HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/14/2020 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OTTERTAIL COUNTY· MINNESOTA Government Services Center, West Battle Lake Room & Via GoToMeeting 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN April 14, 2020 8 :30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:36 a.m. Tuesday, April 14, 2020 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls , MN and via GoToMeeting . Commissioner Lee Rogness, Chair; and John Lindquist were present in the room. Commissioners Betty Murphy, Vice-Chair, Wayne Johnson and Doug Huebsch were present via GoToMeeting. The meeting was held via GoToMeeting due to the health pandemic and declared emergency in accordance with Minn. Stat. Sec. 13D.021 Subd. 1(1). Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist to approve the Board of Commissioners ' agenda of April 14, 2020 with the addition of COVID-19 solid waste service delivery model and ag bags to the Public Works Committee Meeting. After discussion, the motion to approve the agenda as amended passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Consent Agenda Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. April 3, 2020 Board of Commissioners ' Special Meeting Minutes 2. April 7, 2020 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 3. Warrants/Bills for April 14, 2020 (Exhibit A) 4. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for April 14, 2020 (Exhibit A) After discussion, the motion to approve the consent agenda passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Human Services Fiscal Quarterly Report Human Services Director Deb Sjostrom briefed the Board regarding the quarterly fiscal report for Human Services and shared that the total agency expenses at 25 % and total agency revenue at 11 % are typical for first quarter ending. A detailed report was provided in the packet to the Commissioners. Page 1 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020 April is Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation Resolution No. 2020 -36 WHEREAS, child abuse prevention is a community problem and finding solutions depends on involvement among people throughout the community; and WHEREAS, the effects of child abuse are felt by whole communities and need to be addressed by the entire community; and WHEREAS, effective child abuse prevention succeeds because of partnerships created between parents, practitioners, schools, faith communities, health care organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and WHEREAS, family-serving, youth-focused prevention programs offer positive alternatives for young people and encourage parents and youth to develop strong ties to their communities; and WHEREAS, all citizens need to be more aware of child abuse and neglect and its prevention within the community and be involved in supporting parents to raise their children in a safe, nurturing society. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim April 2020 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Otter Tail County, and call upon all citizens, community agencies, religious organizations, medical facilities, and businesses to increase their participation in efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect, thereby strengthening the communities in which we live. Motion by Murphy, second by Huebsch to approve the foregoing resolution. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Betty Murphy Leland Rogness Adopted this 14th day of April 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA X X X X X By: _________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Dated: _____________ _ Attest: ______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Highway Maintenance Unit Memorandum's of Understanding (MOU) Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson to approve two (2) MOU's for the Highway Maintenance Unit regarding replacement of tools for mechanics and clothing allowance. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Page 2 of 7 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020 Highway Department Projects Contract for Seasonal Supply of Hot Mix Bituminous: Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Wadena Asphalt, Inc., Wadena, MN, for the seasonal supply of hot mix bituminous for the 2020 construction season. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Quote Award -2020 Highway Signing Materials: Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy to award the quote for the 2020 highway signing materials to the lowest bidder, Newman Signs, Inc., Jamestown, ND, in the amount of $40,566.64 as recommended by the County Engineer. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Quote Award -2020 Highway Sign Posts: Motion by Murphy, second by Huebsch to award the quote for the 2020 highway sign posts to the lowest bidder, M-R Sign Company Inc., Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $4,034.25 as recommended by the County Engineer. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Resolution Supporting Grant Application Made to the Minnesota Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) for Grant Funding Through Minnesota's Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 -37 WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail supports the grant application made to the Minnesota Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) for grant funding through Minnesota's Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (EN RTF). The application is for construction of the 5.83 mile McDonald Lake segment of the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail. The trail system is located within Otter Tail County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, if the County of Otter Tail is awarded a grant by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the County of Otter Tail agrees to accept the grant award, and may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project. The County of Otter Tail will comply with all applicable laws, environmental requirements and regulations as stated in the grant agreement. Page 3 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail names the fiscal agent for the County of Otter Tail for this project as: Charles Grotte, P.E., County Engineer Otter Tail County 505 South Court Street, Suite 1 Fergus Falls, MN 56537-2757 Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson to approve the foregoing resolution. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota , this 14th day of April 2020 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness , Board of Commissioners Chair NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Dated: ______________ _ Attest: ______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Nelson Lake Outlet County Ditch Inspector Kevin Fellbaum provided a brief background to the Board regarding a potential outlet for Nelson Lake. It was determined that a new system was most suitable for an outlet and in following Minn. Stat. 103E.212, Mr. Fellbaum presented a petition to the Board for the creation of a new county drainage system outlet for Nelson Lake that was signed by the majority of property owners. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist to accept the valid petition to create a new county drainage system outlet for Nelson Lake and authorize the County Ditch Inspector to proceed with preliminary engineering . The petition was reviewed by the County Attorney prior to County Board approval and the Drainage Ditch Authority has 30 days to appoint the engineer for this project. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Motion by Johnson , second by Lindquist to appoint Houston Engineering as the official engineer for the creation of the new county ditch drainage system outlet for Nelson Lake . Once engineering is complete, a preliminary hearing will be scheduled within 30 days. After discussion , the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Betty Murphy Leland Rogness YEA X X X X X Page 4 of 7 NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020 Public Health Update Public Health Director Jody Lien reported that Otter Tail County has four (4) lab confirmed cases of COVID-19 , of which two (2) no longer require isolation . Minnesota has 1,650 lab confirmed cases, of which 842 no longer require isolation, and 70 deaths. The public is reminded that the virus is mainly spread by respiratory droplets through community transmission and person to person contact . Because the virus is community spread and not all cases of COVID-19 are tested, public health preventions and following the Stay at Home Order are vital in reducing the spread of the virus. The governor issued a new order, 20- 34, directing the Minnesota Commissioner of Health to share limited health data with the Department of Public Safety, 911 dispatchers and first responders. Ms. Lien plans to identify a protocol and provide guidance to public safety partners. The Public Health Department Operations Center continues to provide information and guidance to the public and perform targeted outreach. They plan to focus on the needs of healthcare facilities and ensure transportation providers are equipped. The public is encouraged to continue to address healthcare needs and is recommended to contact their healthcare provider to ensure healthcare needs can be met. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Update Emergency Management Director Patrick Waletzko reported that a potential regional alternative care site to support healthcare facilities has been identified in Clay County. The EOC continues to search for a non-congregate shelter site to serve as temporary housing for those who do not have their own resources for isolation and is partnering with healthcare facilities to determine housing needs for staff should they become ill. Disaster Aid programs are being monitored and information is being distributed to the public and to those who are eligible for the programs. The EOC plans to distribute the Community Impact Survey to additional partners to identify resources and services being offered and will continue to provide support to the Public Health Department Operations team as well as healthcare providers. Flooding and Weather Update Emergency Management Director Patrick Waletzko reported that various departments are monitoring for potential flooding and are responding as needed. He also shared that severe weather awareness week is April 13 th -17 th, 2020 and the state plans to perform a statewide tornado drill on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 1 :45 p.m. and 3:45 p.m . All are encouraged to actively participate from work or home. Business Community Deputy Administrator Nick Leonard provided a brief updated to the Board regarding the business community. The governor requested the ability to perform 40,000 tests per week before the state is comfortable with fully opening the economy. Several businesses have expressed concerns regarding normal operations and impacts if they are not able to resume business. Mr. Leonard provided a brief overview of the disaster aid programs available to businesses and discussed the challenges of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) program. Community Development Director Amy Baldwin shared data with the Board regarding unemployment and reported since March 15, 2020, 3,441 applicants have applied for unemployment, accounting for approximately 11 % of the active workforce. The Community Development Agency (CDA) plans to review in more detail and identify how to support the workforce as well as housing stability. Internal Operations County Administrator Nicole Hansen reported that staff continues to manage employees internally and implement new policies. County Planning County Administrator Nicole Hansen reported that regular meetings have been held with department heads to keep them updated and informed. The Division Directors will meet on Monday, April 20, 2020, to discuss county planning including the 2020 budget and reopening buildings to the public. Page 5 of7 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020 Closed to the Public At 10 :18 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the Board of Commissioners meeting closed to the public for attorney-client privileges to discuss matters regarding the Highway Labor Agreement. The closed session is authorized under Minn. Stat. 13D.05, subd. 3(b). Present in the room were Lee Rogness, Chair, Commissioner John Lindquist, County Administrator Nicole Hansen and Boa rd Secretary Tara Bakken . Present via Go T oMeeti ng were Commissioners ; Betty Murphy, Vice Chair; Doug Huebsch , Wayne Johnson , County Attorney Michelle Eldien, Public Works Director Rick West, County Engineer Charles Grotte and Attorney Josh Heggem. The closed session was concluded at 10 :45 a.m. Recess & Reconvene At 10:46 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a Public Works Committee Meeting . The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 11 :18 a.m . Approval of Final Plat -Vineyard Estates Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch to approve the final Plat known as Vineyard Estates consisting of consisting of two (2) Single Family Residential Riparian Lots. The proposal is located at 41254 Marion Drive North, Section 5 of Rush Lake Township; Marion Lake (56-243), General Development (GD). After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Betty Murphy Leland Rogness YEA X X X X X NAY Redeye 1 Watershed 1 Plan (1W1P) ABSENT ABSTAIN Land and Resource Director Chris Leclair provided a brief update to the Board regarding the Redeye 1 Wl P. The plan was approved by the policy committee and a final draft is planned to be available by the end of the week. The Board is requested to review and provide feedback before the end of the 60-day review. The Public Hearing regarding the Redeye 1 Wl Pis scheduled for July 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. and is planned to be virtual. Planning Commission Recommendations "Grand View Heights " -David & Marv Lundeen: Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy to approve the Preliminary Plat titled "Grand View Heights", consisting of three (3) Single Family Residential Riparian Lots , 1 Block; and a Conditional Use Permit Application to Build a 370' Public Road for the Plat of Grand View Heights to meet County-Township Specs. The proposal is located at 31042 Oak Ridge Beach Rd in Section 23 of Amor Township; Otter Tail Lake (56-242), GD. After discussion , the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Betty Murphy Leland Rogness YEA X X X X X NAY "Okerstrom Subdivision " -Okerstrom RE Holdings. LLC /Mitch Okerstrom : ABSENT ABSTAIN Motion by Murphy, second by Huebsch to approve a Preliminary Plat titled "Okerstrom Subdivision", with a condition as recommended by Planning Commission, consisting of 2 non-residential commercial use, non-riparian lots, 1 Block; and a Conditional Use Permit Application . Subdivision Plat with 2 lots. No proposed structures, roads, drives, topographical alterations, signs, driveways, or lighting on either lot. The existing and proposed use for the subject property is non- Page 6 of 7 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020 residential, commercial use. Lot 1 proposed use : Continue the storage of dredging, pumping and dewatering equipment and road stabilization and dust control materials related to services offered by Fergus Power Pump, Inc. Lot 2 proposed use : Seasonal storage of approximately 200 boats, pontoons or similar units. The proposal is located west of 22441 249th Ave in Section 33 of Aurdal Township; Wall Lake (56-658), GD & Spring Lake (56-682), NE . After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Betty Murphy Leland Rogness Fergus Falls Lodge 1093: YEA X X X X X NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Motion by Huebsch, second by Johnson to approve a Conditional Use Permit application proposing to add 22 boat & pontoon slips . Currently there is a dock and no boat & pontoon slips . Also proposing to add 13 RCU campsites in tier 2. Currently there are 27 RCU campsites in tier 1 for a total of 40 campsite which will meet the requirements of the Shoreland Management Ordinance. The proposal is located at 20970 Elks Point Rd in Section 9 of Dane Prairie Township; Wall Lake (56-658), GD . After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Doug Huebsch X Wayne Johnson X John Lindquist X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X 'The Point on Crystal Lake " -Don Beaton et al I Scot Manthe: Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist to deny the request for removal of the following condition on Conditional Use Permit# 6938 : "Developer must work with the Township regarding road standards/construction". Request is based on the fact that Lida Township MN does not have a Subdivision Controls Ordinance, therefore condition was in direct conflict with Otter Tail County Subdivision Controls Ordinance as attached (on file at Land & Resource Management). The proposed road to service "The Point of Crystal Lake " plat will be constructed to County standards/specs. The proposal is located at 26140 460th St in Sections 2 & 3 of Lida Township; Crystal Lake (56 -740), RD . After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist Betty Murphy Leland Rogness YEA X X X X X Adjournment NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN At 11 :47 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned . The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m . on Tuesday, April 28 , 2020, via GoToMeeting . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By : _________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Page 7 of 7 Dated : _____________ _ Attest: _____________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk V endo Nam e• ALEX RU BE i & EC YOLI NG I NC C AMBRI RCD E SERV ICES [ C ARNDTI SCOlT AVERY. A ORNE¥ AT LA'. rt [L L ESV[LLE AMBULANCE R[ES WSB B S BDSLAU R Y B L ONOl L CO CENTRAL DOOR&. HAR DW CERT[FI D AJ O REPAIR ER · !L SIB .. CES C:OLJE p COOP COOPER'S OFACE SUPPLY I C Y PR EC 0 R GtJS F . · LS [LY JOIJI RNAL R GtJS POINBR UM I NG FERGUS I E CBlliER LIN ICA. ONS ca .• M[ NESO A. 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