTC Public Health was recognized at the silver level demonstrating completion of seven steps in creating a breastfeeding friendly environment. Minnesota Inter-County Association (MICA) Annual Meeting Motion by Johnson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize all Commissioners to attend the 2019 MICA Annual Meeting in Northfield, MN, on January 16, 2019. Planning Commission Reappointment Motion by Lindquist, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to reappoint David Wass (District 3) on the Planning Commission effective January 1, 2019, for a three-year term. Reimbursement Research Discussion took place regarding M.S. 372.47 regarding clarification of Commissioners’ reimbursements. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to rescind the following December 18, 2018 motion, pending further research: “Motion by Huebsch, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve a per diem on County Board meeting days if the meeting is outside of the regular Board of Commissioners Agenda and members must leave the meeting facility and attend an additional meeting.” Recess & Reconvene At 11:45 a.m., Chair Huebsch declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for an Internal Services Committee meeting. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 12:00 p.m. Sheriff Fitzgibbons At noon, Judge Barbara Hanson administered the Oath of Office to new County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons. Fitzgibbons took office January 7, 2019. He thanked his family and supporters and vowed to work diligently for the citizens of Otter Tail County. Adjournment At 12:05 p.m., Chairman Huebsch declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next Board meeting is scheduled at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: Attest: Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk CB/kd OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Exhibit A, Page 1 WARRANTS APPROVED ON 01/08/2019 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Exhibit A, Page 2 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Exhibit A, Page 3 OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Exhibit B, Page 1 2019 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Schedule All meetings are in the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls or otherwise designated CY 2019 Month County Board Meeting Dates County Board Start Time January 8-22-29 9:00 a.m. February 5-12-26 9:00 a.m. March Mar/05 Location: Perham City Hall 4:00 p.m. March 12-26 9:00 a.m. April 2-9-23 9:00 a.m. May 7-14-21 9:00 a.m. June 4-11 9:00 a.m. June Jun/25 Henning Community Center Finalize Board of Appeal & Equalization 4:00 p.m. July 16-30 9:00 a.m. August 6-13-27 9:00 a.m. September 10-24 9:00 a.m. September Sept/17 Location: Pelican Rapids Library 4:00 p.m. October 1-8-22 9:00 a.m. November 5-19-26 9:00 a.m. December Dec/10 Location: GSC Fergus Falls Truth In Taxation Noon - 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. December 17 9:00 a.m. OTC Board of Commissioners’ Minutes January 8, 2019 Exhibit C, Page 1 Internal Committees: Community Services Division Committee: (Human Services, Public Health, Probation, Veterans Service, Extension) Representation: Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy Lee Rogness Alternate John Dinsmore Director Finance Division Committee: (Auditor, Treasurer) Day – to-Day Budget/Audit, Investment, Capital Improvement Representation: Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Alternate Wayne Stein Director Annual Budget Committee – All Commissioners Internal Services Division Committee:(Administration, Facilities Operations, IT, Building, Courtroom Security, Personnel, Technology, Emerg Mgmt/Safety) Representation: Lee Rogness John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Alternate Nicole Hansen Director Land Services Division Committee: (Assessor, Recorder, Land Functions of Auditor, GIS) Representation: Betty Murphy John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Alternate Brian Armstrong Director Public Works Division Committee: (Highway, Land & Resource, Solid Waste, Noxious Weed Appeal, Ditches, Trails & Parks, Strategic Planning, City of Fergus Falls- RTC) Representation Wayne Johnson Lee Rogness Doug Huebsch Alternate Rick West Director Additional Internal Committees Countywide LMC Doug Huebsch Human Services LMC Betty Murphy Insurance Sub-Committee Lee Rogness & John Lindquist External Committees: Agricultural Advisory Doug Huebsch Lee Rogness OTC Conservation Committee John Lindquist Wayne Johnson AMC Policy Committees: Transportation: Wayne Johnson Government: Betty Murphy/ --Alternate - Lee Rogness Env. Resources: John Lindquist Otter Tail County COLA Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson Central MN Emergency Services (Radio Board) John Lindquist Betty Murphy Alternate Otter Tail Lakes Country Association (OTLCA): Doug Huebsch Community Development Agency (CDA): Doug Huebsch – 4-year term Lee Rogness – 1-year term Otter Tail Problem Solving Courts Betty Murphy Lee Rogness Alternate County HRA Board Wayne Johnson – 1 year Doug Huebsch Alternate Partnership4Health Community Health Board Doug Huebsch Criminal Justice Advisory Council (CJAC): Betty Murphy PLMSWA Board Doug Huebsch John Lindquist Betty Murphy Alternate Extension John Lindquist Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson Alternate Red River Valley Development Association – Outstanding Farm Leaders Doug Huebsch Family Service Collaborative Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson Alternate State Community Health Services Advisory Committee (SCHSAC) Doug Huebsch Lakeland Mental Health Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch Alternate SWCD - EOT Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy Alternate Lake Region Community Partners Lee Rogness Doug Huebsch Alternate SWCD - WOT John Lindquist Lee Rogness Alternate Law Library Betty Murphy Lee Rogness Alternate WCAAA / Land of the Dancing Sky Wayne Johnson Betty Murphy Alternate MAHUBE OTWA CAC Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch Alternate WCI Economic Development District Board Wayne Johnson: starting 2nd year of 3-year term MICA Wayne Johnson Lee Rogness WCR Juvenile Center Board John Lindquist Betty Murphy Alternate MnDOT District 4 Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) Wayne Johnson Viking Library Board Betty Murphy COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES1/17/2019 csteinba N Y D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 1:28:28PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-250-000-0000-6171 1,460.00 REGISTRATION FEES - NEW ULM 1/7/19 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 68.53 BLAZER JACKET 11/24/18 Uniforms N 01-112-000-0000-6572 AP 171.42 ACCT 74553 CABLE 6293894 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6572 167.94 ACCT 74553 SNOW PUSHER 6305311 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0140-6290 AP 599.73 ACCT 1478400 2125821 Contracted Services.N 01-061-000-0000-6406 149.90 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P USB KEYBOARDS 1DKF-DW4N-T1CY Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 269.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P COLOR PRINTER 1F4J-9DCK-1T4G Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6406 31.98 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P BRACKETS 1F4J-9DCK-DHXJ Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6406 25.58 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P P-TOUCH TAPE 1G4Y-9JRK-RTTN Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6406 9.32 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P WALL CALENDAR 1LRL-YJPC-46K1 Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 AP 219.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P PRINTER 1PJC-47KQ-XC6Q Computer Hardware N 10-304-000-0000-6526 AP 1,992.19 CLOTHES Uniforms N 50-000-000-0000-6290 AP 12.43 ACCT 160002035 1601751024 Contracted Services N 50-000-000-0000-6290 12.43 ACCT 160002035 1601758146 Contracted Services N 50-390-000-0000-6290 AP 11.33 ACCT 160002035 1601751024 Contracted Services.N 50-390-000-0000-6290 11.33 ACCT 160002035 1601758146 Contracted Services.N 50-399-000-0000-6290 AP 32.06 ACCT 160002035 1601751024 Contracted Services.N 50-399-000-0000-6290 32.06 ACCT 160002035 1601758146 Contracted Services.N 8091 5TH DISTRICT JAIL ADMINISTRATOR'S ASSN 1,460.008091 203 AABERG/JANICE 68.53203 15007 ACME TOOLS FARGO 339.3615007 7588 ALEX RUBBISH & RECYCLING 599.737588 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC 704.7814386 13620 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 2,103.8313620 13484 APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 Transactions 7 Transactions 5TH DISTRICT JAIL ADMINISTRATOR'S ASSN AABERG/JANICE ACME TOOLS FARGO ALEX RUBBISH & RECYCLING AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 32,141.25 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 50-399-000-0000-6306 AP 240.00 SWITCHED TENSION LINES 2924 Repair/Maint. Equip Y 50-000-000-0000-6242 65.00 SWAA WINTER TRAINING 2019 1/22/19 Registration Fees N 01-201-000-0000-6348 395.00 BACKGROUND ASSISTANT SOFTWARE 2018-143 Software Maintenance Contract N 01-250-000-0000-6270 395.00 BACKGROUND ASSISTANT SOFTWARE 2018-141 Misc Professional-Rec Mgmt N 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 150.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 61.04 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 50-399-000-0000-6253 AP 42.34 ACCT 1877 DEC2018 Garbage N 01-201-000-0000-6171 2,430.00 EMR/CPR REFRESHER COURSES 1/22/19 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-250-000-0000-6171 1,350.00 EMR/CPR REFRESHER COURSES 1/22/19 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-250-000-0000-6399 AP 108.86 ACCT STS OTC PARTS & SUPPLIES 1024409 Sentence To Serve N 01-250-000-0000-6399 AP 4.95 ACCT STS OTC PARTS 1024410 Sentence To Serve N 50-000-000-0130-6290 10.00 COOLER RENT 71386 Contracted Services.N 32,141.2513484 13718 APEX EQUIPMENT LLC 240.0013718 30171 ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES 65.0030171 12936 BACKGROUND SOLUTIONS LLC 790.0012936 12931 BAILEY/LOREN K 211.0412931 16 BALLARD SANITATION INC 42.3416 14351 BARNESVILLE AMBULANCE 3,780.0014351 31064 BATTLE LAKE STANDARD 113.8131064 1755 BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC APEX EQUIPMENT LLC ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES BACKGROUND SOLUTIONS LLC BAILEY/LOREN K BALLARD SANITATION INC BARNESVILLE AMBULANCE BATTLE LAKE STANDARD Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0110-6290 10.00 COOLER RENT 71446 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0130-6290 AP 13.00 DRINKING WATER 71579 Contracted Services.N 01-149-000-0000-6354 AP 6,028.90 UNIT 27 REPAIRS 0A09B374 Insurance Claims N 01-149-000-0000-6354 AP 2,189.88 UNIT 27 FRONT BUMBER REPAIRS 51DBF025 Insurance Claims N 10-304-000-0000-6306 85.00 TOWING Repair/Maint. Equip N 01-250-000-0000-6399 AP 70.25 ACCT 00785 PARTS 44485 Sentence To Serve N 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 75.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 49.05 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 01-201-000-0000-6315 AP 64.00 ACCT O2750 RADIO REPAIRS INV23942 Radio Repair Charges N 01-201-000-0000-6341 1,604.42 ACCT O2750 TOWER RENT INV23981 Radio Tower Rental N 02-280-000-0000-6369 AP 1,463.95 TRANSMISSION LINE 43465 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 2,037.30 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-304-000-0000-6252 16.00 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 10-304-000-0000-6252 AP 12.50 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 01-201-000-0000-6226 DTG 510.00 ACCT 14081 CJDN ACCESS FEE 521030 Teletype State Charges N 02-225-000-0000-6369 2,050.00 MN0560000 CARRY PERMITS 56-000058 Miscellaneous Charges N 33.001755 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 8,303.7831803 533 BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY 70.25533 11652 BOYER/RODNEY 124.0511652 24 BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC 3,132.3724 386 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 2,037.30386 3957 BRAUN VENDING INC 28.503957 1425 BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC BEYER BODY SHOP INC BOBCAT OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOYER/RODNEY BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRAUN VENDING INC Otter Tail County Auditor General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 1,010.66 TIRES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6304 AP 7,906.72 ACCT C00837 UNIT 19735 REPAIRS 052079 Repair And Maintenance N 50-000-000-0170-6304 AP 67.20 ACCT 100331 SWITCHES 052080 Repair And Maintenance N 50-399-000-0000-6304 AP 121.68 ACCT 100331 TRANSMISSION FLUID 052018 Repair And Maint-Vehicles N 10-302-000-0000-6514 19,696.07 SALT Salt N 50-000-000-0110-6290 150.00 WASTEWORKS/WIZARD SUPPORT 70529 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0120-6290 150.00 WASTEWORKS/WIZARD SUPPORT 70529 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0130-6290 150.00 WASTEWORKS/WIZARD SUPPORT 70529 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0150-6290 150.00 WASTEWORKS/WIZARD SUPPORT 70529 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0170-6290 150.00 WASTEWORKS/WIZARD SUPPORT 70529 Contracted Services.N 51-000-000-0000-6290 1,600.00 WASTEWORKS/WIZARD SUPPORT 70529 Contracted Services N 10-302-000-0000-6350 AP 51,564.50 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor N 01-112-000-0000-6319 AP 806.00 SNOWPLOWING DEC 2018 602 Snow Removal Y 01-201-000-0000-6171 495.00 IA INVESTIGATION COURSE 228 Tuition And Education Expenses N HUCKEBY/ROBERT8714 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 56.29 UNIT 1808 OIL CHANGE 39856 Repair And Maintenance N 2,560.001425 3423 BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC 9,106.263423 8027 CARGILL INCORPORATED 19,696.078027 2464 CAROLINA SOFTWARE 2,350.002464 1227 CARR'S TREE SERVICE 51,564.501227 11448 CENTRAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 806.0011448 15534 CENTURION SKILLS INC 495.0015534 8930 CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARGILL INCORPORATED CAROLINA SOFTWARE CARR'S TREE SERVICE CENTRAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CENTURION SKILLS INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 77.03 UNIT 1808 OIL CHG/ROTATE TIRES 40011 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6396 AP 191.00 TOW CF 18041590 12/27/18 40059 Special Investigation N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 4,326.85 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-705-000-0000-6677 AP 79.44 ACCT 0010192 FREIGHT CHARGES 0090059 Office Furniture And Equipment-Minor N 10-301-000-0000-6240 AP 97.20 NOTICE Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 40.50 AMERICA RECYCLES AD 1005 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 72.90 HENNING HOURS AD 1005 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 34.25 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS RECYCLE AD 1005 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 61.65 HENNING HOURS AD 1005 Publishing & Advertising N 01-250-000-0000-6491 AP 93.13 EMSOTTERTAILJAILMN GLOVES 1812205 Jail Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6491 800.00 EMSOTTERTAILJAILMN GLOVES 1901013 Jail Supplies N 50-000-000-0000-6290 AP 1,183.00 OFFICE CLEANING DEC 2018 PA04448 Contracted Services Y 10-304-000-0000-6406 AP 109.32 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 5.99 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 66.99 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-303-000-0000-6278 DTG 358.01 RECORD SAMPLING Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 324.328930 1756 CHEMSEARCH 4,326.851756 15384 CINEQUIPT 79.4415384 5580 CITIZENS ADVOCATE 306.505580 9688 CLEAN PLUS INC 893.139688 12058 CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES 1,183.0012058 32547 CO OP SERVICES INC 182.3032547 608 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR CHEMSEARCH CINEQUIPT CITIZENS ADVOCATE CLEAN PLUS INC CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES CO OP SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-303-000-0000-6278 DTG 6,745.42 TESTING Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 01-201-000-0000-6408 AP 58.08 ACCT 4931 BOARDING FOR MOJO 140029 Canine Supplies N 10-302-000-0000-6514 17,922.56 SALT Salt N 01-031-000-0000-6406 AP 21.49 ACCT 2189988076 STAPLER 434348 Office Supplies N 01-031-000-0000-6406 22.37 ACCT 2189988076 SUPPLIES 434504 Office Supplies N 01-041-000-0000-6406 119.97 ACCT 2189988030 SUPPLIES 434660 Office Supplies N 01-043-000-0000-6406 27.84 ACCT 2189988030 SUPPLIES 434660 Office Supplies N 01-044-000-0000-6406 AP 222.58 ACCT 2189988010 SUPPLIES 433874 Office Supplies N 01-044-000-0000-6406 AP 31.54 ACCT 2189988010 SUPPLIES 434126 Office Supplies N 01-127-000-0000-6406 24.55 ACCT 2189988310 INK 434708 Office Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6406 AP 8.22 ACCT 2189988555 SUPPLIES 434347 Office Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6406 AP 259.52 ACCT 2189988556 SUPPLIES 434351 Office Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6406 17.47 ACCT 2189988556 SUPPLIES 434458 Office Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6406 138.18 ACCT 2189988556 SUPPLIES 434620 Office Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6491 31.70 ACCT 2189988556 SUPPLIES 434620 Jail Supplies N 01-601-000-0000-6677 AP 698.00 ACCT 2189988760 CHAIRS 434299 Office Furniture And Equipment-Minor N 10-301-000-0000-6406 AP 18.00 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6406 170.95 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6290 26.50 ACCT 28118 JAN2019 Contracted Services.N 10-304-000-0000-6252 26.25 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 10-304-000-0000-6252 AP 29.00 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 50-000-000-0120-6290 11.50 ACCT 267-03388972-1 JAN2019 Contracted Services.N 7,103.43608 32659 COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL 58.0832659 13656 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 17,922.5613656 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 1,812.3832603 5407 CULLIGAN 26.505407 2364 CULLIGAN OF WADENA Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 15 Transactions 1 Transactions COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP CULLIGAN Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6252 30.00 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 10-304-000-0000-6252 AP 15.50 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 01-061-000-0000-6202 350.00 CREDIT CLERK SUPPORT 299220 County Website N 01-061-000-0000-6202 464.00 TAX WEBSITE SUPPORT 299221 County Website N 01-061-000-0000-6202 175.00 ANNUAL SSL CERTIFICATE FOR ESS 299247 County Website N 50-399-000-0000-6485 AP 213.93 ACCT 227162 SUPPLIES 73731 Custodian Supplies N 01-002-000-0000-6240 AP 228.48 ACCT 3652 NOV 27 MINUTES 701040 Publishing & Advertising N 01-705-000-0000-6242 AP 121.22 ACCT 3652 ESTABLISH EDA DEC2018 Registration Fees N 02-260-000-0000-6369 AP 6.00 ACCT FERFFNIJAIL 4105512 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 47.83 UNIT 1602 OIL CHANGE 45277 Repair And Maintenance Y 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 16.00 UNIT 1707 TIRE REPAIR 45454 Repair And Maintenance Y 01-121-000-0000-6369 1,745.00 PROGRAM PURCHASE 5 USERS 6576 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-304-000-0000-6565 AP 656.64 ATF OIL Fuels - Diesel N 10-304-000-0000-6565 AP 5.90 SUPPLIES Fuels - Diesel N 10-304-000-0000-6565 AP 1,757.77 OIL Fuels - Diesel N 66.752364 3710 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 45.503710 9018 D & T VENTURES LLC 989.009018 36 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY 213.9336 35011 DAILY JOURNAL/THE 355.7035011 1496 DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR 63.831496 13054 DATASPEC INC 1,745.0013054 9672 DEANS DISTRIBUTING Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions CULLIGAN OF WADENA CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING D & T VENTURES LLC DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAILY JOURNAL/THE DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR DATASPEC INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 48.95 UNIT 1605 OIL CHANGE 70358 Repair And Maintenance N 01-031-000-0000-6331 AP 263.40 LODGING - AMC CONFERENCE 12/4/18 Meals And Lodging N 22-622-000-0604-6369 7,200.00 EXCAVATOR HOURS DITCH 4 450746 Miscellaneous Charges Y 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 132.00 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-091-000-0000-6406 6.00 CERTIFIED COPY OF CONVICTION 1/22/19 Office Supplies N 01-091-000-0000-6330 53.36 MILEAGE - MSP TRAINING 1/4/19 Mileage N 01-091-000-0000-6330 AP 38.15 MILEAGE - PRESENTATION 12/13/18 Mileage N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 159.98 BROWN PANTS 12/3/18 Uniforms N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 74.87 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-204-000-0000-6304 AP 135.00 WINTERIZE BOAT #1 10755 Repair And Maintenance Y 2,420.319672 33013 DICK'S STANDARD 48.9533013 33415 DINSMORE/JOHN 263.4033415 13736 DM ENTERPRISES 7,200.0013736 6541 EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES 132.006541 999999000 EASTLAND COUNTY CLERK 6.00999999000 1989 ELDIEN/MICHELLE M 91.511989 7413 ERDMAN/SCOTT 159.987413 364 EVERTS LUMBER CO 74.87364 9255 EXTREME MARINE LLC Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions DEANS DISTRIBUTING DICK'S STANDARD DINSMORE/JOHN DM ENTERPRISES EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES EASTLAND COUNTY CLERK ELDIEN/MICHELLE M ERDMAN/SCOTT EVERTS LUMBER CO Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-204-000-0000-6304 AP 135.00 WINTERIZE BOAT #4 10758 Repair And Maintenance Y 01-204-000-0000-6304 AP 312.94 SERVICE BOAT #2 TRAILER 10759 Repair And Maintenance Y 10-304-000-0000-6251 AP 1,828.80 PROPANE Gas And Oil - Utility N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 264.96 PARTS - ACCT #13025 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 254.33 BATTERY - ACCT #13025 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 3.99 PARTS - ACCT #19512 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 19.74 SUPPLIES - ACCT # 13025 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6304 46.90 ACCT 13050 GREASE 733741 Repair And Maintenance N 50-399-000-0000-6306 21.35 ACCT MNFER0291 DUSTERS 111550 Repair/Maint. Equip N 01-112-000-0000-6369 DTG 43.50 ACCT 263780 LANDFILL CHARGES 11/5/18 Miscellaneous Charges N 50-000-000-0130-6863 DTG 1,080.00 ACCT 18240 LEACHATE DEC 2018 34146 Leachate Disposal N 50-000-000-0130-6863 AP 3,000.00 LEACHATE HAULING DEC 2018 40544 Leachate Disposal N 02-103-000-0000-6369 AP 3,180.00 LAREDO USAGE DEC 2018 0221957-IN Miscellaneous Charges N 02-103-000-0000-6369 AP 10,100.00 QTR 4 AVID LIFE CYCLE SERVICE 0701393-IN Miscellaneous Charges N 50-000-000-0000-6300 AP 52.32 MILEAGE - 12/26-31/18 1/22/19 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 50-000-000-0000-6300 AP 52.32 MILEAGE - 12/6-21/18 1/22/19 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 582.949255 35594 FARMERS CO OP OIL ASSN 1,828.8035594 373 FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC 589.92373 2997 FASTENAL COMPANY 21.352997 57 FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF 1,123.5057 2153 FERGUS POWER PUMP INC 3,000.002153 13636 FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 13,280.0013636 8002 FIELD/TERRY Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions EXTREME MARINE LLC FARMERS CO OP OIL ASSN FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FASTENAL COMPANY FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES, INC Otter Tail County Auditor FOTH INFRASTRUCTURES & ENVIROMENTAL LLC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 135.42 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0000-6412 AP 1,645.65 VX520 CTLS PAYMENT PROCESSOR 33708 Office Furniture/Equipment Minor N 01-002-000-0000-6240 AP 86.88 ACCT 46896 PROPOSAL 2062591 Publishing & Advertising N 01-002-000-0000-6240 AP 79.93 ACCT 46896 CREATION 2062591 Publishing & Advertising N 01-123-000-0000-6240 AP 69.50 ACCT 46896 BOA MTG 2062591 Publishing & Advertising N 01-124-000-0000-6240 AP 48.65 ACCT 352588 PC MTG 10/10/18 2040510 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 99.00 ACCT 381391 FOCUS ON PERHAM 2062113 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0120-6276 AP 5,388.47 PROJECT 018O003.00 59979 Professional Services N 50-000-000-0130-6276 AP 3,824.00 PROJECT 0018O004.00 59980 Professional Services N 10-303-000-0000-6342 AP 13.91 SERVICE AGREEMENT Service Agreements N 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 150.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 58.86 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 10-303-000-0000-6306 AP 750.00 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip N 10-303-000-0000-6501 AP 35.00 PARTS Engineering And Surveying Supplies N 104.648002 2497 FORCE AMERICA DISTRIBUTING LLC 135.422497 15510 FORTE PAYMENT SYSTEMS INC 1,645.6515510 14517 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 383.9614517 387 9,212.47387 15050 FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS INC 13.9115050 13304 FRAZIER/BRENT 208.8613304 3628 FRONTIER PRECISION INC 785.003628 Page 11Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions FOTH INFRASTRUCTURES & ENVIROMENTAL LLC FIELD/TERRY FORCE AMERICA DISTRIBUTING LLC FORTE PAYMENT SYSTEMS INC FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS INC FRAZIER/BRENT FRONTIER PRECISION INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 75.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 38.15 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 01-031-000-0000-6276 AP 350.00 JOB EVAL COMM DEV DIRECTOR 201813240 Professional Services N 01-201-000-0000-6526 AP 44.95 ACCT 5290418 TRU-SPEC PANTS 011434666 Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6526 AP 24.98 ACCT 1002151493 CASE/KEY 011504748 Uniforms N ANDERSON/JORDAN10998 01-201-000-0000-6526 AP 11.00 ACCT 5290418 CUT OUT LETTERS 011516371 Uniforms N 01-201-000-0000-6492 AP 175.00 ACCT 5290418 HANDCUFFS 011529170 Police Equipment N KARGER/JON2237 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 191.98 ACCT 5287917 BOOTS/CUFFS 011444236 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 170.00 ACCT 5287917 STRYKER BOOTS 011458007 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 76.99 ACCT 5287917 EAR MOLD/POLO 011474317 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 208.84 ACCT 5287917 LIGHT/BELT/POUCH 011479681 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 85.99 ACCT 5287917 SPRAY/SHIRT 011577410 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 320.04 ACCT 5287917 SHIRTS/PANTS 011593372 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 144.00 ACCT 5287917 TROUSERS 011603974 Uniforms N 01-250-000-0000-6526 AP 63.00 ACCT 5287917 PILOT GLOVES 011620448 Uniforms N 50-000-000-0000-6848 AP 250.00 DALTON CANISTER 2018 201804 Public Education N 50-000-000-0000-6848 AP 250.00 ERHARD CANISTER 2018 201805 Public Education N 01-112-106-0000-6572 AP 159.81 ACCT 813640729 MOTOR/FILTER 9040875172 Repair And Maint Supplies N 12835 GABE/RICHARD B 113.1512835 9218 GALLAGHER BENEFIT SERVICES INC 350.009218 392 GALLS LLC 1,426.87392 5324 GIRL SCOUT TROOP 30027 250.005324 5330 GIRL SCOUT TROOP 30210 250.005330 52564 GRAINGER INC Page 12Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions - 12 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions GABE/RICHARD B GALLAGHER BENEFIT SERVICES INC GALLS LLC GIRL SCOUT TROOP 30027 GIRL SCOUT TROOP 30210 Otter Tail County Auditor HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-044-000-0000-6342 249.80 AGREE 013-1212517-000 24003151 Service Agreements N 50-000-000-0000-6290 AP 594.23 AGREE 025-0990353-000 23938445 Contracted Services N 10-304-000-0000-6526 AP 287.91 SHOES Uniforms N 10-304-000-0000-6526 AP 53.88 JACKET Uniforms N 10-304-000-0000-6526 AP 154.99 JACKET Uniforms N 01-112-109-0000-6572 AP 85.00 OT SHERIFF HOLDING TANK 22880 Repair And Maintenance Supplies Y 10-301-000-0000-6369 5,622.89 SERVICE Miscellaneous Charges N 10-304-000-0000-6300 300.00 SERVICE Building And Grounds Maintenance N 01-250-000-0000-6432 AP 119.30 ACCT 325 WASTE DISPOSAL 51794 Medical Incarcerated N 10-302-000-0000-6572 AP 28.88 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6406 AP 56.39 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 64.96 PARTS & SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 9.40 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0120-6300 AP 251.96 SUPPLIES 12/21/18 186040 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 10-304-000-0000-6526 AP 78.76 JACKET Uniforms N 159.8152564 13522 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS 844.0313522 15525 HAMAN/LOREN 341.7915525 977 HAUGE/MARK 154.99977 9453 HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC 6,007.899453 37755 119.3037755 985 HENNING HARDWARE 411.59985 2659 HOLO/GERALD A Page 13Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC GRAINGER INC GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS HAMAN/LOREN HAUGE/MARK HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC HENNING HARDWARE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-101-0000-6342 2,100.88 ACCT 535849 CONTROLS 5246836314 Service Agreements N 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 41,303.00 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 01-061-000-0000-6200 904.68 ACCT 0010179 PS/ALI SERVICE 400-0010 Telephone N 01-002-000-0000-6240 AP 91.58 HRA/EDA PUBLIC HEARING 1812018 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6406 AP 262.56 ACCT 565373 SUPPLIES 044120 Office Supplies N 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 4,920.00 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-304-000-0000-6306 AP 64.15 REPAIR Repair/Maint. Equip N 50-000-000-0110-6290 130.38 TOILET RENTAL 7190 Contracted Services.Y 50-000-000-0130-6290 167.64 TOILET RENTAL/CLEANING 7190 Contracted Services.Y 10-304-000-0000-6572 315.00 SERVICE Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 78.762659 453 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC 2,100.88453 5835 HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC 41,303.005835 4024 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES 904.684024 70 INDEPENDENT/THE 91.5870 38100 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 262.5638100 10049 INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC 4,920.0010049 12716 INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS INC 64.1512716 11098 JAKE'S JOHNS LLC 298.0211098 14323 JH SIGNS & DESIGNS INC Page 14Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions HOLO/GERALD A HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES INDEPENDENT/THE INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS INC JAKE'S JOHNS LLC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 50-399-000-0000-6426 AP 8.00 LOGO JACKET 12/11/18 3415 Clothing Allowance N 01-091-000-0000-6369 175.00 56-PR-18-2719 TRANSCRIPTS 1/10/19 Miscellaneous Charges Y 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 3,045.00 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 01-112-000-0000-6270 381.92 ACCT 681063-06 JENSEN 1/6/19 01045791 Misc Professional-Kelly N 01-112-000-0000-6270 AP 477.40 ACCT 681063-06 JENSEN 12/23 51074000 Misc Professional-Kelly N 01-112-000-0000-6270 AP 190.96 ACCT 681063-06 JENSEN 12/30 52034081 Misc Professional-Kelly N 01-250-000-0000-6526 12.43 EMBROIDER JACKET 9836 Uniforms N AABERG/JANICE203 01-201-000-0000-6433 AP 79.00 ACCT 3099937-001 BLOOD DRAW 7/28/18 Special Medical 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 AP 600.00 TECH & LAB L MATTSON 12/26 454 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 AP 600.00 TECH & LAB B TALLARICO 12/21 455 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 AP 600.00 TECH & LAB S SHUMANSKY 12/9 456 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 AP 175.00 TECH & LAB M FEMLING 12/13 457 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 AP 1,168.00 AUTOPSY ASSIST/SECRETARY DEC 466 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 AP 10,925.00 CORONER SERVICES DEC 2018 480 Coroner Expense 6 10-303-000-0000-6242 AP 2,400.00 REGISTRATION Registration Fees N 315.0014323 39324 JK SPORTS 8.0039324 5550 JORGENSON/MICHELLE 175.005550 9584 KADRMAS LEE & JACKSON INC 3,045.009584 40336 KELLY SERVICES INC 1,050.2840336 7173 LAKE COUNTRY GRAPHICS INC 12.437173 79 LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE 14,147.0079 1356 LAKE SUPERIOR COLLEGE Page 15Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 7 Transactions JH SIGNS & DESIGNS INC JK SPORTS JORGENSON/MICHELLE KADRMAS LEE & JACKSON INC KELLY SERVICES INC LAKE COUNTRY GRAPHICS INC LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-013-000-0000-6276 AP 7,895.00 SERVICES FOR OTTER TAIL COURT 12/3/18 Professional Services 6 01-507-000-0000-6251 AP 306.88 ACCT 700285 LP GAS COMMERCIAL 67609 Gas And Oil - Utility N 50-399-000-0000-6291 AP 500.00 CARDBOARD 12/26/18 72751 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 AP 500.00 CARDBOARD 12/31/18 72759 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 1/3/19 72766 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 1/4/19 72767 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 550.00 PAPER 1/9/19 72769 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 1/9/19 72773 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 1/11/19 72778 Contract Transportation N 01-123-000-0000-6140 75.00 PER DIEM 1/10/19 Per Diem Y 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 260.94 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 355.76 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-123-000-0000-6140 75.00 PER DIEM 1/10/19 Per Diem Y 01-123-000-0000-6330 13.92 MILEAGE 1/10/19 Mileage Y 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 325.00 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 133736-1 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 75.00 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 133736A-1 Publishing & Advertising N 2,400.001356 25146 LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 7,895.0025146 10350 LAKES AREA COOPERATIVE 306.8810350 81 LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE 3,550.0081 15078 LARSON/DOUG 75.0015078 1020 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 616.701020 11658 LEE/THOMAS 88.9211658 198 LEIGHTON BROADCASTING/FF Page 16Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 7 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions LAKE SUPERIOR COLLEGE LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES AREA COOPERATIVE LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON/DOUG LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LEE/THOMAS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 75.00 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 133736B-1 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 75.00 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 133736C-1 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 100.00 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 133736D-1 Publishing & Advertising N 01-031-000-0000-6342 AP 141.12 ACCT OT22 CN 150012-01 359325 Service Agreements N 10-304-000-0000-6342 20.00 SERVICE Service Agreements N 13-012-000-0000-6290 AP 4.98 ACCT OT27 CN 9605-01 358463 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0150-6858 AP 748.10 ACCT 60641 TIRE DISPOSAL 1499020 Tire Disposal Y 10-304-000-0000-6406 AP 376.96 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 20.00 BATTERY Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6379 31.98 ACCT 23-52F1 GLOVES 0272663-IN Miscellaneous Charges N 50-390-000-0000-6426 54.95 ACCT 23-52F1 BOMBER JACKET 0272749-IN Clothing Allowance N 50-399-000-0000-6453 319.97 ACCT 23-52A28 SUPPLIES 0272585-IN Ppe & Safety Equip.&Supplies N 50-399-000-0000-6426 109.90 ACCT 23-52F1 BOMBER JACKETS 0272749-IN Clothing Allowance N 01-201-000-0000-6526 AP 82.00 SOFTSHELL JACKET 18865 Uniforms N SMITH/GENE11182 02-103-000-0000-6369 2,500.00 2019 MAINTENANCE FEE 444 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-121-000-0000-6241 150.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 1/22/19 Membership Dues N NELSON/LAURA13235 01-121-000-0000-6241 150.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 1/22/19 Membership Dues N KAMPA/CHARLES8159 650.00198 3063 LIBERTY BUSINESS SYSTEMS FARGO 166.103063 10094 LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC 748.1010094 41638 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC 913.7641638 6934 LONG WEEKEND SPORTSWEAR 82.006934 2540 MACO 2,500.002540 537 MACVSO Page 17Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 5 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions LEIGHTON BROADCASTING/FF LIBERTY BUSINESS SYSTEMS FARGO LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC LONG WEEKEND SPORTSWEAR MACO Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-303-000-0000-6330 28.42 MILEAGE Mileage N 01-101-000-0000-6342 202.74 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0438518 374027803 Service Agreements N 01-122-000-0000-6342 AP 164.92 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0491119 373811090 Service Agreements N 01-250-000-0000-6342 278.62 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0461307 374684686 Service Agreements N 01-061-000-0000-6680 950.61 ACCT OT00 AUDIO CAMERAS 5908639 Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6680 108.43 ACCT OT00 JUNCTION BOX 5913241 Computer Hardware N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 46.96 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6300 AP 935.36 FF TSF STATION REPAIRS 12/27/18 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 13-012-000-0000-6455 AP 215.10 ACCT 0396506001 07982925 Reference Books & Literature N 50-000-000-0000-6379 10.00 CAR WASH FOR SW VEHICLE 1/10/19 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-250-000-0000-6449 9,337.74 HEALTHCARE SERVICES JAN 2019 3731 Medical Agreements Y 300.00537 13702 MALMSTROM/WESTON 28.4213702 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS 646.2836132 2721 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC 1,059.042721 9930 MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC 46.969930 9657 MARTY ELECTRIC INC 935.369657 88 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC 215.1088 14277 McCONN/CHRISTOPHER 10.0014277 10425 MEND CORRECTIONAL CARE 9,337.7410425 Page 18Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions MACVSO MALMSTROM/WESTON MARCO INC ST LOUIS MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC MARTY ELECTRIC INC MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC McCONN/CHRISTOPHER MEND CORRECTIONAL CARE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6671 AP 36,880.00 SERVICE Buildings - Capital Improvements N 01-044-000-0000-6304 AP 37.70 ACCT 2607 OIL CHG/CAR WASH 704503 Repair And Maintenance N 01-112-000-0000-6304 34.30 ACCT 9988000 OIL CHANGE 707061 Repair And Maintenance-Vehicle N 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 52.58 ACCT 2900 REPLACE HEADLAMP 705247 Repair And Maintenance N 10-304-000-0000-6306 AP 64.87 SERVICE Repair/Maint. Equip N 01-201-000-0000-6241 5,640.34 2019 SHERIFF DUES 19-0056 Membership Dues N 01-201-000-0000-6241 5,899.68 2019 LEXIPOL POLICY DUES 19-0143 Membership Dues N 01-201-000-0000-6348 2,066.00 2019 ICLD PROJECT 19-0230 Software Maintenance Contract N 01-041-000-0000-6243 15.00 SUBSCRIPTION S100464 Subscriptions N 10-301-000-0000-6241 533.34 MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership Dues N 10-303-000-0000-6241 166.66 MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership Dues N 01-061-000-0000-6346 937.50 2019 MCCC CORRECTIONS - DUES 1901174 Mccc Fees N 01-061-000-0000-6346 DTG 182.01 QTR4 2018 FEES 1901348 Mccc Fees N 01-061-000-0000-6346 300.00 TAXLINK SUPPORT QTR1 2019 1901397 Mccc Fees N 01-061-000-0000-6346 DTG 160.00 IFS UPDATE TO 2.1.27913 2Y1812070 Mccc Fees N 10-302-000-0000-6249 110.00 2019 APPLICATOR LICENSE Professional Licensing Fee N 1463 MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC 36,880.001463 42863 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 189.4542863 563 MINNESOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION 13,606.02563 1450 MN ASSOCIATION OF TOWNSHIPS 15.001450 1048 MN CO ENGINEERS ASSOC 700.001048 42745 MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP 1,579.5142745 1050 MN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 110.001050 Page 19Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions MID-CENTRAL EQUIPMENT INC MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION MN ASSOCIATION OF TOWNSHIPS MN CO ENGINEERS ASSOC MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP MN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-101-0000-6342 100.00 ACCT 7786 ELEVATOR OPS ALR0091990I Service Agreements N 01-201-000-0000-6341 300.00 ACCT 14081 ELECTRICAL SERVICES 522900 Radio Tower Rental N 50-399-000-0000-6306 AP 266.01 ACCT 64638 PM SERVICE D60628 Repair/Maint. Equip N 50-399-000-0000-6306 AP 367.81 ACCT 64638 PM SERVICE D60629 Repair/Maint. Equip N 10-301-000-0000-6241 5,000.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership Dues N 02-103-000-0000-6369 3,510.00 WEB & ACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCE INV16902 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-303-000-0000-6683 2,100.00 TRACT SEARCH Right Of Way, Ect.N 01-121-000-0000-6241 50.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 1/22/19 Membership Dues N NELSON/LAURA13235 01-121-000-0000-6241 50.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 1/22/19 Membership Dues N KAMPA/CHARLES8159 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 136.03 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 6.98 SERVICE Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 928 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 100.00928 2817 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 300.002817 14749 MN SUPPLY 633.8214749 1047 MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE 5,000.001047 15527 MONSIDO INC 3,510.0015527 3032 N F FIELD ABSTRACT CO LLC 2,100.003032 582 NACVSO 100.00582 1056 NAPA OF PERHAM 143.011056 Page 20Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION MN SUPPLY MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE MONSIDO INC N F FIELD ABSTRACT CO LLC NACVSO NAPA OF PERHAM Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 46.85 ACCT 7365421 UNIT 1606 OIL CHG 6200587 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 AP 295.92 ACCT 7365421 BLOWER MOTOR 6200952 Repair And Maintenance N 01-112-108-0000-6485 581.50 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 76309 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 931.86 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 76310 Custodian Supplies N 10-301-000-0000-6240 AP 97.20 NOTICE Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 40.50 AMERICA RECYCLES AD 1050 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 AP 34.25 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS RECYCLE AD 1050 Publishing & Advertising N 01-112-102-0000-6673 900.00 EPOXY FLOOR IN JANITORS CLOSET 4260 Remodeling Projects N 01-123-000-0000-6140 75.00 PER DIEM 1/10/19 Per Diem Y 01-123-000-0000-6330 49.88 MILEAGE 1/10/19 Mileage Y 01-112-000-0000-6572 AP 45.00 ACCT 0944100 SUPPORT SRVCE0073784 Repair And Maintenance Supplies Y 01-061-000-0000-6201 DTG 2,100.00 ACCT 100A05602 DEC 2018 18120440 Communication Fees -N 50-000-000-0170-6565 AP 299.99 ACCT 20446 DIESEL 12/26/18 1789-2 Fuels - Diesel N 43227 NELSON AUTO CENTER 342.7743227 595 NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY 1,513.36595 13242 NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH 171.9513242 11384 NEWMAN PAINTING INC 900.0011384 14655 NEWVILLE/DARREN 124.8814655 14616 O'DAY EQUIPMENT, LLC 45.0014616 4106 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 2,100.004106 612 OLSON OIL CO INC 299.99612 Page 21Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions NELSON AUTO CENTER NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NEW YORK MILLS DISPATCH NEWMAN PAINTING INC NEWVILLE/DARREN O'DAY EQUIPMENT, LLC OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES OLSON OIL CO INC Otter Tail County Auditor OTTER TAIL LAKES COUNTRY ASSOCIATION COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 225.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 133.53 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 01-112-101-0000-6572 AP 656.00 RETROFIT EXTERIOR LIGHTS 10616 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-302-000-0000-6350 AP 88.20 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor N 50-000-000-0150-6306 AP 315.00 REPAIR COMPACTOR/CHECK SWITCH 11370 Repair/Maint. Equip N 50-399-000-0000-6300 AP 93.45 REPAIR PANEL LATCH 10598 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 01-091-000-0000-6406 20.00 NOTARY REGISTRATION T BABCOCK 1/22/19 Office Supplies N 01-091-000-0000-6406 20.00 NOTARY REGISTRATION T BERGREN 1/22/19 Office Supplies N 10-301-000-0000-6190 437.00 2019 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-301-000-0000-6355 39,932.00 2019 PROPERTY/CASUALTY PREMIUM Liability Insurance N 10-301-000-0000-6190 DTF 10.00 2018 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-302-000-0000-6190 66,412.00 2019 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-302-000-0000-6355 54,191.00 2019 PROPERTY/CASUALTY PREMIUM Liability Insurance N 10-302-000-0000-6190 DTF 1,958.00 2018 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-303-000-0000-6190 20,639.00 2019 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-303-000-0000-6190 DTF 2,034.00 2018 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-304-000-0000-6190 7,230.00 2019 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 10-304-000-0000-6355 30,715.00 2019 PROPERTY/CASUALTY PREMIUM Liability Insurance N 10-304-000-0000-6190 DTF 157.00 2018 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM Workers Compensation N 02-612-000-0000-6369 1,000.00 2019 OTLC MAGAZINE ADS INV-0906 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-280-000-0000-6369 AP 141.65 SAFETY BOOKMARKS 51749 Miscellaneous Charges Y 11757 OLSON/BERTON 358.5311757 10890 OTTER ELECTRIC LLC 1,152.6510890 44086 OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER 40.0044086 3167 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 219,779.003167 624 1,000.00624 12336 OTTER TAIL POWER CO Page 22Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 2 Transactions - - 11 Transactions 1 TransactionsOTTER TAIL LAKES COUNTRY ASSOCIATION OLSON/BERTON OTTER ELECTRIC LLC OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER Otter Tail County Auditor OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6304 624.44 UNIT 1601 TIRES 112938 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 35.13 UNIT 1708 OIL CHANGE 112948 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 64.41 UNIT 1806 OIL CHG/ROTATE TIRES 113107 Repair And Maintenance N 50-000-000-0120-6291 AP 1,989.00 HAULING CHARGES 12/17/18 38082 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0170-6291 AP 5,031.66 HAULING CHARGES 12/17/18 38082 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0120-6291 AP 1,211.76 HAULING CHARGES 12/24/18 38091 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0170-6291 AP 4,627.74 HAULING CHARGES 12/24/18 38091 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0120-6291 1,476.42 HAULING CHARGES 1/1/19 38162 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0170-6291 3,860.93 HAULING CHARGES 1/1/19 38162 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0120-6291 1,220.39 HAULING CHARGES 1/7/19 38163 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0170-6291 4,908.62 HAULING CHARGES 1/7/19 38163 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 AP 1,428.00 HAULING CHARGES 12/17/18 38082 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 2,912.00 HAULING CHARGES 1/1/19 38162 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 1,456.00 HAULING CHARGES 1/7/19 38163 Contract Transportation N 01-112-000-0000-6319 AP 13,492.50 SNOW REMOVAL 7653 Snow Removal Y 01-112-110-0000-6342 AP 711.25 SNOW REMOVAL 7663 Service Agreements Y 01-112-101-0000-6572 AP 671.04 ACCT 10 OIL TANK REPAIRS 113793 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6251 AP 332.78 PROPANE Gas And Oil - Utility N 50-000-000-0140-6290 DTG 325.00 5 SHIFTS DEC2018 Contracted Services.N 141.6512336 49008 OTTER TAIL TIRE 723.9849008 7392 OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC 30,122.527392 6351 14,203.756351 3115 OVERLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES 671.043115 45022 PARK REGION CO OP 332.7845022 862 PARKERS PRAIRIE/CITY OF Page 23Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 11 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY OTTER TAIL POWER CO OTTER TAIL TIRE OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC OVERLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES PARK REGION CO OP Otter Tail County Auditor PAW PUBLICATIONS LLC BATTLE LAKE REVIEW PEMBERTON SORLIE RUFER KERSHNER PLLP COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-123-000-0000-6240 AP 74.90 BOA MTG 12/13/18 DEC2018 Publishing & Advertising N 01-201-000-0000-6406 AP 296.20 3000 ENVELOPES 12/26/18 Office Supplies N 01-705-000-0000-6242 AP 192.60 CREATION OF ORDINANCE DEC2018 Registration Fees N 01-705-000-0000-6242 AP 208.65 ESTABLISH EDA DEC2018 Registration Fees N 10-304-000-0000-6572 202.38 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-002-000-0000-6240 AP 80.40 ACCT 326 CREATION OF ORDINANCE 75398 Publishing & Advertising N 01-002-000-0000-6240 AP 90.45 ACCT 326 ESTABLISH EDA 75399 Publishing & Advertising N 01-041-000-0000-6240 AP 9,328.16 ACCT 326 OTC FINANCIAL STMT 75346 Publishing & Advertising N 01-031-000-0000-6276 AP 12,235.35 20123713-000M COUNTY MATTERS 46 Professional Services Y 10-304-000-0000-6565 AP 950.90 DIESEL FUEL Fuels - Diesel N 01-201-000-0000-6276 AP 52.12 ACCT 85400 BACKGROUND CHECKS 2018120356 Professional Services N 01-201-000-0000-6396 195.00 TOW CF 19000067 1/1/19 1004 Special Investigation Y 01-250-000-0000-6436 475.00 ASSESSMENT ROTERING 1/2/19 19-103 New hire start up cost 6 325.00862 156 772.35156 11974 PEDERSEN/ALVIN 202.3811974 45047 PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS 9,499.0145047 137 12,235.35137 1087 PENROSE OIL COMPANY 950.901087 9853 PEOPLEFACTS LLC 52.129853 475 PETE'S AMOCO 195.00475 13134 PHILLIPPI/DR JAY Page 24Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions PAW PUBLICATIONS LLC BATTLE LAKE REVIEW PEMBERTON SORLIE RUFER KERSHNER PLLP PARKERS PRAIRIE/CITY OF PEDERSEN/ALVIN PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PENROSE OIL COMPANY PEOPLEFACTS LLC PETE'S AMOCO Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-250-000-0000-6452 232.45 T-SHIRTS 16211 Prisioners Clothing Cost N 01-250-000-0000-6452 291.70 BOXERS/BRIEFS/SHIRTS/PANTS 16232 Prisioners Clothing Cost N 01-250-000-0000-6452 78.44 ORANGE TUBE SOCKS 16268 Prisioners Clothing Cost N 01-149-000-0000-6210 AP 1,460.94 ACCT 0015153393 LEASE PYMT 3102835785 Postage & Postage Meter N 01-121-000-0000-6369 54.00 PO BOX 222 RENT 1 YEAR 1/22/19 Miscellaneous Charges N 50-399-000-0000-6565 AP 184.02 ACCT 71928252 86833254 Fuels N 50-399-000-0000-6565 AP 83.05 ACCT 71928252 86963063 Fuels N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 648.45 SERVICE Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0150-6290 8.50 ACCT 376004 376004-12-18 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0120-6565 AP 84.80 ACCT 988529 FUEL 12/26/18 88042158 Fuels N 50-000-000-0120-6565 AP 90.75 ACCT 988529 FUEL 12/31/18 88042404 Fuels N 50-399-000-0000-6290 AP 117.26 OTTERTAILRECY01 JANITORIAL 58808 Contracted Services.N 475.0013134 11290 PHOENIX SUPPLY 602.5911290 7900 PITNEY BOWES 1,460.947900 45354 POSTMASTER 54.0045354 3867 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 267.073867 12526 PRECISE MRM LLC 648.4512526 3730 PREMIUM WATERS INC 8.503730 45475 PRO AG FARMERS CO OP 175.5545475 25082 PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC Page 25Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions PHILLIPPI/DR JAY PHOENIX SUPPLY PITNEY BOWES POSTMASTER PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC PRECISE MRM LLC PREMIUM WATERS INC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-250-000-0000-6432 AP 600.00 CLAIM 243032/244338 012543 Medical Incarcerated N 01-250-000-0000-6491 AP 257.26 DISPOSABLE RAZORS 86161 Jail Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6572 547.25 ACCT 0313001 DRIVESHAFT P67886 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-031-000-0000-6276 AP 440.00 28380-0001 DRAINAGE MATTERS 292561 Professional Services Y 22-622-000-0000-6369 190.00 2019 DRAINAGE CONFERENCE 1/22/19 Miscellaneous Charges Y 02-612-000-0000-6369 AP 773.93 ACCT OTAISTF PRESENTATIONS AISDEC28 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-123-000-0000-6140 75.00 PER DIEM 1/10/19 Per Diem Y 01-123-000-0000-6330 52.78 MILEAGE 1/10/19 Mileage Y 01-122-000-0000-6276 7,850.66 ONEGOV SUPPORT/MAINT 100476 Professional Services N 01-122-000-0000-6276 3,000.00 SUBSCRIPTION FEE FOR ONEGOV 100581 Professional Services N 01-101-000-0000-6276 1,000.00 2019 EXAMINER OF TITLES 03-O16-01 Professional Services Y 117.2625082 11855 PROFESSIONAL PORTABLE X-RAY INC 600.0011855 1829 RAZOR BLADE COMPANY/THE 257.261829 9166 RDO EQUIPMENT CO 547.259166 10842 RINKE NOONAN LAW FIRM 630.0010842 12652 RMB ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES INC 773.9312652 13859 ROSENTHAL/JACK 127.7813859 10264 RTVISION INC 10,850.6610264 154 RUSSELL ATTORNEY AT LAW/ROBERT L 1,000.00154 Page 26Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC PROFESSIONAL PORTABLE X-RAY INC RAZOR BLADE COMPANY/THE RDO EQUIPMENT CO RINKE NOONAN LAW FIRM RMB ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES INC ROSENTHAL/JACK RTVISION INC RUSSELL ATTORNEY AT LAW/ROBERT L Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-250-000-0000-6436 35.00 AGILITY TEST FOR S BACKMAN 1/3/19 New hire start up cost Y 01-250-000-0000-6436 35.00 AGILITY TEST FOR K ROTERING 1/8/19 New hire start up cost Y 01-123-000-0000-6140 75.00 PER DIEM 1/10/19 Per Diem Y 50-000-000-0120-6290 AP 1,680.00 EQUIP HRS/SALARY HENNING TSF 104352 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0130-6290 AP 4,120.00 EQUIP HRS/SALARY NE LANDFILL 104352 Contracted Services.N 01-002-000-0000-6369 AP 25.23 K3210 18DEC18 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-002-000-0000-6369 21.71 K3210 8JAN19 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-112-108-0000-6572 AP 35.96 ACCT 6629-9141-3 PAINT 7487-9 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 1,800.00 ACCT 1079757 LED MONITORS B09336237 Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6680 180.00 ACCT 1079757 LED MONITOR B09347205 Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6680 540.00 ACCT 1079757 LED MONITORS B09347210 Computer Hardware N 01-122-000-0000-6406 AP 287.00 ACCT 1079757 INDESIGN LICENSE B09251893 Office Supplies N 50-000-000-0000-6848 90.00 PRINT & LAMINATE MAGNETS 3970 Public Education Y 01-250-000-0000-6224 AP 47.95 MEALS - TRANSPORTS 12/31/18 Prisioner Conveyance N 3385 SAURER/MATTHEW 70.003385 11656 SCHIERER/STEVE 75.0011656 697 SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC 5,800.00697 19005 SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU 46.9419005 159 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 35.96159 10001 SHI CORP 2,807.0010001 48638 SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC 90.0048638 11182 SMITH/GENE Page 27Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions SAURER/MATTHEW SCHIERER/STEVE SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU SHERWIN WILLIAMS SHI CORP SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS LLC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0000-1540 AP 3,660.50 6 X12 ENCLOSED TRAILER 12/18/18 Machinery And Equipment N 01-031-000-0000-6276 AP 4,014.87 LONG RANGE STRATEGIC PLANNING 11025.00-12 Professional Services N 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 2,027.75 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-301-000-0000-6406 AP 695.47 SUPPLIES Office Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6300 AP 8,788.46 ACCT OTT0003 INSTALLED SEALS 761942 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 02-260-000-0000-6369 947.44 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 7188547 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-112-101-0000-6485 AP 72.97 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 822724-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 AP 103.62 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 822726-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 AP 145.94 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 823253-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 AP 69.66 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 823461 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 65.66 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 823461-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 142.50 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 824017 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 71.47 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 824261 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 297.21 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 824262 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-106-0000-6253 AP 210.34 ACCT 1496 DEC2018 Garbage N 01-112-109-0000-6253 AP 114.08 ACCT 4532 DEC2018 Garbage N 47.9511182 5875 SPARKS SALES LLC 3,660.505875 6321 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 6,042.626321 10646 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 695.4710646 15082 STAR EQUIPMENT INC 8,788.4615082 6883 STAR TRIBUNE 947.446883 48183 STEINS INC 969.0348183 166 STEVE'S SANITATION INC Page 28Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 8 Transactions SMITH/GENE SPARKS SALES LLC SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT STAR EQUIPMENT INC STAR TRIBUNE STEINS INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0110-6291 AP 1,105.00 ACCT 20479 BATTLE LAKE DEC2018 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0120-6291 AP 670.00 ACCT 20489 HENNING DEC2018 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0130-6291 AP 1,057.00 ACCT 20487 NEW YORK MILLS DEC2018 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0150-6291 AP 650.00 ACCT 20477 PELICAN RAPIDS DEC2018 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0000-6276 AP 1,926.00 WASTE DELIVERY ASSURANCE 4087409 Professional Services Y 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 26.23 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 7.98 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-399-000-0000-6300 AP 17.99 ACCT 3584 TORCH KIT 224495 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6526 AP 238.94 ACCT 974 TACTICAL POUCHES I1346402 Uniforms N PETERSON/CHRIS11583 01-201-000-0000-6526 AP 189.99 ACCT 974 TACTICAL CARRIER I1346412 Uniforms N BACKMAN/KELLY12978 01-112-110-0000-6342 AP 1,352.50 ACCT OTTERT6 ALARM INSPECTION 1335667 Service Agreements N 01-250-000-0000-6269 AP 4,842.89 C1252000 MEALS 12/1-7/18 INV2000039125 Professional Services-Kitchen N 01-250-000-0000-6269 AP 4,981.96 C1252000 MEALS 12/8-14/18 INV2000039567 Professional Services-Kitchen N 50-000-000-0000-6241 50.00 10145 CO INDIVIDUAL 2019 1/22/19 Membership Dues N 50-000-000-0000-6241 100.00 10875 CO INDIVIDUAL 2019 1/22/19 Membership Dues N 3,806.42166 11210 STOEL RIVES LLP 1,926.0011210 725 STRAND HARDWARE & RADIO SHACK 52.20725 168 STREICHERS 428.93168 14067 SUMMIT COMPANIES 1,352.5014067 6642 SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, LLC 9,824.856642 1494 SWAA - AMC 150.001494 Page 29Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 6 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions STEVE'S SANITATION INC STOEL RIVES LLP STRAND HARDWARE & RADIO SHACK STREICHERS SUMMIT COMPANIES SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, LLC SWAA - AMC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6385 AP 1,761.25 TACTICAL ARMOR VEST 7064 Entry Team Srt N 01-201-000-0000-6369 53.90 ACCT 01372 LIFE SAVING AWARDS 192406R Miscellaneous Charges N 02-280-000-0000-6369 AP 1,485.00 ACCT 01372 MAGNETS 191992D Miscellaneous Charges N 01-201-000-0000-6348 AP 356.00 ACCT 1003940771 DEC 2018 839555463 Software Maintenance Contract N 13-012-000-0000-6455 AP 1,222.61 ACCT 1003217934 DEC 2018 839512776 Reference Books & Literature N 13-012-000-0000-6455 AP 710.00 ACCT 1000551281 DEC 2018 839527315 Reference Books & Literature N 01-250-000-0000-6432 AP 2,719.18 ACCT 756389 MEDICATIONS DEC2018 Medical Incarcerated N 01-250-000-0000-6432 AP 15.00 ACCT 749765 MED CART RENTAL DEC2018 Medical Incarcerated N 50-399-000-0000-6426 144.99 STEEL TOE BOOTS 1/5/19 Clothing Allowance N 01-112-102-0000-6342 564.90 ACCT 50366 PLATINUM SERVICE 3004361081 Service Agreements N 01-112-104-0000-6342 290.98 ACCT 50366 BRONZE SERVICE 3004361492 Service Agreements N 01-112-101-0000-6342 427.94 ACCT 50366 GOLD SERVICE 3004361999 Service Agreements N 01-112-108-0000-6342 273.86 ACCT 50366 BRONZE SERVICE 3004362000 Service Agreements N 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 75.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 21.80 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 12923 TACTICAL SOLUTIONS 1,761.2512923 8718 TAG UP 1,538.908718 183 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 2,288.61183 7249 THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY 2,734.187249 4000 THUNSELLE/KRISTI 144.994000 77 THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORATION 1,557.6877 11949 TRITES/DAVID 96.8011949 13132 ULINE Page 30Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 2 Transactions TACTICAL SOLUTIONS TAG UP THOMSON REUTERS - WEST THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY THUNSELLE/KRISTI THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORATION TRITES/DAVID Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 1,363.73 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-303-000-0000-6278 AP 22,717.67 SERVICE Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-301-000-0000-6210 AP 17.05 SHIPPER 556562 CONTROL 09Y3 0000556562498 Postage & Postage Meter N 01-122-000-0000-6406 AP 455.68 ACCT 7490 SUPPLIES 1097230 Office Supplies N 01-122-000-0000-6406 7.88 ACCT 7490 CALENDAR 1099661 Office Supplies N 50-399-000-0000-6300 AP 206.29 REPLACE RPM SENSOR/3 BUTTON 58700 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 50-399-000-0000-6300 905.87 REPLACE CABLE & BOTTOM FIXTURE 58739 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 50-399-000-0000-6300 353.80 REPLACE POWERBOARD/ALIGNMENT 58767 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 01-043-000-0000-6267 1,486.00 E-CHECK PROCESSING JS-3672 Electronic Pmt Charges Y 01-043-000-0000-6267 302.38 CREDIT CLERK CONVENIECE JS-3689 Electronic Pmt Charges Y 01-149-000-0000-6369 300.00 2ND MERCHANT ACCOUNT JS-3700 Miscellaneous Charges Y 01-123-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 1/10/19 Per Diem N 01-123-000-0000-6330 110.20 MILEAGE 1/10/19 Mileage N 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 300.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 149.33 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 1,363.7313132 1018 ULTEIG ENGINEER'S INC 22,717.671018 176 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 17.05176 51002 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 463.5651002 5045 VIKING GARAGE DOOR COMPANY INC 1,465.965045 6599 VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC 2,088.386599 15024 VORDERBRUGGEN/KENNETH 260.2015024 12465 WASS/DAVID F Page 31Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions ULINE ULTEIG ENGINEER'S INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING GARAGE DOOR COMPANY INC VISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LLC VORDERBRUGGEN/KENNETH Otter Tail County Auditor WEST CENTRAL JAIL ADMINISTRATOR'S ASSN COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0120-6853 AP 4,020.87 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001638-0010-5 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0130-6853 AP 332.18 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001638-0010-5 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0170-6853 AP 4,356.54 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001638-0010-5 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0110-6853 AP 326.93 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001658-0010-3 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0120-6853 AP 1,018.30 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001658-0010-3 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0130-6853 AP 260.70 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001658-0010-3 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0150-6853 AP 428.76 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001658-0010-3 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0170-6853 AP 2,582.37 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0001658-0010-3 MSW BY PASSED EXPENSE LANDFILL N 50-000-000-0000-6978 AP 1,762.00 ACCT 21-40690-33001 0480318-1766-0 Ag Plastic Expenses N 10-304-000-0000-6572 44.85 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0130-6565 AP 148.48 DIESEL FUEL 12/13/18 24829 Fuels N 01-250-000-0000-6171 1,010.00 REGISTRATION FEES - WALKER 1/7/19 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-250-000-0000-6390 DTG 2,585.00 INMATE BOARDING DEC2018 Board Of Prisioners N 01-124-000-0000-6140 AP 150.00 PER DIEM 12/12/18 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 AP 35.97 MILEAGE 12/12/18 Mileage Y 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 526.49 SUPPLIES Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 449.3312465 2278 WASTE MANAGEMENT 15,088.652278 9357 WAYNE'S TOOLWAGON 44.859357 3720 WELLER OIL CO 148.483720 1532 1,010.001532 52374 WILKIN CO SHERIFF 2,585.0052374 11653 WILSON/WARREN R 185.9711653 14059 ZAHL-PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE CO Page 32Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 9 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions WEST CENTRAL JAIL ADMINISTRATOR'S ASSN WASS/DAVID F WASTE MANAGEMENT WAYNE'S TOOLWAGON WELLER OIL CO WILKIN CO SHERIFF WILSON/WARREN R Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 10-304-000-0000-6572 AP 107.94 PARTS Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-399-000-0000-6306 AP 1,007.99 ACCT 6842300 MAINT SERVICE SW020108325 Repair/Maint. Equip N 526.4914059 2086 ZIEGLER INC 1,115.932086 824,845.45 Page 33Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions Final Total ............224 Vendors 466 Transactions ZAHL-PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE CO ZIEGLER INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1:28:28PM1/17/2019 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 34Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Prairie Lakes Municipal Sw Authority Amount 178,367.24 General Revenue Fund 1 27,157.97 General Fund Dedicated Accounts 2 498,857.04 Road And Bridge Fund 10 2,152.69 Law Library Fund 13 7,390.00 County Ditch Fund 22 109,320.51 Solid Waste Fund 50 1,600.00 51 824,845.45 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES1/16/2019 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 1:58:23PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-430-700-0000-6304 AP 75.00 Unit 5936 14963 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 1 N 12/26/2018 12/26/2018 11-409-440-0000-6091 AP 134.07 Mileage for visits to families 20190101 Parent Support Outreach 2 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6331 AP 19.14 Meals Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 3 N 11/28/2018 12/19/2018 11-420-601-0000-6171 449.55 Resilience Training 1285 Im Training 4 N 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 11-430-700-0000-6171 549.45 Resilience Training 1285 Ss Adm Training 4 N 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 11-420-601-0000-6406 200.94 2189988150 433798 Office Supplies 5 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-601-0000-6406 AP 34.96 2189988150 433875 Office Supplies 6 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-601-0000-6406 AP 69.36 2189988150 434121 Office Supplies 7 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-601-0000-6406 AP 29.16 2189988150 434303 Office Supplies 8 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6406 245.60 2189988150 433798 Office Supplies 5 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6406 AP 42.74 2189988150 433875 Office Supplies 6 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6406 AP 84.77 2189988150 434121 Office Supplies 7 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6406 AP 35.64 2189988150 434303 Office Supplies 8 N 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 75.0031803 11904 BREVER/MELISA 134.0711904 13727 COLE/MELANIE 19.1413727 15522 CONVENE, LLC 999.0015522 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions BEYER BODY SHOP INC BREVER/MELISA COLE/MELANIE CONVENE, LLC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-601-0000-6265 108.00 1st Quarter Data Processing Costs - Im Adm 9 N 01/01/2019 03/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6265 132.00 1st Quarter Data Processing Costs - Ss Adm 9 N 01/01/2019 03/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 7.66 Meal Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 10 N 01/10/2019 01/10/2019 11-406-000-0000-6304 AP 529.13 Tires, Lamp, Wipers 45437 Motor Vehicle Repair 11 Y 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-720-0000-6379 75.00 3 Bkgrd Chks for Oct - Dec 18 Sliding Fee Misc Charges 12 N 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 11-430-700-0000-6304 AP 441.52 Acct #2461 349328 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 13 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6304 AP 22.00 Acct #2461 349856 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 14 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-409-330-1200-6091 AP 560.81 Collab-Travel & Mileage 122018 Universal Home Visit 15 Y 10/01/2018 12/11/2018 743.1732603 15378 COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY 240.0015378 33467 DAHLEN/JODY 7.6633467 1496 DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR 529.131496 35172 FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT 75.0035172 35018 FERGUS TIRE CENTER 463.5235018 5135 HARRIS/LUANN 560.815135 Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 8 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY DAHLEN/JODY DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS TIRE CENTER HARRIS/LUANN Otter Tail County Auditor INDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-409-000-0010-6261 562.50 January Contract Services 190101 Lcts Coordination 16 Y 01/01/2019 01/31/2019 11-409-440-0000-6091 196.52 Prog Coord/Flex fund from12/18 190101 Parent Support Outreach 17 Y 01/01/2019 01/31/2019 11-409-000-0000-6261 3,419.75 Collab Coord Contract 88577 Collaborative Coordination 18 N 01/01/2019 01/31/2019 11-409-000-0000-6379 AP 93.32 Meeting Expenses 88577 Meeting Expenses 19 N 11/29/2018 11/29/2018 11-409-000-0021-6379 AP 415.48 IDI Conf, Meeting Expenses 88577 Community Equity & Support 21 N 11/03/2018 11/06/2018 11-409-330-1300-6091 AP 874.98 Trauma Inform Schl Book Order 88577 Truancy Project 20 N 11/06/2018 11/20/2018 11-409-440-0000-6091 AP 202.20 PSOP Mileage Reimbursement 20180101 Parent Support Outreach 22 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-406-000-0000-6261 AP 1,600.00 Grant monitoring costs 1218135 Ream Electronic Monitoring 23 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-406-000-0000-6261 50.00 Grant monitoring costs 6462 Ream Electronic Monitoring 26 N 01/02/2019 01/02/2019 11-406-000-0000-6379 146.25 Monitoring for DWI Court 6523 Miscellaneous Charges 25 N 01/07/2019 01/07/2019 11-406-000-0000-6344 4,921.53 Enhancement Fee 1901174 Service Agreements 27 N 01/01/2019 01/01/2019 8471 759.028471 41450 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP 4,803.5341450 9654 MARTIN/MICHAEL 202.209654 8089 MIDWEST MONITORING 1,600.008089 42110 MINNESOTA MONITORING INC 196.2542110 42745 MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions INDEPENDENT CONTRACT SERVICES OF FF LLC LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP MARTIN/MICHAEL MIDWEST MONITORING MINNESOTA MONITORING INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-605-0000-6040 DTG 187.50 12-18 CCAP A300MC56190I State Share Of Maxis Refunds To State 29 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-720-2112-6061 DTG 3,078.75 12-18 CCAP A300MC56190I Bsf County Match 28 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-409-330-1200-6091 AP 389.50 Mileage & Travel 12212018 Universal Home Visit 24 N 07/06/2018 12/15/2018 11-420-601-0000-6379 DTG 18.90 birth/death certificates Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 30 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6379 DTG 23.10 birth/death certificates Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 30 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-640-0000-6297 DTG 73.50 Case #20181677 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 31 N 12/21/2018 12/21/2018 11-406-000-0000-6190 12,588.81 Property/Casualty Liability Workman's Compensation 35 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-406-000-0000-6355 2,959.00 Property/Casualty Liability Insurance 34 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-407-000-0000-6190 25,643.40 Property/Casualty Liability Workman's Compensation-Phn 37 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-407-600-0090-6355 10,076.00 Property/Casualty Liability Insurance 36 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-420-601-0000-6190 7,962.66 Property/Casualty Liability Workman's Compensation Inc Maint 39 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-420-601-0000-6355 16,557.75 Property/Casualty Liability Insurance - Im Adm 38 N 4,921.5342745 43022 MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 3,266.2543022 42003 MORICAL/LINDA 389.5042003 44086 OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER 42.0044086 44010 OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF 73.5044010 3167 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES MORICAL/LINDA OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF Otter Tail County Auditor OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6190 9,732.13 Property/Casualty Liability Workman's Compensation Soc Serv 39 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-430-700-0000-6355 20,237.25 Property/Casualty Liability Insurance - Ss Adm 38 N 01/01/2019 12/31/2019 11-420-601-0000-6271 DTG 3,822.06 Sandy Time - December 2018 Fraud Investigation Costs 32 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-601-0000-6349 14,440.95 Rent Building & Facilities Rental 33 N 01/22/2019 01/22/2019 11-430-700-0000-6349 17,650.05 Rent Building & Facilities Rental 33 N 01/22/2019 01/22/2019 11-000-000-0000-2026 1.25 Williams Mastercard Expressone-Questioned 64 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-420-601-0000-6406 554.49 Vanderlinden Office Supplies 63 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-420-601-6331-6171 1,025.94 B. Lee Im Training Meals & Lodging 57 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-420-601-6331-6171 71.23 B. Lee Im Training Meals & Lodging 58 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-420-601-6331-6171 74.83 Sjostrom Im Training Meals & Lodging 61 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 7.88 Bakken Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 55 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 21.18 Olson Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 60 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-0000-6331 55.65 Thorson Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 62 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-0000-6379 68.75 Bakken Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 56 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-0000-6379 15.86 B. Lee Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 59 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-0000-6406 677.71 Vanderlinden Office Supplies 63 N 105,757.003167 44003 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 35,913.0644003 44266 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 8 Transactions 3 Transactions - OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 87.06 B. Lee Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 58 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-430-700-6331-6171 91.45 Sjostrom Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 61 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-420-601-0000-6379 AP 558.27 Acct #684 SIN127661 Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 40 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6379 AP 682.33 Acct #684 SIN127661 Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 40 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-710-1621-6097 8.72 Client Meal In Home Service - Brief 41 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-406-730-0010-6435 1,190.00 UA Supplies 2112585 Dwi Court Drug Testing 42 N 01/04/2019 01/04/2019 11-409-440-0000-6091 AP 88.29 PSOP MILEAGE 20190101 Parent Support Outreach 43 N 12/01/2018 12/31/2018 11-420-601-6330-6171 AP 96.63 Training Travel Mileage Im Training Mileage 44 N 12/02/2018 12/06/2018 11-430-700-6330-6171 AP 118.10 Training Travel Mileage Ss Adm Training Mileage 44 N 12/02/2018 12/06/2018 11-430-700-0000-6331 AP 22.32 Client Meals/Meals Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 45 N 2,750.7844266 45540 PACIFIC INTERPRETERS 1,240.6045540 7873 PAUSCH/STEPHANIE 8.727873 14747 PREMIER BIOTECH LABS, LLC 1,190.0014747 10134 ROTERING/DEVORA 88.2910134 48406 SJOSTROM/DEBORAH 214.7348406 48290 STANISLAWSKI/MARI Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 13 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE PACIFIC INTERPRETERS PAUSCH/STEPHANIE PREMIER BIOTECH LABS, LLC ROTERING/DEVORA SJOSTROM/DEBORAH Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 12/06/2018 12/17/2018 11-430-710-1621-6097 AP 20.64 Client Meals/Meals In Home Service - Brief 46 N 12/06/2018 12/17/2018 11-420-640-0000-6297 50.00 Civil Papers C201900004 201901151 Iv-D Sheriff's Costs 47 N 01/04/2019 01/04/2019 11-409-000-0010-6261 AP 14.00 Collaborative 8971 Lcts Coordination 51 N 09/26/2018 09/26/2018 11-420-601-0000-6406 157.27 Acct #4872 432119 Office Supplies 50 N 10/19/2018 01/07/2019 11-420-601-0000-6406 206.05 Acct #4872 432120 Office Supplies 48 N 10/19/2018 01/07/2019 11-420-601-0000-6406 152.39 Acct #4872 433294 Office Supplies 49 N 10/19/2018 01/07/2019 11-430-700-0000-6406 192.23 Acct #4872 432119 Office Supplies 50 N 10/19/2018 01/07/2019 11-430-700-0000-6406 251.85 Acct #4872 432120 Office Supplies 48 N 10/19/2018 01/07/2019 11-430-700-0000-6379 AP 327.85 Acct #4872 433209 Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 53 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6379 AP 327.85 Acct #4872 433210 Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 52 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-430-700-0000-6406 186.26 Acct #4872 433294 Office Supplies 49 N 10/19/2018 01/07/2019 11-406-000-0000-6000 51,036.08 Detention costs Detention Center Costs - Probation 54 N 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 42.9648290 49071 TODD CO SHERIFF 50.0049071 51002 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 1,815.7551002 52139 WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR 51,036.0852139 220,208.25 Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 9 Transactions 1 Transactions Final Total ............32 Vendors 82 Transactions STANISLAWSKI/MARI TODD CO SHERIFF VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1:58:23PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 9Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 220,208.25 Human Services 11 220,208.25 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES1/16/2019 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 1:21:06PM COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-100-0037-6330 193.86 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage Case Management 17 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 19.62 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 18 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 200.02 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE HFA Mileage 19 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 1.64 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 20 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0046-6330 2.73 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage PHR-LTSS Grant 22 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0024-6330 105.73 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Nfp Mileage 21 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-600-0090-6677 57.95 ACCT #2189988320 DESK MAT 434555 Office Furniture And Equipment 1 N 01/07/2019 01/07/2019 11-407-500-0080-6331 11.23 DEC MEALS/MILEAGE DEC MEALS FPL Meals & Lodging 23 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-500-0080-6330 68.78 DEC MEALS/MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE FPL mileage 24 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-500-0080-6330 4.91 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE FPL mileage 25 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-500-0081-6330 1.64 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage Well Delegation 26 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 14788 BARKER/MEGAN 193.8614788 13978 BESEMAN/KAREN 219.6413978 6757 BYE/KRISTIN 110.106757 32603 COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP 57.9532603 15052 DEMMER/ANDREA 80.0115052 13103 DUENOW/MELISSA Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions BARKER/MEGAN BESEMAN/KAREN BYE/KRISTIN COOPERS TECHNOLOGY GROUP DEMMER/ANDREA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-100-0046-6091 50,833.00 ACCT #71975 CONSENT 2SHARE 18882 Contracts PHR-LTSS Grant 2 N 01/14/2019 01/14/2019 11-407-100-0033-6330 43.60 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Msc+ Ucare Mileage 27 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0041-6330 116.09 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Snbc Mileage 28 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0046-6330 1.09 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage PHR-LTSS Grant 30 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0024-6330 141.70 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Nfp Mileage 29 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 57.77 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Wic Mileage 31 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-500-0080-6330 109.55 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE FPL mileage 32 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-500-0081-6330 27.25 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage Well Delegation 33 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 27.25 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 34 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 16.35 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE HFA Mileage 35 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 6.5513103 15432 FEI.COM, INC. 50,833.0015432 35588 FIELD/DEB 159.6935588 12483 FRUSTOL/ANNE 142.7912483 81002 GAUWITZ/CARLA 57.7781002 14398 GEORGESON/ANTHONY 136.8014398 7611 GIBBS/ANN Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions DUENOW/MELISSA FEI.COM, INC. FIELD/DEB FRUSTOL/ANNE GAUWITZ/CARLA GEORGESON/ANTHONY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-400-0083-6330 3.27 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage Bioterrorism 36 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 208.74 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 37 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0022-6330 25.07 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Wic Mileage 38 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0062-6330 53.41 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Nutrition Mileage 39 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0030-6331 10.73 DEC MEALS DEC MEALS Meals & Lodging - Pas 41 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 19.62 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 40 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0031-6330 38.15 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Msho Bcbs Mileage 42 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0034-6330 18.53 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Msc+ Blues Mileage 43 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-600-0090-6241 157.16 4TH QTR CHS SHARED MEETING 1901349 Memberships 5 N 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 11-407-200-0024-6488 55.02 ACCT #58724712 WIPES 41363307 Nfp Program Supplies 4 N 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 46.877611 36425 GUCK/AMY 208.7436425 40703 KOEHLER-TABERY/ANNA MARIE 78.4840703 11105 MAGNUSSON/LANE 30.3511105 7065 MARTENSON/PAULA 56.687065 548 MCCC MI 33 157.16548 14198 MCKESSON MEDICAL - SURGICAL Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions GIBBS/ANN GUCK/AMY KOEHLER-TABERY/ANNA MARIE MAGNUSSON/LANE MARTENSON/PAULA MCCC MI 33 Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-200-0027-6488 55.01 ACCT #58724712 WIPES 41363307 HFA Program Supplies 3 N 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-100-0075-6330 40.88 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Refugee Mileage 45 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-300-0070-6330 43.60 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage D P & C 44 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0022-6406 5.39 ACCT #71423628 WIC/SUPPLIES 254181754001 Wic Office Supplies 6 N 01/04/2019 01/04/2019 11-407-600-0090-6406 97.67 ACCT #71423628 WIC/SUPPLIES 254181754001 Office Supplies 7 N 01/04/2019 01/04/2019 11-407-600-0090-6406 7.99 ACCT #71423628 OFFICE SUPPLIES 254221534001 Office Supplies 8 N 01/04/2019 01/04/2019 11-407-200-0060-6488 64.00 CAR SEAT ED/DISTRIBUTION CAR SEAT ED Program Supplies Inj Prev 9 N 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 11-407-200-0024-6488 3.90 CUST #682 INTERPRETER SVC SIN127635 Nfp Program Supplies 11 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0027-6488 22.10 CUST #682 INTERPRETER SVC SIN127635 HFA Program Supplies 12 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0060-6488 64.00 CAR SEAT ED/DISTRIBUTION CAR SEAT ED Program Supplies Inj Prev 10 6 11/21/2018 11/21/2018 110.0314198 6756 METZGER/JESSICA 84.486756 51120 OFFICE DEPOT 111.0551120 124 OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF 64.00124 45540 PACIFIC INTERPRETERS 26.0045540 2951 PERHAM AREA EMS 64.002951 13584 PERRIER/MATTHEW Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions MCKESSON MEDICAL - SURGICAL METZGER/JESSICA OFFICE DEPOT OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF PACIFIC INTERPRETERS PERHAM AREA EMS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-100-0030-6330 36.52 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 46 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0030-6330 89.16 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Mileage - Pas 47 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0023-6488 3.39 ZIPLOC BAGS ACCT #3280 FHV Program Supplies 14 N 01/10/2019 01/10/2019 11-407-500-0085-6488 10.00 STORAGE BAGS/RADON TESTS ACCT #3280 Phn Program Supplies Nuisance 16 N 01/10/2019 01/10/2019 11-407-600-0090-6406 8.97 SNACK BAGS ACCT #3280 Office Supplies 15 N 01/10/2019 01/10/2019 11-407-600-0090-6210 1.70 POSTAGE REIMBURSEMENT POSTAGE REIMBU Postage 13 N 01/10/2019 01/10/2019 11-407-200-0022-6330 58.86 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Wic Mileage 48 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-100-0015-6330 39.24 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE MCH/ECS Mileage 49 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 182.03 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE HFA Mileage 50 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0054-6330 55.59 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Aging Mileage 51 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 36.5213584 13726 SCHMIDT/JANE 89.1613726 19005 SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU 22.3619005 15523 SUTHERLAND/NORA 1.7015523 49200 TALSNESS/PEGGY 58.8649200 10808 THACKER/SARAH 221.2710808 12905 VOSS/NANCY Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions PERRIER/MATTHEW SCHMIDT/JANE SERVICE FOOD SUPER VALU SUTHERLAND/NORA TALSNESS/PEGGY THACKER/SARAH Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-200-0027-6331 10.16 DEC MEALS DEC MEALS HFA Meals & Lodging 53 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0027-6331 11.00 DEC MEALS DEC MEALS HFA Meals & Lodging 54 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-600-0090-6331 1.00 DEC MEALS DEC MEALS Meals & Lodging 55 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-600-0090-6331 11.18 DEC MEALS DEC MEALS Meals & Lodging 56 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0027-6330 140.61 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE HFA Mileage 52 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 11-407-200-0024-6330 170.59 DEC MILEAGE DEC MILEAGE Nfp Mileage 57 N 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 55.5912905 11821 WENTWORTH/KRISTI 173.9511821 52580 WESTBY/LINDA 170.5952580 53,866.00 Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 1 Transactions Final Total ............32 Vendors 57 Transactions VOSS/NANCY WENTWORTH/KRISTI WESTBY/LINDA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1:21:06PM1/16/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 8Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 53,866.00 Human Services 11 53,866.00 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES1/17/2019 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 2:47:17PM OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 2:47:17PM1/17/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-200-0026-6488 192.50 DIGITAL EAR THERMOMTERS WELLS/MELISSA Caring Conn Program Supplies 1 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-407-500-0080-6488 112.16 POOL KITS WELLS/MELISSA FPL Prog Supplies 3 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 11-407-600-0090-6240 274.00 BANNER STAND/TABLE RUNNER WELLS/MELISSA Publishing & Advertising 2 N 01/08/2019 01/08/2019 44266 578.6644266 578.66 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 3 Transactions Final Total ............1 Vendors 3 Transactions OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 2:47:17PM1/17/2019 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2018 Integrated Financial Systems Page 3Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 578.66 Human Services 11 578.66 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otter Tail County Contract Outline Presented to Board of Commissioners January 22, 2019 Agency Program Effective Date Targeted Population Amount of Contract Amount of Previous Contract Funding Source Contract Renewals LMHC Adult & Children MH Programs 01-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Adult & Children Outpatient MH Services $639,399/Year Psychological First Aid $7,575 Adult CSP State Grant $275,313 Permanent Supported Housing Program $21,900 Aftercare Services $133,002 for 2.0 FTE CMH Targeted Case Mgmt. MA Bundled Rate: $545.15/mo. Non-MA Rate $108.24/hr. Not to exceed $36,259. School Based MH Services Not to exceed $13,911 AMH Targeted Case Mgmt. MA Bundled Rate: $300.21/mo. Non-MA Rate: $84.12/hr. Not to exceed $67,732 Anger Management Assessments $10,037 Parental Capacity Evaluations Testing Rate: $166.00/hr. and Psychologist Rate: $199.00/hr Outpatient MH Services No Change Psychological First Aid No Change Adult CSP State Grant $269,915 Permanent Supported Housing Program $$21,409 Aftercare Services $131,194 for 2.0 FTE CMH Targeted Case Mgmt. MA Bundled Rate: $534.48/mo. Non-MA Rate $106.12/hr. Not to exceed $35,348. School Based MH Services Not to exceed $13,638 AMH Targeted Case Mgmt. MA Bundled Rate: $294.33/mo. Non-MA Rate: $84.12/hr. Not to exceed $66.404. Anger Management Assessments. No Change Parental Capacity Evaluations No Change County of Financial Responsibility, State Grants & MA Productive Alternative Inc. Clerical Services 01-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Otter Tail County Human Service Dept. Consumer wages at minimum wage plus 35% overhead (clerical) No Change Otter Tail County Good Life Services, Inc Semi-Independent Living Skills 01-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Persons with Developmental Disabilities or related conditions Unit Cost $35.64/hr. No Change County of Financial Responsibility Agency Program Effective Date Targeted Population Amount of Contract Amount of Previous Contract Funding Source Lutheran Social Services Family Based Services CTSS & SBMH 01-01-19 Through 12-31-19 Children Basic Unit Cost $57.87/hr. Basic Unit Cost $40.00/hr. County of Financial Responsibility u.s. United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE FISH & WIT,DLTFR SERVICE IN REPLY REFER TO: Otter Tail �linnert, Michael . vleitch, Terry Moske, Gene N orrgard, Raymond Norrgard, Raymond, et al. 18965 County Highway 82 Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537 218-73 6-0669 December 17, 2018 Rogness Revocable Living Trust, La Wayne Scottland Family LLLP Skold Revocable Trust, Lee B. Ms. Kathy Domholt Otter Tail County Board Secretary Government Services Center 520 West Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537 Dear Ms. Domholt: The Fish and Wildlife Service recently secured easements from the following landowners: Michael Klinnert, a single person, of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The easement is located in Section 24 of Lida Township. This is a wetland easement protecting approximately 25.57 wetland acres, protecting 1 wetland basin. Terry Leitch and Jill Leitch, husband and wife, of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The easement is located in Sections 10 and 11 of Dane Prairie Township. This is a habitat easement protecting approximately 64 acres, based upon a survey to be completed. This easement is a haying and grazing easement, allowing haying after July 15th of every year and grazing throughout the year. Gene Moske of Parkers Prairie, Minnesota. The easement is located in Sections 23, 25, 26 of Effington Township. This is a wetland easement protecting 28 wetland basins consisting of approximately 22.62 wetland acres. Raymond Norrgard and Janet Norrgard, husband and wife of Dalton, Minnesota. The easement is located in Section 33 of Dane Prairie Township. This is a habitat easement protecting 11.3 acres, based on a survey to be completed. This easement is a haying and grazing easement, allowing haying after July 15th of every year and grazing throughout theyear. Raymond Norrgard and Janet Norrgard, husband and wife and David Johnson and Jenny Johnson, husband and wife, all of Dalton, Minnesota. The easement is located in Section 33 of Dane Prairie Township. This is a habitat easement protecting 37.5 acres, based on a survey to be completed. This easement is a haying and grazing easement, allowing haying after July 15th of every year and grazing throughout the year. The La Wayne Rogness Revocable Living Trust, of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The easement is located in Section 22 of Buse Township. This is a wetland easement protecting 2 wetland basins consisting of approximately 34. 73 wetland acres. Scottland Family LLLP, of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The easement is located in Section 2 of Orwell Township. This is a wetland easement protecting 2 wetland basins consisting of approximately 20.98 wetland acres. The Lee B. Skold Revocable Trust, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The easement is located in Section 35 and 36 of Folden Township. This is a wetland easement protecting 17 wetland basins consisting of approximately 67 .12 wetland acres. Please note the other attachments which include the Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information sheet, landowner letter, aerial photo, plat book page, property tax statement, topographic map, soil information and aerial photo showing other land interests close to the easement area. It is my intention to meet with the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners on January 15, 2019, at 8:35 a.m. to request certification of the easements. A copy of this information is being sent to each township clerk. If you have any questions, please contact me at 736-0669. S.i�tfely� fl ,,--P;)?--jvV Blair MaceRealty Specialist cc: Joyce Schmidt, Clerk, Buse Township Bonnie Mark, Clerk, Dane Prairie Township Judith Moeller, Clerk, Effington Township Jennifer Howard, Clerk, Folden Township Denise Boe, Clerk, Lida Township Scott Demartelaere, Clerk, Orwell Township 2 Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Purpose of Submission: @ County Board Approval Required (This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only Terry Leitch -habitat easement 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contact information from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Blair Mace, 736-0669 or Neil Powers, 736.0627. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b. What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? Approx. 64 upland acres (to be surveyed) c.What is the tillable acreage? Approximately 18 acres d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? Approximately 46 acres; There are 29 wetland acres, 6 forested timber acres, and 11 non-native grassland acres. e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? The tract has been tilled, hayed, and grazed for the last five years. f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The tract is located in a very high priority area of our District. The tract is adjacent to Stang Lake WPA where the Service operates a low hazard dam and large water control structure to manage Stang Lake(located on the north end of this habitat easement). This easement would provide valuable nesting cover around Stang Lake and protect numerous wetland basins in the landscape. This tract is located one mile east of the "corridor" between the Lake Christina Prairie Core and the Agassiz Beach Ridges Core. More than 50 pairs of waterfowl per square mile are documented inthis area. g.What are the prominent soil types? See attached soil map. h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? USFWS does not have this information, please contact the landowner for past weed history. i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. J.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) Yes, Otter Tail County Ditch 37runs through the northern edge of the east tract. k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? Grant funds will be obtained to seal the well. (X)No. I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X)No. 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) No c.Are there any existing easements on this property? No 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows theowner to retain ownership and ensures the uplands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1, 1958. This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the SmallWetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendment allows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. The language in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PIL T, etc.) None; this is a habitat easement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PIL T and other payments? 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) The landowner will maintain the rights to graze or hay the property. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands,building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) Basins 1 and 2 will need restored with ditch plugs and/or tile breaks. Basin 1 was restored by the Partners program many years ago. The restoration structure will need re-built. Agricultural fields will need planted to native grasses and wildflowers. Scattered trees will need removed. c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining grass habitat will help eliminate some erosion and restored wetlands will maintain more water on the landscape which will help reduce the amount of water that runs off of the property. This area will benefit wildlife as we enhance the prairie and restore the wetlands while still allowing the landowner to graze and or hay the property. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a.Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. Your Local Full Service Cooperative 218-596-8821 Crop Protection Products • Custom Application Seed • Crop Nutrients • Finance • Grain • Fuel 1'lt"Y T-132-N - .,,.,.,� (.i.,,,.J-•DANE PRAIRIE PLAT R-42-W (t..andO"Nl"leB) DANA PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP llCilJ!lil 1. Johansen Trust. Ardy 8 2. Andersen, Julie 5 3. Leitch, Ricky 14 illil0./!-4 1. Berge Trust, Angela 11 lliI1l!lil1. Peterson, Gerald 6 2. State of Minnesota 7 3. Weber Ill, Charles 14 lli.I!O.lil 1.Marquedant, Thomas 12 2. Hatfield, Preston 7 3. Iverson, Diana 9 §ru1Qlil 1. Templin Trust 10 2. Sonstebo, Steven 5 3. Chance, Robert 10 4. Neulleb, Chadwick 5 5. Hauck, Lyle 8 fillN!U 1. Enderson, Jerrald 5 2. Thompson, Benjamin 5 C Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. TUMULI TWP. 3. Federal Hardware � Manufacturing 6 1. Berge Trust, Angela 1 O 4. Servantez, Frank 6 2. Fergus Falls Lodge 5. Grunewald, Moureen 12 #1093 14 6. Nordstrom, James 7 3. Field, Timothy 10 7. Ellingson, Shawn 12 4. State of Minnesota 9 6. Schmidt, Kevin 11 5. Jungroth, Thomas 7 9. Ellingson, Shawn 6 6. Westra, Jacob 10 10.Mortage Electronic Reg � System 7 1. Luhnlng, Norman 7 11.Stale of Minnesota 5 2. Meder, Brian 5 12. Toso, Keary 8 liliilJ!.IU.1 1. USA6 2. Gantner, Craig 10 liCillllU! 3. Eggen, Barnard 17 1. Elsenhuth, Donald 5 � 2. Lunde, Georgia 16 1. Borgos, Dennis 6 3. Nelson, Timothy 7 2. Andrews Jr, James 9 4. Leitch, Peggy 14 3. Tale, Shalne 12 lli!.!ml..1ft 4. Leitch, Jill 7 1. Vlgesa, Wayne 7 5. Wicker, James 5 2. Peteraon, Mark 10 6. Fuchs, Gordon 10 3. Davis, Matthew 8 7. Schoon, Roger 8 4.Nordick, Kory 5 8. Schoon, Roger 5 5. Walkup Truat 15 9. Hagen, Gordon 7 6. Murphy Trust 9 10.Schoenlng, Tracy 5 7. Thoen, Durant 7 SEE PAGES 261·264 FOR ADDITIONAL NAMES NOT LISTED OH MAPS. 106 OTTER TAIL CO., MN Fee/Easement Field Form County: I Otter Ta_il ---� Date: N I April 6, 2_0_1_a ___ __. Legal Description of Sale Dane Prairie Township Portions of Sections 10, 11, and 14139.8 acres + 0 340 680 2,720 -:::::i-=:::::11----=======---• Feet 1,360 2,040 c:::J Proposed Habitat Easement -Proposed Ditch_Plug Wetland Habitat_type Type I c:::JType II c:::JType Ill c:::J Type IV c:::JType V US Fish and Wildlife SeNiceFergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn G. Papan D DOUGLAS SOILS c:J OTTER TAIL SOILS lz::2I Native_Prairies_2018 D SNA_Jan_2018 D TNC_Jan_2018 TNC Easement Jan 2018 QWMA_Feb_2018 -DNR Pr Bank Jan 2018 c:::J RIM_-Oc;::_2017--c:::JWRP c:::J BWSR_ Wetland_Bank_Easements_2017 c:::J WPA Boundary Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Purpose of Submission: @ County Board Approval Required (This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only · Michael Klinnert -wetland easement 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contact information from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Blair Mace 736-0669 or Neil Powers 736-0627. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b.What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? 25.57 wetland acres c.What is the tillable acreage? 0 d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? 25.57 acres; they are wetlands e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? Non-crop f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The tract is located in a very high priority area for the District. The wetlands on the tract are of very high quality. More than 30 pairs of waterfowl per square mile are documented in this area. Great duckuse has been observed in this area, including pairs of mallards, teal, and wood ducks. This tract has two prior wetland easements. This easement covers the remaining unprotected wetland on site. All the smaller wetlands are already protected with a FWS wetland easement and theeastern side of basin 1. This proposal will protect the rest of the basin, including the outlet. g.What are the prominent soil types? See attached soil map. h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? N/A; Wetland Easement only i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. j.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) No k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? Grant funds will be obtained to seal the well. (X)No. I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X)No. 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) No c.Are there any existing easements on this property? Two past FWS wetland easements are present on the tract protecting other wetland basins. 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows the owner to retain ownership and ensures the wetlands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1, 1958.This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the Small Wetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting andConservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendmentallows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. The language in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PIL T, etc.) None; this is a wetland easement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PIL T and other payments? Landowner still pays taxes. 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) Private landowner still maintains the property and controls access. It will be maintained as wetlands. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands, building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) No c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining the wetlands in their current condition allows water to remain on the landscape which in turn helps reduce flooding. Wetlands also improve water quality and provide for groundwater recharge. These wetlands will provide numerous recreational opportunities for the landowner. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a. Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. /'lil(e. COLDWC!U. BANl(eRO PREFERRED PARTNERS BARB GRUNEWALD Sales Associate (218)850-2049 CELL(218)863-8723 PELICAN OFFICE(218)346-7672 PERHAM OFFICE(218)863-8726 PELICAN FAX(218)346-7673 PERHAM FAX 26 North Broadway, P.O. Box 623, Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 barbara.grunewald@coldwcllbanker.com www.MNLakePartners.com IJ3 Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. � T-136-N '41.f.-ff •r.,( ta#�. LIDA PLAT R-42-W LIDA TOWNSHIP lliil!!!l1 1. Flath, Robert 6 2. Sunram, Lester 7 3. Hagen, Keith 7 lliilll.!U 1. Beaton Trust, James 6 2. Fair, Gregory 7 3. Frazier, Gary 47 4. Frazier, Tim 8 5. Frazier, Wayne 10 lliillllU1. Olson, Thomas 7 2. Gross, Katherine 5 3. Hetland, Ruth 5 4. Mollner, Marie 5 5. Grossman, Glen 5 6. Kannlanen, Michelle 6 7. Felr, Keren 8 8. Schultz, Pearl 5 9. True, Joann 5 10.Sunset Lodge O .illil2.til 1. Johnson, Richard 6 2. Kradle Trust, Kenneth 5 lli!ll!!il 1. Mathiason, Eric 12 lliIIIDU 1. Erickson, Gregory 5 illitmil 1.Uhlmann, Natascha 20 2. Forsgrens 1st Add 3. Outlet Beach lliI!JUU1 1.Crystal Lida Beaches .llillill1..1.Z 1.Kluck, Donald 15 lliil.Q/U4 1. Lida View HIiis C Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. {lanoowri«Sl MAPLEWOOD TWP. illI!!!till 1. Outlet Beach ill.I!filill1. Pausch, Jamie 8 lliI!IDill 1. Schaefer, Greg 10 2.Conklin, Larry 10 3. Chapin, Gregory 5 4. Dutcher, Elaine 5 5. Solinger, Joseph 12 lliilfilill.1, Groesbeck, Mary 5 � 1. Arvidson, Charles 20 2. Kellogg, Andrew 6 3. Rothsay Beach 4. San Dee Cove Beach 5. Samuelson Trust, Edward 8 6. Moberg, WIiiiam 7 lli.IJ.D.fiM 1. Arvidson, Charles 7 2. Schulle, Michael 5 3. Schrupp, Troy 5 illilfilill1. Michaelson, Roger 6 �1. McFarland, David 5 2. Holthusen Trust, Gary 12 3. Maplehurst illI!lUill1. Evensons Add 2. Stephenson, Cary 9 3. Brown, James 5 4. Kieffer, Sandra 10 5. KP Holdings LLC 7 6. Anderson, Mark 8 7. Tollerud, Brady 12 8. Stoffel, Alexander 5 162 9. Olsen, Bradley 11 10.Plerce, Dale 12 11.Poss, Sheldon 6 12. Pierce Log Homes Inc 12 lliIIQ.tiM 1. Lucky Horse Shoe Bay 2. Melby, Luther 5 3. Ehlers, David 5 milOli.ll 1. Arntson, Richard 5 2. Backstrom, Steven 11 3. Sunrise View Beach 4. Nelsons Outlook Beach lliil.l!.!il!I1. Nelson, Kevin 5 2. Thompson, Gene 5 illI!ll!ill 1. Lynnes, Greg 8 illI!Q/!12 1. Sah Kah Tay Beach 2. Davis, Molly 13 3. Huseby, Tony 5 4. Lackmann, Debra 6 5. Herrmann, Samuel 12 8. GIIIBSpey, Wade 8 7. Dohrer, James 8 8. Erickson, Bradley 10 9. Olen, Gary 9 10.0lsons Maplewood illil.llll.n 1. Albright Add 2. Hoffman, Nell 5 3. Hoffman, Scott 15 illilfilill 1. Zabel, Dave 10 2. Pierce Jr, MIiton 5 3. Pierce, Ryan 5 4. Babier Jr, Robert 6 5. Hasse, Randy 5 8. Winkels, Eugene 5 OTTER TAIL CO., MN Fee/Easement Field Form Legal Description of Sale-----==-----------------, County: I Otter Tail I Lida Township N 1/2 of NE 1/4 Section 2425.57 acres Date: j April 5, 2_0_1_a ___ --1 =======--------1:=========,------' Owner's Name: j Mike Klinnert -Wetland Easement N + O 0.225 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8 111111:::::11-=:::::1111---=======---• Miles US Fish and Wildlife ServiceFergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papen Type I ; Type II Type Ill Type IV Type V D SNA_Jan_2018 LJTNC_Jan_2018 TNC_Easement_Jan_2018 l:IWMA_Feb_2018 DNR Pr Bank Jan 2016 c::JRIM_Oc�2017- -CWRP 8SWSR_Wetland_Bank_Easements_2017 WPABoundary USFWS Easement Boundary fflFlowage FmHA Habitat Habitat NTGP lngress_Egress Misc Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Moske, Gene E. Purpose of Submission: � County Board Approval Required {This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contact information from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Blake Knisley, 736-0635 or Neil Powers, 736.0627. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b.What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? 22.62 wetland acres c.What is the tillable acreage? None d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? All are non-tillable wetland acres e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? Non-crop f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The landowner worked with the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program to restore more than twenty wetland basins in 2015-2017. The landowner restored many other basins on this tract with the prior private lands biologist with the Service. The basins get great duck use and provide valuablewaterfowl habitat. The basins also serve to filter water before it enters the adjacent Fish Lake. g.What are the prominent soil types? See Soils Map h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? N/A; Wetland Easement only i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. j.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) No k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? Grant funds will be obtained to seal the well. (X ) No. Not in easement area I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X ) No. Not in easement area 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) No c.Are there any existing easements on this property? No 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows the owner to retain ownership and ensures the wetlands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1,1958. This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the SmallWetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendment allows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. The language in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PIL T, etc.)None; this is a wetland easement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PIL T and other payments?Landowner still pays taxes. 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) Private landowner still maintains the property and controls access. It will be maintained as wetlands. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands, building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) No c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining the wetlands in their current condition allows water to remain on the landscape which in turn helps reduce flooding. Wetlands also improve water quality and provide for groundwater recharge. These wetlands will provide numerous recreational opportunities for the landowner. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a.Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. Fee/Easement Field Form County: I Otter Ta_il ___ __. Date: / April 1 o,_2_0_1 a _____. Legal Description of Sale Effington Township Portions of Section 23, 25, and 26 22.62 acres -----�==========================,-------JOwner's Name: / Gene Meske -Wetland Easement N + 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 11111111::::::::::11-==----=======:am--•Miles US Fish and Wildlife Service Fergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papon •Proposed_ Tile_Riser .._ Proposed_ Tile_Breakc:::::J Proposed Wetland Easeme -Proposed Ditch_Plug Wetland Habitat_type c:::::J Type I c:::::J Type 11 c:::::J Type Ill c:::::J Type IV c:::::J Type V c:::::J WPA Boundary www.wendievankirk.com www.edinarealty.com 2919 Hwy 29 S #140 Alexandria, MN 56308 Wendie VanKirk REALTOR® Broker/ Associate Cell: 320-760-9190 Fax: 320-763-2628 E-mail: wendievankirk@edinarealty.com&eac �.d, � .. � ,.,.,,_._. T-131-N ·R-38-WEFFINGTON PLAT (landowne11) 505lhAVE ��n -,----dal • Dennis Anderson -323 ..."'�·�========::::I� DOUGLAS CO. EFFINGTON TOWNSHIP lliIWll..1 1. Daker, David 7 m;:[JfilU 1. Gilbert II, Roland 5 2. Blauert, Harry 10 SECTION 7 1. Dorn, Darin 6 WiillllU 1. Suchy, Duane 5 2. Howard, Robert 1 o mI!Q.IU 1. Koep, Judith 10 SECTION 14 3. Dom, Clarence 11 1. Thomas, Christopher 1 o 4. Kulzer, Robert 22 � 5. Klimek, Joseph 5 1. N Effington Lutheran SECTION 20 Church Cemetery 5 1. Goetsch, Timothy 10 SECTION 16 SECTION 22 1. Nordlund; Leroy 11 1. Debilzen, Douglas 10 2. Kreidler, Mark 9 2. Sweda!, Brian 15 lliI!!llUl SECTION 23 1. Suchy, Glen 7 1. Bettin, Csrla 5 SECTION 19 2. Larson, Greg 5 1. Kulzer, Robert 15 SECTION 25 2. Ellingson, Gregory 11 1. Altman, Jerry 9 Eil Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. 2. Maske, Delbert 9 SECTION 28 1. Zunker, Derek 16 �1. Saathoff, Daryl 20 2. Suchy, Patrick 11 lliilllll1Z1. Drewes, Jessica 14 lli!ll!ll..ll 1. Peyton, James 14 2. Ruckheim Dairy 14 3. St James Luthoran Church 9 122 .filT.1.0.11.M 1. Ruckhelm, Allan 1 O 2. Weber, Craig 13 �1. Frye, Elizabeth 19 2. State of Minnesota 44 OTTERTAIL CO., MN L �: - �-- I: . /d . Fee/Easement Field Form County: I Otter Ta_il ___ __. Date: I April 10._2_01_a ______, Legal Description of Sale Effington Township Portions of Section 23, 25, and 26 22.62 acres �-----.!::::============================,---- 0 w n er' s Name: I Gene Moske -Wetland Easement N + 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 •--==:::11-1111111::=----=======----Miles US Fish and Wildlife Service Fergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papan r •Proposed_ Tile_BreakD Proposed Wetland Easement -Proposed Ditch_Plug Wetland Habitat_type ] Type I [:JTypell [:JType Ill [:JTypelV [:JTypeV D OTTER TAIL SOILS D WPA Boundary Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Purpose of Submission: @ County Board Approval Required (This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only Raymond A. Norrgard, et al -Habitat easement 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contactinformation from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Neil Powers, 736-0627 or Lynn Sebek,736-0622. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b.What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? 37.5 acres (to be surveyed) c.What is the tillable acreage? 23.85 acres d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? 13.65 acres; 6.65 acres of wetland, 2 acres of native prairie, and 5 acres of forested timber. e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? This tract has been enrolled in USDA's CRP for the last five years. f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The tract isdominated by cool season grasses along with several potholes. Three temporary wetlands are filled with sediment and drained by shallow ditches. The seasonal wetland in the northwest corner is partially drained by an old shallow ditch. The tillable acres are all enrolled in USDA's CRP program for approximately another 5 years. The tract is located in a very high priority area of our District. It is adjacent to the Nicholson WPA and would create an extension of protectedprairie and wetlands. g.What are the prominent soil types? See attached soil map h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? USFWS does not have this information, please contact the landowner for past weed history. i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. j.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) No k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? (X ) No. I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X)No. 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) No c.Are there any existing easements on this property? No 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows theowner to retain ownership and ensures the uplands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1, 1958.This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the Small Wetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendment allows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. Thelanguage in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PIL T, etc.)None; this is a habitat easement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PILT and other payments? 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) The property will remain in private ownership and will be maintained by the landowner. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands, building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) Three temporary wetlands are filled with sedimentand drained by shallow ditches. The sediment will need to be removed and the shallow ditches will need to be filled in. The seasonal wetland in the northwest corner is partially drained by an old shallow ditch. A ditch plug will need to be built there to restore the wetland. Scattered invasive trees will need to be removed, particularly from the remnant prairie. The planted rows of small trees will need to be removed as well. The CRP fields will need converted to a high qualitypollinator prairie planting. c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining grass habitat will help eliminate some erosion and restored wetlands will maintain more water on the landscape which will help reduce the amount of water that runs off of the property. This area will benefit wildlife as we enhance the prairie and restore the wetlands while still allowing the landowner to graze and or hay the property. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a.Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. Fee/Easement Field Form Legal Description of Sale.----=----------------,I Otter Ta1·1 I Dane Prairie Township County: ·� --Portions of SW1 /4SW1 /4 S33 37.50 acres Date: I February 6, 2018 ===----___!:::========,-------' Owner's Name: I Ray Norrgard et al. -Habitat Easement N + .. :::::::a-==----=====:::::::11 ___ Feet 0 130 260 520 US Fish and �ildlife Service Fergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn G. Papan 780 1,040 -Proposed Ditch_Plug Remnant Prairie CProposed Habitat Easement Wetland Habitat_type CTypel CTypell CTypelll CTypelV CTypeV CwPA Boundary USFWS Easement Boundary 8Ffowage FmHA 8Habitat Habitat NTGP c:::J lngress_Egress CMisc Wetland T-132-N DANE PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP SECTION 1 1. Johansen Trust, Valjeanne 8 2. Toso, Gerhard 5 SECTION 5 1. Peterson, Gerald 7 2. State of Minnesota 7 3. Weber Ill, Charles 8 SECTION 6 1. Marquedant, Thomas 12 2. Jon Drews Broker Associate 218-770-3500 cell jdrews@kw.com www.Jon-Drews.com 225 W Cavour Ave., Fergus Falls, MN DANE PRAIRIE PLAT (Landowners) TUMULI TWP. Hatfield, Preston 7 4. Grunewald, Moureen 13. Toso, Keary 8 SECTION 7 12 14. Mansfield, Darin 5 1. Langbehn Trust, Vicky 5. Federal Hardware SECTION 9 10 Manufacturing 35 1. Berge Trust, Angela 9 2. Sonstebo, Steven 5 6. Nordstrom, James 7 2. Fergus Falls Lodge 3. Groelhe, Kent 10 7. Ellingson, Shawn 11 #1093 20 4. Neulieb, Chadwick 5 8. Thorson, Harold 11 3. Field, Timothy 10 5. Min.ge Family Trust 8 9. Gruenewald, Moureen 4. State of Minnesota 9 SECTION 8 5 5. Jungroth, Thomas 7 1. Tollerson, Kari 1 o 10. Gruenewald, Maureen 6. Usgaard, Robert 1 o 2. Federal Hardware 6 SECTION 10 Manufacturing 6 11. Mortage Electronic 1. Luhning, Norman 12 3. Servantez, Frank 6 Reg System 7 2. Meder, Brian 5 12. State of Minnesota 5 © Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. 110 R E A PROFfSS ms @ '-,/ ""·- L T y 0 NA LS � �I. ·R-42-W SECTION 11 10. Onstad, Dale 9 1. USA 6 SECTION 14 2. Peterson, Douglas 9 1. Eisenhuth, Donald 5 3. Eggen, Barnard 16 2. Lunde, John 16 SECTION 12 3. Shearer, Lauri 8 1. Borgos, Dennis 8 4. Leitch, Peggy 14 2. Blaskowski, Daniel 8 3. Tate, Shaine 1-2 SEE PAGE 264 FOR 4. Borgos, Dennis 7 ADDITIONAL NAMES 5. Andvik, Allen 5 NOT LISTED ON MAPS. 6. Fuchs, Gordon 10 7. Schoon, Roger 5 8. Hagen, Gordon 7 9. Schoening, Tracy 5 OITER TAIL CO., MN Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Purpose of Submission: @ County Board Approval Required (This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only LaWayne Rogness -wetland easement 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contactinformation from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Blair Mace, 736-0669 or Neil Powers,736.0627. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b.What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? 34. 73 wetland acres c.What is the tillable acreage? 0 d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? 34.73 acres; they are wetlands e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? Non-crop f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The tract islocated in a very high priority area for the District. More than 40 pairs of waterfowl per squaremile are documented in this area. Great duck use has been observed, including pairs ofmallards, teal, and wood ducks. The land is located in a DNR Prairie Plan Corridor between theLake Christina Prairie Core and the Agassiz Beach Ridges Core. This wetland easement iscritical because it will permanently protect basin 1 and allow the restoration of basins 2 and 3.Basin 1 outlets to the east; thus, by purchasing the wetland easement we will protect the outletto basin 1. The western half of basin 1 is already protected by two older FWS wetland easements (See attached map). Basin 1's pool elevation has increased dramatically in the last 20 years. It currently has rough fish and is functioning more as one wetland instead of two. Thelandowner is interested in a draw-down to kill fish and improve the wetland for duck hunting. g.What are the prominent soil types? See attached soil map. h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? N/A; Wetland Easement only i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. j.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) No k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? Grant funds will be obtainedto seal the well. (X)No. I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X)No. 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) Basin 3 is anexisting basin that may be tiled. The landowner does not think it is tiled, but our plans are to look for a tile to make sure it is not tiled. If a tile is found, we will break the tile and install a tile riser. c.Are there any existing easements on this property? No 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows the owner to retain ownership and ensures the wetlands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1, 1958.This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the Small Wetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendment allows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. Thelanguage in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PILT, etc.)None; this is a wetland easement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PIL T and other payments? Landowner still pays taxes. 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) Private landowner still maintains the property and controls access. It will be maintained as wetlands. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands, building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) Basin 1 potentially will be drawn down to kill fish if grant money and staff time are available. Basin 1 currently outlets through a culvert to the east into Horseshoe Lake. Basin 2 needs restored via constructing a ditch plug. Basin 3 is an existing basin that may be tiled. The landowner does not think it is tiled, but our plans are to look for a tileto make sure it is not tiled. If a tile is found, we will break the tile and install a tile riser. c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining the wetlands in their current condition allows water to remain on the landscape which in turn helps reduce flooding. Wetlands also improve water quality and provide for groundwater recharge. These wetlands will provide numerous recreational opportunities for the landowner. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a.Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. January 23, 2014 To: The Otter Tail County Commissioners Regarding: Easement for Waterfowl Management Rights My wife. , and I. fL�,,..,_�� have been working withthe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Department of the Interior, on a wetland easement on property \Ve own in Township, Otter Tail County. We have always been interested in conserving and managing our property with all wildlife in mind, and in our view, the wetlands that we are considering here are of particular value, as we have observed the use of this habitat by a large variety of vvaterfo\vl, as well as other wetland "dwellers". Assuring that these wetland areas are preserved in their natural state is a valuable gift to future generations. Your consideration and support is sincerely appreciated. Fee/Easement Field Form County: I Otter Ta_il ___ __. Date: I September 20, 2018 Legal Description of Sale Buse Township SE 1 /4 Section 22 34.73 acres -----�========,------' Owner's Name: I LaWayne Rogness-Wetland Easement N + O 245 490 980 1,470 1,960 11111c::::::•c:::----c:::======----Feet US Fish and Wildlife Service Fergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papon _A Proposed_Tile_Break CJ Proposed Wetland Easement -Proposed Ditch_Plug Wetland Habitat_type c::Jrype I CJType 11 CJType 111 CJType IV Type V WMA_Feb_2018 RIM_Oct_2017 CJwPA Boundary USFWS Easement Boundary i�!f:rNTGP lngress_Egress Misc \1\/P.tlimrl T-132-N 114 Gordon Johmon Tnl't Wo BUSE TOWNSHIP lliIID1!..1 1. Engelhart, Travis 6 2. Loobo, Darlene 16 3. Meyer, Theodore 5 4. Mashek, Daniel 1 o 5. Mark, Jason 15 lliI1l!!U 1, Eoslllold Properties LLC 20 lliI!Q!ll 1. Anderson, Gary 6 li.liI!!!lU 1. MIiier, Austen 7 Andrew Olson 2. MIiier, Aaron 6 3. Dlrkman, Wayne 9 4. Schafer, Jeffrey 6 5. Taylor, Eugene 5 6. Gangl, Janice 5 7. Otter Tall Power Co 12 � 1. OtterTell Power Co 14 .illI1l!.lf.j 1. Anderson, Dana 5 2. Quernemoen, Brian 5 SWl.llll1Q1. US Flail & Wlldllle Service 30 <!:I Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. r.'\ . "' 218-205-2493Fergus FallsFARMERS INSURANCE E: andrew.aschmidt1@farmersagency.com Home • Auto • Life • Business BUSE PLAT (Landowners) IIASTADTWP 2. Helland, Wayne 7 3. Dahlen, Douglas 5 ruil!l1i.111. Borowski, Jody 10 2, Starkey, Ronald 7 S[CI!Qlill 1. Stole of Minnesota 15 2. West, George 7 3. Olson, Robin 15 lliI!filill 1. Tralser, Daniel 8 4. Fr�nning, Leslie 15 B.£.C.lllllill 1. Olson, Candace 9 2. Knollwood Mem Gardens Assn 8 � 1. Jensen, Mark 5 2. Smith, Gregory 5 .llilll!lill 1. Anderson, Steven 15 2. Carey, Ronald 15 6. Otter Tall Power Co 20 7. Rusland, Mark 7 lWlllJill 1. Schmidt, Keith 1 O 2. Parrott, Beth 17 lli.IJ.Qlil!I 1. Youngberg, Dennis 5 2. Loomer Bros Co 12 3. Otter Tail Power Co 6 4. Barnett, Joe 10 5. Millard, Patrick 10 lli.IIO.till 1. Stock Trust, Donald 5 1. Johnson, Rodney 18 "' z � 2. Tredoshores Investment Group 56 3. Leltte, Steven 7 4. Rogness Trust, Lawyane 14 5. Stratton, Barry 5 6. Bjerklle, Todd 5 2. City of Fergus Falls 20 3. Schneeberger, Karma 8 6. Stare of Minnesota 19 3. MN Conf Assn of 7th Day Advent 7 4. Otter Tall Power Co 8 5. Walvatne, Todd 8 92 SEE PAGES 261·264 FOR ADDITIONAL NAMES NOT LISTED ON MAPS. OTTER TAIL CO., MN E E E I I l Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Scottland Family LLLP Purpose of Submission: � County Board Approval Required {This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contact information from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Blake Knisley, 736-0635 or Neil Powers, 736.0627. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b.What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? 20.98 wetland acres c.What is the tillable acreage? None d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? All are non-tillable wetland acres e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? Non-crop f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The Partnersprogram has worked with this landowner to restore 8 basins on this parcel and enroll about halfthe land into CRP. There are over thirty pairs of waterfowl documented in this landscape. The land is located in a DNR Prairie Plan Corridor as it is located in the Agassiz Beach Ridges landscape. g.What are the prominent soil types? See Soils Map h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? N/A; Wetland Easement only i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. j.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) No k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? Grant funds will be obtainedto seal the well. (X ) No. Not in easement area I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X ) No. Not in easement area 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) No c.Are there any existing easements on this property? There is a RIM buffer easement on the north and south side of the larger wetland (Basin 2 -see map). 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows the owner to retain ownership and ensures the wetlands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1,1958.This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the SmallWetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendment allows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. The language in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PIL T, etc.) None; this is a wetlandeasement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PIL T and other payments? Landowner still pays taxes. 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) Private landowner still maintains the property and controls access. It will be maintained as wetlands. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands, building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) Basin 1 (see map) was restored through the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in 2013 with a ditch plug and rock weir. Basin 2(see map) is an existing basin, but an old ditch extends into the basin partially draining the wetland. A dike and culvert will be installed to set a permanent full pool level. c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining the wetlands in their current condition allows water to remain on the landscape which in turn helps reduce flooding. Wetlands also improve water quality and provide for groundwater recharge. These wetlands will provide numerous recreational opportunities for the landowner. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a.Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. T-132-N z g � 105th AVE r I I I ,� I frlly I m Keller Family Farm LLLP 542 19 Betty Farnham 155 Marcus W.uker Trust 160 ORWELL TOWNSHIP lliI!.!!lil 1. Price, Henry 8 llil!ID!! 1. Drayton, Rodney 9 ill.I!J!.lli 1. Roehl, Jonathan 7 illil2IU 1. Davenport, Mark 14 lliILQfU 1. Davenport, Mark 10 wrvE JUST MADE OUR PLAT ft DIRECTORIES 80 MUCH MORE USER FRIENDLY I/ Flip through the electronic version. i/ Advertisers receive the copyright and licensing of maps until the next publication Is printed. You can crop any area of interest for your website, emails or advertising needs. f/ Print pages as needed. t/ View single or double page layout V Use search box to find names of landowners or rural resid,nts listed within each publication. v' Magnify pege for better viewing. t/ Thumbnail view. YAU advertisers displaying their website will be linked to that website. Betty Farnham 152 Robert Roehl Trust etux 160 • Donald > Bradow c( etux " 160 � Constutc� Petuson 80 Orwcll Farms Parbtership 624 illI!01i.!! 1. Maack, Kyle 5 � Dwight Maack eta! 315 1. Township of Orwell 16 2. Johnson, Dean 9 ill.I!!HUJ! 1. Ridout, WIiiiam 11 2. Larson, Thomas 8 3. Aanes, David 1 O SECTION 11 1. Lien, Eric 7 ORWELL PLAT (........,...) WESTERN 1WP. 2. Olson Trust, Herbert 10 3. Rix, Oean 10 lli!lllli..1Z 1. Good, Lori 6 SECTION 14 1. Bradow Trust, Donald 6 �1. Mansfield, Jesse 5 illil.!l!Uli 1. USA 8 SECTION 24 1. Harrington, Thomas 10 2. Schlesser, Lee 11 3. Hauge, Troy 5 lliilO!ill 1. Johnson Trust, Darren 5 SECTION 27 1. Dummer, John 9 illI!Olil11. Schreiber, Lawrence 10 524 River Ave. North • Belmond, IA 50421 641-444-3508 R-44-W illI!.!l.tfjg 2. Johnson, Robert 8 1. Bradow Partnership, 3. Schlesser, Thomas 13 Norma 8 SI.GI.lll.!!M 1. Albertson, Bruce 6 2. Lindig, David 14 3. Aasness, Peter 6 �1. Vanwechel, Paul 10 illilm!J§ 1. Oemartelaere, Denise 12 C Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. 176 OTTER TAIL CO., MN - Fee/Easement Field Form County: I Otter Ta ii Date: I May 2, 2 018 I I Legal Description of Sale Orwell Township Portions of W 1 /2 Section 2 20.98 acres Owner's Name: Scottland Family (Ron Scott) -Wetland Easement N + 0 0.25 0.5 1.5 2 •--=:1--=:::::1111---=======----Miles US Fish and Wildlife ServiceFergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papon c::JProposed WeUand Easement -Proposed Ditch_Plug Wetland Habitat_type Type I ;�:::::1 Type IV TypeV c::::::::J SNA_Jan_2018 D TNC_Jan_2018 TNC Easement Jan 2018 f:t,NMA_Feb_2018 -ONR_Pr_Bank_Jan_2018 ; RIM_Oct_2017 WRP BWSR_Welland_Bank_Easemeots_2017 WPABoundary �USF�lf ��::•nt Boundary lngress_Egress Misc Welland Otter Tail County Land Acquisition Requested Information Lee B. Skold Revocable Trust Purpose of Submission: � County Board Approval Required (This form must be submitted 30 Days in advance.) D County Board Notification Only 1.Identify the agency and division making the request for acquisition. (Please provide contactinformation from the agency.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Blake Knisley, 736-0635 or NeilPowers, 736.0627. 2.Current state of property: a.What is the current total property tax? (Attach Tax Statement.) b.What is the total acreage of the proposed acquisition? 67 .12 wetland acres c.What is the tillable acreage? None d.How many acres are non-tillable and why? All are non-tillable wetland acres e.What is the cropping history for the last five (5) years? Non-crop f.Does the property contain any unique characteristics? If so, please describe. The parcel is composed of rolling hills with oak and open grassland meadows, with dozens of wetlands in thebottom of each hill. The Service's Partners Program recently restored all the drained basins on this parcel. The remaining basins are of very high-quality. The tract has fantastic duck use, to include nesting blue-winged teal, mallards, and wood ducks. There is also a long history of duck hunting on this tract. g.What are the prominent soil types? See Soils Map h.What is the noxious weed history on this property? N/A; Wetland Easement only i.Is the property located within a Shoreland Area? ( ) Yes. How many feet of water frontage exist? (X)No. j.Does the property contain a County Ditch(es)? (Provide details.) No k.Are there any wells onsite? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for sealing any abandoned wells? Grant funds will be obtainedto seal the well. (X ) No. Not in easement area I.Is there an onsite septic system(s)? ( ) Yes. Who will be responsible for removal of any abandoned septic systems? (X ) No. Not in easement area 3.Recorded Easements: a.Is this property used to access any other property? (Either public and/or private.) No b.Does the property have any tile or private drainage systems? (Provide details.) No c.Are there any existing easements on this property? No 4.What alternatives to achieve your agency goals were considered? None, this alternative allows the owner to retain ownership and ensures the wetlands will be protected for future generations to enjoy. 5.What is the landowner's reason(s) for selling/selling an interest in their property? (Attach letter.) 6.Funding: a.What are the funding sources to acquire this property? The authority for this policy is found in the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 718-718j), as amended by the passage of Public Law 85-585 on August 1, 1958. This policy utilizes the Secretary's legislated authority for all matters pertaining to the Small Wetlands Acquisition Program under the 1958 amendment to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly referred to as the "Duck Stamp Act." The 1958 amendmentallows the Secretary broad discretion to determine how property rights are acquired. Thelanguage in the amendment sets forth the requirement to acquire small prairie potholes and interest therein, but is silent on the specific land acquisition details. b.What payments can the County expect to receive? (PIL T, etc.)None; this is a wetland easement. c.What are the funding sources to maintain PILT and other payments? Landowner still pays taxes. 7.Proposed Purpose of Acquisition: a.How will the property be used/maintained? (Such as hunting, scientific area, etc.) Private landowner still maintains the property and controls access. It will be maintained as wetlands. b.Do you plan on altering the property? (Such as creating/restoring any ponds or wetlands, building maintenance, repair or removal, etc.) No c.Do you plan on any parking areas? N/A 8.What environmental and public benefits do you expect to achieve with this purchase? Maintaining the wetlands in their current condition allows water to remain on the landscape which in turn helps reduce flooding. Wetlands also improve water quality and provide for groundwater recharge. These wetlands will provide numerous recreational opportunities for the landowner. 9.Maps: Please provide the following maps of the property. a.Soils, topography, color satellite photo, Township map as to general location including other public lands in the vicinity. Fee/Easement Field Form Legal Description of Sale.----=----�-------, County: j Otter Tail I Folden Township Portions of Sections 35 and 36 67.12 acres Date: J April 17,_2_0_1 a ___ __, ====---�=======================,-----' Owner's Name: [ Lee Skold -Wetland Easement N +4 inches 1 mile l).8, FISR�.... US Fish and Wildlife Service Fergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papan CJrypelV CJTypeV E:ZJ Native_Prairies_2018 D SNA_Jan_2018 D TNC_Jan_2018 TNC Easement Jan 2018 C::IWMA_Feb_2018 -DNR_Pr_Bank_Jan_2018 CJRIM_Oct_2017 CJWRP CJswsR_Welland_Bank_Easements_2017 CJWPA Boundary USFWS Easement Boundary c::J Flowage c::JFmHA BHabitat Habitat NTGP c::J1ngress_Egress CJMisc Welland I L T-132-N FOLDEN TOWNSHIP SECTION 1 1. Dittberner, Ross 8 2. Underberg, Jeffrey 13 3. Moan, Daniel 1 o SECTION 4 1. Volkmann, Justin 5 2. Deibert, WIiiiam 10 3. Beckman, Timothy 9 4. Beckman Jr, Curlis 7 5. Beckman, Curtis 14 6. Zarn, Paul 5 WHEN IT COMES TO WATER, Don't Be A Drip! It may seem like a drop in the bucket, but you really can make a difference when it comes to conserving our most precious natural resource. ill.IlQlil 1. Rokes, Robert 6 2. Highway Amoco Inc 7 lliill!!l.1 1. Planlln, Jack 22 2. Becker, Rusaell 20 lliI!D.!Ll!. 1. Nyhus, Steven 5 lliill!.!!..li 1. Taylor, Robert 8 2. Klyberg, Donald 8 FOLDEN PLAT {Lancfowne,sJ EFFINGTON TWP. lli.I!l!!ill 1. Starry, Shannon 8 lliim!ill 1. Swanson, Scott 15 llCI!!llill 1.Turchln, Randy 20 2. Brunson, Christopher 20 illI!filill 1. Novak, Nicholas 7 2. Cain, Randy 7 3. Olson, Christopher 23 4. Carlson, Dale 17 illII.Q/ill 1. Stauffer, David 5 �1. Olson, Nicholas 5 2. Greene, Julie 11 illill!lill 1. Irwin, Luke 5 ill.I.!ll.tl1@ 1. Boock, Barbara 15 fil!!Qlill_ 1. Swanberg, Beth 6 ·R-38-W 2. Mitchell, Joan 6 3. Hanson, Ruth 6 illillUllQ 1. Walker, John 5 2. Nelson, Richard 7 §llilfilill. 1. Martin, Thomas 5 lliJlC!!ill_ 1. Buse, Gary 5 2. Koep, David 8 3. Ahlers, Mitchel 14 I I I . ..., 0 a: C Farm & Home Publishers, Ltd. 134 OTTER TAIL CO., MN Fee/Easement Field Form Legal Description of Sale �---=----...:_---------, County: I Otter Tail I Folden Township Portions of Sections 35 and 36 67.12 acres Date: I April 11, _ 2 _ 0 _ 1 a ___ __. ====--__!====================�i-----0 w n er' s Name: I Lee Skold -Wetland Easement N + o•--==o•;_-=---2c:::====3---4Miles US Fish and Wildlife Service Fergus Falls WMD Mapped by Shawn Papon CJrypelV CJrypeV E:ZJ Native_Prairies_2018 D SNA_Jan_2018 D TNC_Jan_2018 TNC Easement Jan 2018 c::IWMA_Feb_2018 -DNR_Pr_Bank_Jan_2018 CJRIM_Oct_2017 CJWRP CJ BWSR_ Wetland_Bank_Easements_2017 CJWPA Boundary USFWS Easement Boundary CJFlowage CJFmHA 8Habitat Habitat NTGP CJ lngress_Egress CJMisc Wetland OTTER TAIL COUNTY - MINNESOTA 2019 LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BROADBAND Support the build-out of broadband infrastructure in Minnesota, including legislation that would provide continued funding for the Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program. ECONOMIC STABILITY Preserve tax base in response to increased property tax appeals, utility tax refunds, and potential “dark store” assessing practices. WORKFORCE GROWTH Support policies, legislation and funding to help Greater Minnesota recruit and hire qualified workers, including affordable housing and child care solutions. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES MAINTAIN HEALTH CARE ACCESS FUND Continue the 2% medical provider tax that helps pay for Medical Assistance and MNCare services to our most vulnerable citizens as well as the public health prevention strategies through SHIP. SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER (SUD) SYSTEM REFORM Ensure that the 2017 legislative changes are modified in order to guarantee statewide access to comprehensive chemical dependency assessments and treatments. ADDRESS MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS IN COUNTY JAILS & JUVENILE FACILITIES Support pilot projects and other efforts to manage mental health issues before people come into the criminal justice system. TRANSPORATION TRAILS SUPPORT CONTINUES COMPREHENSIVE FUNDING THAT INCLUDES NEW REVENUE FOR ROADS, BRIDGES AND TRANSIT Enact a Comprehensive Transportation Funding Bill. Fully fund the Local Road Wetland Replacement Program. Fund the Local Bridge Replacement Program. Fund the Local Road Improvement Program. Fund multi-use trails. BROADBAND “I use to move home from college over the summers. One summer I was taking online classes. The internet at my house was so terrible I had to drive to Battle Lake and use the internet from the liquor store. There I was parked in front of the liquor store trying to take online biology quizzes. I didn’t move back home the next summer and my seasonal employer lost a trained staff member.” CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY TREATMENT “For the first time in history, people are more likely to die from a drug overdose than a car accident. Yet, in 2017, legislative changes were made that limit who can complete comprehensive chemical use assessments. With a current shortage of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors, we have significant concerns that people in Otter Tail County and statewide will not have timely access to an assessment and subsequent treatment.” INFRASTRUCTURE “Bad roads slow commerce. I need good roads to haul my final product: grain to elevators and sugar beets to the piles. If elevators in Otter Tail County do not have good roads why would farmers haul there? Rough roads are tough on equipment. Good road structure is essential for safety. Too narrow of a road makes it difficult for equipment where wide roads allow for equipment to pull over and make room for other cars. Bad roads are bad for business overall.” OTTER TAIL COUNTY - MINNESOTA MEET THOSE IMPACTED BY THESE ISSUES Jaden Witt, Battle Lake Deb Sjostrom, Director, Otter Tail County Human Services Director Dan Bradow, Otter Tail County farmer Donations to Otter Tail County Human Services Otter Tail County Resolution WHEREAS, community members, service organizations, businesses and Church groups, offer to donate items or gift cards to Otter Tail County Human Services to assist in meeting the needs of people served by Human Services programs, and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 requires a county to accept gifts by resolution; and, WHEREAS, the donations received though-out the year from community members, service organizations, businesses and Church groups will be for the sole purpose of assisting people receiving services from Otter Tail County Human Services to meet needs that are otherwise not covered, and, WHEREAS, acceptance of the items or gift cards in accordance with the donor’s terms is in the best interest of the County of Otter Tail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does accept the above-described funds as donated throughout the year from community members, service organizations, businesses and Church groups and extends its grateful appreciation. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: By: __________________________________ Attest: _____________________________ Douglas A. Huebsch, Board Chair John Dinsmore, Clerk *Midseason order placed to replenish 2018 Watercraft Inspector supplies. **Approved at 11/19/18 AIS Task Force Meeting ***Partnership with Douglas and Grant Counties, additional partners could lower this figure ****Based on 2018 Expenses *****$2000 for Otter Tail County Visitor Profile Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force Education/Awareness Committee Proposals and Recommendations January 14, 2019 2019 Awareness/Education Budget $35,000 Recommendation Area 1 Junior/Senior Envirothon Donation $200 (same as 2018) Coasters (10,000 count) $1,814 (up $224 from 2018) Plug in Plug Out Flex Tags* $2000 (same as 2018) Honorary Watercraft Inspector Badges (500 count) $550 (same as 2018) Lakes Journal $650 (up $25 from 2018) Lakes and Lifestyles $175 (same as 2018) Lakeshore News $520 (same as 2018) Otter Tail Lakes Country Destination Guide Magazine** $1,000 (same as 2018) Recommended at 11/19/18 TF Meeting Leighton Broadcasting $2,145 (up $150 from 2018) Summer Scene $556 (same as 2018) Vacation Guide Map $1,200 (same as 2018) Billboard*** $3500 (same as 2018) Train the Teachers**** $15,000 (same as 2018) Welcome Boaters Portable Signs $3,300 (same as 2018) Special Projects/MISC***** $2,000 Recommended at 12/10/18 TF Meeting Total Cost of Recommended Programs $34,610 OTTER TAIL COUNTY LAND & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WWW.CO.OTTER-TAIL.MN.US GOVERNMENT SERVICES CENTER 540 WEST FIR AVENUE 218-998-8095 FERGUS FALLS, MN 56537 FAX: 218-998-8112 Chris LeClair Director Kyle Westergard Asst. Director Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force MINUTES – January 14, 2019 Members Present: Dennis Carlbom, Dave Majkrzak, Bob Schempp, Sylvia Soeth, Jeff Stabnow, Bernie Steeves, and Mark Steuart. Technical Advisors Present: Mike Bolinski, Marsha Bowman, Shawn Donais, Barry Fitzgibbons, Jim Iverson, Nick Leonard, and Spencer McGrew. Non Members Present: John Kruse and Pat Prunty Otter Tail County COLA, Erik Anthonisen, DNR, Eric Lindberg, Electronic Sentry Protection. Call to Order: At 1:00 PM Chairman Steeves called the meeting to order and Members introduced themselves. Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons: Sheriff Fitzgibbons introduced himself to the group. Members expressed gratitude for the Sheriff’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program. Sheriff Fitzgibbons indicated he is still learning about the Program and expressed his intention to grow and refine it. Quorum: It was noted there was no quorum. Additional Agenda Items: I-LIDS December 10. 2019 Minutes: Members reviewed the Minutes. 2018 Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program Report: Bernie advised Members to review the report and to submit feedback on the Report for the February 11, 2019 AIS Task Force Meeting. Expense Report: Spencer distributed the Expense Report through December 31, 2018. Inspection/Decontamination Committee Update: Bernie outlined the discussions of the Inspection/Decontamination Committee. The Committee will continue to work to provide a recommendation to the Task Force. 2019 Budget Proposal: Bernie led Members through the 2019 Budget Proposal. Train the Teachers to Train the Kids Update: Spencer provided an update on behalf of Jerry. Moriya Rufer has taken a new position. Ellie Kriese will coordinate with Jerry on the Program. DNR Update: Mike indicated he is preparing for the 2019 Watercraft Inspection Season. He reported internship positions have been posted. Mike indicated Mark Ranweiler has returned from paternity leave. Shawn reported his ongoing work on coordinating the installation of a CD3 Station at the Lake Amelia Public Water Access in Douglas County. He reported the seasonal work crews will return in March. Land and Resource Director Update: Chris thanks Sheriff Fitzgibbons for his continued commitment the Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program. Communications and External Relations Update: Nick reported he will be coordinating with Spencer on the 2019 Otter Tail County Visitor Profile. The Profile is a survey of visitors to Otter Tail County. The Profile will begin in June 2019. SWCD Update: Aimee was not present to give a report. Otter Tail COLA Update: Sylvia reported the COLA has been invited to a luncheon with the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to discuss water quality testing and citizen engagement. She reported COLA will present its budget request to the Otter Tail County AIS Task Force at the next meeting. I-LID Update: Eric Lindberg, Environmental Sentry Protection provided a brief overview of Otter Tail County’s I-LID program. He reported the I-LIDs operated for 26,000 hours for 2018. 33,500 videos were reviewed. 5 suspect violations were referred to law enforcement and one citation was issued. Additional information is available in the 2018 Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program Report. Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force January 14, 2019 Minutes, Page 2 Quorum: With the arrival of Jeff Stabnow a Quorum allowing the Task Force to take action. December 10, 2019 Minutes: Spencer noted corrections to the December 10. 2019 Minutes. Members noted the correction. Motion Passed: To approve the Minutes as presented. Inspection/Decontamination Committee: Motion Passed: To direct the Inspection/Decontamination Committee to take possession of 2 Portable Decontamination Units from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and to purchase an additional Portable Decontamination unit for a total of 3 units and to have the Inspection/Decontamination Committee prepare a final recommendation at the next AIS Task Force Meeting. Elections of Chair and Vice Chair: Motion Passed; To elect Bernie Steeves on a unanimous ballot as chair of the AIS Task Force. Motion Passed: To elect Roger Netizke on a unanimous ballot as chair of the AIS Task Force. Education/Awareness Committee: Spencer provided an overview of the Education/Awareness Committees recommendations for 2019. Motion Passed: To approve the Education/Awareness Committee Budget of $34,610 per the attached document titled “Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force Education/Awareness Committee Proposals and Recommendation January 14, 2019” as presented. Membership Terms: Bernie reminded Members there is still one vacancy for the resorts representative on the Task Force. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 2:08 PM. Members were reminded the next Meeting is set for February 11, 2019. Respectfully Summitted Spencer McGrew Recording Secretary OTTER TAIL COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURER’S OFFICE FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION WWW.CO.OTTER-TAIL.MN.US wstein@co.ottertail.mn.us GOVERNMENT SERVICES CENTER OFFICE - 218-998-8030 510 WEST FIR AVENUE DIRECT - 218-998-8041 FERGUS FALLS, MN 56537 Fax – 218-998-8042 Otter Tail County Excess Land and Building Sale Otter Tail County Chemical Dependency Facility Physical Address – 1174 Western Ave, Fergus Falls MN The Office of the Otter Tail County Auditor – Treasurer will receive sealed bids for the sale of the following described parcel of real property (land and building): Parcel No. 71-003-50-0195-064 Legal Description That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 133 North, Range 43 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a found iron monument at the northeast corner of said Section 32; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West along the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 32 a distance of 596.07 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 00 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the westerly line of Lot 1, Block 1 of the plat of Village Cooperative Addition to the City of Fergus Falls, on file and of record in the office of the Otter Tail County Recorder a distance of 446.87 feet to the southerly line of an underground gas transmission line easement as described in Document No. 941476 recorded in the Office of the Otter Tail County Recorder; thence North 80 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds West along the southerly line of said gas transmission line easement a distance of 794.77 feet; thence North 00 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East along the northerly extension of the easterly right of way line of Western Avenue a distance of 309.26 feet; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East along the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 32 a distance of 784.94 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 6.81 acres, more or less, subject to easements for township road, natural gas transmission and electric transmission purposes and other easements of sight or record, if any. A GIS map, an appraisal report, contact information to arrange to view the property and the bid form can be found at the following link: https://ottertailcountymn.us/content-page/property-sale-treatment-center/ The above described real property (land and buildings), including personal property, will be sold in its current condition. The property was previously used by the State of Minnesota as a chemical dependency treatment facility. The sale and planed future development/use of the above described property is subject to any and all existing easements and public road right-of-ways of sight or record, as well as to city, county and township codes/ordinances as applicable. The Office of the Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer, Government Services Center - 510 Fir Ave W., Fergus Falls, Minnesota will accept sealed bids until 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 11, 2019. The Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer’s office will open and read aloud the sealed bids on Friday, January 11, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Otter Tail County Commissioners’/Otter Tail Lake Rooms, Government Services Center - 515 Fir Ave W., Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Special Note – any bid submitted which is less than $3,300,000 will not be considered. A bid bond or cashier’s check equal to at least 5% of the total bid amount must accompany the sealed bid. The cashier’s check should be payable to the Otter Tail County Treasurer. Otter Tail County will require payment in full at the time of closing. In addition to the total base bid amount, the successful bidder will be responsible for the legal publication cost, the appraisal cost, the county’s legal and financial advisor costs related to this sale and all other costs, fees (recording fee), taxes (deed tax) etc. associated with the closing, up to an amount not to exceed $75,000. The Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer reserves the right to open competitive bidding on Friday, January 11, 2019, from the floor to those individuals/entities that submitted a qualified sealed bid on or before 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 11, 2019. A qualified sealed bid will be a bid of $3,300,000 or more and will include the following: the County Official Bid Form, the total base bid amount, which excludes the additional costs noted above, a preferred closing date for the property transactions, a statement of intended use, contract information (address and phone number), signature and either a bid bond or a cashier’s check equal to at least 5% of the total base bid amount. An official bid form can be obtained from the County Auditor- Treasurer’s office during normal business hors or can be downloaded from the County website at https://ottertailcountymn.us/content-page/property-sale-treatment-center/ The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners will award the sale of the above described property on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 to the highest and most responsible bidder (the bid most favorable to the County) ; however, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does reserve the right to reject any and/or all bids. All iron ore and other valuable mineral rights in and upon the property shall be reserved to the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota. Questions regarding this property sale can be addressed to John Dinsmore, County Administrator by phone at 218 998-8172 or by email at jdinsmor@co.ottertail.mn.us or to Nick Leonard, Communications and External Relations Director by phone at 218 998-8057 or by email at nleonard@co.ottertail.mn.us. Wayne Stein Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer Publish: Saturday, December 22, 2018, Saturday, December 29, 2018 and Saturday, January 5, 2019 Official Bid Form Otter Tail County – Chemical Dependency Facility Physical Address – 1174 Western Ave, Fergus Falls, MN Parcel No. 71-003-50-0195-064 Note – . In addition to the total base bid amount, the successful bidder will be responsible for the legal publication cost, the appraisal cost, the county’s legal and financial advisor costs related to this sale and all other costs, fees (recording fee), taxes (deed tax) etc. associated with the closing, up to an amount not to exceed $75,000. Base Bid Amount - $ Preferred Closing Date - Statement of Intended Use - Bidder’s Name (Individual/Entity) Bidder’s Address Bidder’s Phone Number Bidder’s Signature Date of Signature Note – Remember to return your signed and sealed Official Bid Form and the required 5% bid bond or cashier’s check to the Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer’s office at 510 Fir Ave W., Fergus Falls, MN on or before 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 11, 2019. Questions regarding this property sale can be addressed to John Dinsmore, County Administrator by phone at 218 998-8172 or by email at jdinsmor@co.ottertail.mn.us or to Nick Leonard, Communications and External Relations Director by phone at 218 998-8057 or by email at nleonard@co.ottertail.mn.us. REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 21N89°57'47"W539.00S89°57'47"E538.80400.00 N00°17'55"W 742.34 S00°17'55"E S89°59'07"W539.87N00°08'21"W 440.00302.82 N00°19'39"W 400.00 N00°19'39"W1962.99N00°19'39"W (539.00 DEED)S89°59'07"W440.00 NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 26 2/3 RODS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4)2635.22 N00°08'21"WKING AVENUE11TH ST. SW IRVING AVENUE SW10TH ST. SWKINGSLEY AVENUETHIRTEENTH ST SWE1/4 CORSEC. 121" PIPEW1/4 CORSEC. 121/2" PIPE877.61 1317.61 KING AVENUE SWKINGSLEY AVENUE SWDOC. NO. 6555(4.95 Ac)NORTH LINE OF OAK RIDGERLS 22702RLS 22702RLS 17253RLS 13620NE CORSE1/4 NE1/4SE CORSEC. 125/8" BAROAK RIDGENE CORNE CORSEC. 12666680KINGSLEY AVENUEMADISON AVENUESIXTEENTH ST. SW KING AVENUEKINGSLEY DRIVE13TH ST. SW 10TH ST. SW 1334.08 N00°01'07"W 1212.41 N00°01'07"W 121.67 440.00 N00°01'07"W 2265.00 N00°01'07"W 2658.54N88°30'38"W2677.54N89°56'03"ES1/4 CORSEC. 121/2" PIPEN1/4 CORSEC. 12RLS 14700630.09 807.23 S00°03'01"W 365.00S67°01'16"W170.22194.78584.21N57°03'30"W481.271020.27(1020.00)332.15(332.18) 328.82 S00°17'55"E 998.16S89°59'07"W824.09 S00°17'55"E 1141.90 S00°17'55"E 1152.48S89°59'07"W488.63S89°59'07"W481.27S89°59'07"W2663.172655.39S89°59'07"W819.45807.23S00°03'01"W 472.85 SEE DETAIL1/2" PIPE1/2" PIPE1/2" PIPE1/2" PIPESOUTH LINE OF NW1/4 SE1/4 NORTHERLY LINE OF OAK RIDGEWEST LINE OF OAK RIDGE Tract A 24.33 Acres± Tract B 15.94 Acres± Tract C 11.03 Acres± Tract D 12.62 Acres± Tract E 9.19 Acres± NORTH-SOUTH QUARTER LINE OF SECTION 12 I, Micah T. Radach, a Minnesota Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certifythat in accordance with provisions of Chapter 508, Minnesota Statutes of 1949,as amended, I have surveyed the following described property all in theCounty of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, to wit:North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1/2 of SE1/4) EXCEPT the East 150feet of the South 150 feet thereof; AND the South 26 2/3 rods of the NortheastQuarter (NE1/4), Section 12, Township 134, Range 36, EXCEPT that partthereof platted as the plat of OAK RIDGE; AND EXCEPT the followingdescribed tract: ALL that part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter,Section 12, Township 134, Range 36, Otter Tail County, Minnesota asdescribed as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of OAK RIDGE,according to the plat thereof; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89degrees 57 minutes 47 seconds West along the north line of said OAKRIDGE, a distance of 539.00 feet; thence North 0 degrees 17 minutes 55seconds West a distance of 400.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes47 seconds East a distance of 539.00 feet to the east line of said Section 12;thence South 0 degrees 17 minutes 55 seconds East along said east line ofSection 12, a distance of 400.00 feet to the point of beginning;together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subjectto the following exceptions: easements and restrictions of record, if any.And that this is a correct delineation of said survey. Dated this______________ day of _______________, 20___.___________________________Micah T. RadachProfessional Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 51816Accepted and approved by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County,Minnesota this ____________ day of ______________, 20___.signed: ______________________ _______________________ County Board Chairperson Clerk of County BoardI hereby certify that the taxes for the year 20___ for land described within arepaid.signed: ______________________ Dated__________________ County Auditor/TreasurerNo delinquent taxes and transfer entered. Dated this ______ day of_____________, 20___.signed: ______________________ _______________________ County Auditor/Treasurer DeputyDocument Number _____________Certificate Number ____________I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed in this office for record onthis _____ day of __________, 20___, at ______ o'clock ___.M.signed: ___________________ Registrar of Titles(N00°17'55"W)EAST LINE OF SECTION 12 80 8 0 THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASEDON THE NORTH LINE OF OAK RIDGE LYING NORTH OFBLOCK ONE, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF NORTH 89 DEGREES57 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST.DETAILNOT TO SCALE1332.90 150150 E X C E P TI ON (630.00)819.45S89°57'35"W475.08 (472.82)2.231850.90S89°57'35"W(DOC. NO. 796624)(DOC. NO. 796627)(DOC. NO. 796622)(DOC. NO. 802117)(DOC. NO. 796623)OPEN WATER1850.90S89°57'35"WS89°57'35"WSOUTH LINE OF NW1/4 SE1/4SECTION 12CENTER OFSOUTH LINE OF NW1/4 SE1/4 Page | 1 NON-CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Tuesday, January 22, 2019 1. Motion by second by and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Perham Health, in the amount of $2,515.80, for cost incurred under the provision of Minnesota Statute 609.35 for NYM PD Case NO. 18034179. 2. Motion by second by and unanimously carried, to (approve, deny or table) the request of Legacy 57 Properties LLC for the abatement of the following penalties and interest: Parcel 76-000-99-0349-000 Penalty - $65.23 Interest - $5.49 Parcel 76-000-99-0350-000 Penalty - $28.83 Interest - $2.42 Parcel 76-000-99-0351-000 Penalty - $27.73 Interest - $2.33 Grand Total Penalty - $121.79 Interest - $10.24