HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/23/2021 OTTERTAIL COU NTY· MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN November 23, 2021 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:30 a.m . Tuesday, November 23, 2021 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair; Betty Murphy; Vice Chair, Kurt Mortenson, Wayne Johnson, and Dan Bucholz were present. Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda . Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of November 23, 2021 , with the following additions: Pelican Rapids MN DOT Road Reconstruct Project Public Health Award Recognition Economic Growth and Community Investment Committee: Railroad Crossing Concern Administration/Operations Committee: Building Remodel Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows: 1. November 9, 2021 , Board of Commissioners ' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) 4 . Human Services Contracts 5. Approval of the issuance of a Tobacco License to Josie Norgren dba Hillbillies Liquors Vittles and Brew for calendar year 2022 6. Authorization for the Chair and Clerk of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners to sign the document of conveyance transferring ownership of Parcel 60000340268001 from Otter Tail County to Paul J. and Sandra M . Hovland (Sale approved at October 26, 2021 Board of Commissioners Meeting). 7. Approval of the Issuance of a County Credit Card to Deputy Sheriff Kelby Jensen . 8. Approval of the Issuance of a 2022 Tobacco License to Dale Cameron dba Battle Lake Standard A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIRl Policy Approval Motion by Mortenson, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the AWAIR Policy as presented by the Safety/Risk Specialist, with a recommendation to modify the language from "under the direction of the County Commissioners" to "under the authorization of the County Commissioners" listed in the Team Leaders responsibilities . This policy is a tool to build a safety culture within the county based upon regulations, best practices, written programs and procedures, management and employee involvement, communication, and accountability. Deputy Treasurer Reclassification Motion by Murphy, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the request for reclassification of the Deputy Treasurer position from an Accounting Technician (A 12/A 13) to an Accounting Specialist (B21) as recommended by Gallagher. The request came as a result of significant and beneficial changes in duties that evolved from a vacant Administrative Deputy Treasurer position that is not planned to be filled. The reclassification will be effective December 1, 2021. Postage Machine Lease County Auditor-Treasurer Wayne Stein and Administrative Specialist Karen Czech shared with the Board that they have experienced various issues with the two (2) Pitney Bowes Postage Systems that are currently being leased . They recommended that the county terminate the two (2) current lease agreements with Pitney Bowes and begin a new lease with Quadient at a lower cost. The change in vendors will address the challenge of access to technical support and the cost of the payoff balance to Pitney Bowes Systems will be paid by Qudient. It was also recommended that the county terminate the current lease with Quadient (#Nl8021053) for a folder/inserter machine that is no longer being used. The proposal that was presented was prepared by Steve Jacobson, Dakota Business Solutions. Page 1 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to terminate Otter Tail County's current lease with Quadient (#Nl 8021053) as well as the two (2) leases with Pitney Bowes Systems . The motion authorized Otter Tail County to enter into a 48 month lease agreement with Quadient in the amount of $2,492 .16 per month for equipment and services as presented. Pelican Rapids MNDOT Road Reconstruct Project Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioner Wayne Johnson and other members of the Board to attend the Pelican Rapids Council Meeting on November 30, 2021, to speak in support of the MN DOT proposal regarding the road reconstruction project in Pelican Rapids . The Board expressed the importance of increasing economic growth and encouraged administrative staff to attend the meeting as well. The Council meeting will be held at the Pelican Rapids City Hall at 4 :30 p .m . Planning Commission Recommendations Stony Hills Properties: Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve a preliminary Plat titled "Stony Hills First Addition ", with a condition as recommended by Planning Commission, consisting of 11 single family residential lots, 3 Blocks (5 Riparian Lots & 6 Non-Riparian Lots); and a Conditional Use Permit Application: In 2019 Stony Hills Addition was developed . Developers proposed to extend the road about 1200 feet westerly with a cul de sac termination approximately in the center of their remaining property. This westerly road extension to serve the proposed preliminary plat of Stony Hills First Addition . Developer's own 15.5 acres remaining outside of the proposed plat and are requesting as a part of this application a 800' driveway to access and serve the remaining acreage . Also, within this application is a re-grade of the easterly portion of Lot 3 of Stony Hills Addition (sewer site to be protected to prevent any traffic or fill activity). Cut 15,710 c.y . of excess fill to be used for westerly driveway and mentioned east side of Lot 3. Only hauled in material is for final road surface . The proposal is located directly West of 39422 Stony Hills Dr., Section 12 of Edna Township; Moenkedick Lake (56-336), NE . Vacationland Resort /Trevor & Patricia Johnson: Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application for Trevor and Patricia Johnson / Vacationland Resort updating their CUP to include all current rental units (17) and approve two (2) additional units for a total of 19 units. They will work with OTWMD to ensure septic system is satisfactory. The proposal is located at 38555 Wagon Trail Loop, Section 2 of Everts Township; Otter Tail Lake (56-242), GD . Allen & Karmen Arvig: Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application for Allen and Karmen Arvig with a condition as recommended by Planning Commission. In 2018, Arvig Acres road was approved and constructed . This CUP will accompany a future plat of Arvig Acres First Addition . They were not able to make the plat deadline however, Land and Resource Director Chris Leclair has allowed the road application since this is wooded and accessible at this time . Upgrade of existing driveway, and construction of three cul-de-sac roads . Total cut 4,275 yards . Only hauled in material will be class 5 for final road surface . The proposal is located directly north of 45882 Co . Hwy 8, Section 31 of Corliss Township; Big Pine Lake (56-130), GD . Green Cabin, LLC: Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve a Conditional Use Permit Application for Green Cabin , LLC. The applicants, the Hanson Family, wish to create a Residential PUD that would allow for construction of a main cabin and a storage building in the 2022 construction season and up to 8 additional cabins in the future for use by individual family members. Additional proposed structures include a tennis/sport court with a shelter and a WOAS near the lake . The access drive from Sybil Lake Road to the main cabin and storage building will be constructed in the 2022 construction season . The proposal is located between 34737 & 34965 Sybil Lake Rd , Section 5 of Edna Township; Sybil Lake (56-387), RD . Loon Lake Resort/ Jay Malstrom: Land and Resource Director Chris Leclair presented an application to the Board for Loon Lake Resort / Jay Malstrom that was approved by Planning Commission on November 10, 2021. He shared that a petition was filed with the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) by Tami Norgard with Vogel Law Firm requesting to conduct a discretionary environmental assessment worksheet (EAW). Mr. Leclair briefly reviewed the petition process and potential timeline and anticipates a response from the EQB the week of November 28 th • The deadline for application review has been extended by an additional 60 days as allowed by statute and the applicant has been notified . Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to address the results of the petition on December 14, 2021 , at 3:00 p .m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls . Page 2 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 RESOLUTION ADOPTING GLACIAL EDGE TRAIL MASTER PLAN AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO EXECUTE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -175 WHEREAS , the adopted Otter Tail County Master Trail Plan identifies two high priority tra il spines ; and WHEREAS, the north/south spine connects the City of Fergus Falls and the existing Central Lakes Trail to Maplewood State Park and the east/west spine ; and WHEREAS , the Greater MN Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) recommended the County partner with the City of Fergus Falls to amend the city's existing Glacial Edge Trail master plan and include the full north/south spine; and WHEREAS , the Board previously directed staff to initiate the master planning process with the City of Fergus Falls and other stakeholders; and WHEREAS, the master plan steering committee has completed their work and prepared a final draft for the Board 's review and consideration ; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED : 1. The Board adopts the Glacial Edge Trail Master Plan as presented . 2. That staff is directed to execute the cooperative agreement with the City of Fergus Falls . 3. That staff are directed to begin the process of requesting "regional significance" designation from Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission for the amended plan . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson, duly seconded by Commissioner Murphy and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of November, 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : December 14, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk RESOLUTION ADOPTING ECHO BAY PARK MASTER PLAN AND AUTHORIZATION STAFF TO EXECUTE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR LAND TRANSFER Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -176 WHEREAS , in August of 2020, a landowner expressed interest in donating 165 acres of land to Otter Tail County (the "County") for use as a public park; and WHEREAS , the property, which lies south and west of the Pelican River and Fish Lake, is protected by a Conservation Easement held by the Minnesota Land Trust; and WHEREAS , the County, MN Land Trust, representatives of the landowner, and many other stakeholders have completed a master park plan for the property; and WHEREAS , parks and open spaces are highlighted in the County's Long Range Strategic Plan, with an emphasis on preserving what exists and identifying new opportunities to expand outdoor recreation ; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED : 1. That staff is directed to execute the necessary documents for the land transfer, including but not limited to purchase agreement. 2. Costs associated with the property transfer, including the $10 .00 sales price, closing costs and title commitment, shall be paid from the Parks and Trails budget. 3. The Board adopts the Echo Bay Park Master Plan as presented. Page 3 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 4 . That staff are directed to begin the process of requesting "regional significance" designation from Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mortenson, duly seconded by Commissioner Murphy and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed on a 4-1 vote with Bucholz opposed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of November 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : December 14, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest. _______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Recess & Reconvene At 9:44 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:59 a.m . Adoption of the Renewable Energy Ordinance Land and Resource Director Chris LeClair presented a final draft of the proposed Renewable Energy Ordinance, and the Board recommended the following changes and moved the resolution : Remove the following definition: Solar energy system, building integrated Add exemption for any solar energy system under 1 Kilowatt Remove the following language : Wall-mounted solar energy systems shall cover no more than twenty-five percent (25 %) of any exterior wall facing a front yard ADOPTION OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY ORDINANCE OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -177 WHEREAS ,; Minnesota Statute 216B allows a local unit of government to adopt local regulations related to the installation of renewable energy sources; and WHEREAS , Otter Tail County adopted the Wind Energy Conversions Systems Ordinance on February 15, 2011; and WHEREAS the purpose of the proposed revisions to the Wind Energy Conversions System Ordinance is to add provisions regarding Solar Energy Systems and subsequently retitle the ordinance to the Renewable Energy Ordinance of Otter Tail County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Otter Tail County by this resolution adopts the proposed Renewable Energy Ordinance of Otter Tail County. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson, duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of November 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By : ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Page 4 of? Dated : December 14, 2021 Attest. _______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Highway Projects Contracts & Bonds -Highway Garages (Pelican Rapids & Battle Lake/: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Comstock Construction, Inc for the construction of the Pelican Rapids and Battle Lake Highway Garages. Construction Materials Testing Services for Highway Garages in Pelican Rapids & Battle Lake: Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Northern Technologies, LLC (NTI) to perform construction material testing and special inspection services for the Pelican Rapids and Battle Lake highway garages. County State Aid Highway No. 67 Amended Right of Way Acquisition Project No. S.A.P . 056-667-040 Negotiation No. 1 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -178 WHEREAS , the Otter Tail County Board adopted Resolution #2021-173 on November 9, 2021, which contained an inaccurate call in the legal description. This resolution is adopted for the purpose of correcting the legal description and reaffirming the acquisition of necessary easement rights through condemnation; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County proposes to improve County State Aid Highway No. 67 from 0.25 miles north of CSAH 50 to 0.11 miles east of CSAH 54 located in: Sections 1, 12 , 13, 24 & 25 of Tl 34N, R38W Sections 6, 7, 18, 19 & 30 ofTl 34N, R37W Section 36 ofTl 35N, R38W Section 30 & 31 ofT135N, R37W; and WHEREAS , the reason for the construction of this segment of County State Aid Highway No . 67 is due to the existing highway's poor condition and need for properly sized culvert; and WHEREAS, this improvement is necessary to provide for the safety of the traveling public; and WHEREAS , Otter Tail County has a right to acquire the right of way after an award of damages has been filed with the County Auditor in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 163.02 and 163 .12; and WHEREAS , all necessary additional highway rights of way and/or temporary construction easements have been acquired for this reconstruction except for 1 tract: The Tract owned by Peter Glen and Amy Ann W . Mursu The Tract being a strip of land described as follows: A 27.00-foot easement over, under and across the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 135 North, Range 38 West. Said easement is adjacent to the existing 33 .00-foot County State Aid Highway No. 67 . Said easement being between 33.00 and 60.00 feet (distances measured at right angles to the center line of said County State Aid Highway) offset westerly from the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 36; thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West on an assumed bearing along the East line of said Section 36 a distance of 1474.22 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 00 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 20 .0 feet and there terminating . Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.01 acre(s) more or less Page 5 of? Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any. Also, that all utility lines can be placed on the right of way. Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 Due to the resurfacing of County State Aid Highway No. 67 under Project No. S.A.P . 056-667-040, said strip being that described above, to be retained for CSAH No . 67 right-of-way recorded as Negotiation No. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the acquisition of the requested right of way as described above pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 163 .02 and 163.12, and to take title and possession of that land after an award of damages has been filed with the County Auditor in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 163 .12; including the "Quick-Take " provisions provided for in Minnesota Statute 117 .042 . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Attorney is authorized to file the necessary documents in court and represent the county in this matter. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Murphy, duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 23rd day of November, 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: December 14, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk 2022 Court Appointed Counsel Contracts Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the agreements between the County of Otter Tail and Brian Geis to assist with legal services related to the following: children in need of protection or services, permanency, termination of parental rights cases, hospitalization commitment proceedings, certain guardianship/conservatorship, paternity and order to show cause proceedings. The agreements are effective as of January 1, 2022, until December 31, 2022. Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the following agreements between the County of Otter Tail and 29 th & Law , P.C. (Mary Kaasa) to assist with legal services related to the following: children in need of protection or services, permanency, termination of parental rights cases, hospitalization commitment proceedings, certain guardianship/conservatorship, paternity and order to show cause proceedings. The agreements are effective as of January 1, 2022, until December 31 , 2022 . Dental Grant Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize the acceptance of a Dental Grant, once notification of award has been received, on behalf of the PartnerShip4Health Board in the amount of $10,000 .00 from Essentia Health to help fund a regional dental center to address dental care shortage . COVID-19 Updates Public Health Director Jody Lien provided a brief update to the Board regarding COVID-19 and reported that Otter Tail County continues to be identified as an area of high-level COVID-19 transmission by the CDC. She provided an overview of local data and expressed concerns regarding the increase in hospitalizations and deaths. Ms . Lien expressed the importance of continuing to follow public health measures and encourages the community to take advantage of local testing and vaccine opportunities. For information regarding vaccine clinics and to schedule an appointment, visit https://ottertailcountymn.us/content- page/covid-19-vaccine/. For information regarding testing and to schedule an appointment, visit https://ottertailcountymn .us/content-page/covid-19-testing-information/. Walk-ins are welcome, appointments are encouraged . Page 6 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 Long Term Care Impacts Update Emergency Manager Patrick Waletzko provided a brief update to the Board regarding long term care impacts and the ongoing efforts that have taken place to assist with the challenges they are facing. He shared that the governor announced the formation of National Guard response teams to provide immediate relief and that $50 million rescue plan dollars will be available to support long term care recruitment and retention . Mr. Waletzko and Public Health Director Jody Lien plan to clarify implementation of the National Guard efforts and rescue plan dollars and anticipate more information next week. Commissioner Betty Murphy plans to bring the issue to the Association of Minnesota Counties Health & Human Services Policy Committee on December 8, 2021, in hopes it will move forward onto the ballet for voting for consideration for AMC's platform for 2022 . Public Health Award Recognition County Administrator Nicole Hansen recognized Public Health Director Jody Lien as a recipient of the Emerging Leader Award granted by the Local Public Health Association (LPHA). This award acknowledges outstanding leadership and contributions to public health and LPHA expressed appreciation for Ms . Lien's advocacy and efforts to move public health forward . Adjournment At 11 :15 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via live stream. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : December 14, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest _______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 7 of? Vendor Name 1 06 GROUP l..liDJT HE A -OX WELDING S PP L Y 00 INC ABRA F ERGUS FA LLS ACK!ERSONfJ6 FIF ACM E TOOLS FARGO AMAZON CAPITAL S ERV ICES IN C A NDY PETTOW CONSTR U CTIO N A PEX ENGIN 6 ERIN G GRO U P IN C ARAMARK UN I FOR SERVI CES A UT O VALUE F ERGU S FALLS A V ER Y, A TTO R EY AT L.AWfJILL AXO EN TERPRISE INC BATTERIES P LUS BULIBS BA TILE LAKE/CITY O F BOO USA LLP B DT MECHA N ICAL L LC B ECK ER CO EN V IRO N M6NT Al SERV IOES B EYER BOD Y S HOP IN C B HH PARTN ERS B LU FFTON Oil CO BOUND T REE M EID I CAL LLC BOYER/ROD EY BRANDON CO MlJNICAT IO NS INC BRAUN I NTERTEC C-ORPOIRA TIO N BREN NA N/KEVI N B RilA N'S REiPAIIR INC B RUTLAGJSTEV E B UY-MOR PARTS &. S ERVIICE LL C CARR'S LAKE OO U TIR Y S UPERMARKET CASS CO S H ER I FF-ND CDW GOV ERNMENT IN C CENTRAL ST ATES W I R E P RODU CTS IN C CER T IF IED A UT O REPAIR CIH S FIR E CH AGRO NOM Y CLAY 00 A UD IT OR-TREASU RER CLEAN PW S INC CLEAN SW EEP C-0 M ERC IA L S ERVIC ES CLI N E/GORD ON OOD E 4 S ERV ICES IN C OO IL'S FLA!GS & FLAGPOLES CO LL EG E WA Y A UT O COMMISSIONER Of TRANSPORTATION Page 1 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 13,176 .50 349.2 4 60 .00 375.00 244.99 14 ,613-2 .63 2,100.00 19,(1,7 11..88 333.85 169 .99 374.00 3,553.00 5,659..64 2,154.02 1,470 .00 1,104.43 528.50 80 0 .00 5,053.06 2,860 .05 58.95 254.72 5,222.0 1 15,[13.9 .98 464 .. 93 1,62 11 .. 47 40 .03 5,792.0 1 12.29 3fi .OO 609.04 9,90,7 .. 98 437.:56 190.24 1,533.79 2,10 11.36 575.00 13'6.08 79.96 n.oo 29 .6 1 9,56,11 . .4 1 Vendor INam e COOPER 'S O PFIICE SUPPLY INC CULLIGAN O F DEliROIT !...AK!E S CULLIGAN O F EU30W LA.K E CULLIGAN O F WADENA ID &. T V ENliU RES LLC DAL T ONJC ITV O F D EER C R EEK/CITY OF IDENN IIS DRBJVES INC D ENT/CITY OF IDENZ EL 'S R EG ION WASTE INC DOUBLE A CATERING EGG E CO NSTRUCTION INC E IFERT /DANA EILIZA BETHfCITY O F EILL ENSON CAU K ING LLC EIN V I IR:OT ECH S ERVICES INC ER HARD/C ITY OF ESTEP-1.ARSONfSARAIH FARNAM'S G ENUIN E PARTS INC F ERGUS FALLS AREA C HAMBER OF COM F ERG US FALLS DAILY J OURNAJL F ERG US FALLS/C ITY OF F ERG US POWER P llMIP INC F IELDfTER Y F ISC H E RIJlllDID FORUM COMMUNIICATI ONS CO PA!N Y FIRAZ IERIB R ENli FRI EDSAM!KEIT IH GABE/RI OHARD GALLS LL C GRANITE EL ECTRO N ICS INC GREAT ER FERGUS FALLS CORP H EAD T'RAU MA A R KET IN G LLC HEN IINGfCITY O F HER ANJORYSTAL H ERZBffiGfRIICHARD HO USTON ENGIN EERING INC INTERST ATE EN G IN EERIN G INC JOHNSON F EED I C JOHNSONJID ENA JOHNSONJM ICHA.EL JO G ENSONIMICHEWE Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 392.81 43.80 33.50 73.25 1,08,9 .00 945.81 1,85524 6,90 0 .80 727.55 213,11.97 11 5 .00 4 ,557.48 80.00 1,136.79 80 0 .00 6 ,38.8.82 6,TI.98 76 .116 389.45 1,50 0 .00 3 ,2 1 11.55 550.00 3,450 .00 16,11.28 2 14.40 245.71 254 .116 80 0 .00 249.68 996.68 250.00 540 .00 375.00 3,137.54 63 .28 350 .00 136,426.04 2,6,78 .04 1 9 ,530.86 213.8.84 7311.99 80.75 Ve n dor Name l<I ESLER 'S POUCE SUPPLY INC l<I MB.Alll Ml [I\IYEST KINOlMNK LLC KINlffSOWRICHAR[I LA HMAN/RO BE T LAKE REG IO N HEALTHCARE LAK ES AREA OOOPERA TIIV E LAK ES OOUITT RY SERVI CE COOP LA RRY OTT INC T RUCK SER VICE LIND E GAS &. EQUIPMENT INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC M-R SIIGN CO INC MAJ RCO I C ST LOUIS MARKS flEEli SUPA L Y INC MAJ RTIINN A L6 Ril E MCIT MCK!ESSON MED I CA L-SURG ICAL INC MHSR C RA N GE MIDWEEK I CfrHE MIDWEST MACHIN ERY CO MINDERMANN!AM B ER MINNESOT A MOTO R COMPANY MN CONTI NU ING LEGAL E[IUCAT I ON MN D6 PTOF LAJBOR & I DUSTRY MN TOURISM GR0 1NTIH COALITIO N MNCCC LOCKBOX MULTI B US INESS SOLUTIONS IN C MU NIC PA L SERVI CE CO INC NELSON A UT O C ENTER C NEW YO R K MILLS/CIT'I' 0 F NMSLABS NORTH ERN IRRilGATIO N C-ONTIRACT ORS NO RTH ERN ST AT ES S U PPL Y INC NO RTHWEST T IRE INC NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPM ENT O ELF KEJ DAN O FF ICE O F MNIT S6RV I CES O LSON GRAV EL INC O NE CALL LOCAT O RS Lrn OTTE R T A IL C-0 TREASUR ER. OTTE R TA IL POWER COMPANY OTTE R TRAIL RID ERS Page 3 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 5 ,9r12.55 30 8 .33 175.00 250.00 365.03 14 ,767.64 734_ 6 29.50 2 ,550.00 655-77 185 .00 2 ,048..66 2,465.73 17 .34 26.9 .80 170.00 1 ,09 0.55 455.00 55.44 3'6.52 1 ,00 0 .00 39 .97 11 .50 rn o.oo 1 ,00 0 .00 5 ,11 9 .94 375.00 1 ,52:0 .00 18 6..83 2 ,60 0 .98 1 ,963.75 17 .57 246.05 ~6 .. 6 11 13,604.0 11 1 ,70 0 .00 2 ,162 .. 44 3 ,256 .20 5 19 .05 13,9-72 103.83 250.00 Vendor IName OTTE RTAIL TRUCKING INC PALM ER/GEORGE PARK REG IO N CO OP PARKERS PRAJRI EJC ITI O f PAW PU BLICATIONS LLC BATTLE ILAK!E R P ELI CAN REiE BODY S HOP & TOWING IN P ELICAN RAPIDS fCITY O F P EMBERT ON ILAW Pll.LP P ERHA MfC ITY O F P ETE'S A OCO P EiE'S A UT O BODY LLC P REM IUM WATERS INC P RO AG FARMERS 00 O P P RODUCT IV E A L TIERNAT IVES INC P RODUCT IV ITY PL US ACCOUN T P RO PESSIO A L PO RTAJBll.E X -RAY NC PS ICK. CAPliOL SOLUTIO NS INC R &. R READ Y M IX INC RAY'S Olll. COMPANY RDO EQ U IPMENT CO RDO TR UCK OENTIE RS RES PONSE T ECHNOLOG IES L D R ETH EM EIERICAROll. RICHVILILEfCTTY O f RIN GDAHll. AM BlJILANC E INC RINKE NOONAN LAW f l RM RI PLEY'S GRAV EL LILC RI P LEY/DAV ID RO D ER/B ETSY ROTHSA YfC IITY O f SA D CREEK EAP Lll.C SCHORNACK.fDAVID SCHWARTZ/STEVEN SCOTT HO FLAND CONSTRUCT IO N I C S I GI\IWO R K.S S IG NS & BANNERS LLC SRF OO NS U ll.TI NG GROUP INC ST A Pll.ES BlJS!INESS CREDIT STEINS INC STEV E'S SANITATION I HC STOCKIJ USTI N STREJCHERS S UMMIT FOOD S ERVICE Lll.C Page 4 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 1 (1 ,9711.47 270.96 36.00 2,052.92 44.00 240.00 1 ,634.08 10 0 .00 6,550 .86 30.00 90 0 .00 2 11.84 113.56 60-48 17 11.94 450 .00 3,000.00 556.00 32.50 6,11.57 977.111 183.00 10 8 .60 1 ,027.66 250 .00 4 ,725.50 1136.00 3S,9 .60 450.00 1 ,0 0,9_47 343.75 509.40 128 .20 9,250 .00 4 7 11.25 2,088.52 178.96 49.70 9,507.56 750.00 558.9 7 1 ,777.67 Vendor IName S UM URil LL C SWAN B ERG/GREGORY SWAN ST ON EQ UIPMBNT CORP T &.K TII RES T H IS W EEKS SHOPPIN G NEWS THOMSON REUTERS -W EST THR IFTY W HITE P HA R MACY T H U MPER PO ND RESORT LLC TITT REPA IR IN C TOWMASTEiR TRIT ES/DAV ID TSCI-IIDA/CRAI G llllNE llNDERWOODJCITY OF llRBAN KfCITY O F llS AllTOFORCE VERGAS/CITY O F V ICT O R LllND EEN COMPA NY V IKIN G GARAGE DOOR COMPANY INC W ADENA ASRI-I A LT INC WADENA Hl DE &. FUR CO WAl lWORK TR UCK CEN TER W ARNER GARAGE DOOR INC WASS/DAVID F WAST E MANAG EMENT W ILSON/WARREN R WSB & ASSOC ATES I C F ina II Total: Page 5 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 7 ,49,9 .00 332.52 5 11.98 H0.00 26,11.90 1 ,978..45 3~.25 1 ,IJ92 .48 1 ,0511.32 25 1 ,842.00 225.60 54.32 7 ,169.34 1 ,064.04 1 ,21 8.64 1 ,179.36 2 ,573.70 79'8.63 11Ji2 .00 39 ,820.00 430.20 1 ,0 011_46 14 11.00 447.28 27,650.52 22 11.68 17, 1311 .. 46 833,873.311 Vendor Name 4 1M PR IIHT INC AMAZON CAPITAi.. S ERV IC ES INC AMER ICAN P ROBAT IO AND PARO uE AS: OOLEIMBL.AN I E COORE R'S OPFlCE Sl.lPPL Y INC Cl.lRT ISJJ ENNA DNA rnAGNOSTICS CENTER IN C F ER G US FAI..LS DAIi.. Y J OU RNA L F ERG US T l RE C EN T ER II NC HAU GRUD/E R IN HO LJMQ U IST/ABIIGAIIL INDEPE NDEN T CO NTRA.CT S ER\IIICES OF K UNZ/PAIGE !..AKES COU NTRY SERVIC E COOP MAHUBE-OTIIVA CAP IN C MARTI N/'M I CHA EL MCCLAFLI NlDANA MIDWEST MONIT ORING & SURV EII..A NCE MILIBECKILI N DSA Y MINNESOT A MO N ITOR ING I 4C M IN N KOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC M U TARE IN C OTTER T A IL CO ATTO R N E Y'S OFFIC E OTTE R T A IL CO RECOIRD E OTTE R T A IL CO S H ER IFF PREMIER B IOTECH LABS LILC P RODllCT IV E A LTERNAT IVES INC RENAISSAN C E A TI..A NT A WAV ER !.. Y HO E ROTERING /DEV ORA SCH OO L D IST 553-NY M V ER IZON W IREI..ESS V ICT O R Ll.lND EEN COMPANY W EST CENTRAL REG J UV ENIILIE CTR F ina II Total: Vendor Name ASSOC IATION OF MN COUN TIES I..AKE REGIO N H EALTHCARE M INNKOTA ENVIRO S ERVICES INC OTTE R T A I L COUNTY TREASl.lRER-E XPiRI PACIF IC INTERPRETERS IN C S IGNWORKS S IGNS&. BANNERS LLC V ER IZON W I R EI..ESS Fina II Total: Page 6 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes November 23, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 2,779.98 167 .. 90 1,726.00 Hl8 . .35 5 14 .54 1 .80 276.00 152-40 6,19 . 5 3128 .1311 30.22 758.33 3 .29 5,563.00 72 ,139.74 19 .52 1 .32 2,053.00 1 .4 11 1134.00 100.00 10,100.00 1,9!26.25 7 .00 3134 .00 50 .70 8,07 .88 2,900 .. 48 114 .52 390.00 3,428.87 2613.45 40,562.00 156,504.7 11 Amount 258.00 667.67 28.00 71J0 .30 6,2 .. 40 2fl 0 .00 1 ,434.117 3 430.54