HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/09/2021 OTTERTAIL COU NTY· MINNESOTA MINUTES OF THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN February 9, 2021 8:30a.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8 :31 a.m . Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN . Commissioners Lee Rogness , Chair; Betty Murphy, Vice-Chair; Wayne Johnson, Kurt Mortenson and Dan Bucholz were present in the room . The meeting was held via Webex and was available to the public via livestream due to the health pandemic and declared emergency in accordance with Minn. Stat . Sec. 13D.021 Subd . 1 (1 ). Approval of Agenda Chair Rogness called for approval of the Board Agenda . Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of February 9, 2021 with the following modifications: Economic Growth & Community Investment Committee: Discuss Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail update first Economic Growth & Community Investment Committee: Add Pelican River 1 Wl P discussion Consent Agenda Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as follows: 1. January 26, 2021 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants /Bills for February 9, 2021 (Exhibit A) 3. Human Services & Public Health Warrants/Bills for February 9, 2021 (Exhibit A) 4 . 2021 Human Services Contract Renewals 5. LMHC 2021 Contract 2020 4th Quarter Budget Report Human Services Director Deb Sjostrom briefly reviewed the 2020 4th quarter budget report for Human Services and discussed the challenges and trends throughout the pandemic. She shared a document with the Commissioners outlining the 2019 4th quarter report for comparison and commented that expenses and revenue are generally similar from year to year. Donations to Otter Tail County Human Services 2021 Otter Tail County Resolution Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -11 WHEREAS , community members, service organizations, businesses, and Church groups, offer to donate items or gift cards to Otter Tail County Human Services to assist in meeting the needs of people served by Human Services programs; and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute 465 .03 requires a county to accept gifts by resolution; and WHEREAS , the donations received though-out the year from community members, service organizations, businesses and Church groups will be for the sole purpose of assisting people receiving services from Otter Tail County Human Services to meet needs that are otherwise not covered ; and WHEREAS , acceptance of the items or gift cards in accordance with the donor's terms is in the best interest of the County of Otter Tail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners does accept the above-described funds as donated throughout the year from community members, service organizations, businesses and Church groups and extends its grateful appreciation . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Murphy, duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 9th day of February 2021 . Page 1 of 5 OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 Dated: February 23, 2021 Attest. _______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk License Center Specialist Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve a 1.0 FTE License Center Specialist position for the Department of Motor Vehicle. This will allow necessary time to train and educate with an upcoming retirement in 2022 and will assist in determining the appropriate staff level for the department in the future. Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCITl Board Vacancy Commissioner Murphy and Commissioner Mortenson informed the Board of their decision to not pursue the vacancy on the MCIT Board . Commissioner Johnson expressed interest in exploring other insurance opportunities to better understand what options are available to the county. BJA Grant Probation Director Michael Schommer introduced staff and briefly reviewed statistics regarding the success rate for the Otter Tail County DWI Court Program . He expressed the need for a program to serve clients that struggle with drug use and requested the ability to apply for the BJA Grant to begin a Drug Court Program in Otter Tail County. Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize the Otter Tail County Probation, in conjunction with the Otter Tail County District Court and the Treatment Court Steering Committee, to apply for a BJA Grant to begin operating a Drug Court Program in Otter Tail County. The Grant amount is $500,000 for 48 months and no additional county dollars will be required. Approval of Final Plat -"Crystal Backlots" /Tweeton Property Management LLC Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to approve the final Plat titled "Crystal Backlots", consisting of 6 non-residential non-riparian lots, 1 Block. The Plat is located at 44209 Crystal Hills Drive, Section 11 of Lida Township; Crystal (56-749), RD. LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 60 DAY RULE EXTENSION RESOLUTION Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -12 WHEREAS, The Otter Ta ii County Boa rd of Commissioners passed a resolution on April 7, 2020 allowing review of perm its by Land and Resource Management to be extended by sixty (60) additional days as authorized in Mn Statute 15 .99, Subp. 3(f); and WHEREAS , the aforementioned resolution has expired per the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners directive to expire when the public health emergency has been lifted or on December 31, 2020. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners authorizes an extension of up to sixty (60) additional days, as allowed in Mn Statute 15.99, Subp . 3(f), for all permits reviewed and approved by Land and Resource Management staff, the Otter Tail County Planning Commission, and the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment. This extension is set to expire when: 1) the public health emergency declaration is ended; or, 2) on December 31 , 2021. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Johnson, duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 9th day of February 2021. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By : ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Page 2 of 5 Dated: February 23, 2021 Attest _______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 Bois de Sioux 1 Watershed 1 Plan (1 Wl Pl Implementation Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement by and between Big Stone, Grant, Otter Tail , Stevens, Traverse and Wilkin Counties and their Soil and Water Conservation Districts and the Bois de Sioux Watershed District, to collectively implement the Bois de Sioux 1 Wl P. The motion included the appointment of Commissioner Mortenson and Assistant Land and Resource Director Kyle Westergard as designees for this 1 Wl P. Buffalo-Red River 1 Watershed 1 Plan (1W1 Pl Implementation Agreement Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the agreement by and between Becker, Clay, Otter Tail and Wilkin Counties and their Soil and Water Conservation Districts and the Buffalo-Red Watershed District to collectively implement the Buffalo-Red River 1W1 P. The motion included the appointment of Commissioner Johnson and Land and Resource Director Chris Leclair as the designees for this 1 Wl P. Recess & Reconvene At 9:33 a.m., Chair Rogness declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 9:43 a.m . On-Sale Liquor License Motion by Bucholz, second by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License to Kurt Schroeer dba Countryside Barn LLC located at 48174 County Highway 53 in Corliss Township . Red River Valley Development Association Appointment Motion by Johnson, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to reappoint Don Bradow as Otter Tail County's representative on the Board of Directors of the Red River Valley Development Association . Mr. Bradow's term expires March of 2021. Penalty Forgiveness Motion by Murphy, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the request of Patricia J. Pederson for the forgiveness of accrued penalty in the amount of $178.35 due to a death . This request meets the requirements of the Otter Tail County Policy regarding penalty forgiveness. AMC Virtual Conference Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize Commissioners to attend the AMC Virtual Legislative Conference on February 18, 2021 and testify on behalf of Otter Tail County if requested throughout the 2021 legislative session. Public Hearing Regarding Property Tax Abatements Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing regarding Property Tax Abatements related to the Single and Two Family Property Tax Rebate Program . Community Development Director Amy Baldwin presented 17 parcels from various locations throughout Otter Tail County that have applied and qualified for the abatement. At 10 :07 a.m., Chair Rogness opened the Public Hearing for comments from the public. No comments were received , and the Public Hearing was closed at 10:07 a.m . The resolutions found in Exhibit B were offered . Contracts & Bonds S.P. 056-090-013 Motion by Johnson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contact between Otter Tail County and Central Specialties, Inc., for the S.P . 056-090-013 project along CSAH 34 from CSAH 35 to Coney Street West . RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY HIGHWAY Otter Tail County Resolution No. 2021 -30 WHEREAS, it appears to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that the highway hereinafter described should be revoked as a County Highway under the provisions of Minnesota Law; and Page 3 of 5 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 WHEREAS , Edna Township has agreed to accept jurisdiction of County Highway 131 from Otter Tail County for a payment of $763 ,031 .00 . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that the road described as follows, to-wit: County Highway No. 131: From the intersection of County State Aid Highway No . 35 and County Highway No . 131 (423 rd Street) in the southeast quarter of Section 21 , Edna Township (Tl 36N,R40W) thence east, north and west on County Highway No . 131 (423 rd Street, 370 th Avenue and 432 nd Street) to the intersection of County State Aid Highway No . 35 and County State Aid Highway No. 131 (432 nd Street) in the southeast quarter of Section 16, Edna Township (Tl 36N,R40W) a distance of 1 .48 miles . Be , and hereby is revoked as a County Highway of said County. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Bucholz duly seconded by Commissioner Johnson and , after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls , MN this 9th day of February 2021 . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By : ________________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Dated : February 23, 2021 Attest _______________ _ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Great River Energy Agreement Motion by Johnson, second by Murphy and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials ' signatures to execute the agreement between Otter Tail County and Great River Energy to wrap poles on the LR-DOT line to accommodate fill around existing poles due to the Perham to Pelican Trail , McDonald Lake segment. Countywide Emergency Operations Center (EOCl Emergency Management Director Patrick Waletzko briefed the Board regarding operations of the Countywide Emergency Operations Center (EOC). He reminded the Board of the Local State of Emergency Declaration that was executed on March 17, 2020 and recommended that the Board continue the declaration to provide flexibility and outside support during the pandemic. The EOC continues to focus on supporting Public Health efforts in administering the COVID -19 vaccine and another state sponsored pilot clinic will be held on February 12 th, 13 th, 19th and 20 th to administer the 2nd dose to those who participated in the first pilot clinics. The COVID-19 vaccine information hotline continues to be active and updated and Emergency Management and Human Services will be hosting a "Coping with COVID-19 Related Streff and Grief" conversation on February 11 th and will include leaders from businesses and farming /agriculture communities along with mental and behavioral health experts and service providers. Public Health Department Operations Center Public Health Director Jody Lien reported that Minnesota has 468,682 lab confirmed cases and 6,302 lab confirmed deaths. Otter Tail County has 4,708 lab confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 4,678 are no longer contagious, and 70 COVID-19 related deaths. For more detailed information regarding Otter Tail County COVID-19 data, visit https://ottertailcountymn.us/content- page/covid-19-health-information/. She expressed the importance of continuing to follow Public Health prevention measures to maintain stable numbers and decrease spread of the virus and reviewed those who are currently eligible to receive the vaccine . Approximately 13 .1 % of Otter Tail County's population has received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine thus far and 3.2% have completed the series . Ms . Lien provided a high-level overview of vaccine distribution and discussed the challenges of planning with the limited timeline. Vaccination is by appointment only to ensure safety and the public is encouraged to utilize the find my vaccine link to identify providers that are administering the vaccine . Business Community Community Development Director Amy Baldwin provided a brief updated regarding the current COVID-19 relief funding efforts and reported that 54 applicants have been funded to date and an additional 45 applicants were recently approved . She has been monitoring discussion at the state regarding possible future funding and plans to message as appropriate when information is available . Page 4 of 5 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 Internal Operations and County Planning County Administrator Nicole Hansen provided a brief update to the Board regarding internal operations and county planning . The use of emergency paid sick leave has decreased as a result of the low number of cases and departments have been managing services while continuing to follow precautions within the offices to mitigate the spread . County Attorney Updates County Attorney Michelle Eldien provided a brief update regarding the status of court trials and informed the Board of a potential shift from the state to counties . She shared an update regarding the CSAH 41 bridge arson case and reported that approximately $100,000 .00 of the defendant's assets is being held in the criminal file and may potentially be released to the county. Adjournment At 11 :38 a.m ., Chair Rogness declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned . The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m . on Tuesday, February 23 , 2021 and will be available to the public via live stream . OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated : February 23, 2021 By : ________________ _ Attest _______________ _ Leland R. Rogness, Board of Commissioners Chair Nicole Hansen , Clerk Page 5 of 5 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 (Exhibit A) Vendor Name FARMEIRS OO-O P O IL FARNAM'S G ENUIN E PARTS IN C FASTENAl COMPANY FERG US FAl LS DA l l Y J O U R NA L FERG US FAl LSI C ITY OF F ERG US POWER P U MP IN C FORCE AME!R ICA DISTRIBUTIN G LLC FORT\IVEN GLER ElECTRI C INC FORU M COM UNICATI O N S COMPANY FRANK'S AUTO B OD Y Of PB R HAM INC FRANZ R E P ROGRAPHICS IN C FRAZIERIB R ENT GABE/R I OHAR[I GAlLS UL C G IE RMAN LAW LLC G IRAR[l'S B US IN ESS SO W T IONS IN C GODFATI-I ER 'S EXT ER INAlil N G INC GONT AREl<JJONAH GRAIN G E R IN C GRANITE E.LJE CliRO N ICS INC G REAT AM ER ICA F INANC I A L SV CS I-IA.S PEUCASSI E I-IA.W ES S EPTIC TANK PU MPIN G l LC I-I ER A N./OR'l'STA.L I-IOTS'I' EQ U IPM ENT OF M N 1-1 0 USTON ElN GIN EBRI N G INC I AC P IMPACT TIE C N OLOG'I' IN C IN N OVATIVE OFFIC E SOlUTIO NS INTERST ATE EN G IN E ERIN G IN C J & 1K MARI NE J A EGER/NICOLE J AKE'S JOHNS LLC J H S IG NS &.DESIG NS IN C J K SPORTS INC J ON ES I.AW OFFIOE J ORG E N SO IC H EW E IKLJ B NG IN EBRI N G LLC IKOlLBBR U C E l & 0 PLU B!IN G AN [I H EATI NG l AKE RE;GIO N H EALTHCARE l AKELAN D l R U E V ALUE HAR[IW A R E Page 2 of 5 Amount 1 ,1)173 .7 11 3012 .83 4!48 .98 214 .. 00 4 1 .:50 300.00 48,2 .35 6 .00 4 11.83 2 ,86,7 .45 26 .25 18,11.92 75 .. 00 3,332.2 11 2 ,1 00.00 1 ,1Jr14 .00 250.75 18-2 .:50 154 .. 40 1 ,476.26 296.4 11 20 .. 00 195.00 48 .. 116 52.74 54 ,68,2 .16 1 90.00 577.78 295..49 24,46,11 .. 56 17.29 399.25 350 .. 00 20 .00 32.00 315.00 75.00 30,66,7 .1 9 1 ,300.00 90.00 3 ,2 60 .. 43 20.00 Velil c:l or INam e l!..AIK ES A REA COOPERATI V E l!..AIK ES COUNTRY SBRVIC E COO P l!..A!RRY OTT IN C T R UCK SERVIC E l!..AW SON !PRO D UCTS IN C l!..E IGHTON B RO AD CASTI N G/FF U B EIRT'II' T l RE R ECYC LI N G LILC l!..OCATORS & SUPPLI ES INC M-R S11GN C O IN C M A RCO INC ST LOUIS M A RC O T ECHNO LO G IES LL C M AIR IPOSA P:U Bl!..I SH IN G M A R KS Fl!..6Eli S U PPiL Y INC MCCC LOOKBOX MCKJESSO N M6DICA l!..-S U RG ICA l!.. 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