HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/28/2020 OTTERTAIL COU NTY· MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN July 28, 2020 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8 :32 a.m. Tuesday, July 28, 2020, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Commissioners Lee Rogness , Chair; Betty Murphy, Vice-Chair; John Lindquist, Wayne Johnson , and Doug Huebsch were present in the room . The meeting was held via GoToMeeting and was available to the public via livestream due to the health pandemic and declared emergency in accordance with Minn. Stat. Sec. 13D.021 Subd . 1(1). Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda . Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of July 28, 2020 with the following additions: August 25, 2020 Board of Commissioner Meeting Location and Time Change Consent Agenda Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. June 30 , 2020 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for July 14, 2020 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for July 14, 2020 (Exhibit A) 4. Approval of an On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License Vacationland Resort LLC Item #5 , payment to the City of Dalton , on the Consent Agenda has been moved for further discussion under the County Engineer's items. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWSl Easements USFWS Realty Specialist Nathan Paler requested certification of three wetland easements and four habitat easements. Documentation was previously submitted regarding the request. Motion by Huebsch , second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve ce rtification for the USFWS to secure the below wetland and habitat easements. Anthony & Beverly Koep Joint Revocable Living Trust-Wetland Easement T. 133 N .• R. 42 W.. 5th P.M.: See Exhibit B John & Kim Mark -Wetland Easement T. 131 N .• R. 42 W.. 5th P.M.: See Exhibit C James & Bonnie Mark -Habitat Easement T. 132 N .• R. 42 W.. 5th P.M.: Section 23 , Part of Government Lot 8 & part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4SW1/4) to be determined by survey. St eve & Jodi Misegades -Habitat Easement T. 132 N .• R. 38 W.. 5th P.M.: Part of the NW 1 /4 Section 17 NE 1 /4 SW 1 /4 Section 17 -To be determined by a survey Page 1 of6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Chris Buttke Property Management LLC -Habitat Easement T. 134 N., R. 43 W. 5th P.M .: See Exhibit D Revocable Living Trust Agreement of Mark Nelson -Wetland Easement: T. 132 N., R. 39 W., 5th P.M. Sec 33, Government Lot 6, S1/2SE1/4 Sec 34, W1/2SW1/4 T. 131 N., R. 39 W., 5th P.M. Sec 3, SE1/4NE1/4 Roy Stoering ETAL -Habitat Easement T. 135 N., R. 41 W., 5th P.M.: Sec 25, Government Lots 7 and 8, NE1/2SW1/4 Recess & Reconvene At 8:55 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break due to technical difficulties. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:05 a.m. 2020 Census Update Public Information Officer Shannon Terry provided a brief update to the Board regarding the 2020 census and discussed how important it is that residents participate. Otter Tail County currently has a response rate of 54% and social media has been utilized to increase participation . Those who have not completed the 2020 census are encouraged to do so by October 31, 2020 by visiting 2020census.gov. Feedlot Public Meeting Policy County Board Secretary Tara Bakken provided a draft document in the packet to the Commissioners titled "Feedlot Public Meeting Policy". The policy includes notification guidelines for public meetings regarding new or expanded feedlots. ACCEPTING DEDICATED DONATION TO SUPPORT I-LIDS FOR AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PREVENTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 -52 WHEREAS, the Clitherall Lake Association has offered to donate funds in the amount of eight thousand five hundred ($8,500 .00) to the County of Otter Tail on behalf of the Land & Resource Office to assist in the acquisition of an Internet Landing Installed Device Sensor (I-LIDS); and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute §465.03 requires the County to accept the gift by resolution expressed in terms prescribed by the donor in full; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of the funds in accordance with the donor's terms is in the best interest of the County of Otter Tail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does accept the above-described funds from the Clitherall Lake Association and extends its grateful appreciation . Upon the motion of Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Lindquist, and, after discussion and upon a vote being taken thereon , the above resolution was adopted unanimously. Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Adopted this 28th day of July 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Final Plats "Grand View Heights" -David & Mar v Lundeen: Dated ______________ _ Attest _______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Motion by Johnson , second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the final Plat known as "Grant View Heights" consisting of three (3) single family residential riparian lots located in section 23 of Amor Township; Otter Tail Lake (56- 242), GD . "Pelican Developments I, LLC", CIC#90-MTE Holdings: Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve the final plat known as "Pelican Developments I, LLC", CIC#90, consisting of 14 storage units with private ownership; Pelican Lake (56-786), GD. 2019 Vulnerable Adult Intake & Assessment Social Services Supervisor Margaret Williams briefed the Board regarding the 2019 vulnerable intake and assessments . Staff provided a brief overview of their roles and Ms . Williams reviewed areas of success as well as areas of focus, improvement, and the impacts of COVID-19 . Board of Commissioners Meeting Change Motion by Murphy, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to move the August 25, 2020 meeting to the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls at 8:30 a.m. Recess & Reconvene At 9:42 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:50 a.m. 2019 Contract Administration Guidelines County Administrator Nicole Hansen briefly summarized the 2019 contract administration guidelines and reviewed dollar amounts that are able be authorized by Department Heads without prior Board approval. It was also discussed that while some contracts may be approved without Board approval in accordance with the guidelines, the Board regularly and routinely is made aware of and takes action on most contracts. REGULAR TO MUNICIPAL ADVANCE RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 -53 WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has obtained the Commissioner's approval of the plans for the following County State- Aid Project(s); and Project# S.A.P. 056-696-005 WHEREAS , said County is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) by providing county regular funds to supplement the available funds in the County Municipal Account; and WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced by the County is desired in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162 .08 , Subd . 5 & 7 and Minnesota Rules 8820 .1500, Subp . 9. Page 3 of6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED : That the Commissioner ofTransportation be and is hereby requested to approve this basis for financing said construction project(s) and to authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to said Account, in the amounts as herein indicated. Transfer the Yearly Municipal Construction Allotment, beginning in 2020, to the Regular Construction Allotment until the borrowed funds are repaid in full to the Regular Construction Allotment Account. Upon the motion of Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, and, after discussion and upon a vote being taken thereon, the above resolution was adopted unanimously. Adopted this 28th day of July 2020 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated ______________ _ By: _______________ _ Attest ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 -54 WHEREAS, it appears to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that the highway hereinafter described should be revoked as a County Aid State Highway under the provisions of Minnesota Law. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that the road described as follows, to-wit: County State Aid Highway No. 91: From the intersection of County State Aid Highway 35 (Main Street) and County State Aid Highway 35 (North First Avenue) in the City of Dent then northeasterly on Main Street to the intersection of Main Street and South Railway Avenue a distance of 0.07 miles. Be, and hereby is revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for consideration of revocation of said road or portion thereof. Upon the motion of Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, and, after discussion and upon a vote being taken thereon, the above resolution was adopted unanimously. Adopted this 28th day of July 2020 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated ______________ _ By: _______________ _ Attest ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Quote Award Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to award the Lake Olaf pipeline repair to Landwehr Construction, Inc., St. Cloud, MN in the amount of $44,260.00 as recommended by the County Engineer. Page4of6 https://ottertailcountymn.us/content-page/covid-19- health-information/. Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 Internal Operations and County Planning County Administrator Nicole Hansen provided a brief update to the Board regarding internal operations and county planning. County buildings were opened to the public on July 8th with modified operations and is going well. To learn about specific department operations, visit https://ottertailcountymn.us/alert/buildings-open-with-modified- operations/. Several employees have been affected by COVID-19 and Ms. Hansen expressed the importance of being flexible and providing support to employees. The budgeting process has begun, and discussions have been held to assist departments in preparing for the September budget meeting. Public Works Director Rick West provided a brief update regarding the long-range strategic plan and reported that a draft document is planned for Board review in October 2020. CSAH 34 Reconstruction Update County Attorney Michelle Eldien informed the Board that the judge executed the Order from the July 2, 2020 hearing and that the 60-day appeal period has begun. Adjournment At 11 :30 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 and will be available to the public via live stream. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated ______________ _ By: ________________ _ Attest ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 6 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 (Exhibit A) Ve11 dor Na me- A-OX WBLDINIG S U PPLY CO l ALBAN Y REC YC MG CENIT B R ALLE 'S AUTO BODY & T O\IY I G, AMAZON CAP ITAL SERV IC ES I C AMB R IC-ANI SOLU O "' FOR BUS NI ESS AMB R IC-ANI WB..DI G, & GAS I C AMEH I RlDE SERV ICES l C A l R E PSYCHOLOGICAL & CONSUL NI C: AVERY, A ORNIEY A LA:/WJ l LL BAALAGE-U LLEMOMI M YA Rl ES LUS IBU lllS BEN HOLZER E MBDICALLJLC BOY E:R!RODNEY B~OON 00 M U NI ICA. GtllS l BRAU VEN NIG I C LLC B U REAU OF CRI M APPREHE "ION CARR'S T REE SERV ICE I C CERTIF IED A UTO R EPAIR C ISTENSE ca S U C 10 CLEAN! PLUS [NC CL EAN SWEEP rot.1 ERC . L SERVIC ES COLLEG E W AY A 0 COOPE:R'S CE S U PPLY I C CU GAN O F BRO! LAKES U J S L OCK & l<iE Y S ElR\IIC E AOO AH PAPER CO GSLP P A I R ASI-I MEDICAL G LOV ES INIC C l C K'SS DOUBL E A CAT ElR I G Page 1 of 5 Amou nt 156.58 2 .4 14 .03 5M.60 7J]18 . 5 529 .. 8 1 57.45 720.54 2.,500 . 0 491. 0 78.53 75.45 331.67 :re . 0 775.00 1J]72.1 1 33.Q8 1.3 13 .69 374 . .75 1,604.42 00...75 2 ,210. 0 2.274.00 76.85 16Jl5.7 .50 570.00 250. 0 132 .30 71Q .65 30.00 32 . .75 M .25 25£ .. 0 400.34 232. 0 453.58 68!L4 1 77.{10 3.2 18 .35 270.00 2.92 .. 50 20.7 .35 35. 0 V endor Name EAGLE E Y E AER HO OGRAPHY LlC EJ'S RL OOIR COVERl NG, EVERTS L BER CO ARMB RS OO-OP O L FARNIAM'S GENUl N_E PARTS I NC FASTENAi.. COMPANY RGLIS FALLS DA[LY JOURNAL FU ORUM 00 FRAZEE EL ECTRI C I C FRAZLERIBRENT G & R CON O LS I C GABEJRilCHARD GALLSLLC GOVBR M ENT FORM S & SUPP ES GRA ITE ELECTRO ICS GREWE/TUCl-«:R WES SEPTIC T ANK PU l G, LJLC E NTAl SE!RV I C E ERMANJC Y S AL ERZOG, ROOFI NG I NC ONEYlMELJL I NTER TIO I NC U BER BLECTRIC l OTOR & PU O RE , J O NSON 00 ROLS J O ES ILAW OFFI C E K l ESLB R"S POLICE SUPPLY . I NC KNOWI K LC K UHN/AMBER LAKE RE G O EAi. THCARE LAJ<!ElAN TRU E VAJLU E HARDWARE LAKES COlJ Y S B C E CO OP LAKESHl RTS. I C lANGE/MJCl-'IAEL IJOK SERVICE IAWSO RODUCTS L L EIG ON BROADCAST! GIFF LIEl'll'ffi1C Page 2 of 5 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 (Exhibit A) Amount 8 ,3 11.25 1.500.00 57.48 Q80.03 357.U 7 .. 4 1 1.05U 8 615.00 3 .1 40.05 231.65 76.524.45 4 00.30 Q7 .50 280.20 5 .657.50 207.50 2.(141.80 Q52 .12 201.35 353.07 00.00 130 . .20 120.00 25..30 475.00 2 .228..83 4!8{1.00 4 12 .32 2Q!i.OO 1U OO.OO Q,625.00 120.00 12 .880.00 1 17..Q4 5Q.OO 178.00 77.25 2 .500.00 202..QQ 878..82 625 . .20 12.{13 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 (Exhibit A) Ve11 dor Nam e LI LOCAT O RS & S P iLI ES I C M-R S G COM PANY INC . Mt\ROO INC S LOO JS Mt\ROO lECHNOLOG ES Ll.C WIRKS FLEET SU PPIL Y I NC McCONIHICHR liS OPl-l ER \l'lt,ES RI I GCO E SOTA MOTOR CO MPAN Y E SOTA SHEffiFF S' ASSOC!IA ION MORNINGST A R PYSCHOLOGl CAl SERVI( LSOOA O RTH LAND Fl RE PROT ECTION 1T SERVICES OLSO RE & OIL [ C OTTER TA IL CO TREAS RE OTTER TA IL POWER COMPANY OTTER TA IL IRE I C OTTER ArL TRUCKI G I C ARK REG ION CO OP PAUL PUTNM\l AM ERICAN LE GlO POS AW UBL ICAT IONS ILLC BATTLE LAKJE R El..lCAN MOTEL El..lCAN RAP IDS PRESS Page 3 of 5 Amount 280.00 11:W.{13 324.00 3 14.00 1.3 1.24 1,5 00.00 13.{16 1S7..Q4 55.00 307.00 343_7 1 300.00 65.00 17 .335-75 1,600.00 24 .BS!L5 8 HM_67 1,052.22 2 .2.92.00 8 16 "66 15 .B6 1_B5 7 55.00 15 .00 5 20.00 4 04.03 750.00 5 71-57 2 .1 00.00 60.00 17G..Q5 1¥.1.00 184.00 5 57_50 270 _5 1 148 .. 4!4 1,062.06 3 1.751.60 Q.26 200.00 37B..Q4 4 .B00.00 4 68-5 6 V endor Nam e PRAIRI E SCALE SYSTEMS INC PRAXAI DliS PREMIBR ELE CT RI C I C PREMIUM WAT ERS I C C RO AG FA RMERS CO OP PRO-WEST & ASSOC TES INC PSlGK CAPI Ol SOLUTIONS ING ROO RUCK CE! ERS RE NOE T EI..EPHO E I RENTAL STORE/THE ESTBN_BBF«3/M AAK S tGNVll'O RKS SIG " & BAN ERS LLC SRF OONSUL NG GRO P l STEFANEK E TERSIHEATHBR STEINS I NC STEV E'S SA I .A ION [NC SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE , LLC SWA "TO EQUI MB CORP TECH OH ECK LLC US POS Iii!. SERVICE VAUGHN AU O & MARI E CO V ERGAS I-IARD\IYARE V I O LU DEE COM Y \/[KI G GARAG E DOOR OOt.lPA VliSUALGOV SOLU OOS L LC WAD6 MA ASPW\L T INC WALLWORK T RUCK C ENTB R WASSIDAVl D F V IC E IFirna'll li ota!t V en dor Name C-IT E 'S ADVOCA E O KESSON MB DICAL -S RGl Gliil. I GCO O FF IC E DEPOT OTTER TA IL OOlJ TY REASURE!R-EXPRI PACIFtG I lERPRET ERS IFirna'II i fota'II: Page 4 of 5 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 (Exhibit A) Amo unt 7Q:3 .2[) 63.Q.65 Q.7 1 28.09 53 .. 36 63.5 .il5 3.,000 .0[) 2 ,613,Q .77 5 00.0[) 3.,0l0.0[) 38.Q.41:1 4 37..4 [) 4g_g 536 .. 49 4 00.0[) 5.,0 13 .71:1 1,125.0[) 1.198.fl[) 392 .. 18. 15 ,626. 9 3 .100.0[) 33.5 .. 63. 1,81:15 .22 1.03.Q.5 1 128.0[) 197.15 20. 00.0D 100.51:1 10.,000 .0[) 120.0[) 1:16 .04 5 .. 49 3 ,145.23. 257.Ql:I 2 ,774:.0[) 3 1.400.0D 5 13 .07 625 .. 38. 38,437.0[) 354.04 461,88:3..811 Amoun t 48.fl[) 180.5 3 1 17..5[) 7,.500.25 48.6[) 1:17.fll:I 140.57 4:34 .2[) 8 /622.91 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 (Exhibit A) Ve11do r Na me CU\. Y CO Sl-i ERI RF COOPE:R'S CE SUPPLY I COUITTIES PROVIDl G T EO OLOOY A DIAGNOSTICS C ENTER I C FERGU S I E C ENTER I C K LO EKIAS LEY K UGLER!JEAN LA.KES & PRAl RIE COMM A CTION PART NE LA.K ES COU Y S B RVICE CO OP 0 'AN SERV ICES STEMS.INC_ ECH O LOGY I C O FF IC E DEPO OTTER A IL CO Sl-i ERCFF AC FIC I TERMET E:RS P REM IE!R B tOTECH LA'B S L LC R-EXPRI U 1180 ,!VAY O F O R T ACL 00 NTY VEHIZO W I EL.E SS W ES CENTRAL REG J VB IL E CT R Fi rna1I li ota11: Page 5 of 5 A mou n t 52 _15 4 Q7 .82 7 1.75 5 21.93 7.034.5 0 5 ,7 81., 1.366.5 0 24 7 .50 13 .100 .6 8 1,6 11.QO 4 0 ,702. 0 1 10 .5 5 245.{10 4 1Jl5'6 .75 181.QO 158.44 2 0 1.65 84.2 5 4 1.600. 0 1.4 28.4 1 57Jl06 0 214.,688_§6 Exhibit B T. 133 N .• R. 42 W .. 5th P.M. Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28 , 2020 (Exhibit B) Section 11 , The El/2 of SEl/4 (also known as the NEl/4 of SE 1 /4 and Government Lot 1) and Section 14, The West Half of the Northwest Quarter (Wl /2NW1 /4), except the following described tract: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section Fourteen (14); thence on an assumed beating of South 00 °38'48" West along the West line of said Section Fourteen (14), a distance of 1,595.09 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described ; thence South 88 °38'21" East a distance of 808 .10 feet; thence South 00 °28 '1 0" West a distance of 450.01 feet; thence North 88 °43'02" West a distance of 809.48 feet to said West line of Section Fourteen (14); thence North 00 °38'48" East along said West line, a distance of 451 .09 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 8.36 acres more or less. AND EXCEPT That part of the Wl/2 of the NWl/4 of Section 14, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 14 ; thence North 88 degrees 11 minutes 08 seconds East, assumed bearing along the north line of said Section 14, a distance of 1011.93 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 88 degrees 11 minutes 08 seconds East, along said north line, 312.54 feet to the east line of aforesaid Wl/2NWl/4; thence South 00 degrees 33 minutes 16 seconds West along said east line 1110.30 feet; thence North 40 degrees 53 minutes 57 seconds West 434.18 feet; thence North 01 degrees 17 minutes 18 seconds West, 772.37 feet to the point of beginning . Subject to a 33.00 foot wide ingress and egress easement over and across said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (Wl/2 of NW1 /4), being a strip of land lying adjacent to and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section Fourteen (14); thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 °38'48" West along the West line of said Section Fourteen (14), a distance of 1,595 .09 feet; thence South 88 °38'21" East a distance of 589.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described ; thence North 02 °14'02" East a distance of 618 .56 feet; thence North 18 °00'14" West a distance of 1,050.84 feet to the North line of said Section Fourteen (14) and there terminating. The westerly line of said easement shall terminate on a line which bears North 88 °38'21" West from the point of beginning of the above described line. And Section 15, East Half of the Northeast Quarter (El/2NEl/4) Page 1 of 1 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28, 2020 (Exhibit C) T. 131 N, R. 42 W, 5TH PM Exhibit( Section 1, The Southeast Quarter (SE¼) and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (E½SW¼NE¼) and the West 10 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE¼NE¼) Excluding the area described as follows: Commencing at the east quarter corner of said Section 1; thence North 89 degrees 04 minutes 25 seconds West (bearing is based on Otter Tail County Coordinates -2011 Adjustment) along the north line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 159.99 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; Thence South 14 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 132 .3 4 feet; thence South 15 degrees 38 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 147.19 feet; thence South 10 degrees 08 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 218.71 feet; thence South 09 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 314 .04 feet; thence South 86 degrees 22 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 469.40 feet; thence North 31 degrees 03 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 72.41 feet; thence North 73 degrees 47 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 37.83 feet; thence North 88 degrees 54 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 147.36 feet; thence North 78 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 137.48 feet; thence North 65 degrees 31 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 137.76 feet; thence North 27 degrees 34 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 127 .07 feet; thence North 05 degrees 30 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 77 .67 feet; thence North 40 degrees 25 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 43.49 feet; thence North 73 degrees 44 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 78 .28 feet; thence North 58 degrees 22 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 113.46 feet; thence North 25 degrees 16 minutes 29 seconds West a distance of 126.45 feet; thence North 12 degrees 10 minutes 37 seconds West a distance of 117.30 feet; thence North 26 degrees 18 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 169.79 feet to said north line of the Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 04 minutes 25 seconds East along said north line, a distance of 1249.15 feet to the point of beginning . Page 1 of 1 Exhibit D T. 134 N, R. 43 W, 5TH PM Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes July 28 , 2020 (Exhibit D) Section 18 , Government Lots 3 and 4 (a/k/a W½ of SW¼); the S½ of the NE¼ of the SW¼; and the West 16 acres of the SE¼ of the SW¼, except the South 4 acres thereof; -EXCEPT : That part of Government Lot 3, Section 18, Township 134, Range 43, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of said Section 18; thence South 00 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds West (bearing is based on the Otter Tail County Harn Network) along the west line of said Section 18, a distance of 514.31 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 80 degrees 13 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 469.96 feet; thence South 37 degrees 25 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 286.42 feet; thence South 12 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 123 .66 feet; thence South 73 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 230 .00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 447.50 feet to said west line; thence North 00 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds East along said west line, a distance of 491 .3 0 feet to the point of beginning . Subject to the rights of the public in 160th Avenue along the westerly boundary thereof. AND EXCEPT: That part of Government Lot 3, Section 18, Township 134, Range 43, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the West Quarter corner of said Section 18; thence South 00 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds West (bearing is based on the Otter Tail County Harn Network) along the west line of said Section 18 , a distance of 514.31 feet; thence South 80 degrees 13 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 469.96 feet; thence South 37 degrees 25 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 286.42 feet; thence South 12 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 123.66 feet; thence North 68 degrees 29 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 169.58 feet; thence North 73 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 232.87 feet; thence North 72 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 273.91 feet; thence South 87 degrees 45 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 98 .14 feet to the east line of said Government Lot 3; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds East along said east line, a distance of 753.51 feet to the north line of said Government Lot 3; thence South 89 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds West along said north line, a distance of 1402 .20 feet to the point of beginning . Subject to the rights of the public in 160t h Avenue along the westerly boundary thereof. To be determined by a survey. Page 1 of 1