HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/07/2020 Page 1 of 10 MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners’ Room 515 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN January 7, 2020 8:30 a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:31 a.m. Tuesday, January 7, 2020, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN, with Commissioners Doug Huebsch, Chair; Lee Rogness, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, John Lindquist and Betty Murphy present. CY2020 Otter Tail County Board Chair County Administrator Johns Dinsmore requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Chair for 2020. A nomination for Commissioner Lee Rogness was offered by Lindquist and seconded by Johnson. Motion by Lindquist, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Chairman Lee Rogness for 2020. CY2020 Otter Tail County Board Vice-Chair County Administrator John Dinsmore requested nominations for the Otter Tail County Board Vice-Chair for 2020. A nomination for Commissioner Betty Murphy was offered by Huebsch and seconded by Lindquist. Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot to elect Vice-Chair Betty Murphy for 2020. Approval of Agenda Chairman Rogness assumed the Chair’s seat and called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners Agenda of January 7, 2020 with the following changes: Addition of Land & Resource Office Closure Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems Grant Policy Deputy Administrator Position Moved to Internal Services Committee Meeting Addition of Lake Street Cart Way Concern to Public Works Committee Meeting Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve Consent Agenda items as follows: 1. December 17, 2019 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for January 07, 2020 (Exhibit A) 3. Joint Powers Agreement Regarding the MN Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force 4. Human Services Contracts 5. Otter Tail Lakes Country Association Service Agreement 6. Issuance of a 2020 Tobacco License to the following: Cathy Johnson dba the Under- Mart, Trever Schlosser dba JC’s General Store and Beth Dorn dba Dalton Corner Store 7. Solid Waste Contract Affidavit Second Amendment Sanctuary Tim Barry presented a resolution to the Board requesting that Otter Tail County become a second amendment sanctuary county. Commissioners requested additional time to gather information allowing them to have a better understanding of what this resolution means and if there is a benefit. The Board referred this issue to the County Administrator for further research and consultation with other staff. The matter will be brought back to the Board for consideration at a later date. OTTERTAIL COUNTY - MINNESOTA Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 2 of 10 Ditch 13 & 19 Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the Findings and Order for Redetermination of Benefits for Ditch #13 and #19 as presented by the County Attorney. Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize ditch maintenance on Ditch #13 and #19 as presented by the County Ditch Inspector. Costs are not to exceed $30,000 and billing will be held by the county until the redetermination is complete. Land and Resource 2020 Fee Schedule Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the 2020 fee schedule for Land & Resource as presented. The updated fee schedule can be found on the website located on the Land and Resource page. Board of Adjustment Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to appoint Michael Donoho from District 3 to the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment serving a one-year term. Land and Resource Office Closure Motion by Lindquist, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize the Land and Resource Director to close the Land & Resource offices on Thursday, February 13, 2020 to allow staff to attend a team retreat with the East and West Soil and Water Conservation District offices. The retreat will offer resources and allow staff to be more effective. Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS) Grant Policy Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to approve the Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS) Grant Policy as presented by the Land and Resource Director. The grant will be used to assist with failed septic systems for low income residents. Veterans Service Officer (VSO) County Administrator John Dinsmore and Assistant Veterans Service Officer Charlie Kampa introduced the new Veterans Service Officer James Olson. Mr. Olson offers 34 years of service in the military and is excited to work with the Veterans of Otter Tail County. Mr. Kampa thanked the Commissioners for their support throughout this process and plans to assist Mr. Olson as he assumes the role of the Otter Tail County Veterans Service Officer. Pay Equity Report Motion by Huebsch, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize Stephanie Retzlaff, Human Resources Professional, to submit the Pay Equity Report for Otter Tail County to the State of Minnesota. The county is required to submit a Pay Equity Report every three years and it is used to correct any pattern of underpaid female job classes. Essential Non-Licensed Jailer/Dispatchers Labor Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to accept the Essential Non-Licensed Jailer/Dispatchers Labor Agreement contract for 2020-2022. Court Appointed Attorney Contract Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials’ signatures to execute the agreements between the County of Otter Tail and Brian Geis to assist with legal services related to the following: children in need of protection or services, permanency, termination of parental rights cases, hospitalization commitment proceedings, certain guardianship/conservatorship, paternity and order to show cause proceedings. Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 3 of 10 AMC Legislative Conference Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioners to attend the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) Legislative Conference February 25th -27th, 2020 at the InterContinental Hotel in St. Paul, MN. Otter Tail River Flooding On December 17, 2019, Safety and Emergency Services Director Patrick Waletzko reported that properties along the Otter Tail River were being flooded due to rapidly rising water levels. County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons reported that an explosives expert was brought in to break up the ice dams that were discovered and as of January 6th, the water level is back within the banks. Recess & Reconvene At 9:43 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:57 a.m. Out of State Travel Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the Assistant Finance Director to travel out of state to attend the 2020 Government Finance Officers Association Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana May 17th – 20th, 2020. A received scholarship will cover the cost of registration and the remaining expenses will be funded under the Auditor’s budget. 2020 Committee Assignments Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to approve the CY2020 Committee Assignments as shown in Exhibit B. Authorization of Payments on Non-Board Weeks Motion by Huebsch, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize the County Auditor-Treasurer, the County Administrator or the Deputy County Administrator to approve the invoice listings for payment processing in those months when the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners are not scheduled to meet on the second and/or fourth Tuesday of the month, as well as to approve the payment listing for any claims and invoices received after December 17th and through December 31st. The listings as approved by the County Auditor-Treasurer, the County Administrator or the Deputy County Administrator will be submitted to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners for review at their next regularly scheduled Commissioners’ meeting. The following dates would be impacted: January 14, 2020, March 10, 2020, May 26, 2020, June 9 and June 23, 2020, August 11, 2020, September 8, 2020, November 10 , 2020 and December 22, 2020. Depository Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 - 02 Upon motion made by Johnson, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that all financial institutions in Otter Tail County, including Credit Unions, State and Federal banks be and are hereby designated as depositories of County funds. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:______________________________ By:_________________________________________ Attest: _____________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 4 of 10 Investments Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 - 03 Upon motion made by Johnson, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Otter Tail County Auditor/Treasurer and the Otter Tail County Chief Deputy Treasurer be and is hereby given authority to invest County funds as available. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:______________________________ By:_________________________________________ Attest: _____________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk County Extension Committee Appointments Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to reappoint John Sethre and Steve Schwartz to the County Extension Committee serving three-year terms. Approval of Payment Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve payment to Sanford Health for services provided under the provision of Minnesota Statute 609.35 in the amount of $3,131.65. County Board of Appeal and Equalization Dates Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to convene the County Board of Appeal and Equalization on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. and to reconvene the County Board of Equalization for final action on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 (Minn. Stat. 274.14). OFFICIAL WEBSITE – HIGHWAY PROJECT ADVERTISEMENTS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 – 04 Upon a motion offered by Johnson, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: To Use Alternative Method to Disseminate Bids and Requests WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd. 3(b) allows a county to use its website or recognized industry trade journals as an alternative to disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for informa tion and requests for proposals. NOW THEREFORE, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby resolves: BE IT RESOLVED, that from this day forward, the County of Otter Tail may continue to use the Otter Tail County website, www.ottertailcountymn.us, as an alternative means to disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for information, and requests for proposals for transportation related construction and maintenance projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any dissemination by alternative means must be in substantially the same format and for the same period of time as a publication would otherwise be required under Minnesota Statute §331A.03 Subd. 3. Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 5 of 10 Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:______________________________ By:_________________________________________ Attest: _____________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Website Designation Motion was made by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to designate the Otter Tail County website as the official publication, as appropriate, for highway project advertisements for bids as authorized by Minnesota Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2. 2020 Printing and Publishing Bids After consideration, motion was made by Murphy, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, to designate the following papers for Otter Tail County’s 2020 publishing and printing requirements with the exception of the official publication for highway project advertisements for bids, which will be posted to the Otter Tail County website as appropriate and as authorized by Minnesota Statute 331A.12 Subdivision 2: Legal Notices, Publications and Commissioners’ Minutes: Daily Journal $ 17.47 per S.A.U. Annual Financial Statement New York Mills Dispatch – NYM First Publication $ 17.84 per S.A.U. Perham Focus – Perham Second Publication $ 17.84 per S.A.U. Delinquent Tax List New York Mills Dispatch – NYM First Publication $ 17.84 per S.A.U. New York Mills Dispatch – NYM Second Publication $ 11.67 per S.A.U. CY2020 Delinquent Publication Fee Motion by Johnson, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to set the cost assessed to delinquent real estate parcels, that are published in the Delinquent Tax List, at $58.00 per parcel. (Minnesota Statute 279.092). CY2020 Annual Appropriations Motion by Huebsch, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize payment of the following CY2020 annual appropriations: Annual Appropriation Approval Approved 2020 West Central Initiative (01704.6815) 22,500.00 West Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950) 26,000.00 East Otter Tail Fair Association (01505.6950) 26,000.00 Otter Tail Lakes Country Association – Special Project (01502.6950) 50,000.00 (OTC On ICE and Fishing Opener) Minnesota Red River Valley Development Assoc. (01703.6804) 1,800.00 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 6 of 10 Calendar Year 2020 Pocket Gopher Bounty Resolution (M.S. 348.12 and 348.13) Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 - 05 Upon motion made by Huebsch, seconded by Lindquist and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that The sum of fifty cents ($.50) be paid out of the General Revenue Fund of Otter Tail County for every pocket gopher killed in said County during the year 2019. Paid only in those cases where the township in which the pocket gophers were so killed shall provide for the payment of at least an additional bounty of fifty cents ($.50) for each pocket gopher so killed. RESOLVED further that said payment of such County shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman and/or Clerk of the Town Board of said Township setting forth that the township had issued and delivered to each claimant a payment for at least one dollar ($1.00) for each pocket gopher so killed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:______________________________ By: ____________________________________ Attest: _____________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Calendar Year 2020 Tax Forfeited Land Sale Apportionment Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 - 06 Upon motion made by Johnson, seconded by Murphy and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, it is provided in Minn. Stat. 282.05 for the apportionment of proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands, and WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxing district pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282.08 and WHEREAS, Minn Stat. 282.08 (4) (b) provides that the County Board may set aside 20% of the proceeds remaining after the value of public improvements, special assessments and bond issues levied on the property have been paid, for acquisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has a park and recreational area, which would benefit by such an apportionment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retains 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands for acquisition and maintenance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds to be disbursed according to law. Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 7 of 10 Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:______________________________ By:________________________________________ Attest: _____________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Minnesota Red River Valley Development Association Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to reappoint Commissioner Doug Huebsch to the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Red River Valley Development Association serving a three-year term. Absentee Ballot Board Appointments Motion by Huebsch, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to appoint the following individuals to the Otter Tail County Absentee Ballot Board for the processing of absentee ballots issued and received under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 203B.04 through 203B.15 and Minnesota Statues 203B.16 through 203B.27 for the March 3, 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary Election and to establish compensation for these services at $15.00 per hour with a reimbursement for travel at $0.575 per mile. Absentee Ballot Board: Mary Hauser JoAnne Larson Teresa Mann Gary Nelson Janice Nelson Valerie Nelson Joellen Thacker Public Hearing Regarding Property Tax Abatement Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing regarding Property Tax Abatements related to the Single and Two Family Property Tax Rebate Program. Community Development Director Amy Baldwin provided a brief background of the program and explained the process. At 10:47 a.m., Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing for comments from the public. No comments were received, and the Public Hearing was closed at 10:47 a.m. The following Resolutions were offered: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 – 07 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota (the "County"), as follows: 1. Recitals. The County proposes to approve tax abatements in connection with the construction of a single-family home (the "Project"). The County proposes to use the abatement for the Project provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.1812 through 469.1815 (the "Abatement Law"), from the property taxes to be levied by the County on Parcel Identification Number 71003991941000 (the "Tax Abatement Property"). (a) On this date, the Board held a public hearing on the question of the Abatement, (as defined below) and said hearing was preceded by at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior published notice thereof at which all interested persons appeared and were heard. (b) The County proposes to approve tax abatements on the portion of the County's share of property taxes on the Tax Abatement Property resulting from the construction of a new Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 8 of 10 residence in an amount not to exceed $5,000 or a term of up to five (5) years to finance a portion of the costs of the Project. (c) The Abatement is authorized under the Abatement Law. 2. Findings for the Abatement. The Board hereby makes the following findings: (a) The tax abatement (the "Abatement") is the County's share of taxes on the Tax Abatement Property resulting from the construction of a new residence. (b) The Board expects the benefits to the County of the Abatement to be at least equal or exceed the costs to the County thereof. (c) Granting the Abatement is in the public interest because it will increase the tax base in County. (d) The Tax Abatement Property is not located in a tax increment financing district. (e) In any year, the total amount of property taxes abated by the County by this and other resolutions and agreements, does not exceed the greater of ten percent (10%) of the net tax capacity of the County for the taxes payable year to which the abatement applies or $200,000, whichever is greater. The County may grant other abatements permitted under the Abatement Law after the date of this resolution, provided that to the extent the total abatements in any year exceed the Abatement Limit the allocation of the Abatement limit to such other abatements is subordinate to the Abatement granted by this resolution. 3. Terms of Abatement. The Abatement is hereby approved. The terms of the Abatement are as follows: (a) The Abatement shall be for up to five (5) years anticipated to commence for taxes payable 2021 and shall not exceed $5,000. The County reserves the right to modify the commencement date but the abatement period shall not exceed five (5) years. (b) The County will provide the Abatement as provided in this resolution. (c) The Abatement shall be subject to all the terms and limitations of the Abatement Law. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by member Johnson and duly seconded by commissioner Murphy and, upon a vote being taken thereon after full discussion thereof, the following voted in favor thereof: Rogness, Murphy, Johnson, Lindquist, Huebsch and the following voted against the same: None Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:_________________________ By: Attest: ________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 9 of 10 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2020 - 08 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota (the "County"), as follows: 4. Recitals. The County proposes to approve tax abatements in connection with the construction of a single-family home (the "Project"). The County proposes to use the abatement for the Project provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.1812 through 469.1815 (the "Abatement Law"), from the property taxes to be levied by the County on Parcel Identification Number 71003991943000 (the "Tax Abatement Property"). (a) On this date, the Board held a public hearing on the question of the Abatement, (as defined below) and said hearing was preceded by at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior published notice thereof at which all interested persons appeared and were heard. (b) The County proposes to approve tax abatements on the portion of the County's share of property taxes on the Tax Abatement Property resulting from the construction of a new residence in an amount not to exceed $5,000 or a term of up to five (5) years to finance a portion of the costs of the Project. (c) The Abatement is authorized under the Abatement Law. 5. Findings for the Abatement. The Board hereby makes the following findings: (a) The tax abatement (the "Abatement") is the County's share of taxes on the Tax Abatement Property resulting from the construction of a new residence. (b) The Board expects the benefits to the County of the Abatement to be at least equal or exceed the costs to the County thereof. (c) Granting the Abatement is in the public interest because it will increase the tax base in County. (d) The Tax Abatement Property is not located in a tax increment financing district. (e) In any year, the total amount of property taxes abated by the County by this and other resolutions and agreements, does not exceed the greater of ten percent (10%) of the net tax capacity of the County for the taxes payable year to which the abatement applies or $200,000, whichever is greater. The County may grant other abatements permitted under the Abatement Law after the date of this resolution, provided that to the extent the total abatements in any year exceed the Abatement Limit the allocation of the Abatement limit to such other abatements is subordinate to the Abatement granted by this resolution. 6. Terms of Abatement. The Abatement is hereby approved. The terms of the Abatement are as follows: (a) The Abatement shall be for up to five (5) years anticipated to commence for taxes payable 2021 and shall not exceed $5,000. The County reserves the right to modify the commencement date but the abatement period shall not exceed five (5) years. (b) The County will provide the Abatement as provided in this resolution. Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 Page 10 of 10 (c) The Abatement shall be subject to all the terms and limitations of the Abatement Law. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by member Johnson and duly seconded by commissioner Murphy and, upon a vote being taken thereon after full discussion thereof, the following voted in favor thereof: Rogness, Murphy, Johnson, Lindquist, Huebsch and the following voted against the same: None Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 7th day of January 2020. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated:_________________________ By: Attest: ________________________ Lee Rogness, Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk 2019 Emergency Management Performance Grant Motion by Lindquist, second by Huebsch and unanimously carried to accept the 2019 Emergency Management Performance Grant. This is an annual grant received from the MN Department of Public Safety to assist with expenses related to Emergency Management. Parks and Trails Ordinance Motion by Johnson, second by Lindquist and unanimously carried to set the Public Hearing for the Otter Tail County Parks and Trails Ordinance on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., to be held at the Government Services Center, 520 W. Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN. Administrator/ Deputy Administrator Transition County Administrator John Dinsmore briefed the Board regarding his position during the transition of the new County Administrator and Deputy Administrator. He plans to play an advisory role and assist with duties as assigned. Mr. Dinsmore also plans to utilize accrued vacation until his retirement at the end of the month. Star Lake Casino County Attorney Michelle Eldien provided a brief update regarding the Star Lake Casino. The project is currently in limbo status awaiting payment in the amount of $29,595 from White Earth Nation to begin the scoping process. If payment is received, the Board has the ability to request further review due to the time passed since action on September 5, 2017. Ms. Eldien will work with the Otter Tail County Public Information Officer to provide an updated status on the county website. Adjournment At 11:24 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Date:__________________________ By: _______________________________________ Attest: _________________________ Lee Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 (Exhibit A) Page 1 of 2 Ve ndo r Name AL BANY RECYCLING CENTER M'2AZON Cii.AITAL SERVI CIE S INC NIIERIPR I DE SERVICES I C .AND ERSONTT ROY .AP TECHNOLOGY LLC ATOM BACKGROUND SO LUTIONS LLC BEERY/CHARL ES BEN HO LZER U LI MITED WAT ER LLC BERGQU IST/R ICHAR D Cl SPORT CITI ZENS ADVO CATE COM MISS IONEIR OF T RA NS PORTATION COM MISS IONEIR OF T RA NS PORTATION COM PASS M[NERALS AM ERICA COOP ERS T ECH OLOGY GRO UP DA ILY JO'U RNAUli"H E DAKOTA CO F INANCE DENBROOKIGARY DICK'S STANDA RD DOWCA!RLA DOU BL E A CATEIRING IFARNAM'S G EN U INE PARTS INC !F ERGUS POWE R PUMP I ,C GALLSLLC GOViERNMENT J OBS.OOMI INC G REAT AM ERICA !F INANCIAL SVCS KAMAN/LOREN f-iA UGRUDI BRLICIE M [N OVAT IVE ORF ICE SO LITTIONS [NTOXIMETERS INC 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Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy Lee Rogness (Alternate) Land Services Division Committee Assessor, Recorder, Land Functions of Auditor, GIS Betty Murphy John Lindquist Wayne Johnson (Alternate) Brian Armstrong (Director) Finance Division Committee Auditor – Treasurer, Day to Day Budget/Audit, Investment, Capital Improvement Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson John Lindquist (Alternate) Wayne Stein (Director) Annual Budget Committee – All Commissioners Public Works Division Committee Highway, Land & Resource, Solid Waste, Noxious Weed Appeal, Ditches, Trails & Parks, Strategic Planning, City of Fergus Falls-RTC Wayne Johnson Lee Rogness Doug Huebsch (Alternate) Rick West (Director) Internal Services Division Committee Administration, Facilities Operations, IT, Building, Courtroom Security, Personnel, Technology, Emergency Management/Safety Lee Rogness John Lindquist Wayne Johnson (Alternate) Nicole Hansen (Director) County Wide LMC Doug Huebsch Human Services LMC Betty Murphy Insurance Sub-Committee Lee Rogness John Lindquist Agriculture Advisory Doug Huebsch Lee Rogness Central MN Emergency Services (Radio Board) John Lindquist Betty Murphy (Alternate) OTC Conservation Committee John Lindquist Wayne Johnson Community Development Agency (CDA) Doug Huebsch Lee Rogness AMC Policy Committees Wayne Johnson: Transportation & Infrastructure Betty Murphy: General Government Lee Rogness: Alternate John Lindquist: Environment & Natural Resources Otter Tail County COLA Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson Otter Tail Lakes Country Association (OTLCA) Doug Huebsch EXTERNAL COMMITTEES INTERNAL COMMITTEES Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes January 7, 2020 (Exhibit B) Page 2 of 3 Otter Tail Problem Solving Courts Betty Murphy Lee Rogness (Alternate) Partnership4Health Community Health Board Doug Huebsch County HRA Board Wayne Johnson Doug Huebsch (Alternate) John Lindquist Lee Rogness Criminal Justice Advisory Council (CJAC) Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch (Alternate) PLMSWA Board Doug Huebsch John Lindquist Betty Murphy (Alternate) Extension John Lindquist Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson (Alternate) Red River Valley Development Association- Outstanding Farm Leaders Doug Huebsch Family Service Collaborative Doug Huebsch Wayne Johnson (Alternate) State Community Health Services Advisory Committee (SCHSAC) Doug Huebsch Lakeland Mental Health Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch (Alternate) SWCD - EOT Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy (Alternate) Lake Region Community Partners Lee Rogness Dough Huebsch (Alternate) SWCD - WOT John Lindquist Lee Rogness (Alternate) Law Library Betty Murphy Lee Rogness (Alternate) WCAAA / Land of the Dancing Sky Wayne Johnson Betty Murphy (Alternate) WCI Economic Development District Board Wayne Johnson MAHUBE OTWA CAC Betty Murphy Doug Huebsch (Alternate) MICA Wayne Johnson Lee Rogness WCR Juvenile Center Board John Lindquist Betty Murphy (Alternate) Viking Library Board Betty Murphy MnDOT District 4 Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) Wayne Johnson EXTERNAL COMMITTEES CONTINUED Page 3 of 3 PDTRA Joint Powers Board Pomme de Terre River Association John Lindquist Bois de Sioux Board Managers Bois de Sioux Watershed District Ben Brutlag PDT 1W1P Policy Committee Pomme de Terre River Association John Lindquist Bois de Sioux 1W1P Policy Committee Bois de Sioux Watershed District John Lindquist Lee Rogness (Alternate) BRRWD Board of Managers Buffalo-Red River Watershed District Peter Fjestad (Appointed 4/24/18-8/31/21) Redeye 1W1P Policy Committee Redeye River Watershed Doug Huebsch Betty Murphy (alternate) BRRWD 1W1P Policy Committee Buffalo-Red River Watershed District Wayne Johnson WATERSHED MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES