HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/24/2021 OTTERTAIL COU NTY· MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN August 24, 2021 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8 :33 a.m . Tuesday, August 24 , 2021 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair; Betty Murphy; Vice Chair, Kurt Mortenson, Wayne Johnson, and Dan Bucholz were present. Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of August 24, 2021 , with the following additions: Echo Bay Discussion Authorization to Sign Warranty Deed for County Owned Property on County Highway 27 Administration /Operations Committee: Environmental Health Position Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows: 1. August 10, 2021 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for August 24, 2021 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for August 24 , 2021 (Exhibit A) 4 . Request for Approval of Final Payment to Brown Excavating, Inc., Glenwood, MN for 4122-203, Class 1 Crushing for Shouldering 5. Approval of Sentence to Service Joint Powers Agreement 6. Approval of the Issuance of a Temporary Liquor License to Fergus Brewing Company for an Event Scheduled for September 11, 2021 at Anna Lake Animal Sanctuary Located at 26329 County Highway 35 , Underwood, MN Hiring Requests Motion by Mortenson, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve a Financial Assistance Specialist position in the Human Services Department to support the complexity of knowledge required in multiple mandated program areas. This position is a conversion of an existing vacant Eligibility Worker position and will better align with the work and support needed by staff. Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the creation of a new Social Worker position to support Mental Health and Chemical Dependency in the Detention facility . The intent of this position is to advocate and assist people with their unmet needs and connect individuals to services and resources. This position will be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act.. New Deputy County Administrator County Administrator Nicole Hansen informed the Board that the new Deputy County Administrator position was filled by Lynne Penke Valdes from Hennepin County and that she is expected to begin her role on September 13, 2021 . Ms . Hansen expressed excitement of her wide range of experience and skills and plans to introduce her to the Board at the September 14th meeting . Transfer Station Front End Loader Purchase Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of a Front-End Loader for the Fergus Falls Transfer Station in the amount of $191 ,940.00 from Ziegler, Inc. as recommended by the Assistant Solid Waste Director. The current used truck is planned to be relocated to the Henning Transfer Station to be used as part of their operations. Page 1 of 5 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021 Transfer Station Glass Storage Building Contract Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Greystone Construction for the purchase of a glass storage building at the Fergus Falls Transfer Station in the amount of $330,147.00. Recess & Reconvene At 8:53 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 8:59 a.m . Out of State Travel Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the Land & Resource Director as well as one (1) other staff member to travel out of state to attend the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Conference in San Marcos, TX, October 1 ?'h -20 th , 2021. Final Plat -Long Bay Retreat Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the final Plat titled "Long Bay Retreat" located south of 40430 Long Lake Drive, Section 31 of Rush Lake Township; Long Lake (56-210), RD. Otter Tail Water Management District SSTS Loan Participation Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and the Otter Tail Water Management District to allow individual members of the District to participate in the Otter Tail County SSTS Loan Program. The motion encouraged the Management District to consider modifying language under the scope of services by the District to "may participate" rather than "must participate" due to availability concerns expressed by the Board. Planning Commission Recommendation Pleasant Lake RV Village/Tom & Brenda Masloski: A conditional use permit application for the expansion of Pleasant Lake RV Village was approved by Planning Commission on August 11, 2021. It was determined at that time that the proposed met and exceeded the requirements of the Shoreland Management Ordinance for density in units, docks & boat slips. The Board recognized the correspondence received by concerned constituents and shared feedback regarding the decision of Planning Commission and received correspondence. Commissioner Murphy abstained from all discussion and votes. Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz to circulate the application back to Planning Commission for further review and consideration, specifically but not limited to the compatibility with the surrounding area; both land and water. The application will be reconsidered at the September 8th Planning Commission meeting and will not be open for public comment. After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dan Bucholz Wayne Johnson Kurt Mortenson Betty Murphy Leland Rogness Lee & Sandra Lindquist, Tst /Jamie/ind Inc.: YEA X X X NAY X ABSENT ABSTAIN X Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson to approve a conditional use permit with conditions as recommended by Planning Commission to construct a 740' long driveway with a 20' top. Will cut approximately 2' off and replace with class 5 gravel. The cut spoils will be used for side sloping on driveway. Total cubic yards of fill to be moved is approximately 3,000 cubic yards. The motion includes a condition that a new survey be provided to the Land & Resource Department showing the driveway on Lot A as conditioned by Planning Commission. The proposed driveway will be a shared driveway between the parcels and is located East of 34581 State Hwy 108, Section 30 of Edna Township; Big McDonald Lake (56-386), RD . After discussion, the motion passed on a roll call vote as follows: Page 2 of 5 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dan Bucholz Wayne Johnson Kurt Mortenson Betty Murphy Leland Rogness Bass Harbor Storage I Scott Adelman/Troy Tooz: YEA X X X X NAY X Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021 ABSENT ABSTAIN Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve a conditional use permit with conditions as recommended by Planning Commission to Construct a 21 Storage Unit Non-Dwelling PUD and build a road to access the Storage Units. Request to perform earthwork and road construction to build approximately 21 recreation storage building . An approx . 3,243 cubic yards will be cut for the project and an approx. 2,598 cubic yards of will be needed for project. The proposal is located at 43915 Bass Harbor Road , Section 9 of Lida Township; Lida Lake (56-747), GD. BA Kern Holdings, LLC I Aaron Kern: Motion by Johnson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve a conditional use permit with conditions as recommended by Planning Commission to conduct a topographic alteration for the construction of a home, detached garage, driveway, and a path to the bottom of a steep slope . The home construction will include a walk out basement with the home built into the steep slope . Total yards of excavation will be 1,209 CY with 444 CY of that being placed as fill for the walk out patio, sidewalk, paths . A total of 75 CY of class 5 will be brough in for the driveway and 62 CY of riprap for a total of 1,654 CY of excavation, fill and imported material. Construction slated to start fall of this year and continuing into 2022 . The proposal is located NE of 30213 Four Winds Dr., Section 30 of Otter Tail Township; Otter Tail Lake (56-242), GD . Echo Bay Deputy County Administrator Nick Leonard invited the Board to view a property from the lake on August 31, 2021 at 1 :00 p.m . that may potentially be donated to the county later this year . Buffalo-Red Watershed Appointment Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to appoint Peter Fjestad as the Watershed District Manager representing Otter Tail County on the Buffalo-Red River Watershed Board of Managers serving a three (3) year term . County Highway 27 Property Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the warranty deed conveying Parcel 26-000-15-0096-001 (25037 County Highway 27 Property) to Roger E. Engleson and Rebecca L. Engleson. Highway Projects Bid Award: Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award project No. S.A.P. 056-614-014 4012-014, FDR, wear course, topsoil and curve re-alignment to Central Specialties, Inc., Alexandria, MN in the amount of $2 ,991,217 .91 as recommended by the County Engineer. OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION Resolution No. 2021 -138 BE IT RESOLVED that Otter Tail County act as the legal sponsor for the project contained in HF 52 Sec. 32 . Laws 2020, Fifth Special Session chapter 3, article 1, section 21 , subdivision 44 entitled Wadena; Access Road . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Otter Tail County has the legal authority to receive financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the development proposal are committed to the project identified . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Otter Tail County has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud , bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its development proposal by the state, Otter Tail County may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project(s), and that Otter Tail County certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. Page 3 of 5 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Engineer is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of Otter Tail County. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson, duly seconded by Commissioner Murphy and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 24th day of August, 2021. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: September 14, 2021 By: ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness , Board of Commissioners Chair Attest ______________ _ Highway Projects Continued Agreement with City of Perham -S.A.P. 056-608-031: Nicole Hansen, Clerk Motion by Bucholz, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and the City of Perham regarding Project No . S.A.P . 056-608-031 , repair and replacement of CSAH 8 in the City of Perham. Agreement with Apex Engineering -S.A.P. 056-608-031. Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Apex Engineering regarding Project No. S.A.P. 056-608-031, repair and replacement of CSAH 8 in the City of Perham. Geotechnical Evaluation Agreement with Braun lntertec -S.A.P.056-601-067: Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Braun lntertec for Project No. S.A.P. 056-601-067 . Sale of County Owned Snowplow Truck: Motion by Murphy, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the sale of a county owned 1998 Ford snowplow truck to Folden Township in the amount of $15.000 .00. Proiect Updates: County Engineer Charles Grotte provided a brief update on various projects throughout the county. CSAH 8 bridge is planned to be completed before winter; Soil issues were discovered with CSAH 34 resulting in a delay, however, will receive a first layer of bituminous before winter; CSAH 41 bridge received state bonding and will soon be ready for bid for construction to begin in the spring of 2022 . Amendment to Grant Agreement -Phelps Mill Dam Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the amended grant agreement between Otter Tail County and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regarding the extension of the Phelps Mill Dam project to June 30. 2022. County Ditch 52 Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the removal of beaver dams in County Ditch 52 as recommended by the County Ditch Inspector. County Ditch 70 Motion by Mortenson , second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize property owner, Tim Risbrudt, to repair tile within County Ditch 70 at his expense using Weets Custom Services. Compliance will be checked during the repair by county drainage staff. Page 4 of 5 Adjournment Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021 At 10 :28 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8 :30 a.m . on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via live stream. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: September 14, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 5 of 5 Vendor INam e A-1 LOCK & KE Y LLC A-OX \IVELD ING, S PP L Y 00 IN C A B M SU P PLY ACM E TOOLS FAR GO A LB.AN Y R ECYCLING CE NTER A LEX R U B BISH & R ECYC LIN G INC AMAZON CAPITAL S ERV ICES I C AMER ICAN SOLUTIO NS FOR B US INESS AMERICAN W ELDI N G & GAS IIN C A.Pl SUPiP Y IN C A PPLE TREE D ENTAL ARAMARK UN IFORM SERVIC ES ASPEN Ml LLS IINC A UTO VALU E F ERGU S FAL LS A UTO VALU E PBRHAM A V ER Y, A TIOR:N E Y AT LAW fJ II..L BA TILE LAK:E ST ANDA!R D B E YE R BOD Y S IH O P IN C B H PAR: N ER:S BOLTON & MENK IN C BO il.iN D T R EE M El)ICAL LLC BO YER/ROD E Y BRAUN INTERTEC OORPOR:ATION BRAUN V EN D G IN C BRilA N'S REPAI R INC B ROWN EXCAVATIN G IN C B UE LOW/DAV ID B UY-MOR: PARTS&. S ER:VIICE LL C CAI LU ER/DEAN & CA TIH ER INE A NN CARR'S T IREE S ERVI C E IN C C ERTIF IED A UTO R EPAIR CI..AY CO SHER IFF CI..EAN SWEEP CO ER:C IA L S EIRVIICES OOOPiER:'S O FFI CE S UPP LY IN C COV ERTTRA CK GR:OOP INC C U LI GAN O F DETRO IT LAKES C U LI GAN O F EI..B OW LAKE CU LI GAN O F WADEN A D &. T V ENTU RES LLC DACOTAIH P A PER CO DAIi KIN AIPP U ED D S OCT AIRC 476 Page 1 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021 (Exhibit A) Am ou nt 34.60 141.38 3,366.00 50.99 2,42'7.67 599.73 5 ,028.32 637.27 88.35 906.18 107.00 4311.41 2'80 .27 952.83 115 .48 1 ,0 2 11.50 154.47 670.00 4 8,319.50 1,340.00 766.94 334.76 35 ,SSO .OO 16.00 57.30 87,397.03 8-2 .32 7,068.18 1 ,000.00 99,993.00 29-5 .. 49 52.15 1,758.00 497.00 600.00 136.50 33.50 74.00 1 ,0\139.00 536.98 5,6,78.00 425.00 Vendor IName D ON A ISfB R INN D OU BLE A CATERING DRIVEWA Y SER V ICE DS SOL UTIONS IN C E A ST SID E O'IL COMP A N I ES E l FE RTIDANA ELDI ENfli-l U NTIER FARGO GIL.ASS &. P A INli" CO II NC FARMER'S DAUG HT1ER RU Sli"I C BAKERY L FARNAM'S G EN IJI N E PARIS INC FERGUS FALLS DA ILY J OU R NA L FERGUS PO\IVE R PU MP INC FERG US li"I R E CEN TER I NC FERGUSON A SP HAl..li" P V IN G INC F IEillrTER R Y F ISCHE R/J U [l[I FORMANEKJ RO BE!RT FO UM COMMUNICATION S COMP A NY FIRA NZ R EP RO G RAPH IC S INC FIRAZ IERiBR ENli FRE[IERIICKJ PH lllP FRESO N KEJGEO RG E GA BEIR ICHAR[I GAI..LS LL C GA U ST ADIL Y ETTE GOPH ER STATE O N E CALL GRAIN G ER INC HAW ES S EPTIC TANK PU MP ING I..LC H ELPSYSli"EMS LLC HEN NING HARDW A R E H ERZB6R GIRIICHA!R D H ON EY'W El..l l NTERN A TIIO NAL INC H OUSli"ON EiNG IN EEiR ING INC HUBE!R EI..ECT IC MOli"O R & PU MP RE P INTE ST ATE ENG IN EERIN G, IN C INTOX IMET ERS INC J & K MA R IN E J K SPORTS INC J OH N SON C ON T RO LS INC J OH N SONIKE!NT JON ES I..AW O FFI OE J ORG EN SONIKU RT Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amou nt 49 .50 9 6.00 s,mrn .oo 50 0 .00 180 .00 377.00 95.76 4 ,186.33 28 .00 488 .. 38 4 ,785 .9 1 2,460 .00 683 .20 97,129 .20 80.64 21 6 .08 12:3 .20 445.26 19>1 .82 324 .12 65-52 6,650.00 2'46.00 2,450 .47 759 .5 11 20 .25 1 ,9'8'2 .02 95.00 1 ,1 30 .70 1 9 .92 650 .00 2,30 1.38 66 ,863.06 229.00 2,11 0.50 19>7 .50 73.00 632.00 12,327 .. 52 1 11.44 240 .00 49 .99 Vend or INam e K IESLE R'S POLICE S U PPLY IN C KIRESS {J EFF K UGLER/J OSEAH I NE LAKE REGIO N H EALTHCARE LAKES AREA COOPERATIV E LAKES CO UNliRY SER VI C E C O O P LARRY OTT INC T R U CK SERVIC E LEIGHTON B ROAD CAS TIN G -DETRO IT LJ! LEIGHTON B ROAD CAS TIN G-FERGUS FA LENTZJPA LO CAT ORS & SU P PLI ES IN C LOE/DOR IS MARCO IN C ST LO IJ IS MARCO T ECH N O LOGIES LL C MAR K LEE EXC AVATI N G I C MAR K SAN D & GRAVEL CO MAR KS FLEE T S IJ PPL Y INC MATTHEW BE ND ER & COMPANY INC MCIIT MCK!E SSO N MEDICA L-S IJ IRG ICA L IN C MID W EST MAO H IN EIRY 0 0 MID W EST P Ril NTIN G CO MILILEIRJ'JAOOB MINNESOT A MOTO R COMPANY MIINNESOT A NATIV E LANDSCAPES MINNESOT A S H ER I FFS' ASSOC-IA lil 00 MINNKOTA E!NVI IRO SERVICES INC MN BW SR MN CO Nlll NU IN G LEGAL ED UCA lil ON MN DEPT OF LA BOR & IND USTRY MN ST ATE SOARD O F ASSESSO RS MN DRIVEIRSMA N UA LS .C O M MOONEY/A B I GAi L MO ORE ENG IN EERIIN G IN C MO RR IS E LECTRO N ICS IN C MO SK!Elll-lAU MU C HOW/G R EGORY N ELSON A UT O CEN T ER N ELSON A UT O CENTER INC N EWMAN S IGN S INC N O RTHER N SAFETY T ECHNO LOG Y I NC N O RTH W EST lil IR E IN C Page 3 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Am ount 4!4 11.96 59.92 52.64 15,1 62 .75 843.74 29 .50 2,750 .00 730.50 1 ,273.65 1 ,ml 0.00 193 .87 87 .36 6,01 4 .26 31,058 .117 174 ,378.51 15,6-30 .26 64 .78 1 ,6,25 .34 3,397 .00 654_16 5 16 .00 1 ,160.00 B-2 .32 526 .24 50 0 .00 110.00 28.00 425 .00 145.30 260.00 50 .00 225.26 25.76 38,1 06_36 40.00 11 3 .1 2 80 .08 52.D1 24 ,522 .33 8,16 .66 411 5.72 373.2 1 Ve n dor Name NllSS TR UCK & EQ UI PM ENT O FFICE O F MNIT SE RV ICES O LSO N OilLCO INC O LSO N 17ILE &. EXCAVATING LLC O PG-3 1NC OTTE R T A IL CO P U BLIC HEAL T H OTTE R T A IL 00 TR EAS URER OTTER TAIL 1RUCKING INC OV ERH EAD DOOR 00 O F F ERGU S FAILILS PARKERS PM IRI E/CllY O F P EBB LE I.AKE A UTO REPA IR P E ICAN RAPIDS PRESS P EMBERT ON LAW PILLP P ETE'S A UT OBOD'I' LLC P ETERSO Nl CODY P EliERSONIJOEIL P ETERSONl KADEN P HILLIP PI/DR JAY P HO EN IX SllPP L Y PO'NE'RPIL A N OIB P RAXAI R DISliRIBllli"ION INC P RE IER E!UECTRIC IN C P REM lllM W ATERS INC P RO AG FARME!RS 00 OP P RO AG FA RMERS OOO PERA l iW E P RO-W EST & ASSOCIAT ES INC P RODUCT IV E A LTE R NAT IVES INC P ROFESSION A L DEVEJLO MENT ACADE~ PS ICK CAPITOL SOLUTIO NS INC RDO IBIJCK OENTE R:S RED DOT PEST CONTRO L RINKE NOONAN LAW F l RM RMB ENVI RO MENTAL LABORATORI ES II RO ULI EMrl LILIANI ROTHSAY F IRE & RESCU E SAPEIL liE F lllFI U ... MENT INC SALA TI-IE/KJEIL VI N SCHWAITTZ/CHRI ST O PH E R SCOTT HOFLAND CONSliRUCTIO N INC S ERVICE FOOD S U PE VAILll S IGNWORKS S IG NS&. BAN ERS LLC S I MEN GAARDJPA L Page 4 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 1,540.6 11 2 , 16,2 . .44 1 ,4 25 .67 465.00 4 ,625.00 60.00 1,300.85 23,346.24 36,2 .:50 325.00 248.115 514117 2 ,252.:50 1,250.00 75.54 56 .. 90 7 1U 2 400.00 1 ,09'8 .114 5 ,093.113 SM.37 6,200.00 29D9 13,11.00 1 2 5 .40 554.85 1,6,75.03 15,450.00 3 ,0CJ0 .00 8 ,1 2-0 .99 90.00 9,666.00 100.00 138.,68 400.00 486.5 11 83 . .44 43.68 8,440.00 114.62 90.00 6,9 .66 Ve111dor INam e SONNEN B ERG EXCAVATI G S RF CONS Ul T l NG GROUP I C STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATIIO N I ,C STiGMANIR YA N ST O El RI V ES ll.P ST O NEIB RUCE STRAND AOE HARDWARE STRE IOHERS S U MIT FOOD S ERVICE LlC THIS W EEKS SHOPPING NEW S THOMSON REUTERS -W EST THRIFTY W HITE IP HA R MAC Y TRIT ES/DAV ID TSCl-l l [IA/CRAIG T UN GSETHI C H RISTI NE UND ER WOOD Q UIK STOP UNIQ UE PAINT BOD Y & T RIM V A UGHN A UT O &.MARIN E CO V FW POST 6 112 V ICTO R LU D EEN COMPANY V IPOND IK!RIS V OSS LIG HTI G W AD ENA.ASPHALT INC W AD ENA CO SHE R IFF W ALlW ORK TR UCK CBNTER W AST E A NA.G EMENT W ILSONNll'ARREN R W IS KOWIM ICH A El W S B & ASSOCIIA TES INC Z IEGlER INC Fimi ll Total: Ve111dor Nam e A MAZON CAP ITAl S ERV ICES IN C B EYER BOD Y S I-I O P INC CASS 00 SHERIFF-ND COOPER'S O FFI CE S UIPPiL Y IN C DAN 'S TOW IN G&. RE PAIR F ERG US FAlLS DA ILY JO UR NA L LARSON/N ICK MIIDW EST MON ITORING, & SU RV EILAJNCE MIINNESOT A MONITOR IN G C MN DEPT Of HUMAN S EIRVI CES OTTER T A IL CO ECORDER OTTER T A IL CO TREASUR E OTTERTA IL COUNTY TREASURER-EXPiRI PACIF IC INTERPRETERS IN C POTTEIRITAIRA P REMIER B IOTECH LABS LiLC Q UALITY TOY OTA SCHM I DT IHEA T H ER W HIPPLE/VANESSA Fimi ll Total: Page 5 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amo1.1nt 1 ,170 .00 1 1 ,7 52 .5 11 8,6,37.22 1 2 ,112 .00 59.92 2,490.00 224.48 26 .97 11 .99 8,804.99 55.44 5,239.69 2 '1 .38 229 .. 52 72.00 5 '1 .57 133.29 3,478 .. 45 488 .20 50.00 1 ,200.50 13 11.1 2 29 .75 170,060 .00 75.00 1 ,18,7 .76 32,186.57 207.68 98.00 21 ,9 16 .00 1 ,750 .45 ,236,984.05 Amo1.1nt 410.011 85.00 28 .50 115 .64 9,7 _03 78 .. 50 74.95 2 ,506.00 63.75 31 , 15 1 ..57 52.00 7,859 .12 1 ,875.3 11 755.30 45.00 800.1 5 2 ,774.02 53.48 52.76 4 8 ,67,8 .09 Vendor IName AMAZON CAPlliAl S ERV ICES INC Cl AY 00 HEAl Tli-1 D EP T CO UN TRY INN & SU IT ES FIE RG U S FA LlS LAJK E REGIO N H EAL TttCARE LE IGH TON B ROADCASTING-F ERGUS FA LYS N E CONS U H ING & CO IJN S ELIN G LL C MIIDW EEK I N CfTIH E MIINNKOTA EN VI RO S ERVICES IN C NUIRSE F AJM IL Y PART EIRS H P OTTER T A IL C-O UtH Y TREASU IR ER -EXPR I PACIF IC INTERP RETERS IN C f i lU.l ll Total: Page 6 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes August 24 , 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 56.3 .7 8 2,3lM . .3 11 400 .00 66 ,7.67 1 ,1912 .00 460 .00 22 1.76 3.3 .00 21 ,744.00 1 ,139.48 137.60 28,863.80