HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/13/2021 OTTERTAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN July 13, 2021 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:32 a.m. Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair; Betty Murphy; Vice Chair, Kurt Mortenson, Wayne Johnson, and Dan Bucholz were present. Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of July 13 , 2021, with the following additions: Aggregate Tax Update Upcoming : July 21 , 2021 Ottertail lWl P Meeting, Sheriff's Operation Center, Ottertail (WJ/BM) Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows: 1. June 22 , 2021 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) 4 . Approval ofThe West Central MN Drug & Violent Crimes Task Force Joint Powers Agreement 5. Approval of the issuance of an Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to Big Chief Inc. for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 . 6. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License to Joseph R & Lisa M Harlow dba Big Pine Lodge for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. 7. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License to Blackboard LLC dba Blackboard for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 . 8. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License to Oakwood LLC dba Oakwood Supper Club for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. 9. Approval of Solid Waste Hauler's License for AAA Roll-Off Service, LLC for Remainder of 2021 . 10. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Wine License to Lakes Inn LLC dba Lakes Inn at Dunvilla for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 , and 11. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to Lakes Inn LLC dba Lakes Inn at Dunvilla for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. 12. Approval of an LG220 Application for Exempt Permit as submitted by the Perham Sportsman 's Club for an event scheduled for Thursday, October 21, 2021 at The Cactus located at 4321 Fort Thunder Road, in Perham Township. Mutare -Text Messaging Solution Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Muta re for messaging services that provide secure communication and sharing of critical or protected information . Ditch 21 Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the preliminary plans for Ditch 21 as presented by the County Ditch Inspector. The plan is in conjunction of the Highway Department plans to rebuild CSAH 35 north of CSAH 18 in 2024 . Ditch 21 crossings will be maintained at the same elevations, sizes , locations as currently in place . Page 1 of4 Ditch JD2 -Wadena Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize the cleaning of approximately 1000' of Ditch JD2 as recommended by the County Ditch Inspector. Expenses will be the responsibility of the appropriate party once a redetermination has been completed . Highway Projects Bid Award-5.P. 056-667-037 STPF 5621 (234/: Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award S.P. 056-667-037, MN Project No. STPF 5621 (234) to Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $1,347,470 .66 as recommended by the County Engineer. Contracts & Bonds -4032-200: Motion by Murphy, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Traffic Marking Service, Inc. for job nos. 4032-200, C.P . 21 :208TM & C.P . 21 :310TM. Contracts & Bonds-S.P. 056-070-027 HSIP 5621 (214/: Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Traffic Marking Service, Inc. for job nos . S.P. 056-070-027, MN Project No. HSIP 5621 (214). Contracts & Bonds -S.A.P. 056-646-009 & Etc.: Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Central Specialties, Inc. for job nos . S.A.P . 056-646-009 & S.A.P. 056-695- 002. Contracts & Bonds -S.A.P. 056-603-011 & Etc.: Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Morris Sealcoat & Trucking, Inc. for job no. S.A.P . 056-603-011 & Etc. Scope Amendment-CSAH 34 Reconstruction/Multi-Use Trail: Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy, with Bucholz opposed, to approve the amendment to the scope engineering services for the Perham to Pelican Rapids east segment job nos . S.A.P. 056-634-011 and S.P. 056-090-013 . The motion passed on a 4-1 vote. Resolution Designating County State Aid Highway Location County State Aid Highway No. 3 Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -118 Motion by Mortenson, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS , it appears to the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail that the highway right of way required for County State Aid Highway 3 and the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail under County Project No . 4000-401 should be accurately described and located by a highway right of way plat. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , by the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail that the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Otter Tail is hereby designating the definite location of County State Aid Highway No . 3, in Sections 1, 2 & 3, Township 135 North, Range 43 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, and Sections 6, 7, 8 & 9, Township 135 North Range 42 West of the 5th Principal Meridian as shown in Amended Otter Tail County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 39 Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of July 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: July 27, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest. ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 2 of4 Highway Projects Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 Amended Right of Way Plat 39-CSAH 3: Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the amended Otter Tail County Highway Right of Way Plat No . 39 for County State Aid Highway No. 3. Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail Resolution : Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail, West & McDonald segments, right of way acquisition resolution found in Exhibit B. Paver Patching: Geographic Information System (GIS) Lead Developer George Meyer and Highway Maintenance Supervisor Cristi Field provided a brief demonstration of the new Paver Patching Map function that is available on the Otter Tail County website for the public to view the location and progress of patching projects. Request for Public Hearing Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing regarding a tax abatement application for Prairie View Development on August 10, 2021 at 10:10 a.m. at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls , MN . Recess & Reconvene At 9:25 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for the Finance, Property & License Management Committee Meeting. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10 :04 a.m . Public Hearing to Adopt Housing Trust Fund Ordinance Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing to adopt the Housing Trust Fund Ordinance. Housing & Redevelopment Authority Executive Director Barbara Dacy and Elizabeth Glidden with MN Housing Partnership provided a brief overview of the purpose and benefits of the proposed Ordinance and summarized the process of how funds would be administered . Chairman Rogness opened the Hearing to the public at 10 :19 a.m . Comments are summarized as follows: Iii, Liz Kuoppala, Director at MAHUBE-OTWA, strongly supports the concept of a Housing Trust Fund and feels it will be strong tool to create affordable housing in Otter Tail County. At 10:22 a.m ., Chairman Rogness closed the Public Hearing . The adoption of the Housing Trust Fund Ordinance will be addressed at the July 27, 2021 Board of Commissioners meeting. Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Appointments Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioner Mortenson as a member of the HRA Board , serving the remainder of a term set to expire August 1, 2023 . Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to appoint John Lindquist as a member of the HRA Board, serving a 5-year term effective August 1, 2021 . Commissioners recognize that Mr. Lindquist has indicated that he may not serve the full term . Recess & Reconvene At 10:32 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:40 a.m . West Central Initiative Economic Development Board Appointment Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioner Mortenson as a member of the West Central Initiative Economic Development Board serving a 3-year term . Aggregate Tax Deputy County Administrator Nick Leonard provided a brief overview of the process to pursue aggregate tax in Otter Tail County and requested guidance from the Board on how they wish to proceed . Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to provide guidance regarding aggregate tax discussion . Page 3 of4 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 Nelson Lake -Withdrawal Petition Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to accept the document in Ex hibit C, withdrawing the previously filed Petition for the creation of a New County Ditch Drainage System for Nelson Lake (Proposed Ditch 71 ). Proposed Lake Lida Lake Improvement District (LID) Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the order to establish Lida Lakes Improvement District as presented by the County Attorney which include North Lida, South Lida , and Venstrom Lakes . Adjournment At 11 :15 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m . on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via live stream . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: July 27 , 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest. ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page4 of4 Vendor INam e 106, GRO U P l..li DffHE A-1 LOCK & KE Y LLC MA RE CYOLING, L LC A BRA FERGUS FALLS ADM FG INC ADVA N CED SlRI P IN G INC A LBAN Y R ECYCLING OE NTEIR A LEX UEI BISH & REC YCLING IN C AMAZON CAPITAL S ERV IC ES INC AME RICAN SOLUTIO NS FOR B US I E SS A N E CARLSON LAW O FF ICE PlLC A P EX E Gl 1'4 6 EIR I G, GRO U P IN C ARAMARK UN IFORM SERVICES ARROW LI FT ACCESSIB ILITY ASSOCIAT E[I B AG CO A UT O VALU E F ERGUS FAIL.LS A UT O VALU E !PERHAM A V ER Y, A TIO IR N E Y AT LAW fJ ILL B ACH ELDER/JARED BALLARD SANITAT ION INC B A TILE LAKE STANDAR D B A TILE LAKE/CITY O F BOO llSA LI..IP B ECK LUN[I O IL IN C B El!.. TRAMI CO S H ER IIFF B E N HOLZER UNLI MITE[I W ATER LL C B E YER BODY SHOP INC BOBCAT O F OTTER T L COllNTY BOLTON & MENK IN C BOllNO TREE M E IDi CAL LLC BRAN D ON COMMU N ICATIO NS IN C BRASELJRYAN BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATIO N B RA UN V ENDING INC BRilAN'S REPA IR INC BRilAIRDJBIR Y A NT B UELOW/[IAV ID B UY-MOIR IPAIRTS & S EIRVi lC E LLC CAI LJLI EIRIDEAN & CA TH ER IIN E A NN CAROl!..INA SOFlVIJARiE IN C CARR'S T1Ri6E S ERVI CE INC CENTRAL ST AT ES W I IR E PRO[lllCTS INC Page 1 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 2 ,9411.50 32.64 430 .00 1 ,56,2.00 652.00 1 ,636..00 7,08,2 .68 SS9 .73 5, 10<3 ..69 50 ,923.112 3,080.00 4 ,80<3 .110 4011.53 92'3 .00 236.42 418.39 14.48 1 ,1 56.92 29 .47 5 10.00 83.79 250.00 2 10.00 3,338.68 70.00 20 .00 14 ,685.85 15 .25 4 7,388.00 234.66 1 ,684.64 22.25 1 3 ,986.00 533.50 36 .41 250 .00 255.92 2 ,0!32 .911 2,250..00 2,350.00 1 ,1 9 0 .00 5,356.69 Vendor IName CERTI F IED A UT O R:EPA IR CHASE/DAV I D A & MAR:Y A C llilZEllll 'S A DV OCATE C lEAIIII PLUS I N C C lEAIIII SWEEP COMM ERCIAl S ERVICES 00D E 4 S ERVIC ES INC OOl l 'S F lAGS & FLAGPOLES COMMISSION ER OF TRAN SPORTATION COMSTOCK C-O N STRU CTION I NC O F MN OOORE R:'S O FFI C E SllPRl Y INC CR:OW W IN G CO S IH ER I FPS O FF I CE C llU ... IIGAN O F DETROlli lAKES C lll llGAN O F W ADE NA DACOT A H PA PER CO DAIi Kl APPl l ED DAKOTA B US INESS SOLllTIONS I NC DAKOTA WHOLESALE T IR E INC DAN'S TOWI NG & REP A IR DENNY'S W ELDIN G DIA.MON O V OG EL P A INT C ENTER: D ICK'S ST ANDAJRD DONA IS/El R INN DOU Bl E A CATERI N G D llBB ElS FA R M PARTNERSH I P E D'S TOWI N G S ER:V I C E CO E HLIER:S & ASSOCI ATES I NC EJLD I EWHlll\lTE R: EJLDRI OGE/TRACY EJRGOMETRICS &. A PRLI ED PERSO NN E L f EV EJRTS LU MB ER: CO E.XOEl PLASTI CS LLC EZW ElDIN G LLC FARMERS OO-OP O IL FARNAM'S G ENIJINE PAR:TS INC FASTENA L COMPANY FEJRG US FA l LS DA i l Y J O U RNA L FERG US FAlLS SCHOOL DIST 544 FEJRG US FAlLSJC ITY OF FEJRG US HOME &. HAJR DW ARE FEJRG US T IR:E CENTER I NC F IDlAR TE CHNO L OGIES INC F UNT H IL l S RESO U RCES l P Page 2 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 1,090.55 500.00 n.oo 2,200.00 1,183.00 5,500.39 422.95 196.86 1,025.65 1,394 27 75.00 43.80 20!2 .50 157.75 2,555.63 120 .99 600.00 18,2 .95 2B5 .00 3,023.25 320.95 105.34 105.00 1,000.00 3711.00 4 ,500.00 168.00 29 0 .08 392.60 9 .. 99 150 .00 66 ,7.00 2,097.69 29 0 .67 25.27 1 ,9175.50 786.92 5,584.50 89.98 1,0fl0 .69 7,649.20 60 ,513..45 Vendor Name FORCE AMERICA DISTRIBUTIN G LLC FORUM COMMUNICATI ONS COMPAN Y FRED ER HCKlPIH ILIP GALLAGHER B EN EFIT SERV ICES IN C GALLS LL C GODFATli-lER 'S E XTERM INATIN G INC GONT AREKIJONAH GORH ER STATE O N E CALL GORENTZ FARMS LLJL P GORENTZ/1) LEN E FAY GORENTZIJ OEL R G RA IIIIIG ER IN C G REAS ECAR. V EG ETABLE FUBL SYSTEMS GREAT AM ER ICA FINANCIAL SV CS GREAT ER FERGU S FALLS CORP IHAI MERL AM ER ICAN LEGIIO N IP OSli 148 HEAL liH CARE E NV IRONMEN T A L SERVI CE H EI FO RT/G EORGE H EN IING/CITll' O F HERMAN.I ORY STAL H ILLTO P LU MB ER IN C I-IO USliON EN GINEERIN G INC 1-1 1.J BER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PU MIP REP IN N OVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIO NS LLC INliERS T ATE EN G IN EERI NG IN C J AKE'S JOHNS LLC JJ 'S 00 EXCAV Alil N G LLC J OH SON CO NTROLS INC J OH N SON/KENT J O ES LAW O ffl OE J ORG EN SONIIKUR KIEMM E RIPATRIC K & O H ERYL K l ESLER'S IP O ICE S UPPLY INC IKJNOWINK LLC IKO EHLEiRlCODY D & liERRI A IKJRESS IJEFF K UGLER/J OSEPH I NE LAKE REGIO N H EALTHCARE LAKES ADVERTISIN G LLC LAK ES AREA OOOPERA TI V E LAK ES OOUNliRY SERV ICE COOP LAN GJD IAJ NE M Page 3 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 38.30 545.50 92 .. 96 1,JS0.00 2,30 11.63 260 . .20 110.00 16 .20 11,275.00 1,700.00 6,500.00 4 15 .. 112 1,9,10.00 296.4 1 600.00 200.00 130 . .20 1,mrn .00 55.00 116.48 1 0 .48 64 ,8,14.73 78,9 .00 313.30 4 ,92-0 .00 350.00 640.00 2,834.65 170.24 450.00 2 16.98 1,375.00 5,847.84 9,955.00 500.00 143.36 173 .60 6,13.99 70 .00 279.68 177.00 2 , 155 . .20 Vendor IName LARRY OTT IN C T R UCK SERVIC E LARSONIL YNN LAR U M!PAT LAWSON IPR O D U CTS INC LEIGHTON B ROADCASTING -D ETRO IT U LEIGHTON B ROAD CASTIN G-FERGUS FA LI B ERliY T IR E RECYC LI N G LJLC LOCATORS & SUPP U ES INC LOE/DOR IS LONG W EEK END SPORTSW EAR M-R: SIG 00 INC MACV SO MAPCED MARCO INC ST LOIJIS MARO O T ECHNOLOGIES LL C MAR K SAND & GRAVEL CO MAR K/JAMES MAR KS Fil.BET SUPPLY I C MARQ UARD T/JACK MATTHEW BE NDER& COMP 4Y I C MAV ER CK DRONE SYSTEMS MCIT MBND CORRECTIONAi.. CARE MHS RC RANGE M IID -CENTR:AL EQU IRMc ITT INC MIILJL EIRIJACOB MIINNESOT A OTO R COMPANY MINNESOT A NA IV E LANDSCAPES MNCCC I..OCK l3 0 X MOONEYIABI GAi L MO ORE EN G IN EER I N G I C MO SK!EIHAU MIJCHOW /G R EGOR:Y MUNIIC IP AI.. SBRVIC E CO I C NACVSO NAN MOKAY & ASSOCIATES INC ELSON A UT O CENTER N ET\IVORIK S ERVIC ES COMP 4Y N EW YO R K MILJLS DISPATCH N EWMAN PAINTING I C N O RTH CENTRAL INC N O RTHER N POWER: !P RODUCTS INC Page 4 of 7 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 4 ,(l0 0.00 SS .20 58.24 81 0 .42 144.00 1,3'24 .50 1 5 ,192.3 '1 220.89 101.92 2,220 .00 2,ilil6 .40 250..00 50 .00 2,160 .64 7,251.40 4 ,028.98 30 0..00 109.92 18.48 1,712.90 3911.53 4154 .00 14 ,roJ.50 4145 .00 28.82 215.60 2,713.08 650..00 14 ,675.25 70.56 24,8,27.50 26-9 .36 137.76 750..00 41 10..00 5 ,640.00 31,808.07 713.25 n .oo 6'25..00 695..00 11Ji2 .94 Vendor INam e N O RTHERN SAFETY TECHNOI..OG Y NC N O RTHERN STAT E S S U PPLY INC N O RTH W E ST m VERS 0 LSO N OIL CO INC 0 LSO N STITZEL POST 2 19 O LSO N TII RE &. 0 11.. O PE T EXT IN C OTTER T A IL CO TREASU RER OTTERTAIL BAKJE RY OTTERTAIL TIR:U C K IN G INC O UTDO O · RIEN OVATION S LA N [ISC A PE & P ARKERS PR:AIRI EJC ITlt' O F P ART S OF P ERIHA.M P AW P U BI..I CAT IO NS U C BATTI.E I..AKE R P EU CAN PiET E BO D Y S H OP & TOW IN G IN P EMBERTO N I..AW PLLP P ER:HAM FOCUSJT H E PETE'S A. OCO PETE'S A.UT O BO [IY LLC P ET ERS O NI COD Y P ETERS O Nl JOEI.. P ETERS O NI KADBN P HO E IIX S llPPL Y P ITIN EY BOJNES P RAXAI R DlSTR IBllTION INC PREC IS E MR M 1..1..C PREM IER ELECTR IC INC PRO A G f A RM8RS CO O P Q UA DI ENT I..EAS I G USA II NC Q UA LI TY TOY OT A R[IO EQ U IPMENT 00 R EC YCU N G ASS O C O F MN R ED D OT PE ST C OITT RO L R EG EN TS O f THE UN IV ERSITY OF MN R ENT AL STORE/THE R IN GDAH i.. AM BU LANCE INC R IN KE NOONAN LAW F IRM RMB ENVIR O N MENT AL LABO RA TORIIES II ROOH E FOR[I/MARTHA ROGGENKAMPtA LLAN D & J EANN E ROI GER/D UA N E & JANICE RO ULIEMrl LUM/I Page 5 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 265 .05 245.95 334.00 1 ,82.8_45 20 0 .00 297 .58 2,848 .00 1 ,46'6 .50 2 11 .. 99 4 3,26'6 .88 140 .00 260 .00 111.29 11 11.38 1 ,126 .00 15,6,77.00 73.32 660.00 1 ,250.00 110.99 206.97 129 .92 93.7 11 1 ,460 .. 94 52:7 .40 2,2 111.59 3,250.35 9 0 .68 7, 12 11. 0 125.00 180,78 9 .49 525.00 1 ,413.00 64 ,799.93 1 ,50 0 .00 20 0.00 1 ,079.00 1 ,029 .00 11 5 .50 SO .00 2,155.20 3616.24 Vendor N ame SAll.A THE!l(IEl V II N SA FOIRD H EAL TH SANITATION P RODUCTS I NC SCHAKEISAIRAH SCHIK ELECTR!IC SCHUL TZ/lANCE A &. AJPIRII.. D SCHWANTZICHRIIST OIPHER SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTR U CTION INC S ERVI C E FOOD S U PER VAlll S HERWIN W I LL IAMS S IGNWOIRIKS S IG NS&. BANNERS LLC SONSAL LA/AN GELA SORENSON CO NSUI..TI N G S RF 0 0 NSULTI N G GROUP I NC ST A Pl ES BllSIIN ESS CRED IT STEI N BACHfWI LLIAM STEI NS INC STEV E'S SANITATION I NC S1llGMANrRYAN ST OCKVILL E GRAIN l..lC S11RAND ACE li-lARDWAIR E STREJC HERS S UM M IT FIRE PIROTEC11I0N S UMMIT FOOD S ERVICE , l lC SVARE/CU TIS SWANSTO N EQ U IPMBNT CORP T &.KTII RES TAG U P THEI S E W JASO N THIS W EEKS SHOIP P I N G N EWS T OMSOO REUTERS -W EST T H R IFTY WHlliE IP HA R MACY TK B L EV AT OIR CORP TNT RE PAI R IN C TOS H I BA FINA N aAl SERVIC ES TSCHIIDAICRAI G lll T I MA TE AIIJTO SAfETI INC llS AUTOfORCE llS BANK EQUIIPMENT f l NANCE V A GU A RD AIPP,RAISALS INC V AUGHN A UT O & MAR IN E CO V E RIZO W IR ElESS -V SAT V ICT O R L ll DE EN COMPANY V IKI G, GARAGE DOOR C-OMPANY IN C V I PONDl1<JR IS V ISUAL GOV SOLUTIONS LILC WASTE MANAG EM EN T W ISKOWfMJCHAEl WSB & ASSOCI A 1lES INC Z IEGlER INC Fina II Total: Page 6 of 7 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 374.08 313,9 .00 374.98 5 ,20 0.00 1, 16,11.79 500.00 13,8.32 9 ,40 .00 10 .50 133 .58 24.00 85-16.02 400.00 2 ,4 611.70 2fl 0 .39 SO .00 2 ,10'4 .2 1 3711.55 271I.04 1,mrn .00 10.8.95 3511.97 9170.60 8 ,880.04 1,000.00 750.00 222.00 79.65 50 0 .00 110.88 3 ,0911.117 1 ,26,2 .22 2 ,1 29 .18 4 ,842.58 1 ,403.30 64.40 149 .04 707.416 1 ,4133 .26 1 3 ,60 .00 112 .20 50 .00 8,79.55 1 44.00 37.07 649.00 34,527.50 143.36 7 ,287-77 1 ,504.76 11,009,000. 3 Vendor Name AMAZON CAPITAL S ERV IC ES INC B ESEMAN/l!<AR EN BY EMRISfl N OE MER/ANDREA E LLENSONIMA. TTIE fRUSfOUANNE G EO R!G ESONfAINTHOl'ff G IBBS /ANN G UOKfAM Y INDEPiE NDENT CO NTRACT SE RVICES OF LE IGHTON B ROAIDCASTING -FERGUS FA LYSNE CONSUll"IN G & C-OUNS EI..ING LLC MC~ESSON MEDICAL -SURG ICAL METZG ER/J ESSICA M IDWEEK I NCmHE MNCCC LOOKBO X N EWMAN S IGNS INC 0 FF IC E D EPOT liHACl<ERlSARAH V AN SANTEN/DANA V ER IZ ON W IRElESS V ICT O R L U D EEN COMPA NY W ESTB Y/LI DA Fina Tot.a l: AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC BEYER BODY SHOP INC CLAWSON /RONALD COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY ERGOMETRICs & APPLIED PERSONNEL RE FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS TIRE CENTER INC KOSTOHRYZ /RYAN OR CELESTE MACPO MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES INC MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION 4 FULL PARTICIPATION OTTERTAIL CO AUDITOR OTTER TAIL CO RECORDER OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF PREMIER BIOTECH INC PREMIER BIOTECH LABS LLC PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC RESLER /RANDI ROBINSON /MELISSA STANISLAWSKI /MARI VERIZON WIRELESS VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WOOD /JANE Final Total: Page 7 of? Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit A) Amount 43 .. 94 86.24 2.60 44.80 10'4 .. 6 2 .80 126 .. 56 12 .88 42 .. 00 5,554 .. 43 5S .. 04 46 0 .00 57 .. 33 56 .00 44 9 .04 7,66,1 .. 0 4 ,81:J .00 135.71 5 .60 3 .36 770 .. 67 4 16.65 20 .72 21,446.,B:J 198.60 80.00 524.00 86.27 240.00 373.56 214.00 396.48 631.00 200.00 93.00 56,514.83 500.00 19.25 142.00 130.00 2,380.00 540.75 8,639.12 25.48 268.00 28.65 501.61 340.45 14.00 73,081.05 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) PERHAM TO PELICAN RAPIDS REGIONAL TRAIL -MCDONALD AND WEST SEGMENTS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION McDonald Segment -County Project No. 4001-401 Parcel Nos. 136,137,150,161,172,178 West Segment -County Project No. 4000-401 Parcel Nos . 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 23, 27, 28, 29, 33/33A, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60 OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2021 -119 WHEREAS , Otter Tail County proposes to construct a multi-use trail, from CSAH 41 to the intersection of CSAH 35 and CSAH 34, located generally along 440 th St . and CSAH 35 (McDonald Segment), and from Lake Region Ave . to 380 th St, located generally along US Hwy 59 and CSAH 3 (West Segment): Section 13, 14, 15 ofT136N, R41 W Section 16, 17 , 18 ofT136N, R40W Sections 34 ofTl 36N, R43W Section 1, 2, 3 ofT135N , R43W Section 6, 7, 8, 9 ofTl 35N , R42W ; and WHEREAS, the reason for the construction of this multi-use trail is to provide a multi modal public transportation facility between Perham and Pelican Rapids for pedestrian and bicycle use ; and WHEREAS , this multi-use trail is necessary to provide for a safe transportation facility serving the needs of the pedestrian and bicycle traveling public between Perham and Pelican Rapids; and WHEREAS , Otter Tail County has a right to acquire the right of way after an award of damages has been filed with the County Auditor in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 163.02 and 163 .12 ; and WHEREAS , all necessary additional highway rights of way, trail rights of way, and /or temporary construction easements have been acquired for this construction except for 34 tracts : !:\Highway Projects\4000-401 - P to PR West Segment\RW Acquisition\Condemnation\CP 4001-401 (McD) and 4000-401 (West) Resolution .docx County Project No. 4001-401 A) Parcel 136 -Tract owned by: Bette Scheuble-Gehrking and Larry Gehrking , as Trustees of the Bette Scheuble-Gehrking Revocable Living Trust dated February 15, 2012 and Carol Steed, a single person as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section .Ll., Township 136N. Range 41 W shown as PARCEL 136 on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 38, County State Aid Highway No . 35, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.21 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also , a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction. described as follows: Page 1 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of Section .Ll, Township 136 N, Range 41 W. shown adjacent to County Highway 35 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4001-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel 136 are established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.04acre(s), more or less . B) Parcel 137 -Caroyl L. Frank. Trustee of the Caroyl L. Frank Revocable Trust dated May 22. 2006. an undivided ½ interest and Diane Menz and Loren Menz. wife and husband. as joint tenants -an undivided½ interest Tract being a strip of land described as follows: A temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section .Ll, Township 136 N, Range 41 W. shown adjacent to County Highway 35 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4001-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel ill are established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.56 acre(s), more or less . C) Parcel 150 -Tract owned by: David R. Taylor and Kathleen Taylor. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section lli Township 136N, Range 40W shown as PARCEL 150 on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 38, County State Aid Highway No . 35, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.99 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also , a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section lli Township 136 N, Range 40W . shown adjacent to County Highway 35 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4001-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel 12..Q are established at a 5-foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.15 acre(s), more or less. D) Parcel 161 -Kent R. Holmberg and Janene M. Holmberg. husband and wife and Robert F. Walde Jr .• a single person Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section lL Township 136N, Range 40W shown as PARCEL lfil_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 38, County State Aid Highway No . 35, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 3.00 acre(s), more or less . Page 2 of 15 Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction , described as follows : That part of Section .Ll. Township 136 N, Range 40W. shown adjacent to County Highway 35 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4001-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel .lfil_ are established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing .l.J.l..acre(s). more or less . E) Parcel 172 -George W. Fresonke, a single person Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section 1§, Township 136N, Range 40W shown as PARCEL 172 on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 38, County State Aid Highway No . 35. as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.94 acre(s). more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements. if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction. described as follows : That part of Section }Q Township 136 N. Range 40W. shown adjacent to County Highway 35 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4001-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel ill are established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.16 acre(s), more or less. F) Parcel 178 -George W. Fresonke, a single person Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section 1§, Township 136N. Range 40W shown as PARCEL 178 on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 38, County State Aid Highway No . 35, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 2.12 acre(s). more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements. if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction. described as follows : That part of Section }Q Township 136 N. Range 40W. shown adjacent to County Highway 35 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4001-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel 178 are established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Page 3 of 15 Containing 0.55 acre(s), more or less County Project No. 4000-401 G) Parcel 2 -Bonita M . Lyden. single Description -Parcel 2 (Permanent Easement): Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 136 North, Range 43 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 °35 '22 " West, along the westerly line of said Northeast Quarter for a distance of 1321 .18 feet to the northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 89 °39 '05" East, along the northerly line of the Southwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter, for a distance of 90 .80 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of existing U.S . Highway No . 59 right-of-way, and the true point of beginning ; thence continue South 89 °39 '05" East, along the northerly line of the Southwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter, for a distance of 59 .00 feet; thence South 61 °13'47" West for a distance of 26.40 feet; thence South 48 °59 '54" West for a distance of 20.44 feet to a point of tangential curve to the left having a radius of 63 .00 feet; thence southwesterly, along said curve for a distance of 52 .82 feet, through a central angle of 48°02'11 "to a point of intersection with the easterly line of said right-of-way; thence North 00 °57'43 " East, along the easterly line of said right-of-way, for a distance of 72 .97 feet to the true point of beginning . Said tract contains 0.03 acres, more or less . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction , described as follows : That part of Section 34 Township 136N, Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 59 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel l_are established at a .li.Joot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 1.37 acre(s), more or less H) Parcel 3 -Bonita M. Lyden. single Description -Parcel 3A (Permanent Easement): That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34 , Township 136 North, Range 43 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 °30 '50 " East, along the northerly line of said Southeast Quarter, for a distance of 82.21 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of existing U.S . Highway No . 59 right-of-way; thence South 00 °57'43 " West, along the easterly line of said right-of-way, for a distance of 550 .85 feet to a point of tangential curve to the left having a radius of 88 .00 feet, said point being the true point of beginning ; thence southeasterly, along said curve, for a distance of 69.75 feet, through a central angle of 45 °24 '41 "; thence South 44°26 '58 " East for a distance of 57 .83 feet; thence North 19°26 '02 " East for a distance of 22 .60 feet; thence south 70 °34 '35 " East for a distance of 25 .02 feet; thence South 19°26'02 " West for a distance of 34 .87 feet; thence South 44°26'58 " East for a distance of 82 .94 feet to a point of tangential curve to the right having a radius of 112 .00 feet; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said curve for a distance of 94.35 feet, through a central angle of 48 °16'00 "; thence South 03 °49'02 " West for a distance of 23 .25 feet to a point of tangential curve to the right having a radius of 162 .00 feet; thence southerly and southwesterly, along said curve for a distance of 87 .11 feet, through a central angle of 30 °48 '37"; thence South 34 °37'40" West for a distance of 219.49 feet to a point of tangential curve to the left having a radius of 88 .00 feet; thence southwesterly, along said curve for a distance of 51.71 feet, through a central angle of 33 °39 '56" to a point of intersection with the easterly line of said right-of-way; thence North 00 °57'43" East, along the easterly line of said right-of-way, for a distance of 161 .63 feet to an angle point on the easterly line of said right- of-way; thence South 89 °02 '17" East, along the easterly line of said right-of-way, for a distance of 25 .00 feet to an angle point on the easterly line of said right-of-way; thence North 00 °57'43" East, along the easterly line of said right-of-way, for a distance of 160.00 feet to an angle point on the easterly line of said right-of-way; thence North 89 °02 '17" West, along the easterly line of Page 4 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) said right-of-way, for a distance of 40.00 feet to an angle point on the easterly line of said right-of-way; thence North 00 °57'43" East, along the easterly line of said right-of-way, for a distance of 281 .19 feet to the true point of beginning . Said tract contains 1.21 acres, more or less . Description -Parcel 3B (Permanent Easement): That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 136 North, Range 43 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows : Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 °50'50" East, along the southerly line of said Southeast Quarter, for a distance of 67.28 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of existing U.S . Highway No . 59 right-of-way, and the true point of beginning ; thence continue South 89 °50'50" East, along the southerly line of said Southeast Quarter, for a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 00 °20'35 " East for a distance of 53 .00 feet; thence South 89 °39'25" East for a distance of 10.50 feet; thence North 00 °20'35" East for a distance of 21.50 feet; thence North 89 °39'25" West for a distance of 12 .00 feet; thence North 10°53'49" West for a distance of 93 .00 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of said right- of-way, said point lying on a nontangential curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 34 ,302.47 feet; thence southerly, along the easterly line of said right-of-way and along said curve, for a distance of 165.78 feet, through a central angle of 0°16'37", having a chord bearing of South 00 °28'19" West to the true point of beginning . Said tract contains 0.06 acres, more or less . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section 34 Township 136N, Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 59 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel J_are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing LZ.1.acre(s), more or less I) Parcel 4 -The Trust Agreement of Cynthia E. Oliver dated June 25. 2020 Description -Parcel 4 (Permanent Easement): That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 135 North, Range 43 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 89 °50 '50 " East, along the northerly line of said Northeast Quarter, for a distance of 67 .28 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of existing U.S . Highway No . 59 right-of-way, and the true point of beginning; thence continue South 89 °50 '50 " East, along the northerly line of said Northeast Quarter, for a distance of 20 .00 feet; thence South 00 °20'35 " West for a distance of 60 .00 feet to a point of tangential curve to the right having a radius of 132.00 feet; thence southwesterly, along said curve, for a distance of 37.49 feet, through a central angle of 16°16'25 "; thence South 16 °37'00 " West for a distance of 51.30 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of said right-of-way, said point lying on a nontangential curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 34,302.47 feet; thence northerly, along the easterly line of said right-of-way and along said curve, for a distance of 146.17 feet, through a central angle of 0°14'39", having a chord bearing of North 00 °12'41" East to the true point of beginning . Said tract contains 0.05 acres, more or less . AND : Tract being a strip of land described as follows : That part of Section .1 Township 135N. Range 43W shown as PARCEL 1._on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39. County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Page 5 of 15 Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.78 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any. Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section J. Township 135N, Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 and 59 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel 1-_are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing .L.ll_acre(s), more or less J) Parcel 5 -Dennis A. Haiby and Staci L. Haiby. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section J., Township 135N, Range 43W shown as PARCEL2_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 2.65 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any. Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section J. Township 135N, Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel 2-are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.27 acre(s), more or less K) Parcel 7 -Dennis A. Haiby and Staci L. Haiby. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section l, Township 135N. Range 43W shown as PARCEL l_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39. County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of ex isting highways. Containing 0.86 acre(s). more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements. if any. Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction , described as follows : Page 6 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of Section l Township 135N. Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel l_are established at 2 feet offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.23 acre(s), more or less L) Parcel 8 -Dennis A. Haiby and Staci L. Haiby. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows : That part of Section l, Township 135N, Range 43W shown as PARCEL ~on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 2.51 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section l Township 135N . Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits ofT.E. Parcel ~are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.71 acre(s), more or less M) Parcel 13 -Duane Haiby and Carol Haiby. husband and wife as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section l, Township 135N. Range 43W shown as PARCEL .Ll_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 5.44 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section l Township 135N . Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel .Ll_are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.61 acre(s), more or less N) Parcel 17 -Martin Bustos Tract being a strip of land described as follows: Page 7 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of Section l, Township 135N, Range 43W shown as PARCEL ]Lon the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing Lll_acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section l Township 135N , Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel }Lare established at a .2. foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.26 acre(s), more or less 0) Parcel 18 -Westby Farms. L.L.P .• a limited liability partnership under the laws of Minnesota Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section l, Township 135N, Range 43W shown as PARCEL 18....on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.80 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also , a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section l Township 135N, Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E. Parcel .lli_are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.43 acre(s), more or less P) Parcel 23 -Steven L. Johnson and Vicki L. Johnson. husband and wife as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section l, Township 135N. Range 43W shown as PARCEL n_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39. County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.80 acre(s). more or less. Page 8 of 15 Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section l Township 135N. Range 43W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel n_are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.64 acre(s), more or less Q) Parcel 27 -Robert A. Lundquist and Lynn M . Lundquist. husband and wife as joint tenants That part of Section Q. Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL .ll_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.41 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section§. Township 135N . Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel Rare established at 12. feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.06 acre(s), more or less R) Parcel 28 -Westby Farms, L.L. P., a limited liability partnership under the laws of Minnesota: subject to a life estate reserved by Ordean J. Westby and Audrey E. Westby, husband and wife That part of Section Q. Township 135N. Range 42W shown as PARCEL l.8.__on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.23 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section§. Township 135N. Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel l.a._are established at 12. feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.64 acre(s), more or less Page 9 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) S) Parcel 29 -Sigrid Linda Tweeton. n/k/a Sigrid Linda Rivington and David Daykin Rivington. wife and husband Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section Q. Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL l2._on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.95 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section§. Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 12._are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines. Containing 0.16 acre(s), more or less n Parcel 33 /33A -Larry Kegley and Linda Kegley. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section Q. Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL 33 /33A on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 2.45 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also , a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows: That part of Section...Q. Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 33/33A are established at a 5. foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.25 acre(s), more or less U) Parcel 34 -Jeffrey Brown and Jessica Brown. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section Q. Township 135N. Range 42W shown as PARCEL .B._on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39. County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Page 10 of 15 Containing 0.78 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . V) Parcel 35 -John T. Tredennick and Lizabeth A. Tredennick. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of Section Q. Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL i2_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.75 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction , described as follows : That part of Section§_ Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel liare established at a .2. foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.11 acre(s), more or less W) Parcel 36 -Jared Grefsrud and Erin Grefsrud. as joint tenants Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section Z, Township 135N. Range 42W shown as PARCEL lQ_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.17 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . X) Parcel 38 -Jerry F. Kraemer and Megan Kraemer. husband and wife Tract being a strip of land described as follows: A temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section z Township 135N . Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel .ia_are established at a .2. foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.10 acre(s), more or less Y) Parcel 40 -Sigrid Linda Tweeton. n/k/a Sigrid Linda Rivington and David Daykin Rivington. wife and husband Page 11 of 15 Tract being a strip of land described as follows : Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) A temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section z Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 40 are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.27 acre(s), more or less Z) Parcel 41 -John R. Garrett. a single person and Kenneth J. and Patricia A. Scheman. husband and wife Tract being a strip of land described as follows : A temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section z Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel ±1...are established at a .2. foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.04 acre(s), more or less AA) Parcel 42 -John R. Garrett. a single person and Kenneth J. and Patricia A. Scheman. husband and wife Tract being a strip of land described as follows : A temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section z Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E. Parcel 42 are established at a .2. foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.01 acre(s), more or less BB) Parcel 46 -Westby Farms , L.L.P ., a limited liability partnership under the laws of Minnesota; subject to a life estate reserved by Ordean J. Westby and Audrey E. Westby, husband and wife Tract being a strip of land described as follows : That part of Section Z, Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL .1.Q_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways . Containing 0.24 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : Page 12 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of Section z Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 46 are established at a 2._foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.04 acre(s), more or less CC) Parcel 50 -Westby Farms , L.L.P ., a limited liability partnership under the laws of Minnesota ; subject to a life estate reserved by Ordean J. Westby and Audrey E. Westby, husband and wife Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section~ Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL 2.Q_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 3.06 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section .8. Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 2Q_are established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 1.16 acre(s), more or less DD) Parcel 53 -Raymond P. Kassahn and Barbara C. Kassahn. as Turstees of the "Raymond P. Kassahn and Barabara C. Kassahn Revocable Trust under Agreement dated March 8. 2021 " Tract being a strip of land described as follows : That part of Section~ Township 135N. Range 42W shown as PARCEL 21._on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 2.75 acre(s), more or less. Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . EE) Parcel 55 -Earl D. Johnson and Arlys M. Johnson Family Revocable lntervivos Trust U/A dated January 21. 2014 Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section~ Township 135N. Range 42W shown as PARCEL 22....on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of ex isting highways. Page 13 of 15 Containing 0.47 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any. Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section .8. Township 135N. Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 22.._are established at 5-15 feet offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.48 acre(s), more or less FF) Parcel 57 -Betty A. Loredo Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section .8., Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL 2.Lon the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 5.21 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : That part of Section .8. Township 135N . Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E. Parcel Rare established at a li foot offset from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.43 acre(s), more or less GG) Parcel 58 -Joy A. Johnson and Leslie L. Heller. Trustees of the Joy A. Johnson Living Trust dated May 28. 2009 Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section .8., Township 135N. Range 42W shown as PARCEL 2..8_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.53 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Also, a temporary construction easement, which shall extend for two years beginning at the first day of construction, described as follows : Page 14 of 15 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13 , 2021 (Exhibit B) That part of Section .8. Township 135N , Range 42W, shown adjacent to County Highway 3 on the plan view of the Plan and Profile Sheets of the Construction Plan for County Project Number 4000-401 The outer limits of T.E . Parcel 2.8._are established at a .2. foot offsets from and at right angles to the cut and fill limit lines . Containing 0.16 acre(s), more or less HH) Parcel 60 -John Bruestle. unmarried Tract being a strip of land described as follows: That part of Section .8., Township 135N, Range 42W shown as PARCEL .@_on the AMENDED OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO . 39, County State Aid Highway No . 3, as the same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.07 acre(s), more or less . Subject to all previously recorded easements, if any . Due to the construction of the McDonald and West Segments of the Perham to Pelican Rapids multi-use trail under Project No . 4001-401 and 4000-401, said strips being all those described above, to be retained for McDonald and West Segments of the Perham to Pelican Rapids right-of-way recorded for the McDonald Segment -Project 4001-401 as Parcels 136, 137, 150, 161 , 172 and 178 as shown in Amended Otter Tail County Highway Right of Way Plat No . 38, County State Highway 35 . For the West Segment -Project No. 4000-401, Certificate of Surveys on Parcels 2, 3, 4 and Parcels 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17 , 18, 23, 29, 33 /33A, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 50, 53, 55 , 57, 58 and 60 as shown in Amended Otter Tail County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 39, County State Aid Highway No. 3. NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the acquisition of the requested right of way as described above pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 163 .02 and 163 .12, and to take title and possession of that land after an award of damages has been filed with the County Auditor in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 163 .12; including the "Quick-Take " provisions provided for in Minnesota Statute 117 .042 . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Attorney is authorized to file the necessary documents in court and represent the county in this matter. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of July 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : July 27 , 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest. ______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 15 of 15 In the Matter of the Petifjon for Creation of a ~ ew ,County Ditch Drainag•e Sy tern for Nelson Lake-(Prop-0sed Ditch 71) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit C) WITHDRA WEL OF PET ITIO FOR N!E W DRAINAG E S.Y TEM WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County .!Board of Commis si oners author iz,ed the Otter Tail County Highway Department to make a peti tion to the Otter Tail ounty Drainage Au thority fo r US8 of an al r,ea:dy esrn bli:shed Di~ch 45 as a.n outlet at a regu]ar board meeting on J lllile 4, 2019 · WHE REA , a Public earing was he[d on · eptember 2", 20 19 where it was presented that prelim inarry e nginttriq,,. d.etem1i n-e d that an o utl et was not a. i,able optio n; WHEREA , after bearing said info rm ati on at th e heariog, the· Otter Tail , ounty Board of · -onm_missioners. requested the Ott _ Tail County Highway Engine er s11bmit a petitio :n, requesting a ew Coun1ty Dmi.Mge Ditch Sys tem, indudi.ng. any interested pmpeny owners ; Peti ti on \\'BS presented to the Otter " aU , OID'lt Board of Commissioners ,on April 14 2020; WHEREA a Pu bli c Hearing was h.eJd on May 5 202 I after receipt of the Engineer s Preliminary Sun·ey Report. Th~ :uer Tait •ounry Commissioner s heard oomme111r from numerous: property owners townshi p .representatives au d other gove-mmenta] entiUes that d id not: support a new drainag e sys te m; WH REAS , at a regu la__r board mee tiQg held on June 8, 2021 the Otte,r TaiJ ,, ou nt Roard of Comm is sioners heard from Pel iti onl,!;r, the ou~r ru] County Highway Deparrment, ilia1 .recommended that Vhey it1teo d t.o withdraw the Petition. The Bollrd requested that the Engineer consult with tbe property owners that xecu te d the Petition for consideration of w ithdrawa l; Page 1 of 2 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes July 13, 2021 (Exhibit C) WHE ,' • A , Ke\'inFeJ baum , unty Ditch hlspecioi·, onbehalfofthe OUerTa ·t County Highway Departme, c, ha. consulted ,,_rim the propert_y owners r-ep;resented on the Petiti n who no,w concur in th: reqrues-t to witbdra tbe Petition. 'OW ~HERE .. ORE, a_nd pur ~ant to MiIBie.sota Statut,e § l03E.202, subd . 3, the P,etitiooers hereby .move to itihdraw the Pethion fOT eatfoo of a --, 011.n·ry Drai:nag " Sysre:m da.l:ed. December 1S 20 19. Dated: ' -U -L/ Daited: ------- OTT R TA IL COU TY H[GHWAY DiEP AR . 1EN l ~6.µ.&...· ~'---- harri:es ·GroUe Otter Tai l County Highway ngn1 .r PropertyOwlu d~~ Property Owner Property Owne-r Ai;flf/P PropertyO~ _ft~ rlk Property , wnet Page 2 of 2