HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners – Supporting Documents Compiled – 10/27/2020 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Tuesday, October 27, 2020 8:30 a.m. Government Services Center & Via Live Stream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 2.1 Draft Otter Tail County Board Minutes for 10.13.2020 2.2 Otter Tail County Bills-Warrants for 10.27.2020 2.3 Human Services & Public Health Bills-Warrants for 10.27.2020 3.0 Adoption Month Proclamation 4.0 Contract for Improvements at Fergus Falls Transfer Station 6.0 Planning Commission Recommendation 6.0 Adoption of Land Use Administrative Ordinance 9.0 PLMSWA Bonding Public Hearing 10.0 Approval of Payment 11.0 Third Amendment to PLMSWA Finance Agreement 12.0 Highway Items 13.0 County Ditch #42 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES10/22/2020 csteinba N N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 11:29:48AM 1CWG-JPRC-KFYW COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0150-6857 440.00 APPLIANCE DISPOSAL 10/9/20 Appliance Disposal N 50-000-000-0120-6859 2,303.43 MISC RECYCLING 4783 Electronic Disposal N 10-000-000-0000-2270 250.00 2019-04 WORKING IN THE ROW DEP PERMIT #2019-0 Customer Deposits N 01-201-000-0000-6396 270.50 TOW CF 20031662 9/27/20 668727 Special Investigation Y 01-201-000-0000-6396 272.95 TOW CF 20031479 9/25/20 668728 Special Investigation Y 10-302-000-0000-6350 12,365.12 20:CS, EST. #2F 5250 Maintenance Contractor N 01-201-000-0000-6526 25.00 TACTICAL GLOVES 14975 Uniforms Y 01-061-000-0000-6406 35.66 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P MOUNT BRACKET 11XY-DFT3-N3WJ Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 443.54 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P FIRE TVS/MOUNTS 131G-FFJK-61QJ Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6406 168.50 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P WIRELESS MOUSES 13V4-HJF3-Y4PR Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 185.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P HEADSET SYSTEM 149H-6G3N-JYKV Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6406 83.07 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P TV MOUNTS 14JJ-694M-94CF Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 241.99 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P VPN ROUTER 16FN-JVPJ-KYH7 Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6680 1,175.96 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P LASER PRINTERS Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6406 75.96 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P WIFI CARDS 1MYW-JJRD-D64K Office Supplies N 01-061-000-0000-6680 1,440.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P POWER SUPPLIES 1VGY-3CXJ-66XL Computer Hardware N 01-061-000-0000-6406 104.97 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P STYLUS PENS 1WL4-G9G3-GH7P Office Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6487 239.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P CAULKING GUN 1DKQ-YKNG-GY33 Tools & Minor Equipment N 13408 A&A RECYCLING LLC 440.0013408 14813 ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER 2,303.4314813 16305 ALBRIGHT/CAROL 250.0016305 8803 ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING 543.458803 16216 ALLIED BLACKTOP CO 12,365.1216216 12900 ALPHA TRAINING & TACTICS LLC 25.0012900 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions A&A RECYCLING LLC ALBANY RECYCLING CENTER ALBRIGHT/CAROL ALLEN'S AUTO BODY & TOWING ALLIED BLACKTOP CO ALPHA TRAINING & TACTICS LLC Otter Tail County Auditor 1MYW-JJRD-9WMW COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-000-0000-6572 146.24 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P DOLLY 1G7C-FQFT-GDHF Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6369 60.42 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P CABLE PROTECTOR 1LGV-TQKV-44JK Miscellaneous Charges N 01-112-108-0000-6572 168.54 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P CONTROLLERS 1QVW-4GVG-1HJR Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6487 190.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P MAX THERMOMETER 1R1F-NJ4T-9W9K Tools & Minor Equipment N 01-112-000-0000-6369 30.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P CABLE TIES 1XK4-GT4Y-HWGV Miscellaneous Charges N 01-201-000-0000-6304 31.32 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P AUTO VENTSHADE 11XY-DFT3-FHDX Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6677 169.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P HEADSETS 194H-RVVJ-GYCJ Office Furniture And Equipment-Minor N 01-201-000-0000-6406 1,738.06 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P PAPER SHREDDER 1FP1-WDCH-VQJY Office Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6406 11.49 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P CUSTOM STAMP Office Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6406 44.00 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P STAMPS/INK 1PP6-71Y6-93CJ Office Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6406 24.99 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P OTTERBOX 1T4X-WW3Y-GNPP Office Supplies N 02-225-000-0000-6369 235.18 A2RJVV5AA0WI1P PVC CARD/RIBBON 16C9-7XT1-P7HX Miscellaneous Charges N 01-043-000-0000-6342 880.00 ACCT CI200293 SECURECHECK IN026452 Service Agreements/Technical Support N 10-303-000-0000-6278 50,091.10 SERVICE 11321 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 50-399-000-0000-6306 737.80 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER FOR BALER 3275 Repair/Maint. Equip Y 50-399-000-0000-6306 271.00 CARDBOARD BALER REPAIRS 3277 Repair/Maint. Equip Y 01-201-000-0000-6304 225.00 ACCT 103891 REPAIRS 373779 Repair And Maintenance N 50-000-000-0000-6290 19.04 ACCT 160002035 1602087084 Contracted Services N 50-000-000-0120-6290 30.00 ACCT 160002806 1602088007 Contracted Services.N 50-390-000-0000-6290 19.04 ACCT 160002035 1602087084 Contracted Services.N 50-399-000-0000-6290 33.05 ACCT 160002035 1602087084 Contracted Services.N 6,704.8914386 10655 AP TECHNOLOGY LLC 880.0010655 13484 APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC 50,091.1013484 13718 APEX EQUIPMENT LLC 1,008.8013718 3855 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC 225.003855 13620 ARAMARK Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates - 23 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC AP TECHNOLOGY LLC APEX ENGINEERING GROUP INC APEX EQUIPMENT LLC APPLIED CONCEPTS INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-013-000-0000-6262 810.50 CLIENT SERVICES SEP 2020 SEP2020 Public Defender Y 01-122-000-0000-6331 17.13 MEALS - SOILS CE CLASS 9/28/20 Meals And Lodging N 01-201-000-0000-6171 2,600.00 EMR REFRESHER COURSE 131 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-204-000-0000-6171 200.00 EMR REFRESHER COURSE 131 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-250-000-0000-6171 900.00 EMR REFRESHER COURSE 132 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-250-000-0000-6171 75.00 REF 9047 DMT-G RECERT TRNG 15096 Tuition And Education Expenses N 01-061-000-0000-6342 3,900.00 QEDD MAINTENANCE 12905 Service Agreements N 01-112-000-0000-6251 1,444.72 DYED FUEL OIL 38835 Gas And Oil N 01-112-101-0000-6251 2,911.23 DYED FUEL OIL 38843 Gas And Oil - Utility N 10-304-000-0000-6565 1,246.55 DIESEL FUEL 38799 Fuels - Diesel N 50-000-000-0110-6290 28.00 DRINKING WATER AH2521 Contracted Services.N 50-000-000-0000-6330 42.52 MILEAGE - TSF STATION FLOATER 9/30/20 Mileage N 101.1313620 15262 AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW/JILL 810.5015262 4275 BABOLIAN/ERIC 17.134275 14351 BARNESVILLE AMBULANCE 3,700.0014351 15204 BCA TRAINING & AUDITING 75.0015204 13056 BCS GROUP LLC 3,900.0013056 1386 BECKLUND OIL INC 5,602.501386 1755 BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC 28.001755 16303 BENGTSON/STEVEN Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions ARAMARK AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW/JILL BABOLIAN/ERIC BARNESVILLE AMBULANCE BCA TRAINING & AUDITING BCS GROUP LLC BECKLUND OIL INC BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6396 200.00 TOW CF 20031371 9/25/20 33677 Special Investigation N 01-201-000-0000-6304 75.00 TOW UNIT 1101 9/28/20 33679 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6315 318.78 REPLACED INDUCER SENSOR W37590 Radio Repair Charges N 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 10/14/20 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 51.75 MILEAGE 10/14/20 Mileage Y 10-303-000-0000-6278 177.50 SERVICE B227006 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-303-000-0000-6278 100.00 SERVICE B227207 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-303-000-0000-6278 910.00 SERVICE B227208 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-303-000-0000-6278 1,281.25 SERVICE B227209 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-303-000-0000-6278 1,358.75 SERVICE B227210 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 01-112-000-0000-6404 480.00 20 CASES OF WALLINGFORD COFFEE 045627 Coffee Supplies N 22-622-000-0605-6369 390.00 REMOVE BEAVER DAMS IN DITCH 33609 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-112-000-0000-6369 699.93 PLASTIC POTS - ARRANGEMENTS 612 Miscellaneous Charges Y 42.5216303 31803 BEYER BODY SHOP INC 275.0031803 12289 BJORN'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC 318.7812289 11652 BOYER/RODNEY 201.7511652 386 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 3,827.50386 3957 BRAUN VENDING INC 480.003957 267 BROGARD PLUMBING INC 390.00267 11806 BROWN EYED SUSANS 699.9311806 1425 BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 5 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions BENGTSON/STEVEN BEYER BODY SHOP INC BJORN'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC BOYER/RODNEY BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BRAUN VENDING INC BROGARD PLUMBING INC BROWN EYED SUSANS Otter Tail County Auditor General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 02-225-000-0000-6369 5,000.00 ACCT MN0560000 CARRY PERMITS 56-000066 Miscellaneous Charges N 50-399-000-0000-6304 333.48 ACCT 100331 UNIT 200249 REPAIR 060307 Repair And Maint-Vehicles N 50-399-000-0000-6304 2,601.27 ACCT 100331 UNIT 11805 SERVICE 060350 Repair And Maint-Vehicles N 01-112-108-0000-6572 825.00 REMOVED TREE & STUMP/TRIMMING 37499 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-302-000-0000-6350 139.00 SERVICE 119121 Maintenance Contractor N 10-302-000-0000-6505 29,318.32 SHOULDER BASE AGGREGATE CLASS 19069-1 Aggregates N 01-201-000-0000-6396 370.00 TOW CF 20032134 10/5/20 45931 Special Investigation N 10-303-000-0000-6369 6,500.00 SERVICE - REPAIR WASHOUT 0011559 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-601-000-0000-6243 35.00 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 10/27/20 Subscriptions N 01-112-000-0000-6310 250.00 WINDOW CLEANING SEP 2020 PA045667 Outside Vendor Services Y 01-122-000-0000-6304 70.56 UNIT 19296 DIAGNOSTICS 057190 Repair And Maintenance N 5,000.001425 3423 BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC 2,934.753423 1227 CARR'S TREE SERVICE INC 964.001227 143 CENTRAL SPECIALTIES INC 29,318.32143 8930 CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR 370.008930 503 CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION 6,500.00503 5580 CITIZEN'S ADVOCATE 35.005580 12058 CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES 250.0012058 32655 COLLEGE WAY AUTO 70.5632655 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARR'S TREE SERVICE INC CENTRAL SPECIALTIES INC CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION CITIZEN'S ADVOCATE CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES COLLEGE WAY AUTO Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 10-303-000-0000-6278 309.33 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION P00011455 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-303-000-0000-6278 222.88 STRUCTURAL METALS INS-NON DOT P00011455 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 10-302-000-0000-6350 1,800.00 SERVICE 11992 Maintenance Contractor N 01-250-000-0000-6342 6,247.10 LIC 295 RENEWAL & MAINT 2020 236954 Service Agreements N 14-214-000-0000-6689 18,757.95 LIC 295 RENEWAL & MAINT 2020 236954 Prior Year Accumulations-911 N 02-219-000-0000-6369 954.00 MEALS - MOBILE FIELD FORCE TRN 286121 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-219-000-0000-6369 731.25 MEALS - UNDERCOVER INVEST TRNG 286144 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-219-000-0000-6369 253.50 MEALS - USE OF FORCE TRNG 593761 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-041-000-0000-6406 73.37 ACCT 2189988295 TAX STAMP 450940 Office Supplies N 01-041-000-0000-6406 13.16 ACCT 2189988030 SUPPLIES 450995 Office Supplies N 01-043-000-0000-6406 73.36 ACCT 2189988295 TAX STAMP 450940 Office Supplies N 01-043-000-0000-6406 10.07 ACCT 2189988030 SUPPLIES 450995 Office Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6406 8.82 ACCT 2189988555 PENS 450881 Office Supplies N 01-601-000-0000-6406 6.04 ACCT 2189988760 STAPLES 450842 Office Supplies N 01-601-000-0000-6406 26.33 ACCT 2189988760 LAMINATE POUCH 450969 Office Supplies N 01-705-000-0000-6340 15.26 ACCT 2189988076 CALENDAR 451003 Office Equipment Rental & Maint.N 01-280-000-0000-6818 4,800.00 30 DAY ROOM RENTAL (CARES)5203 Contingency Incident Event Costs N 10-304-000-0000-6252 30.00 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 608 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 532.21608 16311 COMPASS CONSULTANTS INC 1,800.0016311 3068 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC 25,005.053068 7479 CONCEPT CATERING 1,938.757479 32603 COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC 226.4132603 6919 COUNTRY INN & SUITES FERGUS FALLS 4,800.006919 3710 CULLIGAN OF DETROIT LAKES Page 7Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 8 Transactions 1 Transactions COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION COMPASS CONSULTANTS INC COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC CONCEPT CATERING COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC COUNTRY INN & SUITES FERGUS FALLS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0170-6290 40.00 ACCT 327-00028118-5 9/30/20 Contracted Services.N 10-304-000-0000-6252 40.75 DRINKING WATER Water And Sewage N 50-399-000-0000-6453 377.58 ACCT 227162 SUPPLIES 21112 Ppe & Safety Equip.&Supplies N 50-399-000-0000-6485 63.89 ACCT 227162 SUPPLIES 21112 Custodian Supplies N 01-201-000-0000-6304 42.45 UNIT 1609 OIL CHANGE 51289 Repair And Maintenance Y 01-201-000-0000-6304 25.00 UNIT 1808 SERVICE CALL 52868 Repair And Maintenance Y 01-201-000-0000-6304 30.00 UNIT 1506 BALANCE TIRES 52874 Repair And Maintenance Y 01-201-000-0000-6304 46.33 UNIT 1602 OIL CHANGE 53036 Repair And Maintenance Y 50-399-000-0000-6290 1,978.71 ACCT 223 TIPPING FEES 4808 Contracted Services.N 01-250-000-0000-6399 225.00 REPAIR RIM ON SKIDSTEER 10/6/20 Sentence To Serve Y 01-123-000-0000-6140 225.00 PER DIEM 10/8/20 Per Diem N 01-123-000-0000-6330 146.05 MILEAGE 10/8/20 Mileage N 01-063-000-0000-6369 7,543.50 ONLINE ELECTION JUDGE TRAINING 12538 Miscellaneous Charges N 30.003710 5407 CULLIGAN OF ELBOW LAKE 40.005407 2364 CULLIGAN OF WADENA 40.752364 36 DACOTAH PAPER CO 441.4736 1496 DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR 143.781496 14946 DEM-CON MATERIALS RECOVERY LLC 1,978.7114946 13153 DENNY'S WELDING 225.0013153 15993 DONOHO/MICHAEL 371.0515993 10609 DS SOLUTIONS INC Page 8Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions CULLIGAN OF DETROIT LAKES CULLIGAN OF ELBOW LAKE CULLIGAN OF WADENA DACOTAH PAPER CO DAN'S TOWING & REPAIR DEM-CON MATERIALS RECOVERY LLC DENNY'S WELDING DONOHO/MICHAEL Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-109-0000-6572 3,145.10 LED LIGHTING RETROFIT 1108 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-112-106-0000-6672 5,553.00 INSTALL CARPET IN NYM 0022307 Remodeling Supplies Y 50-000-000-0170-6306 210.00 REPAIRS TO DOZER BUCKET 56 Repair/Maint. Equip Y 50-399-000-0000-6306 765.50 REPAIRS TO ROLLOFF #233 57 Repair/Maint. Equip Y 01-112-000-0000-6572 48.85 ACCT 13040 BELTS 787908 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 159.00 SUPPLIES MNFER131549 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-002-000-0000-6240 227.11 ACCT 530695 BOC MTG 8.18 321688 Publishing & Advertising N 01-002-000-0000-6240 174.70 ACCT 530695 BOC MTG 8.25 323182 Publishing & Advertising N 01-002-000-0000-6240 349.40 ACCT 530694 CIP BONDS HEARING 325035 Publishing & Advertising N 01-002-000-0000-6240 192.17 ACCT 530695 BOC MTG 9.1 328845 Publishing & Advertising N 01-122-000-0000-6240 122.29 ACCT 530699 LAND USE ORD 322839 Publishing & Advertising N 01-123-000-0000-6240 296.99 ACCT 530699 BA MTG 10/8 327484 Publishing & Advertising N 01-124-000-0000-6240 69.88 ACCT 530699 PC MTG 10/14 330408 Publishing & Advertising N 01-149-000-0000-6369 786.15 ACCT 530694 EXCESS LAND/BUILD 325157 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-149-000-0000-6369 786.15 ACCT 530694 SALE/REMOVE BUILD 325160 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-281-802-0000-6240 504.00 ACCT 537730 CARES ACT 327298 Publishing & Advertising N 02-612-000-0000-6369 134.00 ACCT 524111 LAKES JOURNAL SEP 274959 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-301-000-0000-6240 169.00 NOTICE - ACCT #529337 327183 Publishing & Advertising N 7,543.5010609 16233 ECONO LIGHTING SOLUTIONS LLC 3,145.1016233 13525 EJ'S FLOOR COVERING 5,553.0013525 13026 EZWELDING LLC 975.5013026 373 FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC 48.85373 2997 FASTENAL COMPANY 159.002997 35011 FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL Page 9Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions DS SOLUTIONS INC ECONO LIGHTING SOLUTIONS LLC EJ'S FLOOR COVERING EZWELDING LLC FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FASTENAL COMPANY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 50-000-000-0130-6863 147.00 ACCT 18240 JETTING SERVICE 34980 Leachate Disposal N 01-112-101-0000-6572 270.00 SAND TRAP CLEANING 10/8/20 44185 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-302-000-0000-6350 7,380.80 DUST CONTROL - 280TH AVE - BRI 44140 Maintenance Contractor N 01-112-000-0000-6369 22.00 TIRE REPAIR 365016 Miscellaneous Charges N 50-000-000-0000-6330 216.20 MILEAGE - MCIT BOARD MTG 8/14/20 Mileage N 50-000-000-0000-6379 15.00 MPCA CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 9/28/20 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-122-000-0000-6240 170.43 ACCT 352588 LAND USE ORD 10/6 2220962 Publishing & Advertising N 01-123-000-0000-6240 62.00 ACCT 87586 BA MTG 9/10 2222016 Publishing & Advertising N 01-123-000-0000-6240 111.60 ACCT 87586 BA MTG 10/8 2222016 Publishing & Advertising N 02-281-802-0000-6240 325.00 ACCT 416664 CARES ACT FUNDS 2221688 Publishing & Advertising N 10-303-000-0000-6342 32.83 SERVICE AGREEMENT 221473-0 Service Agreements N 01-124-000-0000-6140 225.00 PER DIEM 10/14/20 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 57.50 MILEAGE 10/14/20 Mileage Y 3,811.8435011 32679 FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF 147.0032679 2153 FERGUS POWER PUMP INC 7,650.802153 35018 FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC 22.0035018 11964 FJESTAD/ZACH 231.2011964 14517 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 669.0314517 15050 FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS INC 32.8315050 13304 FRAZIER/BRENT 282.5013304 12835 GABE/RICHARD Page 10Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 12 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC FJESTAD/ZACH FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS INC FRAZIER/BRENT Otter Tail County Auditor HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LLC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 10/14/20 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 62.10 MILEAGE 10/14/20 Mileage Y 01-063-000-0000-6406 2,024.87 BALLOT ENVELOPES 0323973 Office Supplies N 10-302-000-0000-6512 801.54 SUPPLIES 1690618 Culverts N 10-304-000-0000-6526 127.90 2019 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Uniforms N 01-112-109-0000-6572 90.00 ACCT OT SHERIFF HOLDING TANK 28714 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6432 130.20 ACCT 325 WASTE DISPOSAL 57366 Medical Incarcerated N 01-112-000-0000-6526 75.99 STEEL TOE BOOTS 10/10/20 Uniforms N 01-112-101-0000-6342 2,228.83 ACCT 535849 CONTROLS 5253309869 Service Agreements N 01-112-106-0000-6572 2,500.00 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORK 420064 Repair And Maint Supplies N 212.1012835 14619 GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 2,024.8714619 9416 HANCOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS LLC 801.549416 2656 HAUGRUD/BRUCE 127.902656 9453 HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC 90.009453 37755 130.2037755 443 HOFFMAN/RANDY 75.99443 453 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC 2,228.83453 10589 HORSLEY SPECIALTIES INC 2,500.0010589 14910 HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR Page 11Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LLC GABE/RICHARD GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES HANCOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS LLC HAUGRUD/BRUCE HAWES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING LLC HOFFMAN/RANDY HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC HORSLEY SPECIALTIES INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-112-101-0000-6572 119.00 FRACTIONAL US MOTOR 50093 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6572 439.00 2 HP 3Q MARATHON B&G PUMP 50101 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0000-6675 124,618.00 ACCT 233173 2021 FREIGHTLINER V242010632 Machinery And Automotive Equipment N 01-201-000-0000-6677 1,050.00 X-RAY MACHINE SAFETY CHECK 10/13/20 Office Furniture And Equipment-Minor Y 01-122-000-0000-6240 138.26 LAND USE ORDINANCE MTG AD 2009038 Publishing & Advertising N 02-281-802-0000-6240 185.00 CARES ACT FUNDS AD 2009083 Publishing & Advertising N 10-302-000-0000-6350 2,731.04 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BRIDGE 41952 Maintenance Contractor N 01-122-000-0000-6331 20.53 MEALS - CE SEPTIC WORKSHOP 9/28/20 Meals And Lodging N 10-302-000-0000-6350 500.00 SERVICE 20-394 Maintenance Contractor N 50-000-000-0000-6426 72.00 EMBROIDERD OTC LOGOS 91614 Clothing Allowance N 01-091-000-0000-6369 94.50 56-CR-20-850 TRANSCRIPT 10/14/20 Miscellaneous Charges Y 558.0014910 14855 I-STATE TRUCK CENTER 124,618.0014855 15872 IMAGING SPECIALTIES LLC 1,050.0015872 70 INDEPENDENT/THE 323.2670 5333 INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC 2,731.045333 13234 JEVNE/MICHELLE 20.5313234 2210 JJ'S COMPANY EXCAVATING LLC 500.002210 39324 JK SPORTS 72.0039324 5550 JORGENSON/MICHELLE 94.505550 Page 12Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR I-STATE TRUCK CENTER IMAGING SPECIALTIES LLC INDEPENDENT/THE INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC JEVNE/MICHELLE JJ'S COMPANY EXCAVATING LLC JK SPORTS JORGENSON/MICHELLE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-705-000-0000-6276 409.00 CONSULT ON LEASE W/ NORTHSTAR 566496 Professional Services Y 01-091-000-0000-6369 1,418.20 TRANSCRIPT VOL I VIDEOCONF 33037 Miscellaneous Charges Y 01-091-000-0000-6369 830.20 TRANSCRIPT VOL II VIDEOCONF 33039 Miscellaneous Charges Y 01-201-000-0000-6526 91.15 MAG GRIP/CUFFS/KEYS/HOLDER 8/15/20 Uniforms N 01-044-000-0000-6241 175.00 LRAR REALTOR DUES 1273 Membership Dues N 01-201-000-0000-6433 79.80 VISIT 3683409-0001 CF 20029897 9/14/20 Special Medical 6 01-201-000-0000-6433 79.80 VISIT 3686723-0001 CF 20030287 9/16/20 Special Medical 6 01-201-000-0000-6433 79.80 VISIT 3689799-0001 CF 20030851 9/21/20 Special Medical 6 01-201-000-0000-6433 79.80 VISIT 3697287-0001 CF 20031662 9/27/20 Special Medical 6 01-201-000-0000-6433 79.80 VISIT 3696327-0001 CF 20031776 9/28/20 Special Medical 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 1,028.00 ACCT OTAUD AUTOPSY ASSIST 1335 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 7,510.00 ACCT OTAUD CORONER SERVICES 1339 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 600.00 ACCT OTAUD TECH SERVICES 1344 Coroner Expense 6 01-205-000-0000-6273 600.00 ACCT OTAUD TECH SERVICES 1345 Coroner Expense 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 24.40 GORSHONG, DAVID 7/20/20 3640074-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 7.77 HILLMAN, WILLIAM L 8/3/20 3650952-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 20.27 RANDKLEV, ANTHONY D 8/12/20 3658488-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 223.34 CHRISTENSEN, CHASE A 8/15/20 3661130-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 32.60 CHRISTENSEN, CHASE A 8/15/20 3661130-0002 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 16.80 RANDKLEV, ANTHONY D 8/19/20 3663993-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 70.18 BOSWELL, TYRONE 8/27/20 3670339-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 17.98 BOSWELL, TYRONE 8/28/20 3671873-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 01-250-000-0000-6432 7.77 HILLMAN, WILLIAM L 8/31/20 3674238-0001 Medical Incarcerated 6 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070478 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 77.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070483 Miscellaneous Charges N 11167 KARKELA HUNT & CHESHIRE PLLP 409.0011167 13023 KIRBY KENNEDY & ASSOCIATES 2,248.4013023 5601 KOLLE/BRUCE 91.155601 14807 LAKE REGION ASSN OF REALTORS 175.0014807 79 LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE Page 13Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions KARKELA HUNT & CHESHIRE PLLP KIRBY KENNEDY & ASSOCIATES KOLLE/BRUCE LAKE REGION ASSN OF REALTORS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Road And Bridge Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 10-302-000-0000-6369 77.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070484 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070485 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 77.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070486 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070487 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070488 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070489 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070490 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070491 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070492 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070493 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 37.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070494 Miscellaneous Charges N 10-302-000-0000-6369 77.50 SERIVCE - CLINIC #1028714 7070633 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-091-000-0000-6270 546.00 ACCT 301997 CONTRACTED SERVICE 10/1/20 Misc Professional-Expert Witness 6 01-002-000-0000-6241 350.00 ACCT 36093 CCOGA MEMBERSHIP 92637 Membership Dues N 10-302-000-0000-6242 199.99 CPR/AED TRAINING 92445 Registration Fees N 10-303-000-0000-6242 66.67 CPR/AED TRAINING 92445 Registration Fees N 10-304-000-0000-6242 33.34 CPR/AED TRAINING 92445 Registration Fees N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 10/6/20 73900 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 10/12/20 73931 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 500.00 CARDBOARD 10/13/20 73932 Contract Transportation N 01-123-000-0000-6140 225.00 PER DIEM 10/8/20 Per Diem Y 01-123-000-0000-6330 200.68 MILEAGE 10/8/20 Mileage Y 01-123-000-0000-6140 300.00 PER DIEM 10/8/20 Per Diem Y 11,243.1179 25146 LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 546.0025146 41450 LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP 650.0041450 81 LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE 1,500.0081 15078 LARSON/DOUG 425.6815078 11658 LEE/THOMAS Page 14Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 32 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 3 Transactions 2 Transactions LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE CO OP LARRY OTT INC TRUCK SERVICE LARSON/DOUG Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-123-000-0000-6330 147.78 MILEAGE 10/8/20 Mileage Y 02-612-000-0000-6369 125.04 AIS CAMPAIGN 161269-4 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-612-000-0000-6369 125.04 AIS CAMPAIGN 161279-4 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-612-000-0000-6369 125.04 AIS CAMPAIGN 161280-4 Miscellaneous Charges N 02-612-000-0000-6369 125.04 AIS CAMPAIGN 161283-4 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-112-000-0000-6487 215.00 ACCT 23-52A23 ROOFER'S KIT 0288097-IN Tools & Minor Equipment N 01-122-000-0000-6406 849.00 ACCT 23-52A26 MEASURING TOOL 0287861-IN Office Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6399 28.96 ACCT 23-52E1 MUFFS/GREY LENS 0287935-IN Sentence To Serve N 50-000-000-0110-6426 150.00 ACCT 23-52B13 STEEL TOE BOOTS 0287834-IN Clothing Allowance N 50-000-000-0000-6426 181.45 ACCT 23-52A28 JACKETS/SHIRTS 0288029-IN Clothing Allowance N 50-000-000-0000-6426 894.50 ACCT 23-52F1 MESH TSHIRTS 0288030-IN Clothing Allowance N 50-399-000-0000-6426 181.46 ACCT 23-52A28 JACKETS/SHIRTS 0288029-IN Clothing Allowance N 10-302-000-0000-6515 454.75 SUPPLIES 209926 Signs And Posts N 10-303-000-0000-6501 168.12 SUPPLIES 209927 Engineering And Surveying Supplies N 01-250-000-0000-6342 307.39 ACCT 35700038 CN 500-0461307 425404191 Service Agreements N 01-123-000-0000-6140 300.00 PER DIEM 10/8/20 Per Diem N 01-123-000-0000-6330 175.38 MILEAGE 10/8/20 Mileage N 01-061-000-0000-6346 300.00 TAXLINK SOFTWARE SUPPORT 2010224 Mccc Fees N 447.7811658 198 LEIGHTON BROADCASTING/FF 500.16198 41638 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC 2,500.3741638 511 M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. 622.87511 36132 MARCO INC ST LOUIS 307.3936132 16072 MARTHALER/TERENCE 475.3816072 548 MCCC LOCKBOX Page 15Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 4 Transactions 7 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions LEE/THOMAS LEIGHTON BROADCASTING/FF LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. MARCO INC ST LOUIS MARTHALER/TERENCE Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 10-301-000-0000-6406 95.00 SUPPLIES 6703 Office Supplies N 01-122-000-0000-6304 50.89 ACCT 9988095 OIL CHANGE 755596 Repair And Maintenance N 01-121-000-0000-6369 25.00 ACCT 3347 SHREDDING SERVICES 418866 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-201-000-0000-6342 30.00 ACCT 1159 SHREDDING TOTE 418477 Service Agreements N 10-304-000-0000-6406 27.98 SUPPLIES 328793 Office Supplies N 01-149-000-0000-6354 1,066.25 ACCT 7366821 UNIT 8 REPAIRS 6235930 Insurance Claims N 14-122-000-0000-6687 33,334.84 2020 GMC 1500 F30011 Equipment-Current Year N 10-302-000-0000-6350 400.00 SERVICE Maintenance Contractor N 22-622-000-0610-6369 100.00 1 BEAVER TRAPPED IN DITCH 10 10/27/20 Miscellaneous Charges Y 22-622-000-0621-6369 600.00 6 BEAVERS TRAPPED IN DITCH 21 10/27/20 Miscellaneous Charges Y 01-112-106-0000-6485 907.99 ACCT 655-794996 SUPPLIES 11904 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 597.12 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 20832 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 932.18 ACCT 655-790197 SUPPLIES 20833 Custodian Supplies N 300.00548 87003 MIDWEST PRINTING CO 95.0087003 42863 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 50.8942863 7661 MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC 55.007661 3879 MURDOCK'S ACE HARDWARE 27.983879 43227 NELSON AUTO CENTER 34,401.0943227 11057 NELSON/MIKE 1,100.0011057 595 NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY 2,437.29595 14655 NEWVILLE/DARREN Page 16Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 3 Transactions MCCC LOCKBOX MIDWEST PRINTING CO MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC MURDOCK'S ACE HARDWARE NELSON AUTO CENTER NELSON/MIKE NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-123-000-0000-6140 375.00 PER DIEM 10/8/20 Per Diem Y 01-123-000-0000-6330 151.24 MILEAGE 10/8/20 Mileage Y 01-061-000-0000-6680 420.00 ACCT O045 DOCKING STATIONS 312576 Computer Hardware N 10-302-000-0000-6350 34,037.50 SERVICE P1784-1 Maintenance Contractor N 10-302-000-0000-6350 200.00 SERVICE 811516 Maintenance Contractor N 01-061-000-0000-6201 2,100.00 ACCT 100A05602 SEP 2020 20090394 Communication Fees -N 50-000-000-0170-6565 110.00 ACCT 20446 DIESEL 8/7/20 8027-2 Fuels - Diesel N 50-399-000-0000-6565 171.02 ACCT 20445 DIESEL 9/25/20 1096-2 Fuels N 01-112-000-0000-6275 403.00 ACCT MN OTERCO01 26 TICKETS E167221 Fiber Locating Service N 01-112-106-0000-6342 549.24 ACCT 284651 MAINT SERVICE 100400134690 Service Agreements N 01-201-000-0000-6433 85.00 ACCT O2415 HEP A VACCINE 569 Special Medical N 8739 526.2414655 15970 NOR-TECH 420.0015970 16307 NORTHSTAR SAFETY INC 34,037.5016307 16133 OELFKE/DAN 200.0016133 4106 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES 2,100.004106 612 OLSON OIL CO INC 281.02612 5093 ONE CALL LOCATORS LTD 403.005093 5686 OTIS ELEVATOR CO 549.245686 115 OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEALTH Page 17Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions NEWVILLE/DARREN NOR-TECH NORTHSTAR SAFETY INC OELFKE/DAN OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES OLSON OIL CO INC ONE CALL LOCATORS LTD OTIS ELEVATOR CO Otter Tail County Auditor OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY PAW PUBLICATIONS LLC BATTLE LAKE REVIEW COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-149-000-0000-6354 331.49 UNIT 1904 INSTALL 2 TIRES 124377 Insurance Claims N 01-201-000-0000-6304 85.60 UNIT 1905 INSTALL TIRES 124557 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6304 32.30 UNIT 1801 OIL CHANGE 124558 Repair And Maintenance N 10-302-000-0000-6505 265.20 RIP RAP ROCK 108098 Aggregates N 50-000-000-0120-6291 3,298.24 HAULING CHARGES 10/5/20 39277 Contract Transportation N 50-000-000-0170-6291 7,804.16 HAULING CHARGES 10/5/20 39277 Contract Transportation N 50-399-000-0000-6291 2,970.40 HAULING CHARGES 10/5/20 39277 Contract Transportation N 01-112-109-0000-6572 100.00 BLOW OUT IRRIGATION 9131 Repair And Maintenance Supplies Y 50-000-000-0120-6278 1,702.00 ACCT 10-117027 ANALYSIS 20100294367 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 50-000-000-0130-6278 10,846.00 ACCT 10-117027 ANALYSIS 20100294443 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 50-000-000-0130-6278 4,148.00 ACCT 10-117027 ANALYSIS 20100303930 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 01-122-000-0000-6240 137.50 PUBLIC LAND USE ORD 10/6 SEP2020 Publishing & Advertising N 01-123-000-0000-6240 61.88 BA MTG 10/8 AD SEP2020 Publishing & Advertising N 01-124-000-0000-6240 37.13 PC MTG 10/14 AD SEP2020 Publishing & Advertising N 02-281-802-0000-6240 149.00 CARES ACT FUNDS ADS SEP2020 Publishing & Advertising N 01-122-000-0000-6240 112.70 LAND USE ORD 10/6 MTG 81217 Publishing & Advertising N 85.00115 49008 OTTER TAIL TIRE INC 449.3949008 1080 OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE 265.201080 7392 OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC 14,072.807392 6351 100.006351 6259 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC 16,696.006259 156 385.51156 45047 PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS Page 18Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 4 Transactions OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY PAW PUBLICATIONS LLC BATTLE LAKE REVIEW OTTER TAIL CO PUBLIC HEALTH OTTER TAIL TIRE INC OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE OTTERTAIL TRUCKING INC PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-123-000-0000-6240 126.36 ACCT 396 BA MTG 9/24 81304 Publishing & Advertising N 02-281-802-0000-6240 202.50 CARES ACT FUNDS ADS 81330 Publishing & Advertising N 50-000-000-0000-6240 85.50 ACCT 135 PR WINTER HOURS 81291 Publishing & Advertising N 10-303-000-0000-6683 585.00 SERVICE - 20186337-000M 13 Right Of Way, Ect.N 10-303-000-0000-6651 185,583.60 S.A.P. 056-594-001, EST. #2 4940 Construction Contracts N 01-201-000-0000-6396 425.00 TOW CF 20029193 9/8/20 1185 Special Investigation Y 50-399-000-0000-6487 1,250.00 PAINT RECYCLING DUMPTER #2018 394 Tools & Minor Equipment Y 01-250-000-0000-6452 214.72 SOCKS/BOXERS 21168 Prisioners Clothing Cost N 01-250-000-0000-6491 9.75 WASH CLOTHES 21168 Jail Supplies N 01-112-109-0000-6342 255.00 2020 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT 26705 Service Agreements N 50-399-000-0000-6565 501.03 ACCT 71928252 PROPANE 99313585 Fuels N 01-112-000-0000-6572 2,120.00 TRIP HAZARD REPAIR 14635 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 527.0645047 137 PEMBERTON LAW, PLLP 585.00137 867 PERHAM/CITY OF 185,583.60867 475 PETE'S AMOCO 425.00475 7145 PETE'S AUTOBODY LLC 1,250.007145 11290 PHOENIX SUPPLY 224.4711290 9971 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 255.009971 3867 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 501.033867 16306 PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING Page 19Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PEMBERTON LAW, PLLP PERHAM/CITY OF PETE'S AMOCO PETE'S AUTOBODY LLC PHOENIX SUPPLY PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 50-399-000-0000-6300 5,336.42 REPLACE EGRESS LIGHTING 1499 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 50-000-000-0150-6290 29.09 ACCT 376004 SEP 2020 SEP2020 Contracted Services.N 01-705-000-0000-6276 3,000.00 GOV AFFAIRS OCT 2020 2020-010 Professional Services N 01-112-000-0000-6572 64.42 ACCT0313001 WET CHARGE BATTERY P1175249 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 01-123-000-0000-6140 225.00 PER DIEM 10/8/20 Per Diem Y 01-123-000-0000-6330 137.43 MILEAGE 10/8/20 Mileage Y 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 10/14/20 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 66.13 MILEAGE 10/14/20 Mileage Y 50-399-000-0000-6304 95.05 ACCT 306280 TIRE REPAIR/ROTATE 31972854 Repair And Maint-Vehicles N 01-250-000-0000-6432 285.00 ACCT 30016746 CF 20030557 309396817 Medical Incarcerated 6 10-302-000-0000-6350 200.00 SERVICE 9/30/2020 Maintenance Contractor N 22-622-000-0605-6369 200.00 2 BEAVERS TRAPPED IN DITCH 5 9/23/20 Miscellaneous Charges Y 2,120.0016306 15542 PREMIER ELECTRIC INC 5,336.4215542 3730 PREMIUM WATERS INC 29.093730 15407 PSICK CAPITOL SOLUTIONS INC 3,000.0015407 9166 RDO EQUIPMENT CO 64.429166 13859 ROSENTHAL/JACK 578.5613859 683 ROYAL TIRE INC 95.05683 11447 SANFORD HEALTH 285.0011447 15129 SCHMITZ/DUANE Page 20Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions PRECISION CONCRETE CUTTING PREMIER ELECTRIC INC PREMIUM WATERS INC PSICK CAPITOL SOLUTIONS INC RDO EQUIPMENT CO ROSENTHAL/JACK ROYAL TIRE INC SANFORD HEALTH Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba County Ditch Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-205-000-0000-6273 550.00 BODY TRANSPORT - P DELANEY 9/23/20 Coroner Expense N 01-063-000-0000-6232 44,444.42 GENERAL ELECTION BALLOTS 34174 Printing-Ballots N 01-112-000-0000-6572 29.72 ACCT6629-9141-3 SUPPLIES 6237-8 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-303-000-0000-6278 4,753.80 SERVICE 13058.00-12 Engineering & Hydrological Testing N 50-000-000-0000-6290 1,360.23 SW MGMT PLAN SEP 2020 12682.00-12 Contracted Services N 01-002-000-0000-6818 1,200.00 CONSULTING SERVICES SEP 2020 SEP2020 Board Contingency N 01-112-108-0000-6485 67.20 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 862474-2 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 134.40 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 863375-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 200.97 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 865643-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 2,107.30 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 866147 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 236.64 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 866475 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 52.06 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 866514 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 42.00 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 866514-1 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-108-0000-6485 270.72 ACCT 00224002 SUPPLIES 866516 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 133.77 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 866520 Custodian Supplies N 01-112-101-0000-6485 63.31 ACCT 00224000 SUPPLIES 866520-1 Custodian Supplies N 400.0015129 48107 SCHOENEBERGER FUNERAL HOME 550.0048107 6209 SEACHANGE PRINT INNOVATIONS 44,444.426209 159 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 29.72159 6321 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 6,114.036321 9691 STEFANEK-PETERS/HEATHER 1,200.009691 48183 STEINS INC 3,308.3748183 168 STREICHERS Page 21Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 10 Transactions SCHMITZ/DUANE SCHOENEBERGER FUNERAL HOME SEACHANGE PRINT INNOVATIONS SHERWIN WILLIAMS SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC STEFANEK-PETERS/HEATHER STEINS INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6526 16.99 ACCT 974 TACTICAL POUCH I1458076 Uniforms N 50-000-000-0170-6300 303.50 ACCT OTTERTR9 INSPECTIONS 1547927 Building And Grounds Maintenance N 01-250-000-0000-6269 4,186.61 C1252000 MEALS 10/3-9/20 INV2000092889 Professional Services-Kitchen N 01-250-000-0000-6269 4,243.05 C1252000 MEALS 10/10-16/20 INV2000093565 Professional Services-Kitchen N 01-201-000-0000-6490 4,530.65 ACCT 0565372 AMMO 0004235-IN Ammo, Shooting Supplies N 50-000-000-0130-6863 1,800.00 JET LEACHATE SYSTEM 220170 Leachate Disposal N 01-705-000-0000-6276 4,500.00 HRA CONSULTING 3611352 Professional Services N 01-705-000-0000-6276 3,000.00 NORTHSTAR ABATEMENT CONSULT 3611352 Professional Services N 23-705-000-0000-6290 5,000.00 CDA HOUSING ABATEMENT CONSULT 3611352 Contracted Services.N 23-705-000-0000-6290 500.00 COVID-19 BUSINESS LOAN CONSULT 3611352 Contracted Services.N 01-002-001-0000-6369 26.55 ACCT 01372 PLAQUE FOR J KERR 217141R Miscellaneous Charges N 01-250-000-0000-6432 15.00 ACCT 749765 MED CART RENTAL SEP2020 Medical Incarcerated N 01-063-000-0000-6369 85.86 ROOM RENTAL/COFFEE 10/1/20 1001-RK Miscellaneous Charges N 16.99168 10126 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 303.5010126 6642 SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, LLC 8,429.666642 15186 SUNSET LAW ENFORCEMENT 4,530.6515186 4114 SUPERIOR JETTING INC 1,800.004114 16304 TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER LLP 13,000.0016304 8718 TAG UP 26.558718 7249 THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY 15.007249 10776 THUMPER POND Page 22Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions STREICHERS SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, LLC SUNSET LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPERIOR JETTING INC TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER LLP TAG UP THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 50-399-000-0000-6306 342.46 ACCT 2498658 CUTTING EDGE 14675321 GP Repair/Maint. Equip N 10-304-000-0000-6306 1,564.40 REPAIR 025520 Repair/Maint. Equip N 50-000-000-0130-6306 1,356.27 REPAIRS TO TRACTOR 025546 Repair/Maint. Equip N 01-122-000-0000-6330 77.04 MILEAGE - SEPTIC INSPECT CLASS 10/8/20 Mileage N 01-122-000-0000-6331 42.57 MEALS - SEPTIC INSPECT CLASS 10/8/20 Meals And Lodging N 50-000-000-0130-6426 150.00 STEEL TOE BOOTS 9/15/20 Clothing Allowance N 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 10/14/20 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 52.90 MILEAGE 10/14/20 Mileage Y 01-149-000-0000-6354 598.76 JOHN OLSON'S TIRE REPAIRS 495735 Insurance Claims N 01-149-000-0000-6210 10,000.00 ACCT 40038176 METER 4334612 031-342 Postage & Postage Meter N 01-149-000-0000-6354 300.00 WINDOW REPLACEMENT #19306 6811 Insurance Claims N 85.8610776 379 TITAN MACHINERY INC 342.46379 1999 TNT REPAIR INC 2,920.671999 15764 TOLLEFSON/BRITTANY 119.6115764 4179 TORGERSON/LETHE 150.004179 11949 TRITES/DAVID 202.9011949 999999000 TWIN VALLEY TIRE INC 598.76999999000 148 UNITED STATES POSTAGE SERVICE 10,000.00148 14162 UNLIMITED AUTO GLASS INC 300.0014162 Page 23Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions THUMPER POND TITAN MACHINERY INC TNT REPAIR INC TOLLEFSON/BRITTANY TORGERSON/LETHE TRITES/DAVID TWIN VALLEY TIRE INC UNITED STATES POSTAGE SERVICE UNLIMITED AUTO GLASS INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba General Revenue Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-201-000-0000-6304 614.76 ACCT 568303 UNIT 1905 TIRES 3357362 Repair And Maintenance N 01-201-000-0000-6396 50.00 ACCT SMS TARGET CF 20028998 20202015 Special Investigation N 01-122-000-0000-6406 48.16 ACCT 7490 SUPPLIES 442164 Office Supplies N 01-122-000-0000-6406 60.15 ACCT 7490 SUPPLIES 442300 Office Supplies N 01-112-000-0000-6404 225.00 ACCT 9804282 COLUMBIAN COFFEE 956035 Coffee Supplies N 01-043-000-0000-6267 251.79 CREDIT CLERK FEES Q3 2020 JS-4283 Electronic Pmt Charges N 01-043-000-0000-6267 354.00 E-CHECK PROCESSING Q3 2020 JS-4302 Electronic Pmt Charges N 01-112-000-0000-6572 152.80 ACCT 351623 LIGHTING 15347594-00 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0110-6852 1,718.19 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0002756-0010-4 Msw By Passed Expense N 50-000-000-0120-6852 7,973.53 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0002756-0010-4 Msw By Passed Expense N 50-000-000-0130-6852 1,278.88 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0002756-0010-4 Msw By Passed Expense N 50-000-000-0150-6852 1,354.24 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0002756-0010-4 MSW By-Passed Expense N 50-000-000-0170-6852 25,378.87 ACCT 3-85099-73002 0002756-0010-4 Msw By Passed Expense N 50-000-000-0000-6978 2,111.66 ACCT 21-40690-33001 0480783-1766-5 Ag Plastic Expenses N 02-612-000-0000-6369 1,562.42 AIS COASTERS 43454 Miscellaneous Charges N 11064 US AUTOFORCE 614.7611064 13675 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT 50.0013675 51002 VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY 108.3151002 3706 VIKING COCA-COLA 225.003706 6599 VISUALGOV SOLUTIONS LLC 605.796599 761 VOSS LIGHTING 152.80761 2278 WASTE MANAGEMENT 39,815.372278 14545 WILDLIFE FOREVER Page 24Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 6 Transactions US AUTOFORCE VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY VIKING COCA-COLA VISUALGOV SOLUTIONS LLC VOSS LIGHTING WASTE MANAGEMENT Otter Tail County Auditor General Fund Dedicated Accounts COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 01-124-000-0000-6140 150.00 PER DIEM 10/14/20 Per Diem Y 01-124-000-0000-6330 52.32 MILEAGE 10/14/20 Mileage Y 01-201-000-0000-6526 1,931.00 ACCT 30315 JACKETS/SHIRTS 1172323 Uniforms N 10-305-000-0000-6369 2,805.00 HISTORIC BLDG. COND. ASSESSMEN 11902 Miscellaneous Charges N 01-250-000-0000-6399 71.04 ACCT 0276510 PARTS PC020311941 Sentence To Serve N 10-304-000-0000-6572 30.96 PARTS PC020311765 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 10-304-000-0000-6572 1,463.28 PARTS PC020311876 Repair And Maintenance Supplies N 50-000-000-0170-6306 193.23 ACCT 6842300 REPAIR STEERING SW020120556 Repair/Maint. Equip N 1,562.4214545 11653 WILSON/WARREN R 202.3211653 16308 X-GRAIN SPORTSWEAR 1,931.0016308 16279 YHR PARTNERS LTD 2,805.0016279 2086 ZIEGLER INC 1,758.512086 827,513.82 Page 25Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions Final Total ............172 Vendors 351 Transactions WILDLIFE FOREVER WILSON/WARREN R X-GRAIN SPORTSWEAR YHR PARTNERS LTD ZIEGLER INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES11:29:48AM10/22/2020 csteinba Solid Waste Fund Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems Page 26Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Community Development Authority Amount 184,294.88 General Revenue Fund 1 10,736.01 General Fund Dedicated Accounts 2 351,662.25 Road And Bridge Fund 10 52,092.79 Capital Improvement Fund 14 1,290.00 County Ditch Fund 22 5,500.00 23 221,937.89 Solid Waste Fund 50 827,513.82 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES10/22/2020 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 11:10:42AM OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE Phn Program Supplies -PAS/MNChoices/LTSS COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:10:42AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-600-0090-6379 711.11 ACCT #045 SEPT FINANCE/SHARON 4269 Miscellaneous Charges 1 N 10/19/2020 10/19/2020 11-407-200-0027-6242 75.00 OCT2020 EXPENSE/CONF REGISTRAT OCT2020/EXPENS HFA Registrations 5 N 10/13/2020 10/13/2020 11-407-600-0090-6241 7,585.25 4TH QTR 2020 PH-DOC SUPPORT 2010047 Memberships 3 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-407-300-0071-6488 116.40 CUT #1976/ FLU CLINIC AD 61825 Imz Program Supplies 4 N 10/11/2020 10/11/2020 11-407-600-0090-6488 20.00 AVAILITY SUBSCRIPTION/AUGUST WELLS-KAREN Phn Program Supplies 10 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-407-600-0090-6488 20.00 AVAILITY SUBSCRIPTION/SEPTEMBE WELLS-KAREN Phn Program Supplies 11 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-407-400-0078-6488 55.98 COVID/CANOPY WEIGHTS FOR TENTS WELLS-MELISSA COVID-19 Supplies 8 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-407-400-0078-6488 450.08 COVID/REFRIDGE MAGNETS-ORDER 2 WELLS-MELISSA COVID-19 Supplies 9 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-407-100-0030-6488 45.00 CUST #682/MN CHOICE-LANE SIN175721 6 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-407-400-0078-6488 6.25 CUST #682/COVID CI-DANA SIN175721 COVID-19 Supplies 7 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 32663 CLAY CO HEALTH DEPT 711.1132663 15857 ELLENSON/MATTIE 75.0015857 548 MCCC LOCKBOX 7,585.25548 13389 MIDWEEK INC/THE 116.4013389 44266 546.0644266 45540 PACIFIC INTERPRETERS 51.2545540 Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 4 Transactions 2 Transactions OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE CLAY CO HEALTH DEPT ELLENSON/MATTIE MCCC LOCKBOX MIDWEEK INC/THE PACIFIC INTERPRETERS Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:10:42AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-407-300-0071-6488 6,108.13 CUST #70036172/FLUZONE VACCINE 915445861 Imz Program Supplies 2 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 12084 SANOFI PASTEUR INC 6,108.1312084 15,193.20 Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions Final Total ............7 Vendors 11 Transactions SANOFI PASTEUR INC Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES11:10:42AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems Page 4Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 15,193.20 Human Services 11 15,193.20 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES10/22/2020 LHart Y N D 4 N Otter Tail County Auditor Audit List for Board Page 1 Print List in Order By: Save Report Options?: Type of Audit List: on Audit List?: Paid on Behalf Of Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) 2 - Department (Totals by Dept) 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name 11:17:25AM 1XY6-WQLW-WXRC COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:17:25AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6406 219.73 Acct #A2RJVV5AA0Wl1P 13QY-9KGJ-3KH1 Office Supplies 34 N 10/15/2020 10/15/2020 11-406-000-0000-6435 24.92 Acct #A2RJVV5AA0Wl1P 17NQ-PHVN-P9VH Drug Testing 31 N 10/15/2020 10/15/2020 11-430-700-0000-6379 16.50 Acct #A2RJVV5AA0Wl1P 1P1N-HCXT-XMN9 Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 33 N 10/03/2020 10/03/2020 11-430-740-4890-6072 48.99 Acct A2RJVV5AA0Wl1P Mh Respite 49 N 10/12/2020 10/12/2020 11-406-000-0000-6379 60.00 Advisory Board per diem Miscellaneous Charges 9 N 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 11-420-601-0000-6265 105.60 4th Quarter Data Processing Costs - Im Adm 15 N 10/01/2020 12/31/2020 11-430-700-0000-6265 134.40 4th Quarter Data Processing Costs - Ss Adm 16 N 10/01/2020 12/31/2020 11-420-640-0000-6298 81.00 Inv 8890772020 8890772020 Child Support Blood Test Charge 37 N 06/30/2020 07/06/2020 11-420-640-0000-6298 87.00 Inv 9039192020 9039192020 Child Support Blood Test Charge 35 N 09/15/2020 09/18/2020 11-420-640-0000-6298 54.00 Inv 9089092020 9089092020 Child Support Blood Test Charge 36 N 06/15/2020 06/15/2020 11-406-000-0000-6379 60.00 Advisory Board per diem Miscellaneous Charges 11 N 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 14386 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 310.1414386 8523 BJERKE/SCOTT 60.008523 15378 COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY 240.0015378 11695 DNA DIAGNOSTICS CENTER INC 222.0011695 15640 DOKKEN/MARK 60.0015640 35011 FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL Page 2Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 4 Transactions 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 3 Transactions 1 Transactions AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC BJERKE/SCOTT COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY DNA DIAGNOSTICS CENTER INC DOKKEN/MARK Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:17:25AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6379 214.00 Acct #529337 327723 Miscellaneous Charges 3 N 09/29/2020 09/29/2020 11-430-700-0000-6304 22.00 Cust # 2461 364684 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 2 N 09/08/2020 09/08/2020 11-430-700-0000-6304 513.67 Acct #2461 365208 Motor Vehicle Service And Repair 1 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-700-6331-6171 10.18 Meal Ss Adm Training Meals & Lodging 14 N 03/11/2020 03/11/2020 11-406-000-0000-6261 666.00 September Monitoring-ADU 0920525 Ream Electronic Monitoring 5 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 11-406-000-0000-6262 1,332.00 September Juvenile Monitoring 0920526 Juvenile Ream Electronic Monitoring 6 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-406-000-0000-6435 200.00 Drug Testing & Supplies DT 0920538 Drug Testing 13 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-420-601-0000-6406 88.00 Cust #1143 418470 Office Supplies 17 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 11-420-601-0000-6406 25.00 Cust #1143 418470 Office Supplies 19 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-700-0000-6406 112.00 Cust #1143 418470 Office Supplies 18 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 11-420-640-0000-6379 117.84 Federal Offset Fees A300C028447 Miscellaneous Charges 32 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 214.0035011 35018 FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC 535.6735018 9243 FIX/KRISTA 10.189243 8089 MIDWEST MONITORING & SURVEILANCE 2,198.008089 7661 MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC 225.007661 43022 MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES Page 3Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions 1 Transactions 3 Transactions 3 Transactions FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC FIX/KRISTA MIDWEST MONITORING & SURVEILANCE MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC Otter Tail County Auditor OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:17:25AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-420-601-0000-6271 3,485.00 FPP Expenses FFPD Sept 2020 92020 Fraud Investigation Costs 21 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 11-420-601-0000-6272 8,684.12 FPI Expenses for Sept 2020 92020 Fraud Prevention Officer Expense (FPI) 20 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 11-420-601-0000-6379 0.94 E. Haugrud CC Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 47 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-420-601-0000-6379 20.63 C. Johnson-CC Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 22 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-420-601-0000-6379 21.30 EBT Mailing Miscellaneous Charges Im Adm 26 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-420-601-0000-6406 5.70 Calendars Office Supplies 28 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-700-0000-6171 99.00 K. Shirkey/Mtg refund Ss Adm Training 24 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-700-0000-6171 250.00 Norther Plains Conference Ss Adm Training 25 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-700-0000-6171 180.00 St. Louis Co. Conference Ss Adm Training 27 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-700-0000-6379 1.19 E. Haugrud CC Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 48 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-430-700-0000-6379 26.25 C. Johnson - CC Miscellaneous Charges - Ss Adm 23 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 11-430-700-0000-6406 7.25 Calendars Office Supplies 29 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-710-1921-6093 298.50 Stumbeano's/Kinship Kinship Navigator Grant expenses 45 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-710-1921-6093 687.99 Home Depot/Kinship Kinship Navigator Grant expenses 46 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-710-1921-6093 1,197.42 Love & Logic/Kinship Kinship Navigator Grant expenses 30 N 09/30/2020 09/30/2020 11-430-710-4100-6379 200.00 CARE/gas cards Child Workshop Acct 44 N 10/08/2020 10/08/2020 117.8443022 44003 OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER 12,169.1244003 44266 Page 4Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 2 Transactions - MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:17:25AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6435 237.30 Cust #3395727 L3324854 Drug Testing 7 N 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 11-420-601-0000-6260 4,232.27 IM Monthly Admin Cost 65274 & 65275 Ma Trans Prog Adm Services 42 N 08/03/2020 09/10/2020 11-420-650-0000-6041 510.00 No Load Trip Charge 65274 & 65275 Ma Trans Nonload 41 N 08/03/2020 09/10/2020 11-420-650-0000-6050 2,086.49 MA Transportation 65274 & 65275 Ma Trans Charges Fed Rate 40 N 08/03/2020 09/10/2020 11-430-760-0000-6378 763.20 SS Admin Cost 65274 & 65275 Misc Exp Trans Prog 43 N 08/03/2020 09/10/2020 11-430-760-6160-6050 1,108.95 Title XX Transportation 65274 & 65275 Title Xx Transportation 39 N 08/03/2020 09/10/2020 11-406-000-0000-6379 72.96 Advisory Bd per diem/mileage Miscellaneous Charges 12 N 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 11-406-000-0000-6379 60.00 Advisory Board per diem Miscellaneous Charges 8 N 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 11-430-700-0000-6331 12.90 Meal Meals & Lodging - Ss Adm 38 N 09/21/2020 09/21/2020 11-406-000-0000-6000 57,606.00 September's Detention Costs Detention Center Costs - Probation 4 N 09/01/2020 09/30/2020 2,798.1744266 14747 PREMIER BIOTECH LABS LLC 237.3014747 25082 PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC 8,700.9125082 4245 RONNEVIK/HANS 72.964245 10313 SYNSTELIEN/RANDY 60.0010313 13803 ULSCHMID/LIZA 12.9013803 52139 WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR Page 5Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 14 Transactions 1 Transactions 5 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions 1 Transactions OTTER TAIL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPRESS ONE PREMIER BIOTECH LABS LLC PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC RONNEVIK/HANS SYNSTELIEN/RANDY ULSCHMID/LIZA Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Account/Formula 11:17:25AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems 11-406-000-0000-6379 60.00 Advisory Board per diem Miscellaneous Charges 10 N 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 57,606.0052139 13066 WINDEY/MICHAEL 60.0013066 85,910.19 Page 6Audit List for Board Account/Formula Description Rpt Invoice #Warrant DescriptionVendorName 1099 Paid On Bhf #Accr Amount On Behalf of NameNo.Service Dates 1 Transactions 1 Transactions Final Total ............20 Vendors 49 Transactions WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR WINDEY/MICHAEL Otter Tail County Auditor COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES11:17:25AM10/22/2020 LHart Human Services Copyright 2010-2020 Integrated Financial Systems Page 7Audit List for Board Otter Tail County Auditor Amount 85,910.19 Human Services 11 85,910.19 NameFundRecap by Fund All Funds Total Approved by,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adoption Month November 2020 WHEREAS, the family, serving as the primary source of love, identity, self- esteem and support, is the very foundation of our communities, our state, and our Country. WHEREAS, adoption gives children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or abused a precious second chance at happiness; a chance to love and be loved and to reach their full potential in a secure, supportive environment. WHEREAS, there are currently more than 125,000 children nationwide, and more than 900 in Minnesota waiting for an adoptive family. WHEREAS, the majority of the families seeking children for adoption are pursuing the adoption of younger children. Of the children waiting to be adopted in the State of Minnesota, 60% are children of non-Caucasian background and 40% are children between the ages of 12 - 18 years old; and of the children waiting to be adopted 60% are siblings who need to be adopted together. Of the children waiting to be adopted, the primary reason that children and youth enter out of home placement in Minnesota is 31% due to parental drug use, 22% allegations of neglect, and 10% allegations of physical abuse. WHEREAS, there is a continued need for an increased number of families in the State of Minnesota and in Otter Tail County who will adopt older children with special needs. WHEREAS, both the public and private sectors are working together as a “team” to find adoptive homes for the children throughout the Counties and the State of Minnesota. NOW, THEREFORE, we, The Otter Tail County Human Services Board, by virtue of the authority vested in us as County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, do hereby proclaim November as Adoption Month in Otter Tail County. In honor of this event, we encourage community agencies, religious organizations, businesses and others to celebrate adoption, honor families that grow through adoption, further an awareness of the changes and issues in adoption, and focus attention on those children who live in the shadow of an uncertain future while they await permanent families. Adopted this 27th day of October 2020. By: _______________________________ Attest: _____________________ Chairperson Nicole Hansen, Clerk Board of Commissioners Otter Tail County Human Services Permanency and Adoption Report to Board and November is Adoption Month 2020 Resolution Permanency and adoption work at Otter Tail County specifically addresses the finalization of the Northstar Kinship and Northstar Adoption Assistance*. This final permanency planning is critical for a transfer of legal custody or an adoption with children that are in out-of-home placement in foster care. Northstar plays an important role with grandparents, relatives and adoptive parents aiding them with funding and medical needs for the child. Department of Human Services encourages our families to apply for Northstar assistance so the child will continue to benefit until the age of 18. Many families can apply for an extension of Northstar Assistance which would encourage them to be eligible for financial funding and medical services until the age of 21 if the youth is attending school, working or in need of those services. Otter Tail County will complete 7 Transfer of Custody and 20 finalized adoption this year 2020. Permanency and Adoption work is done by social work staff at Otter Tail County Human Services. Social Work staff: • Randi Resler • Christine Deal Supervisor: • Stephanie Olson *Northstar Care for Children consolidates and simplifies three child welfare programs: family foster care, Kinship Assistance (which replaces Relative Custody Assistance), and Adoption Assistance to support families caring for children who must be removed from the home for reasons of child protection, delinquency or disability. OTTER TAIL COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Otter Tail County Government Services Center, 540 West Fir, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 218-998-8095 October 14, 2020 Meeting of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission was held on October 14, 2020 at 6:30 P.M.; the hearing was held via Go To Meeting due to the health pandemic and declared emergency in accordance with Minn. Stat. Sec. 13D.021. Roll Call: Members Present: Rod Boyer, Judd Fischer, Brent E. Frazier, Richard Gabe, Jack Rosenthal, Bruce Stone, David Trites, David Wass and Rick Wilson. Members Absent: None. Michelle Eldien represented the County Attorney's Office and Chris LeClair represented the Land & Resource Management Office. Minutes of September 9, 2020: A motion by Wass, second by Frazier to approve the September 9, 2020 Minutes as presented. Voting By Roll Call: All members in favor. Chairman Wilson indicated that the Jewett Lake Association Conditional Use Permit Application was moved to the third location, resulting in the William & Jasmine McFarlane Conditional Use Permit Application to be considered second. J & S Dotzenrod – Tabled to November 18, 2020: A Conditional Use Permit Application (as stated by the Applicant on the Application): Proposing to erect an open 9,400 sq. ft. pole style building for the purpose of seasonal storage of mainly boats & pontoons but also the occasional RV, Camper, Auto or Fish House. Indoors only. The proposal is located Across From 27908 County Hwy 83 in Section 6 of Everts Township; Deer (298), RD. Dan Johnson & Neil Sletten (proposed buyers) represented the Application. All correspondence was forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review. Cassie Muller expressed concerns of having a commercial use located in a residential area and the effect on drainage. Glen Mills expressed concerns of having a commercial use in this area and the effect on drainage. Motion: A motion by Wilson, second by Trites to table, at the Applicants’ request, to November 18, 2020 allowing the Applicant to provide: 1. Details of the proposed building design, lighting & signage. 2. A proposed grading and filling plan. 3. A detailed drainage plan. Applicant should work with Land & Resource Management and submit the materials to Land & Resource Management by 12 (noon) on October 30, 2020 . Voting By Roll Call: All Members in favor. Otter Tail County, Planning Commission October 14, 2020; Page 2 William & Jasmine McFarlane – Tabled to November 18, 2020: A Conditional Use Permit Application (as stated by the Applicant on the Application): Request to excavate in area within 30’ of top of bluff, adding earth retention as necessary. 30’x30’x10’ tall = 167 cu yd. Request to create cart path access from top yard to bottom yard, keeping as many trees as possible and earth retention as necessary. The proposal is located next to 23558 Lida Dr. in Section 20 of Lida Township; Lake Lida (56-747), GD. Jasmine & William McFarlane and Kelli Wegscheid (architect) represented the Application. All correspondence was forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review. Motion: A motion by Stone, second by Frazier to table, at the Applicants’ request, to November 18, 2020 allowing the Applicant to provide an engineered plan confirming minimization of impact to the bluff. Material is to be submitted to Land & Resource Management by 12 (noon) on October 30, 2020. Voting By Roll Call: All Members in favor. Jewett Lake Association - Denied: A Conditional Use Permit Application (as stated by the Applicant on the Application): Applicant (Jewett Lake Association) seeks modification of terms and conditions of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) approved as CUP #5753 by the County Board of 10-26-99. Applicant seeks an increase in operation by removing the valve to relieve excessive flooding of Jewett Lake. The Valve is located between 21476 & 21478 Jewett Lake Rd., Section 13 of Elizabeth Township; Jewett (56-877), GD. Jerry Shea and Jim Kapitan represented the Application. Correspondence was forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review. Jim Wolters (DNR) expressed concerns on fish movement (seasonal) between Jewett and Long Lake(s) when the outlets are open. Jon Olson expressed opposition due to shoreline erosion, water quality, & high water levels for Long Lake property owners; a one year trial run may not give accurate data (weather conditions are unpredictable) and there are 4 other sources that drain water into Long Lake, he requested the existing agreement to remain in place. Ron Hardyman (speaking for 6 people) expressed concerns on the effect of high water resulting with this request, he requested to follow the existing agreement. David Heiden expressed opposition, stating the current agreement works and expressed concerns on the impact on Long Lake if the outlet is left open (lakes are the same size), stating ¾ inch can raise the water levels on Long Lake. Amy Simmer expressed concerns on the damage to Long Lake property from the lake’s high water, asking who is responsible (monetary) for damage to properties from being under water; asking if one-year is adequate time to obtain data. Lorrie Carlson suggested gathering data on properties damaged by high water and to take enough time to gather accurate data. Mark Maston stated that the high-water concerns of property owners on Long & Jewett Lakes are the same; that he would like to come to an agreement. Rod Sauer agrees with Mark Maston stating that property owners of both lakes are experiencing the same problems and the water exiting the outlet is filtered by land prior to getting into Long Lake. Joe Heiden requested the dates on the data for the lake levels that was presented; he was concerned with the information collected. John Carlson indicated that Long Lake’s water level has dropped with the outlet open. Jon Olson indicated that in 2011 this request came to the Planning Commission and it was denied, that there may be options other than running water into Long Lake; Long Lake residents want to be good neighbors and protect their property. Otter Tail County, Planning Commission October 14, 2020; Page 3 Motion: A motion by Trites, second by Wass to deny for the following reasons: 1. The Conditional Use Permit solution that has been in place since 1999 (Cup# 5753) worked well (80% open until 2017) until the Long Lake outlet flow was obstructed (possibly in 2017) and that the obstruction has now been removed (since early August 2020). The removal of the Long Lake outlet obstruction appears to have contributed to a dramatic reduction in the water level on Long Lake (about 15 inches) and a reopening of the valve that has contributed to a lake level reduction (about 10 inches) on Jewett Lake. 2. Approval of the request can reasonably be expected to increase the water level in Long Lake, resulting in adverse effects for some Long Lake residents. 3. Additional data on the impact of a continuously open valve is needed in order to know what hazards if any would be created for Long Lake residents. Voting By Roll Call: All Members in favor. Adjourn: At 8:52 P.M., Chairman Wilson adjourned the Meeting. The next Meeting is scheduled for 6:30 P.M. on November 18, 2020. Respectfully submitted, Marsha Bowman Recording Secretary Otter Tail County Land Use Administrative Ordinance Effective Date: Not Passed Version: Tuesday, October 20, 2020Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1 SECTION 1 TITLE, PURPOSE, AND INTENT 2 3 Subp. 1 Title 4 This Ordinance shall be titled the Land Use Administrative Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as “this 5 Ordinance”). 6 7 8 Subp. 2 Purpose and Intent 9 The purpose of this Ordinance shall be to implement official controls established by Otter Tail County, 10 Minnesota, under Chapter 394 of Minnesota Statutes. 11 12 Subp. 3 Legal Authority 13 This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §394.27 and §394.30. 14 15 SECTION 2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 16 17 Subp. 1 Establishment of Board of Adjustment 18 The Board of Adjustment previously established by the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment 19 Ordinance is hereby confirmed and maintained as the Board of Adjustment defined in Minnesota 20 Statute 394.27. 21 22 Subp. 2 Membership 23 A. The Board of Adjustment shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Otter Tail County 24 Board of Commissioners: 25 1) One resident of each of the five (5) Commissioner Districts; 26 2) One member at-large; and, 27 3) One member of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission. 28 B. At least one member shall be a resident of an unincorporated area of Otter Tail County. 29 C. No elected officer of Otter Tail County, nor any employee of Otter Tail County, shall serve as a 30 member of the Board of Adjustment. 31 D. A County Commissioner may appoint a resident from another County Commissioner’s District to 32 serve on the Board of Adjustment. 33 34 Subp. 3 Officers 35 36 The chair of the Board of Adjustment shall rotate each year. The vice-chair shall become the chair on 37 January 1 of the subsequent year. At the first meeting of each calendar year, the Board of Adjustment 38 shall elect a chair and a vice-chair from among its members and shall appoint a secretary who need not 39 be a member of the board. A member cannot serve as the chair more than one time in the three (3) 40 year term. 41 42 Subp. 4 Conflict of Interest 43 44 Any question of whether a particular issue involves a conflict of interest sufficient to disqualify a 45 regular board member from voting thereon shall be decided by a majority vote of all regular board 46 members except the member who is being challenged. 47 48 Subp. 5 Terms of Office 49 50 The term of office of members of the Board of Adjustment shall be for a period of one three (3) years. 51 Any member shall be reappointed for successive onethree (3)-year terms by the Otter Tail County 52 Board of Commissioners. 53 54 55 Otter Tail County Land Use Administrative Ordinance Effective Date: Not Passed Version: Tuesday, October 20, 2020Tuesday, October 6, 2020 Subp. 6 Removal from Office 56 Notwithstanding subpart 5, any member of the Board of Adjustment may be removed by the Otter Tail 57 County Board of Commissioners for malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of his or her 58 official duties. 59 60 Subp. 7 Vacancies 61 62 The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners shall appoint an interim Board of Adjustment member in 63 the event of a vacancy. The interim Board of Adjustment member shall serve for the remaining term 64 of his or her predecessor and may then be reappointed in accordance with subpart 5. 65 66 Subp. 8 Powers and Duties 67 68 The powers and duties of the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment shall be as set forth in Minnesota 69 Statute §394.27. 70 71 SECTION 3 PLANNING COMMISSION 72 73 Subp. 1 Establishment of Planning Commission and Its Powers and Duties 74 75 The Planning Commission previously established by the Otter Tail County Planning Commission 76 Ordinance is hereby confirmed and maintained as the Planning Commission defined in Minnesota 77 Statute 394.30. 78 79 Subp. 2 Membership 80 A. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Otter Tail County 81 Board of Commissioners, including: 82 1) One resident of each of the five (5) Commissioner Districts. 83 2) Two members at-large 84 B. At least two members of the Planning Commission shall be residents of an unincorporated area 85 of Otter Tail County. 86 C. A member of the Board of Adjustment may also be a member of the Planning Commission. 87 D. No voting member of the Planning Commission shall have received, during the two years prior 88 to appointment, any substantial portion of income from business operations involving the 89 development of land within Otter Tail County for urban and urban related purposes. 90 E. Beginning immediately following the enactment of this ordinance, the number of members of 91 the Otter Tail County Planning Commission will be naturally reduced from ten (10) to seven (7) 92 by retirement, resignation, or removal from office. 93 F. A County Commissioner may appoint a resident from another County Commissioner’s District to 94 serve on the Planning Commission. 95 96 Supb. 3 Prohibited Membership 97 No elected officer of Otter Tail County, nor any employee of the Otter Tail County Board of 98 Commissioners, shall serve as a member of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission. 99 100 Subp. 4 Officers 101 The chair of the Planning Commission shall rotate each year. The vice chair shall become the chair on 102 January 1 of the subsequent year. At the first meeting of each calendar year, the Planning Commission 103 shall elect a vice-chair and secretary from among its members. A member cannot serve as the chair 104 more than one time in a three (3) year term. 105 106 107 108 109 110 Otter Tail County Land Use Administrative Ordinance Effective Date: Not Passed Version: Tuesday, October 20, 2020Tuesday, October 6, 2020 Subp. 5 Terms of Office 111 112 The term of office of members of the Planning Commission shall be for a period of one three (3) years. 113 Any member shall be reappointed for successive one-year terms by the Otter Tail County Board of 114 Commissioners. 115 116 Subp. 6 Removal from Office 117 118 Notwithstanding subpart 5, any member of the Planning Commission may be removed by the Otter Tail 119 County Board of Commissioners for malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of his or her 120 official duties. 121 122 Subp. 7 Vacancies 123 124 The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners shall appoint an interim Planning Commission member in 125 the event of any vacancy. The interim Planning Commission member shall serve for the remaining term 126 of his or her predecessor and may then be reappointed in accordance with subpart 5. 127 128 Subp. 8 Powers and Duties 129 The powers and duties of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission shall be as set forth in Minnesota 130 Statutes §394.30. 131 132 SECTION 4 PUBLIC HEARING RULES 133 134 Subp. 1 Roberts Rules of Order 135 Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission public meetings will be run in accordance with, but not 136 strictly bound by, Robert’s Rules of Order. 137 138 Subp. 2 Voting 139 The Board of Adjustment Chair and the Planning Commission Chair may vote on all applications 140 presented but may not vote twice in the event of a tie. 141 142 Subp. 3 Public Comments 143 At the first meeting of each calendar year, the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment will 144 adopt policies to standardize public comment during public meetings. 145 146 SECTION 5 Repeal 147 148 The Otter Tail County Planning Commission Ordinance, as adopted by the County Board on March 27, 149 2001, and the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment Ordinance, as adopted by the County Board on 150 February 17, 1998, are hereby repealed and replaced with this Ordinance. 151 152 SECTION 6 EFFECTIVE DATE 153 154 This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publicationon January 1, 2021. 155 OTTER TAIL COUNTY LAND USE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE RESOLUTION TO ADOPT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 - WHEREAS: Minnesota Statute §394.27 requires counties to adopt an ordinance that establishes and governs the membership and duties of a Board of Adjustment; AND WHEREAS: Minnesota Statute §394.30 requires counties to adopt an ordinance that establishes and governs the membership and duties of a Planning Commission; AND WHEREAS: The proposed Land Use Administrative Ordinance combines the current Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission ordinances into a single ordinance; AND WHEREAS: The proposed Land Use Administrative Ordinance meets the requirements in Minnesota Statutes §394.27 and §394.30. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Otter Tail County by this resolution adopts the proposed Land Use Administrative Ordinance. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing revisions was introduced by Commissioner ________________, duly seconded by Commissioner _______________ and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Commissioners ___________________________________________________________ and the following voted against the same: Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this _____ day of __________ 2020 Dated: OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: _______________________________________ Leland Rogness, Chair Attest: _______________________ Nicole Hansen, Clerk I, Nicole Hansen, County Administrator for the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at their session held on the ____ day of ________, 2020, now on file in the County Administrator’s office, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. _______________________________ Nicole Hansen, County Administrator AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION 4837-5651-0042.1 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in said County on Tuesday, the 27th day of October 2020, at 9:30 a.m. The following members were present: and the following were absent: * * * * * * * * * Following a public hearing on the matter, the Chair announced that the meeting was opened to consider matters relating to the sale of up to $2,000,000 General Obligation Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Series 2020B (Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority) of the County, including an application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for participation in its Credit Enhancement Program, and the refunding of the County’s outstanding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A. 2 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 4837-5651-0042.1 Member ________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE SALE OF APPROXIMATELY $2,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION WASTE DISPOSAL REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2020B (PRAIRIE LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTEAUTHORITY), AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MINNESOTA PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY CREDIT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF REFUNDING BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Proposed Bonds. To provide funds on behalf of Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Board for improvements to the Perham Resource Recovery Facility, it is hereby determined that it is necessary and expedient that the County forthwith issue its General Obligation Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Series 2020B (Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority) (the “Series 2020B Bonds”), in the aggregate principal amount of up to $2,000,000. The Series 2020B Bonds shall be sold on the basis of competitive proposals. The Series 2020B Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 400.101 and 471.59, and the Joint Powers Financing Agreement between Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, Todd and Wadena Counties. The paying agent for the Bonds will be Bond Trust Services Corporation. 2. Credit Enhancement Program Agreement. To facilitate the sale of the Series 2020B Bonds, the County shall apply to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for participation in its Credit Enhancement Program. The form of Credit Enhancement Program Agreement is approved and the Chair and County Administrator shall execute and deliver the Agreement and the County shall perform the terms thereof. The County hereby covenants and obligates itself to notify the Public Facilities Authority of any potential default in the payment of the principal of or interest on the Series 2020B Bonds and to perform all of its obligations under the Agreement and Minnesota Statutes, Section 446A.086. The County shall deposit with the Paying Agent three business days prior to each payment date an amount sufficient to make the payment due on each such date or to notify the Public Facilities Authority that it will be unable to make all or a portion of that payment. The County’s agreement with the Paying Agent shall include the provisions required by said Section 446A.086. The County shall do all other things which may be necessary to perform the obligations hereby undertaken under said Section 446A.086, including any requirements adopted by the Public Facilities Authority. 3. Bond Sale. Proposals for the sale of the Series 2020B Bonds will be received on Monday, November 23, 2020, at the offices of Ehlers & Associates, Inc. The Board of Commissioners will meet at the Government Services Center, 500 Fir Avenue West, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, at 9:30 a.m. on November 24, 2020 for the purpose of considering the proposals and awarding the sale of the Series 2020B Bonds. 3 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 4837-5651-0042.1 4. Agreements. There has been presented to this Board forms of a Third Amendment to Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Financing Agreement proposed to be entered into among the Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, Todd and Wadena counties and a Solid Waste Financing Agreement proposed to be entered into between Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Board and Otter Tail County (together, the “Agreements”) whereby such counties are to be responsible for a pro rata share of the debt service on the Series 2020B Bonds. The Agreements are hereby approved and shall be executed by the Chair and County Administrator in substantially the forms on file. 5. Refunding Bonds. The schedule for the sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds to refund the County’s outstanding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A is revised. Proposals for the sale of the Refunding Bonds will be received on Monday, December 14, 2020, at the offices of Ehlers & Associates, Inc. The Board of Commissioners will meet at the Government Services Center, 500 Fir Avenue West, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, at 9:30 a.m. on December 15, 2020 for the purpose of considering the proposals and awarding the sale of the Refunding Bonds. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member _______ and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 4 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 4837-5651-0042.1 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting County Administrator of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of said County held October 27, 2020, with the original thereof on file and of record in my office and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to General Obligation Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Series 2020B (Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority) of the County. WITNESS My hand officially as such County Administrator, this ______ day of October 2020. County Administrator 4835-3820-1551.1 SOLID WASTE FINANCING AGREEMENT This Solid Waste Financing Agreement is made by and between PRAIRIE LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS BOARD, a joint powers entity organized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 (the "Board"), and OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the "County"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the County will issue on behalf of the Board up to $2,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its General Obligation Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2020B (the "Bonds"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and Sections 400.101 and 471.59, to finance improvements to the solid waste disposal facilities owned and operated by the Board known as the Perham Resource Recovery Facility (the "Facilities"); and WHEREAS, the County, together with Becker, Clay, Todd and Wadena Counties (the "Other Members" and, with the County, the "Member Counties") organized the Board as a joint powers entity under Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 for the purpose of owning and operating the Facilities; and WHEREAS, the Member Counties have entered into a Third Amendment to a Joint Powers Financing Agreement (the "County Agreement") under which the County has agreed to issue the Bonds and, to the extent necessary to pay their respective pro rata shares of the principal and interest on the Bonds when due, the Member Counties have pledged their full faith and credit and taxing powers; and WHEREAS, the Board and the County have agreed that the Board will own and operate the Facilities and pay to the County the net revenues of the Facilities to the extent necessary to pay principal of and interest on the Bonds when due. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board and the County agree as follows: 1. The Board shall apply the proceeds of the Bonds to pay the costs of improvements to the Facility. 4835-3820-1551.1 2. The net revenues of the Facility are hereby pledged to the payment of the Bonds and other obligations heretofore or hereafter issued by the County on behalf of the Board. On or prior to April 1st and October 1st of each year the Board shall pay to the County from available net revenues an amount equal to the principal of and interest due on the Bonds on the following May 1 and November 1, less any funds then on deposit in the Debt Service Fund of the County. 3. The Board shall provide to the County within 270 days after the end of each fiscal year an annual financial statement prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or as otherwise required by Minnesota law for the preceding fiscal year, including a balance sheet and statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in final balances, together with an audit report, if any. 4835-3820-1551.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the County have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of this ____ day of November 2020. PRAIRIE LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS BOARD By Chair And by Secretary OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA By Chair And by County Administrator 4843-6676-6286.1 THIRD AMENDMENT TO PRAIRIE LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS FINANCING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the County of Becker, the County of Clay, the County of Otter Tail, the County of Todd, and the County of Wadena, all of which are organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, hereafter collectively referred to as “Parties”, and individually as “Party”, to amend the Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Financing Agreement among such Parties executed in 2011, as amended by a First Amendment thereto executed in 2018 and a Second Amendment thereto executed in 2019 (the “Agreement”); and The Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Joint Powers Board (the “Board”), owner and operator of the Perham Resource Recovery Facility (the “Facility”), proposes to construct improvements to the Facility and finance the costs thereof through the debt obligations issued by Otter Tail County under the Agreement. Accordingly, the term “Bonds” as used in the Agreement shall include up to $2,000,000 of general obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) to be issued by Otter Tail County to provide funds for improvements to the Facility. The Agreement shall govern the rights and obligations of the Parties with respect thereto. 4843-6676-6286.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment to be executed by the persons authorized to act for their respective Parties on the dates shown below. Each Party must complete the following. An original of each Party’s execution of the Agreement should be attached to the Agreement and remain in a permanent file. COUNTY OF BECKER By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk to Board COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk to Board 4843-6676-6286.1 S-1 COUNTY OF TODD By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk of the Board COUNTY OF WADENA By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk to Board COUNTY OF CLAY By_________________________________ Chair of the Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest______________________________ Clerk of the Board 4843-6676-6286.1 S-2 Page | 1 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Agenda Items Non-Consent Items 1. Motion by , second by and unanimously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $1,017.95 to Sanford Health for costs incurred under the provisions of Minnesota Statute 609.35 for FFPD CF20023749. 4843-6676-6286.1 THIRD AMENDMENT TO PRAIRIE LAKES MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS FINANCING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the County of Becker, the County of Clay, the County of Otter Tail, the County of Todd, and the County of Wadena, all of which are organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, hereafter collectively referred to as “Parties”, and individually as “Party”, to amend the Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Financing Agreement among such Parties executed in 2011, as amended by a First Amendment thereto executed in 2018 and a Second Amendment thereto executed in 2019 (the “Agreement”); and The Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Joint Powers Board (the “Board”), owner and operator of the Perham Resource Recovery Facility (the “Facility”), proposes to construct improvements to the Facility and finance the costs thereof through the debt obligations issued by Otter Tail County under the Agreement. Accordingly, the term “Bonds” as used in the Agreement shall include up to $2,000,000 of general obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) to be issued by Otter Tail County to provide funds for improvements to the Facility. The Agreement shall govern the rights and obligations of the Parties with respect thereto. 4843-6676-6286.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment to be executed by the persons authorized to act for their respective Parties on the dates shown below. Each Party must complete the following. An original of each Party’s execution of the Agreement should be attached to the Agreement and remain in a permanent file. COUNTY OF BECKER By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk to Board COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk to Board 4843-6676-6286.1 S-1 COUNTY OF TODD By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk of the Board COUNTY OF WADENA By_________________________________ Chair of Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest_______________________________ Clerk to Board COUNTY OF CLAY By_________________________________ Chair of the Board Date of Signature_____________________ Attest______________________________ Clerk of the Board 4843-6676-6286.1 S-2