HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/28/2021 OTTERTAIL COU NTY· MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN September 28, 2021 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8 :30 a.m . Tuesday, September 28 , 2021 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair; Betty Murphy; Vice Chair, Kurt Mortenson, Wayne Johnson, and Dan Bucholz were present. Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda . Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of September 28 , 2021 with the following additions: Justice Reinvestment Working Group Credit Card Limit Increase Request Remove Proposed Alcohol and Drug Policy from Administration /Operations Committee Addition to Upcoming : Otter Tail River 1 Wl P Public Input Forum, September 28 th from 4 :00-6 :30 p .m ., Americlnn, Fergus Falls Consent Agenda Motion by Murphy, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows : 1. September 14, 2021 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants /Bills for September 28, 2021 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for September 28, 2021 (Exhibit A) 4 . Approval of the Application and Permit for a 1 Day to 4 Day Temporary On-Sale Liquor License as submitted by Outstate Brewing Company for an event scheduled for Saturday, Saturday, October 9, 2021, at Mother Goose & Beans (an outdoor Fall Festival) located at 16607 340 th St., Erhard, Minnesota in Erhards Grove Township of Otter Tail County. 5. Approval of the LG220 Application for Exempt Permit as submitted by Lake Country Sportsmen's Club of Otter Tail County for an event scheduled for Thursday, December 9, 2021 , at Beach Bums Bar and Eatery located at 35776 County Highway 72, Battle Lake, Minnesota in Everts Township of Otter Tail County . 6. Request for Approval of Final Payment to RJ Zavoral & Sons , Inc., East Grand Forks, MN-S.A.P . 056- 601-068 & S.A.P. 056-688-008 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Otter Tail County Public Health Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -141 Be it resolved that Otter Tail County Public Health enter into a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, for traffic safety projects during the period from October 1, 2021 through September 30 , 2022 . The Otter Tail County Public Health Director is hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of Otter Tail County Public Health and to be the fiscal agent and administer the grant. The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson, and, after consideration thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the resolution was adopted unanimously. Adopted this 28 th day of September 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: October 12, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest: _______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Board Clerk Page 1 of? Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28, 2021 Excellence in Corrections Award Probation Director Michael Schommer introduced the DWI Court Team and shared that they were recipients of the 2021 'Excellence in Corrections Award' by the Minnesota Association of County Probation Officers (MACPO) for their demonstrated outstanding leadership and development in the field of probation . The mission of the Probation Department is to enhance public safety and victim reparation by guiding positive behavior change through a holistic approach of innovative services , community support, and effective community supervision. The team has been able to provide accountability to clients during the pandemic and various wellness challenges have been offered to keep clients engaged . DWI Court Cooperative Agreement Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the Cooperative Agreement between Otter Tail County and the State of Minnesota to accept a grant in the amount of $139 ,217 .00 to continue the DWI Court Program through 2022 with no additional cost to the county. Recess & Reconvene At 8:50 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:00 a.m. Final Plat -Long Addition Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Final Plat titled "Long Addition " consisting of consisting of three (3) single family residential riparian lots, 1 block. The proposed is located in Section 10 of Friberg Township; Heilberger (56-695) and Little Heilberger (56-696). We are Water MN Exhibit Land and Resource Director Chris Leclair informed the Board that Otter Tail County was selected to host the We are Water MN Exhibit in August of 2022 at the Fergus Falls Library . This event is an opportunity to bring together various outside groups in Otter Tail County that have an impact on water and a $10,000 .00 grant has been obtained through the MN Humanities Center for reimburse of planning and material expenses for the event. Credit Card Increase Request Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to increase the credit card limit for Nursing Supervisor Kristin Bye from $750 .00 to $2,500 .00 as requested by the Public Health Director to assist with efficiency when ordering supplies and equipment. ADOPTION OF FINAL BUDGET AND LEVY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -142 Recommended Gross and Net Property Tax Levy for Payable 2022 Gross County Property Tax Levy (Non Debt) - Gross Debt Levy - Master Facility Plan Bonds -2012A aka 2020C Ottertail Operations Center Bonds 2020A GO CIP Bibds Highway Bonds -2019A Jail/Elevator Project -2017 A Total Gross County Property Tax Levy County Program Aid (Certified) Page 2 of7 Payable 2022 45,883,749 750,120 502 ,898 339,389 238,928 163,275 47,878,359 2,397 ,903 Payable 2021 44,168,601 718,043 506,730 0 241,553 161,963 45 ,796,890 2,361,293 Percent 3.88% 4.47% -0.76% #DIV/0! -1 .09% 0.81% 4.55% 1.55% Net County Property Tax Levy - Gross/Net Lake Improvement District Levies - Pelican Group of Lakes Pine Lakes Little McDonald, Kerbs & Paul Big McDonald South Turtle Total Net County Levy Including Lake Improvement Districts - Special Taxing District Levy- Otter Tail County CDA Otter Tail County HRA Proposed Total Net Property Tax Levy RECAP- County Only - Gross Tax Levy (Total) County Program Aid Net Tax Levy (Total) County Only (Includes Library)- Gross Tax Levy (Total) County Program Aid Net Tax Levy (Total) County, Library, Lake Improvement Districts, CDA and HRA - Gross Tax Levy (Total) County Program Aid NetTax Levy (Total) Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes 45,480,456 130,000 41,439 70,000 15 ,000 0 45,736,895 541,800 1,309,725 47,588,420 47,262,070 2,397,903 44,864,167 47,878,359 2,397,903 45,480,456 49,986,323 2,397,903 47,588,420 September 28, 2021 43,435,597 130,000 39,646 98,000 3,500 15,000 43,721,743 541,800 871,000 45 ,134,543 45,195,632 2,361,293 42 ,834,339 45,796,890 2,361,293 43,435,597 47,495 ,836 2,361,293 45,134,543 4.71% 0.00% 4.52% -28.57% 328.57% -100.00% 4.61% 0.00% 50.37% 5.44% 4.57% 1.55% 4.74% 4.55% 1.55% 4.71% 5.24% 1.55% 5.44% After discussion and consideration, a motion was offered by Johnson, seconded by Mortenson and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS , on or before September 30, 2021 Otter Tail County may adopt a Proposed Budget for Fiscal/Calendar Year 2022 and must adopt and certify a proposed net property tax levy for Payable Year 2022; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Auditor-Treasurer's office has accumulated the Departmental and outside agency requests; and Page 3 of7 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28, 2021 WHEREAS , the Otter Tail County Finance, Property & License Management Committee has met to discuss and review in general terms levy and budgetary guidelines, as well as the proposed department budgets and various agency requests; and WHEREAS , the Otter Tail County Finance, Property & License Management Committee will complete additional review and discussion, as needed and required, of the 2022 proposed tax levy and budget prior to final adoption on December 21 , 2021. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that The amount of $47,878,359 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Gross Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2022 representing a 4.55 % increase from the Gross Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2021; and that the amount of $45,480,456 be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Net Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2022 representing a 4.71 % increase over the Net Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2021; and The amount of $256,439 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Lake Improvement District Property Tax Levies for the Payable Year 2022, representing a 10.38%% decrease from the Lake Improvement District Property Tax Levies as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2021; and The amount of $1,309,725 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Otter Tail County HRA Special District Property Tax Levy for the Payable Year 2022 , representing a 50.37 % increase from the Property Tax Levy as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2021; and The amount of $541,800 be adopted by Otter Tail County as the Proposed Otter Tail County CDA levy as authorized under the housing and redevelopment authority statutes representing a 0.00 % increase from the Property Tax Levy as adopted by Otter Tail County for the Payable Year 2021 . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of $160,000,000 (includes inter-fund transfers) be adopted as Otter Tail County's Proposed Budget for the General Fund , for the Budgeted Special Revenue Funds and for the Budgeted Debt Service Funds for the Fiscal /Calendar Year 2022 (Expenditures/Transfers/Other Uses). Adopted this 28 th day of September 2021. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : October 12, 2021 By: ______________ _ Attest: ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen , Board Clerk Levy and Budget Public Hearing Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing regarding the 2022 Levy and Budget on December 14, 2021, at 6:00 p.m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls . Drainage Ditch Inspector Position Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve a 1.0 full -time equivalent Drainage Ditch Inspector position in the Highway Department. The workload is currently being performed by an employee who was recently promoted to Parks & Trails Director, and it is not sustainable for this position to perform both responsibilities . The Drainage Ditch Inspector duties are currently included in the Engineer I classification as a C4 l , however job tasks focusing solely on drainage system tasks has been evaluated by Gallagher as a B25, resulting in a slight reduction in salary. Justice Reinvestment Working Group Commissioner Kurt Mortenson informed the Board that he was invited through an entity with the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) to participate as a member of the Justice Reinvestment Working Group to provide recommendations on a new funding formula for probation services in the state. Page 4 of7 Vendor Name A-OX W ELDIN G S U PPLY CO INC A&A R ECYC LIN G LJLC ABRA !F E RGUS FALLS ADV ANCE D STRIPING INC ALJH.ANY RECYCLING CENTE R ALJLS T AT E PETERB ILT G ROU P ALV BRO LLC AMA.ZO CAPITAL SIEIRVIC ES I C APEX E NGINEERING G R OU P IN C ARAMARK U N IFO:RM S IEIRV IC ES ASPBN M IL LS INC AUTO V ALU E FERGUS FALLS B.A.N -K O E SYSTEMS I NC BCA TRAIN ING B EERY (CHARLE S BEN 1-lO LZE R U LI M ITED W A T E R LLC BENCO EQU IPMEN T BENGTSON/S T EVEN BEYER BODY Sl-lOP INC Bl-lH PARTNERS BLLI IE S TIREAK IE QUIIPM ENT I NC BOH N/SAWYER BOYIERiRODNIE Y BRAUN IN TIEIRTE C OORPORA T ION BRIAN'S R E PA IR INC BU B LO W /DAVID BUGBE E'S LOCKS M ITIH BUY-MOR PA RTS & SERV ICE LLC C E RT I IF IIEO A!UT O RIEPAI R C E RT IIF IIEO LABORA TO:R IIES OLEAN SW E EP COM M ERCIA L S E RV ICE S OOMPA N ION AN IMlA L HOSRITAL OON C E PT CAT BR ING OOOPE R'S OIFFI CE S U PPLY INC C ROW W ING 00 Sl-l E R IIF F'S OFF IC E D & T V BNT URES L LC DACOT A H PA P BR CO DAIL EY E LECTRIC L LC DAKOTA B U S INESS SOLUTI ON S INC DAN'S TOWING & REPAIIR D EER CREEK EXPRESS STOP INC OHS DCT A!RC 76 Page 1 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amou nt 326 .07 320 .0 0 1,411 .23 4 75 .0 0 1,90 6 .4 7 2,524 .06 1,550 .0 0 1,579.99 12,00 6 .99 41 1 .25 99.95 882 .19 1 ,295 .0 0 75 .0 0 82 .5 2 37 .50 30 0 .0 0 1136.5 3 1 ,000 .0 0 113 5,902 .65 11,596 .3 0 250 .0 0 270 .4 0 7 ,4 52 .5 0 1175 .8 6 1168 .0 0 8 .0 0 5,046 .02 480 .4 2 6 ,06£.8 5 575 .0 0 243 .10 731 .25 1,380 .68 7 5 .0 0 1,089 .0 0 383 .67 504 .23 11-42 .99 225 .90 87 .77 255 .0 0 Vendor Name DICK'S STANDARD DONOHO/MICHAE L DOUBLE A CAT ER ING D R IGGINS !EL E CT R IC E CKHARDT/KIM BER L Y ELD'R IDGEfTRACY E NGLAND/RICHARD E RGOMETRICS & APPLIED P E RSON NIEL f F A!RNAM'S GIE U I NE PA RTS INC FASTENAL OOMPA NI Y FE RGUS FALLS DA ILY J OU RNAL FERGUS FALLSJC llY OIF FERGUS HOME & R DWARE F ISCHE R/J UDD FORMAN E KiROBE RT FORU M OOMMU !CATIONS CO MPANY FIRANCIS MlA R IONI f-lOTEL FIRANZ R E PR O GRAP ICS I C FIRAZJ IER/BRE NT FIRE D EIR IC K/PiH ILIP FRONTIER MA!RIN E & IPOW E RSPORTS FIRONTI ER PRE C IS ION INC GABIE/RICHARD GALLS LLC GOPf-lE R STAT E ON E CALL GIRA INGER IN C GIREYSTONE CONSTRUCTION! CO HANOOCK OONCRETE PiR!ODUCTS LLC HAW ES S E PTIIC T ANK P UMPING LLC H EIL TIEM ES EILIECTRIC L LC H EINNING A UTO PA RTS INSIDE TlH E T A RE LLC INTIEIRSTATIE ENG I NIEIEIR ING I NI C JAMAR T E C f-1 Ol!OG IES I C JOH NSON CO NTIROLS INC JONES LAW OFFICE KRESSIJ E IF F LACOURICATE l YN LAKE COUNTIRY GIRAPHICS INC LAKE RIE G 10 H EAL T f-lCARi E LAKES A RE A COOP E RAT IVE LAKES COUNTRY S E RVIC E COOP Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amou nt 28 .00 201 .52 70 .00 996 .00 1122 .64 22 .96 t ,423 .75 212 .60 85.5 . .5 9 3 .50 1,520 .65 1,620 .00 14 .99 432 .16 1104 .16 115.5 .35 992 .30 26 .25 3 34 .20 47 .04 1102 .95 1,323.00 259.20 1,310 .91 27 .00 869.69 24 ,8t 5 .00 1162 .4 0 9 5 .00 362 .4 0 2 .28 6 ,00 0 .00 7,420 .4 6 1,401.38 1,20 0 .00 1130 .00 8'6 .24 863.39 110 5 .60 38,848 .04 1,066 .8 4 3,075 .00 Vendor Name LAKE'IIVAY MARKE T LJLC LARJKIN HO H MA N DALY & LI DGR 5 N L llD LARRY OTT INC llRUCIK S ERVI CE LA RSO ASIHL EY LA RSO DOUG LAWSON PRODUClS INC LEA DE RS DISTIR IBUTING LEEfll-l OMAS LIB ERTY BUS INESS SYSTEMS INC LIB ERTY TIIRIE RE CYCLING Ll..!C LITTLE BIE AR TOWI G LOCATORS & SUPPU ES I C LOBiDOR IS M-R S IGN CO INC MAOPZA MARCO INC ST LOU IS MARCO TECH 01..!0G IES L.L C MARK SAND & GRAVE L CO MARK S IF LEETSU PP LY INC MART HAL ER/TER ENCE MAV ERICK DRON E SYSTEMS MOCO N/CHR ISTO PHIEIR MG IFOA MHS'RCRANG E MIDWE EK INCfTH E MIDWEST PR INTIING 00 MINN ESOTA MOTOR OOM PANY Ml NKOTA ENVIRO SIEIRV IC ES I C MN DEP T OF LABO R & INDUSTIRY MNCOC LOCIKBOX MOOTHARHCH RIS MUCHOW{GR EGORY N F IF IELD A BSTRACT CO LJL.C NA RDIN I F IRE EQU IPMENT NATUR ES GARD EN WORLD N5 LSO AUTO OE TIER INC NElWO'RK SIEIRVI CES OOM PANY NEl.lV YORK M ILLS/CITY OF N El,NI./ILLEIDA!RRiE NOR-T ECIH NORT HIE IRN SAFETY TECHNOl..!OGY INC NORT HLAND IF IRE PROTECTION Page 3 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amo u n 1180 .98 424 .00 2,900.00 94 .99 206.56 672 .20 828 .50 208 .80 26 .32 2,968 .10 375.00 9·,062 .9-7 145 .04 11 ,445 .24 200.00 1,989-.18 1195 .04 79,071 .05 15 .26 26D .88 7,029-.83 1199-.86 6D .OO 455 .00 55 .44 580 .00 493 .17 79.00 10.00 9·,781.70 1,00 0 .00 7 1 .12 2,400 .00 2,856 .25 732 .50 402 .7 11 1,277 .10 1113 .00 249-.68 41 ,480 .00 1182 .12 1.,1100.00 Vendor Name NORT HWEST TI RE INC NOV A F IRE PROT EC T ION NU SS T RU CK & EQUIPMENT OFFIC E OF MN IT SERVI CES OLSON O IL CO I C OLSON T II RE & OIL OLSON/BENJA MIN OLSONIBR5 NDA 0 E CALL LOCATORS LTD OTTER E LECTRIC LJLC OTTER TAIL CO SO LI D WAST E OTTER TAI L CO T REASU RER OTTERTA IL BAKERY OTTERT A IL TIRUCKI G INC PARK REGION 00 O P PARKERS PRAI IRIE INDEPENDENT LL!C/T I- PARKERS PRAI IRIE/CITY OF PAW PU BLICAllONS LLC 8,ATTL E LAKE R PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PEMBERTON LAW PLLP PEOPLEFACTS LLC PETE'S AMOOO PETERSONf OODY PETERSONlJOEL PETERSONIKADE N PH ILLIPP I/DR JAY PHOEN IX SU PRLY POPE CO H IGHWAY D EPT PRIOE FAMILY OONSTRLICTI ON PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PRO AG FARMERS COOPEIRATII V E PRODU CTIVE A LTIERNATI VES INC PSICK CAPITO L SO LUT IONS INC R DO TRUCK CEN T ERS R ED DOT PEST CONTIROL R EGEN TS OF T H E UN IV ERSITY OF MN REN TAL STORETT H E R ETH EME I ERIC..\R!OL RICHVILLE/CITY O F R IEPE FA!RMS I C R INKE NOONAN LAW FIRM ROBERTSONlJIM Page 4 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amo u nt 59-.98 945.00 4,420 .79 2,1162 .44 962 .15 946 .111 H .69 1191.44 372 .96 18 ,631.25 619'.09 653 .84 1It3 .40 16 ,607 .07 275 .52 78 .75 200 .00 49.50 1181.00 12,757.50 45 .42 450 .00 87 .70 83 .05 17 .9-2 950 .00 782 .78 2,992 .16 294 .00 BD .9-1I 864 .9-11 52 .9-2 3,000 .00 3 ,728 .06 542 .00 1I39'.00 1,500 .00 1172 .40 4 ,600 .00 1,000 .00 6,099·.90 250 .00 Vendor Name ROLLIIEl'lN ILLIAM SALA T HEIKE LV I N SCHWARTZISTIEVEN SH E RW IN WILLIAMS SIG NWORIKS S IGNS & BANN EIRS LLC SIMMER/TIHOMAS & J ACQUE LIN E SOP P C ONTIRO L SERVIC ES INC SRF OONSULTIIN G GROU P INC STIE INS I C STIEVE'S SAN ITATIO N INC STONE/BRUCIE STIREE DICAIRO L SU MM IT FOOD SERVICE L LC SU NSET LAW EN FORCEM ENT SWEDBERG NURSE R ¥ TIH E ISIMAIRQ'U ELLE THOMSO REUT E RS -WIEST TIHRIFTY WH ITIE PiHARMlA/CY TIK BLEVATOR CO:RP TNT R E PAIR INC TIR INIT'if LUTIH ERAN CH UIRCH llRlliES I DAVI D mu ENO:RTIH S1iEIEL I NC TSCH IDNCRAI G UGSTAD PLUMBING INC U ND E RWOOD Q:U I STOP U PS US POSTAG E S E RV ICE VAU Gf-!I N AUTO & MARIN E CO V E RIZO W IR EILE SS -VSAT VICTOR LU ND E E N COMPANY V OSS LIG HT ING WASSJOAV ID IF W ILSONJWARRBN R WSB & ASSOCIATES INC YODER/SAM UEL ZIIE GLIEIR INC !Fina I Tota I: Page 5 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 1139-.44 1107 .52 225 .60 1124 .67 543.50 250 .00 440 .00 10 ,519.80 2,971 .52 H 0.25 210.48 5 00 .00 8 ,907 .08 2,478 .10 920 .00 1125 .44 5 ,214 .69 83 .00 684 .20 rn3 .98 1,5 00 .00 240 .16 842 .4 0 1100.79 1 .99 214 .90 74 .96 20 ,0 00 .00 50 .95 1100.00 366 .20 80 .10 4 51 .76 224 .4 8 27 ,267 .00 1,0 00 .00 1,325 .18 656,264.12 V e ndor Name AMAZO CAPIT Al S IB RVIC ES I C OLAY CO HE AL TI, D EPl FFIF E NTE R PR ISE S IN C LAKE RE G ION IHEAL T HCARiE L YS f\l E CO SU LTII f\lG & CO'U SE U G LLC M IDWEE K lf\lC.fTIH E M INNKOTA ENVIRO S IBRVI C ES INC OFFIC E D E P OT OTTER A IL CO T RE ASU RER OTTER TAI L COUNTY TREASURE R-EX!PR I PACIRC INT E RPRET E RS I C S IGNWORKS S IGNS & B ANN ERS LLC VICTOR LUNDEEN CO MPANY !Fi nal Tot.al :: V e ndo r Name AMAZO CAPIT AL SE RVIC ES I C B ROWN 00 S H ER IFF -MN E M E RSO NI RO B EIRT GREATE R MANKA TO DIVERSITY COUNC I H OLMQU 1ST /AB IGAIL IND EIPEN D E NT CONT RACT SER VIC E S Of MART IN/M ICHAE L MGIFOA M IDWEST MON ITOR! G & SURV E ILANCE M INN ESOTA MONITORING INC M INNKOTA ENVIRO SERVIC ES I C MN D EP T OF HUMAN S E RV ICE S OTTER TAI L CO ATTORN EY'S OFFIC E OTTER TAI L CO S H E R IFF OTTER TAI L CO T REAS U REIR OTTER TAI L COUNTY TREASURE R-EX!PR I PACIFI C INT E RPRET E RS I C PRBM IE R B IOT ECH INC PREIM IE R B IOT ECH LAB S L LC R ES LE RIRAf\l OI ROTER ING/DEVORA SCHOMMER/M ICHAEL S JOLIE , DARIN VICT OR LUf\lDEEN CO MPANY W E S T CIE NTIRAL RIE G ,JUV ENIL E CllR W OODIJ A IE R Fina I Tot.a I:: Page 6 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes September 28 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amou nt 5 ,01 5 .5 7 2,371 .07 1,10 0 .5 5 667 .67 400 .00 221 .76 28 .00 57 .73 64 .00 3 ,057 .84 66 .00 1190 .00 42 .88 1J34J,.i07 Amou nt 423 .16 50 .00 1 5 .00 3 ,0 00 .00 1 5 .00 758 .33 5 84 .80 20 .00 2 ,489.00 1116.25 1146.32 5 ,678 .8 9 3 ,404 .00 1187.60 6 ,935 .32 t ,263 .9'2 648 .00 892 .5 0 292 .10 14 .27 52 .08 14 .0 11 10.23 5D8 .80 40.,562 .00 14 .5 6 60 ,mm .. 14