HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/22/2021 OTTERTAIL COU NTY· MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN June 22, 2021 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:31 a.m . Tuesday, June 22, 2021 , at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . Commissioners Lee Rogness, Chair; Betty Murphy; Vice Chair, Kurt Mortenson, Wayne Johnson, and Dan Bucholz were p resent. The meeting was available to the public for viewing via livestream due to the health pandemic and declared emergency in accordance with Minn . Stat. Sec. 13D.021 Subd. 1 (1 ). Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda . Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of June 22 , 2021, with the following additions: New York Mills Lease and Service Agreement Approval of an On-Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor License Consent Agenda Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows : 1. June 8, 2021 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants /Bills for June 22, 2021 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for June 22, 2021 (Exhibit A) 4 . Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Wine License to Bryan Stetz dba Ye Olde School House Bar and Grill for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 . U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWSl Wildlife Habitat Easements USFWS Representatives appeared before the Board and requested certification of two (2) wildlife habitat protection easements. Documentation was previously submitted regarding the requests, and after County Board approval, the easement requests will be considered by the State Land Exchange Board. Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve certification for the USFWS to secure the following habitat easement: Leigh and Shana Barry -Wildlife Habitat Protection Easement: T. 133 N .• R. 42 W .• 5th P.M . Sec 17, part of the SWl /4NE1 /4 and part of the SWl /4 Sec 20, part of the El /2NE1 /4 and part of the NEl /4SE1 /4, all to be determined by a survey . Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve certification for the USFWS to secure the following habitat easement: Kathy L. Evavold -Wildlife Habitat Protection Easement: T. 131 N .• R. 40 W .• 5th P.M . Sec 13, part of Wl /2SW1 /4 to be determined by a survey . Sec 14, part of Sl /2N1 /2, SEl /4 to be determined by a survey. Sec 15 , partofS1 /2NE1 /4, SE1 /4to be determined by a survey. Sec 22, part of NEl /4 to be determined by a survey . Department of Corrections Joint Powers Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to extend the Joint Powers Agreement regarding work release between Otter Tail County and the State of Minnesota Department of Corrections until June 30, 2022 . Page 1 of8 Ronald Haus & Eva Berou: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22 , 2021 Planning Commission Recommendations Motion by Mortenson, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve a conditional use permit, with a condition as recommended by Planning Commission, to Install a boat ramp /access according to DNR specs (at 12' wide). Request to excavate for a boat ramp (access) for personal use ; to be 12' across x 30 ' deep with a maximum cut of 3', will concrete a portion and place small rock to control erosion . DNR has approved this proposal. Banks will be seeded with grass . The proposal is located adjacent to 19642 308th Ave, Section 16 ofTordenskjold Township; Long Lake (56-428), NE. "Long Bay Retreat "/ Eretz Shalom LLC: Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve a preliminary Plat titled "Long Bay Retreat", with conditions as recommended by Planning Commission, consisting of 5 Single Family Residential Lots (4 Riparian & 1 Non- Riparian), 2 Blocks; and a conditional use permit application for a 1050-foot roadway that will serve an existing 29-acre parcel on Long Lake . Said roadway to serve proposed Preliminary Plat of Long Bay Retreat and/or metes and bounds subdivision . A road designed and SWPP plan are submitted as part of this application by a professional engineer. Developers have met with Rush Lake Township about these plans and the plans and road design have implemented input from the township. The motion includes a condition by the Board of Commissioners that Lot 4, block 2 excluded from the Plat cannot be used as a controlled access lot. The proposal is located south of 40430 Long Lake Drive, Section 31 of Rush Lake Township; Long Lake (56-210), RD . Richard & Wanda Beckers: Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to accept the request of Richard and Wanda Becker to withdraw their interim use permit application to convert an existing dwelling to a storage building & build a new dwelling onsite . The new Shoreland Management Ordinance will allow this request to be approved administratively and will not require the approval of Planning Commission . Donation Acceptance Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to accept a donation from the Franklin Lake Association in the amount of $200 .00 as a contribution to the Aquatic Invasive Species prevention program . Bois de Sioux Grant Funding Subcontract Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the Grand Funding Subcontract between Otter Tail County and the Bois de Sioux Watershed District to memorialize the roles and obligations in the disbursement and monitoring of the Watershed Based Implementation Funding Grant for projects implemented in accordance with the Plan . Parental Fee Schedule Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to implement and approve the 2021 Parental Fee Schedule as presented by the Probation Director effective July 1, 2021. Recess & Reconvene At 9:21 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:30 a.m . Request for Public Hearing Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing to consider the establishment of a Housing Trust Fund Ordinance on July 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls . Proposed Lake Improvement District (LID) for Lake Lida Motion by Johnon, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to discuss the proposed Lake Lida LID on July 13, 2021, at 11 :00 a.m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls. Organics Recycling Grant Agreement Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the grant agreement between Otter Tail County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to accept a grant in the amount of $190,650 to begin an organics recycling pilot for larger waste generators and a backyard composting program for Otter Tail County residents. Page 2 of8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22 , 2021 STATEWIDE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS COUNCIL ON LOCAL RESULTS AND INNOVATION Otter Tail County Resolution No, 2021 -11s WHEREAS , in 2010, the Minnesota Legislature created the Council on Local Results and Innovation; and WHEREAS, the Council on Local Results and Innovation developed a standard set of performance measures that will aid residents, taxpayers, and state and local elected officials in determining the efficacy of counties in providing services and measure residents ' opinion of those services ; and WHEREAS , benefits to Otter Tail County for participation in the Minnesota Council on Local Results and Innovation 's comprehensive performance measurement program are outlined in M.S . 6.91 and includes eligibility for a reimbursement as set by State statute; and WHEREAS , any county participating in the comprehensive performance measurement program is also exempt from levy limits for taxes, if levy limits are in effect; and WHEREAS , the Otter Tail County Board has adopted and implemented at least 10 of the performance measures, as developed by the Council on Local Results and Innovation, and a system to use this information to help plan, budget, manage and evaluate programs and processes for optimal future outcomes. NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT, Otter Tail County will continue to report the results of the performance measures to its citizenry by the end of the year through publication , direct mailing , posting on the County's website, or through a public hearing at which the budget and levy will be discussed and public input allowed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Otter Tail County will submit to the Office of the State Auditor the actual results of the performance measures adopted by the County. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by Commissioner Johnson_and seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and, after discussion and upon a vote being taken thereon, the resolution was adopted unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 22nd day of June 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By : ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Board Retreat Dated: July 13 , 2021 Attest ______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk County Administrator Nicole Hansen shared and briefly reviewed the proposed agenda for the Board Retreat planned for June 29, 2021, at the Bigwood Event Center in Fergus Falls . Phelps Mill Festival Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioner Betty Murphy to attend the Phelps Mill Festival as a representative for Otter Tail County. Recess & Reconvene At 10 :06 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10 :14 a.m . Burke Dairy Inc . Feedlot Public Meeting At 10:14 a.m ., Chairman Rogness convened a public meeting held for the Burke Dairy, Inc. Feedlot on behalf of the MN Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) under M.S . 116.07, Subd . 7(1). Duane Burke is proposing to correct a pollution hazard and reduce the number of animal units at the Burke Dairy Inc. Feedlot located in Wadena , MN and the MPCA is responsible for issuing a permit for the request . The County provides a local forum for the public to ex press their opinions regarding the project and Mr. Burke provided notice of the public meeting in the newspaper of the effected area. Page 3 of8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22 , 2021 Commissioner Rogness opened the meeting for public comment and no comments were received . The Public Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the MN Pollution Control Agency. Nelson Lake and Twin Lake No Wake Zones County Sheriff Barry Fitzg ibbons shared that the no wake zone was lifted on Twin Lake but remains in effect for Nelson Lake due to concerns of high-water levels . New York Mills Building Lease and Service Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the lease and service agreements between Otter Tail County and the City of New York Mills to secure space for various department staff and provide maintenance to the building until December 31 , 2022 . Any changes will result in a renegotiation of the service agreement. Out of State Travel Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize the Collections Officer-Investigator to travel out of state to attend the United Council on Welfare Fraud (UCOWF) Conference in September 2021 as the Treasurer of the UCOWF . Ex penses will be paid from Attorney's office budget. Bond Financed Capital Improvement Project Approvals Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to accept the following proposals /agreements/quotes and to authorize appropriate signature(s) on the following bond financed capital improvement projects: *Plus reimbursable expenses . **Additional $18,000 .00 for power to and paving of the Cold Patch Storage Building. Project Contractor Service Amount Truck Garage -Pelican Rapids BHH Partners Architectural and Engineering Services *154,000 .00 Truck Garage -Battle Lake BHH Partners Architectural and Engineering Services *147,015 .00 Henning Cold Patch Storage Building Greystone Furnish and Install 40 ' by 50 ' Britespan Atlas **60,362 .00 Construction Series New York Mills -Salt Shed Recover Greystone Furnish and Install Fabric Cover Replacement 24,815 .00 Construction on 50' by 78' TBS2 Vl Series Building Battle Lake -Salt Shed Recover Greystone Furnish and Install Fabric Cover Replacement 23,5 85.00 Construction on 50' by 80 ' TBS2 V3 Series Building Truck Garage -Pelican Rapids CVT -Chosen Valley Design Phase Geotechnical Evaluation 8,935 .00 Testing GSC -250 ' New Sidewalk Robert Nordick Sidewalk Construction 11 ,340 .00 Construction LLC Seal Coating Parking Lot -GSC Otter Tail County Seal Coating 8,686 .86 Highway Department Ottertail Operation Center Boiler BDT Mechanical, Furnish and Install Replacement Boiler 57 ,838 .00 Replacement LLC Ottertail Operation Center Boiler Balancing Hydronic Systems Testing and Balancing 2,850 .00 Replacement Professional, Inc. Ottertail Operation Center Boiler Summerville Wiring for Boiler and Circulation Pumps 6,420 .00 Replacement Electric, Inc. Chiller Overhaul -GSC TRANE Perform Chiller Overhaul 180,750.00 New Roof -Administration/Otter Tail Lake Herzog Remove Existing Roof and Install New Roof 56.500 .00 Room Otter Tail County Capital Improvements -BTR Professional Architectural Services GSC 505 Building and Courthouse for interior remodeling of the Main Level Base Services *253 ,320 .00 Conference Room , and Lower Level Supplemental Services Page 4 of 8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22 , 2021 CDA/HRA Office Space -505 Bldg ., License Human Services Area -Courthouse 36,500 .00 Center/L&R -GSC and Probation -Assessor, GIS -Voting Machine 15,000.00 Courthouse Courthouse Tuckpointing Project Bid Advertising Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the Facilities Director to proceed with the advertisement for bids for the Courthouse Tuckpointing Project. Approval of Liquor License Motion by Bucholz, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor License to BM Sazama Enterprises LLC dba Silver Moon Lounge and Steakhouse for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30 , 2022 , and an Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to BM Sazama LLC dba Silver Moon Lounge and Steakhouse for the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30 , 2022 . Lake Improvement District for Eagle Lake Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to establish a Lake Improvement District for Eagle Lake and approve the order as presented by the County Attorney. Commissioners commended the efforts of those involved to educate property owners and reviewed the process for opposition. Adoption of Shoreland Management Ordinance Motion by Murphy, second by Johnson to adopt the Shore land Management Ordinance with changes as presented by the Land and Resource Director, and with the removal of provisions allowing controlled access lots. The Ordinance is effective July 1, 2021, and motion included approval of the following resolution : REVISIONS TO THE SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -117 WHEREAS,; Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6120 requires each local unit of government to be responsible for administration and enforcement of shoreland management controls adopted and in compliance with said state rules; AND WHEREAS , Otter Tail County has adopted and revised official controls regulating the use of shorelands since October 15 , 1971 ; AND WHEREAS the purpose of the proposed revisions to the Shoreland Management Ordinance are to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of its citizens and to protect the surface waters and natural resources of Otter Tail County; AND WHEREAS , the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has provided preliminary approval of the proposed revisions of the Shoreland Management Ordinance of Otter Tail County as being substantially compliant with the statewide shoreland standards; AND NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Otter Tail County by this resolution adopts the proposed revisions to the Shoreland Management Ordinance of Otter Tail County. After discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the motion and foregoing resolution passed on a roll call vote as follows : BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY ABSENT ABSTAIN Dan Bucholz X Wayne Johnson X Kurt Mortenson X Betty Murphy X Leland Rogness X Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this twenty second day of June 2021. Page 5 of8 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By : ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness , Board of Commissioners Chair Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22 , 2021 Dated: July 13, 2021 Attest _______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Permit Fee Schedule Motion by Johnson , second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Permit Fee Schedule as presented by the Land and Resource Director, with a revision to increase the Commercial PUD Expansion fee from $100.00 to $200 .00 . The updated permit fee scheduled is effective July 1, 2021. Request for Public Hearing Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing on July 27 , 2021, regarding revisions to the Subdivision Controls Ordinance at 10:00 a.m . at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls . The revisions proposed at this time to the Subdivision Controls Ordinance are minor to align it with the recently approved Shoreland Ordinance . Highway Projects S.A.P. 056-646-009 & Etc.: Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to award S.A.P . 056-646-009 & Etc. to Central Specialties, Inc., Alexandria, MN in the amount of $798,778.59 as recommended by the County Engineer. The motion included authorization for the County Engineer to return an unopened non-conforming bid. S.A.P. 056-030-004 & Etc.: Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award S.A.P . 056-030-004 & Etc. to Williams Excavation & Seeding, LLC, Ashby, MN in the amount of $373,613 .00 as recommended by the County Engineer. S.P. 056-070-027, HSIP 5621(214/: Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award S.P. 056-070-027 to Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Maple Lake , MN in the amount of $197 ,019 .84 as recommended by the County Engineer. Dri ver Feedback Sign Pol icy: Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the Otter Tail County Driver Feedback Sign Policy as presented by the County Engineer. The policy establishes guidelines as to where and when permanent Driver Feedback Signs will be installed on County State Aid Highways and County Highways throughout Otter Tail County. S.A.P. 056-646-009/S.A.P. 056-095-002: Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Moore Engineering, Inc. for services related to the proposed CSAH 46 and 95 improvements in Parkers Prairie . County Ditch 21 Motion by Mortenson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize property owner David Permann to perform the proposed work in Ditch 21 as presented by the County Ditch Inspector. All work and costs will be the responsibility of Mr. Permann with exception of the ex pense of the channel cleanout that will be covered by the drainage system maintenance fund . Joint Ditch Board UD2l Appointment Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to appoint Commissioner Kurt Mortenson to serve as a member on the JD2 Board as a representative for Otter Tail County. County Ditch 42 Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize repair in County Ditch 42 and to develop a long- term fix that will allow the system to be open and functional. The ditch currently does not have an active maintenance fund but is on the list to have a redetermination completed . Page 6 of 8 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22 , 2021 Lakes Country Service Cooperative Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried, with Mortenson abstaining , to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Lakes Country Service Cooperative for consultative services to support the county's management of its environmental health and occupational safety programs . Countywide Emergency Operations Center (EOCl Emergency Management Director Patrick Waletzko shared that the Countywide Emergency Operations Center (EOC) continues to demobilize, and that staff and resources are available to manage response efforts in their day-to-day work. He plans to identify opportunities and areas of improvement learned from the pandemic and reach out to staff for an interview review on operations and create a report that will be shared . Public Health Department Operations Center Public Health Director Jody Lien reported that Minnesota has approximately 604,687 lab confirmed cases and 7,550 lab confirmed deaths. Otter Tail County has 5,862 lab confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 84 COVID-19 related deaths, of which 39 were long term care related . For more detailed information regarding Otter Tail County COVID-19 data, visit https://ottertailcountymn .us/content-page/covid-19-health-information/. She reported a steady decrease in case and positivity rates and reviewed data related to COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Ms . Lien reiterated the importance of continuing to follow public health measures and shared that Public Health continues to work on vaccine efforts and offer education . Business Community Community Development Director Amy Baldwin reviewed detailed county level data regarding unemployment and shared information related to the challenges including a decrease in the workforce. She continues to explore opportunities to further support recruitment efforts and spread the awareness of job availability and reviewed areas of focus for the Community Development Agency . County Operations County Administrator Nicole Hansen shared that the county has been operating as normal and requested that the Board rescind temporary policies that were implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic after the Declaration of Local State of Emergency is rescinded . RESOLUTION RESCINDING DECLARATION OF LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -116 WHEREAS , the spread of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Otter Tail County has been significantly reduced and continuing cases are expected to be limited ; and WHEREAS , the COVID-19 vaccine has been and continues to be available to the residents of Otter Tail County to help curtail the spread of the disease; and WHEREAS , the availability of Otter Ta il County personnel and resources, in partnership with local, regional, and state healthcare and public safety partners, is now sufficient to manage continuing cases and spread of the disease ; and WHEREAS , public and private sector services and resource inventories are returning to routine daily levels throughout the county; and WHEREAS , the Otter Tail County Emergency Management Director, in concert with the County Administrator and County Public Health Director, recommends that a state of emergency no longer exists in Otter Tail County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , the Chair and members of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners declare that a local state of emergency declared on March 17, 2020, no longer exists in Otter Tail County, and rescinds Resolution No . 2020-27 effective July 1, 2021 . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners direct that temporary personnel policies and programs implemented to effectively provide flexibility for employees to continue to provide services to the public during the pandemic shall no longer be in effect effective July 1, 2021. Page 7 of8 Vendor Name 4I1M PR INT INC A -1 LOCK. & KEY LlC A-OX WELDING S PIP L Y CO INC A8,A RECYOLING LILC A BG MAINTENANCE IN C A DAMS CO COURT ADVANCED STRIPING INC ALEX. RUB BISH & RECYC LI NG INC A LP IHA TRAI NING &. TACTICS liLC AMAZON CAPIT Al S ERV ICES INC AMERICAN lEGIION IPOST 3Cl AMERICAN W ElDING 8 GAS INC A NDERSO N BROTI-IERS OO N ST CO OF Bf A PP LE TRBE DEN T AL ARAMAR K UN IFORM SBRVI CES A UTO VALUE F ERGUS FAlLS BA TIERI ES P LUS BU LIBS BA TILE LAK!E STANDARD BA TILE LAK!E/CITY O F B EN HOlZER UNLIMITE D WAT ER LL C B EYER BODY SHO P INC B HH PARTN ERS B IO BUI LD ER INC BOUND T REE M EDI CAl LILC BOYER/ROD EY BRAUN I NTBRTEC CORPORATION BUDK!E EXCAVATI NG B UELOWI DAV I D B URHBACH AMERIICAN LEG I ON POST 6 1 BU Y-MO R PARTS &. S ERVICE LLC CAMERON/MARK. TO DD CASS 00 OLERK. O F DIST COURT CER TI F IED LABO RA TORI ES Cl EAN IP WS INC Cl EAN SW EEP C-OMM ERC IAL S ERVICES Cl OUSE/13 RIAN 00 DE 4 S ERV ICES INC OOORER'S O FFI CE SUPPLY INC CUllJGAN O F ElBOW LAK E [I &. T V ENTURES LILC DACOT AIH PAPER CO DAH U SH EI LA Page 1 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22, 2021 (Exhibit B) Amount 996. 5 28.20 13.9.50 880.00 600.00 4 .00 10,245.00 599-73 6 ,4!76 .85 1 ,864.08 20 0 .00 1 ,302.30 2,CI00 .24 4!77.00 4!10.80 1 ,097.24 14!3 .30 45.84 250.00 13.00 275.00 13,4!5U0 19,202-70 577..45 257.52 5,234.00 4 ,961 .00 14!1 . 2 200.00 16,069.90 250 .00 6.75 629.00 4!33 .58 1 ,758.00 1 ,000.00 737.00 2 ,733.36 32.63 1 ,08,9.00 4!9'8 . 7 ms.so Ve111dor IName DAKOTA WHOLESALIE T l R E IN C DAS H M ED CAL GLOVES IN C DATAWORKS PL US UC DA V OHAPTER 25 DEANS DISTRIB UTING DENZEL 'S R EG IO N WASTE IN C DON OH O/M ICHA.E L EGG E CO NST RUCTIO N IN C E I FERTIDANA E LDI ENJIHU NTER ELD R I D GEITRACY FARGO FREIIG HliLI N ER F ARNAM'S G ENlllNE PA ITTS IN C FERG US FALLS DA i l Y JOU R NA L FERG US FALLS PO LI OE [IEJPT FERG US FALLS/CITY OF FERG US PO\I\IE.R PU MP INC FERG US T l R E CENTER I NC FERG USO N WATERWORKS #2516, F IELDrT ERRY F IRS T NA TI O NA l B A N K HENNIIN G F ISCHE RIJU[l[I FORC E AMERICA DISTRIBU TIN G LJLC FORUM COMMUNICA ONS COMPANY FOS BERG/J ESSICA FRANZ R EP RO GRAPH ICS INC FRA.Z IERIB R ENT G & R 00 NTROlS INC GAlLS LJLC GOPiH ER STATE ONE CALL GRAIN G ER IN C G R EAT AM ER ICA F INANCI A L SVCS HAWES SEPTIC TANK PU MP IN G lLC H O USTON EN GINEERING INC HUBE!'RJ RO B EITT HURTI Gl'M ELISSA ,J .P. OOOK!E CO ,J ENSENIJAY ,J ENSENIMA TT ,J H S IG NS & DESIG NS INC ,J K SPORTS INC ,JOHN'S H EATING&AC INC Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22, 2021 (Exhibit B) Amolllnt 560.04 4!4!11 .. 00 68.00 21:JO .Oll 1,0IJ5 .. 02 14 11.57 W4.88 1,6,19 .. 6 120.00 79.52 16,7 .. 44 27.00 244 . 5 1(1 ,9r14 .00 30 ,503.06 1 ,08,7 .49 6,91:JO.OO 654 .84 152 .95 40 .32 43 6 .:50 195 . .36 500 .. 43 48,7 .:53 228 .2 28 .. 9 223 . .36 1 59,450.07 1,0r14 .4 22 .. 95 954 .83 296.4 190 .00 1 5,949 .35 500.00 250 .. 0ll 8,11.65 415.04 1,58 4 .88 175.00 899.0ll 656 .0ll Ve111dor INam e ,J OHNSON CO NTRO LS IINC ll<AIRV O NE FUN ERAL HOME K IMBALIL MIDWEST K NOWINKU .. C KRESSfJ EFF K UG l ERIJ OS EP H I NE l AKE REGIO N H EAL TiiCARE lAJ KELAN D MENli AL HEAHH C ENiEIR l AK ES AR EA COOPERATIV E lAJ KES COUNTRY SERVICE COO P l/lJRRY OTT IN C T RU OK SERVI CE l ARSONfOO llG l EAG UE OF N CITIES l EEfliHOMAS l E I GHTON El ROADCASTING -DETROIT l.Jl l E IGHTON B ROADCASTING-FE G US FA l lEl EIRTY T l IR E ECYOLI NG liLC l OCATORS & SURPllES INC lOEIDORIS lOOM EIRIERII C MAAP MAHUBE-OllNA CAP INC MARCO INC ST LOlll S MARK l EE EXCAVATI G MARK SAND& GRAVEL CO MARTHAUEIRIT EIRENCE MAT H I EW BE NDER & COMPANY INC MCCOLl O UGIH WELDING MCIIT MCK!E SSO N E DI CA l -SlllRG I CA l INC MIDWEEK I NC/THE MIDWEST MACH IN EIRY 00 MILILEIR!J.AC-0B MINNCOR INDUSTR IES MINNESOT A MOTOR COMPANY MINNKOT A ENVI RO S ERVICES INC MN CONTI NU ING LEGAL E[)UCAT ION MN DEPT Of TRANSPORTATIO N MN P ESTICl[)E I NFO & EDUCATI ON MN RESO U CE RECOV ER Y ASSOC IA.TIO I MOSK!EIHALI MOW A Page 3 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22, 2021 (Exhibit B) Amount 71 ,145.05 850.00 196 .. 00 3,250.00 10 6 .40 99.12 1 CJ ,4 15 .. 50 1 ,554.00 63 .&6 7,132.50 3,450.00 2 16 .. 08 195.50 3 17 ./96 1 ,0'29 .00 3,3 14 .00 27,747.:56 632.711 8,2 .88 1 ,00 0 .00 190.00 135.00 2,3 14 .27 1 27 ,055.85 3,TT .45 452 .. 32 1 ,2'8, . .39 30.00 176 .. 00 728.45 1,200.00 17 .24 912 .96 35.00 8,7 .9.3 5 .00 96.00 22 ,6,24.45 TTS .00 750.00 15.3 .44 440.00 Vendo r IName MUCHOW/GREGOR Y NAN CKA Y & ASSOCIATES INC NAPA CENTRAL MN NATURES GARD EN WORLD NELSON A UT O C ENTER N ETWOR K S ERVIICES COMPANY N EWMAN PAINTING INC N EWMAN S IGNS IN C N MSLABS N ORMA.Nl)IWROGER N OVA f l E PROTECTION OFFIC E Of MNIT SBRV I OES OLIPHANT /G LEN 0 N E CALL LOCAT ORS LTD OTTER T A IL CO TREASU RER OTTER T A IL POWER COMPANY OTTER T A IL T IR E INC OTTER TAIL TRUCKING INC P AOE AN A LYTICAL S ERVI CES INC PA lMER S H EIM /COLBY PARK R EG IO N C-0 O P P ARKERS PRAIRIIBCIT'II' O F P AW P U BUCATIONS Ll C BATTLE LAKE R P EUCAN RAPIDS PRESS P EMBERTON I.AW PlLP P ETE'S AMOCO P ETERSO NI C-0D Y P ETERSO NIJOEl P ETERSO NIKADEN P HJ LLI PPIIDR JAY P HOENIIX SII.J PPL Y P0 1.NERP HO N E INC PO'NERP l A N OIB P RA IR IE LAKES MUNICIPAL SO LI D WAST E P REMIER ELECTR IC I C P REMIUM WATERS INC PRI CE FAM I Y CONSTRII.JCT ION P RO AG FARMERS CO O P P RO SWEEP INC P RO -W EST & ASSOCI AT ES INC P RODII.JCT IV E A L T'ERNATIVES INC P RODII.JCT IVITY PL US ACCO UNT Page 4 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22, 2021 (Exhibit B) Amount 82 .. 88 46,2 .00 12 . .49 3,050.88 39,5-58.78 1 ,478.63 800.00 8,16 .66 54 .. 00 1,000.00 1,250.00 2,100.00 1 50 .00 2:55 .34 54 .. 64 9,9'29 .. 93 434 .. 93 23,4311.23 4 ,0013 .00 24 .. 96 24.03 325.00 66.85 742.47 1 5,644 .50 76.50 8,7 .08 85.06 80.64 475.00 2917 .36 6,142.00 853 .. 52 292.50 225 .. 00 2 11.54 6,75.00 84.32 14 ,5-27 .00 3 14.83 613 .5 2 ,425.99 Vendor IName PSICK. CAPITOL SOLllTIO NS IN C RAM BOW RDO TRU CK OENTE RS RING DA H L AM BULANC E INC ROLLIENll'I LLIAM R U PP ANDERSON SQUI RES & WAlDSPUI SAi.A TI-IEil<JEL VII N SCI-IM ITZJD UANE SCOTT HO FL AND CONSli"R UCT IO N INC S ELLNER/ALLEN S RF OO NSUllil NG GROUP INC ST APL ES BUSINESS CREDIT STEINS I C STEV E'S SANITATION I NC STI GMANIRYAN ST O NEIBR IJ CE STRAND AC E HARDWARE STRE IOHBRS S UMMIT FOOO S ERVI CE, LLC SWAN ST ON EQ UIPMENT CORP lil-l l S W EEKS SHOPPIN G NEW S liHOMSON REU TERS -W EST liHRI FTY Wl-llliE P HA R MA.C Y liK. E LEVAT OR CORP liRUENO RTH STEEL INC liSCHIDA/CRAI G lilNEETO REIFR IGEIRAT ION IN C UI-I R ICl-lfJAOK UUNE US POST AG E S ERVICE V ED ENJBRIJ CE V ERGAS HARDWARE V ICT O R LUND EEN COMPANY V I KIN G COCA-OOLA W ADENA.ASPiHA Lli INC W ALLW ORK. TRUCK. CENTER W ASS /DAVI D F W ASTE ANAG EMENT W A YN E'S liOOL WAGON W EST OTTER TAIL 00 FAIR ASSOCIATIO N W ESTRA/TANYA W I LKI COUN TY SI-I ERI FPS O FF ICE W ILSO NMARREN R W S B & ASSOC I ATES IN C Y HR PAITT NERS LTD Z IEGLER NC Fi1mll Total: Page 5 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22, 2021 (Exhibit B) Amount 3,000.00 53.05 7,77028 40 0 .00 155 .. U 8,2.00 11 2.56 90 0 .00 10,600.00 250.00 11 ,47'1.87 3711.72 1,676.55 12,950.68 16,7 .44 5 15 .04 6 .5 9 96 8 .82 7,628.56 25.97 55 .. 44 1,978 .. 45 28.87 68420 24 ,05'6 .. 48 353.24 765.20 246.70 135.62 10,00 0.00 250.00 16 .. 113 209 .. 80 225.00 15,015.00 837 .57 6 16.32 26 ,620 .. 119 46.30 125.00 58.80 123 .50 1917 .04 12,176 .00 2,125.00 235.03 921 ,680.,67 Vendor INam e ClA Y CO HEAl TIH DEPT EJLL ENSONIMA TIIE G UOK/AM Y lAKE REGIIO N HEALTHCARE l E I GHTON B ROAD CASTING/FF MIDWEEK I NClTHE MINNKOli A E NVI RO S ERVICES INC NORTON PRI NTING CO O FF ICE DEPOT OTTE RTA IL COUNTY TIREASllRER -EXPRI PACI F l C INTERPR ET ERS INC V ICT O R LllND EEN COMPA NY F i111a ll T otal: Vend or Nam e AMAZON CAPIT Al S ERV ICES INC COORER'S OPFIICE SllPPL Y INC F ERG US FAlLS AREA SPECIAL COOP FN!AIN NETWORK, LLC FRES HWATEJR E DUCATIION DISTRICT INliEJR NA T IO NAL TRANSLA lil ON S ERV ICE lAKES C-OUNT RY SERVI CE COOP MIDWEST MONlliOIRING & SURV El lANCE MINNESOT A MONITORIN G INC Ml NKOT A E NVI RO SEJRVICES INC MN DEPli OF IHllMAN S ERVICES N ELSON A UT O CENTEJR. OTTE R T A IL CO ATTO RNEY'S OFFICE OTTE R T A IL CO P UBtlC !HEALT H OTTE R T A IL 00 REC-ORD ER OTTE R T A IL 00 S HER IFF OTTER T A IL C-0 TREASU R ER OTTE R TA IL OOIJ TY TREASllRER -EXP RI PACI F l C I NTIERP RET ERS INC SCHOO L DISli 542-.BATTlE LAKE SCHOO L DISli 547JPARKJERS R RA IR IE SCHOO L D ISli 5 5CD JUN DERWOOO SCHOO L D ISli 5 53-NYM lil-ll S W EEKS SHOPPING NEWS liOOD CO SHERIFF lllSC-H I DI LI ZA. V ICTO R LllND EEN COMPANY W EST CEJNTRAL EG JUV EN ILIE CTR F i111a l Total: Page 6 of 6 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 22, 2021 (Exhibit B) Amount 1,969.04 120.96 18 .87 66,7 .fil 1,26'6 .50 H0.88 33.00 1,750.00 106.02 4 ,458.67 70.20 340.00 10,9111,,811 Amount 280.64 338 .. 93 1,mm.00 4 ,95 0 .00 1,000.00 16,11.00 5 ,359.50 2,143.00 18.75 16,7 .00 4 ,297.23 36.34 2,788.75 500.00 123 .00 149 .. 80 23 ,3311 .. 96 1,0TI.98 Sil,7 .60 9r15 .fi2 1,000.00 234.00 1,000.00 55.44 152 .66 76.62 342 .. 117 4 0,56,2 .00 92,644.'99